Time to ship them and write a fanfiction named : "Love Bound by Blood and Death"Also poor Gillian just learn first hand "Geek the mage first" hurts when you're the mage. Probably has a better appreciation for what Mustadio goes though.
Time to ship them and write a fanfiction named : "Love Bound by Blood and Death"Also poor Gillian just learn first hand "Geek the mage first" hurts when you're the mage. Probably has a better appreciation for what Mustadio goes though.
Lol planting my flag here:
Remember that Doublehand doesn't applies to Swordskill. It would apply to the normal attack, of course, but since Attack Boost applies to both the normal attacks and the Swordskills, it's clearly the superior choice.unless we head for Samurai and give her Doublehand as well? Seems greedy
Yeah, WotL doing this to Mustadio is one of the most annoying things to me about a port that I'm really not a fan of. Even if they wanted the cameo, there was absolutely no reason to give Balthier this kind of build.We have just found Mustadio 2.0. We have unlocked Better Mustadio: The Mustadio That Fucks. Our boy is in absolute shambles.
Yes, yes it is, especially if you can get the third tier - which cannot be found in the wild, you need to breed for it. But there's few things in the game as rewarding as slaughtering Wildbow. Still, the other pigs also provide high quality poach results; they're definitely worth butchering.
Did you manage to steal (or get from dropped chests) any of those? Because, while there is one future story battle and one rare battle you don't yet have access to where they can be acquired, these are not otherwise available - they can't be bought in shops.There's another nasty surprise in that enemies are now rocking elemental guns that deal ice damage much higher than our currently equipped mythril guns
You're remembering incorrectly, the Beowulf questline is only available in chapter 4.Also I'm fairly sure you could have gotten the first golden cutscene and probably the golem itself pre-Riovannes
Ah, the things we could have had if FFT didn't regulate characters to the No Dialogue Dimension in the first place.
And so Omi has yet another Final Fantasy game where he gets to go "no guys really it's aliens".That's a Saiyan capsule is what it is.
No, look! Metal sphere! Same wavey signs! Circle that could plausibly be an engine! Found buried within the earth?
This is one of the alien pods with which the Lucavi first descended upon Ivalice in time immemorial, is what it is.
See, my immediate thought (which is of course validated by the rest of the update) is just "wait do you have the Aquarius yet? That's absolutely Aquarius."
Whaaat, strange rando who wants to team up with a Heretic to hunt a holy dragon? A rando who has the Temple Knight class?This man is called Beowulf, which, I don't know how this fits into my picture of "Beoulve is a deliberate distortion of Beowulf like Wiegraf is of Wiglaf" but it's gotta fit in somewhere, and is also big shoes to fill as far as mythological references go.
Beowulf says he's been pursuing the Holy Dragoon for many years, and his knowledge would surely aid us. We're given a dialogue option to either refuse, or ask his price; asking his price has him tell us we can talk about pay when the job is done, which is not suspicious at all.
In the corner, Mustadio laughs his ass off as for once it's someone other than him getting absolutely destroyed and playing Phoenix Down Roulette.The ENTIRE BATTLE. TURN AFTER TURN. Is just the enemy TAKING SHOTS AT GILLIAN. They do literally nothing else. Every turn. I have Mustadio toss Phoenix Down at her turn after turn and Gillian spends the entire battle in one single tile, never taking a single action, because they keep killing her every single turn before she can act.
It's absolutely infuriating but also, on some level, extremely funny. Like… Strategically speaking, having one character who just takes endless hits and gets Phoenix Down thrown at her so Ramza, Agrias and Luso (I'm leveling him up a bit as a backup) just go around killing everyone while they do nothing to defend themselves, is good for me, but.
Gillian just got shot fifteen times. Or something, I didn't count. Girl is more bullet than blood at this point. What the fuck.
She comes out of this battle with +0 JP because she has, again, not taken a single action!
In the corner, Musadio is Fucking Dead Again, instant karma
Now that we've gotten one stone completely disconnected from the main story, I wonder how much the devs originally planned with all (presumably) 12 stones. Were there plans to have all 12 show up in the main plot, maybe even all 12 Lucavi, or did they decide early on to cut a few into sidequest-landia? Heck, if some stones aren't going to be mandatory, does that even mean all 12 are obtainable or in the game in the first place? Maybe there's two or three that you'll just never encounter!Okay, wow! Wasn't expecting one of the Zodiac Stones to be found entirely localized within an optional side quest!
Hester, as always, making himself known as the absolute MVP. I wonder if the part where he murderized an Inquisitor last update upped his bounty any, might be considered Ramza's Bloody Right Hand by this point with an only slightly lower bounty ala One Piece crews.Now, the Ochus are still hitting Reis hard, so she's severely down on HP. But that was the real purpose of having Hadrian use Ignore Elevation to move up; not his attack power, but his ability to immediately apply an X-Potion to her.
From what I recall of these two, Reis is decent for a monster class (fittingly for having an entire sidequest to recruit and a unique class). Basically just an Uber Dragon, when Dragons are already among the stronger monster classes.And that marks a new monster joining our party. I, uh. Accidentally kicked out Boco a while back while I was clearing extra chocobos and not noticing where he was in the turn order. So. Now we have a replacement!
As a Holy Dragon, Reis can use Flame Breath, Ice Breath and Thunder Breath, which are elemental, two-tile attacks like a spear. Its Magic Power is seemingly enormous (32!) but that's because monsters don't have weapons, so their Magic/Physical Power has to do all the work of their Weapon power. I'm kind of lukewarm on it.
Beowulf's class, Templar, has the Spellblade ability, which is like Sword Skills for Mystic Arts: Single target, ranged, no-cast time sword moves that inflict a debuff with a high probability. Which is probably okay, but… I already have Agrias and Gillian, I don't really need Beowulf. And like all other new recruits I would have to train up all his other job abilities from the ground up.
He'll stay on the shelf for now.
And there it is, the ultimate in Mustaido deathsRamza being caught completely off guard and seemingly afraid of telling the massive robot anything and Mustadio totally foisting the responsibility of ordering the robot on him, and Ramza going with "dance" is pretty funny in itself - this is the kind of casual funny interactions that we've been missing with every new recruit falling into the Oblivion Hole. But what's even funnier is the next beat:
Mustadio: "I wonder how powerful this thing is."
Automaton: "I AM VERY STRONG."
Ramza: "Well, then…" [He points to Mustadio] "Dispose of Mustadio!"
Mustadio: "Oh, for-!"
I can't believe Mustadio is fucking dead.![]()
God Ramza actually finding it in him thirty hours into the game to try to make a joke and then instantly getting hit with payback when the robot obliterates Mustadio is so fucking funny. Mustadio just catching strays out of nowhere, this is the character interaction we've been missing this whole time.
God, fuck me, they mirrored it so you might not immediately notice the reference, but he's specifically doing the Yamcha death pose.
Construct 8 is a neat gimmicky monster-type party member, which may or may not be enough reason to use him.Anyway, the cutscene ends there, and we've been joined by a new "monster" unit, Construct 8, whose "job" is Automaton. Like most monsters it can't learn new abilities, equip gear, or change jobs; it also has a few special traits, like an innate ignore weather and ignore terrain, a series of special attacks called Tasks, oh, and, it has Faith 00. It's a robot. It cannot know the face of God, and is therefore immune to all magic.
Absolutely wild. Will we get any use out of it? I mean, we've already gained three new party members since starting this update, so I genuinely don't know!
And that concludes the adventure of the Haunted Mine. Three new recruits, a bit more lore, and oh yeah also the Aquarius Stone, just hanging out there in an optional quest and immediately used to power up an ancient robot. Wild. Overall? I didn't mind it, the battles were interesting, but it was a very mechanics-forward adventure. I don't know if I'll do anything with the new units, but I appreciate their existence.
See this just makes me long for the missed opportunity of a battle where you set every character in 1-2 man squads, get ambushed with "just" Ramza, and then every turn or two your blorbos start showing up to help you out as they all hear the fighting going on, sigh, and finish their shopping to join in because clearly Ramza's gotten into yet another fight.Ramza and Mustadio walk into a tavern, where it turns out that Agrias is already there, sitting by herself in a corner.
(Interestingly the implication of this couple of Tavern scenes is that, whenever our party is into town, they tend to scatter and attend the various watering holes and catering establishments around town, rather than stay together as a group; maybe that's why we keep only having four units with us every time we walk into an ambush!)
Just some good ol' Final Fantasy tradition of "make some absolutely ridiculous armor/accessory that's female exclusive".Remember how I wow'd over the Bracer and its +3 Physical Attack bonus? Yeah, Agrias's new lipstick grants +3 PA, +3 MA, boosts Holy Damage, and grants Protect, Shell, and Haste while equipped.
Genuinely absolutely insane. The strongest item we've found so far and I am going to wager a stronger frontrunner for strongest item in the game even later on.
Balthier is totally a crossover character, yes.This guy transpires "crossover character added to WotL" energy, but unlike Luso, he is actually legitimately cool???
LolThen it's the Thief's turn…
Who moves up in front of Ramza and steals his 50k gil Bracer that he just got transferred to him after Agrias got the lipstick.![]()
Yeah uh, that does in fact sound just a tad overpowered. Absolutely wild of the game to just hand you a character and go "here's Better Mustadio" to try and advertise Final Fantasy XII, which I assume released around the same time as Tactics PSP.…
Mother of-
It's the complete Machinist command list with the complete Thief command list stapled to it, with an exclusive "Barrage" skill which is the Ranger's Rapid Fire from FFV that hits four times for half damage each time.
And he starts at lv 35. And he has base Speed 10, two higher than Mustadio, the same Speed as Hester, our Ninja.
We have just found Mustadio 2.0. We have unlocked Better Mustadio: The Mustadio That Fucks. Our boy is in absolute shambles.
I literally cannot find a justification to keep Mustadio on rather than replace him with Balthier other than personal affection for the guy and the fact that I spent a lot of time teaching him all the Chemist commands (but also he has now fully mastered Chemist and I have no idea where to go with him next).
Devastating follow up to Agrias's Birthday.
Anyway, the cutscene ends there, and we've been joined by a new "monster" unit, Construct 8, whose "job" is Automaton. Like most monsters it can't learn new abilities, equip gear, or change jobs; it also has a few special traits, like an innate ignore weather and ignore terrain, a series of special attacks called Tasks, oh, and, it has Faith 00. It's a robot. It cannot know the face of God, and is therefore immune to all magic.
Another priest said,"Is it true you've said you'll believe in any god whose existence can be proved by logical debate?"
Vimes had a feeling about the immediate future and took a few steps away from Dorfl.
"But the gods plainly do exist," said a priest.
"It Is Not Evident."
A bolt of lightning lanced down through the clouds and hit Dorfl's helmet. There was a sheet of flame and then a trickling noise. Dorfl's molten armour formed puddles around his white-hot feet.
"I Don't Call That Much Of An Argument," said Dorfl calmly, from somewhere in the clouds of smoke.
The original XII was released in '06, one year before WotL. That said, however, the International Zodiac Job System version came out in August '07, three months after WotL. Sadly, it was a Japan-only release; the rest of the world had to wait TEN YEARS before the Zodiac Age re-master came out.Absolutely wild of the game to just hand you a character and go "here's Better Mustadio" to try and advertise Final Fantasy XII, which I assume released around the same time as Tactics PSP.
He does need someone after Agrias blasted him to the friendzone, Who better then a white mage with a gun?Time to ship them and write a fanfiction named : "Love Bound by Blood and Death"
I did chortle at the "wait, I feel like I'm a cameo player in this one" meta joke.
Kiyomori: "Innocent sword, slash evils and protect! Kiyomori!"
Tavernmaster: "Good day to you. Might I interest you in a drink?"
Ramza: "Mayhap you might. Have you any milk?"
Tavernmaster: "Ha! I like you already! I've not had a customer order milk before. You've seen your share of battle, have you not? Most men as live that sort of life come wanting spirits."
God the idea of Ramza Beoulve, rogue mercenary noble, veteran of a hundred battles, slayer of two demons from ancient history, who prevailed over multiple veteran warriors and leaders of men, sitting down at the pub and ordering milk is hysterical, perfect absolutely random bit of characterization.
The ENTIRE BATTLE. TURN AFTER TURN. Is just the enemy TAKING SHOTS AT GILLIAN. They do literally nothing else. Every turn. I have Mustadio toss Phoenix Down at her turn after turn and Gillian spends the entire battle in one single tile, never taking a single action, because they keep killing her every single turn before she can act.
Mustadio: "I wonder how powerful this thing is."
Automaton: "I AM VERY STRONG."
Ramza: "Well, then…" [He points to Mustadio] "Dispose of Mustadio!"
Mustadio: "Oh, for-!"
I can't believe Mustadio is fucking dead.![]()
Remember how I wow'd over the Bracer and its +3 Physical Attack bonus? Yeah, Agrias's new lipstick grants +3 PA, +3 MA, boosts Holy Damage, and grants Protect, Shell, and Haste while equipped.![]()
"Magickal lip rouge from the popular Feyforge brand. It is a limited-edition product, making it difficult for even the reachest noblewomen to obtain."
Genuinely absolutely insane. The strongest item we've found so far and I am going to wager a stronger frontrunner for strongest item in the game even later on.
Then it's the Thief's turn…
Who moves up in front of Ramza and steals his 50k gil Bracer that he just got transferred to him after Agrias got the lipstick.![]()
I am liking the look of him. He's a Mystic with knight armor, plus a bunch from Orator.Beowulf is an exceptional unit. Instant Stone Sword, Chicken Sword, Disable... These are just amazing skills that are only limited by MP cost and them being single target only.
Try him Omi, he's good.
While that is one reason to add Balthier, the Cache of Glabados reference marks this as an advert for FF12: Revenant Wings, the DS only RTS sequel to FF12 that had that as the primary McGuffin.The original XII was released in '06, one year before WotL. That said, however, the International Zodiac Job System version came out in August '07, three months after WotL. Sadly, it was a Japan-only release; the rest of the world had to wait TEN YEARS before the Zodiac Age re-master came out.
I know its not what yoy mean, but that speed infamously peaked at 35 miles per hour.
oh godOh, that's a cool robot i wo-
Looks at it
Oh no.
Oh no math.
By the way, you said you sent Boco to a nice farm upstate, what about Lavian and Alicia? I don't know the triggers specifically except they need to still be in your party for something. (From what I know it might just be locked until later in Chapter 4 for reasons that make sense in retrospect.)
I fully believe that Beowulf is good.Beowulf is an exceptional unit. Instant Stone Sword, Chicken Sword, Disable... These are just amazing skills that are only limited by MP cost and them being single target only.
Try him Omi, he's good.
Also try reducing an enemy targets Brave to less than 10.
Something amusing happens.
these devs are psychopaths and should be in jailNow that you've unlocked those two, it won't be long before you're able to participate in another optional battle which just so happen to have the best spear in the game (which cannot otherwise be obtained outside of astonishingly unbelievable luck with the Catch reaction ability) as a hidden treasure. How to get it is very convoluted, and unlikely to be something a player can figure out without guidance.
The same panel with the best spear also has the worst spear in the game as the common item, meaning you need somebody with very low brave (Rapha is the usual choice) to retrieve it, and it's named the same as the worst spear (Javelin), so you need to pay attention to the item icon when you obtain it (which is different for the two items) to know if you actually found it or should retry the battle.
And the item is on a tile that requires special consideration to be reached, as it is at the top of a pillar that has no stepping stone and is above the maximum possible jumping distance - and Ignore Elevation cannot circumvent this, since the unit need to have Treasure Hunter as their movement ability. This issue can only be solved by having a large monster that can act as a stepping stone (both Reis and Worker8 would work for this purpose), positioning them in a panel adjacent to the pillar, and then having the low brave unit with Treasure Hunter, who must have 5 Jump (and therefore be in a class with 4 Jump and be wearing either Spiked Boots or Germinas Boots), move through the monster's panel to reach the top of the pillar where the treasure is.
What's that? You didn't know certain monsters could be used as stepping stones? Yeah, most people don't. Guess they won't be getting the ultimate spear and shield then, will they? FFVIII has convoluted mechanics, but FFT is no slouch in that department either.
Anyway, just to make things that bit more convoluted, the map in question has two pillars, not one. On top of the other one is the best shield in the game, in numerical terms, which also is the rare find, with the common find being the worst shield in the game, with which it shares the name, so once again you need to keep an eye on the icon when the item is retrieved to know if you got the right one.
So... that's that. To get the treasure, you need to bring along a low bravery itemfinder with 5 jump (better hope that's a character who can pull their weight, or you'll be fighting the optional battle with one useless unit along), and pay careful attention to what the item look like to make sure it's the version you want, which will require you familiarizing yourself with the look of the weak versions of Javelin and Escutcheon to make sure you don't get the weak copy by mistake. Not convoluted at all! Right?
Not even a little. I don't have Steal Weapon unlocked on any character (anyone who spent enough time in Thief to get the JP necessary learned Move+2 instead), I have decided long ago that having a character permanently dedicated to Thief/reloading when I see valuable equipment/obsessively checking enemies at the start of a battle for specific rare equipment I should steal or turn them to chests for would turn into a chore that would poison my fun, so I've just not bothered with it.Did you manage to steal (or get from dropped chests) any of those? Because, while there is one future story battle and one rare battle you don't yet have access to where they can be acquired, these are not otherwise available - they can't be bought in shops.
Now that we've gotten one stone completely disconnected from the main story, I wonder how much the devs originally planned with all (presumably) 12 stones. Were there plans to have all 12 show up in the main plot, maybe even all 12 Lucavi, or did they decide early on to cut a few into sidequest-landia? Heck, if some stones aren't going to be mandatory, does that even mean all 12 are obtainable or in the game in the first place? Maybe there's two or three that you'll just never encounter!
Not even a little. I don't have Steal Weapon unlocked on any character (anyone who spent enough time in Thief to get the JP necessary learned Move+2 instead), I have decided long ago that having a character permanently dedicated to Thief/reloading when I see valuable equipment/obsessively checking enemies at the start of a battle for specific rare equipment I should steal or turn them to chests for would turn into a chore that would poison my fun, so I've just not bothered with it.
Likely--If I remember correctly, the game only gives you just enough slots at base to keep all the characters who ask to join you, no more.With that said it probably ended up serendipitous; given how many new characters joined in this update, I might genuinely have found myself unable to recruit someone due to not checking the rampant chocobo growth frequently enough between each beat.
You should be fine overall? From what I recall a team of four blorbos + all named recruitables in the OG game was still slightly below the slot limit, and WotL adds 4 slots but I believe only two bonus characters in Luso and Balthier.With that said it probably ended up serendipitous; given how many new characters joined in this update, I might genuinely have found myself unable to recruit someone due to not checking the rampant chocobo growth frequently enough between each beat.
Remember how I wow'd over the Bracer and its +3 Physical Attack bonus? Yeah, Agrias's new lipstick grants +3 PA, +3 MA, boosts Holy Damage, and grants Protect, Shell, and Haste while equipped.
Genuinely absolutely insane. The strongest item we've found so far and I am going to wager a stronger frontrunner for strongest item in the game even later on.
The Chronicle tab works off the in-game timer, however. I think there were a few jokes early in the LP for this game about how it's possible for the Chronicles to report that the cast is running around as a bunch of sexagenarians and septuagenarians even though they look remarkably young in their sprite art.(Okay I guess realistically he's like, 18; it's hard to tell exactly how much time has passed within the narrative as such as opposed to the in-game timer, but the Chronicle screen does inform us that Ramza is in fact 21.)
Maybe it's a Fight Club thing.This man is called Beowulf, which, I don't know how this fits into my picture of "Beoulve is a deliberate distortion of Beowulf like Wiegraf is of Wiglaf" but it's gotta fit in somewhere, and is also big shoes to fill as far as mythological references go.
Maybe it's a Fight Club thing.
Ramza's suppressed inner desire to just be done with this political shit and be an adventurer in a world that apparently has floating cities just chilling in the sky manifested as a hallucination he's having while actually being an alternate personality
and all his party members roll with it and don't say a word about it because let's say this takes place after Ramza just ordered Mustadio's death and no one is willing to cross him now for fear that they'll be next.
So Ramza repressed inner desire is that he wants to fuck a dragon?