Let's Play RPGs I Missed! [Now Playing: The Legend of Dragoon]

Trails in the Sky (Part 15) - Scenic Tour to Bose City

Scenic Tour to Bose City

With all loose ends tied up as much as possible, I stock up on some items and open up an extra orbment slot for Schera, then head for Verte Bridge Checkpoint. Been there a few times at this point, so it's not hard, heh. Private Scott greets us and asks if we're headed for Bose, then? Estelle wonders why he'd think that given that we could have been visiting again, and he explains that a number of people like ourselves have been passing through lately. Exponentially more than usual. Joshua concludes it's because flights have been suspended in Bose airspace, and Scott agrees that's the reason - you wouldn't believe how busy this place is because of it! Scherazard dryly points out that the Royal Army is responsible for all the restricted flights, so he really isn't in any position to complain…

Scott acknowledges her point, then says there's another thing: traffic through this checkpoint is also being regulated, so if we want to go through we'll have to get a pass from the Chief Warrant Officer next door. Before heading in we can also chat with Private Harold, who says that since joining the army, this is the first time he's ever been so busy in his life! It's no time to fish or read books, and he just bought a new book, too… Guess he'll give it to us, since the chief would be livid if he caught him with it… We receive Carnelia - Chapter 2.

[Carnelia - Chapter 2 - The Train Station]

'Hello there, Toby. You've come at just the right time.'
Greeting me with these words, Micht shuffled slightly in his seat behind the counter. The baked confection he had been eating was ever so carefully placed atop his lap to prevent it from falling onto the floor. He smacked both of his powdered sugar-covered hands together with a clap, and a cloud of white particles puffed into the air. The smell of sweet spices and baked apple pervaded the dimly lit shop.

'We had an item dropped off no more than a few minutes ago,' he continued.

Turning in his seat, Micht reached back and snatched up something wrapped in old magazine paper from off the shelf, tossing it to me. Knowing full well I wouldn't get any sort of answer, I asked anyway.

'What do we have this time?'

Laying out my railway and airship tickets, Micht ignored my question and said, 'Make sure this gets to the same place as always.' In his slow drawl he added, 'It would be in your best interest to keep your involvement to a minimum by leaving the business side of things to me and focusing solely on getting the job done, Toby.'

He leaned back in his chair and let out a deep sigh, the balls of his fingers kneading the bags under his eyes. Then, once again, his large hand extended down toward the unattended cake resting on his leg. Before the sweet treat could reach his watering mouth, I had already made my way out the door of his tiny shop.

As I walked, the waste paper-bundled package bounced around inside the folds of my bag. By the feel of its shape and weight as it beat steadily against my side, I concluded that the object in my possession was probably just more swag. It didn't make me nervous not to know what it was that I was carrying, for I had done this type of job many times before. And no matter what kind of trouble I found myself wrapped up in, I had always somehow managed to come out unscathed.

In truth, my experience on the job had made me tough, and I had become well-versed in the art of orbal magic. So it was that when I laid eyes on that rough-looking trio at the station, I felt no more knots of uneasiness in the pit of my stomach than was necessary for someone of my abilities.

The platform for the train bound for Liberl was a bustle with passengers awaiting its eventual arrival. Seeing that the benches were so crammed full of people that they could have very well been a tin of packed sardines, I resigned myself to standing near the entrance as I patiently waited for the train to come in. Twisting my body in order to move the bag to my other shoulder, I noticed the figures of two men.

Heads bent together and conversing in an inaudible tone, they stood just beyond the ticket gate, right about where the horse head of the imperial emblem lay embedded in the ground in a grand mosaic of tiles. After a short interim, another man approached and joined in the conversation.

From my own perspective, this was one ragtag group I most certainly couldn't have given a passing grade to based on looks. All three were extremely well-built and sported the same haircut. To put it mildly, they stuck out in the crowd like a bunch of sore thumbs.

Making sure to avoid eye-contact with them as they glanced in my direction, I slung my bag back onto my shoulder, and ever so calmly reached my hand into my pocket and ran the tips of my fingers across the surface of my orbment.

A woman's voice reverberated within the walls of the station notifying the passengers that the train had arrived. The low rumble of an orbal engine could be felt in the distance and after a few moments, a large vehicle was seen rolling up on the shoulder.

I muttered to myself, 'All is well,' but the sound of my voice was drowned out by the din of the massive machine. Brakes screeched, and a flash of black light reflected off the surface of the giant iron beast as it came sliding in across the rails. The immense vibration in the air emanating from the moving locomotive at its epicenter let me know that the orbal engine had been put into full-reverse in order to decelerate and bring the train to a grinding halt.

While being shoved to and fro by the waves of impatient travellers flooding out of the waiting area, I was swept toward one door of a passenger car. As we passed by the conductor, I caught another glimpse of the ticket gate. The men who were once there were now gone and the only thing that remained was the profile of the horse made of glossy tiles, glaring back at me in a shade of deep crimson.
Source: [Carnelia - Chapter 2 - The Train Station]

These books are really stuffed into blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments, aren't they? At least I habitually talk to everyone… We head into the little building next to the gate, where our old pal CWO Ashton greets us all - he has to think for a moment to identify Scherazard. She tells him we're here to cross over into the Bose region, so we were wondering about getting a pass? He concludes that this has something to do with the Linde, doesn't it? Estelle confirms that, and explains that our dad was aboard. Ashton decides this is major - and he'll issue us a pass right away. Estelle thanks him profusely, but wonders if it's really okay to issue a pass just like this?

Ashton wonders what she's talking about? He knows us by face, and as a member of the Royal Army he should do his best to cooperate with the Bracer Guild!

Oh, but there is one other thing… We should be careful if we have any errands at the Haken Gate to the north of here. We might want to hide our identities as bracers there… Joshua asks what he means, but Ashton apologizes that he can't say any more about the matter. If we do intend to investigate the incident, though, we should please do it with discretion. He prays to Aidios for Cassius' safe return…

We hand the passes we just got over to Private Scott, who comments that that was quick! He then turns to the gate and uses a remote control to open the gate, allowing us passage. We're clear to go through now, but he warns us that once we cross over, we won't be able to come back unless we get a pass from the other side. We should be aware of that before we cross! …Got it. This is a point of no return, and anything you leave unfinished in Rolent is pretty much locked off. Sidequests, loot, that sort of thing. I suppose this is a way the game ensures that they don't need to rewrite everyone's dialogue for the entire map, just discrete chunks at a time, and keeps the traveling manageable…

On the far side of the bridge, Private Lacos mentions that the Eisen Road which runs north off the East Bose Highway is blockaded right now. For those heading to the north border, they'll have to go to Bose first and wait until the road reopens. Private Antose mentions they're currently in a state of emergency, and they're looking for any suspicious individuals among those headed from Bose to Rolent. Warrant Officer Dyne has a little room just like Ashton, but his contains an orbment recharge station for the road. He's surprised to see bracers here - traveling the road on foot is a bit of a hassle, isn't it? We should be careful out there…

We enter Bose from its easternmost border, naturally, and thus travel along the East Bose Highway. After running along the path for a while, on the second or third screen, there's something that catches my interest - a rather massive scorpion enemy is just sitting along the road, and it's not doing anything. Approaching it, sure enough, there's the 'large mob' warning as if this is a monster-slaying sidequest. Apparently you can (sometimes?) see these things before you pick up the actual quest? Given that it's just a monster killing quest, though, I figured I might as well give the fight a shot, and see if I can knock this one out before even getting to Bose.

[Boss: King Scorpion, 3*Queen Scorpion]

Ironically, the sole male scorpion here is the less troublesome one - the females are the tough ones, the hard hitters. That said, I had Aerial on a couple of my characters at this point, and it turns out they're quite weak to wind attacks… and these are AOE blows to boot so I can catch a few of them at a time. That sure speeds things up! (Actually speeding up people with time abilities also helps.) The King Scorpion is pretty weak to earth attacks, actually, but I wasn't really using any… After the fight we get a message that we exterminated a monster, but nothing more. Guess I'll report it at the guild later?

Also along the path here we find a passage to 'Nebel Valley' which, you know, is nebulous.

In practice this manifests as a lack of minimap, so you kind of have to mentally map it out and try not to get lost. That said, it's mostly linear - there's a few choices of where to go here and there, but for the most part it's just following very long, winding mountain paths around the level, with relatively few enemies around, most of which can be easily avoided. There's some scary-huge yetis on the left side, though. Anyway, down the eastern path here I found another Bear Claw just sitting there in the road, and a box containing a pair of Strega boots - naturally, those go straight onto Estelle's feet.

After running into a pretty obvious 'there will be a boss here later' dead end, another nearby path leads to a cabin on a cliff, out in the middle of nowhere. Here lives the hermit Whemler, who says we've done rather well in making it to this place. There's not much he can offer us, but we should make ourselves comfortable. If we need it, we're welcome to use his bed, too! This guy is actually an innkeeper, of a sort - he sells Red Tail Soup and a bunch of curative items, and you can also share a meal with him to get the 'Abaddon Potluck' recipe. That's two more food items for the growing list! The potluck is a weird one, since it can raise your CP but I think it just tanks your HP to 1 automatically? Handy when you're next to an inn (like in here) but otherwise a bit of a dicey strategy.

After backtracking all the way to the East Bose Highway and picking up another Bear Claw after taking the wrong path, we finally get back on the road to Bose… and almost immediately run into a cutscene. Something's headed this way! Our party steps to the side of the road, and it's revealed that an orbal vehicle is dragging several huge cargo containers along the road. The machine is escorted by a red-haired guy named Grant, who immediately recognizes Scherazard - where has she been? Schera says she's fine, and she hasn't seen her fellow bracer Grant in a while either. What's he up to? Grant points out he's doing an escort job at the moment - he's sure we've heard about all the airliners being grounded after the Linde incident, right? Because of that, they've had to move all this cargo to the Royal City by ground transport.

Grant asks about Schera herself - what's she doing with these youngsters? She's not looking into the incident, right…? Schera confirms that was the plan, yes. Why? Does he know something we should be aware of? Grant muses that, well, he thinks it would be best if we spoke with Lugran about it, over at the Bose branch. Anyway, he's got to get going! See us later! He then escorts the cargo transport further, leaving us in the dust. Estelle grouches that first Mr. Ashton was being mysterious, and now this guy… Everyone keeps hinting at something, but no one will just come out and say it. What's going on? Joshua thinks there must be a good reason for it, and we'll probably find our answers at the Bose branch. Schera agrees that we should do as Grant suggested and ask Lugran about it to get a clue as to what's going on…

Further along the road we come across yet another road branching off - this one is the Eisen Road that heads towards Haken Gate. We were warned about this place, but I'm curious, so sue me. Just inside there's a blockade, and two Royal Army soldiers tell us to hold it right there! The Haken Gate is currently not permitting civilian passage through the checkpoint. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed past this point! Estelle grouches that, come on, it'll be all right if they let us through! The soldiers argue it's not, as the border garrison is putting all of its efforts into searching for the missing airliner. They won't allow anyone to hinder the search.

Schera says we have no such intentions - we're bracers, so are they trying to tell us we can't pass either? One of the soldiers is dubious that the kids are bracers too, which prompts them to proudly show off their emblems. The soldier nods, but apologizes that bracers are no exception to this blockade. Now how about we move out of here? Estelle growls that she bets she could change their tune with a little help from her staff, but Joshua tells her to forget it - they wouldn't be much use to us unconscious either. Heh!

We head west again and finally, finally, get to our destination: the commercial city of Bose! As we enter, Scherazard is relieved we finally made it here. Estelle remarks that this really does look like a city, and Joshua agrees that of the five major cities in Liberl, this one comes next after the Royal City. Compared to Rolent, the buildings are all made of stone and seem a lot bigger. Estelle asks about the huge structure in the center of town, and Schera explains that it's the Bose Market, an indoor marketplace made up of various shops. Food, clothing, sundry goods, furniture, books, and so on… You can buy pretty much everything there with the exception of weapons and orbments.

Estelle says it's no surprise they call this a commercial city, then - man, she really wishes this trip could have been for shopping… Joshua mentions that we can try that some other time. Let's first stop by the guild and find out what's going on regarding the incident… (Near the chapel due south of where we enter the city, a young woman tells her servant, Lila, that this is her only chance! The maid just complains 'not this again!' Hm… They disappear after you head into the Bracer Guild, though. Curious.)

When we walk into the guild, the local Aina-equivalent, Lugran, immediately notices and is surprised that Scherazard arrived so quickly - it's sooner than he expected! He appreciates us coming all the way from Rolent. Schera says it's been a while, hasn't it? Did someone let him know she was coming, then? Lugran confirms he received a call from Aina not that long ago. That means the kids behind her are Cassius' children, huh? Schera confirms that, and we quickly introduce ourselves. Lugran explains that he oversees the Bose branch, and he and our father go way back. Estelle is pleased to meet him, but asks for a quick update on the missing airliner incident - it's clearly weighing on her mind.

Lugran explains that the Royal Army is still investigating, but with the army's current restriction on information, no public updates of the situation have been made. Not only has the general public been kept in the dark, but the guild hasn't heard a word either! Estelle is surprised - really/ Why not? Aren't the army and the guild supposed to be cooperating together? Schera agrees that's the way it is on the surface, anyway. In actuality, there's a lot of opposition between both parties on a number of aspects. Joshua concludes that what she's saying is that it's a bunch of jurisdictional disputes, right? Lugran agrees that's the situation, and in addition General Morgan has gotten involved. Schera concludes that with him involved, now it really looks like things are going to be a pain…

Estelle wonders who General Morgan even is, and Joshua explains that he's famous for repelling the Imperial Army's invasion ten years ago. She should read about him in history books some time. Estelle muses that amazingly enough, she doesn't recall that name. What's the big deal with him, then? Schera says that from what she's heard, he's not the biggest fan of the Bracer Guild. Hates bracers, in fact. It seems he even makes it a point to routinely assert that there's no need for a Bracer Guild. Estelle thinks he sounds like a real whack-job. So what she's saying is that we're not getting any information because of that General? Lugran argues that's not really important at the moment - what really matters is that bracers are being prohibited from entering the regions the Royal Army is investigating, which is causing conflicts with their other work.

Estelle says we just came all the way here from Rolent. If that's the way it's gonna be, then it's time to duel it out with the General to decide who gets to investigate the incident! Joshua tells her she's talking like a crazy person, and Lugran agrees that she should keep her cool - there are other ways. Like the request they just received from the mayor concerning the incident… She's asked the bracers to conduct an investigation from their side, separate from the army. Schera says that's encouraging news - if it's an official request from the mayor, it'll be a great pretext for us to conduct our own investigation. Estelle agrees that this seems like perfect timing - we'll accept that request!

Lugran is happy to sign us up, but notes we are junior bracers, right? Junior bracers, so to speak, are members-in-training registered at various branches. In short, their performance is monitored by the branch where they're currently registered. Right now, for the two of us, that would be Rolent. Joshua concludes that he's saying we'll have to change our registration if we want to accept any jobs here in Bose, right? Lugran says he's got it, then puts down some forms for us to fill out to transfer our registration. We quickly do so, and Lugran confirms things look like they are in order - as of 15:20 our registration at the Bose branch has been approved! Schera points out that once we're senior bracers, we can do any job without being registered at a particular branch. On the flip-side, our duties and responsibilities increase as well…

It's off to the mayor, then! Eventually.

The city of Bose, unlike Rolent, is divided into two segments - a large north block which is centered on the Bose Market building, and a smaller south block which is mostly residential alongside the few shops which can't be found at the market, namely those selling weapons and orbments. There are several staircases which connect the north and south of the city, and there's also exits to the airship landing port of Bose, the West Bose Highway (alongside the East one we came in from) and a third road to the south, New Ansel Path.

Wandering the northern streets of Bose is Lucas, who welcomes us to the city - he describes it as the most commercially active city in all the kingdom. It's the place where merchants who dream of success gather! That includes him, of course! Jacob is also wandering here, and says Bose is nearly, if not just as lively as the Royal City. They do a lot of trade with merchants from the Erebonian Empire. In other words, they're not in short supply of pretty much anything! Ho ho, there's no place like the Bose Market in Grancel, that's for sure. Another wanderer, Elegia, wonders what she'll buy today… She hopes she can find some kind of outfit that she likes!

To the north of where we enter the city, close to the Bracer Guild, is the expansive Anterose restaurant. Manager Lechter welcomes us to the place, and wonders if we have a reservation? Estelle denies it, and asks if this is a restaurant, then? Lechter confirms it is as she says, and introduces himself - he tends to the restaurant's needs while the owner is away. Herein, the best quality ingredients and servers await us, amounting to the greatest dining experience of our lives! He personally guarantees that if we partake of the delicacies, we will emerge full and satisfied. Please, we should come along, and he'll gladly show us to a table!

Joshua comments that this guy's got a lot of confidence in his restaurant, and he must admit that it certainly looks like a nice place… Estelle agrees, but says the manager is a bit pushy, isn't he? When she sees this place, her first thought is 'CHA-CHING!' We'd go broke if we ate here! Schera says it's certainly not cheap. If one wishes to stay for a full course dinner, let's see… it would require the bounty from thirty large monsters, at minimum, to gather enough mira. Estelle winces, and says that's not for her, thanks! At that price she'd gladly go to a street vendor. Deep fried Pom, Pom-on-a-stick, Poms-in-a-blanket…

We might not wish to eat here, but we can still speak to the people already here. Alta says that the flavor of the food hasn't changed one bit - it's as good as ever! She heard the owner of this place changed a few years back, but the quality certainly hasn't dropped any. If anything, the food's gotten better since then! The flavor has improved ever since the new owner took over. Lenore the waitress asks if we're here for a good meal? She'll show us to a table… At the next table, Shaque says they've begun running out of certain goods here in Bose, and while they have no means of eliminating the problem, they can at least try to make it better, if only slightly. Caron mentions that army regulations, along with the grounding of the airships, have a definite effect on business that cannot be ignored. He needs to reopen negotiations and get things squared away as soon as possible!

At the next table, Fannie exclaims that goodness, what a restaurant this is! It's just as glorious as she'd always hoped it would be. Up until now, they've just been admiring it from afar. Letta haltingly wonders what he should order…? Horace yells 'Hot-hot-hot-HOT!' Spicy food is just the thing for an old man like himself! It brings back the old appetite something fierce! He must say, this coriander-infused duck dish really does the trick, and he bets he could eat another two of them, easily.

Norche says she often vacations with Marian, as they have similar interests and obnoxious amounts of money to spend on them. Her goal this time was more shopping than food, though. One can never have too many Dinedile wallets or Rhinocider salad bowls, after all. Marian mentions they came from the capital for food and shopping. The capital is quite lively, but she must admit that this town gives it a run for its money!

At the door to the kitchen, Citron introduces himself as the sommelier here, so if we have any questions or concerns regarding wine, he'll be more than happy to address them for us. Inside the kitchen, Head Chef Ross says that to a chef, each and every day is lived in pursuit of flavor. When the flavor stops, it's time to put the kitchen knife down once and for all. One must never be satisfied, recipes must never stop evolving! Complacency disqualifies you as a chef. A complacent chef is no chef at all, as far as he's concerned. Estelle thinks this guy is pretty intense, and it's kinda scaring her. Joshua says he has the eyes of a pro - a really skilled, really psycho sort of pro. Gwen says it's amazing how tenacious the head chef is about his flavors. She's trying to work on her flavors too - she even stayed in the kitchen all night to perfect a new soup recipe!

Inside the local church we run into Seagaro again - he says that just as they were arriving in Bose, the airliner flights were canceled. Right in the middle of his pilgrimage, too. Edel is just glad they're finally here. The day has finally arrived - after her husband is done worshiping here, it's off to the Bose Market to buy, buy, buy! Upstairs, Sister Rosa welcomes us to the Septian Church and wonders if we're here to worship? He's impressed to see people as young as ourselves concerned with spiritual matters. (We'll get to the good Father when tackling the sidequests.)

At the southwestern corner of the plaza we can find Harry, who says one day he's going to be a merchant and live in a big mansion. Mina wishes him good luck with that one. If he hasn't noticed, not every merchant can live in a big home. Harry whispers that it feels like he just had his hopes dashed… Mina says that's just the reality of things, and she told him for his own good…

On the west side of the market is the Mayor's residence. Inside, Butler Mayner apologizes, but the mayor is currently out. If we have some business with her, could we come back at a later time? Upstairs, Sarah the maid says she'd better hurry and get this cleaning done ASAP, or else Lila is going to get really mad! (Hey, wait a minute…)

A little north of the residence is the Frieden Hotel, where Barlowe tells us to please enjoy the hotel's atmosphere which is rich with tradition. Upstairs, Dina the maid says she wants to hurry and finish all these terrible jobs and then head out of town. She's so busy today!

To the northwest of the market building is Kirsche's Bar. Inside, we can find Lyndon, a scholar who specialized in living beings from days long past. On the subject of peculiar living beings, he encountered the most uniquely swift monster he's ever seen during a recent geological survey. That was along the road in West Bose, if he's not mistaken. Having never seen such a creature before, he thought to capture it, but it was far too quick on these legs of his. He'd best add some exercise to his daily regime, he surmises!

At the bar, Warner asks us to order up - they've got good, cheap food that'll make our belly sing with delight. Platina the waitress tells us to sit wherever we like. The local special is Cheese Risotto, a new recipe! Upstairs we can find Simon again, who sighs and says that being Ms. Mirano's attendant is exhausting work. It's precisely because of the power she wields that she's earned the dubious role of shadow mayor, he supposes. (Hmmm….) Cornelius sits nearby, and he's drunk - he hiccoughs and declares 'woe is me!' How did things get like this? He gave up his whole life for that damned workshop…

Time to hit the central market - just inside we speak to Claire (no relation) who says she's been living in Bose her whole life, but this is the first time she's actually come to the market. Where to start? There are goods and stores all over the place. She coughs, and says there's dust everywhere too… At a stall nearby Felicia greets us with a bellowing 'GOOD DAY AND WELCOME!' She demands we look at her goods, since she's got everything we need. Estelle panics, and says that it was so loud her ears are bleeding. Joshua comments that this place is alive and bustling like everyone says, and wonders if it's like this every day…? Schera confirms that it is, since people from all corners of Liberl gather here to grow their businesses. Their eagerness and zeal to succeed is nothing to be balked at…

Pomme says that tentatively speaking he's an employee here at Felicia's store. He helps out his mother. He's not playing around, just in case we're wondering. Meissen is looking over some dishes and says a particular one is quite the catch… Spence wonders if he can help us find something? The medicine he sells can take care of almost any kind of ailment. Estelle mentions that it seems to be that almost anything one could ever want is for sale somewhere in the market. Joshua agrees that the sheer amount of stuff for sale is pretty overwhelming.

On the western side of the hall, Libro complains that the book he's after isn't here. Maybe he should try at another shop? Minuet greets us and welcomes us to her shop - she carries everything from antique books to textiles and daily necessities. Estelle is amazed, and says that Mr. Rinon's general store has lots of stuff, but this one carries even more than he does! Joshua says it's pretty easy to see exactly why this store is here in the market. Minuet explains she stocks a lot of imported goods from the Empire and the Republic, and she's pretty confident in her selection. (You can actually buy a few Carnelia and Liberl News issues here, I guess in case you missed the free ones.)

Near the western entrance, Gantz says it looks like a girl is running the confectionary shop now - before it was some guy who ran the place. Wonder what happened to him? Katrina asks if we want a fluffy, eggy sponge cake? It's a specialty here at the Bose Market. Estelle thinks it looks really good, and Joshua says it does have a nice smell to it, doesn't it? Estelle insists that after we find Dad, we should come here and get one of these to eat together, okay? Joshua says it's not a bad idea, and Estelle tells him he'd better not forget about this later on, yeah? (I'll make a note.)

Around the central fountain, Lyril says this is the first time she's ever been allowed to go on an errand by herself. Uh, let's see… Now what was she supposed to buy again? Emmy wonders who's having a sale today? Where's her memo? She knows she's got it written down somewhere… Near the eastern entrance we spot Dorothy, who is amazed at all the stuff they're selling here and keeps turning every which way - she's getting a kink in her neck just turning her head to try and take it all in. Joshua says she's so into her surroundings, it looks like she can't even hear us…

At the southeast corner, Carol wonders what to do about today's side dish. Should she try making something with meat, or should she try something with fish? Trayton says that his pal Buck has started raising prices on his goods, but in light of the situation, he guess he can understand why. Although some of his prices seem a bit too high. Buck says that thanks to restrictions placed on everything by the army, nothing has gone right. When he thinks about the price of getting things in stock, he feels like his business is going to dry up! After all his hard work, and just when sales were starting to take off, he had no choice but to raise prices… Estelle muses that Buck seems in a rather foul mood. Joshua agrees, and guesses it's to do with airliner flights being canceled and the Eisen Road being blockaded too. He's sure it's not doing wonders for these merchants' businesses either…

In the southwest corner, Paul wonders how we're doing today? Is there anything he can help us find? He carries brands from the Royal City here as well. If we'd like, please have a look around. Estelle says she's fine, she already likes the clothes she is wearing now. Paul adds that he can also do custom designs, or tailor any clothes we'd like. We should just keep him in mind that if we decide we want something more fashionable than our current… uh, unique outfit.

At Bose International Port, where airships usually land, Receptionist Ted mentions that flights have been canceled, and there's no indication as to when they'll resume. He feels extremely bad for all the customers that are waiting, to say nothing about other landing ports… Berna had planned to take a trip to the Royal City, but the airliner she was supposed to be on hasn't shown up. Hardt is waiting for his flight too, but is a bit baffled when it seems nobody is getting ready for one to come in…

Norm, a mechanic, says they've been standing by here the whole time, as per the company's orders, and he wonders how much longer they'll be waiting like this? Lakely similarly wonders where the airliner might be? What's going on? Aldan, meanwhile, giggles and says he found the perfect place for taking photos. Come out now, fair-winged airships… (Hate to be the bearer of bad news, man…)

Down in the South Block of the city, we can find the Lucir Orbal Factory. Inside we run into Nigel, who muses that he'll be running the show starting today, huh? Excellent! Now it's time to make some real money! Gya ha ha! Upstairs, Carrie says she hasn't seen her boss around recently. Wonder if he's gotten sick or something…? Just east of the factory is a house, where we can speak to Launa, who wonders if her husband's business is doing well. Elke explains that her dad makes clothes and then sells them to the people. He made hers too, see? (Guessing they're talking about Paul.)

West of the orbal factory is another residence, where Modena says it's strange - she would have thought that her husband would be home by now. With her daughter at home now, it seems like they can finally enjoy a meal together as a family for the time in ages, but… Could her husband have gotten into an accident? She's starting to get worried. Upstairs we find Mirano again, who says she came all the way back here to be with her family, but her father is nowhere to be found! He's the one who said to come back to Bose as soon as possible, so what's going on? He mother's worried, so maybe they'll give a call to the place where he's staying? It's not like him to be late like this…

In the next house over, Kuwano states that it's important for people to have hobbies in their old age. He doesn't see why his wife has to get so mad about his hobbies! Doesn't she realize she's just going to turn into a wrinkled old prune getting angry all the time? Ah, now that was a scary look! His wife, Cecile, furiously tells him that's not what she's mad about! The thing she's mad about is the fact that he doesn't have the decency to say one world before he leaves! How many years does he expect her to keep yelling at him for the same thing?

In the far west is another house, where Borden mentions that Bose merchants enjoy the freedom of the market system here, but they also have a rule to always keep their word. For that reason alone they are very strict about meetings and punctuality. Rionne says it's certainly been a while since the army clamped down on things, and at this point, because of it, they're definitely going to be in the red this month. Upstairs, Alvelle says his dad works in the trade business, and their family has been doing the same job for generations, but he doesn't think he's cut out to be a merchant… There's a weapon shop in the southeast of the southern block too, where Sein tells us to look around and see if there's anything I like!

There is some more to see, beyond the city's borders, but I'll get to that next time...
Next: Several side quests popped up right away, so we'll take those down in summary fashion and explore a few of the far corners of Bose...
(You can actually buy a few Carnelia and Liberl News issues here, I guess in case you missed the free ones.)
Don't get used to that kind of mercy.

Estelle says she's fine, she already likes the clothes she is wearing now. Paul adds that he can also do custom designs, or tailor any clothes we'd like. We should just keep him in mind that if we decide we want something more fashionable than our current… uh, unique outfit.
Really, Estelle's outfit is just fine for her life.
Oh hey you happen to be playing my favorite RPG of all time that I have a rough time recommending to people. Bless the gradual expansion of the Western Trails fandom with things actually getting English releases I guess.

Good luck finding all those books.
Oh hey you happen to be playing my favorite RPG of all time that I have a rough time recommending to people. Bless the gradual expansion of the Western Trails fandom with things actually getting English releases I guess.

Good luck finding all those books.

Yeah, I get that it's a tough sell. I'm looking at the scope of this game alone, and then I hear it's literally one of the shorter ones of the series, and I get a vague sense of vertigo. On the other hand, I absolutely love long fantasy series that I can get invested in, and this is very much on the same wavelength...

Regarding the books, I do have a non-spoiler checklist which only lists when the last chance for a given book is, so if I'm still missing it I can at least scour the accessible area and talk to everyone before permanently losing out on it. So far, that has worked!
Still love this one, the world of trails alwys gave off such a cozy feeling, even when the plot really starts to pick up. visually its still a favorite of mine. I've always been a huge sucker for mixing 2 and 3d graphics.
I like this game and the sequel (the difficulty of the sequel, especially at the start is on point for challenge). But I hate the ship. It's astoundingly terrible on a otherwise great game. It becomes more and more enraging when the game keeps pushing and pushing and let's you make decisions on many things, except this. I wish that in this the game was like later sequels that had at least more than one romance target.

The sequels (besides the crossbel games I think) descended into full cringe romance route shenanigans and estabilished boring protagonists (with boring compulsory male protagonist with a signpost personality), so I don't see myself playing more of them. If I'm going to play a borderline harem game it better have something very special going on (to my shame I like growlanser wayfarer of time a game filled with dubious fan service and the same criticisms here, because of its impressive nonlinearity and realtime with pause gameplay reminiscent of baldurs gate ... On a psp).
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Trails in the Sky (Part 16) - Bose Sidequests I

Bose Sidequests I

We're tasked with heading for the mayor's place to speak with her... but let's hold off on that. Given that we just officially became Bose bracers, several new sidequests are already open to us at the local bulletin boards. Let's tackle those first!

Ravennue Monster
Term: Long
Client: Elder Reisen
Pay: 1500 Mira
Difficulty: Medium
"A ferocious monster has been sighted along the trail behind Revennue village. It must be sought out and exterminated ASAP. For details, see me in the village."

Ingredient Seeker
Term: Long
Client: Gwen
Pay: 800 Mira
Difficulty: Low
"I'm in a bind right now, as I seem to be lacking a certain cooking ingredient I regularly use for practice. Please bring Tender Poultry x5 to me, Gwen, at the Anterose Restaurant."

East Bose Monster
Term: Clear!
Client: Bracer Guild
Pay: 1000 Mira
Difficulty: Medium
"A ferocious monster known as a King Scorpion has been spotted roving the East Bose Highway. Bracers from this branch are requested to deal with this threat immediately."​

Funnily enough, I've already got enough poultry on me from previous fights in Rolent to finish one quest here, and we've already killed that scorpion boss earlier to outright clear the last one before we even officially started it… I can turn that last kill in immediately, earning 800 mira and 2 BP for my trouble. Before we continue the main quest, we might as well get a little side questing and further exploration in, right? Get the lay of the land, that sort of thing?

Side Job: Letter Carrier
First, though, remember how we got a letter to take along from Father Divine back in Rolent? By visiting the priest in the Bose Chapel, Father Holstein, we can deliver it.

The priest thanks us for conveying the message, and says a letter from Divine could only mean one thing… ah yes, he's come up with a new formula! Estelle wonders what that means, and Holstein is surprised we didn't know. Father Divine is a master of medicine, you see - known throughout Liberl for his skills in the healing arts. In fact, he was well-known for this even back when he was at the Grancel Cathedral. Even after he took up his new post as a father in Rolent, he has continued his research without fail… Whenever he discovers an effective medicine, he shares his knowledge with the rest of the priests… Schera comments that bracers also use the medicine created by Father Divine on a daily basis. In a way, we're being supported in our work from behind the scenes.

Estelle admits she had no idea, and says it would have been nice if he had at least mentioned that to us! Joshua points out it's not like him to do so, as he never talks about himself. Estelle acknowledges that's true. Father Holstein explains that Father Divine is very strict with himself, so whenever he admonishes someone, he is always admonishing himself as well. That's one attitude he thinks all young children these days should learn. Although it'd be a bit difficult for him to learn at his ripe age, ho ho ho! Estelle awkwardly laughs along, and the priest says that how about we just try to work hard without overreaching ourselves? Anyway, he appreciates us coming all the way from Rolent to deliver this letter, and then he prays for our continued success…

Turning this in earns me 1000 Mira and 4 BP - also, this is technically classified as a Rolent quest, I guess because it started there, so it's not on the board in the local branch - you just have to remember you have it, or look it up in the previous tab of the quest log.​

Side Job: Ingredient Seeker
Since we already have the requested poultry meat, we can just head straight to the kitchen of the Anterose restaurant to deliver it. Estelle informs Gwen that we're here with the Bracer Guild, and we've got something for her!

She thanks us very much for going to the (minimal) trouble, as she's sure we're busy with our other work. Estelle says it wasn't a problem at all, and helping those in need is what our job as bracers is all about. Schera agrees that's true, and now that the airliners are at a standstill, it's a difficult time for all of us…

Gwen really appreciates her saying that, but muses that the little bit of mira she's paying just doesn't seem like enough. She suddenly gets a bright idea - she'll do this for us too! Estelle wonders what 'this' might be, and Gwen announces she'll teach us how to make her specialty omelets! Estelle wonders if she means the special ones served at this restaurant? Gwen confirms that's what she's saying. Estelle wonders if she can really hand out recipes like that, but Gwen assures her it's not a problem. Even if we make the dish just like the recipe says, it doesn't mean we'll get the same taste!

Schera thinks that Gwen has a lot of confidence in her cooking, and she responds that we should remember it's not about whether we're good or bad. It's like the relationship between a musician and her sheet of music. Depending on the person, the song will sound different - even though the music is exactly the same. A recipe, in the end, is nothing more than a framework to make something delicious. By only following the rules, you'd be surprised at how many different ways the end flavor turns out! Estelle thinks that sounds pretty profound…

We're given the recipe, and Estelle just goes 'Score!' She decides we'll have to try this out later. Joshua muses that, just as a little pre-cooking advice, and she shouldn't take this the wrong way, but she should please read the recipe before she tries it. Estelle snaps that he's being so rude! What is he saying, that she's the worst cook ever?! Joshua just continues, advising to then make sure she measures how much seasoning she puts in. A 'pinch' of salt doesn't mean she should drop a fistful in there, you know… Estelle says she'll show him a fistful!

Gwen contributes a thought, here - she thinks that following the setup of any recipe is important, but enjoying what you cook comes first. Surprisingly, that's probably the best framework for any recipe. Estelle says that's what she's talking about! She totally agrees! Turning in this quest, we get 800 mira and 3 BP.​

Side Job: Ravennue Monster
The village of Ravennue lies west of Bose City, a ways down West Bose Highway and then northwards along the Ravennue Trail.

As we enter, Estelle comments that this is Ravennue village, huh? This sure is a peaceful place! Look - there's an orchard! Scherazard explains that the village is known for its production of fruit, but it used to have a rich mining history. She'd heard there's an old abandoned septium mine to the north of here. Joshua is surprised Schera knows so much about the place - has she been here before? She confirms she came here when she was training to become a senior bracer. During that time she covered the whole kingdom on foot without an airliner.

Estelle wonders why? Airliners are much more convenient. Schera quotes that 'Airliners are certainly convenient, but they only go to the five major cities. If you get used to their convenience, your attention won't reach other places. You should first travel on foot and see the places you should protect with your own eyes.' That's pretty much the way Cassius, our father, recommended her to go about her training. Joshua says therés certainly the possibility that if an incident occurs in a place you're unfamiliar with, you could end up getting there too late. Also, it would be pretty advantageous to know the geography when chasing a criminal… Schera agrees, and says that it might be a good idea for us to take on that challenge if we have some time…

We walk into the Elder's house to speak with him, and he recognizes our bracer emblems. He introduces himself as Reisen, and he guesses he could be called the elder of this village. As he's sure we're already aware, there's been a vicious monster roaming the trail behind the village. Joshua wonders if he knows what kind of monster has taken up residence in the area? Reisen admits that nobody's gotten a good look at the thing, but he thinks it may be one which lies in wait for its prey. When the mine was active years ago, this type of monster often appeared to harass the workers. Schera thinks it's going to be a bit of a pain to find a creature like that. Looks like we'll just have to hit the trail and see if we can find out where it's hiding…

Elder Reisen adds that after the mine was abandoned and people stopped going up that way, they'd believed that the monsters had gone into slumber. So why in the world is one appearing now…? It's almost time to begin planting saplings for the year… As a way to keep the villagers from worrying, the elder had Figaro standing guard at the guard, and he hasn't told anyone else about the monster. We should please exterminate it as soon as we can!

Heading up north we run into Figaro, who tells us we can't go beyond that point. He shouldn't really be telling us this, but there's been some rumors going around that there's a vicious monster out there on the trail behind the village… Estelle informs him we already knew because we talked to the elder about it, and he's shocked. Ah, so does that mean we're with the Bracer Guild? It's a good thing we're here! The season to plant saplings is almost upon us, so it would help out a lot if we could exterminate the monster before things get really busy around here. Anyway, we should be cautious out there…

The Ravennue Trail north of the village is a whole tangle of paths in various directions, but at least I can mostly dodge the enemies without too much fuss. Along the way I open a few chests, which give a Tear Balm, a Deathblow 2 quartz, and a Beast Steak (a new food item.) When I head further west to look for more loot, however, the screen suddenly shakes and a gigantic monster jumps out of nowhere and attacks us. Guess we found our target, and it came to us!

[Boss: Fate Spinner]

Oof. This thing hits hard and has high defenses… but its primary weakness is, as it is so often, that it really can't handle arts that well. So, you know, spam it with elemental attacks until it falls! The creature seems aware of this weakness, though, since it does seem capable of interrupting arts casts (just not if everyone's doing it.) It honestly went down quicker than I expected, given how imposing it seems to be when it first attacks.

After combat Estelle admits that scared the heck out of her! She wasn't expecting a monster to pop out like that… Scherazard says it looks like it followed the sound of our footsteps and then attacked us. It almost caught us completely off guard, too! Joshua muses that if it had attacked one of the villagers, who knows what might have happened? It's a good thing we took care of it before anyone else ran into it. With that, we should head back to the Elder and report in… We can move forward a bit and find the old mine, but it's currently locked down with a heavy-duty padlock. Suspicious...

Back at Ravennue village, Figaro notices our arrival and tells us he just felt some sort of tremor. So, the monster came out after all, did it? Estelle says it did, and we took care of it. Figaro is astounded - are we serious? Schera assures him that we are. Consider the monster exterminated - it was a bit feisty, but not a problem in the end. Figaro thinks that's wonderful news, as it would have been a real mess if they had monster trouble pop up any later. He'll hurry and let the elder know! We did them a real favor. He knows there's not much to see in the village, but we should please enjoy the relaxing atmosphere.

Reporting in at the elder, Figaro has beaten us there, and he compliments our work again. Elder Reisen says it's us young bracers again, is it? He's heard the good news! Estelle says we did the job somehow, though it was pretty tough in the end. The elder is just glad they'll be able to plant the saplings this year without any more worries. He's really grateful, and while Ravennue village may not have much to offer us, we should know weré always welcome here.

Back at the Bracer Guild, we earn 1500 mira and 4 BP for taking care of this problem.​

While doing these jobs, I also explored the rest of the accessible Bose region (barring a tower I'll get to in a bit - there's no NPCs there.)

In Ravennue village, three kids are standing just outside the general store - Fran asks who we are, anyway? Merchants from Bose? Lewey says he knows what he saw, and he told them so…! Vince says that since this is Lewey we're talking about, he's probably mistaken… He's probably just been looking at the stars too much, if you ask him! Inside the item shop, Emile says he hasn't ever seen us around before, and welcomes us to the village.

At the local inn, the Moonlight Path, Apple asks us if we're here to stay the night? W-welcome… Upstairs, Limon apologizes, but he's in the middle of getting everything ready for the day right now. Are we guests? In another room, Orange guesses we're in town to buy fruit, right? She's sorry to say this, but her husband is outside - if we need to speak with him, would we mind going out to the orchard? At the elder's house, his wife Birnette mentions that the people left in this village are those who managed to live through the flames of war ten years ago. Hopefully they can all continue to work together…

At said orchard, Gray says that this year's weather is good, and it looks like any kind of fruit will ripen up nicely. Melon observes that it's almost lunchtime, so she'd better finish up these few jobs here herself. Lore says he just can't get Gray to listen to any common sense. Pesca wonders if we came to see the orchards? It's not like they're going anywhere soon, so we should take our time and look around. At the far end of the village we can also find a gravestone: 'Septian Calender 1192: Here rest the souls of six righteous people who lost their lives in the flames of war. Leif, Abel, Nicole, Wilhelm, Irena, and Mischa. May you all find rest with the Goddess.'

Even further westwards from Bose city, beyond a long and winding cliffside journey, lies Krone Pass which connects the Bose and Ruan regions. There we can spot a green-haired fellow who Joshua thinks looks like a fellow bracer. Estelle tries to talk to him, but gets no response. Is anybody there, hello? Scherazard comments that Sting is as unfriendly as ever, huh? Sting, surprised, turns and observes that she's that bracer in training from some time ago, right? Schera confirms that - and thanks to him, she can call herself a senior bracer now.

Sting admits he almost didn't recognize her, and wonders if she has some work here at the Bose branch? Right now they're dealing with a number of incidents, so they're a little shorthanded… Any help she could give would be appreciated. Estelle concludes this is one of Schera's acquaintances, huh? He does seem like a bit of a scary guy… Joshua says that may be so, but with the way he carries himself, he looks pretty capable as a bracer. Schera asks him if there's been any kind of trouble in this area? He says he came here to investigate, since they received reports of monsters unfamiliar to the area. Schera wishes him good luck with that…

Private Cutinger stands at the door to the gatehouse, and wonders if we're heading for Ruan? If that's the case, we'll need to fill out some paperwork inside, because they're in a state of high alert right now. Inside, Private Usher mentions that on a normal day they get almost no travelers coming through the steep pass here. With the airliners stopped, though, those in a hurry to get to Ruan or Bose have been making the trip. That said, he would tell anybody to avoid trying to come through this pass at night. It's way too dangerous for a normal traveler! In a side room, CWO Zelste says that if we need a gate pass, he can issue one for us. We should just let him know! Warrant Officer Serose asks if we're heading to Ruan? Before we do that, we're going to need to get permission. We don't have that just yet…

If we head south from Bose City, along New Ansel Path, we eventually reach a fork in the road - we can either head towards the nearby Amberl Tower (which we'll be doing relatively soon) or head further to Valleria Lakeshore. The King Fisher Inn sits on the water's edge there.

Outside, Anette comments on the refreshing breeze - just taking a stroll here feels good. Elke says it's so easy to relax here, and the surrounding scenery is great, and the food is absolutely delicious. The only downside is that it's so cozy here it's almost impossible to leave… She wants to stay for days! Inside the actual inn, Sophina welcomes us and wonders if we're all here to stay? The scenery of this place is beautiful, and a refreshing breeze blows through here all day long… She guarantees that we'll find it relaxing here, so we should please visit again when we have the chance. Lenard says he and his little sister run this place, so if we don't have any pressing errands, why not stay a while? He also sells a whole bunch of fish recipes, incidentally, which are probably good to pick up.

In the back of the room we can find a new portrait character, Anelace, who recognizes Scherazard - it turns out Anelace is another bracer. She says it's nice to see Schera again, as she hasn't seen her since the last time she was here during her training.

Schera wonders what Anelace is doing here, and she explains there was a request to exterminate a monster in this area, and that's just what they did! Schera asks how her swordsmanship has been coming along, then? Has she started mastering the use of that weapon? Anelace nervously admits Schera shouldn't even ask. She's still working on that. Schera then explains that she's on a bracer mission too, or something like that, but the job's a little different from hers. Anelace just warns us to be careful, as the region has been plagued by incidents lately…

Next: We'll go meet the mayor of Bose, and set off for our next destination...
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Glad to see this is back. Anelace is fun, though never a huge character. Hardly seems like a spoiler to tell you that, since she gets her own character portrait.
Your guide will probably tell you this, but make sure to keep checking back on that tower whenever you can get there on the map. It's got one of the most easily-missable story-relevant hidden quests in Sky 1. You are looking for an NPC there though so if no one's there you're good.

Also congrats on meeting Best Girl, the side character Bracer with a personality.
Your guide will probably tell you this, but make sure to keep checking back on that tower whenever you can get there on the map. It's got one of the most easily-missable story-relevant hidden quests in Sky 1. You are looking for an NPC there though so if no one's there you're good.

Also congrats on meeting Best Girl, the side character Bracer with a personality.

I assume you're talking about the second appearance of Professor Alba? I have actually played most of Chapter 1 by now, I just haven't gotten around to posting and editing all of that yet. I think that entire segment will be covered in the second batch of sidequests.

Given that I'm further ahead, I've also run into another bracer, Agate, but he seemed a bit of a grouch and didn't stick around, heh.
Agate wandered in from Final Fantasy where he would have been the main character. I think he's better off here, though.

And yeah, I was referring to Alba's tower tours. It's a weirdly obscure quest for something that's such a foreshadowing piñata.
Trails in the Sky (Part 17) - This Mayor Means Business

This Mayor Means Business

With our exploration done for the moment, and the available side quests taken care of, our next destination is the mayor's mansion. As we enter, Estelle comments that this is a gorgeous place, check out that crazy-expensive looking chandelier! Joshua tells her to calm down… Scherazard confirms this is the mayor's place all right, and now she just wonders if she's home. Butler Mayner soon enters the room and notices there's visitors, and he welcomes us to the mayor's residence. Schera quickly explains we're with the Bracer Guild, and that the mayor sent us a request, so we've come to inquire about the details.

Mayner acknowledges that he heard about this from the mayor, but he's sorry to inform us that said mayor is currently out. She's gone to worship at the chapel! Joshua asks when she's expected back, and Mayner says he would imagine her to be making her return at any moment. Estelle remarks that we're sort of in a hurry to meet her, so does he think it'd be all right for us to call on her at the chapel? Mayner seems unsure, and says he wouldn't want to inconvenience us… Estelle assures her it would probably save us all some trouble, though she does ask what the mayor looks like, so we can spot her? Does she look like a typically wealthy person? Big hat with feathers on it? Dripping gemstones from every pore?

The butler blinks at those colorful descriptions - but they're quite off the mark, he assures us. How would he describe her? Should he say she looks splendid, or beautifully mature…? Ah, if she could just find the right man, he could retire in peace… N-never mind, he was just thinking out loud. What might help is to know that the mayor has a maid accompanying her. That might be the easiest way to identify her. Joshua agrees that a maid sounds easy enough to find in a crowd of people… Let's hurry over to the chapel!

Over at the chapel, there's no sign of the mayor, but there is a maid standing in the middle of the aisles. Estelle greets her - she must be the maid we've been looking for. Lila is confused, and wonders who we might be? Joshua tells Estelle she could be a little more polite, and explains to the maid that we're with the Bracer Guild, and we're looking for the mayor so we can confirm the details of a job she requested. Lila introduces herself as the mayor's maid, and explains she sees to her daily needs.

Estelle muses that she's being served hand and foot, huh? The worlds they live in are really different… So, where is the mayor, if she doesn't mind her asking? Didn't she come here to pray? Lila grudgingly admits the mayor is playing hooky from her religious duties. She's sure that she's probably in the middle of inspecting the situation in the market… She took off after telling Lila to pray for her too...

As everyone takes that in, Joshua admits he doesn't know how he should say this - but the mayor seems like she has quite a unique personality. Schera agrees that she does sound interesting. Even if she weren't the mayor, she'd be kind of intrigued. Lila states that there is no doubt the mayor is a capable person, although she does have a bit of an unrestrained aspect to her at times. Anyway, she's on her way to meet the mayor now. She doesn't want to sound impolite, but would we mind waiting at her residence? She'll let her know we're there. Estelle doesn't know how she feels about going back there empty-handed, and asks if we can tag along with her instead? Lila begrudgingly goes along with it - she guesses it's okay. Let's head to the Bose market, then.

Lila actually physically tags along with our party, though it's just for show and she doesn't make an appearance in the menus. We make our way to the large central market building, and Estelle comments that this place is really huge - wonder where the mayor is? Lila comments that she does stand out in a crowd, so she's sure we'll find her right away… Ah, just as she thought! The camera pans over to reveal a young woman yelling at two shopkeepers that they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves!

Trying to force up the price of food at a time like this by buying it all up… They're not fit to be merchants of Bose! Buck and Trayton protest, arguing that they were just thinking about how to increase sales for the Bose Market in general… She snaps back that she doesn't want to hear anymore from them. If it were other products it would be a different story, but making undue profits on necessities will lead to negative publicity for the market. They should return these goods to their original prices at once!

The two merchants meekly agree. The mayor doesn't doubt their passion for the Bose Market, but she wants them to understand that commerce, when you get right down to it, is the established relationship of trust between people. If they do business with that in mind, they can become wonderful merchants here in Bose. As the two merchants promise to try their best and leave, the mayor lets out a sigh of relief.

Lila takes the opportunity to approach, and the mayor immediately apologizes that she had to see that side of her. The maid says that, actually, she did a wonderful job as always. Never mind that, though - there's people here to see her, so she should please come home immediately. The mayor recognizes our bracer emblems and realizes why we're there. She apologizes for not introducing herself - she's Maybelle. She is the owner of this market, and the mayor of the Bose region…

Instead of moving to the mayor's house, we switch over to the Anterose restaurant, where the mayor has arranged for a table. Estelle is amazed - this place looks super-expensive, so are we really going to have a meeting here? Maybelle explains that she often uses this place for business meetings, and the food is quite good too. Scherazard comments that she had heard the mayor of Bose was a woman, but she never imagined she'd be so young! Estelle agrees that based on looks alone, she'd guess Maybelle is only four or five years older than her...

Maybelle admits that she actually still feels like nothing more than an unworthy successor to her father. Her late father was the previous mayor, and all she did was inherit the rights to the Bose Market and the political foundation which he set up… Joshua comments that's a rather unvarnished self-evaluation if he's ever heard one… The mayor states that she's just the daughter of a businessman after all, so there's no sense in getting high hat about that.

Anyway, she wonders if it would be all right to go over the details of her request? What she'd like to ask us is to investigate the disappearance of the missing airship, and bring closure to the incident. She is of the opinion that bracers would bring about much more desirable results concerning this incident than the army is currently producing. The reason being that they're not fighting a war, just trying to find answers and solve a mystery. Schera says that she, for one, would be honored - but isn't she overrating us a bit?

Mayor Maybelle explains that the fact of the matter is that an influential businessman was aboard the airliner that disappeared. In addition, if the Royal Army continues to keep the Bose airspace as a no-fly zone, business is going to suffer. And just when business had been booming prior to the Queen's birthday celebration, too… Joshua concludes this is an economic appeal, and Maybelle agrees that it's something which she can't trust to be left up to the army alone. So, what do we think? Will we accept this request for our help in this matter? Schera explains that we have our own reasons for wanting to investigate the incident, and we'd like to accept the job, but the army has actively been trying to exclude bracers from having anything to do with the incident...

So, uh… Schera doesn't suppose she could pull the mayor card for us, right? Maybe show the army who's running this show? Maybe muses on the notion of excluding bracers - this must have something to do with General Morgan, then. That man has disliked bracers from the beginning. He was a friend of her late father's, and tentatively speaking they have a passing acquaintance with each other, so she just may be able to do something for us…

Maybelle turns to Lila, who's been standing nearby the entire time, and she produces a sheet of letter paper and a foundation pen from a pocket and hands them to the mayor. She scribbles down a letter, and says that it should be sufficient. She hands it over, and explains it's a letter of request to General Morgan, informing him of her request for information about the incident as the official responsible for the Bose region. That should be enough to get some information out of the army.

Estelle wonders if that bracer-hating general will even meet with us at all, but the mayor says it would be a pretty safe bet as long as we hide our identities. We'd probably be best served by saying we're messengers from the mayor. Estelle doesn't like the sound of that - feels like they're lying or something. Joshua argues it's not lying, just not telling him everything. Since this is a time-sensitive situation, he thinks we should be practical about it. Estelle guesses he's right. So, where will we meet with this General Morgan? Maybelle explains there's a fort called the Haken Gate on the international border north of Bose, and we should be able to find him there.

A few moments later, outside the restaurant, the mayor says that she's counting on all of us.

Estelle assures her she should just leave everything to us. If we find out anything, we'll come and let her know! Maybelle looks forward to some good news, and wishes us a wonderful day. As she and Lila take off, Schera decides it's about time for us to get going. The Haken Gate can be found at the end of the Eisen Road, which branches off from the East Bose Highway. In short, we need to head out of the east gate and then turn north. Haken Gate, here we come!


Before setting off for Haken Gate, time has progressed, so it's time for another round of exploration. Some places like Ravennue Village and Krone Pass seem unaffected here, but that still leaves a lot of people:

Pacing around the market, Elegia says today she's going to treat herself to a new dress. She hopes she can find something she likes. Harry wonders how he can become a merchant. Mina says she's got no idea, but she'll tell him this: anyone who can't do Sunday School arithmetic is bound to fail. Harry whimpers. Mina wonders who ever heard of a merchant who's bad with numbers?

Lucas says this city has all kinds of merchants. First there are the ones who open up shops in the Bose Market. Then there are the merchants who have their own places on the south block avenue, and there are the trade merchants like Trino and Borden… He almost forgot to mention even the mayor is a merchant! Jacob says the mayor may be young, but she's quite the businesswoman. Her political finesse is one of the things they pride themselves on as citizens. She's quite the eye-catcher too!

At Anterose Restaurant, Manager Lechter thanks us for our continued patronage, and says he'll anxiously await our next visit. Estelle huffs and says we were treated by the mayor last time, and… how much did it come out to be? She doesn't think we'll ever be able to come here again - not on our salaries anyway. Joshua thinks that's true, but she's got to admit the food was worth the price… As expected, the food made by professional chefs is something else!

Alta mentions that she came to this restaurant often with her old grandaddy way back when. That must've been ten years ago! We catch Caron mid-conversation with Shaque. He says that they're under strict regulations, so this price would never be accepted! Shaque responds that Caron is going to drive them out of business if that's the best he can do… They're having a good discussion here, aren't they? He bets Caron loves this! Lenore the waitress recalls seeing us here before, and wonders if we forgot something? Citron the sommelier thanks us for our patronage, and hopes to see us again soon. Head Chef Ross asks if we were able to have as much cooking as he does? We should come again soon! Gwen is busy peeling potatoes, and then it's on to the carrots. She must peel as she has never peeled before! Busy, busy, busy…

Fannie asks Letta what's with the hunched posture? Sit up straight, this is a fancy-pants place! Letta says it's actually his first time eating at a place this fancy, so he's afraid he'll embarrass himself… Horace says he was a merchant in the Bose Market back in the day, though he's quite retired now. Marian mentions this restaurant has a great reputation even in Grancel, and she actually came from the capital just to eat here. Norche announces that this food is absolutely scrumptious! The things they can do with monster eyes here is simply amazing. She's not sure if there's a single restaurant in all of Grancel that can even compare! (Ew...)

At the Bracer Guild, we can let Lugran know we're taking on the mayor's request, and he's glad - the guild has been tied up with monster extermination requests, so he was worried he'd have to call in other branches for assistance. Upstairs we can find Sting again, who says that he'd love to give us a warm welcome… but both Grant and Anelace appear to be out. Estelle muses if he's actually a nice guy after all…? Scherazard tells her not to let appearances fool her - he's the type to look out for those around him. Sting admits that right now the bracers are dealing with a number of incidents, so they're a little shorthanded. Any help we could give would be helpful…

At Kirsche's bar we can speak to Platina the waitress, who says a lot of people compare this place to Anterose, but there's really no comparison. None whatsoever. Anterose is where you go if you've got money… and this is where you go if you don't. Barman Warner agrees - it's apples and oranges! You like cheap, good grub? Then you come here. You want hoity-toity delicacies and excessive formality, you go there! He doesn't feel the slightest shred of competition since they appeal to completely different customers.

Also sitting at the bar is Scholar Lyndon, who wonders if we're familiar with the 'Great Collapse'? Long ago, there existed a prosperous society on this continent, contentedly thriving on high-grade orbal arts. Yet one day, all of that was destroyed by a cataclysm we call the 'Great Collapse.'

Upstairs, Cornelius explains that he used to manage an orbment workshop, then one day he took out a rather large loan and found himself in way over his head… The workshop got handed over to his debtor. He lost it all! He worked his way up from the market and really thought he was on his way to making his dreams come true, but now his future looks bleak… Simon mentions that Ms. Mirano suddenly gave him the day off. No rhyme or reason, as far as he can tell - what the heck is she up to…? With the airships grounded, maybe she just feels that we aren't going to be getting any work done anyway? When things get busy like this, he always feels like he should be doing a million things at once… Well, if he is to take a holiday today, then so be it. He'll get nothing done and like it!

At the mayor's residence, Butler Mayner acknowledges that we've met the mayor, and says we should stop by again if there's anything to report to the mayor regarding her request. He's been informed to let us in at any time. Down the hall we can find Lila, who says Miss Maybelle may not look it, but she's been really hung up over these incidents. There's been a string of break-ins, you see - if we hadn't already heard. If there's anything us bracers can do to assist the mayor she's asking us, as her lowly maid, to help her shoulder the burden. In another room, maid Sarah says Mayor Maybelle is not only a beautiful woman, but she's smart and dignified. She really looks up to her, and hopes she can be like her someday.

At the hotel, Barlowe says that it began its business 120 years ago, and has a long and distinguished history here in Bose. In one of the rooms, Dina the maid says after she finishes work today, she's going to first have a meal out of town, and then have a look at some clothes at the market. A certain clothing store has been pretty popular recently and the designs are cute. She's got to check and see if there are any new fashions out that she doesn't know about!

At the church, Father Holstein says Mayor Maybelle is the daughter of the late mayor, and she may be young and a little rough around the edges, but she isn't the type of person to let herself be limited by her own father. Sister Rosa mentions that the mayor leaving her maid to do the worshiping for her is something she's never heard of in all her years in the ministry. Father Holstein doesn't seem to take any offense at it, but for her it's deplorable… The mayor, of all people, is the one person who she thinks should show their face around here above anybody else…

At the market, Claire says she snuck off to come here and look around, as there's so many unusual things to see. Guess this is where everyone comes to shop, huh? Felicia says all her products are made with a woman's touch, and they're just as good as anyone else's, if not better. Her son Pomme says the mayor stopped by just a minute ago and gave them some advice on how to run their business. She was even kind enough to teach him about setting out goods and how to address customers. After that, she bought some dishes!

Meissen says he loves looking for bargains - whenever there are antiques to be found, he just can't ignore it. Spence informs us that each month, one shop in the market receives an award from the mayor. Last month his shop was chosen for being the most scrupulous! Now he just feels like working harder! Schera remarks that it's interesting that the mayor's got her own ideas about how to make the economy grow here in Bose. Joshua agrees that she may be young, but you can definitely see that she's supporting the market...

Seagaro mentions that he wanted to walk to Ruan, but apparently he'd have to hike over a mountain? There's no way he could get his wife to do that with him… At this rate, though, the cost of lodging is only going to pile up. Eden feels sorry for her husband, but she feels kind of lucky that the flight was canceled since she can spend more time shopping!

Libro says that whenever he stops by Minuet's shop, he always finds himself stopping in. Since he basically comes here every day, he probably knows where things are in this place better than the shop owner herself… Minuet says she's been doing business here since back in the days when it was an open-air market. In other words, she's the most senior merchant here in the market. Estelle concludes she's a real veteran, and she agrees - we're talking more than forty years ago when she started this business! At the time there wasn't a wonderful building here like we see now. Bose may have changed a lot, but the air of excitement we see here is the one thing that hasn't.

Gantz claims that the pure smile of the girl who works here at the confectionary stand is to die for… In fact, he comes here to buy sweets several times a day just to see her smile. Katrina says that she recently started helping here around the store, but she's still learning the ropes. She actually still gets embarrassed trying to invite customers to look at the wares… Uh, she knows she's going to have to do something to change her attitude, but… Lyril sniffles and says she forgot what she was supposed to buy - and that's after her mom let her come here all by herself. Maybe she should just go home and ask again… Emmy says if we want to get our hands on advertised items, we'll have to camp out in front of the market well before it opens. That's pretty much the most basic of basics for shoppers.

Carol has decided on what to do for food today - they're going to have fish! Now the bigger question, whether to grill the fish or to boil it. You know, maybe she should just stick with meat today… Trayton mutters that he and Buck only thought about profit, so Mayor Maybeel was exactly right about them when she got angry. They were on the verge of straying from the path of a merchant. Buck explains that when you start a business here, you can receive aid from the city. Estelle comments that Bose really is a city of commerce, just like everyone says! Schera says that's because ever since Maybelle's father's time the city has supported the market. Buck says the reason they've all been able to have their own stores like this is because of the late mayor. He regrets to say he's caused a bit of trouble for the current mayor, though, and brought disgrace upon the merchants of Bose…

At the south side of the market we can run into Dorothy again, and Joshua asks what she's up to. Dorothy just spins around erratically taking pictures, and declares that everyone's got such shining faces today! Okay, now smile for the camera! Estelle concludes she still can't seem to hear us, too caught up with her photography… Off in her own little world again. Dorothy muses to herself she's got to get those photographs Nial asked for… At a nearby stall, Paul mentions he was originally a commissioned officer in the Royal Army, but for some reason he couldn't give up his dream, so he left it all behind and opened this shop. His wife fought him tooth and nail about it, so he's got to work hard to make her understand why he chose this path. His daughter, on the other hand, is happy about his business!

In the south side of the city, Nigel is Heidegger-laughing to himself in the orbment shop - a full gya-ha-ha - asking who would have thought he'd be able to get his own factory this easily? In this world it's only the smart people who remain on top.

Working upstairs, Carrie says that unfortunately, before she even knew it, Nigel had taken over the store. She's only interested in pursuing her own creative interests, though, so as long as there is an environment to do that she could care less who her boss is…

At an eastern residence, Launa mentions that her husband resigned from his post in the Royal Army and started a business in the Bose Market - that'd be Paul, obviously. She's against it… She at least wishes he would have done this when Elke was a bit older! Elke herself says that one day when she's older she's gonna help her dad make clothes. She's going to work with dad at his store! Sein at the weapon shop says that when he was a lad he set up his own store at the Bose Market. Nowadays when he goes there, it all feels so nostalgic. Now if they could just get all the young bucks to work hard like that too!

At a western residence, Mirano explains that she got word her father was on the airliner that went missing. She wonders what he is going to do about his business deals now? Maybe they should be worried about whether or not he's still alive instead… Seriously, making Mother worry like that…

Modena can't believe it… Her husband has disappeared along with the airliner he was on. What should she do…? Next door, Kuwano is still having a tiff with his wife, wondering why she gets angry so easily? Doesn't she realize that high blood-pressure is bad for your health? Cecile complains about her good-for-nothing husband, who takes off without a word and doesn't come home for hours. Whenever he takes off he's gone for who knows how long!

At the house furthest west, Borden says his family has been merchants conducting trade here in Bose for generations. He's been at odds with a man named Trino here for some time now, but recently Trino's daughter Mirano has begun to amass her own financial power. Now it's a cutthroat struggle between the three of them at the top… Rionne says it wasn't all that long ago that Ms. Mirano used to be a cute little girl who came to visit, but now she's a fierce business rival. She sure hopes that her little Alvelle will have that kind of backbone too, that same razor-sharp business sense. Alvelle says that his parents are always telling him to watch and learn from Mirano, but he really doesn't have any intention of being a merchant. He wants to go to Ruan and study at the Royal Academy! Mirano used to tease him a lot when he was younger…

At the airship landing port, Berna says she won't be able to travel by airliner for the time being. It's not that she's in a hurry to be anywhere, so she's not too stressed, but she'd at least like to know when flights will resume… Receptionist Ted says presently all flights have been postponed, and he's sorry to inform us he has no idea when they'll resume either. Even if he tried to explain the circumstances to customers, he still doesn't know the cause of the missing airliner… He wonders if the Royal Army are really out in full force searching for the Linde?

Norm says his boss, Lakely, worked as an airship mechanic even before there were such things as airliners. In other words, he's like his senior in the field of maintenance. For that reason alone, he's stricter than anyone could imagine, and he gets yelled at everyday… Sure enough, Lakely yells at him from across the platform and reminds him that idle hands are the devil's work! He should go find something to do! If he's got time to talk, then how about putting some of these tools back where they belong!? Norm quickly agrees, and apologizes for taking off like this… Any more talking and his head's gonna blow…

Aldan says that Bose International Landing Port gets a lot of traffic, which is kind of why he came here expecting to get some photos with his orbal camera. But why isn't there a single ship coming in?! Hardt wonders what the world is coming to? He was trying to head to Ruan, and then all of a sudden he's told that flights have been canceled. Despite this being out of his control, arriving late for a business deal is embarrassing for a Bose merchant. Lakely mentions that the fact they're all on standby must mean that either the company doesn't fully grasp the situation, or there's already an airliner on the way. The fact that nobody's been told much means that they're all in the dark. Considering that there's been no contact, maybe even the company doesn't know what's going on either.

Back at the Verte Bridge Checkpoint where we first entered the region we can find Anelace again. Scherazard wonders if she came here on a job? She confirms that there's been a boom of various small-scale incidents going on, and there's so many she can't even take a break...

Private Antose says at any rate, their CWO Ashton does an admirable job over here, too. He positioned all of the new recruits on his side of the bridge to whip them into shape. He's respectable and serious, but he must live with twice the stress of others… Private Lacos mentions people are saying this is the first time they've been put on high alert since the Hundred Days War. It makes him really nervous… Warrant Officer Dyne wonders what's up with prohibiting flights for the entire region, as well as blockading the Eisen Road? They're pulling out all the stops - it looks to him as if the border garrison is in a big rush…

Next: Haken Gate! Time to meet General Grump, and also my favorite character so far.
Gantz claims that the pure smile of the girl who works here at the confectionary stand is to die for… In fact, he comes here to buy sweets several times a day just to see her smile
Not sure I'd call that a pure smile, but whatever. A lot better than his smile will be if he keeps on eating all that sugar!
Carol has decided on what to do for food today - they're going to have fish! Now the bigger question, whether to grill the fish or to boil it. You know, maybe she should just stick with meat today…
Good to see she's sticking to her guns.
Trails in the Sky (Part 18) - Spoony Bards at Haken Gate

To Haken Gate With Peace and Love, Baby

We leave Bose City through its eastern exit and return to the Eisen Road, where we were previously stopped by some Royal Army goons when we first headed this way. They're still there, of course, and ask who we are? Wait, weren't we with the Bracer Guild…? Estelle says that we're not - today! Today, we're here on official business. She produces Mayor Maybelle's letter with a flourish, and Joshua explains that the mayor requested that we come and speak with General Morgan about the status of the search for the missing airliner. Scherazard confirms that the document is official, as they can see, but if they don't want to let us through she's sure they'll be hating life later.

One of the soldiers decides there's nothing they can do but let us through. The other is not sure about that, but the first argues the mayor is in charge of the entire region, and that can't just be ignored. The other is convinced by that argument, and begrudgingly lets us pass. We shouldn't cause problems, though - whatever happens, we shouldn't forget that we share a border with the Empire here! Estelle says she gets it already, so let us through already!

Following the Eisen Road northwards past a fairly humdrum bunch of easily avoidable enemies, we eventually reach the rather imposing Haken Gate base.

Estelle is astounded by its size, but Schera points out that of course it's huge - it acts as the sole entrance to the Empire, and is the rampart that protects the country of Liberl from foreign threats. After it was destroyed in the war ten years ago a much more robust wall was built in its place. Standard military reaction: bigger equals better. Estelle notes that this means beyond this point is no longer Liberl, and Joshua confirms that beyond here lies the territory of the Erebonian Empire which stands beneath the emblem of the golden stallion. Joshua closes his eyes for a moment at the mention of the Empire, then says there's been enough staring for a day - let's go meet General Morgan. There's some barracks right there to the side of the gate, so maybe we'll find him there…

Scherazard reminds us belatedly that we should probably remove those bracer emblems we've got pinned on our chests, as things won't be pretty if General Morgan sees those… Estelle admits she forgot all about that, and reluctantly removes her emblem along with Joshua. Somehow she feels all weird doing this… Joshua agrees that there's something that doesn't feel right about this. Schera responds that we shouldn't worry, as that's just proof we've started adjusting to being a bracer!

Before heading in, I have a quick look around the place. Carlos is standing near the front of the base, and says he's thinking about visiting the Empire. Doesn't look like anyone's here to fill out the necessary paperwork for leaving the country, though. Well, it doesn't really matter to him, as he just lives his life on a whim. In fact, the only reason he decided to travel to the Empire is… well… because it occurred to him! The sentry at the huge gate welcomes us to Haken Gate, and then double-takes and asks whether we came here by way of the Eisen Road?

At the west side of the Haken Gate there's a small inn for travelers to wait while their papers are processed. Walking inside, we immediately see a blond-haired man with a portrait exclaim that it's a surprise - this is his first time eating Liberl's cooking, but it was rather delectable! Nolan the barman is glad that he liked it. If the man heads to town, he explains, there are a number of places where he can eat great Liberl cooking as well. He should enjoy this trip of his, all right? The blond-haired man says he will. If this is the kind of food he can get in a border dive, then he truly is in for a feast elsewhere in this land! Nolan, mildly offended, asks to be excused for having his bar here on the outskirts of the country!

Nolan suggests to the blond-haired man that before he goes feasting on the finer things, how about drinking a glass of wine? He knows it's not high-end exactly, but the taste is worth the price… The blond-haired man replies that maybe he will. Estelle wonders if this guy is…? Joshua says he looks like a traveler from the Empire to him… Speaking to the man directly, he just comments that the wine is quite good here. If this is called cheap wine, then Liberl must be a wonderful country of tastes. He thinks this only adds to Queen Alicia's prestige as a ruler…

After this optional scene is over, Nolan also welcomes us to his humble establishment, and says there's wine and food to eat here, though we shouldn't expect anything too elaborate. Amelia the waitress says that the blond-haired man over there at the counter is rather handsome and well-dressed, but after talking to him, she found him to be a little… odd. Marco mentions he's a merchant from the Erebonian Empire, and he's on his way to Bose.

We walk over to the guard in front of the barracks and mention we came here on an errand from Mayor Maybelle from Bose. Does he think we could get in to see General Morgan?

Joshua explains the details, while withholding his real identity, and the sentry says this is all understandable. In that case, he could definitely get us in to see the general, but unfortunately he's out at the moment... He's actually spearheading a number of searches at the moment… Scherazard decides our timing was bad, and asks if the guard happens to have an idea of when he might return? The sentry thinks it'll be sometime today, but he can't be more specific than that. There's a bar in the rest stop near here, though, so why don't we wait there for him? He'll let us know when the general returns.

Estelle remarks that we were just there, actually… (I assume this depends on whether or not you explore.) Why is there a bar here, anyway? The sentry says it's obviously because this is the border with the Empire. The screening process for those entering and leaving the country is really strict, so there are a lot of travelers who have to wait quite a bit. Joshua thinks that makes a lot of sense. In that case, it's understandable that they would need facilities like an inn and a bar. Schera decides we'll take him up on that suggestion, and wait over at the bar.

We head over to the bar, where we immediately run into a blond-haired man who wishes us all a good day, fine friends! (Or for the second time if you explore.) We appear to be citizens of Liberl, he declares, but he wonders if we're traveling to the Empire? Estelle explains we're just here on an errand, not crossing the border. Joshua notes that the man seems to be a citizen of Erebonia himself. What about him? Is he here to visit the Liberl Kingdom? He's glad Joshua asked - he's indeed a visitor in Liberl, both for work and for… pleasure… And us, well, we say we're running an errand, but he can see our true colors. He knows exactly who we are. Yes, we're bracers, no?

Estelle is baffled - how did he know? We removed our bracer emblems! Is he trying to tell us that he's in the same profession? The blond-haired man acknowledges that there are guild branches in the Empire too, but actually he's not a bracer. He just knows several people in the guild, that's all. And there's… an air about us that reminded him of them, so he just thought he'd ask. Joshua remarks that those are some excellent deductive reasoning skills he's got - he doesn't think an amateur could have picked us out of a crowd like that. Is he sure he's just a traveler? The man laughs and asks Joshua to please not look at him with such suspicious eyes. Those cold flickering eyes of amber… just like a glass of exquisite brandy. They just make him want to kiss him and hold him in his arms…

Joshua is rather embarrassed by the sudden flirting and backs away in confusion, while Scherazard notes that he's a bold one, isn't he? Estelle, affronted, asks him if he's one of those men who likes… other boys?! (She's got a bit of homophobia going on, perhaps?) The blond-haired man says he just can't help himself when he sees something beautiful standing before his eyes! Daughters of serenity, sons of elegance, supernal melodies and cleansing landscapes, masterpieces and stories to move the soul. And last but not least, the most exquisite food and drink! For things such as these are those which pique his interest!

Estelle concludes he's a pervert, just as she thought. Schera agrees - definitely a pervert. (I think he's just a hedonist.)

The man sighs, and laments how dreadful it is that genius is misunderstood every generation! He feels as if his delicate glass heart is about to be broken… He turns to Joshua and begs the boy with the magnificent black hair to please comfort him in his time of need! Joshua responds that he's going to have to pass. He's already been scarred for life by this conversation as it is! Nolan the barman whispers that he's heard strange conversations in his day, but this one is worth remembering… The look on that kid's face!

Suddenly a sentry enters the room, cutting short the weird conversation. It's the same soldier from earlier, and he explains that General Morgan has just returned. He's already spoken to him about the matter, so he'll meet us now. We should come to the barracks with him immediately! Joshua remarks that this was much quicker than we thought, and Schera agrees with him - now at least maybe we'll be able to find out what's going on. The blond-haired man says that it's time to be off then. Shall we?

As we walk outside, Estelle asks why this guy is following us around now, exactly? Scherazard remarks that his timing is excellent, since he didn't miss a beat in exiting behind us… It seemed almost natural - scarily so. The blond-haired man seems kind of surprised that was even noticed, and claims that everything about us all just seemed so interesting that he thought he'd take a gander. We shouldn't mind his presence - carry on, good gents and mademoiselles! Estelle angrily yells that of course we're going to mind! Now get! Shoo, shoo!

Cowed, he just calls her a scrooge, then reluctantly heads back inside the inn. Joshua wonders who that guy even was? Seriously, what was his deal? Estelle decides getting rid of the weirdo was probably better - not just for ourselves, but a service to the world at large, too! Now let's get to the general!

The sentry at the door to the barracks remarks that he heard some arguing earlier. Was there some kind of problem with another traveler? Estelle says it was nothing big at all… Anyway, that aside, could he let us meet with the general now? The guard steps aside, and explains that the general's office is the last door on the left. We should make sure we don't go wandering around in other places where we're not permitted. (Guess what!)

Carlos says that after the Hundred Days War ended, not a lot of people have wanted to travel to the Empire. He's sure there are still a lot of complex feelings for many people here in Liberl… The sentry at the gate says the fort is on heightened alert for the time being. Therefore he must ask us not to walk around like we own the place. It looks… suspicious.

Reentering the inn, we can talk to the blond-haired man again, naturally, and he wonders if we've changed our mind about taking him with us, then? Estelle exclaims: 'in your dreams!' The man mutters she's such a cold-hearted creature for being one so young… Nolan says the Royal Army has blocked off the Eisen Road, and now all those from the Empire wishing to leave the country are stuck here. That man over there with the blond hair seems to be in the same situation. Amelia says all the customers here are off-duty soldiers and travelers waiting to enter or leave the country. Most of these customers have been here so long she knows them by sight!

Marco remarks that with the airliners stopped, he had to travel here on foot. Now how long do they expect to keep a merchant from the Empire such as himself waiting? He's even finished reading the book he brought to pass the time. Holding on to it is just going to add to his load, so he'll gladly give it to us, free of charge! Here!

We receive Carnelia - Chapter 3. Sneaky, this one…
[Carnelia - Chapter 3] - Representative of the Septian Church

The train barreled on, almost flying through the thick veil of fog. Droplets of water splattered against the window glass, extending out like transparent veins, and continued to wriggle back and forth under the pressure of the swiftly passing wind.

Placing the temple of my head against the glass, I stared blankly down at the tickets in my hand and rubbed the two of them together between my fingers. I would be traveling by train to the border city, far south of its imperial cousin, and then to reach the Liberl Kingdom I would have to transfer to an airship. Both of my tickets were first-class-- but not the highest-end seats available.

The passenger car was nearly at full capacity, but for some peculiar reason, nobody had seated themselves in the space next to mine. As I mused about the empty seat, it occurred to me that Micht may have purchased the spot ahead of time, leaving it vacant on purpose. There was no doubt in my mind that he was being paid handsomely to make sure this job was done and done well.

'Will you be traveling to the Liberl Kingdom, sir?'

Right around the time my trip on the rails had passed its halfway mark, I was met with this sudden question, and set up with a start. My eyes searched for the one who asked it. There, standing in the isle, was a single woman with a radiant complexion, beaming down at me. She wore a coat with overlapping buckles secured slightly above her breast and appeared to be in her mid-thirties. Gingerly bending her knees and pointing her finger at the empty seat beside me, she asked, 'Do you mind?'

With a tilt of her head, she indicated the rear of the passenger car where swirling smoke saturated the air and softly muttered, 'The smell from the tobacco smoke is just dreadful.'

Wordlessly, I nodded and dragged my bag from its place on the floor, moving it over by the window to the opposite side of my feet. The woman expressed her thanks and delicately sat herself down in the seat next to mine.

For being a perfect stranger, she talked on endlessly, and I appropriately reciprocated the conversation by saying that I was on my way to the Liberl Kingdom on business as an orbment specialist. Her story was that she was on a mission of mercy for the Church and had an errand to fulfill in the border city.

'Just so you know, people sometimes refer to me as 'Sister',' she went on. 'Of course, it's just a nickname.'

She recrossed her black leather boot-clad legs and let out a sort of suppressed titter from the back of her throat as she made mention of this. Sister Carnelia was her nickname.

We continued on in this fashion, subjecting ourselves to a variety of idle banter. And as the time drew on, the sun overhead began to dip in its arc, crossing the celestial meridian and descending into the west. Each time the moving train cleared a grove of trees, the entire vehicle-- passenger cars and all-- was bathed in a warm apricot hue, flooding into the cabins, creating a majestic spectacle. I gaped at the coruscating effect, and in doing so locked eyes with Sister Carnelia right at the moment the brilliance of the sinking western light seeped into her rich brown irises, causing them to give off an exquisite rubescent sparkle. The glimpse made me wonder if the origin of her nickname was somehow related to the color of her eyes being likened unto the luster of a polished carnelian stone.

The train gradually began to decelerate, and Sister Carnelia returned to her original seat in order to collect her bags. As a matter of habit, I checked my bag and orbment and found both the junk paper-covered package and the magical device fastened into my trousers' inner pocket by a series of chain stitches-- exactly where and how I'd left it.

A woman's voice came over the intercom system announcing that the train would be arriving on schedule and that rainy weather was to be expected at our destination. At the conclusion of the announcements, a number of disappointed sighs could be heard coming from along the rows of seats. Raindrops pattered against the windows outside as the looming silhouette of the overcast city came into view. The station's signal lamp emitted an angular light which was scattered with a refractive effect by the falling droplets of water. Then came a spine-chilling metallic sound followed by the jolt of the orbal engine's reversing thrust as the locomotive at the front of the train lurched to a halt.

Over the loudspeaker came another announcement asking passengers to ensure that they did not leave their baggage behind. And with that, several people stood up and crowded into the

aisle. Watching a station worker in uniform as he waved a small flag amidst the falling rain, I picked up my bag and rose to my feet. I crossed paths with Sister Carnelia as I attempted to step into the aisle, but when she tried to step aside and allow me room to pass, she suddenly tripped and fell forward. Grabbing onto my shoulder for support, she picked herself up and, with an embarrassed smile, let me by. I gave her a short bow in line with general etiquette practices, then headed for the exit ahead of her. Following my lead, Sister Carnelia shuffled along closely behind me-- so close, in fact, that it felt as if she would step on my heels.

Something about it just didn't feel right.

Instinctively sliding my right hand into my pocket, I searched for my orbment, but the brass feeling I had grown accustomed to was nowhere to be felt.

In an instant, I felt my arm being twisted behind my back by someone or something with incredible strength. The sleek sound of a blade being unsheathed and then a warning prick of the tip at my back indicated the seriousness of the situation.

'I have what you're looking for, Toby,' whispered Sister Carnelia in an almost inaudible tone, her lips barely moving just behind my right ear. 'Let's not try anything either, shall we? I'd hate to see your afternoon spoiled any more than it's going to be.' And to show that she meant business, Sister Carnelia slightly altered the angle of her grip on my wrist, causing an explosion of agony that sent sparks flashing behind my eyes.
Source: Carnelia - Chapter 3

Inside the base, we can disregard any advice of steering clear from the rest of the base, and talk to a few soldiers - one mentions he was supposed to be off duty today, but then they received an order to maintain ready status here in the fort. Another mentions he was involved in the search for the missing airliner until late last night, so he's dead tired. Yaaawn! Up on the top of the gate, a third mentions that all the guards here are very tense due to what happened ten years ago. He hopes they never have another breach of this gate by the Imperial Army… A fourth soldier says the border is always confronted with threats from the Empire, that's why they must be extremely prudent in their actions, whatever they do. Otherwise they could possibly give them a pretext to invade again…

We walk down to the end of the hall and approach the last door on the left - looks like this is the general's room. All right, here goes nothing! We knock, and a gruff voice asks if we're here on behalf of Mayor Maybelle? Come inside. Scherazard thanks the general for seeing us as we pile into his office and array ourselves in front of his desk. He introduces himself as Morgan, tasked with guarding the Haken Gate by Her Majesty, Queen Alicia. Schera says it's an honor to meet him, and explains we're here on behalf of Mayor Maybelle. Joshua asks him to please pardon the intrusion during such a busy time. Morgan says there's no need to apologize - he's known Maybelle since she was but a child, so he couldn't imagine ignoring her request, much less one from the mayor!

We hand over the letter, and Morgan takes a few moments to read it. So, it's about that missing airliner, is it? Under ordinary circumstances, he says, that information would be strictly confidential, but considering this is a request from her, he'll tell us everything he knows.

Estelle is vocally pleased, and Morgan is a little confused why we'd be happy about something that doesn't concern us? Estelle realizes belatedly she should have kept her mouth shut, but Joshua covers for her, stating that the mayor appears quite distraught over the situation, so we've wanted to do anything we can to assist her. Morgan is glad to hear that she's been blessed with some good people around her, then. So, let's get right down to things and explain the status of the search efforts…

Morgan explains that the airliner Linde disappeared on its way to Rolent after taking off from the Bose Landing Port. Presently, the Royal Army has units searching all areas of the region, but they have yet to come up with anything. Joshua concludes that what he's saying is that the possibility of the incident being caused by monsters or an accident is fairly slim, right? If an airship of that size had crashed, it likely would have been discovered in the initial search efforts… Morgan agrees that's exactly right. In fact, the flight route between Bose and Rolent goes over some plains that allow a commanding view of the land. And of course, the probability of the airliner going down in Valleria Lake or the ocean is extremely low. Estelle is relieved to hear it's probably not a worst-case scenario like that.

Schera notes that if those have been ruled out, that leaves the door open to the possibility that the airship could have been taken, right? Which makes her think that the only remaining motives must be to loot the cargo or demand a ransom for the hostages… Joshua notes that she's thinking of a hijacking, right? Also, considering the geographical conditions, it could have been a covert operation carried out by the Imperial Army… Estelle thinks it would be really big news if that were the case. The General silently watches the byplay, and Estelle asks what's the matter? He muses that he was just thinking that was quite an impressive assessment from some civilians… They also considered the possibility that the Imperial Army was involved, so they enforced strict regulations on the flow of information. An international incident, if taken lightly, could result in another war… Estelle is horrifed at the very thought.

Morgan says that thanks to the small mercies of Aidios, the possibility for another conflict disappeared early this morning. A certain organization sent a letter to the Royal Family and Orbalship Co. claiming responsibility and demanding a ransom for the passengers. This organization goes by the name of the 'Capua family.'

Estelle recognizes that name and asks that it couldn't be who she thinks it is, could it…? Joshua agrees it seems to be that way. Morgan notes the Capua family are sky bandits who have been operating in the shadows in the Bose region and are led by three siblings at their head. He takes that we've heard of them? Estelle confirms that not only have we heard of them, we just had a run-in with them back in Rolent! She just can't believe those good-for-nothing thieves have managed to create such a big incident here in Bose…

Joshua and Schera turn to Estelle for blabbing on that, and she tries to laugh it off. Morgan, though, observes that we had a run-in with them in Rolent, did we? He'd heard that some of their gang had shown up in the Rolent region, but… Estelle sighs, and admits that she thinks he's onto us. Schera agrees - and all because of her and her big mouth! Morgan says that he sees now… He thought the way we were able to analyze the situation was strange for mere civilians, but he never would have guessed that a girl and a couple of kids like us were bracers! Estelle wonders who he's calling kids?! Joshua tries to save things by explaining that, for the record, Mayor Maybelle did in fact request that we come here and talk to him!

General Morgan angrily snarls 'Silence, deceivers!' He then calls for his men, as Estelle nervously whispers that the general looks pretty pissed… Schera remarks that this is how a hard-nosed military man acts, huh? A couple of soldiers rush in and wonder what's happening. Did the visitors pull something funny? Morgan explains that these 'bracers' need to be shown the door! They should be thrown out immediately!

Moments later we're forced out of the door and back onto the central plaza, where Estelle wonders what the old man's problem is? Trying to brush us off like bugs! General Morgan scoffs and says we're no different. Hiding our identities so we could try and finagle some information out of him… It's because we pull underhanded actions like this that bracers can't be trusted! Estelle wonders where he gets off calling it 'finagling'? It's his own fault, since he didn't share information with the guild to begin with! Morgan says that's nonsense. Who in their right mind would leave an incident this big in the hands of a mere civilian group?! Of all the stupid things Maybelle could have tried to pull… Hiring a bunch of kids like this and getting in the way of the search party…

Scherazard demands that the general cut it with the crap. Why does he think we've had to come all the way from Rolent to begin with? It's because when it comes down to it, military morons can't do their job!

Morgan is caught off guard, while Estelle and Joshua nervously recognize Schera's really pissed! Schera says that for the past few months the general has known about the string of burglaries which seem to be the work of the sky bandits, right? And then, knowing full well it was them, the army dumped the workload onto the guild instead of looking into it themselves like they should have, huh? The second this incident happens, though, the general gets on his high horse with an attitude, yet he's got nothing to show for it. No hostages or even the location of the missing airliner. Doesn't he think that's an embarrassment to the entire kingdom?

Morgan snarls that Schera should be silent. The military is an organization that runs on discipline and does not take action on a whim! Unlike a group he knows of, who didn't think ahead and let the sky bandits escape! So enough with her insolence! Schera concludes he really is looking for a fight, isn't he?

'How sad it is to see such discord,' states a man's voice from off-screen. Everyone turns in surprise as the blond-haired man from the bar walks closer while strumming a guitar. Strife brings nothing to be borne, he states, but only extends the barren wilderness within our hearts… Now let him sing a requiem for us all, one to soothe our parched souls. A gentle, yet wistful tune to bathe our brittle spirits and cause the deserts of our hearts to bloom… He then begins to play us a tune:

Brightly shooting stars, leaving trails in the skies…
Like a guiding light, they show me the way to your eyes…
This yearning passion, tears my heart in twain…
And the cruel moon mocks my pain…
If this fleeting dream shall never be…
A single wound will remain in my heart for all to see…
Our passionate first and final kiss…
Your tears to me are an amber bliss…
Let us immure this eternal love…

As everyone stares in disbelief at this absolute banger some random dude just belted out, the blond-haired man says that it looks like we all understood what he was trying to get across. What is it that is most precious above all? That's love and peace, baby!

General Morgan seems caught off guard by this whole mess, then coughs in the silence and claims it's about time for the search party to be returning with their reports. He should get back to his duties! He quickly tells his subordinates not to let us kids into the building again - oh, and they should cancel any further checks on the travelers along the Eisen Road, by the by. Having us around any longer will just be an eyesore! With that he quickly runs inside, and Estelle whispers in disbelief that the general just ran away! Joshua says he wishes we could escape too, but that guy is still right behind us, isn't he…?

The blond-haired man laughs and says that no matter which country you visit, military men lack romanticism! We, on the other hand, appear to appreciate his aesthetic sense. Our party all just nervously argue we maybe should be leaving ourselves? Joshua agrees it's a good idea - we had a bit of trouble here, but we did manage to get some information… Scherazard suggests that after we head back to Bose, how about we think about our future plan of attack? We then quickly run off, leaving the blond-haired man to wonder where we're going. 'W-wait for me! I-I mean, please wait for me!'

Apparently the guy catches up, because we next see our group sharing a cup of coffee with the blond man in the local bar at Haken Gate. The man says he'll try and introduce himself again, and this time he's successful - he is Olivier Lenheim, a wandering bard and musician by trade. (I am glad to finally have a name for him…) As we already know, he says, he's an Erebonian touring fair Liberl. Estelle begins to introduce herself, then asks - wait a minute, why do we have to introduce ourselves to him?! Joshua tells her to calm down, since Olivier did intercede for us back there. Joshua and Scherazard then introduce themselves, and the latter explains that things were getting pretty heated, so she's glad Olivier stepped in before something really bad happened. She just wants to say thanks.

Olivier tells her she's got nothing to thank him for. He only did what any person who loves beauty and peace would have done. However, if she insists, how about going on a date with him for a day? Schera passes on that. First of all, she doesn't have that sort of free time… Olivier says that's too bad. All right then, he'll accept Joshua as a substitute. Joshua wonders what he has to do with any of this…? He doesn't want to be involved in his questionable humor. Olivier says that's odd - he didn't mean that as a joke. Joshua remarks that saying that just makes him even more questionable.

Estelle, feeling excluded, wonders how come he didn't invite her on a date? Olivier remarks that he doesn't know how to put this, but she's a bit lacking in the… sexy department. She might want to think about taking a lesson or two from her friends here! 'Well excuse me for not being sexy!' she blurts, and then wonders what he means by saying she should take a few lessons from Joshua?! Joshua tries to calm her down again, and assures her he thinks she's cute enough just the way she is. Though he guesses it's true that she's a bit lackluster in the sexy category… Estelle wonders what he just said?!

Schera sighs at the whole mess. Good grief… Anyway, as she said before, we're busy. He's sorry there's not a better way to thank him, but we've got to get going now. Olivier proposes we take him along to the city of Bose, then? This is his first time in Liberl, after all, and he'd like to request a guide. Schera figures if that's all he wants, then she doesn't mind. Estelle tells her to hold on a second! Scherazard reasons that it's the least we can do, and we're headed to the same place anyway. Plus, acting like a guide is one of a bracer's many duties… Estelle guesses it's all right. Guess we're stuck with him until then… But what if he tries to sink his poisonous fangs of lust into Joshua…? She turns to him and promises Joshua that he shouldn't worry, for she'll save him from his perverted attentions if he tries anything funny! Joshua wonders what exactly she thinks he'll try?

Yeah, Estelle, you're not coming off great here - I'm guessing you're just being weirdly jealous about your heavily implied thing for your brother, but you're just coming off as a homophobe.

Olivier also thanks Estelle not to refer to him like he's some sort of ferocious beast. He'd rather she call him a 'hunter of love.' Even 'love stealer' wouldn't be that bad of a title, either. Heh heh heh… Estelle just wonders if he's right in the head? Olivier ignores that jibe and asks if everyone's ready to go? He's counting on us to get him to Bose safely. Let's be off! Estelle wonders who made him the leader, exactly? And hey, wait a minute, she's not done warning him about the grisly fate that awaits him if he sullies Joshua's innocence!

While this seems like just another 'escort the NPC' moment, opening our status screen reveals that we've actually just gotten our fourth party member - Olivier wields an orbal gun, a Needler, and his crafts involving quick-drawing.

I am unreasonably happy that we're getting a bona fide stereotypical bard in our party, complete with hitting on everyone and everything that moves, and breaking into song at opportune moments by channeling his inner hippie spirit. And he shoots people. Olivier has been in the party for two minutes now, and if he dies in this game I'll cry. Bonus points for dropping the game-title reference in his debut song, too! I'm gonna guess that song's lyrics will be relevant somehow? I think it relates to Joshua somehow, since 'amber tears' seems weirdly specific phrasing when Olivier comments on Joshua's amber eyes just a few minutes earlier.

After we get Olivier in our party there's one more update to the local dialogue. Carlos says that even if you try to live a serious life, you're still going to have your ups and downs. That's why living a life on a whim and taking it easy is the best way to go.

The sentry mentions he could hear the general yelling all the way out here… What in the world did we do to piss him off like that? The other sentry asks us not to hold it against him, but after getting his ear yelled off by the general he can't let us go through.

Nolan concludes the general has finally let his thunder fall here at Haken Gate, has he? No doubt his troops screwed up something real bad this time. Amelia remarks that the general's voice is as loud as ever… In fact, they could hear it all the way here inside the bar! Whenever the general yells, all the young recruits come running in here in fear. Marco says that the road has finally been reopened, and now that he's got his entry permit he can finally go to Bose.

Walking back to Bose with Olivier in tow, we get a scene the moment we arrive. So, he remarks, this is Bose, is it? It's more urban than he's imagined. That building over there in the center, is that the Bose Market? Estelle says he seems to be quite knowledgeable, so is this really his first time in Liberl? Olivier just admits he's smart enough to have bought a tourist guidebook before he left. One published by our very own Liberl News, no less! Estelle is surprised they sell such things, but Joshua remarks that he doesn't know how to say it, but we live in a really convenient age…

Scherazard wonders if Olivier plans on shopping? He agrees that yes, he'll do a bit of window shopping, and after that he planned to dress up and dine out. According to his guide, there's supposed to be a three-star restaurant in town. Estelle confirms that it's the place we ate at with the mayor. Uh, what she meant to say was… she guesses this here is the place. She gestures behind her. Joshua states that the Anterose has authentic Liberl cuisine, or so they say. Olivier says this is no doubt the place, and he's quite looking forward to it! Schera warns him it's supposed to cost a pretty mira if he decides to go with a full-course meal. She recommends a normal bar any day over this.

Olivier tells the 'fair lady' not to worry, because he brought sufficient travel expenses. And if that's not enough, he'll earn more with his superb skills! Joshua hopes that by 'superb skills' he's not talking about his songs and musical, uh, renditions, is he? Estelle wonders if you could actually earn mira with that crap…? Olivier chuckles, and says he's starred as the main opera singer at the Great Theater in the Erebonian Capital before. If he remembers correctly, he once earned a million mira in a single night… Estelle whispers that he's a big fat liar… Olivier tells everyone they did good work getting him here, so this is farewell until fate brings us together once more. (No, don't go!) Adios, amigos!

Estelle asks what horror we have unleashed upon this poor, innocent city…? Is everyone from Erebonia a weirdo like that? Joshua sweatdrops and haltingly says he doesn't like that being the Empire stereotype… Estelle is confused why he's talking about that, but Joshua plays it off by claiming he was just trying to say that he thinks the majority of people there are quite serious. He read in a book that their ethos respects the strong, silent type! Estelle concludes that what he's saying is that Olivier is simply a weirdo because he's an artist, right? Schera tells her to hold up there - if the artists of the world heard that, they'd be less than pleased! (Is Joshua from the Empire?)

For now we should go report the information we got out of the general to Lugran at the Bracer Guild. Joshua adds that it would be best if we let Mayor Maybelle know after that, too. Guild first, then the mayor's pace! Let's go!

Next: Actually, the mayor's house is a silly place. Let's go sidequesting and visiting literally everywhere else.
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Ah Olivier, everyone's favorite spoony bard of the franchise.

I like how the biggest indication of his wealth is the fact he is one of the few companions you get who owns a gun, and his default is a gawdy dueling pistol.
Yeah, Estelle, you're not coming off great here - I'm guessing you're just being weirdly jealous about your heavily implied thing for your brother, but you're just coming off as a homophobe.
I do want to say that Trails at a setting is pretty remarkably open to non-straight sexualities, with a lot of representation of, at least, the L, G, and B out of the acronym*, enough that I found it notable for a Japanese series that started in the 00s. I do think they lean a little too heavily into the queer lothario bit like with Olivier here (there is indeed an Erebonian nob who's a lesbian with the same level of pickup lines in Cold Steel, so Estelle's stereotyping might have something to it). This particular conversation is really the only time in the series anyone even gets homophobic to any degree, and there's a lot of mitigating factors to it as you note (in addition to Olivier specifically being openly aggressive toward a guy she cares about, Estelle is also, lest we forget, an innocent country rube at this point in the story). I just wanted to observe that, some unfortunate stereotypes aside, Trails actually has some Pretty Decent treatment of non-straight sexualities.

*I don't know of any trans or nonbinary characters off the top of my head but I could be forgetting someone or just unaware of it. Although I suppose we've got some cisgender crossdressing presented in a positive manner later on in this game so look forward to that.
Trails in the Sky (Part 19) - Bose Sidequests II

Bose Sidequests II

Before we continue the main story, let's pause for a moment. Finishing up Haken Gate has unlocked several new sidequests for us, so let's tackle those before we move on, shall we? The bulletin boards at the guild net us these quests:

Bear Claw Survey
Term: Long
Client: Spence
Pay: 1000 Mira
Difficulty: Medium
"I am searching for sites within the Bose region where a plant known as the Bear Claw grows. If anyone know of such places, please notify me at the Spence Pharmacy within the Bose Market. And come see me if you need further information, too!"

Nebel Valley Monster
Term: Long
Client: Bracer Guild
Pay: 2000 Mira
Difficulty: Medium
"A ferocious monster known as a Master Cryon has been spotted roving the Nebel Valley. Bracers from this branch are requested to deal with this threat immediately."

West Bose Monster
Term: Medium
Client: Bracer Guild
Pay: 1200 Mira
Difficulty: Medium
"A ferocious monster known as a Thunder Quake has been spotted roving the West Bose Highway. Bracers from this branch are requested to deal with this threat immediately."​

One of these three we can already finish due to our earlier premature dip into the Nebel Valley.

Side Job: Bear Claw Survey
Visiting Spence at the market, Estelle explains that we came here after seeing something posted on the bulletin board at the Bracer Guild. Joshua dispenses with the formalities, and says he understands Spence is trying to find places where the Bear Claw grows, correct?

Spence agrees that this medicinal herb is difficult to find in these parts, and up until now he's been having them shipped from Rolent. Just recently he was asked by Father Holstein to prepare a new medicine, however, so it seems like he's going to be using more of these than before.

Estelle remarks that now that he mentions it, didn't we see a Bear Claw just recently? Joshua confirms that we found some over in the Nebel Valley. There weren't many of them, but there should be enough to use for Spence's medicine. The pharmacist says this is great news! It's been said that Bear Claw grows well in humid places, so now that he thinks about it, the Nebel Valley is the perfect place for them to grow. He appreciates us helping out like this - now he can put his full effort into preparing the new medicine! Estelle wishes him good luck with his work, and a wonderful day!

We earn 1000 mira and 4 BP for our trouble. (I think this quest's availabilty actually depends on whether or not you delivered that letter from Rolent, that's pretty neat.)​

Side Job: West Bose Monster
This creature is just sort of hovering along the western road: it's a very large, stripy blue fish-monster…

[Boss: Thunder Quake]

This beast is annoying, because it blasts people with electrical attacks that deal out status effects, so there's a lot of constant healing involved to keep people from being useless. Thankfully it's quite weak to earth-element attacks, so hitting it with those when you're not healing is probably the best strategy. I imagine this would be nightmarish on higher difficulties where it would hit even harder, but I'm not that much of a masochist. At least the thing is alone, which makes it a bit more manageable thanks to the action economy!

Curiously, once defeated I get a message that I killed a ferocious monster on the East Bose Highway? Did they just copy-paste the quest text and forgot to actually change that? Heh. We get 1200 mira and 4 BP for reporting this one.​

Side Job: Nebel Valley Monster
Nebel Valley is a bit of a mess to navigate, but beyond the imposing-looking Yeti enemies and several long paths that wind around this hard to grasp area, we can finally spot a giant floaty crystal…

[Boss: Master Cryon, Boiled Egger R*2, Boiled Egger G*2]

This is a straight-up arts fight, since the four egg adds are essentially exploding mines which spit out various magical spells. Going into melee is just a terrible idea, since you'll get blown up. Instead, stuff like Aerial can hit all of these enemies at once, and fire attacks work wonders on the giant ice crystal that is the Master Cryon. Really, the trick here is just to reduce the number of attackers so the remainder can't out-damage your healing anymore. From that point it's just a matter of attrition...

Just beyond the mob there's a chest with a pair of Katars, a nice weapon upgrade for Joshua… We get 2000 mira and no less than 5 BP for dealing with this bastard.​

Side Job: Amberl Tower Mystery
Someone mentioned it in the thread already, but this is a sneaky one! If you come to the tower off New Ansel Path earlier in the chapter, you can just sort of wander inside and loot stuff, but nothing happens. If you go there now, though, a scene plays. Estelle wonders what the name of this tower was again? Joshua explains this is the Amberl Tower, one of the ancient ruins referred to as a 'Tetracyclic Tower.' Estelle concludes that's why it looks exactly like the Esmelas Tower, right? Aside from the color and the layout, of course. But the atmosphere is the same She suddenly turns, and Joshua asks what's wrong? Estelle admits it's probably nothing, but she could have sworn that she just heard somebody talking...

The camera shifts, and the vague mumbling of a distant voice is audible, though no words can be made out. Joshua says she was right - it sounds like somebody's in here! Estelle wonders if it could be…? Scherazard comments that taking a detour every once in a while isn't a bad idea, and we may just have netted ourselves something big. It looks like we'll need to investigate, so let's be cautious…

From here, we're free to explore the tower - it works very similar to the Esmelas tower, just that some of the walkways are differently connected and the enemies are different (and rather easy to defeat, honestly. Guess you could come here at any point…) There's a chest partway up with Fried Eyes & Eggs in it, and the chest has a note if you check it again: 'Limit: One per adventurer. - Dev Team'. Cheeky! There's also chests with healing items around, but I've got plenty of those at this point, since I do like to make use of my arts to take care of that when possible.

On the fifth floor, Estelle spots the source of the talking earlier - it's that guy again! The camera shifts to reveal Professor Alba studying a giant orange crystal in the center of this floor. Suddenly he's hemmed in by two monsters, and he yelps - Y-yikes! He calls for help, and our party is quick to jump into things. The actual fight here is incredibly simple, though, since they are just the basic mobs that can be found around this dungeon. After the second one goes down, Alba is relieved and thanks us - we really saved his hide there!

Estelle is amused that we just ran into Alba again - she was all tense because she thought there might be sky bandits up here! Alba remarks that it's been a while since we met, hasn't it? Scherazard wonders if we know this guy? Estelle explains that he's a scholar that's been investigating the towers in Liberl, and we met him when we were escorting those reporters to the top of Esmelas Tower. Alba acknowledges that it looks like he's being rescued again. Scherazard mentions that we heard talking earlier, so is there someone else in here with him? Alba is a bit embarrassed we heard that, actually - it's a bad habit he has whenever he's doing his research. If he doesn't say what he's thinking out loud, he can't collect his thoughts. Right.

Estelle awkwardly laughs at the fact that he was just talking to himself, and Schera comments that eh, we're all a little crazy sometimes. At any rate, we'd best save the chit-chat for another time. We should get out of this place before more monsters come looking for a snack! Alba is a bit upset we're leaving already… Schera wonders if there's a problem? Alba explains that his research isn't finished! Schera replies that in that case, he should take as much time as he needs. We'll be leaving now, though - Mr. Researcher here claims he can find his own way back to town… Joshua and Estelle both recognize that as an implicit threat - scary! Alba nervously apologizes and decides he's ready to leave. Schera just giggles and says men are definitely best when they're so agreeable! Good grief…

If you're daring - and I have saves, so I'm daring - you can try and take out some more trapped chests here now, even though Alba is hanging out in the back of the battle as an NPC. There's some Chain Mail in a chest for our trouble, as well as an Emerald Talisman in another (which makes all attacks wind-based.) We can also wander onto the roof, which has a similar magitech teleporter thing as the Esmelas Tower and a dramatic lakeside view, but nothing else happens there. (For now...?)

Descending back down the tower, escorting Alba all the way, we finally reach the exit again, and that's where he thanks us for helping him out of a mess again. If we hadn't come along when we did, he might have been done for good this time! He's managed to get a little funding for his research, so he'll send a payment to the guild as a token of his gratitude! Estelle dryly points out that, as she told him before, he should just hire a bracer to escort him around! Alba says that funds permitting he'll seriously look into that next time. Anyway, he must be going now… Scherazard wonders if he's sure he doesn't need an escort back to town? Alba laughs and says if he did that, then his wallet would truly be barren! Farewell everyone, and he hopes we can meet again someplace…

Joshua comments that he sure is a strange one… Estelle doesn't think so - he seems like the typical academic to her. Joshua remarks that she's definitely not one of those people, that's for sure… Estelle snaps that hey, even she knows better than to come waltzing into a place like this alone! Schera muses that for a scholar, he may just be more than meets the eye. For one, he came by himself! Estelle agrees that she may be right about that, but we're still the ones who had to save his behind! Schera argues that's just part of bracer work - anyhow, how about we get going?​

So, can I put a bet on this guy Alba actually being a villain yet? You can only be found hiding out in spooky ancient towers so many times before it gets suspicious, never mind badly lying about being alone in there. His excuses for why he's never got anyone to escort him around but still avoids all the monsters are wearing a bit thin, too. Guess he's secretly super-powerful. I'm thinking he's after the Aureole treasure he mentioned during the first time we met him? Villains do love to monologue about their plans, after all...

For this sneaky hidden quest we get 2000 mira and 4 BP, which is enough to rank us up to Junior Bracer - 6th Class, and gives us access to the Petrify quartz, which grants attacks 10% to petrify and is worth 3 Earth element value, so that's pretty sweet. It's a one-stop shop to give someone quality earth arts with only a single slot used!​

Incidentally, finishing Haken Gate also refreshed the dialogue for most NPCs, so it's time to explore away! I'm pretty sure it changes again after the next story beat, after all.

Bose Exploration (Post-Haken Gate)

Jacob remarks that General Morgan is one of the great men who fought in the Hundred Days War, and the Haken Gate is one of the most important of strategic military points. It's no surprise he oversees the border garrison there.

Lucas says the Bose Market is like the gateway to success for aspiring merchants, so if he's going to begin any kind of business, it'll have to start there. Elegia really wants to buy a pair of shoes to match the dress she bought yesterday - maybe she'll poke around the shops and see what they've got?

Harry admits that he really wants to be a merchant, but he's never been good at arithmetic, so maybe he's just not cut out for it after all... 'Who knows?' Mina replies Still, if he's already going to give up on any possibility before he's even begun, then he's bound to fail at anything! She hopes he knows he's acting just like a little kid. Harry wonders if it's okay to just cry now? Estelle admits that maybe that's not a bad idea…

At the chapel, Father Holstein mentions that Sister Rose is an extremely serious and dedicated individual. He thinks it would do her some good though if she wasn't so uptight… The local tone of the people of Bose carries an air of freedom, and while doctrine and commandments are important, he'd like this church to be more involved in the region, because not everyone sees eye to eye… Sister Rosa says that Father Holstein is a man of his word and has a magnetic personality about him, but she does have trouble dealing with the pace at which he does things.

At Anterose, Manager Lechter says they're currently looking for an in-house pianist, but there seems to be no one with the necessary skills anywhere in this whole land! He shall speak with the owner and see about summoning an imperial pianist for the restaurant. Estelle muses that when they say this is a high-class joint, they're not kidding!

Alta says times have certainly changed, as tourists from the Empire now come here to Bose to buy our goods. She's not sure how to feel about that, as she just keeps thinking about all the men and women who were lost during the war. People who will never come back…

Shaque tells Caron that no, no, he's had his eye on this for a long, long time now and he's simply not giving his offer the consideration he should! He should try to look at the broader picture here. This is a great price to offer after the airships are running again, isn't it? Caron mentions that he understands Shaque's feeling so much that it hurts, but they have a quota to meet… Lenore says this restaurant has become more and more popular each day since the current owner took over. Just about every member of the staff here was hand-picked specifically by her. She's the exception, she just came because she wanted to! Citron says that with the airships grounded, he's finding it impossible to get his wine shipments. For the moment, he supposes they can make do with what's in the wine cellar, but the stock won't last forever!

Fannie says that she and Letta have been wanting to come here forever now. They worked their little tushes off, pardon her Erebonian, to save up enough money to afford a meal here. But it was worth it! Letta says he wore his best outfit to come here, but he hopes he doesn't seem overdressed… He'll need to be careful not to drop any of the tableware… He just gets this sinking feeling he's really out of his element here. Pitiful, isn't it?

Horace says the old market here was quite barebones, just some stalls lined up in a vacant field - a common flea market! The merchants back then were made of even tougher stuff than they are today. There was the mayor's family, influential as anything… and all the traders of the Trino and Borden households, they all started in that common flea market and worked their way up to what they are today.

Marian wonders if it's true that all operation of airships has been halted?! She supposes she has no choice but to prolong her vacation here, then. Since there's nothing she can do about it, why worry? She might as well enjoy it while she can! She can shop and eat as she wishes, spread her capitalist wings and fly! Norche says it's not just the food here that's top quality, but the wait staff and service as well. You can see signs of the owner's dedication in every last detail. Head Chef Ross says cooking is an art and a culture - it requires as much creativity as anything and, of course, is just as resistant to compromise. Gwen says the head chef here is extremely strict - a real kitchen nightmare! He's known as the preeminent chef in all of Liberl, and it's not a title earned lightly! His techniques and flavors are second to none…

At the mayor's residence (after a few scenes I'll detail soon), Butler Mayner is glad to see us all again, and says Mayor Maybelle has been excitedly awaiting our report. Lila mentions that General Morgan has come here to visit on several occasions. He's a little difficult to describe, but what she can say is that he is a respectable man… There's no doubt in her mind about that. But in both a good and bad sense, he has the temperament of a military man.

Over at Kirsche's bar, Platina says their boss takes pride in the fact that people tend to stick around for a long time when they come here. She's guessing it's probably because a lot of people use this place for business meetings. Or maybe it's just because it's such a half-assed business, people feel right at home. No clue! What she does know is that they get lots of weirdos in here, and people who blather on endlessly about their troubles. It's what they're known for!

Scholar Lyndon remarks that it seems the development of orbal arts was far superior before the Great Collapse, and we're still discovering orbal relics from that era. That's what people mean when they say they've unearthed an 'artifact.' Warner says the Anterose doesn't feel like a place where you can just sit back and relax, you know? You always feel rushed.That's why he makes such a point of trying to give his establishment a comfortable, homey feel, so people know they can take it easy. Nial is drinking his ass off in a corner, and while Estelle tries to get through to him, Nial barely notices, just rambling that he'll have to make something up for the paper - nobody will know the difference… He's out of it.

Cornelius curses out Nigel - they always came in together and worked side-by-side, and he can't believe the man would betray him like that! He's the one who signed the papers to give him a loan when he first started his business, for goodness' sakes! Then he cheated his way up to the top… and now this! What the hell! Simon mentions that Mirano, of the Trino household, is kind of like the vice mayor, except she also kind of runs the place all by herself. The Borden household is pretty influential too, sure, but Ms. Mirano is the real shadow mayor here, hands down. No clue what's going to happen now - helping out Ms. Mirano isn't so bad, but he can't help feeling like there's something better for him out there, y'know?

Barlowe at the hotel says that whenever they greet guests, they do so with utmost sincerity… Their motto is: 'Service always comes with a smile.' Furthermore, they should always work to improve service. Dina the maid says she's got a table reserved at the Anterose today! She's been saving up for this day for a long time now. She's so excited she can hardly breathe! She's got to hurry up and take care of her work around here!

At the market, Claire muses that instead of just staring at things all the time, maybe she should try buying something for once? Felicia mentions there's been a lot of strange things to deal with since she expanded the store. Her son Pomme has been really helping her out a lot, and she couldn't have asked for a better kid. Pomme remarks that his mother is very rough in the way she handles dishes, so his heart always skips a beat every time he sees her pick one up. Since these are the goods they're supposed to be selling, she should be more careful with them. Meissen notes that he's trying to find things with hidden value and get his hands on them for a reasonable price. The thrill of this is something you can't experience that easily in other occupations! To be honest, though, he's still quite an amateur at it himself… No matter how carefully he chooses what he buys, more than half of what he gets turns out to be junk.

Spence says he formulates medicine for each one of his customers according to their symptoms. He's even recently started carrying Eastern medicine, which has grown in popularity. Innovation is important when it comes to business. Libro mentions they haven't gotten any foreign books in at the bookstore recently. It probably has something to do with all these restrictions put in effect by the army. Minuet wonders how long the army intends to blockade the border, anyway? Because of all this, all her merchandise which should have come from the Empire hasn't arrived. Whatever they're doing, it isn't helping her business, that's for sure.

Gantz says that ever since this girl started selling sweets, the sales of her sponge cake have really started taking off. Now he's found himself coming here to shop just so he can get a glimpse of her smile. Katrina giggles and says that at first she was worried about how she was going to run the store, so she guesses the best thing she can do is give her customers service with a smile! Mirano says she'd really like to leave her father's business deals up to Simon, but he still lacks understanding of the business world, and it would be a perfect time for Borden to take advantage of the situation. She guesses that if she gets overwhelmed, she'll get Simon to help her out… Trust is the first rule of business, so she just has to make sure she doesn't get wrapped up in the middle of the situation.

Carol concludes that today she'll be making a dish with meat. Should she grill a steak or should she make some stew? She just can't decide… It's not easy trying to think of what to do about the menu every day! You know, maybe she should just go with fish. Emmy comments that meat goes on sale for a limited time after three o'clock this afternoon, so she needs to find a place to camp out near the store until then. Trayton mentions he and Buck came to Bose to make it big. In the future, it's their dream to open a huge food market together. It will have the freshest foods at the lowest prices in town all the time! Doesn't that sound like the kind of food market we'd like to shop at? With the way distribution has changed thanks to the advent of airliners, he's sure they can make their dream a reality…

Sarah says that she may not look like it, but she runs the kitchen at the mayor's residence. Though she can't cook anything like the Anterose, she can still whip up a decent meal. The mayor has been so busy recently, so she needs to at least get her to take in some nourishment… Buck says Bose merchants are said to like an atmosphere of freedom, and for that reason alone there was a time where each did as they liked. The previous mayor, and now his daughter, have started bringing all the merchants together… Oh, and it looks like inspections along the Eisen Road have been terminated - now he'll be able to start getting his selection of goods back to normal! Lyril chants nearby that cabbage, cabbage… that's what her mom asked her to pick up. And a duck. Delicious, delicious duck. She's too scared to talk to people she doesn't know, though, that's why she's been pacing in front of the store like this… She proceeds to practice some more: 'One head of cabbage, please…'

Seagaro says his wife is shopping like a crazy woman - if he doesn't intervene, she'll never stop shopping! Money is not the issue here, he just wishes his wife would practice a little self-control. Edel cheerfully says that it looks like it's time to hit up the next shop! All this shopping is why she came along with her husband on his pilgrimage! Paul admits he's having a hard time getting the new brands he ordered from the Royal City, and on top of that, merchandise is in short supply. The only thing left to do is to try his hand at making some original clothing and seeing how that goes… Actually, he had wanted to try selling some original store brand clothes from before, so this is as good an opportunity as ever to give it a whirl. Olivier stands nearby and remarks that this marketplace is much more lively than he could have ever imagined! It was definitely worth seeing.

In the south side, at the orbment factory, Nigel says his boss is way too trusting of others. In any case, it's impossible to get along for long in the business world like that, which is why he should be running the shop! Gya ha ha! Carrie comments that her new boss is a pain in the behind about orders and all kinds of things. In comparison, her old boss gave her the freedom to do all kinds of things. Next door, Launa mentions that ever since her husband opened his business, he's had more time at home as well… Of course, he keeps the books and manages his goods at home, too… When he was in the army, he only managed to get home about once a week. Opening the store hasn't been all bad… Elke agrees that her dad plays with her more now than when he was a soldier in the army. She likes the way her dad is now - before, he used to get angry all the time.

Sein at the weapon shop says that pretty much any of the merchants in Bose had their starting point in the market. First you start there, subsidized by the city, then after gaining experience you're able to get approval to start your own store. It's for that reason that people have come here from far and wide to become merchants. At a western house, Cecile warns me to steer clear from talking to her husband, since if we get him started he'll just fill our ears with rubbish. Said husband, Kuwano, mentions that if we head south from Bose we'll arrive at the north shore of Valleria Lake, a massive body of water in the center of the kingdom. All kinds of fish swim around there, heehee! Guess he's a secret fisherman…?

Modena says some people think that Mirano and her husband are on bad terms with each other, but that's not the case. They're just competitive, that's all. She doesn't think people should expect anything less, since Mirano is his daughter after all. She knows it seems like Mirano is complaining as she goes about taking on her father's work, but that's just her way of showing compassion. Modena really appreciates her being considerate at a time like this…

Borden mentions that Trino seems to have been on board the airliner that went missing, and feels a little guilty saying this - but this may just be his big chance! He figured he'd use this opportunity to seize all of Trino's deals for himself, but Mirano's glare was enough to set him straight. It's difficult for him to tell if that father and daughter are on good terms or not…

Rionne is in disbelief that Mr. Trino was on that airliner. No matter how much of a rival he is, they've still known him for a long time, so she just hopes he's safe… Alvelle has heard of Trino's disappearance too, and says that he knows he's dad's business rival, but he's still Mirano's father! He's really worried about him, and wonders if Mirano is too…

At the landing port, Berna says it appears there's nobody here that really knows what's going on either. She wonders if the airliner had some sort of an accident? Receptionist Ted mentions that the corporation still hasn't received any word from the army, and the transportation of goods related to the market has pretty much become stagnant. They're receiving all sorts of complaints from everywhere now because of this.

Norm says his boss, Lakely, appears to be really irritated over something. He's always got a stern look on his face, but even more so right now! Aldan mentions that they've got freighters arriving from the Empire about once a week, mainly used to carry goods to Bose Market. Also, their intimidating design is typical of what she'd expect from the Empire… Hope the military restrictions get lifted soon. Hardt says that they even said they have no idea when flights will resume either, so all he can really do is wait… Lakely guesses we'll just have to deal with it then, huh? Waiting like this…

At Verte Bridge, Private Antose says that if we compare the east checkpoint with the west one, the west one has more veteran soldiers. Warrant Officer Dyne, despite his appearance, does his job to the letter. Private Lacos says that if the missing airliner turns out to be the work of the Empire, he wonders if we're looking at another war… The very thought makes him shudder! Warrant Officer Dyne mentions that it seems like the blockade on the Eisen Road has been lifted. The airliner hasn't been found though, so what's going on? At any rate, he wonders when flights are gonna start up again…

At Valleria Lakeshore's King Fisher Inn, Anette comments that the food is great, and this place is relaxing - she couldn't ask for anything more, but she has to be careful not to put on any weight. Elke says the weather is just wonderful today, so maybe she'll just take a book and read by the water's edge this afternoon. Or maybe she'll give fishing a try? Sophina comments that her brother Lenard started this inn, and she grew fond of the atmosphere when she came to visit him. That's why she decided to stay and work for him! Lenard mentions that there's an old tower standing to the northwest of here, apparently called Amberl Tower. He wonders what it was built for…?

At the Krone Gate, Private Cutinger muses that he's heard about the sky bandits - sounds like a troublesome group. However, this time General Morgan is spearheading the investigation, so it's only a matter of time until he's got this bunch locked up behind bars.

Private Usher says daily training is essential for being a soldier here, due to the rugged terrain which covers the Krone Range. The sky bandits may just be hiding around here somewhere, which is why the border garrison has already investigated this area on multiple occasions. On a normal day they almost get no travelers through the steep pass here…

CWO Zelste says General Morgan has issued an order to bolster security in the surrounding area because they still don't know where those sky bandits are hiding. The mountainous areas are an especially good place for them to make a hideout. He needs to tell his men to get squared away as well. Warrant Officer Serose says that despite his appearance as a soldier in the Royal Army, he loves to cook. He often gets the chief's permission so he can cook here at the checkpoint. Just so we know, the traveler's quarters are over there, so we should feel free to use them whenever we need to.

Next: We go report in at the guild and mayor, and see where that leads us...
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This is a straight-up arts fight, since the four egg adds are essentially exploding mines which spit out various magical spells. Going into melee is just a terrible idea, since you'll get blown up.

Of special note here is that not all your melee attacks are the same. In particular, both Estelle and Schera have a bit more range on theirs. If memory serves, Schera has a bit more, so she's safe as long as she attacks from max range, and thanks to the way the game calculates ranges, Estelle can avoid damage if she attacks along the diagonal.
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He shall speak with the owner and see about summoning an imperial pianist for the restaurant.
oh no

Carol concludes that today she'll be making a dish with meat. Should she grill a steak or should she make some stew? She just can't decide… It's not easy trying to think of what to do about the menu every day! You know, maybe she should just go with fish.
And the saga continues.
Marco remarks that with the airliners stopped, he had to travel here on foot. Now how long do they expect to keep a merchant from the Empire such as himself waiting? He's even finished reading the book he brought to pass the time. Holding on to it is just going to add to his load, so he'll gladly give it to us, free of charge! Here!

(image removed for readability)

We receive Carnelia - Chapter 3. Sneaky, this one…
This. This (and specifically the incredibly tiny window to get it) is probably the go-to ultimate example of just how cruel Trails games can be with their missables. There is absolutely no reason for anyone who hasn't been warned in advance to suspect that there'd be anything changed between the last scene and this one, and even less reason to suspect that any such changes would be locked out just by meeting Morgan. Hell, I struggle to think of a more evil missable in any game I've played.

There's a reason Trails veterans of a particular vintage will talk to everyone again after literally every cutscene, no matter how minor, and this is it.
This. This (and specifically the incredibly tiny window to get it) is probably the go-to ultimate example of just how cruel Trails games can be with their missables. There is absolutely no reason for anyone who hasn't been warned in advance to suspect that there'd be anything changed between the last scene and this one, and even less reason to suspect that any such changes would be locked out just by meeting Morgan. Hell, I struggle to think of a more evil missable in any game I've played.

There's a reason Trails veterans of a particular vintage will talk to everyone again after literally every cutscene, no matter how minor, and this is it.

I wouldn't say there's no reason to go back there - Olivier did just droop back inside after getting told off by Estelle, so checking up with him to see what his reaction is to us just waltzing back in seems justified, heh. Also, the folks in the plaza have new stuff to say, so that might clue you in. Granted, it is still an extremely narrow window for stuff to get changed around...
Trails in the Sky (Part 20) - Investigative Journalism

Reporting In & Figuring Out Where to Go!

Let's get back to our quest, shall we? If we wander close to the mayor's mansion, we can spot Nial and Dorothy are talking with Lila at the door. Nial says he's begging her to please let them in, missy! If he could just get a comment from the mayor he'd be on his merry little way!

Dorothy agrees, and says of course she'd need a photograph too! Lila says she's sure the mayor would be flattered, but she's extremely busy. She's going to have to ask all those without an appointment to leave, and hopes they can understand the situation. Nial just keeps begging, stating that for an incident this huge, they hardly know anything about the circumstances surrounding it… He has an obligation to inform the readers! Dorothy chimes in - yeah, what about the readers? They can probably reach double the number if they have the mayor grace the cover! She's said to be very beautiful, after all. Lila stays silent at that, while Nial panics a little. Dorothy! Why did she have to go and say something like that? Dorothy notes in bafflement that it was Nial himself who was saying the same thing earlier, remember? He said that if they didn't have any news to go on, they could at least lure customers to buy the magazine by featuring the sexy mayor on the cover! Nial calls her an idiot, then nervously turns to Lila.

The maid in question says they're a couple of interesting visitors, and she'll make sure to tell the mayor about the details of their conversation. At the moment, however, she asks them to leave… Nial tries to say it's a misunderstanding, but Lila just states: 'P-L-E-A-S-E L-E-A-V-E. Dorothy wonders if that means they won't be getting a photograph of the mayor, then? Nial tells her, for the love of Aidios and his sanity, to just keep her mouth shut! As the two rush off, Lila lets out a sigh of relief.

She spots our approach, and recognizes us from earlier - have we just returned from Haken Gate, then? Estelle confirms that it's something like that, and wonders about those two she just turned away…? Lila calls them a bunch of unscrupulous individuals. Those miscreants said they planned to use the mayor to make some quick mira! As long as she's here to protect her mistress, however, she won't allow that to happen. Joshua remarks that she's really serious about her job, isn't she? Lila states that she's deadly serious, because it's her duty. Anyway, why don't we come inside? The mayor is waiting for us.

Before that, if we speak to Lugran at the Bracer Guild, he wonders if we found out anything about the incident while we were at Haken Gate? Estelle says we did - valuable information at that! She relays everything we obtained from General Morgan, and Lugran is amazed - the sky bandits and the Capua family… That is valuable information, that's for sure. Looks like they'll be able to decide on a policy for the Bracer Guild related to this, now.

Still, he's surprised to hear that General Morgan is an even bigger bracer-hater than he originally thought! Estelle admits she was surprised herself. In Rolent, the job of a bracer is pretty much respected by everyone, so to encounter someone that hates bracers that much… Lugran assures her that Morgan is an exception, since under normal circumstances the Royal Army and the guild maintain a pretty good cooperative relationship. Looks like this time we're going to have to deal with a lot more than we bargained for, though… Scherazard decides that we'll have to try and make steady efforts while maintaining a low profile, then.

She notes that it looks like these recent burglaries are also the work of the sky bandits, right? Lugran confirms that. Taking into account the incident in Rolent, it's pretty clear who's behind those too. To call them burglaries is one thing though, because most of the stuff that's been stolen hasn't been all that valuable… He would have never thought they would go as far as to commit a heinous crime like hijacking the Linde! Estelle admits that this does seem odd - the burglary that happened in Rolent was also rather mild in comparison. Joshua agrees that hijacking an airliner and then turning around and demanding a ransom from the royal family carries rather greater risks than any potential reward. Schera says that in light of that, we should probably do a little more on the investigative side ourselves… Lugran suggests we go report in with the mayor, to let her know all that we've found out.

Visiting the mayor's residence and actually entering her office, we find her ranting to herself about all her paperwork - dealing with complaints from the citizens, late deliveries of goods to the Bose Market because of the airspace being a no-fly zone, servicing the sewer facilities, selecting a congratulatory gift for Her Majesty the Queen, harm incurred by monsters on the New Ansel Path… When will all this paperwork finally end?!

We nervously enter, and Joshua comments that the mayor looks pretty busy, so would it be better if we came back at a later time…? She coughs and says it's fine, it's fine. So, did we find out something from General Morgan? She'd like to hear about it. We quickly fill her in, and Maybelle is pleased by our progress - she feels like she's got a much clearer picture of the situation now. First, there was a hijacking by the sky bandits, and now a ransom demand…? The situation is much more serious than she had originally anticipated. Estelle laments that if General Morgan hadn't found out we were bracers, she thinks we could have learned more, but… The mayor says it's all right, she's just glad to know that the Linde didn't crash. With this information she should be able to take effective countermeasures with the city. Now she needs to think of a way to inform the citizens of Bose and deal with the families of the passengers… Joshua imagines that'll be quite a difficult task considering she's already as busy as she is, but Maybelle laughs it off - that's just the duty of a mayor!

Maybelle then wonders whether, since the identity of the criminals is now known, she may ask us to continue our investigation into the incident? Scherazard says that was the idea to begin with - we've already had a run-in with these sky bandits before, after all. She'll wager the honor of the guild that this is one group we cannot simply leave up to the Royal Army… Estelle adds that we still have to find Dad too, and then we need to deal with these sky bandits once and for all!

Joshua gives her a look, and Estelle wonders what that was about? He remarks that he was just thinking, and no matter which way he looks at it, that he just can't believe it. That Dad could get beaten by a bunch of sky bandits. Basing his judgment on the ability of the group that appeared in Rolent… Schera agrees that Cassius could have easily dealt with a group of that caliber. Estelle argues that Joshua and Schera are giving her dad entirely too much credit. He's pretty good, she'll give him that, but she thinks it would be a bit of a stretch to take on an entire group! Maybelle, nonplussed, asks for clarification - are we saying our father was aboard the airliner? Estelle is surprised we hadn't mentioned hat, blushing. She's embarrassed to say it, but yeah - he was. Not to mention he's a bracer, too! His name is Cassius Bright!

Maybelle is clearly caught off guard by this revelation, and Estelle wonders if she knows her dad or something? The mayor says she's never met him in person, but she's heard a great deal about him. She's sorry, she doesn't know what to say… But we might be able to use this to get some information from the army… Estelle asks her what she means by that, but Maybelle just apologizes, and says she can empathize with what we must be going through. If there is anything she can do to help us clear up this incident, then she is at our disposal. We shouldn't hesitate to ask!

As we return to the streets outside the building, Estelle wonders what was up with the mayor at the end? As soon as she mentioned her dad's name, she was all surprised! Joshua says Estelle is right, but he can imagine where the mayor is coming from. The mayor and the general have known one another for a long time, after all… Estelle isn't sure how that relates… Scherazard says we shouldn't worry about that right now, as the real question is where we go from here?

Estelle muses that searching around blindly for the airliner or sky bandits probably won't amount to anything, right? If that's all it'd take, then the army would have found them a long time ago. Joshua and Schera turn to her, and she wonders what's the matter with them? Joshua smiles and says that she's matured - if it had been the same Estelle as before, she probably would have said something like: 'Let's just comb the entire region!' Schera agrees that she never thought she'd see the day when those words would come out of Estelle's mouth either… Her heart is too full of emotion for words! Estelle, peeved, wonders what they're trying to say? They can be so rude sometimes, she hopes they know that… Joshua says they were complimenting her, seriously…

Schera mentions that unfortunately the Bose region is enormous, unlike Rolent, so combing the entire region wouldn't work anyway. She'd be really happy with a clue right now! Estelle thinks about that - a clue, huh? Oh, right! Weren't Nial and Dorothy in front of the mayor's place earlier? Nial seemed pretty starved for a story, but he's got to know something by now, right? Joshua acknowledges that he arrived in Bose a little before we did, so it might be worthwhile talking to him. Estelle wonders where he went, though…

If you've been exploring at all, or think logically about his character, the bar is just the obvious place to go look for him. Naturally, Nial is drinking away his sorrows there, cursing that his job ain't a joke, you know! Ugh, hic! Estelle concludes that we found him, but he's drunk off his ass! Was having his article rejected really that much of a shock to his system?

Scherazard comments that he's just acting like the man he is. Men are pigs, after all… Though he seems to have forgotten that alcohol is a drink to be consumed, not a drink to be consumed by. Estelle mutters that she's one to talk - don't they sometimes call her 'Bottomless Schera'?

Schera scoffs - please, 'Bottomless' is much more suitable for a woman like Aina… Schera argues that she, on the other hand, can hold her liquor! No matter how much she may drink, her face and disposition remain unreddened! So we shouldn't dare to group a fun-loving drinker like herself in the same category as this clumsy lush! Estelle asks her to come on now - when she gets drunk she loses it completely and everyone around her gets a heck of a show, she should just admit it! Joshua remarks that it's certainly true that Aina is like a bucket to Schera's sieve… No matter how you look at it, though, they're both pretty bottomless. Schera says she is sensing disrespect here…

Nial finally wakes up from his stupor, and wonders where the hell he is? Joshua is glad that he's awake… sort of. Drinking so much is not good for his health, you know! Nial nurses his head and is surprised to see us - we're those bracer trainees, aren't we? Oh, Goddess - what the hell is he doing back in Rolent?! He thought he'd made his way to Bose…! Estelle asks what the sponge is mumbling about now? She informs him he is in Bose, and so are we! Nial says we shouldn't scare him like that, damn!

Ah, but he sees we have a lovely lass with us…! Schera then introduces herself - Scherazard Harvey, the pleasure is all his, she's sure, mentor to the bracer trainees. Nial recognizes the name Scherazard - she's not the infamous 'Silver Streak' by any chance? Schera says he humbles her - he's heard of her, then? Nial admits he's only heard rumors, but he does know her name. She's one of the top young bracers, if he's not mistaken. …Which means the three of us are here to investigate the airliner incident as well, right? Schera is surprised that he does have some brains left in there after all that booze - she's impressed! Estelle asks if Nial found anything out? We saw him by the mayor's house earlier, and he seemed pretty troubled. Nial is a bit put off by the fact we saw all that, and quickly tries to cover for what happened by saying he was looking for clues, but couldn't find any! Estelle figured as much…

The reporter then explains that damned army regulations on the spread of information really restrict what he's able to learn, anyway. And if he tries to consult General Morgan at the Haken Gate directly, he'll be held up for inspection for who knows how long! So he figured he'd at least try to score an interview with the legendarily voluptuous mayor, but a maid turned him away outright! To top it all off, that useless girl Dorothy kept screwing everything up. Everything! Oh, great Aidios! What did he do to deserve this shabby life?! Estelle points out that he did try to do an exclusive on the mayor's chest… Still, if he wants information that badly, we might share some of ours with him… We're actually investigating the incident on Mayor Maybelle's behalf right now, so naturally we've met with the mayor - and General Morgan too for that matter.

Nial is astounded by this. Holy crap, are we serious?! Estelle confirms that we are. Score! Nial says the Goddess gets a point, blessed be the bounty of Aidios! He then begs us to tell him everything! Every last detail! Joshua says we'd be happy to, but… isn't he forgetting something? Information isn't free, you know. Schera says we'll scratch his back, but he'll need to scratch ours first. And he should get that look off his face - she totally didn't mean that literally. Nial wonders if we want mira or something? His research funds are long-exhausted at this point, he's sorry to say. Joshua states that we're not interested in his money, we just find it fascinating that he made his way to Bose right after this incident occurred. Seems like he might have heard some interesting things himself. That being the case…

Nial sighs and says that here he thought Joshua was a nice kid, but it turns out he's just a slimy little leech like him! He'll tell us what he knows, but rest assured, it's not big news by any stretch of the imagination. Joshua argues that as long as it's related to the incident, no matter how trivial it may seem, he'll take it. Nial just… shouldn't be stingy. Give it to us straight, okay? Nial says that fine, fine, he'll tell us everything on his honor as a newsman! He's got two clues to share, so if we're taking notes, he suggests we get out our pen and paper. Joshua drolly says we're ready whenever he is… Estelle muses to herself that Joshua is really on a roll here, way to go! Schera reckons that if he ever gets tired of being a bracer, he'll have a bright future in racketeering with those skills of his…

We move to a table at the front of the bar, where Nial explains that the first clue is in the form of an eyewitness report from the village of Ravennue to the west. He talked to a villager who'd just come to Bose for a visit, and she told him something very interesting. Apparently she knows a kid who saw a huge shadow flying overhead on the night of the incident… An airship perhaps? Maybe even that missing one! Well, the army checked that rumor out, but they found absolutely nothing… Estelle complains that Nial's a meanie for raising our hopes, only to dash them straight away! Schera concludes that he's saying somebody saw something, but it was probably unrelated to anything? Nial yells that's what he was saying earlier! He warned us it wasn't big news! He went to a lot of trouble to get this sad morsel too, what with the information embargo in place and all…

Joshua asks after the second clue, and Nial sighs - fine. The other thing he learned is that the military's Intelligence Division is on the move. Schera says she's heard rumors about them too. It's a new royally-sanctioned branch of the army in charge of intelligence gathering and dissemination. Nial agrees that's the one, yeah. Supposedly they're so elite they can even stand toe-to-toe with the royal bodyguards. The man they put in charge, Colonel Richard, is apparently quite the whiz kid! With him on the case, they saw this incident is as good as solved already… Estelle comments that it doesn't seem like his information will be of much use to us in our investigation, but Nial argues that we can't say he didn't warn us! Sorry he couldn't be of more help on our end, though… A promise is a promise though, right? He scratched our back, so now it's our turn!

Joshua agrees that a deal is a deal, and he tells Nial all about the incident in Rolent, as well as the information we received from General Morgan. Nial is astounded to hear about the Capua family, and the sky bandits! A random demand to the royal house and the airship corporations?! Good Goddess, that's exactly what he needed! That's the missing link he's been killing himself to find! Joshua figures it's caught his fancy, huh? Nial says that he can absolutely write his article now! He can't be wasting his time getting drunk here, he has to go find Dorothy, post-haste! He'll see us wonderful people later! With that he rushes out of the bar.

Estelle observes that wow, Nial's spirits certainly lifted there! Joshua points out he was chasing a big story pretty unsuccessfully until we came along, so it's only natural. He's glad we could help him out. Estelle is amused at Joshua's behavior - look at him! He went from Mr. I'll-Break-Your-Kneecaps-If-You-Don't-Talk to Mr. Nice Guy in under a minute! Talk about a split personality! Joshua asks her to please stop thinking weird things about him… He was just negotiating. A little give-and-take, nothing more! Schera giggles and says he's got a bad boy exterior with a good boy inside, or is it the other way around? Either way, she's sure girls love it!

Anyway, she guesses we've only really dealt with scrupulous people before, so we're pretty lucky in that regard… When we start dealing with weirdos, that's when we'll need to bust out some really questionable negotiation tactics. Estelle fumes and wonders why she was looking at her when she said that…? That aside, was anyone else a little bothered when Nial talked about that huge flying shadow thing? Joshua recalls it was about an eyewitness sighting in Ravennue village, right? He'd say there's a strong chance there's nothing to it, if the army already checked it out… Estelle acknowledges that, but she says the army is hardly infallible, so they could have missed something. It wasn't General Morgan himself, after all, but one of his men. Some of those guys are pretty thick-headed!

Joshua admits that's true, and agrees it's probably worth looking into, then. Certainly can't hurt, at any rate. Schera smiles and says the two of us are starting to get the hang of this, and she agrees it's a splendid idea. Let's head to Ravennue then, shall we?

Of course, first we'll have a walk around town, because spending a bit of time chatting with a drunk changes the world...

In the streets, Elegia says that it seems like no matter which store she goes to recently, they're getting low on supplies. It looks like the airliners being grounded is to blame. They can't stock up on anything with those being out of commission! There's nothing she really wants to buy, so she's bored… Jacob comments that the fruit from Ravennue knows no equal. Bose may lose to Rolent when it comes to producing great vegetables, but Bose is definitely the place to be for fruit! It's one of the things they pride themselves on as citizens of Bose.

Lucas mentions he put in a notice that he'd be opening up a shop in the Bose Market, but it turns out they're not accepting them at the moment. It seems like there's been a lot of problems recently… Harry points out that Mina always nitpicks at him. Does she hate him or something? Mina replies that if that was the case, she doesn't think she'd be here right now… Harry blushes, which makes Mina wonder what that's all about? She never said she liked him either! Harry laughs it off - he should have figured as much. Guess this means she… neither likes nor dislikes him, huh? Mina just says he's unbelievable…

At the chapel, Father Holstein mentions the village of Ravennue where fruit is cultivated, but says there's unfortunately no chapel there. He'd be most delighted to have the children from there come here for Sunday School. Sister Rosa says they get a lot of people coming to the chapel to pray for the success of their businesses. Aidios, the Goddess of all creation, is not a deity of fortune! She wonders if she should post a note on the door to tell people that this kind of sacrilege is unacceptable…

At Anterose, Manager Lechter welcomes us hesitantly. Estelle wonders what's up with him? He seems pretty depressed. Joshua agrees that his shoulders are drooping off the charts, so did something happen…? Lechter wonders what he'll tell the owner… Alta says during the war, they weren't the only ones to take heavy damage - poor Ravennue Village suffered the same fate. There are quite a lot of them who share these awful memories. Shaque is arguing that, no, no, No, if he takes it for that much money, he's sure to suffer losses! He realizes it's just words, but asks Caron to listen to him - he's trying to help here! This is simply no way to negotiate. Caron insists he must absolutely get it for this price right here, and won't accept any less! To say something like that at the very start, come on now…

Lenore says she previously worked as a waitress at a restaurant in Zeiss. The owner of this establishment happened to be on business, and they got to talking shop, so to speak. The wagers seemed much better here than there, so she jokingly asked her to give her a job! That's when she told Lenore she was the owner - she's a strong-willed lady who always gets what she wants! The polar opposite of the … sigh… manager… (Is the owner also the mayor? They're weirdly circumspect about this, but it would make sense.)

Citron explains that he's originally from the Empire. One day the owner of this restaurant came to the establishment where he worked, as an ordinary customer. She loved the wine he picked for her during her meal so much that shortly afterward he received a letter inviting him to work here. He decided to at least come to Liberl to see the restaurant and fell in love at first sight. Admittedly, when he was invited, he had his concerns, but she has a certain charm about her - so here he is!

Head Chef Ross says the previous owner would never, ever listen to him. The current owner listens to even the most minuscule of nitpicks he may have, though, so he's very grateful to her for that. Very grateful indeed! She did make him chef without having ever met him or seen his face, so he's a little worried about her mental stability, but still. Gwen mentions she used to work as a cook at a bar in Ruan, but the owner here asked for her by name. How could she say no to that? Apparently she took a real shine to Gwen's desserts. She's still learning the ropes here, but she's giving it everything she's got. She mustn't let the owner down!

Fannie declares that her meal was delicious, wowwee! It's easy to see why this is Liberl's most highly-rated restaurant, that's for sure! It was definitely worth the trip. A little luxury makes for a nice break every now and again. Letta says he's so nervous he can't even taste this food… Seems almost like sacrilege. He hopes he'll be able to savor his food next time he comes here. Horace says the market became great around the time when that little lady's pappy served as the mayor. He was a real pioneer, pushing forward all kinds of measures to promote commerce. Clearly, it worked wonderfully! The current mayor then inherited all of that from her pappy. At first he didn't think much of her, but she's really proven herself a worthy successor.

Norche comments that Marian sure does like to eat, no? It's amazing! If he tells her there's delicious food to be had, she's packed and ready to go in a heartbeat. But, as such, he must admit that he is never bored thanks to her unbridled enthusiasm for viands. Marian comments that there's a town to the northwest of here where the most delicious fruits are grown. Sadly it lies partway up a mountain, making it an impossible destination for one such as herself. Hm, she supposes some of their delicious fruits may be sold at the market here, no? She'll go take a look!

At Kirsche's bar, Lyndon mentions he studies creatures that lived in the old world, before the Great Collapse. Beings that surpassed mankind's potential and indeed, were almost god-like… Indeed, he speaks of the ancient dragons! Estelle mentions she remembers hearing about them in Sunday School - they were around in Liberl, too, up until just a few decades ago. They stopped showing up around the time orbment technology was first discovered, though. Joshua stares in surprise, and Estelle wonders why he's got such a dumb look on his face? Is something the matter?

Joshua says it's nothing - he's just surprised she actually remembered something she learned in school. Shocked, really! Estelle says that's really rude. Of course she paid attention. Huge, cool things with wings? She totally wants to see them herself! Just thinking about them gets her worked up! Lyndon can relate, and says that's why he's been journeying to exotic lands in search of information.

Warner says that his bar was originally founded on a whim more than anything else. He wishes he could take it easy and not have to worry so much about criminals and profits and such… Platina says the manager always claims he runs this place as a hobby, and acts like that's why it's such a great establishment. Rumor has it that the owner of the Anterose says the exact same thing, though. She thinks their obsessions are on two different levels entirely… Cornelius muses it won't do him any good to just keep crying about this - it's his own fault that the workshop got attacked, and he should have been more careful! No sense in giving up, though, that's not the Bose way. Time to roll up his sleeves and try again!

At the hotel, Barlowe mentions that his hotel has maintained a high level of popularity ever since it was established. It may be busy around here, but this hotel is his life! It's his role as the current manager to find a future manager who can sustain these traditions. In one of the rooms, Dina the maid asks if we can believe this - the manager made her work when it was supposed to be her break time! Not to mention she had a table reserved at the Anterose restaurant and it was all for nothing!

At the market, Claire says she just bought something by herself for the first time. It was some kind of sponge cake someone was selling near the fountain. A bunch of people were eating sweets over there so she joined in with them… She couldn't believe how good they were. What a great experience that was for her! She thought it was unbecoming to eat away from the table like this, but there are some tastes you can only experience this way. Felicia says she's ready for a breather, and wonders how her husband's getting along back at the village…? Pomme mentions his father is growing fruit back at their village, and the fruit they're selling here may be some of the fruit that his father grew! Originally they were supposed to be running this business together as a family, but he chose to stay behind…

Meissen says that porcelain made in the Empire has an artistic quality in the absolutely gorgeous designs. Just the opposite, the porcelain from the Republic employs simple colors and patterns, but its beauty comes out the more you use it. The varied and contrasting styles are why porcelain wares are so interesting. Liberl's porcelain, on the other hand, may have a simple shape and design, but there is an elegance about it… He guesses that's the best way to sum them all up. Lila stands nearby and mentions that Miss Maybelle is the type of person who thrives the busier she is, and is just like her father in that respect. She's worried about her health, though… Spence says that even if the airliners aren't running, a true Bose merchant won't get discouraged easily! How should he put it…? A real Bose merchant knows how to innovate at times like this. Ho ho ho!

Marco looks around the Bose Market, remarking that it's pretty lively for a marketplace in a small country, if he does say so himself. Maybe he'll have a look around after he finishes up with his business deals. Simon asks who would have thought that Trino would be on the airliner that disappeared…? Now Mirano is taking care of all her father's business deals in his stead. He knows he shouldn't have expected anything less, but hopes she doesn't take on more than she can handle. Emmy despairs that this is terrible, how could this have happened?! She spent all the money she has for today! Noooooo! She can't figure out when they're going to slash prices here…

Libro remarks that all the books in the back of the bookshop are covered with dust and cobwebs - he should probably borrow a feather duster from the shop owner and clean them off. Minuet welcomes us to her store, to see what she has in stock. Believe it or not, they've got a luxury carpet from the Calvard Republic going for just 500 mira! We heard it right, but that's not all! At regular price this goes for 1500 mira, but the price has been reduced to an amazing 500 mira! But that's not all! If we buy now, she'll even throw in a tapestry with matching patterns! Yea, okay Billy Mays... Edel remarks this is really cheap, but if she buys this too, it'll just add to her already, uh, substantial amount of luggage… She wonders if she can get someone to deliver it directly to her home in the Royal City? Seagaro says it's unbelievable - his wife is set on buying even more stuff. Not to mention she just barely shopped here not a few minutes ago! Hopefully those flights are going again sooner rather than later…

Gantz mentions the girl at the confectioner's shop, and says her sweets have gotten tons better since she started making them. He should know because he eats them every day, and they just keep getting better and better! Katrina is distracted, and admits her head's not quite in the game right now, sorry. She says her fiance was actually the one who started this store, but he was aboard the airliner that disappeared that everyone's talking about. She truly believes in her heart that he'll come back safely, somehow. Until he returns, she has to keep his store alive… Estelle sadly reflects on the situation, and says Katrina is right. It's not only someone from our family who was aboard that airliner, which means she has to do her best as well as a member of the Bracer Guild and her dad's only daughter! Joshua approves of her resolution. Katrina just asks if she can sell us some sponge cake?

Lyril remarks that these sponge cakes look so yummy, but it's probably not okay for her to use the money she's supposed to use for her errands, right? Carol wonders what she should do about a side dish today. She just can't decide what would sit well on the table. She thought she could decide once she got to the store, but now she's here and she still doesn't know… Trayton says the top dogs here in Bose, aside from the mayor, would have to be Trino and Borden. However, recently Trino's daughter has been extending her sphere of influence. If he remembers correctly, her name is Mirano. Anyway, she appears to have a knack for business and can hold her own against her father. It's pretty cool to see a sharp pair of merchants in a family like that. Oh, and he almost forgot to mention that Mirano and the mayor are pretty good friends, too.

Buck says he gets all his fruit from Ravennue Village, which used to be a thriving place from its mining industry, but now it's known for its orchards. Paul mentions that the clothes he designed and tailored himself are selling quite well. He thinks he's going to try and make more with numerous variations. He gets a lot of inquiries from his female customers regarding original clothing, so he thinks he's going to try and design some clothes, this time focused solely on women.

Over at the landing port, Berna admits that to tell the truth, she's getting tired of waiting for flights to resume. Maybe it would be best to try again later. Receptionist Ted says that if flights remain canceled much longer, it could affect the reputation of the corporation. There's never been an accident and nothing like this has ever happened before either. He certainly hopes they'll be able to properly explain what happened later… Aldan says at present there are two airliners which provide domestic flights for passengers in Liberl, the clockwise looping Linde and the counterclockwise looping Cecilia. They were put into service in the same year, but their coloring is different, and if he remembers right, the engine model in the Linde is older. Lakely remarks that he doesn't think there'd be any harm even if the Cecilia were the only airliner making flights, but the fact that all flights have been grounded means that this must be a really big incident. Norm the mechanic says that even though there's not really much to inspect, he's going to get yelled at if it looks like he has nothing to do. He's got to do something to keep busy…

In the south of town, Paul's wife Launa says it looks like her husband's business is doing better than expected. Recently she's noticed a vibrant look on his face, so she's happy for him. Elke says she's gonna visit her dad's shop with mom later on, she's so excited! At the orbment shop, Carrie says she refuses to make anything which distorts her aesthetic tastes, but her new boss often makes demands for crude products… Just seeing his face alone makes her will to create wither like a dried reed. Orbment shop owner Nigel says store sales are going rather well, but it bothers him that these craftsmen aren't very serviceable, but whatever… Hee hee, now if he can just keep making money like this… Weapon shop owner Sein says he really struggled a lot and worked hard when the market began, and he thinks it's because of that hard work and experience that he has his own shop now. Learning to start at the bottom of the heap is important for anyone.

Cecilia remarks that sometimes she wonders why she ever married her husband. It was the worst mistake of her life! Kuwano states that men, no matter how old they get, have a little childish part in them. A part that makes them always want to chase after their dreams! Too bad women can't seem to understand this… Modena says that Borden's wife helps him with the business, and while she tried to help her husband with his work a few times… let's just say that the results weren't great. It looks like she's best cut out for supporting her husband and Mirano here at home. She's sure that her husband is going to walk through that door any minute now with a nonchalant look on his face…

Mirano says that the flights stopping has actually turned out to be good for business, as she's able to earn quite a lot more with her father temporarily out of the picture. She'll try to pick up as much of the slack as she can for his work during this time. Because she originally got her own business started by helping him out like this, she basically knows the way Simon thinks and how he'll act…

Borden mentions that with the Bose airspace designed as a no-fly zone, businesses are being hit hard economically. Flights from the border are also being held up. At this rate, there will be no deals to be made! Mirano seems to be hammering away under these conditions anyway, though. If she can do it, he won't give up either! Rionne says her husband proceeds rationally with his deals and business talks, but Mr. Trino is the exact opposite. He pushes with vigor and flair. However, Ms. Mirano is getting together with both of them… She's almost like Mayor Maybelle in a number of ways. In the near future, Mirano just may strip her of the top seat if she's not careful, but that's going to make them hold back on anything, that's for sure. Alvelle says her mom saw the culprits, too. (Huh?) He wonders what Mirano is doing right now…?

At Verte Bridge, Private Lacos says both of the higher ups here have been soldiers since the Hundred Days War. The two of them have very different personalities but both are extremely calm. Especially the Warrant Officer, who does everything at his own pace. He seems as if he enjoys anything. Private Antose says that even now, not much information is being passed on to the checkpoints. They don't really know how the Royal Army is moving - he's getting impatient, he wants to mobilize too!

Warrant Officer Dyne wonders how an entire airliners just disappears? Bizarre stuff happens, he supposes. Although it seems like something that big should be easy to find, right? He questions if old General Morgan is growing senile or something? Ah, he'd better not be caught talking like that or the chief's gonna have a field day with him!

At Haken Gate, Carlos muses that whether someone is happy in life or not, it's all based on how satisfied they are, right? As long as a person is satisfied that it doesn't really matter what anybody else says, that person is happy. He wants to live a life that changes on a whim, so that's what he's going to do, and he's not going to let anybody give him crap about it either! At the inn, Amelia happened to hear from the soldiers that this hunk of a colonel is coming to visit the fort. She just doesn't know what she's going to do if he speaks to her. She's better find something nice to wear! Barman Nolan says the border garrison seems to be really busy, but moving this many troops and still being unable to find an airliner looks pretty bad for the military. It looks like our men in uniform have their work cut out for them.

We can also speak to bracer Sting once again, who mentions that he's just on his way back from escorting a traveler from the Empire, but he's going to go straight to the next job instead of dropping by the guild first. Scherazard concludes things must be very busy then, and asks to sit down for a drink after we take care of some of these jobs. Sting refuses, claiming he doesn't drink, though Schera seems dubious. Since when, exactly?

Next: Would you believe there's more sidequests? Also, off to Ravennue - for something other than sidequests!
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