Let's Play RPGs I Missed! [Now Playing: The Legend of Dragoon]

Trails in the Sky (Part 7) - Farm Investigation

Farm Investigation

Enough dilly-dallying, it's about time to do the main quest, and head to the Perzel Farm! As we walk up to it, we get a brief cutscene showing the entire place, including a few children playing, fields full of harvest-ready crops, an orbal tractor, several greenhouses, and a bunch of chickens! Estelle says that no matter when we come here, this place is always so tranquil… It's hard to imagine monsters running amok here. Joshua doesn't sense anything out of the ordinary either, so he suggests we should go ask someone to fill us in on the details. Estelle questions if her old friend Tio is home today?

A young boy, Will, greets Joshua and asks if he came to play with him? Joshua says he wishes he had the time, but he's afraid he's here for work. Will thinks that's no fun, and Joshua figures they can play later, maybe - if there's time. Estelle comments that the kids here really like him, don't they? She then greets Chere, Will's sister, and asks how she's been. Where are her mom and dad? Chere answers that they're actually not home right now, but Tio is outside somewhere if we want to talk to her… Tio is actually way in the back, and we have to cut through the cow enclosure to reach her at the milking machine.

She's surprised to see us - did we come for a visit? Estelle clarifies that we're exactly here on bracer business, since we heard they were having some trouble with monsters out here. We explain that we're there to do Cassius' work since he's away. Tio is just amazed that we've finished all our training, and thinks that's wonderful news! Maybe we can help after all! Estelle concludes monsters really have been causing trouble, then? Tio confirms that regrettably it's been the case for the past several days now. Thanks to that, she's suffering from lack of sleep… Joshua concludes that the monsters must only come out at night, and Tio says he's very perceptive. It'd be better to get the details from her father, though. She imagines he should be back from delivering milk and vegetables any time now.

Heading back to the house, Chere mentions that her parents just came home - they're inside! We immediately step in and Estelle cheerfully greets Mr. and Mrs. Perzel. The former wonders what brings us to this next of the woods? Did we come to see Tio? Estelle mentions we were just chatting with her outside, while Joshua admits that we're actually here on an errand for the Bracer Guild. Estelle then hands over the Guild Referral, and Joshua explains the whole situation regarding subbing in for Cassius. Soon enough we've all taken a place at a table, and Mrs. Perzel, Hannah, asks if this job isn't a little dangerous for just the two of us to handle? Mr. Perzel, Franz, agrees - he'd feel terrible if one of us were to get hurt! Estelle tells them not to sweat it - we're bracers, after all. Taking care of monsters is right up our alley!

Joshua explains that the guild has even authorized us to carry out this task, so if they wouldn't mind leaving it to us, we'd be more than grateful. Franz relents, and says we should go ahead and have at it, then. Estelle thanks him, and asks him to tell us a little more about the monsters that have been wrecking the fields. Franz admits he hasn't been able to get a clear look at one yet, but they seem to resemble something like a chubby cat. As far as he can tell three or four of them appear at night and raid the fields, gnawing on anything they can get their grubby little paws on. Hannah says they don't seem threatening exactly, but they're extremely nimble. They've tried many times to capture them over the course of the last several nights, but to no avail!

Estelle thinks they sound like a weird bunch of creatures, while Joshua concludes that if they only appear under the cover of night, we'll have to wait for it to get dark… Franz suggests we take a load off until then, and Hannah assumes we'll also be joining them for dinner, right? Estelle declares that she just said the magic word! Of course she will! She's a huge fan of Mrs. Perzel's cooking, and she can't wait! Hannah jokes that she sure knows how to please a woman who spends a lot of time toiling in the kitchen. Just for that she'll whip her up something special that will live up to her expectations!

Night soon falls, and we see a shot of the farm clothed in shadows.

The camera moves inside and we can see that Joshua is playing with the children in the main room while Hannah cleans up after dinner. Estelle and Tio are in one of the bedrooms, and the former says that was a delicious meal. Tio's mom's cooking is as good as ever! Tio laughs and says it's because she gets excited to cook whenever there's guests over for meals. She feels bad for Joshua, though, what with the little ones jumping all over him like that… Estelle says that's probably a good thing - surprisingly enough, kids tend to latch on to him a lot. If anything, she's more blown away by the fact that the children enjoy playing with such a stick-in-the-mud!

Tio thinks that's a bit of an over-exaggeration, right? Joshua is courteous and reserved, sure, but if you get to know him he's a really caring young man. The fact that he's not self-conscious about it, too, gives him points in her book. Think about it - with those striking facial features, mysterious amber eyes and lush black hair, it's only natural that he'd be the target for all the young girls! Estelle wonders if Joshua is really that popular? Tio wonders if she's blind? Rumor has it that more than just a few girls have asked to go out with him, but he turned them all down. Estelle irritably says Joshua never said a word to her about this. She doesn't know how she should even begin to describe his secretive nature after hearing this, but how utterly cruel of him not to confide in her! Tio guesses that if Estelle was a boy, it would be a different story, but as a girl she doesn't think he would talk to her about it. Estelle just seems confused…

Joshua suddenly speaks up from outside the room, asking if Estelle is in there? It's about time to do the rounds! Estelle hastily replies that she's coming, and assures Tio she'll be back after she and Joshua get the job done to continue the conversation. Tio tells her to be careful out there… To herself, Tio mutters that Estelle is either completely out of touch with matters of the heart, or just plain dense… Poor Joshua has his work cut out for him…

You know, I am a little weirded out by how wholesome this whole game is, for the most part... and yet how often it returns to this sibling love match business? There's several NPCs which seem to have Estelle and Joshua as their OTP, and I guess I'll have to chalk it up to just Japanese things. I get that there's no blood relation, and he was adopted at like age ten, so it's a little less creepy than it could be - but they've still grown up and lived as siblings for half a decade at this point, and Estelle at least quite firmly pushes back on the subject when it comes up (unless she misses it entirely, like here.) I guess we'll see how this develops, but I still get a skeevy feeling from the heavy-handed relationship hints about these siblings. Got enough of that in Game of Thrones...

Anyway, outside the room, Joshua tells Estelle that it seems as though the monsters always show up at about this time, so we'd better head outside and have a look around. Estelle grumbles to herself, still mulling over her earlier conversation, and decides she just has to ask - he doesn't happen to have any… secrets he's not telling her about, right? Joshua asks where she's coming up with this stuff? Estelle muses that since he came to live with the Bright family, we've always done everything together, right? Even though we've had our fair share of fights, they're all good memories for her now, and… What she means to say is that she's come to think of him as family in every sense of the word. So… if there's anything on his mind he'd like to talk about, she's available to lend an ear. You know, stuff like trouble with his love life and whatnot…

Joshua wonders what she's even trying to say? 'N-nothing!' Estelle says. She just wanted to let him know that she's here to listen if he needs someone to talk to, that's all! Now let's hurry up and kick some monster butt! Joshua wonders what kind of nonsense Tio is putting into that girl's head…? He looks somewhat off as he ponders having secrets. (I'm guessing that whatever dark secret Joshua is pondering here has absolutely nothing to do with what Tio is thinking, because he's far more of an edgelord emo boy than anything.)

Stepping into the night, Estelle comments that it's really dark out here in the countryside! She asks Joshua how he thinks we should go about making the rounds, and he suggests we should start by checking around the house first, and then move on to the fields, stable, and greenhouses. We should be able to cover the entire farm that way. Estelle thinks that sounds good.

If we go back inside, following Joshua's suggestions of checking out the house first (even if he didn't mean it that way) we can get a little bonus dialogue. Chere asks Joshua if he is gonna kill the bad monsters now? Isn't he scared? Joshua assures her that he's fine, this is what bracers do. She just calls him so brave. Will thanks Joshua for playing with him earlier, and wants to do it again sometime. Hannah says she heard from Tio that we were training to be bracers, but she never imagined we'd be the ones dispatched here! Tio just warns us to be careful outside - it's dark! Franz mentions that the monsters they saw didn't seem vicious, just quick…

Walking through the fields causes a cutscene to play. Estelle mentions it's awfully quiet - all she can hear are the bugs chirping. Joshua agrees that it doesn't look as if the monsters have shown up yet. He wonders if they're aware of our presence?

Estelle, apropos of nothing, wonders if anyone ever told him that story as a kid? You know, the one about babies being born in a cabbage patch? Joshua says that question came entirely out of the blue… and no, he was told about an angel with silver wings woh delivers them. Estelle thinks that's interesting - so the explanation for where babies come from differs depending on the region, huh? Joshua just thinks we should get back to work…

We poke our head in the glasshouses, but there's nothing in there - Joshua says we should have figured they wouldn't bother coming in here. Estelle thinks the glow of the orbments gives the place a romantic ambiance, though - makes her feel like it was all worthwhile just setting foot in here. Joshua says she's definitely a ditz, and an annoyed Estelle responds that's still better than being dense, like someone she knows. Heading over to the cow paddock we find more… bupkis. Nothing. Heading back out, though, causes Estelle to whisper to Joshua that he should look over there, to his right. Monsters! A strange squat critter cries 'Miyaaaowwn!' and quickly rushes off. It's getting away!

Estelle runs after it, yelling that the little furball should get back here! Joshua says it seems like it's staying put on the farm at the moment, which Estelle thinks is great - because it's about to get caught! We then get a bit of a minigame - you have to chase the critter around, basically. There is a trick to it, though - just like with wild combat encounters, attacking from behind gives you an advantage. In this case that means running around so we approach from the place where the critter isn't looking, then rushing in. That way you can tackle this thing on the first attempt, instead of following it around everywhere and retrying! Apparently you get bonus BP if you do that? Estelle cheers at her success, and says it's time to teach this critter a lesson… Joshua agrees this is where our job really starts, so we should stay alert and not let our guards down!

[Boss: Crop Muncher*2, Giant Crop Muncher]

I guess this is kind of a boss? The two small munchers are not much of a threat, since they have a habit of pulling a dirty rat and just doing nothing on their turn, or running around like they're confused where they are. The big one, though, has some tricks up his sleeve, including wind-elemental arts attacks that can be a nuisance. I ended up Soul Blurring the guy into fainting, which basically gave us a bunch of free hits - it's not nearly as threatening as the optional Pine Plant boss, honestly, even if it technically does have a couple of adds.

After the fight is over, we fade back in to see the entire family gathered outside, with the trio of crop munchers just sitting right there, presumably tied up or defeated. They let out some pitiable cries, at least. Franz declares that the work of a bracer sure is something else! We have done a fine job rounding up these critters! Estelle says it was nothing, really. Tee-hee! She just wanted to ask, though, now that they've been caught - what do they plan on doing with these critters? We can then choose between stating that they won't cause any more trouble after that beating they got, or asking if we really have to exterminate them. Regardless of our choice, Joshua asks how showing mercy to these creatures now is going to benefit anyone? We're here to do a job by exterminating these monsters, remember? In any case, we're here to do a job in Dad's place. If the same thing happens again, what will she have to say for herself?

Estelle sees what Joshua is getting at, but clearly doesn't feel comfortable with killing the captive monsters. Tio muses that the only thing that was damaged was a few vegetables, so perhaps they could let it slide this time? Hannah thinks that after taking a beating like that, the monsters have surely learned their lesson. Estelle is touched by their support for her views, but Joshua strongly suggests they should do otherwise! Franz decides he opposes killing them too. Whether it's us or them, the fact of the matter is that we're all living beings trying to survive on the same land. To some degree, he thinks, we should all be mindful of those creatures living around us as we go about our daily lives… Joshua relents, saying that since this is coming from the ones who suffered the actual loss, he won't object to his request. Franz apologizes to Joshua, since he knows they had the two of us come all the way up here. He'll make sure to reinforce the fence and devise a way to prevent this from happening again!

That's that, then - Estelle turns to the crop munchers and tells them that they'd better count their blessings. If they're caught around here again, they won't be so lucky! Now scram! With a pitiful cry the creatures quickly hop off screen.

Franz declares the matter closed. Tonight has been a long night, so how about we all head back inside and hit the sack? He says the two of us are welcome to spend the night. We tell him we appreciate the hospitality, and follow them inside.

A few moments later, we watch the two siblings arrive at the guest bedroom. Estelle is beat - it's really late, so how about we get some sleep? Joshua is quiet, so Estelle prods him for an answer. Joshua… apologizes. He made the situation really awkward for everyone. Estelle asks if he's talking about what happened outside? He shouldn't sweat it, she guarantees nobody thought anything of it. Really, his judgment was the most sound of anyone's. Joshua disagrees - no, he's just cold-hearted and indifferent, that's all. Even now, he still thinks we shouldn't have shown any mercy and simply put those creatures out of their misery. Unlike her and Tio, he doesn't feel compassion. It's at times like these, he muses, that he really begins to loathe himself… It's almost as if there's something wrong with him as a person…

Estelle walks closer, furious, and yells at Joshua to stop saying things like that about himself!

She's watched almost everything he's done for the past five years, and she's confident in saying that she knows his strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else. Probably even more than him! She won't allow him to just disregard everything with a bunch of nonsense. She doesn't ever want to hear him say he's broken again! Joshua apologizes, and says it was foolish of him to say that. Estelle insists that as long as he understands what she said, that's what really matters. But… believe it or not, she's happy to hear him admit how he felt. His real problem is that he always tries to keep his feelings locked up inside. Whenever he's troubled or worried he just goes around with this nonchalant look and tries to fix everything by himself. That's a little upsetting for someone who's supposed to be her family.

Estelle says that Joshua was able to lay bare his own weakness today, and learned to trust in someone other than himself - for that, she is happy! Joshua responds that he doesn't know what her point is, but he's amazed she can just stand there and say something as embarrassing as that. Estelle primly says that she's got a whole lot more where that came from! How about we call it a night, though? After all that running around, she's ready to drop! Joshua wishes her good night… and thanks her. Lights out.

I kind of love how Joshua's full-on emo-trip gets undercut so efficiently by Estelle? They work well together. Estelle is a ditz, sure, but she's clearly the kind of person that Joshua needs to keep his mood in check, while in recompense he's the intellect to help compensate for Estelle's questionable memory and occasional idiocy. Clearly Joshua is prone to a harsher, more mercenary mindset where a monster extermination request is just that - no negotiation, no compromise. Estelle meanwhile is more emotionally sensitive, it seems, but struggles with taking everything as seriously as she should. So far, they've done a good job catching each other when they fall (aside from that time Dad has to show up.) I appreciate that it makes sense why these two would team up.

Anyway, in the morning, we see Estelle and Joshua saying their farewells to the family, with Franz thanking us both for doing them a great service. Once again he apologizes that things didn't turn out the way they should have… Joshua assures him that he shouldn't worry about it anymore. We were able to learn a lot from the experience.

If there's anything we can help with in the future, they should let the Bracer Guild know. They promise that's the first place they'll contact, and Tio asks us to swing by sometime when we're free. Hannah says they'd love to have us over for the night again when things are convenient for us. She'll treat us to some of her best cooking next time we come! We depart, and Joshua suggests heading back to the guild - after reporting this task, we can move on to the next!

Naturally, having finished a major mission, there's new dialogue:

Near the Abend Bar, Claire says that according to her sources, it looks like there's been an incident at the Perzel Farm. She wonders if she should go barging into the guild and report it to Aina? Radmira contemplates heading for Grancel, but grouches that her idiot son hasn't been any help… Just when she thinks he's starting to help, he disappears somewhere! Near the seating area, Ida complains about her troublesome kitten - where is she? Could she be taking a nap somewhere?

Inside the bar, Mirano says she happened to hear that Rolent has quite a few skilled bracers, and she even heard that the newest two recruits are promising as well. Not only does this city have a wealth of natural resources, but it is also blessed with human resources. She wonders if the mayor of Bose would be happy if she scouted some new 'people' commodities? Simon tells Mirano that he doesn't think they have time to be looking for new 'human' resources… Elissa asks how our work is coming along? We should come and take a break here every now and then, alright?

At the counter, Paddington recounts that 10 years ago, the Imperial Army broke through the borders and surrounded Rolent. In an effort to convince the inhabitants of the city to surrender, they bombarded the clock tower… Paddington quickly realizes who he's saying this to, and apologizes for bringing up bad memories. Estelle seems uncomfortable, but tells him it's all right, really. Barman Faulkner asks after that foreigner named Scherazard who works at the Rolent branch - not only is she attractive, but she's one of his best customers too! Which he's thankful for, of course, but when it comes to liquor she's unbelievable. Estelle and Joshua know what he means, and can empathize. Faulkner laments that she's normally such a beautiful, friendly young woman, too… but when she comes alone he gets afraid, because he's the one who gets stuck talking to her all night!

Densel mentions that he just got a message from the Perzel Farm, and they said that the vegetables should come in any time now. He's already getting his vegetables from somewhere else at the moment, but the farm's are still the best. Tabitha similarly got the message that the Perzel Farm will start shipping vegetables again - apparently they had their fields ravaged, so they hired some bracers! (Who knew?)

Behind the church, Charles thanks us for finding his rock earlier - we really helped him out a ton. That said, he can't believe his mom is trying to sell folk crafts in a city that has ships that can fly! He's just amazed at how brazen she is when it comes to business. Nearby, Luke mentions that he saw Mayor Klaus weeding around the clock tower earlier. Estelle confirms that's a hobby of his - there are rumors that really enjoys gardening, too! Joshua wonders if that's where he gets his 'Ol' Man Klaus' nickname? Estelle is just glad he's so informal and accessible for everyone. Yuni says he was surprised that the mayor greeted her with such a big voice! Pat comments that the mayor's garden is very well kept, and that he does that by himself…

Father Divine warns that the greater the light, the darker the shadow becomes. When one's soul is touched by a blinding light, it becomes conscious of the darkness within, and embraces a contrite spirit. Especially those who are tormented by the sins of the past… Joshua looks pained at that. The priest continues preaching: he says that through this ordeal, one can understand the pain and suffering of others and reach a greater plane of insight. What is important for the individual is preparing for the future and deciding what one wants to do. Estelle complains that these sermons are always difficult for her to understand.

The girl in uniform is listening attentively and says she completely agrees with his inspired words. Sister May says she'll be teaching Sunday School from now on, and hopes the children will listen to what she has to say…

Elger has heard we started work as bracers, and asks how everything's coming along? Joshua says we're surviving so far, and Estelle explains that we managed to deal with the monster problem up at the Perzel Farm. Elger says that it seems we've got what it takes after all, and we can become adequate fill-ins for Cassius in his absence. He tells Estelle not to be a handful For Joshua, though, and she wonders why she's the one who always gets lectured…

Stella says that we'll need to work hard so we can give our father a good report. We shouldn't overdo it, though - moderation is key! Estelle assures her we know that already. Stella muses that we're still young and inexperienced, so there's no shame in asking those around us for help. Especially Joshua, who is the type to keep all his feelings pent up inside. It's been a source of concern for her. Joshua apologizes for causing her undue worry. Stella says she's not worried about Estelle being unable to share her feelings with the world, though… Estelle thinks that didn't exactly sound like a compliment, but Stella responds that nobody said her outspokenness was a bad thing…

Rinon wonders if Estelle has been busy lately? He's been kind of sad she hasn't been by to buy junk food lately. Estelle, miffed, argues that there's nothing wrong with that eating cookies and snacks is the right of any girl her age! Rinon laughs, and tells her to stop by again when she's got a day off. He'll look into those sneakers she likes so much. Bloom muses that her son is too busy with running his story to worry about other things… Men reach manhood status by having a family and rearing children, not by staying single! She guesses it's time to lend a helping hand as his mother…

At the orbal factory, Melders says he heard airliners are equipped with huge machines called orbal engines or some such thing - they use an orbment structure as well, and were apparently invented by some big-wig professor.

At his home, Fate talks about the time the Imperial Army broke through the borders 10 years ago and trampled the entire kingdom. They were able to drive them out through a darn near miraculous lightning-quick military operation. Without that plan, Rolent would probably be a part of the Empire's territory today. Fate himself was assigned to the unit in Rolent and fought in the war, but his leg was injured by a piece of flying shrapnel…

At the southwest apartments, Euridice mentions that recently, her husband has been doing well with his work, and she just wishes her father would recognize him as a suitable successor… Radford states that in the timber industry, woodsmen don't just grow trees to be used - they watch over the forests, live with the forests, and give thanks for their bounteous blessings. When a person can do all of these, then they can be called a real woodsman. His daughter's husband is still half a man in that respect… Upstairs, Frissa received word from the mine where her husband works - it seems they've discovered something incredible in a new lode! She wonders what it was… Anya says that when her daddy's not around, she does her best to help out mommy. She helps with cooking, cleaning, and laundry too! Don't we think she's a big help?

At the northwest apartments, Serra wonders what her son Pat wants to be in the future. Unlike Luke, who wants to be a bracer, she wants him to pick a safe and stable job. Rhett mentions that Liberl is divided up into five regions with a central city in each, and Mayor Klaus has been given charge of Rolent, one of those cities. Although he's called 'Ol' Man Klaus' because he likes to potter about his garden, he's actually a very capable leader. Maggy mentions that her boy is a soldier in the Royal Army. He was posted in the Royal City before, but now he's assigned to security at the Verte Checkpoint to the west. (Yeah, we met!) When he gets back, she wants him to give Luke a good scolding!

At the hotel, Verne asks if the two of us have ever met some of the other bracers that have stayed here in this very hotel? They often have bracers registered at other branches dispatched here, after all. In one of the rooms, Seagaro mentions that though they came here on a pilgrimage, Rolent has a wonderful locale, and he likes this place! Edel is impressed that this hotel is a lot nicer than she had anticipated - the manager is extremely courteous, and the place is relaxed and immaculate. This is another kind of elegance quite different from the luxurious hotels in the Royal City.

At the Mayor's house, Lita mentions that it seems the Perzel Farm's vegetables are finally going to be shipped. By any measure the weather certainly hasn't been bad this year, so she wonders if something happened? Mylene, up in her room, says she heard from Lita that the vegetables haven't arrived, and wonders what's going on. The vegetables from Perzel Farm have such a delicious, fresh flavor! Mayor Klaus mentions that he heard something wonderful came out of a new lode at the Malga Mine. He's put in a request to the Bracer Guild to transport it here, but…

At the landing port we can find a guy named Orvid who cures out the 'damn bracers' for keeping him waiting. If they don't hurry and get here, he's going to miss his flight! He should have expected as much from a rural backwater like this… (Why do I get the feeling I'll have to do a sidequest for this blowhard soon?) Fabree explains that the biggest freight export is, of course, septium. Since the orbment industry developed, it looks like the mine has been seeing a boom in demand! Skip mentions that all the airliners have powerful orbal engines mounted on-board. He's been told that it costs untold amounts of mira to develop something like that, and it's only through the capital investment from the Royal Family that these airliners have become a reality.

Alan proclaims that homegrown girls are fine, but those chicks coming from the Royal City and Bose have that extra layer of polished beauty. Even giving up the homegrown girls for one of them would be a difficult choice, though… Speaking of the Royal City, though, Queen Alicia's granddaughter, Princess Klaudia, lives there. Rumor has it she's quite the looker, and he wonders if that's true.

Upstairs at the Bracer Guild, Ridge concludes the two of us were trained by Schera, then? When Estelle confirms it, he says we're in the same boat, then. In fact, it's his pride and joy that he trained under Schera. She's considered one of the best bracers in the entire kingdom, after all! He's worked together with her, and he can tell us that her nickname 'Silver Streak' isn't for show. Beginning with our father Cassius, the Rolent Branch is bleed with some extremely skilled bracers. Estelle guesses Schera is really talented then, isn't she? Joshua says hearing this from someone else makes him realize it all over again…

Incidentally, just to make clear how expansive the dialogue updating is - all the secondary locations have changed too. Back at Verte Bridge, Private Scott complains that he's stuck standing at the door today, but travelers are incredibly sparse. With all this free time, he's started trying to find shapes in the clouds as they pass by. He's so bored. Private Harold says the checkpoint is very quiet, so all he can hear is the babbling of the river and the chirping song of birds. It's way more relaxing than the farm where he worked before!

Back at the Perzel Farm, Tio says she's really thankful, and hopes that the next time we come here, we try to do it when we're free from work! Chere and Will won't stop asking when we'll come to visit again… Will asks Joshua to come again soon - for sure! Inside, Chere stutters a request for Joshua too, she'd really like him to come and play with her again sometime! She'll be waiting with Will. Hannah says the two of us are now wonderful bracers, but we shouldn't overwork ourselves. We should come by if we have free time, she'd love to have us over! Franz says we really helped out, and now they'll be able to get back to shipping out vegetables like before. The good news is that there are a lot of people waiting for their produce. They'd better get to work so they can get what they need!

At Gurune Gate, Private Logan says that during the Hundred Days War, the Royal City escaped from falling into enemy hands because of the Ahnenburg Wall. It seems that even the Imperial Army, which overpowered the other four major cities, ran into trouble with this wall! Private Ethan says that Grancel Castle is an elegant structure which sits on the shore of Valleria Lake, and the bustle of the city just outside it is pretty hectic. Private Anden, the local paper pusher, says there are checkpoints on all regional borders within the Liberl Kingdom, and that's because they began checking all travelers entering or leaving the regions after the Hundred Days War. It's basically the same as checking your identification when you buy an airliner ticket. (Dear God, the checkpoints are Liberl's version of the Post-9/11 TSA! They sacrificed freedom for security, argh!)

CWO Robin mentions that the Royal City is slowly but surely making preparations for the Queen's birthday celebration. He's certainly looking forward to it! In a sideroom, Warrant Officer Graves notes that a new organization popped up in the Royal City made up entirely of people who love to fish. He's kinda interested in what type of organization it is too, since he also loves to fish! On the other side of the hall, Sam the innkeeper muses that he should wash and dry all the sheets while the weather's clear. He wants his customers to be able to sleep well if they're going to come all the way here, yes siree! Emily the cook says the more she uses a frying pan, the more beautiful it becomes. She couldn't be happier than when the black luster gets burned into the metal with each dish she prepares. For a cook, it's like making your mark on a pan!

Up on the walls, Private Selbourne says nothing's been out of the ordinary today, and both the Grancel and Rolent sides are pretty quiet. Ten years ago the outside of this wall was flooded with the Imperial Army, but now it's almost impossible to imagine…

Private Thomas, on the roof, says that it's good nothing unusual has happened today… He's starting to get hungry, so after he reports in, maybe he'll get a bite to eat at the mess hall? The owner of the mess hall loves new things and is always changing the menu, though the downside is that not everything she makes is actually good…

Next: More sidequests? More sidequests! Cleaning up everything until the next major quest, basically.
Trails in the Sky (Part 8) - Rolent Sidequests II

Rolent Sidequests II

With the farm job finished, it's time to check in at the guild! Aina wonders how the job went, and we admit that while there were some bumps on the road, we'll give a brief report of the details… We convey the specifics of what happened, and we're given payment for our work - 1000 mira and a total of 3 BP. Aina also comments on us setting the monsters free because the Perzel family requested us to do so - she thinks it was premature on our part, but she won't pursue the matter any further. Estelle wonders if it's okay to leave things at that…? Aina states the mission of a bracer is to protect civilians and uphold justice, but there are many ways we can protect those around us, and there are as many forms of justice as there are stars in the heavens.

Joshua agrees that our work has very profound implications if you think about it that way. Aina argues that's because we aren't an organization that deals strictly with monster problems - we also intervene when disputes arise between nations. To become a high-ranking bracer, one must have more than combat strength. A well-honed mind and flexible problem-solving skills are also required. Estelle muses that the road to the big leagues sounds a lot steeper than she originally thought… Aina laughs and says our only choice is to devote ourselves to working hard every day. Estelle says those are the words she's been waiting to hear!

We inquire after our next job - another extermination request? Not this time, it turns out: this next job will entail the transportation of goods. The mayor has made a direct request! Estelle is surprised, while Joshua wonders if it'll be all right to leave such an important task up to us? Aina argues that from what she's heard, it's a simple job - we should ask Mayor Klaus directly regarding the details of the next job, over at his house at the east of town…

Before following up on that, though, a whole slew of new sidequests have opened up for us on the Bracer Guild's bulletin board.

Mushroom Hunt
Term: Long​
Client: Orvid Co., Ltd.​
Pay: 700 Mira​
Difficulty: Medium​
"I am looking for a rare mushroom that grows only where there are rich deposits of septium in the ground. Should be an easy, fun job! For details, please come seek me out. My name is Orvid, and I'll be waiting at the landing port."​
Orbment Replacement
Term: Short​
Client: Freddy​
Pay: 600 Mira​
Difficulty: Medium​
"I'm looking for someone to replace a malfunctioning Orbment Light in a road lamp on the Milch Main Road. For details, please come see me at the Melders Orbal Factory."​
Medical Necessities
Term: Long​
Client: Father Divine​
Pay: 250 Mira​
Difficulty: High​
"I am searching for a flower known as a Bear Claw, and a Savory Pinion. The former is native to the forest of Mistwald south of Rolent, and the latter comes from insect-like monsters. Anyone who finds these items, please come see me at the Rolent Chapel."​
Soldier Training
Term: Medium​
Client: CWO Ashton​
Pay: 500 Mira​
Difficulty: Low​
"The soldiers stationed at the Verte Bridge are set to undergo special training, and we're looking for a few good men or women to play the parts of enemy soldiers. If you're up to the task, contact Chief Warrant Officer Ashton at the Verte Checkpoint on the west end of the main road."​

Let's knock these down right now, shall we?

Side Job: Orbment Replacement
At the orbment shop, Freddy greets the two new bracers who seem to be having some success lately. He's been hearing a lot about our hard work! Estelle argues that because we're still new at this, we have to work extra hard. Freddy is encouraged to hear that, and says we came at a good time- he's actually got an urgent job that needs to be taken care of. Do we think we're up to the task of replacing an Orbment Light in a road lamp along the Milch Main Road?​
We accept, of course, and Freddy really appreciates it. He completely forgot it needed to be replaced today… Anyway, he's the lamp! He hands over a replacement orbment, and says he wants us to replace the one in the sixth road lamp on the road to the west, counting from Rolent's entrance. We should make sure we find the right one!​
Once we've found the road lamp, We'll need to open the maintenance panel - we'll need a 6-digit combination to unlock it. Estelle wonders if he's serious? Freddy gives the number, but it goes in one ear and out the other, and Estelle wonders if he can say it again? Joshua, naturally, remembers perfectly: 544818. Estelle just calls him a show-off. Freddy explains that after the combination is entered the panel will open, and all that's left is to replace the actual orbment. It may seem like a simple task, but we should make sure not to mess it up. The road lamp may have been out of order for a while, after all.​
Joshua recalls that the road lamps keep large monsters away, and Freddy says that it's not really more than an unconscious dislike for them, but if they do go out you run into real problems. That's why he'd like us to take care of this. The road lamps are placed just off the roads in areas where monsters are most likely to appear, after all. Estelle declares that he should just leave those monsters to her, and she'll take care of them! Joshua suggests letting him deal with the combination, then… Freddy leaves the decision up to us…​
Since monsters barely ever wander onto the road (due to those lamps) it's not hard to just run past several of these pillars until we find one that's interactive. We quickly confirm that it's the correct lamp - it has 'No. 6' written on the maintenance panel as well.​
As we start our work, though, Joshua warns that it may not be that easy! A whole bunch of flying felines have shown up, and Estelle wonders where they all came from? Joshua concludes the lamp really did burn out, and decides one of us will have to fend off the monsters, while the other replaces the orbment. We can choose here between our two characters - whoever you pick will have to take on the mobs on their own in a solo battle.​
I decide to let Joshua handle the mobs, while Estelle handles the orbment light - I expect more hijinks that way. Joshua wonders if Estelle even knows how to replace one of these lights, and she wonders how hard it could be? Even she can do something as simple as replacing an orbment! 'Says the girl who glues her hand to her head once…' Joshua mutters. All right - if she says so. With that we're tossed into a Joshua vs. four Flying Felines fight, but thankfully we're leveled enough they're no longer a significant threat. As the first wave goes down, he asks Estelle how it's coming…?​
Estelle is just entering the combination for the maintenance panel - she's pretty sure it was… We get to pick between three very similar options, and have to pick out the specific code that was mentioned earlier. I get it right on my first try here, and Estelle smugly says she's too smart for her own good sometimes! (If you screw up, you have to fight more mobs with Joshua and try again.) Estelle pops in the new lamp and - voila! Joshua compliments her good work, and it seems with the reactivation of the light, all the monsters have fled too.​
Estelle is relieved, since she got all stressed out over this job, though Joshua says that's reasonable considering the circumstances. What really surprises him the most, though, is that Estelle remembered the combination! Estelle whistles and wonders if he wants to know the truth? She actually just saw a jumble of numbers in her head, and the buttons she happened to press were the right ones! Joshua thinks he should have known - she's really something else! Estelle quickly moves on, noting that our job is done here - so let's just think about something else, yeah? Let's report back to Freddy!​
Freddy can tell from the look on our faces that we've finished the job, and Estelle proudly confirms that we did. Although we did have a few hang ups… Joshua agrees that we'd like to report to him as a matter of good measure. We lay out the details, and Freddy notes that the orbment really was burnt out, huh? He's sure that happened because they were late in replacing it, and is sorry that we were put in harm's way because of him. Estelle says there's no need for that - it comes with the territory. Dealing with dangerous jobs is part of a bracer's work.​
To make amends, Freddy gives us the Impede 2 quartz, which is actually really freaking nice. If equipped, it gives your attacks a 50% chance of canceling enemy arts, and it's got an elemental value of 3 wind, so you can get access to the AOE attack Aerial pretty easily. Thanks, man! Freddy says his thanks again, and tells us to swing by if we have any orbment-related needs. Don't mind if I do! At this point I've got unlocked three slots on both my characters, mostly to get more EP, but that Impede 2 is going right in!​

Side Job: Soldier Training
We can talk to CWO Ashton over at Verte Bridge, and he greets us cheerfully - did we come here after seeing the bulletin board at the guild? He's actually been thinking recently about doing a simulated battle to whip his men into shape, so he put in a request for a few good men and women to play the part of enemy soldiers. He thinks the pair of us would be the perfect fit for the job, so how about it? Can we do this for him? We gladly accept, and he's pleased. We should go ahead and take a break until the preparations are complete. If we're not in tip-top condition, then there's no point in doing the training. Estelle proclaims she's ready for an afternoon nap!​
The camera shifts to the outside, where Estelle and Joshua face off against Privates Scott and Harold. Ashton announces that training begins now! He tells everyone to advance five steps forward, then get ready! Everyone pulls out their weapons at that point. Scott says he was bored before, but… Harold admits that he knows this is just training and all, but it still scares the living daylights out of him! Ashton tells them this is a training exercise, so they should refrain from speaking. They need to take this seriously, as if it's a real battle! He tells us not to hold back, and Estelle says she never intended to. 'Yikes!' blurts Harold.​
[Boss: Royal Army Soldier*2]
These guys hit relatively hard, and they can inflict the blind status effect with their paintball weapons, which sucks. You can buy items back in town which grants immunity to blind, though, so the latter doesn't have to be an issue. I had some issues with this fight, mostly because I tackled it at a relatively low level, but they only have around 300 HP, so they don't stick around for very long. Obviously if you make sure you build up some S-Crafts, that makes this a lot quicker… I think technically you don't even have to win this fight, but you lose out on BP if you lose.​
Ashton tells everyone to stop fighting when the victor is clear, and Private Harold sighs in relief - it's finally over! Joshua tells everyone they did a good job, but Estelle isn't so kind - she calls Scott and Harold pathetic. Are they really supposed to be soldiers?​
Scott snaps back that she should be quiet. They're not all feral kids like her! Estelle angrily asks him to try and say that one more time! Ashton intervenes and tells Scott to knock it off, while Joshua tells Estelle she should seriously cool down too. Ashton then says that what Estelle just expressed is how the citizens of this region really feel. Do they really have what it takes to protect them? It seems as though they need to take another look in the mirror… When the two soldiers meekly accept this, Ashton tells them not to forget what they've learned today, and to strive to fulfill their duties.​
Back in his office, Ashton thanks us for our hard work today. Thanks to use, he thinks his soldiers have gotten the wake up call they needed. Estelle says there's no need to thank us, as it's us who should be thanking him! This was excellent training for us, too - a good learning experience. Ashton chuckles and says that if we think so, we're set for life as bracers. Though our positions may be different, we're both here to serve the public. Although he can't do much else, he'll pray for success for both of us. We thank him, and he tells us he hopes to see us again sometime! Outside, Private Scott says he hates being bored like this, but the training is even worse - his body seriously aches all over. Ow…​

Side Job: Mushroom Hunt
Over at the landing port, there's a guy complaining that the bracers aren't showing up quickly enough for his liking, and he might miss his flight! He should have expected that from a rural backwater burg like this! Orvid is suddenly surprised, though, when we show up and he recognizes the emblem on our vests. He's been waiting for us! He's got an urgent job, so do we have time to hear his request? Despite being a rude bastard, we decide to hear him out…​
Orvid gives the rundown and explains the details of the job… but not until after he formally introduces himself. He is Orvid, representative for Orvid Co., Ltd. We introduce ourselves, and Estelle mentions we're pretty new to this whole bracer thing, which makes Orvid dismiss us as greenhorns. Ah well, he guesses we'll have to do… When Estelle asks him to speak up, Orvid just moves on, excusing his lack of decorum - he's in a bit of a hurry.​
See, at the moment he's looking for a rare mushroom called the 'Firefly Fungus'. It's said to grow in soil rich in septium, and there are records of it being picked here in Rolent, but no shops seem to carry it… However, it is of vital necessity that he gets his hands on one, so he put in a request at the guildhouse. Joshua muses that if we need to find soil rich with septium, he can really only think of the Malga Trail as a possible location. He asks for the characteristics of the mushroom, and Orvid explains it normally grows in areas with patches of grass, but since it's buried in the dirt you need to look closely or you won't find it…​
Estelle thinks it sounds like this is going to be a pain… Orvid elaborates that once you dig up one of these mushrooms, we'll immediately know if it's a Firefly Fungus or not. For one, it glows with a light green color. Joshua reasons that must be why it's called a 'Firefly Fungus', and Estelle agrees that makes sense. Orvid wonders if that's enough detail for us to go on? Estelle and Joshua quickly summarize the essentials - we need to search patches of grass on the Malga Trail.​
There are plenty of random bits of grass on that road, but you actually need to travel all the way to the far side of the trail, close to the Malga Mine area, to actually run into a side-path with a chest containing a White Bracelet accessory and the particular patch of grass we need. 'Ah-HA!' Estelle blurts, she's found it! Now to claim our prize!​
She pulls out a glittering object, and says this must be the mushroom what's-his-face was talking about! 'Orvid' corrects Joshua. Estelle says it doesn't look all that tasty, but it sure is pretty for a mushroom… almost like septium, if you ask her! Joshua frowns, and says he might be worrying too much, but she should put that mushroom in her bag quickly… Estelle wonders what's up, but puts it away - but it's already too late. A group of flying felines are already approaching. Estelle quickly makes the connection that the mushroom attracts monsters, but Joshua just tells her to look out! They're attacking! The actual fight is pretty similar to the usual ones against these basic enemies, so they go down without too much of a fuss.​
Afterwards Estelle admits that was a surprise! Joshua double-checks that she put the fungus away, and explains that the light emitted by raw septium has the power to attract monsters, and it seems this mushroom has the same effect. Estelle is a step ahead and fumes about that sneaky merchant that sent us here - he never mentioned a single thing about this! Joshua thinks we should hurry back to town, and Estelle agrees - just wait till she gets her hands on that conniving merchant!​
Returning to Orvid at the landing port, he's quite pleased that we've found the mushroom. Estelle says we found it alright, but it might be different than the one we heard about from him, because this one attracts monsters! When Orvid nervously hems and haws in response, Joshua concludes he knew the risk, yet hired us for the job anyway. Orvid stutters and wonders how he was supposed to know something like that? Besides, a bracer's job is to deal with danger, right? Estelle snaps that a little heads up would have been nice, so we could have at least been prepared!​
Joshua is more interested in Orvid's motives for getting this fungus - what does he intend to use it for? Estelle acknowledges that this thing could be used as a weapon. So he should fess up. He had some big, nefarious plan in mind, right?! A nefarious mushroom plan! Orvid hesitates and says it should be obvious what he's going to use it for? For cooking, of course! Estelle can't believe people eat this thing, and Orvid laments that this is why it's such a pain to deal with country bumpkins. In the hands of a skilled chef, the more distinct the ingredient, the more profound the taste. From that perspective, the Firefly Fungus is the king of them all. This, no doubt, is the ultimate ingredient!​
Joshua just stares, while Estelle mutters that what he's saying is that it's food for people with bizarre eating habits? Orvid argues that's the talk of one unacquainted with a true delicacy. Then again, commoners like us would never have an opportunity to try such dishes… Estelle praises the heavens for that, as she'd never want to gnaw on a ratty green mushroom like that. Joshua quietly agrees it looks pretty nasty. Orvid says he's got other preparations to make, so he'd like us to hand over the mushroom and leave. Estelle is just glad to be rid of it.​
After handing it over, Orvid states that on behalf of this mushroom, he shall turn a blind eye to our ignorance. He'll pay us our fee too, so we should be grateful to our client! Estelle testily responds that nobody's going to buy that mushroom, you know! She then tells Joshua we should leave, and Orvid is glad to see the back of us.​

Side Job: Medical Necessities
The last job is to get some items from the Mistwald forest. This area is relatively high level, but since I did all the other side-quests first, I'm at least capable of tackling the 'Rhinocider' monsters that hide out around here. As the name suggests, they're rhino-like beetle things which can pack a wallop. There's also variants on that Pine Plant enemy from an earlier side-quest, hornets, and mist creatures. Most of them are weak to fire, so that makes things easier! Think we're really being taught the importance of elemental weaknesses early…​
Our task in the forest is to grab a Bear Claw, which is actually a plant that grows in various places. While we only really need one, which is easily accessible in the first area of this relatively expansive forest, there's a further two or three deeper Bear Claws in the forest, as well as a box with a Hide Jumpsuit, an armor upgrade.​
There's also a big tree with its own map, but there's nothing to be done there at the moment. Regardless, it's not a very difficult task despite the alleged high difficulty of the quest. The Savory Pinion, the other item I need, was already in my inventory because I beat up a few of the red bug enemies on the Malga Trail on the way to the glowing mushroom, and they drop that item regularly.​
With both in hand we head for the chapel, where Father Divine is startled when we show up with the medicinal ingredients he requested. He admits he's surprised that we went to all the trouble to do this for him. Weren't we hurt trying to gather these? Estelle says we're totally fine! Well, we were fine, maybe minus the 'totally' part? Father Divine is worried about her attitude, but she says there's nothing to worry about. He states he's told her this before - it's certainly a joyous occasion when everything goes well, but it is in these times when we should gird up our loins for the trials that lie ahead.​
Estelle promises to be more careful, which is when Divine decides that since we seem to have a bit of spare time, maybe he could deliver us a special sermon? Estelle thinks to herself that she wants anything but that, and says we really should get going… We've still got work to do, right, Joshua? He just wonders why he was brought into this, but backs her up and asks to be excused so we can return to the Guild. Divine is disappointed, but lets us go…​

With all these sidequests finished, we report in and get a bunch of money and BP, and end up with a nicely clean quest list:

Next: We see what the mayor wants from us, then head out towards Malga Mine...
So how are you enjoying the game so far?

It's quite fun, and despite the self-imposed running around I'm doing here to hunt down NPCs, surprisingly quick to play through? I guess part of that is that you can turbo through long treks and trivial combat encounters, which cuts out the tedium of grinding. The writing is on another level compared to the likes of Wild Arms - that game has a serviceable story, but there's only a handful of scenes throughout which are drawing a picture of the setting or the characters and aren't literally a central focus of a dungeon or location. The dodgy localization didn't help either. Compared to that, the characters in this game are a lot more well-defined.

Mechanically, I feel like Wild Arms had a lot more focus on dungeons and combat in general, while thus far Trails in the Sky has been more narrative-focused even outside 'talk to every random person' stuff, and its equivalent of dungeons end up being quite open and accessible. I imagine this whole thing wouldn't work half as well if the characters were boring, but they're fine - some are a bit stereotypical, but there's a certain charm to that as well. Everyone always wants to subvert everything, so having classic archetypes around who play it straight can be nice, especially when you've never really seen them in action, just parodies or references to them.

By the way, I can see why this game is often characterized as a slow entry into the franchise - things are only very slowly building up, at least so far. The level of questing we're doing is very low key early adventurer stuff - clearing sewers of rats, some fetch quests, killing a random monster, even solving a little mystery. Boss monsters are on the level of a particularly large animal or something, and narratively we're just sort of checking off a list of tasks. I can tell that there's set-up for later more epic encounters, and obviously things are heading for a grander scope, but it's like being a level 1 DND character and getting hints of a level 10 destined arc you'll eventually get to. Feels far away, you know? The fact that the entire game thus far was the prologue is also kind of nuts - it really should just be Chapter 0 to make it clear it's pretty huge. I suppose they wanted to make your first actual foray into the wider world also be the official start of the adventure?

As far as criticisms go, I think some of the sidequests are incedibly basic and boring, and they mostly just seem to be there to give the various maps more to do. Which is why I'm not sure why some of the paths are so long. Why are there like three segments of some roads you have to repeatedly traverse? If you want to grind one is enough, and if you don't have stuff that takes place there, it's just there to waste the player's time. Turbo-mode ameliorates that, but it feels like that's a bandaid fix on something that didn't need to be there. If you're so heavily invested in the narrative anyway, why artificially lengthen your roads...? It's a nitpick, but there it is...
Trails in the Sky (Part 9) - Mission to Malga Mine

Mission to Malga Mine

We head over to the mayor's mansion to follow up on our next guild task, Estelle wonders if he's even in today? Joshua agrees that there's a pretty good chance he's out, being as busy as he is… Belying their pessimism, Mayor Klaus appears at the top of the staircase - bless his soul, if it'sn't Estelle and Joshua! Joshua hopes we're not disturbing him, but we've come on behalf of the Bracer Guild about that job he requested. Klaus acknowledges that the guild let him know we'd be coming… So, we are taking over our father's work while he's away, are we? Estelle agrees that we're trying, at least. She's apologetic about her dad reneging on his promise like this, but the mayor says there's no need for that. Knowing our father, it's typical for him to be swamped with work like this! Anyway, with Lita and his wife out and about, he'd like to move the conversation somewhere else.

We move upstairs to the mayor's study, where he explains that he doesn't think we'll find his request particularly difficult - it's for that reason, he thinks, that asking the guild to do this job may have been a bit presumptuous. Unfortunately he's unable to get away from his work, so he had to break down and turn to them for help. Joshua says we were informed the job involves the transport of a certain something, but what is it exactly, and where would he like us to carry it?

Klaus explains that he'd like us to pick up a Septium Crystal from the Malga Mine and then deliver it here. Estelle wonders if he means something like the sepith we often come across? Joshua says that accurately speaking, sepith is fragment septium too small to be used as precious stones. Therefore, this sepith is refined and processed into quartz which can be installed into orbments. Estelle acknowledges his exposition and says she's got a better grasp on things now.

Klaus says that they've actually been able to obtain a certain kind of septium called 'esmelas' from the Malga Mine since the olden days. However, since a large piece of this crystal was recently discovered, he's asked the mine chief to hold onto it until someone could pick it up. Joshua concludes we'll have to talk to the mine chief to fetch that crystal, and Klaus agrees that's the gist. So, what do we think? Is this something we can handle? Estelle thinks transporting a precious gem will be a nice change from fighting monsters, and should keep us on our toes too. We'll do it! Klaus appreciates our willingness to help and hands over the Mayor's Referral, which will allow us to enter the mines if we show it to the workers there. It's at the north end of the Malga Trail, not too long a walk…

We've been able to get to the Malga Mine's entrance for a while, but Miner Landan would always tell us to turn back unless we had a good reason to be there. In this case Estelle smugly announces we are, in fact, there on business! Joshua explains that the mayor asked us to come here to pick up a septium crystal and shows the referral, and Landan quickly changes his tune. If we've got permission, that's a whole different story!

He doesn't want to make our job any more difficult, but he asks if we'd mind heading inside and speaking to the boss directly? He's supposed to stand out here. Estelle wonders why the boss, though? We're actually here to see the mine chief! Landan just stares at her, and says their boss is the mine chief, Mr. Gaton. He manages the mine and all the workers. He's the kind of guy who enjoys discovering a septium lode more than eating three meals a day… He's pretty sure the man is working in the lower tunnels today. Joshua thanks him for the tip, and says we'll go see if we can locate him.

The mine is… very oldschool. Running around with your pickaxe and black lungs type of mining rules the day here, though they do have a miniscule minecart track. Estelle wonders if it's powered by orbments too, and Joshua agrees that it looks like it to him - how about we get in and see where it takes us? There's a large conspicuous lever next to the track, but if we just get in and ride it to its end, we soon stop at a side-passage where Miner Miles wonders what us kids are doing down there? Great Aidios! Are we friends with someone who works here? Estelle explains we're looking for the mine chief, and Miles instructs us to head to the tunnels below - we should use the elevator at the end of the tracks on the opposite side of the mine. To get there, we'll have to hit that switch from earlier and follow the divergent tracks.

Doing so, we soon end up standing in front of the elevator… only to discover it won't work. Joshua goes to see what's wrong, and notes that there's definitely orbal energy running through it, but it seems to be mechanically locked. We'll have to get back to that miner and ask him about that… They're giving us the runaround here!

After another quick trip back, hitting the switch again, we ask Miner Miles what's going on here, and he realizes his mistake immediately - you need the key to activate the elevator! Since we don't have one of our own, he'll help us out by lending us his own. Estelle appreciates the assistance, and promises once our business is finished here, we'll make sure to return it. (I will not.)

Returning to the elevator again, we can now ride it down to the lower level, where the tunnels are more sprawling and disorienting. Down one path we can find a Miner-in-Training who yelps when we show up, admitting we scared him for a second. When we explain we're looking for the mine chief, he says he's sure the man is somewhere across the bridge. Heading southwest from him leads to said rather solidly built bridge across a chasm… and to an orbment recharge station. Hm. That's not a good sign, is it? We can find a bunch more miners working down the various tunnels. Miner Pierre mentions that the reason they've been able to work like they have is due to the grace of the Goddess herself, and we should always thank her! Heinrich is more helpful, and says the chief was here just a moment ago, so he can't be far.

Towards the south end of the caverns we discover Mine Chief Gaton, who is puzzled at our presence - what are two kids doing down here in the mine? Estelle says we've been searching all over this dank place for him, so she's glad we've finally found him!

We explain our purpose and hand over the referral, and Gaton is surprised we're bracers - that's quite a feat for being so young! Estelle says it's not a big deal, then asks about that crystal he's supposed to have for us. Gaton remembers that he has that, and proclaims that this baby is something you don't see every day! That's why he's been keeping it as close to himself as possible. He pulls out a large-grain crystal from his breast pocket, and its shining brightness amazed Estelle. Joshua acknowledges that it's impressive - there seems to be light swirling around inside, too!

Gaton explains that this is one of several types of septium. Specifically, this is an esmelas crystal endowed with the power of wind. For a gem of this size, we're looking at a hefty price tag - he's talking about a small fortune here. We should make ABSOLUTELY sure that this gets to the mayor! Gaton hands it over, and Estelle is entranced by the beautiful gemstone - it feels like she's carrying a little fairy in her hand! She then proceeds to run around the cave like a crazy person, waving the gem around - this is super fun! Joshua just stares at her and says that's nice and all, but how about she stops horsing around? If she drops that thing, we could be in real trouble. Estelle calls him a killjoy and puts the crystal away. She announces that's that - we'll get out of the miners' hair now, and get this thing to the mayor!

The conversation is interrupted when the mine chief suddenly turns in confusion and says something's odd… the airflow down here suddenly shifted! Joshua recognizes a scent on the wind - it's… That's when the entire cave is suddenly rocked by a tremor, panicking Estelle, though the trembling only lasts a few seconds. As it dies down, Estelle wonders if that was seriously an earthquake just now?! Gaton says it wasn't - no, it seems there's been a cave-in somewhere within the mine. He wonders if one of the miners hit a patch of loose ground? He'd better check on the extent of the damage…

Ever the observant one, Joshua notices something and quickly pulls out his weapons, warning Estelle to look out - it's monsters! We're thrown into conflict with a trio of crab-creatures, while Gaton is an NPC we're forced to protect from these things.

Thankfully, they're not very tough, but they're annoying in that they can sometimes call more crabs into battle, extending the fight. Gaton can only take like two hits, so that's an issue… After the enemies get flattened, Estelle asks Gaton if they have problems down here with monsters like that? He denies that, saying it's the first time he's ever had anything like this happen! Monsters have a predisposition which attracts them to the glow of septium, so they've had a lot of them wander into the mine in the past, but… Joshua concludes that the recent cave-in may have opened up a hole connected to a den of monsters. Gaton says that's a possibility, but this is no time to stand around and think about it - he's got to get the other workers out of here!

Estelle offers our assistance, and Gaton thinks we're kidding, right? Estelle then points out that monster extermination is right up our alley, and besides - every minute counts! The mine chief reluctantly agrees that some extra help would be much appreciated. Joshua then asks how many miners are down here, and is informed there should be four others working in the lower tunnels. He apologizes for all this, and then hands us a few Tear Balms in case we need to use them. We're then released to wander the lower tunnels on our own, but now there's enemies! We also have Gaton tagging along, though, so minimizing battles seems smart, and healing up at the recharge station we saw on our way in.

Down one path we can find Miner Bones and Trent - the former is trying to tell the monsters he wouldn't make a good meal, since - he doesn't want to brag - he's all muscle! Trent declares that he wouldn't make a good meal either because all this flab would be terrible for their health! After beating up the crabs here, Trent thanks us profusely. For a minute there he thought he'd never be able to sit down for another meal again! Gaton says this is no time to feel relieved, and says we need to evacuate the mine. Any more lollygagging and he's going to be sitting in the belly of one of these monsters. The two miners quickly scamper off, and we move on to find the rest.

Down a second tunnel we hear Miner Pierre praying to Aidios, who art in heaven, to extend her saving hand. Heinrich snaps that if he's got time to pray to the Goddess, then how about helping him take care of these monsters? Yet more crabs are assaulting, but we're experienced in killing these things by now, so they go down quickly. Joshua asks if everyone's alright, and Pierre immediately attributes our arrival to the divine work of Aidios, while Heinrich just scoffs and calls him a religious nut. If it was really the work of the Goddess, then she wouldn't have allowed them to get in this mess in the first place! Pierre furiously states that it's because of unbelievers like him that unfortunate accidents like this happen! Just as Heinrich gets ready for another response, Gaton wonders if this is really the time or place for this kind of nonsense? Get out of here!

We then head down the final pathway, where we can find the Miner-in-Training crying out in horror. Things weren't supposed to go like this! He doesn't want to die, he hasn't even had a girlfriend yet! After taking down this group of crabs, the trainee thanks us for saving his skin, and Estelle proudly declares a handful of monsters are no match for the likes of a bracer! The trainee is caught off guard - we're bracers?! What are we doing in a place like this…? Gaton recognizes the man as the new recruit from yesterday - by the soot of his boots, why on earth is he digging down here in the lower tunnels? The trainee hesitates, then says he was hoping to get a glimpse of how all of the veteran miners work down here… Yeah, that's it… (Okay, this guy just became sus as hell.)

The guy continues to explain that the wall suddenly collapsed and a flood of monsters came in from the other side! Gaton concludes we really got ourselves a veritable nest of monsters now, huh? Looks like Joshua guessed right! The trainee warns us the area ahead is dangerous, and swarming with monsters. He then runs off, and Estelle thinks he must have been really scared by how fast he ran! As we approach the dust-filled collapsed section of wall where the monsters came from, Gaton asks where we're going? That way is the monster den, and the bedrock is also still unstable, so how about we do him a favor and keep away from there? Estelle acknowledges that it doesn't look safe either, and we decide to turn back. (Gonna guess we'll return later and deal with that…)

With everyone gathered we return to the elevator and take it back upstairs, where everyone we retrieved is waiting, along with the miners working on the upper level. Miles and Bones are glad to see the boss is okay, and Gaton says they can thank us bracers for that! Anyway, is everyone accounted for? Landan confirms everyone is here, except for that new guy who took off like a bat out of hell… Poor guy must have wet himself scared! Gaton hopes he won't give up on being a miner after this… Anyway, there's a high possibility that there are still monsters in the lower tunnels, so until it can be confirmed safe, he doesn't want anyone using the elevator. Got that?

We shift to the outside of the mine, where we see the Miner-in-Training look back and admit that was a huge miscalculation on his part… He never expected monsters to surface or bracers to show up! He guesses that he'll just have to report the truth about everything that happened. With that, the definitely not a bad guy in disguise runs off…

Mine Chief Gaton apologizes for getting us involved in more than our fair share of work today, and says he'll get in touch with the guild a little later on and make sure we're compensated fairly. Estelle tells him not to sweat it, as we just did what anyone would have done in our position. Besides, it's all part of our training to become full-fledged bracers! Joshua asks what Gaton intends to do about the lower tunnels, and he admits he's not sure - they'll figure out some way to deal with it, though. There's always the option of sealing off the monster den with some explosives. As a heads up, he may ask the guild for help if they run into any other serious trouble… (I knew it!)

Estelle promises we'll get the crystal to the mayor as intended. Joshua double-checks that she made sure she didn't drop it, right? Estelle? She says that's rude - she's not that careless. She then pats her pockets and says nothing, and Joshua fearfully asks that she didn't, right? Estelle suddenly bursts into laughter - psych! She's got it right here! She shows off the shiny rock again. Joshua sighs in relief and says she's unbelievable. Gaton adds that those are the kinds of words that 'll give an old man like him a heart attack…

We return to the city of Rolent, and quickly make our way to the mayor's mansion. Lita mentions that right now, the mayor's in his study with a visitor, so we should be quiet when we enter. Who could that be? It's the girl in uniform, it turns out - we've seen her a few times in exploration segments. She gets a picture of her face in the dialogue boxes too, this time. She's apparently discussing an anecdote regarding the clock tower in town when we enter, and says she's completely blown away after hearing that! The mayor observes that with war, it's easy to speak of tragedy, but he thinks what's important is the strength to overcome the pain and establish peace. The mayor turns and notices our arrival, so he quickly gestures us forward. Estelle explains that we've come to deliver the object the mayor requested, but wonders if we maybe got into the middle of something? Klaus dismisses the notion, saying it's no trouble at all. In fact, we've come at a good time! He then introduces his guest, Josette Haar, a student at the Jenis Royal Academy.

Joshua recognizes that as a boarding school for higher education in the Ruan region, and Josette confirms that he's right. It's a pleasure to meet us! We introduce ourselves to Josette too, and the mayor explains that we're bracers who he asked to do a personal job for him. Josette is astounded at that claim - bracers?! The proud knights of freedom who love peace above all else and do not succumb to any power?! This is such an inspiring moment, she'd never thought she'd run into any real bracers!

Estelle thinks that reaction is a bit much, and after asking permission to use Josette's name (probably a remnant of the Japanese custom of adding suffixes) she then asks why Josette came to Rolent? Is she a friend of the mayor's, perhaps? Josette admits today is actually the first time they met. She's researching the important cultural assets of each region as part of her independent studies, you see. Although she thought he might be busy, she's been lucky enough to get an audience with the mayor. Estelle concludes she's really serious about her studies, so maybe we're intruding a bit? Josette denies that, stating she's already asked the mayor enough questions. Instead, maybe she is in the way? Klaus says it's not like that at all.

The mayor decides this is a great opportunity, and requests Estelle to show her what we've brought with us. Estelle pulls out the septium crystal from the mine, and Josette's eyes light up. Oh, my word! That's septium, right? What a wonderful glow it gives off! Mayor Klaus says the size is rather impressive too. This is, indeed, a gift worthy of expressing the appreciation of all Rolent's citizens. Joshua realizes what that means, and concludes this crystal is a gift for the Queen's anniversary, isn't it? The mayor says he's sharp - yes, he intends to send an engraved orbment using this crystal to the Queen as a token of Rolent's citizens' appreciation of Her Majesty turning 60 years old. Josette thinks that's delightful! Klaus notes that we, as citizens of Liberl, owe Her Majesty a great debt for all she's done for us. In fact, the reason why we can use an airliner with such ease is because of the support of the Royal Family. Joshua notes that he's even heard that the Bracer Guild in Liberl has received support from the Royal Family. We all owe her a debt of gratitude.

Estelle is amazed that she actually carried a present for the Queen with her very hands! Joshua adds that what's more, she ran around with it in her hands like a wild maniac… Estelle mutters that he wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that, and Josette and the mayor laugh at that, the latter saying he wouldn't have imagined anything less from her. Estelle is irritated by their comments, but decides to handle this professionally and officially hands the gemstone to the mayor - hereby it has been faithfully delivered! As a matter of precaution the mayor walks over to his enormous heavy-duty safe and puts it inside, declaring it'll be safe in there.

Now all that's left is to have Melders Orbal Factory finish the engraving on its orbment! He can't wait to see what it'll look like when it's done. Estelle tells him not to hog it all to himself when he does, and to let her see it too when it's finished. Josette says that it's too bad she won't be here to see it for herself. Still, today she was lucky enough to speak with the mayor and see something as beautiful as that. How shall she ever thank us? Klaus says not to mention it - this is part of his job as mayor. Josette says her goodbyes, and we decide to head out too, wishing the mayor a good day.

Just outside the mayor's mansion, Estelle asks Josette whether she's headed home tomorrow on the airliner? She confirms that, stating that school's about to begin. Joshua concludes that she must have used school vacation time to come here. Estelle thinks it's too bad, since she thinks we could have been friends - hopefully we can meet again sometime? Josette says there's nothing she'd like more, and then wishes us a wonderful day before walking off.

Estelle declares that she was such a nice girl - for looking like someone from a rich family, she wasn't snooty at all! Joshua seems less enthused, and Estelle immediately concludes that she must be… his type! Joshua, caught off guard, wonders what she's talking about?! Estelle says he's blushing, so she's right! She's really surprised, she didn't think he was into the rich girl type. We'll have to get some pick-up lines ready for the next time he meets Josette again! Joshua tells her to quit getting all excited about nothing. Especially when she has no idea what others are thinking… Just… Never mind.

Let's just head back to the guild, as the next job we're doing for Dad will be the last one!

Before that, though - we just finished a major quest, so you know what that means?

Lita is getting ready to work on cleaning the attic next, but that room is dark and sometimes has rats - oh, they just give her the shivers! Mylene concludes we were the ones who took on her husband's request, right? We're doing a wonderful job for being so young! Even if Cassius is away, if the two of us are around, Rolent has nothing to worry about. Mayor Klaus says we did well in bringing the crystal back safely, and he heard we're really making a name for ourselves. He's looking forward to our future success as bracers!

At the hotel, Verne says they got a reservation today for a magazine reporter from the Royal City. He should be arriving any minute now… We can revisit Josette in her hotel room, and she wishes us a good afternoon. Did we come for a visit? Would we like a spot of tea? Next door, Edel says that they're heading for the Bose region next - speaking of Bose, the market there is what she's most looking forward to. She heard there are a lot of rare items from the Empire displayed in the stores. She's been stashing money away in anticipation of this day. Preparation is a go, shopping spirit is a go, and loads of money in the wallet is a GOOO! Onward to Bose Market! Seagaro says they're scheduled to head on the next airliner, but it looks like there's been a number of incidents going on in Bose recently, so he's a bit worried…

At the clock tower, Paddington says that after the war, Melders' son restored the clock tower using an orbment. He's a little saddened by the fact that the number of things he maintains has decreased… Ho ho, this just means that the era has changed! Claire mentions she saw the mayor coming out of the guild earlier. Other than that, she's been seeing Mr. Rinon's mother is out in town a lot. She's awfully suspicious, if you ask her - but she doesn't know which one she should follow up on for more details… There's a juicy story calling her name!

In the bar, Mirano says he wanted that esmelas found in the Malga Mine for her own private collection, so she wonders who it was that managed to purchase it before her…? Simon tells her that they'd better get back to Bose or they'll miss out on the next business meeting. He's sure the mayor is waiting to hear their report as well. Elissa mentions that Scherazard came for a drink the other day and… well, she was just as unbelievable, just as Estelle said! She doesn't even dare to say what Schera did… Densel asks Estelle if she cooks, and she says that the only meals she makes are the ones she has to make when it's her turn at home, and… She looks dejected. Densel says it's best to start with something simple if you have trouble cooking. First you get your ingredients and cookware together, and then it's time to put your all into it! Cooking can be a useful skill in many ways, and you have nothing to lose by trying…

Barman Faulkner also mentions Schera's visit, and admits he got stuck drinking with her even after closing hours. Even after emptying five bottles of his strongest stuff, she still didn't act the least bit drunk. Estelle confirms that Schera going from tipsy to totally wasted is, well… Joshua doesn't even want to imagine what would happen.

Faulkner says that Elissa went and hid, while the chief headed home… He was so dead, he could hardly work the next day, and he still feels pickled! Tabitha concludes that the bracer combo who's been having a great showing must be us, right? Maybe she should brag that these same bracers are friends of her daughter? Notably, an unshaven man sits at the bar, and says he's starving - he's got a portrait of his own, though, so he must be important like Josette!

In the northwestern apartments, Serra says Pat is good friends with a girl named Yuni. Her father always comes to see her off and picks her up from Sunday School. She's a bit jealous of their good relationship between parent and child. Maybe she should pick up Pat, too? But she wonders if he'd hate it… Rhett mentions that the Liberl Kingdom is sandwiched between two powerful nations, the Erebonian Empire to the north and the Calvard Republic to the east. It has proudly maintained its independence since the country was founded, though… Maggy says it's rather unusual for Luke, but it seems he went to Sunday School like he was supposed to the other day. Perhaps there was something fun going on…?

At the orbment factory, Freddy says it seems a large piece of septium was discovered in a new lode at the mine. Something like that is going to be rather pricey, but it seems like it already has a buyer. Melders mentions that he just saw the mayor, but he was all fidgety. He's always been like that, even before he was elected mayor. A mayor is a type of person who really needs to sink their teeth into the job! Nearby, a girl with glasses is looking through various orbments, declaring how cute they are! Again, like the man at the bar, she's got a portrait of her own…

At his shop, Rinon says his mother suddenly started talking about trying to set him up with someone. He told her he wasn't planning on getting married for a while, but she doesn't listen to a word he says! This is just great… He's just not ready for the responsibilities of a family at this point. Upstairs, Bloom says she secretly decided to start looking for bridal candidates for her son… She's been talking to girls who seem to be at an agreeable age.

Elger says the two of us look rather busy, but we should stop by and show our faces to Stella every once in a while. No matter what she tells us, she's a real worrywart! Stella wonders if her eyes are deceiving her…? Estelle immediately says she washed her face this morning like she's always told her to. Stella says that Estelle's eyes… they've really begun to look like her mother's, haven't they? Estelle is surprised, but says hearing that makes her feel happy. Stella says it brings back so many memories… Well, we should please make the most of each day and work hard together!

Behind the church, Pat says that they learned about the Bracer Guild at Sunday School the other day. They are so cool! Luke says he wishes he could grow up now. He's become a bracer and be so successful! He must really suck if he got passed up by the likes of Estelle, but he guesses that's life… In the building, Father Divine says he's watched over Rolent for almost 30 years, and stood with the citizens in bewilderment as they saw the once fair city reduced to rubble 10 years ago. However, when he gazes out on the rebuilt city, he's awed at the strength that people possess. Frailty, strength… These two contrasting things are inseparable in our paradoxical existences. For himself, though, these features are what makes us, as humans, most beloved.

In the back room, Sister May mentions the Sunday School lesson went better than expected thanks to Father Divine's advice, but she doesn't know what to do about Luke's naughty behavior… Radford is sitting on one of the benches, and says he snuck out the other day to see his son-in-law working in the woods, and he appeared to be working hard in his own way. Yet somehow he seemed to be lacking something… It's hard to put his finger on it, but he doesn't approve of his son-in-law yet!

At the southwestern apartments, Euridice says that recently her father has been grumbling about something. Wonder what's on his mind? Frissa has heard rumors that some fiends have appeared in the mine, and wonders if her husband is alright? Anya says her mommy is kind of sad, and wonders what happened…? Fate heard the two of us have been pretty active, and are even being referred to as new, hopeful young bracers around town. He should have expected as much from Cassius' kids. He's rooting for us, so hang in there! Yuni says that today she's going to stay with her papa and help him with some things around the house. Pappa's so happy when she stays with him!

At the loading port, Orvid is waiting for his ship - apparently he still hasn't taken it - and declares he's got to succeed with his business negotiations in Bose no matter what it takes! Alan says that before and after the Queen's birthday celebration is when the airliners are the most crowded. Now if he just had a girlfriend, he could take her to see the sights in the Royal City… What he wouldn't give to see the Queen, who never gave in to the powerful Emperor and the opposing minister, just once! And of course he mustn't forget her granddaughter, Princess Klaudia… Fabree knows that others may not be of the same opinion, but is there a smell that we just really like? He adores the sizzling smell particular to hot airliner engines! He also loves the smell of wet runways on rainy days…

There's actually an airship docked at the moment, and Skip says it's the westward cycling one, Cecilia. (Oh hey, we meet again!) It's just about ready to leave for Bose. Thus far, no domestic airliner has ever been involved in a big accident, as the Liberl Orbalship Corporation has paid particular close attention to safety. The fact that none of them have ever been in an accident is something they're very proud of! (Don't freaking jinx it, you fool!) All right, orbal engine and fuselage checks are complete, they can take off at any time!

If you talk to Aina at the Bracer Guild after reporting in (which I'll do in a moment) then she'll mention Rinon's mother came here trying to set her up with her son. It seems that she's been out asking all the girls in town about the same thing! Sorry to say, but she's not ready to get married. Although, if some handsome stranger showed up on her doorstep one day, she might just change her mind! Ridge, upstairs, mentions there's another really capable bracer from the same year as Schera in the Bose area. He's heard he's been about as successful as well. All these bracers are so successful… This is his third year at the guild, so he's got to work harder!

At Gurune Gate, Private Logan mentions that right now, there's a young hot-shot colonel in the Royal Army. He's even pretty popular among the soldiers. Private Ethan says that beyond here lies not only the Royal City, but the Erbe Royal Villa as well. It's open to all citizens of Grancel except during times of official business. Ever since Queen Alicia took the throne, the royal house has changed in a number of ways. Inside, Private Anden is surprised that bracers can choose which branch they want to be registered at. How lucky! Soldiers have no say in where they're assigned. Then again, if they could, the base contingents would probably be a little lopsided…

CWO Robin is walking the halls, and says that this checkpoint leads to the Royal City and has a number of veteran soldiers stationed here. On the other hand, it appears that the Verte Bridge Checkpoint has all new recruits stationed there… Will the chief be alright…? Warrant Officer Graves says the mayor of Rolent came to observe this place before, and he must say, he's certainly a nice fellow. More than a mayor, he felt like the caring old man who lives next-door type. He can see why the citizens like him so much!

On the roof, Private Thomas mentions that at each checkpoint there's a garrison for security stationed there. The number of people going through the checkpoint has been decreasing every year, but that's been the case ever since the Hundred Days War ended. Just because the war is over, it doesn't mean the Empire is no longer a threat! On the wall, Private Selbourne says not too long ago his daughter came to visit him. When he told her where he worked, she was so jealous! It's nice that children are so meek. It's nice and warm during the day, but standing guard out here on those cold winter nights is the worst… It's dark, cold, the wind is unrelenting, his skin gets chapped, and his nose never stops running. And on summer days it's hotter than an oven, and he feels himself fading in and out of consciousness. The view is splendid, though, so he's glad he works here.

At Verte Bridge Checkpoint, Private Scott says that the chief used to be part of the Royal City's main forces, and they even said he showed some incredible promise as a leader. He wonders what could have caused him to be stationed here? At any rate, hitting them with sudden training like that was really awful of him… He's still hurting from the exercise! Private Harold says that earlier today, the chief almost blew his top when he caught him fishing in the river. He wonders if that's why he hit them with that training? CWO Ashton thanks us for our help with the training, and he's sure it's been a wake up call for his men. He's sorry to ask us this, but if we get back to town, we should please make sure his son Luke stays out of trouble… He's naughtier than your typical boy, and he's sure his mother has her hands full… Maybe he should have raised him more strictly.

Revisiting Perzel Farm, Will says he wishes he had an older brother like Joshua. Tio is so busy with work that she never has time to play with him, and all Chere wants to do is play house… Tio thanks us for helping out earlier, and says things have been pretty peaceful around here since then. Now that they're back to shipping vegetables, they're overloaded with work! She wonders if Chere and Will will be able to help out with that soon… Franz is working on the cabbages, and says ever since we drove those monsters away, he's seen neither hide nor hair of one. He's relieved he can get back to shipping vegetables like before. He's extremely grateful! Inside, Chere wonders if Josua came to see her? Hannah says thanks to us the children have been able to sleep soundly in their beds again - people assuredly need their sleep!

Returning to Malga Mine after delivering the crystal changes the dialogue too - Miner Landan recognizes us as the bracers from the other day (or today, but whatever) and wonders if we have more business here? It's dark inside, so we should be careful. Miner Trent says he can't go any longer with this empty stomach, he'll die! As soon as he's done here, he's sneaking off to eat. Mine Chief Gaton mentions that the new guy that took off back during the cave-in still hasn't returned, but he's not surprised after an experience like that. Miner Bones says the chief hasn't been home in like, forever. No doubt his family's been anxiously waiting for him to step through the front door. He wonders if it's okay for him to stay here so long like that…

Miner Pierce says that before the cave-in, they'd struck several new veins, so there is something left to be mined, but if they can't get into the lower stratum soon, they'll be all out of stuff to dig… Miner Miles says it's unbelievable to think that the new lodes they just found would be followed by a cave-in. Such terrible luck! Hopefully they can get back to the lower levels before long. Miner Heinrich mentions there are still monsters crawling around down below, and he'd sure like to see them exterminated or sealed back in wherever they came from…

Next: A few more sidequests just opened up, so let's take those down real quick...
Estelle promises we'll get the crystal to the mayor as intended. Joshua double-checks that she made sure she didn't drop it, right? Estelle? She says that's rude - she's not that careless. She then pats her pockets and says nothing, and Joshua fearfully asks that she didn't, right? Estelle suddenly bursts into laughter - psych! She's got it right here! She shows off the shiny rock again. Joshua sighs in relief and says she's unbelievable. Gaton adds that those are the kinds of words that 'll give an old man like him a heart attack…
This moment is one of my favorite comedy beats with Estelle. She doesn't often get one over on Joshua and managing such a good job of it is just really amusing to see. I don't think you get to see her smug expression, which is a pity, because it's a very smug smirk indeed.
It's a pity that Trails in the Sky isn't more popular, because I think that a beautiful, dark-skinned woman who loves fun and drinking would be a big hit if more people knew about her.
Trails in the Sky (Part 10) - Rolent Sidequests III & Meeting the News Crew

Rolent Sidequests III

We report in with Aina, who says it looks like we ran into a bit of trouble at the mine, huh? She got a call from the mine, and they said they were incredibly grateful to the both of us. Now, how about we give a report of what exactly happened? We report in, and get payment - 1500 mira, as well as 4 BP. Aina compliments us on our work - it looks like we did much more than anyone was expecting from us. Dealing with unexpected accidents is also part of our mission as bracers, so she hopes to see more great things from us in the future.

Estelle promises we'll be on it, and Joshua says that she doesn't have to worry about Estelle missing anything, because her nose is always in everything. Estelle agrees… and then realizes what he said. Why is he saying she's super-nosy like that?! 'Because you are,' Joshua replies coolly. Her skills lie in being direct, nosy, and naive, right? Estelle wonders if that isn't being a bit harsh? Joshua's not so sure…

Aina says that's enough. She wishes to discuss the last of the jobs we'll be doing for Cassius now. We've heard of the Liberl News, right? We'll be cooperating with them to get some coverage for a news story. Estelle recognizes that as the name of the magazine we bought the other day - what are the chances of that happening? Joshua just asks what Aina means when she says we should be cooperating with them to get some coverage? Just what does that entail?

She explains that it seems they're looking for a skilled guide, because they want to get some shots of a dangerous place. We'll need to speak with the reporters directly for details - he and a camerawoman from the news service are currently staying at Hotel Rolent. She hands us a Guild Referral, and sends us on our way.

Before we follow up on that, some new side quests have opened up:

Lost Kitten
Term: Short
Client: Ida
Pay: 500 Mira
Difficulty: Low
"I'm looking for my lost kitten. Please meet me on the cafe terrace."

Elize Highway Monster
Term: Long
Client: Bracer Guild
Pay: 1000 Mira
Difficulty: Medium
"A ferocious monster known as a Rhinocider has been spotted roving the Elize Highway. Bracers from this branch are requested to deal with this threat immediately."​

Well, let's knock these out real quick, then!

Side Job: Lost Kitten
Next to the bar, Ida wonders whatever she's going to do? She hopes those Bracers will show up sometime soon! We overhear this and ask her about her request, and she concludes we must be the people she's talking about, right? Even the handsome young man? What a pleasant surprise! There certainly seem to be a lot of people with the name 'Bracer' these days. Estelle stares at her, confused. Ida wonders if this means we are brother and sister or something like that? That's got to be it. When people have the same name, that usually means they're family. Estelle admits that's kind of how it is for us, while Joshua whispers that he's pretty sure this lady has no actual idea what bracers are, and thinks it's our name. Estelle whispers back that she can't believe that!

Ida wonders what we're whispering about? Joshua decides that it would be a pain to explain all of this to her, so we'll just go along with whatever she says. Estelle agrees to try the same. Joshua asks for the specifics of what is troubling the woman, and she declares that for such a cute little dumpling, he catches on quick! Young boys are so considerate! Estelle wonders if she's really distressed, or if she's just trying to flirt with people who are way too young for her…? Ida suddenly remembers, right - she's sooo distressed! See, her little Aryll hasn't come home. She carelessly dozed off here at the cafe (and overnight, if you follow the exploring segments) and she vanished. Aryll is her kitten, she's so snuggly-wuggly! And it's not just her face that's cute, but her personality as well!

Joshua inquires after a description of the kitten - what's the color of her fur? Ida has to think about it for a moment, then says maybe it's like the color of the evening sun in autumn shining down upon a field of wheat? Joshua summarizes that as… tan-ish. Ida thinks the cat is just out running around somewhere, so if we find her we should please bring her back. Joshua agrees - we'll begin by looking for her outdoors, then. If we find her, we'll come back and report to her. Ida promises she'll be right here - and thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Bracer!

This quest is actually very easy to mostly complete accidentally - there are several places in town where, if you run by them, the cat will show up in a cutscene and Estelle decides to run after it like a madwoman, chasing it off until it vanishes.

Joshua thinks this is just like those monsters at the Perzel Farm - we're doing a lot of chasing these days! The third time we spot it, Joshua tells Estelle to wait - maybe that kitten is trying to… Estelle is too fast for him, though, and she chases the cat away… it's heading towards the chapel! Let's hurry and catch it there! Joshua just sighs - here we go again…

Inside the chapel, Estelle sees the animal right in front of her and smugly laughs that there's nowhere left to run now, kitty! Naturally the cat runs away again, towards the side-room where Sister May tends to hang out. Following it in there, Sister May says she could have sworn something just went up the nearby stairs! Was it her imagination? The stairs lead up to a seating area on the second level, where the cat has found itself trapped. Estelle creeps closer, threatening the cat all the way, and the cat cowers. Joshua warns her not to corner an animal like that… What does she intend to tell her owner if she takes a dive off the terrace? Estelle says she knows that, but what other way is there to catch the cat?!

Joshua naturally bypasses her and crouches down, calling out to Aryll in a soothing voice - that's right, come this way. He's sorry that big bad Estelle scared her like that. Estelle thinks he's a jerk, but the cat goes Nyayayaa! And spouts a few hearts, before jumping into Joshua's waiting arms. Joshua pets her and calls her a good girl - now let's go, her owner is waiting for her!

We switch over to the seating area next to the Abend Bar, where Joshua lays out everything that happened to Ida. He explains that he's pretty sure Aryll was on her way back to see her from the beginning, since each time we saw her she'd been walking towards the cafe until she got started. Estelle admits that it does seem that's what happened… Joshua admits that there's a chance that because of us, she ended up coming back this late. Ida tells him not to be silly - we brought her back safe and sound, and she's really grateful to both of us. Especially Mr. Bracer, though, he's just the cat's meow! Joshua decides to take that as a complement. Estelle notices he's blushing… Ida adds that she'd sure like to put a collar on Joshua, then he'd be purrrrfect…

Joshua, now clearly uncomfortable, immediately stutters an apology, but we're going to get back and report to the guild! Bye! Ida just calls after him that she hopes to be seeing a lot more of Mr. Bracer…

We return to the guild as Joshua claimed, and get our reward - 500 Mira and 2 more BP.​

Side Job: Elize Highway Monster
Heading down towards Gurune Gate and the MIstwald Forest, we soon run into this giant monster blocking off the bridge. Honestly, you can't even really miss this one…

[Boss: Rhinocider]

The Rhinocider we're dealing with here is not, in fact, the same as the ones you can encounter in the Mistwald forest. While it's visually identical, this one's got easily double the HP, and lacks any of the crippling elemental weaknesses that make the normal one so easy to deal with. It's still got high defense though, so arts remain the best way to deal with the bugger (and most other things.) It'll just take considerably longer than usual. Thankfully, it doesn't hit much harder than the wild ones, so it's easy to out-heal any stray blows These kill-a-mob quests are really unexciting, aren't they?

Returning to the guild to report in this fairly unexciting foray into monster-killing, we get 1000 Mira, and no less than 4 BP for our efforts. Not bad for such a humdrum request!

Meeting the News Crew

With those handled, it's time to continue our main quest. We walk over to Hotel Rolent, and ask Verne if it's true that the people from the magazine company are staying here? He confirms that they are, and wonders if we have some business with them? Joshua confirms that we're here representing the guild to cooperate with them on getting a story. Verne regretfully informs us that both of them are out at the moment… When we ask where the newspeople went, he mentions that the reporter fellow mentioned something about heading over to the bar… How about asking there? Sure.

As you might've surmised - if you read the exploration segments - there's an unshaven man at the Abend Bar who wonders who we're supposed to be? Estelle inquires if he's the reporter from the Liberl News, and he says he is - but how does she know about that? He likes to get the scoop on things, but he hates it when people try and pry into his life! Joshua explains why we're here - we were told he had requested an escort? The man smiles and is glad we've finally come - he's been waiting forever for us to show up!

Where's Cassius, though? Estelle clarifies that unfortunately he had another job come up, so he's not even in Rolent… The man mutters that he came all this way so he could get a story on this famous bracer… What a waste this trip has been!

Estelle tells the man that she doesn't get what he's so disappointed about, but there's no need to get his boxers in a bunch. We've got him covered! The unshaven man decides that he doesn't have much of a choice - we'll have to do. Wait - what did she just say? Estelle wonders if he's confused about 'getting your boxers in a bunch', but the man clarifies he meant that part where 'we've got him covered.' Estelle says it's like Joshua said, we're his representative bracers. She hands over the Guild Referral, too, though the man thinks this has got to be some kind of bad joke. Us little brats are supposed to be bracers?

Estelle, annoyed, wonders if 'brat' is really how he's going to address a lady?! The unshaven man spits back that she's hardly a lady - there's nothing sexy about her in that outfit! If she doesn't like his assessment, then how about she slip into a skirt and act like all the other girls her age? Ew.

Estelle furiously snaps back that her clothing is specifically designed for those who wield a staff, and it looks like a skirt already! Is he blind?! He's such a rude old man! The man demands to know who she's calling an old man? He's still in his twenties, damn it!

Joshua coolly intercedes, trying to steer things back to business. He insists that we were indeed dispatched by the guild, and we'd be happy to introduce him to someone else in our stead, but we don't know when they'll be free. The unshaven man complains that he can't extend the deadline any longer, so he doesn't have an alternative. Alright, rejoice kids - he's going to leave it up to us. Still fuming, Estelle snaps that he's such a generous old man… Joshua tries to calm her down, and quickly introduces himself and his sister. He then none too subtly asks for the guy's name (and I thank him for it, because writing 'the man' as a descriptor gets old fast.) He finally introduces himself as Nial Burns, ace reporter for the Liberl News! Though we won't be working long together, he hopes we'll do a good job. Estelle says she'll be grateful when this is all over…

Having chilled out a little, Estelle inquires where Nial wants us to guide him? The way she sees it, he needs a trusty guide because he's headed somewhere dangerous, right?

Nial confirms that's the case, and explains that his destination is the Esmelas Tower. He's sure we've heard of it before. Estelle scoffs and wonders if that's all? Not only have we heard of it, but we were there on a job not that long ago! Cheered up by this, Nial decides this might work out after all! Now, what he really wants us to do is for us to guide him onto the roof so he can get a picture for the magazine. Estelle thinks he's quite the thrillseeker!

Joshua, however, notices him using the word 'us', and wonders who else is coming along? Nial explains that he's got his camerawoman with him, but she said something about her orbal camera not working right, so she took off to the orbal factory… She should have been back by now, though. Estelle figures if he's in a hurry, wouldn't it be a good idea to head over there now? No doubt he's going to take off to get his story once we meet up with his partner, right? Nial agrees that we should head straight to the tower once we pick her up at the factory.

We head to Melders Orbal Factory, where we walk in on a girl with glasses asking for anything but that! She'll do anything Freddy asks, just give her back her camera! It's worth more to her than her life!

Freddy says this is a problem, and asks his father Melders what to do about this. He just tells Freddy he was the one who took this job, so he's the one who has to deal with it. Estelle wonders what the fuss is, while Joshua guesses this girl is the one we've come looking for. Nial confirms that's her alright. He then demands that Dorothy tell him how long she's going to keep him waiting?

Dorothy turns and says Nial came at just the right time - she needs help here! Nial wonders what she did this time - she didn't waste all her money again so now she doesn't have enough for repairs, did she? Dorothy is amazed - how did he guess that?! Is he clairvoyant or something? Nial snarls that when you do the same thing that many times, even an idiot would know what's going on! Freddy asks Nial if he knows this person? He's sorry to ask this, but can he maybe pay the repair costs, then? Nial decides he'll do so, but he'll need Dorothy to write it off as a business expense. How much?

Freddy checks his papers and says the decorative clock and the repairs together are 2000 mira. Nial pauses. He can understand the repairs, but what's this about a clock? Dorothy admits that well, she was looking around the store while Freddy was doing the repairs and… well, she saw a pretty clock and when she picked it up, it broke. She's glad they can write it off as a business expense, though! How wonderful is that! Nial says this amount won't be covered. Crap… it looks like he'll have to pay out of his own pocket and get his money back later…

Freddy hands over the 2000 mira, and Freddy hands over the receipt. Estelle is just staring at this whole situation, and thinks these two people are an unbelievably awkward combination if she's ever seen one! Joshua agrees about that, but the fact that Nial would pay out of his own pocket for someone means he's probably pretty nice to work under…

Nial soon returns and apologizes for keeping us waiting, since he had to take care of a little trouble. Dorothy wonders who we are, and Nial informs her we're the bracers who'll be acting as their escort and guide. We'll take the place of Cassius Bright, with whom they'd originally made arrangements. Dorothy acknowledges that we're young, but thinks we look reliable! She introduces herself as Dorothy Hyatt, camerawoman for Liberl News. At the moment, she's training under Nial! Nial wonders why he ever got stuck babysitting this blockhead of a girl…? That damn Editor-in-Chief…

Dorothy tells Nial to relax, since something good will come out of all of this soon enough. Nial says she's one to talk! Never mind, just forget it… Now that we've got everyone together, how about we head out and get that story? Joshua confirms the destination is Esmelas Tower, right? Let's go, then!

Before we leave, we can get some unique dialogue if we talk to Freddy again - he says that Dorothy's camera is one of the really nice, new models. It's for professionals, so he thinks it may be a bit difficult to use… Dorothy wonders if he's talking about Poochie?

Freddy is very confused at her apparently giving her equipment a cutesy name, but Nial assures him that if he listens to everything she says, he's just going to end up with a headache. Freddy admits that if you're in this business long enough, you'll run into all types of customers. Melders is just glad that unpleasantness is behind them now - it was unsightly, the way Freddy behaved himself!

Next: Esmelas Tower awaits!
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I mean, the first time around we didn't really do anything there, right? Just kind of walked in, then got into a cutscene, fought some mobs, and then got transported back to town before we could really explore the place. I honestly kinda forgot it was there, and it wasn't really called out as a missable thing on the checklist either, so there we go...
Trails in the Sky (Part 11) - Liberl News Mission

Liberl News Mission

With our new guests in tow, things are a bit messy - we're now four people, so it's way easier to run into random battles when some mob catches the tail of the parade, and to make matters worse, we can't allow the two guest characters to get hurt or we'll just game over right then and there. This basically means that we have to dodge and weave and pick our battles, avoiding any but the obligatory fights (and saving in between, just in case.) One bonus is that Dorothy occasionally uses her camera to take pictures in battle, which can blind enemies - handy! Thankfully the route to Esmelas Tower really only has some flying cats to worry about, the plants are immobile and can easily be avoided. That won't actually help inside the tower itself, of course…

As we reach the base of Esmelas Tower, Dorothy is amazed at how tall the tower is - she wonders how many floors it has?

Estelle says that the last time we were here, we only made it as far as the second floor. Judging from the scale, though, she'd say the building has about five or six floors. Joshua states that there should be five - at least, that's what it said in a book at home. The place was investigated some time ago, but it looks like it was abandoned after that. Which reminds him - it seems like there's a number of other similar towers in Liberl, right? Nial confirms that there's also towers in the Bose, Ruan, and Zeiss regions. They all seem to have been built around the time that the Liberl Kingdom was founded. Estelle can feel the history already…

Nial says his job this time is to uncover the truth about these towers, and asks Dorothy to get him a few long angle shots of the place. Dorothy agrees and goes to set up a dramatic shot, and Estelle is amazed at her professionalism - is a photographer's personality supposed to change by taking a camera in their hands like that? Joshua agrees she certainly looks like a pro. After a few moments of silence and not much happening, we can suddenly hear Dorothy… snoring? What?

Nial fumes and walks over, slapping her awake. He snaps at her that this happens every time she tries to take a picture like that! She should quit trying to act professional and just get him a shot using her usual style! Dorothy acknowledges that, and guesses she shouldn't try to tone down her style just to look good…

She goes to take photos her own way, and immediately becomes much more animated and upbeat, telling the tower it's looking good, looking good! As he jumps back and forth making pictures, she tells it now that's what she calls sexy and cute! Here we go, say cheese! We just stare at her going nuts, and Estelle admits she doesn't understand. Why is she doing that when she's not even taking photos of a person…? Joshua thinks that somehow it's natural for her. Nial explains that Dorothy claims to be able to see the expression of the scenery, whatever that's supposed to mean. Believe it or not, she takes some pretty breathtaking pictures acting all ridiculous like that. Guess it could be considered a type of genius? The kind that borders on insanity, of course. Estelle is amazed - people are never what they seem to be!

Dorothy finished up with her pictures from the base of the tower, and Nial says that's their signal to get inside. They're headed up to the roof, and he's counting on us two greenhorns to get them there! Estelle promises we won't let any monsters lay a single paw on them. Joshua instructs them to stay safely behind us…

The tower is a series of fairly similarly shaped floors, all of which have a wooden gangway around the outside, occasionally connected to a central room in the middle of the tower, with staircases at the sides of the room. For the most part there's not a lot of choice of where to go - you either head onwards, or you end up at a dead end with a random item. The most notable loot I found was a pair of knitted shoes, a 'potluck in a shell' revival food which allows us to get its recipe, and a tin staff - that last one is a bit of a pain, though, since you have to beat a trio of suicide bomber trap enemies to get at it, and we still have the escort NPCs along. Thankfully they only have about 200 HP, so I ended up S-Crafting them to death before they could get near. The item is a pretty nice upgrade for Estelle.

After navigating the somewhat maze-like tower floors and bypassing most of the enemies along the way (aside from a couple that just park their ass right on the intended path), we finally get to the roof. There's a pretty sweeping (if probably slightly off-angle) background shot of plains and mountains visible there, and the actual partially ruined top of this ancient tower, with… well, it looks like a magitech teleporter pad, so I am going to assume it's a magitech teleporter pad. It's got entirely too many Star Trek transporter room vibes for it to be something else, you know? Estelle comments on how bright it is out here, and Dorothy agrees - look at all the beautiful scenery! Nial says this is something else alright. Looks like we'll be able to get a better shot than he originally anticipated!

Nial points to the definitely not teleporter, and says that's what he mentioned to Dorothy earlier. Estelle wonders what it is, and Dorothy comments that it looks like some kind of giant orbment-operated cauldron if you ask her! Nial states that according to his sources, it's some sort of ancient device, although nobody seems to know what exactly it's used for. Estelle asks Joshua if he knew something like this was up here? Joshua doesn't answer, though, seemingly focused on something. When Estelle calls his name again, a cold-eyed Joshua says to seemingly nobody that there's no use in hiding - it would be wise to come out where we can see them!

A man's voice asks that we please don't hurt him - he's coming out already, he's coming out right now! A bespectacled man in robes steps from behind one of the pillars. Estelle wonders who he is, while Nial muses that someone arrived before we did, huh? Dorothy says that was quite a surprise, and compliments Joshua on his find. Joshua just asks for the man's identity, and the scholarly guy apologizes - please forgive him! He'll give us every mira he has if we please spare his life! Estelle, annoyed, tells him that he shouldn't mistake us for robbers or something weird. He does recognize her emblem, right? She shows the bracer emblem, and to the man's evident disbelief, says she and Joshua are both bracers. Nial adds that he and Dorothy are reporters from the Liberl News, and we are here as their escorts while they get coverage on the tower…

The spectacled man is relieved to realize that things are not as dire as he expected, but he asks us to please never scare him like that again. The fact that we came up here like that made him suspicious of us all! Joshua notes that he's one to talk - he seems like quite the suspicious fellow himself! Again, who is he exactly? The man apologizes for his belated introduction, and identifies himself as Professor Alba, an archaeologist. Notably, Mr. Alba here gets a portrait as well - which presumably means he's yet another person of significance. Building up a cast, are we? Alba explains that he came to investigate the tower in order to further his research of ancient civilizations. Dorothy is surprised he came all alone - and that he made it here in one piece! Alba laughs that off, and says that actually, he's grown accustomed to investigating ruins like these. See, he's got a lot of confidence in his ability to flee from monsters if need be! Though this time he found himself in a bit of a pickle… Estelle thinks he's one crazy scholar, if you ask her…

Nial concludes that as an archaeologist, that would mean he's familiar with the tower's origins, right? Alba acknowledges he knows more than the average person, at least. Since he's only just begun his investigation, though, there are still a lot of things he doesn't know. Nial says that's fine, but wonders if there's anything interesting he could tell us about this place? It'll be used for his article. Alba thinks for a moment, and then asks if we've ever heard of the 'Sept-Terrions' before?

Estelle remarks that Father Divine may have said something about that before… Joshua recognizes that as a reference to the Seven Treasures endowed with power and bestowed upon the ancients by Aidios, right? Alba confirms that's exactly what he was thinking of, yes. It seems that these ancients ruled the earth, seas, and skies using the powers of these treasures. It has also been written that they were even able to unlock the secrets of time and life… Approximately 1200 years ago, when this ancient civilization was destroyed by a mysterious calamity, these Sept-Terrions were also lost. Nial says that's the legend also recorded in the scriptures of the Septian Church. What does it have to do with the tower, though? Alba explains that a part of the legend states that one of these Sept-Terrions slumbers somewhere within Liberl. Its name: the Aureole.

The Aureole… Estelle thinks the word certainly has a strange ring to it. Alba says that if the legend is really true, he figured he might be able to find some clues here at the tower, since it's one of the oldest ruins in all of Liberl. That's why he came to investigate. Dorothy thinks it's a very inspiring story, and Alba agrees - it is, isn't it? She can feel his passion for things of antiquity, right?! This is splendid! He's overjoyed that there's someone else who understands the way he feels! Joshua asks if he actually found any of those clues he was looking for, but Alba haltingly admits he's still working on that part. If he can figure out how this device here works, though, he might be onto something… (Gonna make a wild guess, but that Aureole is gonna turn out to be a summon and/or the final boss, right? Heh.)

Nial thinks his story is interesting, but it's a speculative one - from what he's told so far, he's sorry to say it wouldn't fly as an article. Alba is extremely disappointed to hear that… Estelle admits that she's surprised herself. Contrary to her expectations, it turns out Nial is serious about the articles he writes! Nial says that's because he can't write articles based on uncertain news sources. They can run the occasional gossip column, but it's the policy of the Liberl News to verify their information.

That aside, let's get what we came here for! He turns to Dorothy and instructs her to get several panorama shots of the Rolent region from atop this tower. Everything else he'll leave up to her aesthetic touch. Now get out there and get some good pictures! Dorothy chirps an 'Understood!' and darts off. His apprentice Dorothy Hyatt is ready for action!

Nial turns to Alba next, and wonders if he wants to tag along with us back to town when we're all done here? He says we bracers might look like a couple of brat, but we do a pretty fine job as escorts! Alba says that if it's alright with us to have him along, then that's far more than he could ask for. Then it's decided… Now, how about we take a break up here until Dorothy finishes getting her shots…?

We get a montage of everyone milling about the tower - Alba heads for the central device, Dorothy darts here and there with her camera, while Estelle and Joshua head to the side of the building to have a look over the edge. The view is great from here! From this height, Estelle says, she can see all of Rolent! With scenery this good, if someone turned this place into a tourist spot, they'd probably make a boatload of mira… Joshua says she's probably right about that, but seems caught up in his own head. Estelle asks him what's wrong? He looks a bit pale. Joshua chuckles that he can't hide anything from her, can he? He claims that after we stepped onto the roof, he just started feeling… a little woozy.

Estelle is concerned, but Joshua assures her he'll be okay in a while, once he gets a bit of fresh air. He suggests Estelle should make the best of this opportunity and have a look around the tower roof herself? Broadening one's knowledge during a time like this is all part of being a bracer… If she comes across something interesting, she can always let him know later, right? Estelle sighs, and says sometimes he can be such a smooth talker, you know? Okay, she'll have a look around - but if he starts feeling worse, he'll let her know, yeah? Joshua promises he will.

This is an unsubtle hint to talk to the other people, by the way - we can't leave the roof nor interact further with Joshua, so we'll just have to talk to our three NPC guests. Dorothy is closest, and she says this place is wonderful, isn't it? She's even starting to wonder if the number of photo-quartz is going to be enough. Estelle agrees that the scenery is nice, as she says, and wonders what a photo-quartz might be? Dorothy explains that it's an ultra-thin crystal circuit fabricated from septium. It's set up so that you can take a photograph by burning it with light. Estelle says that's just what she'd expect from a camerawoman - someone who knows the tools of the trade! Dorothy chuckles at that.

Dorothy then asks what's up with Joshua? Estelle explains that he's just getting some fresh air. Dorothy muses that a raven-haired young man standing silently in the flowing breeze… she thinks she could take a really good picture with that kind of setting! Does she think he'd let her take a snapshot if she asked? Estelle admits Joshua doesn't seem to be a fan of that kind of stuff, so he'd probably turn her down. The photographer complains that it's such a waste… He's probably just shy, right? Oh, she knows! If Joshua doesn't want to pose for a photograph, then how about Estelle? Estelle is caught off guard, and wonders what Dorothy would even want to do with a picture of her? Dorothy argues that she's cute, and she can feel a strong aura emanating from her, so Estelle might even be able to grace the cover of a magazine! Estelle quickly passes on that. No matter which way she thinks about it, that's just not her style. Dorothy feels like she just got dumped… Ah well, wonder what she should photograph next?

On the other side of the roof, Nial is smoking a cigarette - the taste is wonderful! He says at first he wasn't in the mood to come do a story in a rural place like Rolent, but sometimes these places aren't so bad. Estelle muses that if he wants to be rude like that, then maybe he shouldn't have come here at all. Nial says coming here was a direct order from the Editor-in-Chief to teach that blockhead girl Dorothy a thing or two. Otherwise he'd be all over the kingdom searching for the latest scoop right now… Estelle wonders if by 'scoop' he doesn't just mean gossip for his next article? Nial has nothing against gossip, but says reportage is predominantly greater.

He mentions that in a sense, the place that has his interest piqued is Bose. Estelle asks why, and Nial explains that a number of large burglaries have taken place there, one after another. The identity of the criminals is unknown, but it seems as though the group has got a pair of wings… Estelle concludes he must mean an airship. What are they, sky bandits or something? Nial says that seems the logical conclusion. There's also the possibility that this could be an imitative deception by the Erebonian Empire, though. Estelle, shocked, says that's impossible - we're supposed to have a peace treaty with them! Nial acknowledges that, but points out the Empire incurred some heavy losses during the war 10 years ago. They can't do much now that every other nation on the continent has their eye on them, but this could be a way to get back at us. Estelle seems distressed. Nial assures her nobody knows for sure, which is why his job as reporter is to bring these things to light.

He then says that the Royal Army has also been reported to be making a number of new pushes as well. He'll tell her this - one of him is just not enough to cover all the news! Estelle asks about these 'new pushes', and Nial explains that there's this young, smart apple in the war college. It seems that he breathed a bit of new life into the understaffed and outdated Royal Army. Nial would really like to figure out a way to get an appointment with the guy… Anyway, cigarettes are the way to go at a time like this! The non-smoking boom in the Royal City has really started to feel oppressive… The more he thinks about it, this is the one thing he can't quit!

I head over to Alba next, and he asks if our partner's all right? Estelle assures him Joshua just wants to get a bit of fresh air. Alba admits there's certainly a nice breeze up here, isn't there? He wanted to say, by the way, how impressed he is that both Estelle and him are bracers at such a young age! If he remembers correctly, one must be at least 16 years of age to qualify to become one, right? Estelle confirms that he knows his stuff, and says she's exactly 16 years old herself. Alba says it's so nice to be young - there are limitless possibilities at that age. If he were about ten years younger, he'd solve the mysteries of all these ancient ruins across the entire continent with his very hands!

Estelle thinks the entire continent is a bit of a tall order. She guesses that he's not from Liberl, right? Alba confirms he was born in the north - but for the record, he's not from Erebonia. Estelle laughs and says he doesn't have to worry about that. Although she hates war with a passion, that hatred isn't directed at the people of the Empire. Alba guesses she lost someone dear to her? Estelle closes her eyes and admits that, yes… she lost her mother. Alba apologizes for bringing up such painful memories, but Estelle assures him it's alright. It happened more than ten years ago, and since then there's been a new addition to the family. Alba guesses she means the boy over there, and Estelle confirms that Joshua's like a little brother. Although he's probably trying to act more like an older one… She then pauses, and wonders why she's even telling him all of this. Usually this isn't the kind of thing a person tells others… Alba says it's perfectly fine. Aren't good relations such a wonderful thing?

Estelle changes the subject, asking if the Professor learned anything new about the tower yet? Alba says unfortunately he's still just as puzzled as he was before he came up here. It seems like he'll need to do a comparative investigation of the other towers. Estelle guesses he means the ones outside the Rolent Region, right? Alba confirms that he means the Amberl Tower in Bose, the Sapphirl Tower in Ruan, and the Carnelia Tower in Zeiss. It seems as though all of these towers were built at around the same time as the Esmelas Tower. Estelle says he's certainly knowledgeable on the subject, that's for sure! Investigating is fine and all, but she tells him to try and avoid the dangerous bits. She knows it'll cost him a little, but he might want to consider hiring a bracer as an escort next time. Alba admits that being a poor scholar doesn't always leave him with the necessary funds for that… Anyway, it appears the device's functions have completely stopped, but under the right circumstances it may be possible to activate it anew…

Having spoken to everyone, we return to Joshua's side to see if he's still feeling sick. Joshua says he feels much better, and he should be good to head back whenever everybody's ready. Estelle is relieved to hear that, but wonders what brought this all on anyway? She doubts it was a lack of oxygen in the tower, because the rest of the group are all right… Maybe it's a sudden fear of heights? Joshua evasively comments that he doesn't think so… This is the moment that Dorothy, Nial and Alba all make their way over. Dorothy announces that she's finished taking pictures - she got a lot of good ones, too! Nial concludes we're done up here, so how about we head back to town? Alright greenhorns, lead the way! Alba says he's counting on us children.

We don't actually have to walk back, as we reappear on the streets of the city of Rolent, where Alba thanks us for escorting him back here. This is the first time he's ever been able to make it back from some ruins without being chased or bitten or… Well, he doesn't know how to begin to express his appreciation! Joshua says there's no need to thank us, since it's our duty as bracers. Estelle still thinks he's better off hiring some bracers to begin with next time he goes off to investigate some ruins. Alba admits his head says yes, but his wallet says no. He'll try and save up a bit, though. Well, he tells us to have a wonderful day, and he hopes we can all meet again!

After Alba departs, Nial says it's about time for him and Dorothy to say goodbye as well. He was a bit nervous at first, he admits, but we did a fine job, so he thanks us heartily on behalf of both of them. Estelle declares that is what she likes to call raw skill! Nial asks her not to get all cocky on him now. The bracers he knows would make the two of us look like little fledglings not ready to leave the nest! We're going to need to work harder.

Estelle sighs, and says she'll try to remember that. Joshua inquires if they're headed back to the company soon, then? Nial denies that, and says they're going to spend a day or so relaxing here in Rolent. He needs to write up a rough draft for some articles and such. Dorothy, meanwhile, wants to head over to the orbal factory and get those photographs developed!

As the two walk off, Estelle concludes that we just finished the last of the jobs we got from Dad. They were much tougher than she thought they'd be! Joshua agrees, and feels like he's gained a greater awareness now about what it means to be a bracer. It's not just about fighting for justice. Estelle chuckles - there he goes again, saying all the right things. But yeah, she gets where he's coming from. Joshua says it seems we have a long road ahead of us if we want to succeed in this profession. For the time being, why don't we report in at the guild? Estelle agrees it sounds like a good idea. Before we go, though, she checks up on Joshua - is he still not feeling well? Joshua reassures her he's much better. Let's go.

At her usual spot in the outside seating area, Ida wonders what we have here? A handsome Bracer if she's ever seen one! She asks Joshua whether he wants to take a little nap with her, but Joshua responds that he'll have to take a raincheck on that one. Inside the bar, Miner Trent is eating away again, and says the whole monster scare has finally settled down at the mine. Now he can finally eat a relaxing meal! Elissa tells Estelle that the other day Mr. Rinon's mother dropped by and asked her out of the blue if she wanted to marry her son! She hasn't felt so surprised since Scherazard fell off the table while she was dancing! She had to turn her down, though. When she's ready, she wants to be able to choose her own partner. Mr. Rinon is getting older, she's sure that's why his mother is worried about him…

Ridge is standing at the counter, and greets us as we approach. He mentions seeing some crazy quick monsters on the Milch Main Road the other day. Just when he thought they were charging him, though, they took off running. What were those things…? (Guess we know where the farm critters went.) Faulkner comments that all the members of the Bracer Guild can hold their liquor. Scherazard is like a booze-sponge, but even Cassius can down more than a few rounds. Aina is the most surprising of them all, though. Joshua says he heard the same thing from Schera - she's supposed to be pretty amazing in the liquor department. Faulkner says she can drink at the same pace as Schera, and on top of that her face never gets red, and she acts totally normal! Estelle thinks that's much better than having your ear talked off by Schera! Faulkner is just amazed at the Bracer Guild's tolerance in general - well, except for Ridge. One drink and he's a goner…

In the back room, Densel thinks it's time he started thinking about a new menu. He's going to have all the staff here give him their ideas for the new menu - maybe he should ask Elissa what she thinks, too? Upstairs, Tabitha explains that they started this restaurant before she and her husband were married, that's why they have such a special fondness for the place. Somehow she finds herself deeply moved when she sees their daughter, Elissa, helping around here as well…

In the streets, Claire has heard the two of us had our fair share of accomplishments lately. Let's see - we drove fiends away from the Perzel Farm, rescued miners at the Malga Mine, and most recently escorted a few reporters, right? Joshua admits that she certainly knows a lot for her age… Claire wishes those reporters would hire her, since she thinks she's perfect for it. Estelle silently acknowledges that's probably true, and Joshua chuckles. Pat stands nearby, and recognizes the Liberl News as the magazine his dad always reads. The cover always has someone really famous or popular!

In the northwestern apartments, Serra obliviously mentions that the bracers who helped Pat seem to be active recently - she heard they were a pair of young bracers, a boy and a girl. That boy is especially well spoken of by the wives' circle as being quite a cutie! Estelle silently fumes that Joshua's a hunk to all these desperate housewives, apparently? Serra adds that thanks to a number of well-known bracers here in Rolent, they can live free of worry… Rhett says that the Liberl News is selling like hotcakes lately. Up until recently it was a minor magazine circulated in and around the Royal City. Next door, Maggy mentions that though they're complete opposites, her grandson Luke appears to get along well with his neighbor Pat. She wishes Luke would pick up a few good things from Pat, though…

At the clock tower, Paddington says gazing out from the top here every day is quite enjoyable. The changing seasons, the lies of the people living here in town, though they're all minor, he can see the changes with his own eyes. Recently he's seen Mrs. Bloom out and about quite a bit, and he wonders what she's up to…? Outside, Luke says some news reporters came to do a story about our dad! His own father's a soldier in the Royal Army, but he's pretty plain and boring compared to bracers. Yeah, bracers are definitely cooler than soldiers!

At the hotel, Verne heard about our admirable performance at the farm and the mine, and says that a number of his guests have been asking about us as well. Keep up the good work! At the chapel, Father Divine says it appears to him that our faces seem a little older and wiser. He's glad to see we've matured, body and mind. Sister May mentions that recently some of the children have come to see her on non-Sunday School days. She's glad she became a sister!

Elger has been hearing great things about us, knocking out jobs one after another. We've made some successful strides from our part-time job working here for him! Cassius, Scherazard, and now the two us - Rolent bracers are the best, hands down! Stella wonders how we're doing, and says we've really grown up, haven't we? Although she'd like Estelle to act a bit more lady-like still. Estelle blushes and laughs, and says she'll try to pay more attention to that. Across the road, Rinon says that recently it seems like whenever he goes out on the street, he gets a lot of strange looks. It appears his mother started up the 'bride hunt' again… When he first heard about what was going on, he thought he was going to die of sheer embarrassment! No matter how many times he tells her to knock it off, she just keeps doing it. What is he going to do?

Upstairs, Bloom recognizes Estelle as Cassius' daughter, right? She looks rather healthy and seems like a cheerful young girl at that, so how would she feel about becoming her son's new wife? 'Excuse me?!' Bloom says it seems young girls these days don't mind marrying older men, right? Estelle stutters a denial, and Bloom immediately admits that her son isn't as handsome as Estelle's boyfriend over there with the black hair… She tells Joshua to keep Estelle happy, and he just blinks back, confused. Estelle muses to herself that this nutjob lady is totally mistaken… Joshua muses that we should probably play along before things get more complicated…

At the orbment shop, Freddy says the mayor came by to ask him about some septium engraving a bit ago. Although the esmelas hasn't arrived, he hears it's quite the magnificent crystal. He's looking forward to seeing what it looks like! Melders mentions that he heard orbments were based on ancient tools. It's not the people of today who are amazing, but those people of old! Somehow that's a bit mortifying…

At the southwestern apartments, Euridice says her father has stopped complaining about the work her husband does, but it does look like he's holding his tongue all the time… She's sure he'd feel much better if he just said what he felt. Radford mutters that young kids these days only tend to focus on profit as a way to gain acceptance from others. Back in his day, if they wanted to be accepted, they had to work hard! Like his daughter says, they'll have to watch these kids with a careful eye… Upstairs, Frissa has received word from her husband today that he'll be finished up with his current job. She's better cook something extra special! The longer they're apart, the deeper the bond grows between her and her husband… Anya cheerfully proclaims that daddy's coming home. She wants to play with him, she's so excited!

Fate mentions that Rinon's mother came here looking for a bride, but his Yuni is way too young for the likes of him! He can't allow Yuni's husband to be any less of a man than himself! Estelle muses that it's odd to see Fate so heated up about something, and Joshua guesses that the realization that he's the father of a young daughter is finally setting in… Fate then states out of the blue that Joshua seems to be a good match for his daughter, but he's going to have to fail him - he's too handsome!

See, it's not that he's done anything wrong, but he can just see him having serious girl troubles someday. Estelle admits she can see that too - Joshua is completely out of touch with reality, and doesn't even notice that kind of stuff. Therein lies another problem. Joshua muses to himself that it's Estelle who's out of touch with reality… As if to redeem this conversation a little, Fate adds that Joshua is much too old for his daughter too, so that's another fail right there! Yuni herself mentions that her dad's been asking her some weird things, like who'd she choose - Luke or Pat?

At the landing port, Alan says that recently it seems that there are some sky bandits using an airship to pull off robberies in the Bose region. He's going to have to be more strict with passenger checks! If a criminal managed to get on-board, who knows what might happen? Estelle is amazed that Alan almost sounded responsible for a second! Alan says that's because he'd never forgive himself if he allowed some hotties to get in harm's way. Not to mention it gives him a reason to check out the chicks more closely, too. That's two birds with one stone, baby! Estelle decides she was a fool for admiring him…

Fabree mentions that after the airliners were developed, a lot of people started coming to visit Rolent. Before that it was mostly merchants who came by to buy septium, lumber, and vegetables. He even heard that the number of people traveling by the roads on foot has decreased. You don't get tired riding on an airliner, and they're very fast! Skip wonders if we've heard of the high speed cruiser Arseille, the airship used by the Royal Family? With a hull covered in elegant lines and painted a pure white, it's certainly fitting for those of royalty. In addition, it boasts the best engine that orbal technology can offer, and it's said to have the highest performance output in the world.

The mayor's mansion, surprisingly, is locked!

Revisiting Malga Mine, Miner Landan mentions that Trent snuck on him when he took his eyes off him for a second. He's sure he's off sluffing work somewhere… Miner Bones mentions the same, and bets he skipped out on work again to grab a bite back in Rolent. Mine Chief Gaton says it looks like the only option they have is to seal up the monster den, since there's enough of them down there it'd be a tough job even for bracers. Miner Pierre says they're planning on sealing it up with some explosives… Miner Miles says they mined just about everything they can out of the upper levels, so he hopes they can get back to work on the lower stratum soon. Miner Heinrich says sealing up the hole is good and all, but somebody still has to go down there, right? Somebody is going to be stuck with the task of doing it, right…?

At Verte Bridge Checkpoint, Private Scott mentions that recently in the Bose region next door, there have been a number of burglaries occurring one after another. Seems to be the work of sky bandits! Private Harold says they're presently on heightened alert due to those bandits, but he hopes they'll only have to deal with training… CWO Ashton says that due to those burglaries across the border, they're really going to need to get it together here. He wants his men to use the experience they've gained in training…

Back at the Perzel Farm, Will confirms that the two of us are bracers who defend justice, right? That's so awesome! He wonders if he could be one too? Tio asks how we're doing, and admits she's sure like to get all our friends from Sunday School together again. It's been a while, so she really wants to see Elissa too. Franz is working in the field, and says he heard some talk about us while he was in town. Looks like we've already made a name for ourselves as bracers, and now he gets to boast to others about how we protected his fields! Chere tells Joshua she's going to start helping around on the farm, and he says that's great, and to work hard! Joshua pats her on the head, so the little girl giggles and promises she will. Hannah tells us to visit again whenever we have time - the kids would love to see us.

At Gurune Gate, Private Logan says that ever since airliner flights began, the number of people passing through these gates has decreased. Basically, the only people coming here these days are the ones who want to view the wall.

Private Ethan says they recently had a reporter from the Liberl News come to do a story on the Ahnenburg Wall. He said something about writing a story related to old ruins… Inside, Private Anden says that the forest of Mistwald to the north of here is the center of Rolent's timber industry. Sometimes, those in the industry come here to rest. CWO Robin reports that no big incidents have happened today either. It's at peaceful times like these that they should prepare contingency plans and conduct intensive training. All part of the job, you know?

Warrant Officer Graves says this year marks a decade since the end of the Hundred Days War. When he looks at the peaceful state that the country is in now, those days feel so far off… Sam the innkeeper says there's hardly any customers today, so he intends to make himself useful and get to the cleaning he normally doesn't have time for. Emily the cook says this time is a bit boring for her, though she supposes she could take advantage of the downtime and try working on a new menu.

On the wall, Private Selbourne says scholars and others sometimes come to investigate the wall, mostly because this place is actually an ancient ruin from long ago. People interested in old places can't resist coming here, but he doesn't see the appeal himself - it's not a treasure trove of knowledge so much as a workplace for him. On the roof, Private Thomas muses that the chief is an extremely serious person, but he sometimes wonders if he gets tired of fretting over every little thing… He's sure it's difficult to rally the troops, so at least he needs to try not making anything more difficult for him.

Next: We put on our detective hats, because someone's been up to no good while we were out of town...
After Alba departs, Nial says it's about time for him and Dorothy to say goodbye as well. He was a bit nervous at first, he admits, but we did a fine job, so he thanks us heartily on behalf of both of them. Estelle declares that is what she likes to call raw skill! Nial asks her not to get all cocky on him now. The bracers he knows would make the two of us look like little fledglings not ready to leave the nest! We're going to need to work harder.
To be fair, this is what, their third day on the job?
Faulkner says she can drink at the same pace as Schera, and on top of that her face never gets red, and she acts totally normal! Estelle thinks that's much better than having your ear talked off by Schera!
I'm pretty sure that a chatty Schera is one of the least embarrassing Schera's possible.
I'm pretty sure that a chatty Schera is one of the least embarrassing Schera's possible.

To quote a wise man:

It's a pity that Trails in the Sky isn't more popular, because I think that a beautiful, dark-skinned woman who loves fun and drinking would be a big hit if more people knew about her.

Surely there are those among us who would regard chatty Schera not as embarrassing at all, but rather a benefi-

Trails in the Sky (Part 12) - CSI: Rolent

CSI: Rolent

We return to the guild to see what's next, and Scherazard is there waiting for us. Joshua says this is a rare occasion, since she's usually out and about! Schera explains she just finished the jobs she took over for our father and was reporting in. Estelle is impressed - so she finished her load as well, huh? Schera dsud that she heard from Aina that we aren't doing too bad ourselves. Everything she went through to train the two of us amounted to something, at least! Estelle tells her we're grateful, and… well, we should report in as well! Aina asks us to show her what we've got, and we receive our payment - 2000 mira and 4 BP. This advances us to 7th Class Junior Bracers, and rewards us with the Eagle Eye quartz. When equipped, this shows all monsters on the minimap so you can know where they are from considerably further away. Handy!

Aina compliments us on a job well done, and wonders if Scherazard thinks they've done a fine job too? Schera dismissively remarks that for a bunch of newbies, we did an average job. We shouldn't be satisfied with that level of work, though. Especially Estelle - she's always the first to get on that high horse of hers! Estelle sighs and says she gets it already… Aina is just pleased all of Cassius' backlog is taken care of, and admits she's surprised we were able to fill the work gap so quickly. Perhaps we'll be able to relax for a bit now? Estelle is doubtful, since she can imagine the down time might be a bit of a drag. Joshua says that won't be a problem, since there are plenty of other small jobs like patrolling the roads and exterminating monsters.

Schera comments that she hasn't had a break in a while - it's time for her reward! She's going to drink until she can't anymore tonight!

She asks us to join her at the bar as well, but Estelle is hesitant, and wonders why we'd want to watch her get plastered and make a fool of herself? Schera scowls and asks her if she's turning down the invitation? She's got a lot of nerve doing that to her mentor! Estelle wonders what she's supposed to say here? Her drinking habits are intolerable! She causes a ruckus, dances like a maniac and tries to strip in public… Joshua agrees that it's all pretty embarrassing. Aina inquires just where she thinks she's going to take these underage kids…?

Schera petulantly argues the alcohol is what makes things entertaining - but if Estelle is so set against coming along, then she doesn't need her. Instead, she'll just have Joshua make up for her absence! Joshua questions why him, while Schera announces that he looks like he'll make a fine companion. Whether she's talking booze or something else behind closed doors, she'll help break him in! Joshua stares and repeats 'break me in…?' Estelle immediately tells him off - he's a big pervert! Why is he drooling like that? Joshua quickly backpedals - it's not what she thinks!

The comedy routine is interrupted by an old man's voice - we've got a major problem! We turn to find that Mayor Klaus has arrived, wheezing and coughing and panting from exertion. He's glad to see us here - the both of us and Scherazard! Joshua is relieved that he was saved by the bell there, but then quickly moves on to more practical matters. He asks the mayor what's wrong - why is he in such a hurry? The mayor exclaims that it's a disaster! His home - it's, it's gone! Scherazard tells the man to calm down, and Klaus takes a few deep breaths before regathering his wits. He finally explains what he's trying to say: it appears as though his home was robbed while he was out!

Estelle cries out in horror, and Scherazard immediately tells her off for not being calm at all! Joshua's reaction is a pensive silence, his eyes narrowed. The mayor explains that he had something to speak with Father Divine about, so he was over at the chapel. When he came home, it was rather odd - for one, nobody was there to greet him at the door, so he looked around and the rooms were in a state of great disarray! Estelle asks about the mayor's wife and his servant Lita, but the mayor assures her they're both fine - he found them locked up in the attic. Estelle is relieved to hear that, and Schera agrees that it's lucky nobody came to harm. Still, it won't get us anywhere to just sit around here discussing this, so she should head over to the crime scene!

Mayor Klaus appreciates Schera's cooperation, and Estelle immediately jumps in and announces she's going too. Joshua agrees that we may be able to be of some help, and Scherazard is willing to allow it. She turns to Aina and says we'll be over at the mayor's place to investigate the incident, so if anything comes up she should just toss it on Ridge's shoulders. He's probably just relaxing at the bar anyway. Aina promises she'll do that, and warns us all to be careful!

We switch over to the mayor's study, to find the place an absolute mess - books are strewn everywhere, pots are overturned, chests have been rifled through… and the giant safe in the corner is open and empty. Scherazard observes that the crooks really tore through here… Estelle points out the safe, and Klaus agrees that the septium which was supposed to be given to Her Majesty the Queen has been stolen. He's really sorry, especially after having us go to all the trouble to bring it here. Joshua says he's not the one who should be apologizing. It's the crooks who are in the wrong! He asks how the other rooms in the house are, but Klaus says they appear to have been left untouched for the most part. They're about as messy as the attic room in which his wife and Lita were locked up…

Scherazard considers the matter for a moment, and then says there's something she wants the two of us to do. She'll speak with the mayor about the incident, but she wants us to check out the inside of the house for clues. Estelle guesses it's like an on-site investigation? Joshua's not sure we're up to the task. Schera points out that since we're all already here, splitting up would be the best way to cover more ground, right? We agree, and Schera says we should proceed carefully and deliberately. She'll take Mayor Klaus down to the parlor where they can talk. After the two leave, we're left with an on-site investigation on our hands - Estelle is starting to get butterflies in her stomach!

Joshua suggests starting with the study room, and notes that we shouldn't forget to get witness statements from the other residents. We're then left to look around and see what can be found… Inspecting the open box next to the door, Joshua mentions the box lock seems to have been burned off, so the criminals may have used an orbal gun. Estelle rifles through the bookcases and says It's just like the mayor to have a ton of difficult books like this… Joshua observes that he's got some valuable antique books here as well, so the criminal either had no idea about their value, or…

Looking over the desk area, Estelle comments that this place is all torn apart - Lita would probably faint if she saw this. Joshua mentions that it looks like all the books on the shelf have been scattered about the room, which seems kind of senseless… Inspecting a pot that's been tipped over, Estelle says there's nothing inside. Joshua thinks it only got tipped over after being hit by something with force. In the corner we can find a drawer with several documents inside, but they don't appear to be disturbed. Joshua recognizes them as documents regarding the Rolent City's government, and the fact that these are as they are suggests that there was no political aim involved.

Looking over the safe, Estelle laments that the gift we delivered to the mayor is gone - those crooks are not going to get away with this! Joshua inspects the door and says it doesn't look like they jimmied it, so the criminals must have decrypted the combination and opened it, or…? Estelle wonders if that's really possible, to decrypt the code? Joshua says it's not impossible, but he imagines that it would be difficult for anyone besides a skilled professional. His best guess is that they figured out the combination using a much simpler means. Estelle asks what he means, and Joshua suggests they could have, for example, dusted the buttons with a special powder. A powder like that would have absorptive properties, and due to its fineness would be invisible to the naked eye. However, if a blue light were placed over it, it would glow… Joshua muses and paints the picture - imagine for a minute that the mayor entered the combination with the powder already present. The powder would stick to his fingers and come off, which would be one way to know which buttons were pressed.

Estelle tells Joshua to wait a minute - wouldn't they still not know the order in which they were pressed. Joshua says that's not exactly the case. As the powder collected on the fingers increased, the amount taken from the buttons would decrease. In other words, the crooks would press the buttons in order starting from the least luminescent. It might be a little more difficult if there were duplicate numbers, but the crooks should be able to make a pretty good guess as to what they are… Estelle says that makes sense, and wonders if Joshua is a genius or something? Joshua dismisses it as just basic knowledge. Anyway, let's check those buttons…

Walking to the other side of the safe door, Joshua quickly confirms that it's just as he thought - powder was used. Now there's no doubt in his mind that this safe was opened using the same method he explained. Estelle says the big question now is who dusted those buttons with the powder in the first place? We know it would have to at least be someone who visited the residence. Joshua confirms that's true, but figuring out who it is will be the tricky part… (I've got a pretty good guess, heh. We've seen exactly one person who isn't Mayor Klaus in that room…) If we head outside onto the balcony, we can inspect the railing to find some marks on it. Joshua confirms that they're fresh, and it looks like something metal dug into the wood there. Estelle wonders about that - something metal and strong enough to leave marks, huh? We note it down in our notebooks, then move on.

Inside their respective rooms across from the study we can talk to the witnesses - we ask Mylene if she's alright, and she assures us she's fine. The intruders weren't violent towards them. Joshua asks if she noticed anything in particular about the intruders, and Mylene says they were all wearing masks, so she wouldn't be able to tell us any specific features. She does mention that the front door was locked, though - she did that just to be safe, since her husband had gone to the chapel and just her and Lita were still in the house. Wonder how in the world they got in? Also, for some reason the intruders took off with a bunch of preserved food - perhaps they were hungry? Inspecting the front door to follow up leads to another cutscene, where Estelle muses that Mylene claimed the front door was locked at the time of the burglary, right? Doesn't look like the lock's been broken, either. Which means they got in another way…

Speaking to Lita next, she says she had such a scare! She was cleaning up the attic when suddenly a bunch of masked men came barging in! Estelle concludes this wasn't a one-man job, and Lita agrees, and guesses there were about three or four people. Also, one of them was unusually short - might even have been a girl! When she thinks about the fact that she's going to have to clean up the study, her head starts to spin… When she gets her hands on those criminals, she's going to give them a beating like they'll never forget!

In the attic, where the two women were previously locked away, we can find a peculiar leaf on the floor - a Servais leaf. Estelle says it's a bit strange for a leaf to be in a place like this, right? On top of that, it's not a type that even grows around here. Joshua compliments her on her sharp observation there, and muses on the fact that the residents were locked up in here by the robbers. That leaf was probably dropped by one of the criminals while they were stashing the people away! Estelle concludes that makes this leaf a key piece of material evidence!

With all that information gathered we chat with Scherazard, who asks us if we want to look around a bit longer, or if we found all the evidence we think we can get our hands on. It seems that the objects which caused a cutscene are obligatory, but the rest are optional additions which add detail. You can return here earlier, but Schera just tells us to look around a little more. Schera looks over our notes, and decides to check the details one by one to see what we've come up with. Pop quiz time! We're asked to answer a series of questions about what we've learned from our investigation, to see if we've come to a reasonable conclusion.

We're first asked an easy one - what were the criminals after? We can choose to say it's something that could be sold for mira (in which case they'd have taken the rare books), the food preserved in the kitchen (which seems ancillary at best), or the septium in the safe. The last is obviously the correct answer. Next, how many criminals were there? We can then pick between suggesting it was a lone woman, one man and one woman, or a group of three of four. Obviously Lita gave us the correct answer to convey there. Third - where did they get into the house from? We can pick from the first floor window, that they picked the front door, that they got in via the terrace on the second floor, or through the roof into the attic. Given the marks we found on the railing, the logical conclusion is they came in through the second floor.

With those answered, Scherazard asks us to put it all together. Point blank, what is the portrait of those thought to have committed this crime? We can then pick between five options: citizens coming and going during the day, relatives of Mayor Klaus, somebody who works at Malga Mine, a traveler who visited recently, or none of the above. Really, there's only one option here that makes any sense - and fits with my suspicion. A traveler did it! Scherazard compliments on doing a good job investigating. It looks like we'll be able to specify who the criminals are with this information… She then turns to Mayor Klaus, and asks if he's had any new faces in his study over the last two or three days…?

Klaus admits that when she puts it that way, he guesses there have been a number of people. That reporter from the magazine company was one of them. Estelle decides that Nial and Dorothy came here too, huh? Joshua points out that at the time of the crime, the two of them were with us at the Esmelas Tower, so they couldn't have done it. They can be crossed off the list of subjects. Schera asks if there were any others? The mayor says that other than that, there was only Josette… but let's not kid ourselves! Estelle agrees that it'd be a bit of a stretch for her to be our thief! After all, she's a student at the Royal Academy! Schera warns that criminals aren't always dressed so they can be easily spotted. If someone put their mind to it, they could create a replica of a school uniform. Estelle says she was really nice, though, modest and curious - right, Joshua? Joshua slowly turns and apologizes for saying this - but he completely disagrees.

During that time, when the mayor first put the septium into the safe, Josette's eyes lit up like a hunter's eyeing her prey. Of course, since he had no conclusive evidence he couldn't exactly call her out on that, but to him she didn't look like any ordinary student. Estelle hopes he is joking, and Klaus also thinks it's unbelievable… Schera says that at any rate, it looks like we're going to have to ask this girl a few questions. We wouldn't happen to know where she is? Estelle says that if she remembers right, she should be staying over at the hotel. She said something about taking off from Rolent sometime today, though… It's time to hurry, then!

Scherazard joins the party!

I wasn't even sure it'd ever happen, given that I played Wild Arms with the same three party members I started with, but we finally get an additional party member to fill out our roster. Schera's higher level than us, but only a little - but she's got a better magic stat than Estelle, so she's ideal for dumping those high level wind quartz like Impede 2 so she can start slamming AoE Aerials everywhere. She's got a bunch of orbment slots locked to wind anyway, so it just makes sense. Her weapon, in case you're wondering, is a whip. Ooh la la.

Heading over to the hotel, Verne recognizes the three of us and wonders if something's the matter? Estelle asks if he remembers that girl named Josette? She's a student from the Royal Academy who should be staying here. Verne certainly remembers her, but unfortunately she checked out just a moment ago. Shoot - we're just a minute too late! Joshua suggests hurrying to the landing port, as we might be able to catch her there. Estelle sighs, and says she really seemed like such a nice girl… Verne notes she did appear to be in somewhat of a rush…

At the landing port, Alan asks to please excuse the delay - the airliner should be arriving any time now, so we should please be patient. Oh - oh, it's just us. And Scherazard too! Thank you Aidios, for this feast on the eyes… So, what's up? Joshua asks him if he by chance happened to see a girl in a school uniform around here? One from the Jenis Royal Academy? Alan remarks that those uniforms are so hot! Yes, he can see them even now! He totally forgot what the boys' uniforms look like, though… Estelle doesn't get the obsession Alan's got going on, but Schera mutters that 'thus defineth man's eternal struggle…' Back on topic, Alan didn't see any girls in uniform? Alan confirms he hasn't seen any this month, and believe him - he watches for those! He checks all the passengers boarding and disembarking, so he can tell us at least that she hasn't come here.

Schera concludes that this means that she came to Rolent along the roads without using an airliner, which complicates things. Our search field suddenly got much bigger. Come to think of it, there must be others, so they've got to be hiding somewhere… Estelle is suddenly reminded of the Servais leaf that we found in the attic and shows it to the others. She almost forgot we found this, and asks if it could be some kind of clue? Joshua asks if Scherazard knows of any places nearby where Servais trees grow? She says she does, actually - she's pretty certain that they grow in Mistwald, south of Rolent. Estelle thinks this sounds like it's worth looking into, so let's hit up the highway through Rolent's south gate!

As we return to the city, we hear a girl's voice yelling for someone to wait up - he's running like a crazed lunatic! A man's voice responds, asking who could just walk at a time like this? We see Dorothy and Nial run up to the clock tower, where the latter wheezes and coughs. Maybe he should think about cutting back… on those blasted cigarettes? Our party walks up to them and asks what they're up to? Nial recognizes us, and explains that actually, they've got to get to Bose ASAP! Joshua points out the airliner isn't even here yet, and Nial says he knows that - it's why they're heading over there on foot. It'll take some time, but it's not a distance that they can't cover by themselves.

Estelle tells them not to wear themselves out too badly on the way there… By the way, are they after a scoop or something? Nial agrees that they are after the mother of all scoops, too! No time to talk, though - they've got to get there today! As Nial runs off, Dorothy wonders if he's going to be all right… Anyway, she waves us off and follows. Schera smiles and says those are a lively pair - friends of ours? Estelle explains how we met them as part of one of the jobs Dad asked us to take over. She wonders what's going on…?

Now that we've got Scherazard on our team, we can also head around and witness a bunch more interactions with some people, though for the first time in this game, it's not literally everyone who gets new dialogue, but only select people and areas...

Alan is still stuck on the Jenis Royal Academy uniforms - those uniforms sure are hot. The contrast of those neatly pleated white skirts and navy blue socks, he can see them now! Fabree mentions that with the airliner this late, he can't help but think something happened. Skip agrees that it's unusual for the airliner from Bose to be this late - he wonders what's going on? They're prepared to receive the incoming ship, but…

At the bar, Elissa greets Scherazard, and wonders if she's here for a drink today? She should please try not to tease Mr. Faulkner, okay? Schera says she wasn't teasing him at all, if that's what he thought. She was just cuddling him! Densel wonders if Schera is back for another drink? He got some new liquor that he thinks she might like. Hopefully she'll come by and have a taste! Schera is very happy to hear that, and promises she'll stop by when she finishes up with some of this work.

Speaking to Faulkner, Schera greets him, and he sort of panics - Aaaah, Sch-Sch-Scherazard?! Good day to her! Schera wonders why he's so tense? He doesn't need to worry, she's on duty right now. Faulkner praises the Goddess for that! Uh, he meant - he appreciates her hard work. Schera chuckles, and says that when she's done today, how about she tops by and they have a drink together? She'll be looking forward to it… Faulkner haltingly assures her he'll be waiting. Estelle muses to herself that nothing inspires fear like Schera's drunken company… Joshua adds that the only thing that comes closest is Estelle's cooking! Faulkner thinks to himself he should get out of here sooner rather than later…

Outside the bar, we can see that Ida and her cat Aryll have dozed off again… Claire recognizes that Schera's with us too - all three bracers spoken of in town together at once… Does this mean something happened? Pat and Luke similarly question what's up, since they saw the mayor run by them a little earlier…

Rinon wonders what brings all three of us together like this? Estelle explains we have a job that needs taking care of. Working hard, are we? That reminds him - the accessory that Scherazard ordered came in. It had to come all the way from the Republic, so it took some time to get it in stock. Schera certainly appreciates him going through the trouble for her, but right now she's in the middle of something, so she'll have to stop by again later to pick it up. Rinon says it'll be here whenever she gets done with what she's got on her plate. When we're done, we should all come back and look at his wares!

Speaking with Bloom upstairs, she remarks that oh my, the one with the silver hair. Is she a foreigner? Schera wonders if she's talking about her? Yeah, sure she is something like that. Bloom determines she's definitely a suitable age, but for a bride she's a little too… exotic. Estelle whispers to Joshua that she can't imagine Schera being anyone's bride, and her brother agrees, since they'd have to be able to keep up with her drinking, at the very least! Let's face it, who could do that? Schera wonders what the two of us are whispering about…? Bloom just sighs. Finding a bride is hard work.

Freddy mentions that the mayor came by to ask about some septium engraving earlier, but the key piece of esmelas hasn't arrived. Melders says he accepted the job from the mayor, but he hasn't shown up even though he promised to come by. It's not like him, since he's always been a stickler about punctuality!

Elger is surprised to see Scherazard with us, and she explains that our work overlapped a bit. Elger mentions that he had a new ship scheduled to come in, but unfortunately it won't get here till much later. Estelle says that come to think of it, Schera used a sword for training, so why did she take up a whip for the job? Schera says that if she must know, it was an accessible weapon for her at a young age, so she's familiar with it. Joshua doesn't even want to know - a whip, really? Elger just tells her to make sure to check her equipment before she heads out on any job. Though it's perhaps needless to tell that to a bracer…

Upstairs, Stella notices that Schera is with us, and says she's happy to see we can work alongside each other - but she shouldn't teach Estelle or Joshua any bad things, okay? Schera remarks that's awfully rude - she doesn't need to make her out to be some sort of evil woman like that. Stella says that usually she's a good girl, but she's got some bad habits, you know? So if she dares to teach us anything bad, she'll… she'll just cry! Schera sighs, and says she gets what she's saying. Stella turns to us and warns us not to dare try copying any of Schera's bad habits either, okay!?

At the Bracer Guild, Aina assures us that Ridge is managing to take care of everything else, so we should just focus on our investigation. Upstairs, Ridge wonders if the three of us are all working together? Schera confirms that the extra work she's leaving behind might be a bit of a strain, but she's counting on him! Ridge promises to do his absolute best. He'll take care of the little jobs, while we focus on the job at hand.

Over at Gurune Gate, Private Logan says there have recently been reports of seeing a number of suspicious figures near the forest of Mistwald. We should make sure to be cautious along the highway! Private Ethan notes that it seems we're all bracers, if he's not mistaken - did something happen around here? Inside, Private Anden points out that the forest of Mistwald is a little further up north from here. There's a small path leading to it which branches off the east of the highway, and we should make sure to keep our eyes peeled or we'll miss it. CWO Robin mentions that Rolent is a region with few incidents to begin with, but that doesn't guarantee there won't be any problems in the future. No matter which garrison for whatever region, they cannot allow themselves to let down their guard.

Emily says all the soldiers here are kind, and even if her cooking sometimes sends them to the hospital, they always tell her it's delicious. In some ways she's glad, but she'd like to hear their honest opinion too…

Sam welcomes us valued customers, and admits he's been pretty bored with the recent lack of guests. We're a sight for sore eyes! Warrant Officer Graves guesses it's time to put in another hard day's work. It's during peaceful times like these that they need to prepare for any number of situations. He thought that sounded so good, he borrowed the words from the chief! Private Selbourne says that it's about time for his shift replacement. The cool air inside feels so good after spending a day out here standing guard. All right, maybe he'll have a drink down in the mess hall for the first time in a while! Private Thomas reports that it looks like nothing out of the ordinary has happened today. Even though it's been ten years since the war ended, whenever he thinks about it he can't let down his guard…

Next: We finaly finish the prologue by hunting down the thieves of our precious esmelas crystal in the Mistwald...
Trails in the Sky (Part 13) - Sky Bandits in the Mistwald (Prologue: End)

Sky Bandits in the Mistwald

We walk into the Mistwald forest, and Estelle comments as if she's never been there - I guess to account for people who did absolutely no side quests. Joshua asks if Schera can tell us anything? Schera focuses for a moment, and says that someone came through here, all right. From what she can tell, a number of people passed through not long ago, so she'd wager mira that we're on the right track! Estelle wonders how she can be so sure, and Schera explains that it's because tracking fugitives is an essential skill for bracers. Anyway, let's check out these woods, but we should make sure to keep our voices low…

We're left to explore on our own at this point, and this is really the first time I use Scherazard in combat, and she's pretty good. Her S-Craft is 'Sadist Whip' which really tells you everything you need to know, right? Honestly, though, we're not here for fights - we can grind levels later if we want, at this point we just want to save our HP for what will inevitably follow. I first head north towards the tree, but I'm wrong in thinking that's where the enemy is hiding - it's actually in a somewhat hidden nook on the eastern side, which I only really knew about because I stumbled in there before and got a Bear Claw or something. This time, we get a cutscene instead…

'Hehheh. That was too easy!' proclaims Josette, showing off the esmelas crystal she stole to her three buddies. And to think that something as exquisite as this fell into her hands with almost no effort! Wait until Don and Kyle hear about this!

One of her subordinates, Lonnie, says she certainly surprised him, that's for sure. The way she pulled off that act wearing the school uniform was simply astounding! Another one of the men, Dino, says it's just what you'd expect from the mademoiselle of an ex-aristocratic family… Josette seems displeased by mentioning her disgraced status, and says what's in the past is in the past. It certainly doesn't hurt that in this outfit she can deceive almost anyone, though… That gullible mayor and that dim-witted bracer girl… Idiots, the whole lot of them!

The camera shifts to reveal that our party is listening in from the treeline, and Estelle whispers 'What was that?!' Joshua tells her to calm down, so we can see what else they have to say… We get a choice here to ask him whether he really expects her to sit here and listen to this, or to reluctantly go along with him, though she's by no means happy about it. I elect to hold my horses, just for the moment, to see if anything more gets revealed…

The third of the men, Lyall, says that the girl she talked about seemed pretty tough… She took care of all the monsters that appeared in the mine, after all! Josette remarks that, right, he's the one who screwed up their job, isn't he? If he had just done it like he was supposed to, she wouldn't have had to put on a monkey show to get this thing at all! Lyall, once the Miner-in-Training we spoke to, apologizes… Josette says that at any rate, those two kids being bracers was an absolute joke. Especially that brainless bimbo! She honestly believed that the two of them could be friends! What a freaking moron - she had to try so hard just to keep from laughing! The other three men laugh with her - how stupid could she be? That's rich - it's just so absurd!

'What's so funny?' demands Estelle, as our party walks out of the treeline, weapons ready. Josette is shocked to see us here. Estelle announces that yes, it's the 'brainless bimbo' and her absolute joke of a bracer partner. And this probably won't come as a surprise, but we're going to beat you up now!

Scherazard says that the bandits did a fine job stealing that septium from the mayor's residence, but it looks like they were a little carless in the end… Joshua chimes in by proclaiming that in accordance with the laws of the Bracer Guild, they are hereby under arrest and charged with breaking and entering, vandalism, and burglary. It would be in their best interest not to resist - but he's sure that Estelle is hoping they will.

Dino thinks this doesn't look good, and Lyall nervously asks Josette what they're going to do now? Josette snarls that he should quit quaking in his boots for starters! These bracers are nothing but a ragtag group, so it's about time they showed us the real strength of the Capua family!

Estelle demands to know who she is to be calling us kids, you… you BRAT! She'd had it up to here, and she's going to do something about it right now! Josette says that's her line, then commands her troops to fight for her, and they quickly fall in line. Roger that!

[Boss Fight: Josette, Bandit*3]

This fight can be difficult - if you're unprepared. Which kinda means that it's ideal for save-scumming - you lose the first time around, then return with equipment that makes most of the issues here non-existent. The biggest problems are that Josette casts petrifying magic, and that all the bandits have poisoned their weapons and can thus also inflict a status effect. Thankfully, you can buy Silver Earrings in town which make you immune to poison, which takes care of one worry. For the petrify, the easiest solution is to just… prevent her from using that spell. Stacking some time quartz on Joshua gives him access to Anti-Sept, which is essentially mute… it prevents magic for a few turns, which makes her a lot less threatening.

On the whole, the bandits are just a nuisance, and focusing on taking down Josette is much more important - she's also capable of healing her allies and herself if she's got access to magic, so that just adds to the reason to put her on mute. I had an S-Craft saved up to whittle her down a good way, but even then it'll take a bit to finish her off. I think I got an Aerial in at one point which hit both her and some of her friends, and killed one or two of them - if you can manage that, it's probably the best way to deal with this. Josette is honestly the first boss in this game who had a genuine chance at messing up my day…

When the last of the bandits gets taken out, we return to the normal map to see the four bandits kneeling on the floor in front of us. Josette wonders how in the world…? Estelle asks if she's had enough yet? That's what she gets for taking bracers lightly! She then walks over and grabs the esmelas crystal, the prize we retrieved from Malga Mine. She'll be taking that back if she doesn't mind, thank you very much. Josette insists that septium belongs to her… Estelle snaps back that it belongs to the people of Rolent, that's who! The sheer nerve she has to say something like that is astounding! Schera says that now that we've got the crystal back, how about we move on to confession time?

She mentions that's an interesting name Josette brought up earlier. The Capua family, was it? Josette winces, cursing her big mouth. She immediately pretends she has absolutely no idea what Schera's talking about. Scherazard muses that she wants to be a tough egg to crack, huh? She doesn't mind. In fact, she likes them that way! Schera then takes out her whip and cracks it in front of Josette's face, causing her to screen and stumble back. What is she trying to do, the girl demands? That's a dangerous thing to be swinging around like that! Schera figures that if she can't answer with her mouth, then maybe her body can answer instead. Don't worry, she'll be extra gentle. Josette cries as the whip cracks again - get away, crazy witch! Estelle stares in disbelief, then whispers to Joshua that she thinks Schera is actually enjoying this. Joshua thinks we should just sit back and enjoy the show…

A moment later, though, Joshua's near-preternatural observational ability warns him of an oncoming danger, and he warns Schera to look out! She lunges back, just as a series of loud gunshots burst across the dirty path, separating our party from the bandits. An orbal gun?! Estelle wonders if Schera's alright, but she says to forget about her, she's fine - now look at that! Just then, an enormous looming shadow passes overhead - it's an airship!

The huge green vehicle descends just down the path and parks itself right in front of us, while Josette laughs uproariously - looks like the tables are turned in their favor now, aren't they? The bandits rush over to the ship, while a hatch at the very top pops open and a man sharing Josette's hair color reveals himself - he's named Kyle. Josette tells him he's late - where has he been? Oh, never mind, just hurry up and lend a hand here!

Kyle answers that he can't do that, since their push into the Rolent region has been put on hold. Something big came up in the Bose region while she was away. Josette wonders what that's supposed to mean? Kyle says he doesn't have time to explain, so she should hurry up and hop on, or he'll have to leave her behind!

To herself, Josette curses - crap… She jumps onto the airship's central landing mechanism, while Estelle demands to know where she thinks she's going?! Josette replies that we'll pick this up another day - and we shouldn't think we won, either! Payback's gonna be a beast! After the airship rockets away, Scherazard admits that she sure wasn't expecting anything like that to come out of the woodwork… Hah, it looks like they caught us all off guard! Estelle sighs and says this isn't a laughing matter. Right now, she's so frustrated she doesn't even know what to think!

Joshua points out that on the bright side, we did get that Septium Crystal back! Switching gears, though… that group sure looked to him like a bunch of sky bandits. Schera agrees that they certainly seem of that variety. It also sounds like they've made the Bose region their base of operations. She certainly wouldn't have expected a group like that to travel all the way to a rural place like Rolent! Estelle couldn't care less if they're sky bandits or brigands. The next time she sees that scruffy, lying, jerk of a tomboy she's going to thwack-bam-kapow her! Joshua has no idea what that last part is supposed to even mean.

With the crystal safely recovered, we're informed that after returning it to the mayor, Estelle and the others returned to the guild to report the details of the incident. We pick up back at the guild, where Aina says it looks like we've had a rough day - who'd have thought sky bandits would appear? She doesn't blame us for letting them escape. Schera says that this time around it was her fault, as she should have been more careful. She's really far from being in the same league as Cassius… Estelle assures her it's not her fault, as she let her emotions get the best of her. Joshua acknowledges he was careless as well. Schera denies this - we did a great job, and our on-site investigation of the mayor's residence was flawless, too. She then turns to Aina, and asks her if she doesn't think she should recommend the two of us?

Aina says she was thinking the same thing as well. We admit to a bit of confusion - recommend for what? Aina tells us to hold our horses - first comes the payment for a job well done. We're then given 3000 mira, and a whopping 11 BP, much of which is I think related to thoroughly searching the mayor's place. That's for us both, but we should take this as well - the Recommendation that was just mentioned. As of now, we're both junior bracers - in other words, bracers-in-training. In order to become senior bracers, though, we'll need to receive recommendations from all regional branches in the kingdom. This is our first, for the Rolent branch!

Estelle blushes, and wonders if it's really okay for us to have this? Joshua mentions that he'd heard in order to become a full-fledged bracer we'd need to achieve something fairly noteworthy. Aina says that in light of the jobs performed in our father's stead and our great showing here, our achievements are sufficient. However, those achievements are only for our work here in Rolent. Schera adds that we'll need to receive recommendations from the other regional branches after achieving success there as well. Bose, Ruan, Zeiss, and finally… Grancel. We've still got a long road ahead of us! Estelle says that even so, she's really happy. It was worth all the hard work! Now that we've come this far, doesn't Joshua agree that we should go visit the other regions? Joshua figured she'd say as much, and agrees with the idea, but we can't decide something like this all by ourselves. We should discuss this with Dad when he gets home.

Summoned by the magic of narrative irony, the phone suddenly rings. Aina quickly picks up, mentioning this is the Bracer Guild's Rolent branch in the Liberl Kingdom. We can't hear the other side of the conversation, but Aina mentions it's been a while since she and the other person last talked. She listens for a while - ah, that's terrible… Her expression turns troubled, and she closes her eyes. Estelle wonders if something happened, and Joshua agrees that's what it sounds like to him. Aina then confirms that, yes, he left on business the other day. …What?! Aina apologizes, but says it's a little hard to believe. She… understands, though. She'll pass on the news to his family. They'll be fine, they're bracers too. She asks to be kept up to date on this…

Estelle worriedly asks what's wrong? Scherazard also mentions that it's unusual for her to be so rattled. Who was calling? Aina explains that it was the Bose branch, and they said - something terrible has happened. The airliner Linde has disappeared over the Bose region! Joshua wonders how that's even possible? Aine doesn't know the details, but the Royal Army is currently conducting a wide-scale search. Due to that, all other flights have been postponed. Schera points out that explains the back-up at the landing port, at least. Aina isn't finished, though, and seems to find it genuinely difficult to speak. She turns to us, and tells us to brace ourselves. See… our father Cassius, he was aboard the airliner that went missing.

We all speak over each other - that's impossible, it must be some mistake! Aina says that unfortunately it's true - it seems his name was on the passenger list. Liberl Bracer Guild, Rolent branch, senior Bracer Cassius Bright, 45… With that revelation the Prologue of Trails in the Sky finally comes to an end. I think the game would be more honest if it was just called Chapter 0, but I guess they wanted to have the heroes leave their hometown and go globetrotting as the official start of the adventure…

Next: We tie up some loose ends, then set out for the Bose region, and a new chapter...
Pitch perfect start to a JRPG plot. The Rolent arc sets up how the game is going to work from this point on, but most importantly it sets the expectations on the adventure to come. My description of Trails 1 is "Cozy", and it reminds me a lot of Full Metal Alchemist in that it's setting up what is to come with the slow early pace.
Pitch perfect start to a JRPG plot. The Rolent arc sets up how the game is going to work from this point on, but most importantly it sets the expectations on the adventure to come. My description of Trails 1 is "Cozy", and it reminds me a lot of Full Metal Alchemist in that it's setting up what is to come with the slow early pace.

This prologue was longer than one from the Wheel of Time, heh! I think it's refreshing to see a JRPG where the Special Children of Destiny aren't actually getting into robots or having massive logic-defying battles against ancient horrors from beyond time within the first hour, and instead are just going about their lives. Here we're picking flowers for a priest or escorting a newsman to a local landmark or clearing out a farm - amateur adventurer stuff that you never really see. It's really taking its time to set up a larger plot, which I guess just kicked into gear with the disappearance of our father...

I am currently most of the way through Chapter 1, by the way, still editing various parts for posting in the future. From what I've played, it definitely shifts the focus away from this sedate opening introduction feeling and towards more active follow-through on the part of the protagonists. There's still plenty of breathers, but the central plot retains the focus and learning to be bracers takes a bit of a backseat narratively. I like the shift towards adventure over learning the ropes to go along with the actual plot taking off, and it helps that Chapter 1 introduces some more interesting secondary characters than just our bracer pals (and a great new party member...)
Her S-Craft is 'Sadist Whip' which really tells you everything you need to know, right?
Oh yes it does!
She'd had it up to here, and she's going to do something about it right now! Josette says that's her line,

The next time she sees that scruffy, lying, jerk of a tomboy she's going to thwack-bam-kapow her!
The best part is how the main difference between Estelle and Josette is their hair and as a result, they can't stand each other.
much of which is I think related to thoroughly searching the mayor's place.
Acing the crime scene reconstruction but one flows into the other pretty easily.
I think it's refreshing to see a JRPG where the Special Children of Destiny aren't actually getting into robots or having massive logic-defying battles against ancient horrors from beyond time within the first hour, and instead are just going about their lives.
:tongue: I only ever played the first Trails in the Sky on the PSP, and the only other game that I have vivid memories of on that game system is Persona 3 Portable, where the protagonist gets to do exactly what the bolded text says. (Well, okay, more like they get a tutorial battle in the first hour, and the dungeon-crawling doesn't happen for another hour...but semantics!)

Falcom's entire schtick, with both the Legends and Ys franchises, is embracing tropes whole-heartedly and trying to show that coloring within the lines can be a good thing if it's done well. To their credit, they actually succeed at it most of the time too--the games might be bog-standard JRPGs, but they're usually done so well that you don't care that they're not paradigm-breaking either gameplay-wise or story-wise.
Trails in the Sky (Part 14) - Farewell to Rolent (Chapter 1: Start)

Farewell to Rolent

We start this new chapter by zooming into on the Bright family house, just as the prologue began. Joshua stands at the door to Estelle's room, a troubled expression on his face. He then knocks, and asks if she's in there? Dinner's ready. Just to let her know - we'll be having roasted basil check and onion soup gratin. Estelle says from behind the door that this sounds really good. She'll… come down later, so why don't the two of them go ahead and eat? Joshua says that's fine, and tells her to make sure she comes down before the food gets cold.

Scherazard is sitting at the dinner table, food already in front of her, but she's busy with something else - she's pulled out her tarot cards again, to try for another reading. Wheel of Fortune… again. Something really is going on, but she just can't see what it is… Joshua walks into the room, and Schera asks him where Estelle is. Didn't he go up to get her? Joshua explains that Estelle said to go ahead and eat without her. She didn't seem to have an appetite. Schera takes that in, then admits that Estelle took the news a lot better than she thought she would. Joshua muses that it's not surprising she doesn't want to come out of her room, seeing as how close she is with her father…

Joshua then sits down at the dinner table across from Schera, and wonders what she thinks about all this? Does she think this business with the airliner was an accident, or an incident? Schera admits she couldn't say either way… Cassius is a top-class bracer, and when it comes to crisis management he's the best there is. Whether it's an accident or incident, if our father happens to be there, she's sure it'll be resolved. Fact is, though, that an airliner along with our father has gone missing. Joshua concludes that what she's trying to say is that things that shouldn't have happened, have happened already, right? Schera tells him not to lose heart now - he needs to be a stout wall of support and bear Estelle up! She'll get to work tomorrow, and see what she can find out.

Interrupting the morose discussion, a rather upbeat Estelle bursts in and says that the scent of the food is great - she couldn't take it any longer! She's so hungry that she thought she was going to pass out! Ah, this looks good! She quickly plops down onto one of the chairs, much to the surprise of the other two, and digs in. Bon appetit! Aren't they having any? It's great! The basil flavor really comes out when you roast it… Joshua sure knows how to cook! Her brother, still a bit shocked, thanks her for the compliment. Estelle turns to Schera and tells her to try some too. Oh, does she want to drink some of her dad's brandy from his secret stash, perhaps? She's pretty sure there's a bottle of Steinrose that's about twenty years old in there.

Booze-fiend Scherazard is astounded - did she just say Steinrose? Twenty years old, too?! Joshua clears his throat and asks her what she thinks she's doing? Schera catcher herself, and then sighs. Sorry - she's going to have to pass on that drink this time. She then inquires what Estelle was doing up in her room? She didn't even come down after Joshua called her for supper! Estelle, oblivious to their assumptions about her emotional state, says she was just looking for some extra underwear. She had some trouble finding one of her favorites because it was stuffed in the back of one of the drawers! Oh, and a set of gear for traveling, of course. Who knows how long we'll be gone, right? She figured as long as we're prepared, we'll have nothing to worry about!

Schera concludes that what she's saying is that she intends to head over to Bose, right? To find her father. Estelle agrees that, duh, that's a no-brainer! And while she can't imagine anything bad happened to him, despite his horrible luck, waiting around just doesn't suit her. She's gonna go check things out for herself! Joshua chuckles and says Estelle really is something else… Whether it's her positive attitude or her thick skin he can't say, but… Estelle just says Joshua is so rude - but he's coming along too, right?

Joshua obviously will come along, but he says that it looks like all airliner flights have been canceled until the army finishes their search, so the only way to Bose is on foot. Estelle wonders how long that's gonna take? Schera mentions that for a bracer on foot, if they hurry, the journey could be made in about half a day. If that's the route we're taking, that makes things easy - she'll tag along as well! Estelle is surprised she'd come with us. Isn't she busy with a bunch of other jobs…? Schera reminds us that she trained under our father, so did Estelle honestly think she'd just sit here when something could have happened to the person she owes so much to?

She's going to talk to Aina and have her pass her jobs at the guild over to another member. We tell her we appreciate this, but Schera says we really shouldn't. She just can't leave a job as big as this up to a bunch of newbies! Estelle hates to say it, but Schera is probably right. Oh, well… at least with her along for the ride, she feels a little more confident. Schera says that we should make sure to drop by the guild tomorrow morning before we leave, as she still needs to explain the situation to Aina!

I kind of love that Scherazard and Joshua are evidently convinced Estelle is just depressed and secluding herself in her room to process her dad going missing, and in reality she's going gung-ho into adventuring right that freaking minute? They have their own dramatic emo backstories going on, so I don't think they can even fully grasp the sheer level of give-no-fucks optimism Estelle is putting out here, heh. I wonder if Scherazard will be a temporary party member, given that the first chapter seems to be dealing with the airliner disappearance, and she's explicitly going along to look into that. I assume she'll only stick around for that chapter, then leave (or, if this clings sufficiently closely to classic tropes, die.)

We get our title card a lot earlier, this time: Chapter 1: Disappearance of the Linde

We fade back in to find our party at the Rolent Bracer Guild, after we've already laid out the situation. Aina says that to be frank, with Scherazard taking off after Cassius, she's going to be really short-handed! Still, since this involved him directly, she tells Schera not to worry about anything. Schera thanks Aina for everything, and suggests making good use of Ridge while we're gone. He should be able to deal with at least three times his normal workload! Estelle thinks that's a bit harsh… Aina reassures us that if things get too hectic, she'll ask for help from the Grancel Branch. She then mentions she wants to talk to Schera alone for a minute about the job she was going to do, could we head up to the second floor and wait for her there…?

Estelle looks sad for a moment, then asks whether we could wait in front of the clock tower instead? She'd like to say 'hi' to someone. Joshua seems confused, but Schera understands, and agrees to meet up in front of the clock tower. As soon as she's done here, she'll head there herself. Estelle then pulls a baffled Joshua along to the clock tower. The two are soon standing in front of the large placard on the side of the tower, and it's shown to us forcibly here. Since the previous time I had it in here was during one of the exploration segments, I'll quote it again for people who skipped those (and to refresh the contents.)

[Septian Calender 1075]
Erected in partnership with the Liberl Royal Family, Septian Church and Rolent City.
[Septian Calender 1192]
Destroyed during the Hundred Days War when Rolent was bombarded by the Erebonian Imperial Army
[Septian Calender 1197]
Rebuilt with the cooperation of the citizens of Rolent.

Joshua says that every time he sees this clock tower, he always thinks that they sure did a superb job restoring it after the war. You can sure feel the spirit of Rolent's people from this. Estelle is silent, so Joshua asks what's going on? She turns to him, and asks what he thinks of going up the tower with her, and waiting until Schera shows up there? Joshua is a little surprised, but is alright with it - he doesn't mind.

We transition to a shot of the two standing on top of the clock tower overlooking Rolent.

Estelle says the morning air is so refreshing up here - and look, we can see our house from here! Joshua confirms he can see the roof, too. Though… does she want to tell him what's going on, now? She always avoided coming up here before, so he was under the impression she didn't like the place. Estelle is silent for a moment, and looks into the distance. She admits she does like the place… but she can't just casually come up here. Because this… this is the place her mom died. (Called it!)

Joshua is shocked. What…? As we see a sepia-toned image of the clock tower exploding, Estelle explains that ten years ago, during the war, when the Imperial Army surrounded Rolent, they bombarded the symbol of the city, the clock tower, to try and get the citizens to surrender. This was at the time when Dad was fighting in the Royal Army. Estelle wanted to see who he was fighting against, so she climbed up the tower… and when the bombardment started, she couldn't get away.

The scene shifts to a woman cradling a young Estelle in her arms, partially buried in enormous chunks of rocky debris. Estelle explains that when she came to, she hardly had a scratch on her, as her mother had saved her. She was tightly wrapped in her arms, shielded from the rubble… As Estelle cried, her mom sang her favorite lullaby, but when they finally dug them free… Estelle doesn't continue, but the implication is clear. After the war ended, and the clock tower had been rebuilt, she avoided coming here for the most part. Not because she has painful memories of this place, but when she comes here, a part of her wants so much to draw on her mother's strength… Plus, she's felt that she can't be strong like her if she's always trying to rely on her.

Joshua tries to find words, but has none. Estelle says today is okay, though - to rely on her just this once… Asking her to bring Dad home safely? Asking her to protect him? Joshua agrees that of course that's okay. He steps right up close to her, and tells her not to worry - Dad's safe, for sure. Estelle's mother is protecting him, so there's no doubt in his mind that he's safe! And if he happens to be in a bit of trouble, then Estelle can come to his rescue. Just like her mother did for her, Estelle can do the same for her dad. Joshua adds that she shouldn't forget that he's here to help her too! He knows he can't completely understand everything she's been through, but he can stay here by her side as he is now… and if she needs a shoulder to cry on, she'll always have his.

There's a beat of silence, and then Estelle blushes and bursts into laughter. Hahaha, he's trying too hard! He shouldn't say things like that so lightly. Joshua takes a step back and wonders what she means? Estelle points out that if she were any other girl, she would have totally misinterpreted his intentions just now. He's seriously the type who's going to have problems with romantic relationships in the future! She's already starting to get worried…

Joshua, peeved, asks to be excused for trying to be nice. Why does she have to be like that, when someone is genuinely worried about her!? Estelle just thanks Joshua for cheering her up - she feels better now. Joshua figures that as long as he gets some kind of thanks, it was worth looking like a complete fool… She's unbelievable! He continues by mumbling some uncomplimentary things. Estelle asks him not to be mad - she's really thankful, believe it or not. How about we get down from here, though? She's sure Schera's waiting for us… While Joshua climbs down, Estelle glances back, and whispers to her mom that she's finally realized why she wants to become a bracer. It's so she could become strong and protect others, just like she did. So she should just watch and see - as she won't fail to bring Dad home safe again!

I'm still not sure I'm on board with these unsubtle sibling romance vibes the game is giving off, but I at least appreciate the heart-to-heart here. I feel like Estelle opening up to Joshua here is at least partly spurred on by Joshua explaining his own inner turmoil back at the Perzel Farm. Estelle commented there that he's not one to show weakness, to reveal his inner self, and while Estelle is a lot more extrovert than him, this is still a piece of her past she kept private. Joshua's lived with her family for five years now, but the subject of her mom was clearly not one that came up much - partly because she was long gone by the time he came around. (Estelle, incidentally, remains a delight. Even right after an emotional retelling of a personal tragedy she still can't quite resist poking fun at Joshua at the first opportunity.)

We catch up with Schera at the base of the tower, where she says the two of us had such a cute scene going on up there! Why, her cheeks even feel a bit hot just thinking about it! Joshua asks what that's supposed to mean? Was she spying on us? Schera asks to be given some credit - she just noticed us while checking the time. She sure wished she had an orbal camera to get a shot of that view… Estelle wonders what she's trying to say? That's called family bonding, plain and simple! It's kind of like her habit of hugging everyone after her third bottle of wine. Joshua sighs, and asks Estelle not to get into that…

When an oblivious Estelle wonders what's up now, Schera concludes she really doesn't know how to take a joke, does she? Well, whatever. Did she say hi to Lena while she was up there? Estelle confirms that yeah, she even asked her to watch over Dad. Schera concludes that means we're all set, then. Schera mentions that Lena's protection is surely equal to that of the Goddess herself, so her dad's safety is pretty much guaranteed! Estelle muses that she may be giving her a little too much credit there…

Joshua says that now that she mentions it, Schera actually met Estelle's mother before, right? Schera confirms it happened when she was a child. She was still in a troupe at the time. Joshua doesn't know what that means, but Estelle explains she meant a troupe in a traveling circus - Schera was a dancer! Although it was a long time ago, they first met when Schera came to Rolent with the circus. Schera says it was twelve years ago - she was eleven years old, while Estelle was four. Because of that chance encounter, she ended up training under Estelle's father when she became a bracer. Maybe she'll tell Joshua about it sometimes, when she gets the chance? It's about time to head out, now. With the airliners down, we can only get to Bose on foot, so we'll need to make our way to the Verte Bridge Checkpoint which sits on the border with the Bose region. It's located at the west end of the Milch Main Road!

Before that, though, push the brakes! The game is rather sneaky here, since heading back to the guild and checking the bulletin boards reveals a new one task that has to be accepted right now, though we can't actually finish it until we're in Bose:

Letter Carrier
Term: Short​
Client: Father Divine​
Pay: 800 Mira​
Difficulty: Low​
"I am looking for someone to deliver a personal letter to a colleague of mine in Bose. Please come see me at the Rolent Chapel for details."​

Speaking to Father Bose at the chapel, he wonders if we're heading somewhere? Estelle explains we're going to Bose, and the priest immediately realizes the opportunity. He'd like to ask us for a favor - he wanted to send Father Holstein a letter, but with the airliners grounded it won't be getting there. So how about we take it along and deliver the letter while we're over there in Bose?

We readily agree, of course, and Scherazard says it shouldn't be a problem since a letter is not that big to begin with. Divine says we should deliver it to the chapel in the eastern part of Bose City, which should be easy enough to locate. Traveling around other regions and broadening our knowledge is food for the mind… He prays that the Goddess will guide us on our journey…

Okay, that was the last of the loose ends around here. Let's go! …After talking to literally everyone and their cat!

Starting at Elger's place, he wonders what's with our baggage? We fill him in on the details, and he's astounded - Cassius has what…? And that's why we're headed to Bose? Of all people, he can't imagine anything has happened to Cassius. Joshua is under the same impression, and Estelle says that's why we're off to check on things. Just sitting around would hardly make us feel better. Elger thinks that's understandable, and it's just like us, too. Well, with Schera tagging along, he guesses there's nothing to be worried about. Good luck out there! Though… he'll make sure to let Stella know about this himself. He imagines she'd probably be a bit flustered at the news. If we do speak to Stella, Joshua isn't sure he's got the heart to tell her what's going on this time, and Estelle agrees that she'd probably cry herself to sleep if we did…

Speaking to Rinon, he says we have an awful lot of baggage on us - off on vacation, are we? Where are we headed? Estelle admits it's no pleasure trip, but we're going to Bose for a bit. Rinon notes that the airliners have been grounded, so we're not seriously planning to foot it the whole way…? Joshua tells him we are - we've been told the trip is doable. Rinon says that's true, since it's not so far - but it's not that close either. It must be tough being a bracer! Do we have all our preparations in order? We should take care of ourselves! Bose is a merchant city, you know, though Rinon hasn't been there for a while himself. Went there several times in the past to learn how to run a business. It was an… illuminating experience.

If we check his inventory, we can see that he's got a brand new issue of the Liberl News for sale. This one actually covers the airliner disappearance, our esmelas crystal misadventure, and the article that Nial and Dorothy were working on:

[Breaking Story] Disappearance of the Linde! Gone Without a Trace! Where Could It Be?
Yesterday afternoon, the airliner [Linde] vanished over east Bose airspace while en route to Rolent. An exhaustive overnight search conducted by the Royal Army yielded no clues to its whereabouts, leaving all parties baffled. In response to this incident, the army has declared all airliner flights canceled until further notice.

Fate of Linde Passenger Unknown
The Liberl Orbalship Corporation reports that 17 were aboard the Linde at the time of its departure, including both passengers and crew. Family members of these missing persons are understandably concerned, but remain hopeful.

Probability of Accident Is Low, Says Expert
Central Factory Chief Murdock proclaims, 'Our orbal engines are sturdy and reliable. The chance of an engine failure is virtually nil. I do not believe an accident to have occurred.'

Rumors and Theories Abound
Was it a conspiracy perpetrated by the Royal Army and the covert mercenary force known as the Jaeger Corps? Perhaps it was a plot to kidnap the passengers, and hold them for ransom? Some have even suggested the Linde came under attack by the last living ancient dragon!
No matter what anyone may have heard, it's all just speculation at this point, as no real evidence has yet been found. The Royal Army is investigating a possible connection between this incident and the recent burglaries in Bose, but thus far, no information on any such connection has been released.

In fact, no information has been released at all, due to army regulations prohibiting the dissemination of intelligence to the general public -- a policy that I'm sure we'd all like to see repealed!

[Society] Crystal Stolen in Daring Robbery!
A group of unknown individuals recently broke into the Rolent mayor's house to steal a Septium Crystal that was left in his possession. Local bracers came to the rescue and managed to recover the stolen item, but the culprits are still at large. Thankfully, no harm came to the mayor or his family during this incident. [We deeply regret that the criminals escaped,] says a Rolent Bracer representative, [but please know that we of the Bracer Guild did everything in our power to apprehend them and will continue the pursuit for however long it may take.]

[Culture] Touring Ancient Sites
~The Rolent Region and the Esmelas Tower~
The Esmelas Tower lies a few hundred selge to the north of Rolent City, along the Malga Trail. Its turquoise-green visage is the only real landmark for as far as the eye can see. Counting as one of the four tetracyclic towers, its purpose is still shrouded in mystery to this day. This exciting location is as old as Liberl itself, and modern research utilizing the latest orbal technology is expected to answer a few questions about this eerie structure, while posing still others.
Source: Liberl News - Issue 2

Speaking to Bloom, she wonders if we're going on a trip with all that luggage? We should let her know if we find anyone there who might make a good bride for her son! She'll fly out there to meet them in person!

Freddy mentions that the piece of septium that Melders was asked to engrave for the mayor has finally arrived. It's the first time he's ever seen such a splendid piece of esmelas. His dad's doing the etchings on it right now. He just can't compare when it comes to the kind of detail work his dad can do on septium… Melders says that the esmelas the mayor delivered is one fine crystal. He heard it's even going to be a present to Her Majesty the Queen! It's a been a while since he's been this excited to do a job, that's for sure… This is something he doesn't dare leave up to Freddy to handle.

At the Bracer Guild, Aina is surprised we haven't left yet, then gives us directions to the border - she'll contact the guild branch there and let them know we're coming. Upstairs, Ridge is surprised that Scherazard is there. He heard that she's taking the two of us and heading off to Bose! Without Cassius around, though, will he be able to handle all the jobs…? Schera wonders what Ridge is babbling about. He's supposed to be a man, right? The work may get a bit tougher to deal with while we're gone, but she's still counting on him! He shouldn't let her down. Ridge promises he'll do his best, and put everything he has into these jobs. Please take care!

Near the guild, Freemont mentions that lately his father-in-law has been giving him job advice. Coming from an industry veteran there's a lot he can learn. It seems he's been pretty conceited over his work in the past and feels embarrassed about it now… At his house, Fate says that Yuni won't be able to live under his roof forever, so maybe he should start looking for a husband for his daughter right now, like RInon's mother is looking for him? Ah, he doesn't know… Yuni dryly points out that she's only seven years old… At the southwestern apartments, Euridice mentions that recently her husband and father have started opening up to each other. She's very glad, since there's nothing better than a warm and loving family! Guess it was worth all the trouble she went through to lecture her father about family relations…

Upstairs in those apartments, Frissa says her husband finally came home from the mine! She wonders how many days it's been since he was here before now? Her daughter is ecstatic, and she's prepared a wonderful meal to celebrate. It's been a while since they've eaten together as a family… She'll need to make something extra special. Anya is happy that daddy's home too - he just came home, and he even said he would play with her later! Mine Chief Gaton greets us - we're the bracers from the other day! He wants us to know that we really helped out! He says the monster scare has settled down, so he was finally able to make it home for the first time in a while. Things are more relaxing at home, that's for sure.

Near the Abend Bar, Claire wonders if we're really headed to Bose? Estelle is not even surprised she knows - she's always one of the first to hear everything! There's a little something we need to check on, so that's why we're headed to Bose. Claire is sad, as not only is Cassius gone, but now we are leaving too! She wants to tag along, and asks Joshua to take her with him! Joshua tells her that's not a good idea, and she slowly calms down. She admits she's concerned about other incidents happening, though - she gets so worried… Okay, this time she'll wait for us like a good girl, so we should hurry back! If we're all gone, that's going to be a big drain on her news sources!

We can find Ellie and Armand sitting at a table next to the bar - Ellie says she waffled back and forth for a bit, but in the end she decided to go with Armand to the Queen's birthday celebration. As a couple. Her mother's already going with her friends, but she's sorry… she wants to go with him. The Royal City is like a huge metropolis, right? The coruscating lamps of the sleepless city.. The elegant Grancel Castle resting silently on the lakefront… The endless comings and goings of people… the energy and excitement form the shops lining the streets… the festival parade and the fireworks… She gets so excited just thinking about it! Her heart is beating so quickly! Armand just yells 'Yessss!' to himself. He invited Ellie and she said yes! He'll have to get a part-time job and save up some cash. Just behind them, Ida decided today is another great day for a cat nap, and Aryll agrees.

Near the clock tower, Luke wonders if we're going somewhere? Estelle confirms we'll be away from Rolent for a while, so he shouldn't cry himself to sleep while she's gone. Luke tells her to shaddup! Who's going to cry themselves to sleep over her? …But does she know when she's getting back? Estelle admits she has no idea, and Luke just quietly tells her to please hurry back, all right? Estelle asks him to speak up, but he just goes 'Never mind.' Aww….

In the northwestern apartments, Serra says that recently even her husband has been talking with Pat about a lot of things. They've finally become a close family! Rhett mentions that he read in the Liberl News that Bose has been hit by a string of burglaries. Speaking of Bose - it's the economic center of Liberl. There sure are a lot of people with criminal minds these days… Pat admits that he didn't realize it until now, but his dad knows a lot of stuff! Adults are amazing… Next door, Maggy says her son Ashton hardly ever comes home from his job at the checkpoint, and her grandson Luke is always off playing somewhere every day. It all makes her feel a bit lonely…

There's a conspicuous book on Maggy's table, and inspecting it reveals it to be a notebook:

I'm a Bracer. I live in a small rural town and maintaining peace in the region is what my job is all about.

Today, I received some job requests from a few clients, so I set off for where duty called. My first job was to milk some cows on the farm nearby. The next was to help turn over some fields. Who was anyone kidding? That kind of job was a cinch when it came to my skill with a pitchfork.

For my last job of the day, I was to baby-sit. At first I thought watching a bunch of kids would be easy. But it turned out that I was wrong, dead wrong. To my dismay, there were seven whiny kids in the house. Even for a professional like myself, seven kids are a bit much. But I am a Bracer, and I will do my duty.

I got to work and cradled the ones who wouldn't stop crying, changed their messy diapers, broke up fights over toys, and even managed to do a ton of small jobs around my client's house, like washing the laundry, cleaning up, and taking their dog for a walk. Even when I got hungry and felt like I had no more energy to go on, I didn't forget my duty to report to the guild. If I gave up, what a loser I'd be in front of everyone.

After going through all this and arriving at the guild, the other bracers in the office stared at me in amazement. That's right, you guessed it. I'm famous for being a bracer in this town. Other bracers paying attention to me like this is what I have to deal with everyday. They're probably all just jealous of my superior skills.

Anyway, where were we?

Okay, I remember now.

So I was on my way to report to the receptionist when suddenly somebody grabbed me by the collar from behind. Turning around, I realized that it was someone more scary than any monster alive.

It was my dad.

After thwacking me a good one on the head, he yelled so loud that everyone could hear. 'So you think you can just run off and play bracer everyday, without ever bothering to help your mother out around the house, huh?!' After that, my dad dragged me all the way home and then lectured me until who knows when.

I didn't do anything wrong either! Seriously, what the heck?!

I'm a self-appointed bracer.

Today, I'm off again to maintain peace in the region and solve whatever problems need solving at the request of my clients.
Source: I'm a Bracer

Over at the bar, Trent is stuffing himself again, and mentions that he saw his boss here in town - he'd better be careful so the man doesn't catch him ditching work! Elissa asks what's up with the baggage, and we quickly fill her in. She says she'd be worried too if she were in our shoes, so we should probably get going. Waiting around certainly isn't our style! Estelle laughs and agrees - later, then! Elissa muses that things have taken a turn for the worse, huh? She asks Joshua to make sure to support Estelle. Standing at the bar, Paddington mentions he saw something flying away from the south yesterday - it was too big to be a bird, so it makes him wonder what that was… These old eyes of his could have been playing tricks on him.

Faulkner mentions that he heard the mayor's place got robbed. Breaking into the mayor's home of all places, now that's what he calls bold! He's just glad nobody got hurt. Radford is sitting at a table here and says he's made up his mind. He's going to believe in the man that his daughter chose to marry. He's sure Freemont will work hard to be independent and make his daughter happy, and maybe he'll see what he can do to help him out…

Densel the cook says the new menu is being well received - the menu that Elissa thought up is especially popular. He might as well hire a new waitress and get Elissa to help him full-time in the kitchen! Tabitha mentions the new food is so popular they keep running out of ingredients… (You can actually now buy Milk Crepes here, and get their recipe.)

At the hotel, Verne wonders if we're going somewhere? It appears that all airliner flights have been canceled, though… Estelle confirms that we're actually headed to Bose on foot, since there's some things we want to investigate there. Verne concludes this has something to do with work, does it? He asks us to forgive him for not being aware of the situation, and wishes us a safe trip. A number of other guests already left for Bose by foot just that morning - with the airliners not running, it's all been pretty inconvenient for people, but most are making do. At the chapel we already spoke to Father Divine, but we can chat with Sister May, who says she taught the children about the Bracer Guild in her last lesson, and Luke was especially attentive. For young boys, bracers are heroes…

At the mayor's house, Mylene says the house suffered some damage, but she's glad nobody was hurt. If anything bad happened to her husband or Lita… It makes her shudder just to think of it. She really appreciates what we've done. Lita says she finally got the study all cleaned up. It makes her so angry - she spends so much time keeping this place clean every day! If she ever finds these criminals, they're going to get a rag to the face and the business end of her broom somewhere sensitive!

Mayor Klaus says we've really been of great service this time. Joshua apologizes that we let the criminals get away, but the mayor doesn't mind that - the fact that we're all safe and the crystal was recovered is good enough. The general theory seems to be that the sky bandits who've been terrorizing the Bose region are the culprits. Estelle agrees that's what we concluded as well - she's just so mad that they got away in their airship like that! Klaus laughs and says you can't really lay a hand on them if they're up in the sky, though! On the subject of Bose, though… he heard that an airliner went missing there recently. He's not sure of the exact details, but he's been looking into it the best he can. He doesn't think we should let these sky bandits go unchecked, so he thinks he'll make a call to the mayor of Bose…

At the airship landing port, Alan mentions that the Royal Army is out searching for the missing airliner, but according to company information it looks like it still hasn't been found. Of all the things that could have happened… Now he won't be able to check out the hot girls coming and going on the airlines for a while. Come on, Royal Army, this is what he's paying them taxes for! Fabree points out that one of the Liberl Orbalship Corporation's airlines completely vanishing is unprecedented. Hopefully the ship and its passengers are safe… Skip mentions that they haven't had any contact with the ship yet, and it's worrying him…

At Malga Mine, Miner Landan is surprised to see us bracers again. The monster scare has finally settled down, so the boss went home to Rolent after this long stint. Miner Bones explains that they sealed off the hole to the monster's nest with a load of explosives. Miner Pierre muses that with this job out of the way, he thinks he'd better take some time to visit the church. He hasn't been there to pray in a while because he's been so busy with work. Miner Miles mentions that it was Mine Chief Gaton himself who went to the lower tunnels and sealed up the monster hole with explosives. The rest of them would probably have just gotten in the way. That's the way Gaton is - there's not another miner alive as manly as him!

Miner Heinrich says we still can't use the elevator, since he's decided to watch and wait for any more monster scares, just in case…

At Gurune Gate, Private Logan is a little confused - we say we're headed for the Bose region? Then we're in the wrong place! We'll need to head back to Rolent and aim for the Verte Bridge through the west gate instead… (Idiots!)

Private Ethan adds that if we're headed for the Grancel region, though, then we'll need to pass through this checkpoint! Inside the gatehouse, Private Anden says that because the airliners have been stopped, this place has seen a sudden increase in travelers. Those with urgent business in the Royal City pass through this checkpoint, so it almost feels like they've gone back to the era when there were no airliners yet…

CWO Robin mentions that a suspicious aircraft was seen flying over the airspace above Mistwald. Per investigation, it appears that there were marks of something landing there on several occasions in the past. They'd better report this to headquarters at the Leiston Fortress ASAP! Warrant Officer Graves has heard of the airliner disappearance over Bose, and is worried for the safety of those on board. However, the border garrison in Bose boasts some of the elite in the Royal Army, so he's fairly confident that they'll find this missing airship…

Emily the cook mentions that recently it seems like Eastern food has gotten popular as a side dish to food from Liberl and the Empire. Maybe she'll buy a book with Eastern recipes next time she heads to the Royal City. She's really interested to see what kinds of dishes they have there. Sam says it seems like the number of people passing through the checkpoint suddenly increased… The Queen's birthday celebration is still a little way off, though, so he wonders what's up… On the wall, Private Selbourne says the airliners usually pass directly overhead, but not today - guess the rumors of flight cancellations were true. Private Thomas mentions he was the one who saw the suspicious aircraft land in the Mistwald and reported it to the chief, but he didn't say anything about it…

At Perzel Farm, Will muses that Chere has started helping around the farm, so now he's really bored by himself. Maybe he could try it too…? Tio notices the packs on our backs and asks about them, and Estelle explains we're traveling to Bose. She heard the airliners had stopped flying, so does that mean we're walking there? Joshua confirms it, and Estelle assures her that we'll be fine. She's heard that it's not that long of a distance. Tio acknowledges that when it comes to jobs, she guesses a bracer isn't one that's supposed to be easy… Anyway, we should take care of ourselves!

Chere wonders if Joshua is going somewhere? He confirms that it seems we're headed to the Bose region next door, and - uh - he probably won't be back any time soon… Chere is silent for a moment, then says she'll be waiting for Joshua. He'll come play with them again, right? Joshua promises. Hannah warns us that moderation is the key to success, while Franz mentions that after airliners were built, they started receiving orders from various regions, but they're having trouble just keeping on top of them. He's overjoyed as far as business goes, but he needs to figure out a way to deal with things…

Next: We enter the Bose region and wander from the beaten path on our way to town... and then explore whatever we can reach, of course!