Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
That's not true at all? 1st edition AD&D had the alignment grid that we all know. And while there were alignment languages, they weren't treated like religions in and of themselves.
The original 1974 box set had only Chaotic, Neutral and Lawful alignments. AD&D came out some years after and added Good and Evil as aligments, creating the classic aligment grid.

Also to some extent the Choatic/Neutral/Lawful is kept in some games based on D&D, Nethack for example has it.
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oh yeah baby that's the stuff, we're out here parsing "Dungeons & Dragons" vs. "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons", before they even realized they should be doing version control and counting editions. "Class" and "Race" were the same thing too, "Elf" was a half-fighter half-wizard with the slowest XP progression in the game IIRC.
oh yeah baby that's the stuff, we're out here parsing "Dungeons & Dragons" vs. "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons", before they even realized they should be doing version control and counting editions. "Class" and "Race" were the same thing too, "Elf" was a half-fighter half-wizard with the slowest XP progression in the game IIRC.
No, that's Basic Dungeons & Dragons. Class and race were different in both AD&D and the original box set.
1st edition can arguably apply to White Box, Basic Set, AD&D, and possibly BECMI or B/X if you're willing to stretch a little.
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The best chocobo theme has a clear and obvious answer, that we'll definitely just agree on universally. It's 13-2 of course, and this is only slightly a joke
we're all just doing bits here, I dunno about you guys but I feel pretty good about how accurately I remember some rulebooks I read 30+ years ago

speaking of which I just recalled that when they made Jurassic Park (1993), the animators based the walk animations of the velicoraptors on chickens, which I feel is close enough to nominate the Jurassic Park Theme as the best chocobo music
If we must fight, let us at least fight over something sensible, like which game has the best chocobo riding theme

Counterpoint: No, let's argue more.

My Hot Take is that D&D nine point alignment only ever had any value with the Outer Planes / Planescape related material as an excuse to have a bunch of cool adventuring locations, otherwise it's been a blight on the game for 50+ years and Gary should've just stuck with Moorcockian 3 point Law/Neutral/Chaos past OD&D.
Counterpoint: No, let's argue more.

My Hot Take is that D&D nine point alignment only ever had any value with the Outer Planes / Planescape related material as an excuse to have a bunch of cool adventuring locations, otherwise it's been a blight on the game for 50+ years and Gary should've just stuck with Moorcockian 3 point Law/Neutral/Chaos past OD&D.
I'll be honest when the thread OP gently suggests you have, perhaps, wandered off topic I think it's probably generally best to drop the topic or, y'know, at least try to loop your post back to the topic at hand.

this is, after all, Omicron Plays Final Fantasy thread, not D&D alignment thread, y'know?