Trails in the Sky (Part 7) - Farm Investigation
- Location
- Netherlands
Farm Investigation
Enough dilly-dallying, it's about time to do the main quest, and head to the Perzel Farm! As we walk up to it, we get a brief cutscene showing the entire place, including a few children playing, fields full of harvest-ready crops, an orbal tractor, several greenhouses, and a bunch of chickens! Estelle says that no matter when we come here, this place is always so tranquil… It's hard to imagine monsters running amok here. Joshua doesn't sense anything out of the ordinary either, so he suggests we should go ask someone to fill us in on the details. Estelle questions if her old friend Tio is home today?
A young boy, Will, greets Joshua and asks if he came to play with him? Joshua says he wishes he had the time, but he's afraid he's here for work. Will thinks that's no fun, and Joshua figures they can play later, maybe - if there's time. Estelle comments that the kids here really like him, don't they? She then greets Chere, Will's sister, and asks how she's been. Where are her mom and dad? Chere answers that they're actually not home right now, but Tio is outside somewhere if we want to talk to her… Tio is actually way in the back, and we have to cut through the cow enclosure to reach her at the milking machine.
She's surprised to see us - did we come for a visit? Estelle clarifies that we're exactly here on bracer business, since we heard they were having some trouble with monsters out here. We explain that we're there to do Cassius' work since he's away. Tio is just amazed that we've finished all our training, and thinks that's wonderful news! Maybe we can help after all! Estelle concludes monsters really have been causing trouble, then? Tio confirms that regrettably it's been the case for the past several days now. Thanks to that, she's suffering from lack of sleep… Joshua concludes that the monsters must only come out at night, and Tio says he's very perceptive. It'd be better to get the details from her father, though. She imagines he should be back from delivering milk and vegetables any time now.
Heading back to the house, Chere mentions that her parents just came home - they're inside! We immediately step in and Estelle cheerfully greets Mr. and Mrs. Perzel. The former wonders what brings us to this next of the woods? Did we come to see Tio? Estelle mentions we were just chatting with her outside, while Joshua admits that we're actually here on an errand for the Bracer Guild. Estelle then hands over the Guild Referral, and Joshua explains the whole situation regarding subbing in for Cassius. Soon enough we've all taken a place at a table, and Mrs. Perzel, Hannah, asks if this job isn't a little dangerous for just the two of us to handle? Mr. Perzel, Franz, agrees - he'd feel terrible if one of us were to get hurt! Estelle tells them not to sweat it - we're bracers, after all. Taking care of monsters is right up our alley!

Joshua explains that the guild has even authorized us to carry out this task, so if they wouldn't mind leaving it to us, we'd be more than grateful. Franz relents, and says we should go ahead and have at it, then. Estelle thanks him, and asks him to tell us a little more about the monsters that have been wrecking the fields. Franz admits he hasn't been able to get a clear look at one yet, but they seem to resemble something like a chubby cat. As far as he can tell three or four of them appear at night and raid the fields, gnawing on anything they can get their grubby little paws on. Hannah says they don't seem threatening exactly, but they're extremely nimble. They've tried many times to capture them over the course of the last several nights, but to no avail!
Estelle thinks they sound like a weird bunch of creatures, while Joshua concludes that if they only appear under the cover of night, we'll have to wait for it to get dark… Franz suggests we take a load off until then, and Hannah assumes we'll also be joining them for dinner, right? Estelle declares that she just said the magic word! Of course she will! She's a huge fan of Mrs. Perzel's cooking, and she can't wait! Hannah jokes that she sure knows how to please a woman who spends a lot of time toiling in the kitchen. Just for that she'll whip her up something special that will live up to her expectations!
Night soon falls, and we see a shot of the farm clothed in shadows.

The camera moves inside and we can see that Joshua is playing with the children in the main room while Hannah cleans up after dinner. Estelle and Tio are in one of the bedrooms, and the former says that was a delicious meal. Tio's mom's cooking is as good as ever! Tio laughs and says it's because she gets excited to cook whenever there's guests over for meals. She feels bad for Joshua, though, what with the little ones jumping all over him like that… Estelle says that's probably a good thing - surprisingly enough, kids tend to latch on to him a lot. If anything, she's more blown away by the fact that the children enjoy playing with such a stick-in-the-mud!
Tio thinks that's a bit of an over-exaggeration, right? Joshua is courteous and reserved, sure, but if you get to know him he's a really caring young man. The fact that he's not self-conscious about it, too, gives him points in her book. Think about it - with those striking facial features, mysterious amber eyes and lush black hair, it's only natural that he'd be the target for all the young girls! Estelle wonders if Joshua is really that popular? Tio wonders if she's blind? Rumor has it that more than just a few girls have asked to go out with him, but he turned them all down. Estelle irritably says Joshua never said a word to her about this. She doesn't know how she should even begin to describe his secretive nature after hearing this, but how utterly cruel of him not to confide in her! Tio guesses that if Estelle was a boy, it would be a different story, but as a girl she doesn't think he would talk to her about it. Estelle just seems confused…

Joshua suddenly speaks up from outside the room, asking if Estelle is in there? It's about time to do the rounds! Estelle hastily replies that she's coming, and assures Tio she'll be back after she and Joshua get the job done to continue the conversation. Tio tells her to be careful out there… To herself, Tio mutters that Estelle is either completely out of touch with matters of the heart, or just plain dense… Poor Joshua has his work cut out for him…
You know, I am a little weirded out by how wholesome this whole game is, for the most part... and yet how often it returns to this sibling love match business? There's several NPCs which seem to have Estelle and Joshua as their OTP, and I guess I'll have to chalk it up to just Japanese things. I get that there's no blood relation, and he was adopted at like age ten, so it's a little less creepy than it could be - but they've still grown up and lived as siblings for half a decade at this point, and Estelle at least quite firmly pushes back on the subject when it comes up (unless she misses it entirely, like here.) I guess we'll see how this develops, but I still get a skeevy feeling from the heavy-handed relationship hints about these siblings. Got enough of that in Game of Thrones...
Anyway, outside the room, Joshua tells Estelle that it seems as though the monsters always show up at about this time, so we'd better head outside and have a look around. Estelle grumbles to herself, still mulling over her earlier conversation, and decides she just has to ask - he doesn't happen to have any… secrets he's not telling her about, right? Joshua asks where she's coming up with this stuff? Estelle muses that since he came to live with the Bright family, we've always done everything together, right? Even though we've had our fair share of fights, they're all good memories for her now, and… What she means to say is that she's come to think of him as family in every sense of the word. So… if there's anything on his mind he'd like to talk about, she's available to lend an ear. You know, stuff like trouble with his love life and whatnot…

Joshua wonders what she's even trying to say? 'N-nothing!' Estelle says. She just wanted to let him know that she's here to listen if he needs someone to talk to, that's all! Now let's hurry up and kick some monster butt! Joshua wonders what kind of nonsense Tio is putting into that girl's head…? He looks somewhat off as he ponders having secrets. (I'm guessing that whatever dark secret Joshua is pondering here has absolutely nothing to do with what Tio is thinking, because he's far more of an edgelord emo boy than anything.)
Stepping into the night, Estelle comments that it's really dark out here in the countryside! She asks Joshua how he thinks we should go about making the rounds, and he suggests we should start by checking around the house first, and then move on to the fields, stable, and greenhouses. We should be able to cover the entire farm that way. Estelle thinks that sounds good.
If we go back inside, following Joshua's suggestions of checking out the house first (even if he didn't mean it that way) we can get a little bonus dialogue. Chere asks Joshua if he is gonna kill the bad monsters now? Isn't he scared? Joshua assures her that he's fine, this is what bracers do. She just calls him so brave. Will thanks Joshua for playing with him earlier, and wants to do it again sometime. Hannah says she heard from Tio that we were training to be bracers, but she never imagined we'd be the ones dispatched here! Tio just warns us to be careful outside - it's dark! Franz mentions that the monsters they saw didn't seem vicious, just quick…
Walking through the fields causes a cutscene to play. Estelle mentions it's awfully quiet - all she can hear are the bugs chirping. Joshua agrees that it doesn't look as if the monsters have shown up yet. He wonders if they're aware of our presence?

Estelle, apropos of nothing, wonders if anyone ever told him that story as a kid? You know, the one about babies being born in a cabbage patch? Joshua says that question came entirely out of the blue… and no, he was told about an angel with silver wings woh delivers them. Estelle thinks that's interesting - so the explanation for where babies come from differs depending on the region, huh? Joshua just thinks we should get back to work…
We poke our head in the glasshouses, but there's nothing in there - Joshua says we should have figured they wouldn't bother coming in here. Estelle thinks the glow of the orbments gives the place a romantic ambiance, though - makes her feel like it was all worthwhile just setting foot in here. Joshua says she's definitely a ditz, and an annoyed Estelle responds that's still better than being dense, like someone she knows. Heading over to the cow paddock we find more… bupkis. Nothing. Heading back out, though, causes Estelle to whisper to Joshua that he should look over there, to his right. Monsters! A strange squat critter cries 'Miyaaaowwn!' and quickly rushes off. It's getting away!

Estelle runs after it, yelling that the little furball should get back here! Joshua says it seems like it's staying put on the farm at the moment, which Estelle thinks is great - because it's about to get caught! We then get a bit of a minigame - you have to chase the critter around, basically. There is a trick to it, though - just like with wild combat encounters, attacking from behind gives you an advantage. In this case that means running around so we approach from the place where the critter isn't looking, then rushing in. That way you can tackle this thing on the first attempt, instead of following it around everywhere and retrying! Apparently you get bonus BP if you do that? Estelle cheers at her success, and says it's time to teach this critter a lesson… Joshua agrees this is where our job really starts, so we should stay alert and not let our guards down!
[Boss: Crop Muncher*2, Giant Crop Muncher]

I guess this is kind of a boss? The two small munchers are not much of a threat, since they have a habit of pulling a dirty rat and just doing nothing on their turn, or running around like they're confused where they are. The big one, though, has some tricks up his sleeve, including wind-elemental arts attacks that can be a nuisance. I ended up Soul Blurring the guy into fainting, which basically gave us a bunch of free hits - it's not nearly as threatening as the optional Pine Plant boss, honestly, even if it technically does have a couple of adds.
After the fight is over, we fade back in to see the entire family gathered outside, with the trio of crop munchers just sitting right there, presumably tied up or defeated. They let out some pitiable cries, at least. Franz declares that the work of a bracer sure is something else! We have done a fine job rounding up these critters! Estelle says it was nothing, really. Tee-hee! She just wanted to ask, though, now that they've been caught - what do they plan on doing with these critters? We can then choose between stating that they won't cause any more trouble after that beating they got, or asking if we really have to exterminate them. Regardless of our choice, Joshua asks how showing mercy to these creatures now is going to benefit anyone? We're here to do a job by exterminating these monsters, remember? In any case, we're here to do a job in Dad's place. If the same thing happens again, what will she have to say for herself?
Estelle sees what Joshua is getting at, but clearly doesn't feel comfortable with killing the captive monsters. Tio muses that the only thing that was damaged was a few vegetables, so perhaps they could let it slide this time? Hannah thinks that after taking a beating like that, the monsters have surely learned their lesson. Estelle is touched by their support for her views, but Joshua strongly suggests they should do otherwise! Franz decides he opposes killing them too. Whether it's us or them, the fact of the matter is that we're all living beings trying to survive on the same land. To some degree, he thinks, we should all be mindful of those creatures living around us as we go about our daily lives… Joshua relents, saying that since this is coming from the ones who suffered the actual loss, he won't object to his request. Franz apologizes to Joshua, since he knows they had the two of us come all the way up here. He'll make sure to reinforce the fence and devise a way to prevent this from happening again!
That's that, then - Estelle turns to the crop munchers and tells them that they'd better count their blessings. If they're caught around here again, they won't be so lucky! Now scram! With a pitiful cry the creatures quickly hop off screen.

Franz declares the matter closed. Tonight has been a long night, so how about we all head back inside and hit the sack? He says the two of us are welcome to spend the night. We tell him we appreciate the hospitality, and follow them inside.
A few moments later, we watch the two siblings arrive at the guest bedroom. Estelle is beat - it's really late, so how about we get some sleep? Joshua is quiet, so Estelle prods him for an answer. Joshua… apologizes. He made the situation really awkward for everyone. Estelle asks if he's talking about what happened outside? He shouldn't sweat it, she guarantees nobody thought anything of it. Really, his judgment was the most sound of anyone's. Joshua disagrees - no, he's just cold-hearted and indifferent, that's all. Even now, he still thinks we shouldn't have shown any mercy and simply put those creatures out of their misery. Unlike her and Tio, he doesn't feel compassion. It's at times like these, he muses, that he really begins to loathe himself… It's almost as if there's something wrong with him as a person…
Estelle walks closer, furious, and yells at Joshua to stop saying things like that about himself!

She's watched almost everything he's done for the past five years, and she's confident in saying that she knows his strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else. Probably even more than him! She won't allow him to just disregard everything with a bunch of nonsense. She doesn't ever want to hear him say he's broken again! Joshua apologizes, and says it was foolish of him to say that. Estelle insists that as long as he understands what she said, that's what really matters. But… believe it or not, she's happy to hear him admit how he felt. His real problem is that he always tries to keep his feelings locked up inside. Whenever he's troubled or worried he just goes around with this nonchalant look and tries to fix everything by himself. That's a little upsetting for someone who's supposed to be her family.
Estelle says that Joshua was able to lay bare his own weakness today, and learned to trust in someone other than himself - for that, she is happy! Joshua responds that he doesn't know what her point is, but he's amazed she can just stand there and say something as embarrassing as that. Estelle primly says that she's got a whole lot more where that came from! How about we call it a night, though? After all that running around, she's ready to drop! Joshua wishes her good night… and thanks her. Lights out.
I kind of love how Joshua's full-on emo-trip gets undercut so efficiently by Estelle? They work well together. Estelle is a ditz, sure, but she's clearly the kind of person that Joshua needs to keep his mood in check, while in recompense he's the intellect to help compensate for Estelle's questionable memory and occasional idiocy. Clearly Joshua is prone to a harsher, more mercenary mindset where a monster extermination request is just that - no negotiation, no compromise. Estelle meanwhile is more emotionally sensitive, it seems, but struggles with taking everything as seriously as she should. So far, they've done a good job catching each other when they fall (aside from that time Dad has to show up.) I appreciate that it makes sense why these two would team up.
Anyway, in the morning, we see Estelle and Joshua saying their farewells to the family, with Franz thanking us both for doing them a great service. Once again he apologizes that things didn't turn out the way they should have… Joshua assures him that he shouldn't worry about it anymore. We were able to learn a lot from the experience.

If there's anything we can help with in the future, they should let the Bracer Guild know. They promise that's the first place they'll contact, and Tio asks us to swing by sometime when we're free. Hannah says they'd love to have us over for the night again when things are convenient for us. She'll treat us to some of her best cooking next time we come! We depart, and Joshua suggests heading back to the guild - after reporting this task, we can move on to the next!
Naturally, having finished a major mission, there's new dialogue:
Near the Abend Bar, Claire says that according to her sources, it looks like there's been an incident at the Perzel Farm. She wonders if she should go barging into the guild and report it to Aina? Radmira contemplates heading for Grancel, but grouches that her idiot son hasn't been any help… Just when she thinks he's starting to help, he disappears somewhere! Near the seating area, Ida complains about her troublesome kitten - where is she? Could she be taking a nap somewhere?
Inside the bar, Mirano says she happened to hear that Rolent has quite a few skilled bracers, and she even heard that the newest two recruits are promising as well. Not only does this city have a wealth of natural resources, but it is also blessed with human resources. She wonders if the mayor of Bose would be happy if she scouted some new 'people' commodities? Simon tells Mirano that he doesn't think they have time to be looking for new 'human' resources… Elissa asks how our work is coming along? We should come and take a break here every now and then, alright?
At the counter, Paddington recounts that 10 years ago, the Imperial Army broke through the borders and surrounded Rolent. In an effort to convince the inhabitants of the city to surrender, they bombarded the clock tower… Paddington quickly realizes who he's saying this to, and apologizes for bringing up bad memories. Estelle seems uncomfortable, but tells him it's all right, really. Barman Faulkner asks after that foreigner named Scherazard who works at the Rolent branch - not only is she attractive, but she's one of his best customers too! Which he's thankful for, of course, but when it comes to liquor she's unbelievable. Estelle and Joshua know what he means, and can empathize. Faulkner laments that she's normally such a beautiful, friendly young woman, too… but when she comes alone he gets afraid, because he's the one who gets stuck talking to her all night!
Densel mentions that he just got a message from the Perzel Farm, and they said that the vegetables should come in any time now. He's already getting his vegetables from somewhere else at the moment, but the farm's are still the best. Tabitha similarly got the message that the Perzel Farm will start shipping vegetables again - apparently they had their fields ravaged, so they hired some bracers! (Who knew?)
Behind the church, Charles thanks us for finding his rock earlier - we really helped him out a ton. That said, he can't believe his mom is trying to sell folk crafts in a city that has ships that can fly! He's just amazed at how brazen she is when it comes to business. Nearby, Luke mentions that he saw Mayor Klaus weeding around the clock tower earlier. Estelle confirms that's a hobby of his - there are rumors that really enjoys gardening, too! Joshua wonders if that's where he gets his 'Ol' Man Klaus' nickname? Estelle is just glad he's so informal and accessible for everyone. Yuni says he was surprised that the mayor greeted her with such a big voice! Pat comments that the mayor's garden is very well kept, and that he does that by himself…
Father Divine warns that the greater the light, the darker the shadow becomes. When one's soul is touched by a blinding light, it becomes conscious of the darkness within, and embraces a contrite spirit. Especially those who are tormented by the sins of the past… Joshua looks pained at that. The priest continues preaching: he says that through this ordeal, one can understand the pain and suffering of others and reach a greater plane of insight. What is important for the individual is preparing for the future and deciding what one wants to do. Estelle complains that these sermons are always difficult for her to understand.
The girl in uniform is listening attentively and says she completely agrees with his inspired words. Sister May says she'll be teaching Sunday School from now on, and hopes the children will listen to what she has to say…
Elger has heard we started work as bracers, and asks how everything's coming along? Joshua says we're surviving so far, and Estelle explains that we managed to deal with the monster problem up at the Perzel Farm. Elger says that it seems we've got what it takes after all, and we can become adequate fill-ins for Cassius in his absence. He tells Estelle not to be a handful For Joshua, though, and she wonders why she's the one who always gets lectured…
Stella says that we'll need to work hard so we can give our father a good report. We shouldn't overdo it, though - moderation is key! Estelle assures her we know that already. Stella muses that we're still young and inexperienced, so there's no shame in asking those around us for help. Especially Joshua, who is the type to keep all his feelings pent up inside. It's been a source of concern for her. Joshua apologizes for causing her undue worry. Stella says she's not worried about Estelle being unable to share her feelings with the world, though… Estelle thinks that didn't exactly sound like a compliment, but Stella responds that nobody said her outspokenness was a bad thing…
Rinon wonders if Estelle has been busy lately? He's been kind of sad she hasn't been by to buy junk food lately. Estelle, miffed, argues that there's nothing wrong with that eating cookies and snacks is the right of any girl her age! Rinon laughs, and tells her to stop by again when she's got a day off. He'll look into those sneakers she likes so much. Bloom muses that her son is too busy with running his story to worry about other things… Men reach manhood status by having a family and rearing children, not by staying single! She guesses it's time to lend a helping hand as his mother…
At the orbal factory, Melders says he heard airliners are equipped with huge machines called orbal engines or some such thing - they use an orbment structure as well, and were apparently invented by some big-wig professor.
At his home, Fate talks about the time the Imperial Army broke through the borders 10 years ago and trampled the entire kingdom. They were able to drive them out through a darn near miraculous lightning-quick military operation. Without that plan, Rolent would probably be a part of the Empire's territory today. Fate himself was assigned to the unit in Rolent and fought in the war, but his leg was injured by a piece of flying shrapnel…
At the southwest apartments, Euridice mentions that recently, her husband has been doing well with his work, and she just wishes her father would recognize him as a suitable successor… Radford states that in the timber industry, woodsmen don't just grow trees to be used - they watch over the forests, live with the forests, and give thanks for their bounteous blessings. When a person can do all of these, then they can be called a real woodsman. His daughter's husband is still half a man in that respect… Upstairs, Frissa received word from the mine where her husband works - it seems they've discovered something incredible in a new lode! She wonders what it was… Anya says that when her daddy's not around, she does her best to help out mommy. She helps with cooking, cleaning, and laundry too! Don't we think she's a big help?
At the northwest apartments, Serra wonders what her son Pat wants to be in the future. Unlike Luke, who wants to be a bracer, she wants him to pick a safe and stable job. Rhett mentions that Liberl is divided up into five regions with a central city in each, and Mayor Klaus has been given charge of Rolent, one of those cities. Although he's called 'Ol' Man Klaus' because he likes to potter about his garden, he's actually a very capable leader. Maggy mentions that her boy is a soldier in the Royal Army. He was posted in the Royal City before, but now he's assigned to security at the Verte Checkpoint to the west. (Yeah, we met!) When he gets back, she wants him to give Luke a good scolding!
At the hotel, Verne asks if the two of us have ever met some of the other bracers that have stayed here in this very hotel? They often have bracers registered at other branches dispatched here, after all. In one of the rooms, Seagaro mentions that though they came here on a pilgrimage, Rolent has a wonderful locale, and he likes this place! Edel is impressed that this hotel is a lot nicer than she had anticipated - the manager is extremely courteous, and the place is relaxed and immaculate. This is another kind of elegance quite different from the luxurious hotels in the Royal City.
At the Mayor's house, Lita mentions that it seems the Perzel Farm's vegetables are finally going to be shipped. By any measure the weather certainly hasn't been bad this year, so she wonders if something happened? Mylene, up in her room, says she heard from Lita that the vegetables haven't arrived, and wonders what's going on. The vegetables from Perzel Farm have such a delicious, fresh flavor! Mayor Klaus mentions that he heard something wonderful came out of a new lode at the Malga Mine. He's put in a request to the Bracer Guild to transport it here, but…
At the landing port we can find a guy named Orvid who cures out the 'damn bracers' for keeping him waiting. If they don't hurry and get here, he's going to miss his flight! He should have expected as much from a rural backwater like this… (Why do I get the feeling I'll have to do a sidequest for this blowhard soon?) Fabree explains that the biggest freight export is, of course, septium. Since the orbment industry developed, it looks like the mine has been seeing a boom in demand! Skip mentions that all the airliners have powerful orbal engines mounted on-board. He's been told that it costs untold amounts of mira to develop something like that, and it's only through the capital investment from the Royal Family that these airliners have become a reality.
Alan proclaims that homegrown girls are fine, but those chicks coming from the Royal City and Bose have that extra layer of polished beauty. Even giving up the homegrown girls for one of them would be a difficult choice, though… Speaking of the Royal City, though, Queen Alicia's granddaughter, Princess Klaudia, lives there. Rumor has it she's quite the looker, and he wonders if that's true.
Upstairs at the Bracer Guild, Ridge concludes the two of us were trained by Schera, then? When Estelle confirms it, he says we're in the same boat, then. In fact, it's his pride and joy that he trained under Schera. She's considered one of the best bracers in the entire kingdom, after all! He's worked together with her, and he can tell us that her nickname 'Silver Streak' isn't for show. Beginning with our father Cassius, the Rolent Branch is bleed with some extremely skilled bracers. Estelle guesses Schera is really talented then, isn't she? Joshua says hearing this from someone else makes him realize it all over again…
Incidentally, just to make clear how expansive the dialogue updating is - all the secondary locations have changed too. Back at Verte Bridge, Private Scott complains that he's stuck standing at the door today, but travelers are incredibly sparse. With all this free time, he's started trying to find shapes in the clouds as they pass by. He's so bored. Private Harold says the checkpoint is very quiet, so all he can hear is the babbling of the river and the chirping song of birds. It's way more relaxing than the farm where he worked before!
Back at the Perzel Farm, Tio says she's really thankful, and hopes that the next time we come here, we try to do it when we're free from work! Chere and Will won't stop asking when we'll come to visit again… Will asks Joshua to come again soon - for sure! Inside, Chere stutters a request for Joshua too, she'd really like him to come and play with her again sometime! She'll be waiting with Will. Hannah says the two of us are now wonderful bracers, but we shouldn't overwork ourselves. We should come by if we have free time, she'd love to have us over! Franz says we really helped out, and now they'll be able to get back to shipping out vegetables like before. The good news is that there are a lot of people waiting for their produce. They'd better get to work so they can get what they need!
At Gurune Gate, Private Logan says that during the Hundred Days War, the Royal City escaped from falling into enemy hands because of the Ahnenburg Wall. It seems that even the Imperial Army, which overpowered the other four major cities, ran into trouble with this wall! Private Ethan says that Grancel Castle is an elegant structure which sits on the shore of Valleria Lake, and the bustle of the city just outside it is pretty hectic. Private Anden, the local paper pusher, says there are checkpoints on all regional borders within the Liberl Kingdom, and that's because they began checking all travelers entering or leaving the regions after the Hundred Days War. It's basically the same as checking your identification when you buy an airliner ticket. (Dear God, the checkpoints are Liberl's version of the Post-9/11 TSA! They sacrificed freedom for security, argh!)
CWO Robin mentions that the Royal City is slowly but surely making preparations for the Queen's birthday celebration. He's certainly looking forward to it! In a sideroom, Warrant Officer Graves notes that a new organization popped up in the Royal City made up entirely of people who love to fish. He's kinda interested in what type of organization it is too, since he also loves to fish! On the other side of the hall, Sam the innkeeper muses that he should wash and dry all the sheets while the weather's clear. He wants his customers to be able to sleep well if they're going to come all the way here, yes siree! Emily the cook says the more she uses a frying pan, the more beautiful it becomes. She couldn't be happier than when the black luster gets burned into the metal with each dish she prepares. For a cook, it's like making your mark on a pan!
Up on the walls, Private Selbourne says nothing's been out of the ordinary today, and both the Grancel and Rolent sides are pretty quiet. Ten years ago the outside of this wall was flooded with the Imperial Army, but now it's almost impossible to imagine…
Private Thomas, on the roof, says that it's good nothing unusual has happened today… He's starting to get hungry, so after he reports in, maybe he'll get a bite to eat at the mess hall? The owner of the mess hall loves new things and is always changing the menu, though the downside is that not everything she makes is actually good…
Inside the bar, Mirano says she happened to hear that Rolent has quite a few skilled bracers, and she even heard that the newest two recruits are promising as well. Not only does this city have a wealth of natural resources, but it is also blessed with human resources. She wonders if the mayor of Bose would be happy if she scouted some new 'people' commodities? Simon tells Mirano that he doesn't think they have time to be looking for new 'human' resources… Elissa asks how our work is coming along? We should come and take a break here every now and then, alright?
At the counter, Paddington recounts that 10 years ago, the Imperial Army broke through the borders and surrounded Rolent. In an effort to convince the inhabitants of the city to surrender, they bombarded the clock tower… Paddington quickly realizes who he's saying this to, and apologizes for bringing up bad memories. Estelle seems uncomfortable, but tells him it's all right, really. Barman Faulkner asks after that foreigner named Scherazard who works at the Rolent branch - not only is she attractive, but she's one of his best customers too! Which he's thankful for, of course, but when it comes to liquor she's unbelievable. Estelle and Joshua know what he means, and can empathize. Faulkner laments that she's normally such a beautiful, friendly young woman, too… but when she comes alone he gets afraid, because he's the one who gets stuck talking to her all night!

Densel mentions that he just got a message from the Perzel Farm, and they said that the vegetables should come in any time now. He's already getting his vegetables from somewhere else at the moment, but the farm's are still the best. Tabitha similarly got the message that the Perzel Farm will start shipping vegetables again - apparently they had their fields ravaged, so they hired some bracers! (Who knew?)
Behind the church, Charles thanks us for finding his rock earlier - we really helped him out a ton. That said, he can't believe his mom is trying to sell folk crafts in a city that has ships that can fly! He's just amazed at how brazen she is when it comes to business. Nearby, Luke mentions that he saw Mayor Klaus weeding around the clock tower earlier. Estelle confirms that's a hobby of his - there are rumors that really enjoys gardening, too! Joshua wonders if that's where he gets his 'Ol' Man Klaus' nickname? Estelle is just glad he's so informal and accessible for everyone. Yuni says he was surprised that the mayor greeted her with such a big voice! Pat comments that the mayor's garden is very well kept, and that he does that by himself…
Father Divine warns that the greater the light, the darker the shadow becomes. When one's soul is touched by a blinding light, it becomes conscious of the darkness within, and embraces a contrite spirit. Especially those who are tormented by the sins of the past… Joshua looks pained at that. The priest continues preaching: he says that through this ordeal, one can understand the pain and suffering of others and reach a greater plane of insight. What is important for the individual is preparing for the future and deciding what one wants to do. Estelle complains that these sermons are always difficult for her to understand.

The girl in uniform is listening attentively and says she completely agrees with his inspired words. Sister May says she'll be teaching Sunday School from now on, and hopes the children will listen to what she has to say…
Elger has heard we started work as bracers, and asks how everything's coming along? Joshua says we're surviving so far, and Estelle explains that we managed to deal with the monster problem up at the Perzel Farm. Elger says that it seems we've got what it takes after all, and we can become adequate fill-ins for Cassius in his absence. He tells Estelle not to be a handful For Joshua, though, and she wonders why she's the one who always gets lectured…

Stella says that we'll need to work hard so we can give our father a good report. We shouldn't overdo it, though - moderation is key! Estelle assures her we know that already. Stella muses that we're still young and inexperienced, so there's no shame in asking those around us for help. Especially Joshua, who is the type to keep all his feelings pent up inside. It's been a source of concern for her. Joshua apologizes for causing her undue worry. Stella says she's not worried about Estelle being unable to share her feelings with the world, though… Estelle thinks that didn't exactly sound like a compliment, but Stella responds that nobody said her outspokenness was a bad thing…
Rinon wonders if Estelle has been busy lately? He's been kind of sad she hasn't been by to buy junk food lately. Estelle, miffed, argues that there's nothing wrong with that eating cookies and snacks is the right of any girl her age! Rinon laughs, and tells her to stop by again when she's got a day off. He'll look into those sneakers she likes so much. Bloom muses that her son is too busy with running his story to worry about other things… Men reach manhood status by having a family and rearing children, not by staying single! She guesses it's time to lend a helping hand as his mother…

At the orbal factory, Melders says he heard airliners are equipped with huge machines called orbal engines or some such thing - they use an orbment structure as well, and were apparently invented by some big-wig professor.
At his home, Fate talks about the time the Imperial Army broke through the borders 10 years ago and trampled the entire kingdom. They were able to drive them out through a darn near miraculous lightning-quick military operation. Without that plan, Rolent would probably be a part of the Empire's territory today. Fate himself was assigned to the unit in Rolent and fought in the war, but his leg was injured by a piece of flying shrapnel…

At the southwest apartments, Euridice mentions that recently, her husband has been doing well with his work, and she just wishes her father would recognize him as a suitable successor… Radford states that in the timber industry, woodsmen don't just grow trees to be used - they watch over the forests, live with the forests, and give thanks for their bounteous blessings. When a person can do all of these, then they can be called a real woodsman. His daughter's husband is still half a man in that respect… Upstairs, Frissa received word from the mine where her husband works - it seems they've discovered something incredible in a new lode! She wonders what it was… Anya says that when her daddy's not around, she does her best to help out mommy. She helps with cooking, cleaning, and laundry too! Don't we think she's a big help?
At the northwest apartments, Serra wonders what her son Pat wants to be in the future. Unlike Luke, who wants to be a bracer, she wants him to pick a safe and stable job. Rhett mentions that Liberl is divided up into five regions with a central city in each, and Mayor Klaus has been given charge of Rolent, one of those cities. Although he's called 'Ol' Man Klaus' because he likes to potter about his garden, he's actually a very capable leader. Maggy mentions that her boy is a soldier in the Royal Army. He was posted in the Royal City before, but now he's assigned to security at the Verte Checkpoint to the west. (Yeah, we met!) When he gets back, she wants him to give Luke a good scolding!
At the hotel, Verne asks if the two of us have ever met some of the other bracers that have stayed here in this very hotel? They often have bracers registered at other branches dispatched here, after all. In one of the rooms, Seagaro mentions that though they came here on a pilgrimage, Rolent has a wonderful locale, and he likes this place! Edel is impressed that this hotel is a lot nicer than she had anticipated - the manager is extremely courteous, and the place is relaxed and immaculate. This is another kind of elegance quite different from the luxurious hotels in the Royal City.

At the Mayor's house, Lita mentions that it seems the Perzel Farm's vegetables are finally going to be shipped. By any measure the weather certainly hasn't been bad this year, so she wonders if something happened? Mylene, up in her room, says she heard from Lita that the vegetables haven't arrived, and wonders what's going on. The vegetables from Perzel Farm have such a delicious, fresh flavor! Mayor Klaus mentions that he heard something wonderful came out of a new lode at the Malga Mine. He's put in a request to the Bracer Guild to transport it here, but…
At the landing port we can find a guy named Orvid who cures out the 'damn bracers' for keeping him waiting. If they don't hurry and get here, he's going to miss his flight! He should have expected as much from a rural backwater like this… (Why do I get the feeling I'll have to do a sidequest for this blowhard soon?) Fabree explains that the biggest freight export is, of course, septium. Since the orbment industry developed, it looks like the mine has been seeing a boom in demand! Skip mentions that all the airliners have powerful orbal engines mounted on-board. He's been told that it costs untold amounts of mira to develop something like that, and it's only through the capital investment from the Royal Family that these airliners have become a reality.
Alan proclaims that homegrown girls are fine, but those chicks coming from the Royal City and Bose have that extra layer of polished beauty. Even giving up the homegrown girls for one of them would be a difficult choice, though… Speaking of the Royal City, though, Queen Alicia's granddaughter, Princess Klaudia, lives there. Rumor has it she's quite the looker, and he wonders if that's true.

Upstairs at the Bracer Guild, Ridge concludes the two of us were trained by Schera, then? When Estelle confirms it, he says we're in the same boat, then. In fact, it's his pride and joy that he trained under Schera. She's considered one of the best bracers in the entire kingdom, after all! He's worked together with her, and he can tell us that her nickname 'Silver Streak' isn't for show. Beginning with our father Cassius, the Rolent Branch is bleed with some extremely skilled bracers. Estelle guesses Schera is really talented then, isn't she? Joshua says hearing this from someone else makes him realize it all over again…
Incidentally, just to make clear how expansive the dialogue updating is - all the secondary locations have changed too. Back at Verte Bridge, Private Scott complains that he's stuck standing at the door today, but travelers are incredibly sparse. With all this free time, he's started trying to find shapes in the clouds as they pass by. He's so bored. Private Harold says the checkpoint is very quiet, so all he can hear is the babbling of the river and the chirping song of birds. It's way more relaxing than the farm where he worked before!
Back at the Perzel Farm, Tio says she's really thankful, and hopes that the next time we come here, we try to do it when we're free from work! Chere and Will won't stop asking when we'll come to visit again… Will asks Joshua to come again soon - for sure! Inside, Chere stutters a request for Joshua too, she'd really like him to come and play with her again sometime! She'll be waiting with Will. Hannah says the two of us are now wonderful bracers, but we shouldn't overwork ourselves. We should come by if we have free time, she'd love to have us over! Franz says we really helped out, and now they'll be able to get back to shipping out vegetables like before. The good news is that there are a lot of people waiting for their produce. They'd better get to work so they can get what they need!
At Gurune Gate, Private Logan says that during the Hundred Days War, the Royal City escaped from falling into enemy hands because of the Ahnenburg Wall. It seems that even the Imperial Army, which overpowered the other four major cities, ran into trouble with this wall! Private Ethan says that Grancel Castle is an elegant structure which sits on the shore of Valleria Lake, and the bustle of the city just outside it is pretty hectic. Private Anden, the local paper pusher, says there are checkpoints on all regional borders within the Liberl Kingdom, and that's because they began checking all travelers entering or leaving the regions after the Hundred Days War. It's basically the same as checking your identification when you buy an airliner ticket. (Dear God, the checkpoints are Liberl's version of the Post-9/11 TSA! They sacrificed freedom for security, argh!)

CWO Robin mentions that the Royal City is slowly but surely making preparations for the Queen's birthday celebration. He's certainly looking forward to it! In a sideroom, Warrant Officer Graves notes that a new organization popped up in the Royal City made up entirely of people who love to fish. He's kinda interested in what type of organization it is too, since he also loves to fish! On the other side of the hall, Sam the innkeeper muses that he should wash and dry all the sheets while the weather's clear. He wants his customers to be able to sleep well if they're going to come all the way here, yes siree! Emily the cook says the more she uses a frying pan, the more beautiful it becomes. She couldn't be happier than when the black luster gets burned into the metal with each dish she prepares. For a cook, it's like making your mark on a pan!
Up on the walls, Private Selbourne says nothing's been out of the ordinary today, and both the Grancel and Rolent sides are pretty quiet. Ten years ago the outside of this wall was flooded with the Imperial Army, but now it's almost impossible to imagine…

Private Thomas, on the roof, says that it's good nothing unusual has happened today… He's starting to get hungry, so after he reports in, maybe he'll get a bite to eat at the mess hall? The owner of the mess hall loves new things and is always changing the menu, though the downside is that not everything she makes is actually good…
Next: More sidequests? More sidequests! Cleaning up everything until the next major quest, basically.