Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
People our heroes chose not to kill when given the opportunity:

- The man who took three seconds after his father's death to announce that he would transform the world into a place of fear and suffering.

- The man who left the first guy's company because they weren't letting him do enough science crimes.

People our heroes chose to kill when given the opportunity:

- A drunk old man who doesn't seem to understand what's going on around him at any given time.

"But he attacked them!" Look at Palmer's character model! This was not a fight they had to take.

"They didn't kill him, the truck did!" In RPG land if you bring someone's health to zero in a fight and they die immediately afterwards you're still legally liable.
Well, with Rufus, you at least get the feeling you'll see him again and again, given his role in the plot so far. Then again, killing him when you had the chance would probably have been the better choice in the long run, given this guy's proclivity for cruelty.
Well, with Rufus, you at least get the feeling you'll see him again and again, given his role in the plot so far. Then again, killing him when you had the chance would probably have been the better choice in the long run, given this guy's proclivity for cruelty.
A counterpoint, has he been cruel (on-screen) to anyone? Because the person we've seen him be meanest to so far is Heidegger. Mostly he's just forced Omicron to do a few minigames, because Cloud decided to larp as a Shinra trooper during a parade, and followed Sephiroth.

I suppose he was going to confiscate Cid's airplane without compensation, but that's not something I'd say anyone in the group is willing to kill him over (bar Cid, but sexism man is due for some comeuppance).
I've been looking forward to this part because when 21st was playing this they mentioned to me something like "fuck, Cid's an abusive husband in this one" in a way that made me think whatever was actually going on was something that was sorta that, but much stupider. I was not disappointed.

Trust me, it gets worse. :D

But I won't spoil it. :D
A counterpoint, has he been cruel (on-screen) to anyone? Because the person we've seen him be meanest to so far is Heidegger. Mostly he's just forced Omicron to do a few minigames, because Cloud decided to larp as a Shinra trooper during a parade, and followed Sephiroth.

I suppose he was going to confiscate Cid's airplane without compensation, but that's not something I'd say anyone in the group is willing to kill him over (bar Cid, but sexism man is due for some comeuppance).
Well, it's more his initial declaration of wanting to rule through fear rather than money, and being willing to completely throw off any pretense of a benevolent corporate oligarchy in exchange of ruling as a sort of corporate Emperor.

Then again, he'd actually be an honest corporate overlord, in the sense he's not going to make any shows of being anyone's friend.
Meanwhile in Remake, Nomura looked back and realized: not enough belts on this one


At this point, there's only two explanations for Nomura's serial escalation. Either (a) he's grown mad with power and has become convinced that nothing is good except for belts, zippers, and laundry that looks like it's been caught in a lawnmower's blades, or (b) he has tried this strange new fashion sense in emulation of Japanese pop fashion, but has become so overshadowed by it that if he ever tries to deviate from it, his corporate overlords threatened that nobody would ever find his body, so he's now resigned himself to this madness, becoming a sad caricature of himself, hoping against all hope that one day he can be free to do actually good art again.

My money's on (a).
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Nomura's fashion sense hasn't changed, it's just that the computer technology has improved so he can finally cram enough belts into each actually-rendered character to accurately represent what he draws. He's always been a J-Pop fashionista, too. He's just got better at drawing.
Nomura's fashion sense hasn't changed, it's just that the computer technology has improved so he can finally cram enough belts into each actually-rendered character to accurately represent what he draws. He's always been a J-Pop fashionista, too. He's just got better at drawing.
You're way too late to the party on that one. He already drew Lulu with a dress made of belts all of unique size, shape, colour and detailing to fuck with the modellers because FF10 was the company's big debut on the PS2.

By contrast Remake Rufus just looks... fine? Like idk what you people are seeing but this looks like something that could come straight off the runway at a fashion show. It's a striking and unorthodox take on a familiar silhouette that looks much more visually interesting than while still drawing a clear line of inspiration from Rufus' PS1 model, and the mix of hakama-style pants with his jacket that blends with the lines of the pants to give the impression of a full-length longcoat and leather belts gives him an understated 'samurai gunslinger' vibe which is perfectly appropriate for someone who can wavedash with a shotgun.
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Well, it's more his initial declaration of wanting to rule through fear rather than money, and being willing to completely throw off any pretense of a benevolent corporate oligarchy in exchange of ruling as a sort of corporate Emperor.

Then again, he'd actually be an honest corporate overlord, in the sense he's not going to make any shows of being anyone's friend.
See, he's already an improvement over his old man! I say we give him a chance. /jk
Is it weird that I really want Yandere Shera to be a thing? Like, it'd give her some sense of agency, that she deliberately snuck into the launch site, doing a final last minute "safety check" so that she'd either get the launch scrubbed (and thus her sempai captain stays with her) or she gets to go out in her sempai captain's literal blaze of glory.
You're way too late to the party on that one. He already drew Lulu with a dress made of belts all of unique size, shape, colour and detailing to fuck with the modellers because FF10 was the company's big debut on the PS2.

By contrast Remake Rufus just looks... fine? Like idk what you people are seeing but this looks like something that could come straight off the runway at a fashion show. It's a striking and unorthodox take on a familiar silhouette that looks much more visually interesting than while still drawing a clear line of inspiration from Rufus' PS1 model, and the mix of hakama-style pants with his jacket that blends with the lines of the pants to give the impression of a full-length longcoat and leather belts gives him an understated 'samurai gunslinger' vibe which is perfectly appropriate for someone who can wavedash with a shotgun.

It was meant as a broader commentary on Nomura, really; I agree that Rufus's new design is actually probably saner than the original, and it's certainly pulled back on the belts compared to a lot of Nomura stuff. Though if he can move his arms from that exact position in that jacket I would be deeply surprised. Doesn't look like that thing's got any give in it.

(My favourite Lulu fact is that she's always shot from the waist up in the pre-rendered cutscenes, because otherwise the belts would have, IIRC, completely destroyed their rendering machines. That this gives them an excuse to focus on her cleavage is, I'm sure, entirely coincidental.)
Really the only difficulty in this fight ends up that Vincent does nothing the entire time. Since his Sniper CR weapon has 255 Accuracy, I put a Deathblow Materia on him, and tried to Deathblow Palmer three times. Vincent missed all three times. Then he hit Limit Break, turned into his badass monster form, and… Proceeded to miss with all his attacks.
See, Vincent just thinks that this pathetic old man is beneath him and not worth fighting.
Meanwhile in Remake, Nomura looked back and realized: not enough belts on this one
Oh no, he's hot
By contrast Remake Rufus just looks... fine? Like idk what you people are seeing but this looks like something that could come straight off the runway at a fashion show. It's a striking and unorthodox take on a familiar silhouette that looks much more visually interesting than while still drawing a clear line of inspiration from Rufus' PS1 model, and the mix of hakama-style pants with his jacket that blends with the lines of the pants to give the impression of a full-length longcoat and leather belts gives him an understated 'samurai gunslinger' vibe which is perfectly appropriate for someone who can wavedash with a shotgun.
Hakama style pants? Is that what's on his lower half? It looks like more jacket to me, given the opening and buttons on the left. Yes, I think he put on a long trenchcoat, put another jacket on over that, and then put a belt on half over half under the top jacket somehow.

Although, I do agree you might see it on a runway at a fashion show, by those standards it's positively restrained. That's not a compliment, though.
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Hakama style pants? Is that what's on his lower half? It looks like more jacket to me, given the opening and buttons on the left. Yes, I think he put on a long trenchcoat, put another jacket on over that, and then put a belt on half over half under the top jacket somehow.

Although, I do agree you might see it on a runway at a fashion show, by those standards it's positively restrained. That's not a compliment, though.
If you take a look at the seams between his legs, you'll see that each leg is wrapped individually. He's wearing pants, baggy ones with slits that button up on each leg. It's weird, but I do admire the pizazz of combining a motorcycle jacket and modified hakama to evoke a trenchcoat. If you look at his collar you can see he's wearing a collared shirt and tie underneath for business vibes.

I have no explanation for the black belt, though. How does it disappear behind his back somehow?
I have no explanation for the black belt, though. How does it disappear behind his back somehow?

You can see the slits in the sides of his jacket; presumably it goes through one of them to go from over the jacket to under. He's likely got a slit at the back of the jacket too. Strange and probably very uncomfortable way to wear a belt, though.
Strange and probably very uncomfortable way to wear a belt, though.
Nomura: "There's no such thing as a 'strange' way to wear a belt."

While we're talking about Remake, I wonder how the FF7R games will handle Bugenhagen. Will we finally get a good look at...whatever it is he's using to hover around? Will they actually explain it? Or will it forever just be some weird quirk of his character?
Cloud DID wonder why Yuffie insisted on doing so many impromptu arts and crafts classes as team-building exercises.
Welcome back to Final Fantasy VII, the game where when I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see the marching band. He said son, when you grow up, would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?

Given the music videos are about a group of outlaws fighting an evil megacorporation for the fate of the world, I feel like would have worked even better with Na Na Na and/or Sing here. Two songs I'm only aware of because they have Grant Morrison as a killer (who is possibly an android).

But the evil Better Living Industries does employ "Draculanoids" so that's extra fitting for the Vincent update.

Why didn't I say it earlier? I forgot those were My Chemical Romance songs, I just think of them as the Grant Morrison music videos. I only remembered today because I was watching Renfield and they started playing Na Na Na and I went "Hey, that's the song with the Draculanoids, how appropriate." And then I looked up the musical artist.
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