This spoils later versions of Alexander, maybe reconsider which thread you posted it in.
This spoils later versions of Alexander, maybe reconsider which thread you posted it in.
I was also starting to post something about that, but then I saw that Omicron had already rated the post as Informative -- so I decided that either my comment wasn't needed, or was already too late, hopefully the former.This spoils later versions of Alexander, maybe reconsider which thread you posted it in.
It's hard to call it a spoiler, inferring that Alexander continues to appear in later titles, since it has appeared in 6 and 7 already.This spoils later versions of Alexander, maybe reconsider which thread you posted it in.
Mum's the word on FF9's ChocoBringer Prime summonIt's hard to call it a spoiler, inferring that Alexander continues to appear in later titles, since it has appeared in 6 and 7 already.
And I'm not sure how much of a spoiler it is to see the design changes to staples such as Shiva and Ifrit, or even chocobos.
Unless you think seeing chocobos from their origin to their appearance in the latest game(s) would spoil something.
I mean, you could sorta count Fiend having the Force Field spell and that barrier Sephiroth puts up around the Northern Crater as being a commonality, but that's kinda stretching and only adds one minor point rather than the Giant-Alexander connections regarding design, abilities, and the how the unused name for the Fiend in FFVI, 'Sephirot,' would end up (tweaked slightly) being the name of the main antagonist of the following game, although they have no other apparent relation.
It's not even the only piece of unused content that shows up in FFVI, Setzer was inspired by a scrapped Gambler class for FFV and Shadow by a "ninja with dog" concept.There's a minor thing this Tumblr post is overlooking - it dates the earliest appearance of Alexander as FF6, which is correct, but it also includes concept art from FF4, because the Alexander we know and love is a variation on the concept art for the Giant of Babil which ended up unused in favor of a more straightforward human robot (probably for reasons of graphical limitations). Which is a neat tidbit of how idea seeds that go unused in some games are often ported forward into other game, like how the unused name for the Fiend in FFVI, 'Sephirot,' would end up (tweaked slightly) being the name of the main antagonist of the following game, although they have no other apparent relation.
Phew. I finished it a week ago and everything that happened sent me reeling from thoughts of what will happen in Part 3.
Rebirth is a great game with excellent character work, and a very interesting story (some didn't like the ending, but I loved it).Rebirth is funny from the outside compared to the first remake. For that one I picked up random spoilers about the fun storytelling shit it did pretty quickly, but with Rebirth everyone is somehow just ranting about minigames.
I have actually been kinda assuming that it's just not doing anything interesting with the story. Don't ask me how to do something uninteresting with the fundament of the first remake, though lol
In my case that was the frog platform dodge minigame. Was able to get everything else in the game fully completed, but that one just consistently eluded me, so I gave up.Rebirth is a great game with excellent character work, and a very interesting story (some didn't like the ending, but I loved it).
It's just that with over 50 bespoke mini games, there is bound to be at least one minigame that would annoy a player, which is why you hear different people complain about different stuff.
For me it was the tuning of the last Glide de ChocoboIn my case that was the frog platform dodge minigame. Was able to get everything else in the game fully completed, but that one just consistently eluded me, so I gave up.
Ditto. Glide just killed me repeatedly because I couldn't invert the joystick controls, so my constant instinct to pull back on the stick to pull up kept killing otherwise great runs.Minigame-wise, there were only two that really irritated me: the Aerith cactuar minigame for the protorelic, and the Glide de Chocobo.
If it's any consolation, I bamboozled my readers in large part because I bamboozled myself. I genuinely had expectations of all these cool hints actually leading somewhere.Since Omi has demanded that we feed him with reactions to his years-old posts, and I have finally caught up reading through the whole LP so far...
I'm still mad about Xande. And it's all Omi's fault.
I had literally zero exposure to FF3 before this thread, so Omi's theories got me all hyped up with "hold up, this guy's got a pretty decent reason to be mad" and "but what even are the three wizards and Xande, anyway?" and all these cool vibes! And then we run into Xande and he's literally a cardboard cutout with a speaker attached. You push him and he falls over to reveal the ACTUAL final boss.
What the hell, Omi. Why would you do this to me. You got me hopes up for a cool villain just to be crushed mercilessly. Like, at least we knew the whole time that Garland was a fairly generic bad guy with generic bad guy motivations. But this was just cruel, and it was YOUR FAULT.
... Zemus, on the other hand? It took me a solid minute to remember his name.
And we all know that will never happen again, at all, ever.I bamboozled my readers in large part because I bamboozled myself.