Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

I believe this is a change sourced from the Before Crisis phone game which follows the Turks fucking around before the start of FF7 proper. Like a lot of things from the Compilation, Remake decided to rewrite things in such a way that it could be unobtrusively folded into the narrative from the start.
And decided to have the "Mako is people" be widely known not because of any in universe reason, but because as you say its too widely known IRL even by folks who never played the game by now to work as a dramatic revelation so there was more narrative potential in it being known.
And decided to have the "Mako is people" be widely known not because of any in universe reason, but because as you say its too widely known IRL even by folks who never played the game by now to work as a dramatic revelation so there was more narrative potential in it being known.

Yeah, because it's not as if, "Climate Change is literally destroying the world" has stopped it from keeping on. So in a way it's more realistic that everyone sorta-kinda knows and is like, "Wow, that sucks, what if I recycle more of my toilet paper rolls?"
I believe this is a change sourced from the Before Crisis phone game which follows the Turks fucking around before the start of FF7 proper. Like a lot of things from the Compilation, Remake decided to rewrite things in such a way that it could be unobtrusively folded into the narrative from the start.

Also other stuff I won't disclose here cause spoilers.
You only get junky Materia from junky reactors.
Did you remember to go collect the junky Materia that Scarlet threw away? I think it's a decent one.

Also, as Scarlet mentioned here:

"Oh… Sorry! I forgot Heidegger was your boss! Kya ha ha!"
Heidegger is the head of Shinra's armed forces, so he gives marching orders to the Turks, the SOLDIERs, and the normal grunts. Scarlet makes the weapons and Heideggers uses them, is the division of labor there.

As for Avalanche:
I wonder what changed there and why.
As others mentioned, once Square started making spin-offs, they decided to make one where you played as part of the Turks, and obviously the Turks needed an enemy to fight to paper over the "kidnap and murder civilian" part of their job, so "the original" Avalanche was retooled into a genuinely dangerous terrorist group that makes Barret's bombing campaign look positively pacifist in nature. And the Remake is obviously planning to make that retcon into a canonical element so that the spinoff have more legitimacy. Opinions as to whether that's a good idea vary.
Yeah, because it's not as if, "Climate Change is literally destroying the world" has stopped it from keeping on. So in a way it's more realistic that everyone sorta-kinda knows and is like, "Wow, that sucks, what if I recycle more of my toilet paper rolls?"

"Well I guess maybe Mako is literally the souls of the departed and the lifeblood of the planet, but really we've been using Mako for years and it's fiiiine really, all that stuff about massive polluted wastelands is just fake news, see here, they doctored the satellite footage, and really you gotta know they're silencing all the scientists who say otherwise, I read this report by Prof. Hojo that says we don't really know if using Mako as fuel is burning away those souls, you gotta look at the facts and do your own research and the economy and nyorf nyorf nyorf nyorf-"

- Some rando from Midgar's upper plate
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We continue making our way through the forest, acquiring on the way a Deathblow Materia which was just kind of lying there. Deathblow is a Command which makes an attack which is an automatic Critical Hit if it hits, but with ⅓ of its normal accuracy. I'm sure there are ways to break this wide open by making base accuracy so high it still hits anyway or something, but as it stands this is largely useless to us, as we don't have any such means and hitting one in three times with crits ends up less DPS than just landing normal hits.
In speedrun strategies, this is your boss killer. In combination with other items you get later you can end bosses in few turns.
Speaking of speedruns...

It's skippable. It's very difficult to do, but you can actually skip the entire Cosmo Canyon sequence.
Aerith is shocked, but unusually open about things when we talk to her: She explains to Cloud, as we might have guessed, that Zack was her 'first love', the boy she told us about all the way back during that discussion at the abandoned playground. Zack, SOLDIER First Class, "same as Cloud." Cloud says it's weird - there aren't many First Class, yet he's never heard of Zack.

I feel like Cloud's ignorance of his memory issues has to be wilful at this point. Like, this is not just him being oblivious, with as many issues as Cloud has had so far (especially including straight up having a hallucination at the Honey Bee inn that he just Does Not Acknowledge), Cloud is very definitely and deliberately Not Thinking About It.

Like, 'If I never look at my bank account, then everything is fine' or 'It doesn't mean anything I only play girls in video games' level of self-delusion.

More importantly, it looks like Gast's identification of Jenova as one of the Ancients was wrong. I already suspected that, what with her looking like a Resident Evil final boss instead of a normal person like Aerith, but importantly, the information in the Shinra Mansion was not up to date with that fact. Which means Sephiroth is operating on completely false premises! Jenova was never one of the 'rightful heirs' to the Planet, one of the Ancients!

Well, I'm sure once we encounter him and confront him with that fact he'll just see reason and totally change his ways. Can't see any problem with that.
I must admit I do actually find this really funny in a weird way. Like, Sephiroth had a psychotic break, and developed an idea about how he's innately superior and is entitled to kill all the humans because they're cruel and filthy animals who stole the planet from the true inheritors, the Cetra, who were kind and pure and lived in harmony with the planet. Just to have this utterly undercut by 'oh btw, Jenova? Not a Cetra.'
Yeah, the 'your father was a super heroic dude who we... uh, just completely fucked over legacy-wise for literally no reason' beat is... it's insane, to be honest? Like, what was the motivation there? Why the fuck did they? I just don't understand.

Also lol at 'Sephiroth based his entire post-psychotic break personality on outdated research material'.
My man Barret is out here realizing he's actually been on a journey to the holy land this whole time and just didn't know it. Red is off dealing with his daddy issues or whatever and my guy is visiting the Temple, the Dome of the Rock, the hill of Golgotha all at once. The rest of the gang is chewing over ~~the drama~~ and my dude is sitting by the fire mourning loss and renouncing past sins and reaffirming faith.

It's good, man. It's good.
You trust, say, THE TEENAGE NINJA THIEF who has no connection to Avalanche or investment in our cause and joined us for vague reasons and who TRIED TO ROB US MULTIPLE TIMES?
Omicron that's incredibly rude of you to cast aspersions on Yuffie like that.

She succeeded at robbing you. Multiple times in fact. Can't believe you'd shit on her like that.
You actually missed something here Omicron. If you go to where Scarlett was standing and try to interact at the spot where she reached in, you can get a hidden materia.

I say can, because the hit box is incredibly janky so good luck trying to fish it out.
Either that, or Avalanche used to be a larger group, and Barret's cell were the last survivors after it was whittled down over time in Shinra counter-terrorist actions, but it seems like that'd come up more if it were the case?
So, here's the thing @Omicron. This is covered in one of the side games released. There's no further (to my recollection) stuff on the formation of Avalanche relevant to this in the game, and I'm not sure if the Remake is even using it.

Regardless, for safeties sake (and in case you don't want to read it) here's the information in a spoiler box for the game Before Crisis (I very much doubt you'll play it since it was a mobile game but you might spontaneously go mad one day).
Avalanche's original incarnation is actually in this game.

The kicker?

They're the villains. You're playing the Turks. They were also kind of nuts. Civilians casualties were initially something they didn't care about before they jumped the shark and made it part of their mission.
After all, if there aren't humans to drain mako energy for, then the planet will be safe, right?

Needless to say Barret seems to have no idea.
The Steam version's soundtrack is busted as fuck, and the game decided to just fall silent for that entire bit, creating only confusion.
Huh, my last playthrough was on the Steam version too and I didn't have any of the issues you're having. Must've got lucky.
Elder Hargo: "Huh? Supreme happiness? I believe that, for the Ancients, it was the moment they were able to return to the Planet. The moment when they were released from their fate, and gained their supreme happiness…"
It's fascinating looking through this and being reminded how much Square mined FF7 for 14. This is pretty much 14's Ancients philosophy in a nutshell.
The Cave of Gi is… Tiresome
Ah, so you didn't find out the trick.
The Gi Nattak is not resistant to fire, but we need the Soul Fires out of the way if we want to use Ifrit without healing them, or indeed, without using my Fira spells tied to All Materia, because the way the All Materia works means we cannot choose to only target one enemy if we still have All castings remaining
I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
Omicron, i believe you can turn "All" on and off with either R1 or L1… one of the shoulder buttons.
Yeah, there's definitely some buttons to switch between target all and target 1.
I still might do it. Just because what I learned after all this suffering is that BECAUSE GI NATTAK IS UNDEAD, HE DIES INSTANTLY IF YOU USE AN ELIXIR ON HIM, SIDE-STEPPING THE ENTIRE BOSS FIGHT.
And there's the trick. A number of the enemies in the cave are actually undead, which makes it much easier to navigate once you're aware of it.
Bugenhagen: "Look, Nanaki. Look at your father, at the warrior, Seto."
Another spot 14 mined 7. Do you remember this story beat from the Stormblood expansion Omicron?
It's this guy:

Yes, the idiot you throw bombs at to prove the power of love is in fact a Red XIII expy.
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New Threat V2 does, in fact, give the Soul Fires Wrexsoul's ability to possess party members. It also makes the Gold Saucer save point free of charge.

One thing I forgot to mention last time is that the mod also adds an npc that follows you along your journey. He shows up in towns/dungeons whenever a new Fort Condor battle comes up and lets the party teleport to and fro the fort. On the road to Gongaga he, IIRC, waits for you past Reno and Rude, and in Cosmo Canyon he walks out from behind the door to the cave of the Gi, much to Bugenhagen's confusion.
Man: "You a traveller? Hey wait, that glow in your eye… Are you in SOLDIER?"
Woman: "Oh, you're right! Don't you know anything about our son?"
Man: "His name is Zack."
Woman: "It's been close to 10 years since he left for the city, saying that he didn't want to live in the country…"
Man: "He left saying he's going to join SOLDIER. You ever hear of a Zack in SOLDIER?"
Cloud: "Hmmm… I don't know."
Aerith: "Zack…"
Man: "Young lady, you know him?"
Woman: "I remember he wrote us 6 or 7 years ago saying that he had a girlfriend. Could that have been you?"
Aerith: "That can't…"
[Aerith leaves the house.]
Tifa: "Zack…"
[Tifa also leaves.]
Cloud: "What happened to you two?"

Is now the time to bring up one of the dumbest and most immediately infuriating transliteration quibbles that the Reunion and a certain class of fan have with this game?

In Japanese, his name ends with a "su" katakana, meaning that strictly speaking the original name is "Zax" or, if you really prefer dumb shit, "Zacks". Reunion really pushes hard for Zax, obviously, but they get even more insistent on it by claiming it's some intentional etymology to an Old English word "seax", which became "zax", which refers to a kind of knife.

Once again, I'm really disappointed with the motivated reason and big stretches to claim deep, meaningful etymology on names chosen to sound cool or fit the setting.

Nanaki is a teenager with a very formal affect who doesn't talk much and brings up "logic" and stuff. One thing we can say for sure is, he's a Redditor. And when he was captured by Hojo, however that happened, and assigned an experiment name, his reaction to hearing himself called "RED THIRTEEN" was "holy shit, this is the coolest shit ever," like he was named like some kind of fucked up mad science experiment or superweapon, so when Cloud asked for his name, he did not miss his shot at having everyone call him by his super-cool mad science nickname instead of his boring normal name. Because he's a teenager who really wants to look cool.
You know,

That's actually a good enough headcanon that I'm no longer looking at Reunion's nice little feature to change his name after you learn his real one as that necessary of an improvement. It just had bad vibes that the game mechanics don't even give you an option to be polite, you know.
The Gi Nattak is not resistant to fire, but we need the Soul Fires out of the way if we want to use Ifrit without healing them, or indeed, without using my Fira spells tied to All Materia, because the way the All Materia works means we cannot choose to only target one enemy if we still have All castings remaining.
...I'm pretty sure you can? Try pressing L1 or R1 when you're targeting a spell with All on enemies (as in, when the little gloved cursor is flashing over all of them), I think?

It's a little surreal but frankly my main emotional reaction is that I am mentally yelling at Red for not going over and picking up all those precious magical tears. Ah, well.
My main reaction is absolute horror at the thought that Seto might still be alive and conscious in there. I mean, Christ, the poor man is probably crying because he's been inflicted with the magical equivalent of Johnny Got His Gun for all eternity.

Darkness, imprisoning me...

Oh, and uhhh, I'm gonna do a roundup of all the enemy name translation bits in the areas in this update under spoilers, since really none of the combat in this section besides the bosses ever came up as relevant:
Gongaga Area:
  • A kind of lounging green wingless dragon: called "Gagigandhi" in the original translation but more direct transliteration from the original in Reunion makes it "Basigandhi", which is a bit clearer that it's connected to the Basilisk (it does have petrification magic), but makes me still wonder where the fuck they got a Gandhi connection. It's not even a thing about it only using petrify and waiting passively, it does physically attack.
  • A kind of giant two-tentacled plant monster: called "Flower Prong" in the original but "Flower Plunge" in Reunion due to interpreting some weird kana choice. Personally I think prong makes more sense given the shape of it, but that might have been the same motivated choice Baskett made back in the day.
  • A monstrous insect with the body and head of a praying mantis, plus the heads of a butterfly and a spider. Called "Kimara Bug" in the original translation but its literal Japanese to English translation name is "Insect Chimera" for reasons I think should be obvious. I compromise and say "Chimera Bug" would work better (especially given that one of the heads isn't an insect, to be pedantic).
Cosmo Canyon Area and the Cave of the Gi:
  • Giant, spiky, red-crested penguins with the kanji for "anger" written on their chests... I feel like I can't let that go unremarked upon but also I don't even know how to react or joke about that. Called "Skeeskee" originally when their Japanese name was "Kikikiacho", likely after the Japanese onomatopoeia of certain predatory bird sounds.
  • Giant lizards with googly bug eyes and rainbow propeller feathers on their heads... called "Bagrisk" but their shape and use of petrification magic (is this where the Gi get the poison for their spears, perhaps?) makes it clear that it really should just be "Basilisk". Also notable: you can steal the combat item "Basilisk Claw" from them (very difficult to do, by the way: completionist guides are keen to warn you that you should do this at a low enough level before you become way more likely, verging on only able, to steal their higher tier item because the claws can only be acquired otherwise through a single very specific combination of events with Fort Condor).
  • A kind of nasty, spiky, emaciated lion-wolf looking monster in the Gi Cave called something like "Stealthy Step" in the original Japanese and Reunion which Baskett spiced up to "Sneaky Step." Also notable in that... I don't know, don't these things kind of look like Nanaki's tribe? Maybe a bit bigger, but monster and people scales are wonky with this engine's models. Maybe they're vengeful, incoherent ghosts of other members of the tribes fighting you as intruders on their grave, or maybe they were an evil offshoot that allied with the Gi?
  • Oversized but not really giant serpent things that attack in groups in the cave. In the original translation they're called Heg, but in Japanese and Reunion they're named... Nidhogg. This one is just kind of baffling because that seems way too big a mythological creature to use for minor dungeon mobs, you know?
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In Japanese, his name ends with a "su" katakana, meaning that strictly speaking the original name is "Zax" or, if you really prefer dumb shit, "Zacks". Reunion really pushes hard for Zax, obviously, but they get even more insistent on it by claiming it's some intentional etymology to an Old English word "seax", which became "zax", which refers to a kind of knife.
Especially weird since the official translation in a bunch of other media just have it as Zack. Yeah, back in 1997 they might have had a point, but considering Square was happy to go and correct Aeris to Aerith, the fact they haven't bothered with Zack should tell people the creators either intended it or prefer it to be Zack all along.

Just feels weird to insist otherwise.
It's fascinating looking through this and being reminded how much Square mined FF7 for 14. This is pretty much 14's Ancients philosophy in a nutshell.
The attitude to which is interesting - in 7 its Ancient Wisdom From Those In Harmony With Nature, in 14 its a form of apathetic indolence that breeds a self-destructive spiral in those who have normal emotional ties and is rejected by those who actually have something beyond The Duty to live for
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Also, to my great annoyance, the reason I'm trying Ramuh on the overworld right now is that it turns out unlike every vehicle in every game to date, the Buggy… doesn't avoid random encounters.

So that's a pain in my ass that's going to make stuff like "return to Fort Condor for the battles" a huge hassle that I don't want to deal with.
Luckily, Fort Condor Sucks Ass so you can skip out on that!

Still other potential rewards with buggy access though, so I guess you still want to go back at some point.
Reno and Rude are talking about…

…who they 'like'? And they're specifically talking about the people they're pursuing.
Let's be fair Omi, if you were one of the Turks would you not be in group "I know we have to capture her but damn Tifa got legs"?
For the story, at this point, the connection of the Turks to the Sector 7 plate collapse is now firmly "Cloud kicked Reno's ass and Reno holds a grudge even though Cloud (pretends to) not even remember it happening," which is funny, as opposed to "the Turks murdered all of Barret and Tifa's friends." It is what it is, you just have to roll with it.
And so, the Turks complete their descent (or ascent?) into becoming nothing more than the Quirky Miniboss Squad.
Unlike Reno, who fights with a baton/cattle prod, Rude is a bare-handed boxer (well, technically he's wearing black gloves). Ultimately though the fight is trivial; a couple of summons blast through Reno's HP, at which point he flees, and then Rude, though he still has HP, promptly follows.
It looks like you blasted the hell out of the duo too fast for it to matter, but fun fact: Rude's crush on Tifa has actual mechanical effects on the battle. As long as any other party member is still standing, he will never target Tifa with an attack, and if she is the only party member left alive, he both has a 33% chance to hesitate and not attack her, and will only use basic attacks instead of things like magic against her.
Really, Cloud?

Really? Really really really really? You trust everyone?

You trust, say, THE TEENAGE NINJA THIEF who has no connection to Avalanche or investment in our cause and joined us for vague reasons and who TRIED TO ROB US MULTIPLE TIMES? You trust the walking fortune-telling machine that was probably designed by Shinra and forcibly inserted itself into our group under bizarre pretense while carrying around a mind control Materia and who has been with us for all of five minutes total? You trust everyone? These are your two best buddies in the world that you would trust not to betray us to Shinra? YUFFIE IS PICKING TIFA'S POCKET AS WE SPEAK-
Look Idunno what you're going on about, I would trust Yuffie with my life she was in my party from recruitment to final boss.

Whether or not this was an intelligent decision rather than a teenage crush remains to be seen.
Can't help but notice Shinra didn't react by slaughtering the locals, though.
Already fulfilled their local-slaughtering quota for the week, thankfully for this group.

I mean either that or it wasn't parked in Prime Platinum Saucer (The Better Gold Saucer!) territory, either or.
…I forgot to mention that before heading on with the plot, I took a brief break to head to the beach and fight these weird mollusks. With the Manipulate Materia, I was able to force one of them to use its Big Guard ability on our party, which allowed us to learn it with the Enemy Skill Materia.

Big Guard, if you're unfamiliar with the game, is a spell which casts Haste, Barrier, and Shell on the whole party at the same time. If you've been reading this Let's Play throughout, you'll remember that Hastega, "cast Haste on the whole party," was a spell single-handedly powerful enough to make the entire Time Mage class endgame-viable (or, more truthfully, Time Magic worth an entire slot of its own on a Mimic). So… Yeah, I'm guessing this is going to be pretty good.
It's honestly pretty nuts just how early FFVII lets you get ahold of Big Guard. In FFV it required finding some super rare encounter in a few specific ocean squares in World 3 and also controlling the enemy to cast it, in FFVI it was only learned from either endgame enemies and bosses like Mover and The Guardian or by using Control as fast as humanly possible on Celes's Solitary Island to make the 1 HP enemies cast it before they died of starvation...

And in FFVII you just kind of go for a quick beach visit after your Gold Saucer vacation, I guess.
Aerith is shocked, but unusually open about things when we talk to her: She explains to Cloud, as we might have guessed, that Zack was her 'first love', the boy she told us about all the way back during that discussion at the abandoned playground. Zack, SOLDIER First Class, "same as Cloud." Cloud says it's weird - there aren't many First Class, yet he's never heard of Zack.


Surely not. I must be overthinking things.

Okay, Tifa and Aerith both knowing whoever the hell 'Zack' is seems like… kind of a streeetch… Especially as Zack comes from this village we've never heard of before? But it's very clear Tifa here is the one hiding something - in uncharacteristic contrast with her typically earnest affect.
Man, there's absolutely some small gremlin part of me giggling at the implications of this part where Aerith outright confirms Zack was her first boyfriend and Tifa implies she knew him as well, and how absolutely assmad this must have made a few Sweaty Gamer types back in the day.

Hope they make it a ten minute unskippable cutscene discussion in the Remakes.
Well, we've more or less covered Gongaga and the reactor, I think, and no trace of Sephiroth, despite Dio's indications. So let's grab the buggy again and head out.
A few others mentioned it, but there's a materia hidden in the reactor if you check it out.
Man, what a gorgeous background. And - I know I don't talk about the music as much as you guys would like, but I really, really dig Cosmo Canyon's theme:
Can't deny it, Cosmo Canyon got one of the best area themes in the game.
I had assumed that there was some kind of reason for this weird exchange - that Red didn't know his birth name, or that it was secret for some plot relevant reason, but no. Dude's called Nanaki, knew he was called Nanaki, had no particular reason to keep his name hidden, and just… Didn't tell us for whatever reason, so we've been calling him by his experiment serial number this whole time. And now his name is recorded as Red XIII in the menu, so I guess we'll just… Keep calling him that. It's so weird.
I always assumed it was just a matter of Red not really caring about this group of randos that showed up to skewer Hojo enough to go "yeah here's my real name". Probably figured he'd be with them long enough to get out of Midgar, then bail, so whatever they call him doesn't matter to the somewhat aloof guy.

I have it now.

I know why the game is being weird with Nanaki/Red XIII's name.

Nanaki is a teenager with a very formal affect who doesn't talk much and brings up "logic" and stuff. One thing we can say for sure is, he's a Redditor. And when he was captured by Hojo, however that happened, and assigned an experiment name, his reaction to hearing himself called "RED THIRTEEN" was "holy shit, this is the coolest shit ever," like he was named like some kind of fucked up mad science experiment or superweapon, so when Cloud asked for his name, he did not miss his shot at having everyone call him by his super-cool mad science nickname instead of his boring normal name. Because he's a teenager who really wants to look cool.

Rock on, Red.
...Of course, this headcanon is also hilarious, and as we all know hilarious headcanon most override all. So yes, now Red XIII is an edgy teenager forever.
The Steam version of FF7 straight up shouldn't be on sale. It's literally broken. Fucking hell.
Hey, now, could be worse!

Could be FFVIII's Steam Version using goddamn MIDI tracks because Square can't be bothered to spend ten minutes copy-pasting updated files over to give us the actual PS1 soundtrack.

Should probably keep that in mind for when FFVIII rolls around actually, pretty sure there's mods to fix the OST.
So, there it is.

Soylent Mako is people.
A twist that was pretty heavily foreshadowed by this point... but still a twist, nonetheless.
So Cait Sith has been to Cosmo Canyon before. That's interesting, because nobody seems to recognize them, even though they are a talking cat riding a giant moogle plushie. You'd think that'd stick in people's minds!
Look, they just get so many of these giant moogles showing up to Cosmo Canyon. Can you really expect the locals to be able to tell one giant moogle from another? Have a little heart, Omi.
And here we have basically the conclusion of Barret's character arc, at least the part of it we've seen so far - the events in Corel and around Dyne have forced him to confront the question of whether or not Avalanche stood for saving the planet or for revenge against Shinra, and if the latter, was he lying to Biggs, Wedge and Jessie? Did they die for nothing? And now, he's reaffirming his resolve. Whether or not Barret was fighting for the planet or only for vengeance is in the past, and doesn't matter: From now on, he'll be fighting for the Planet and everyone living on it. That's what matters.

…and again, the English translation here affects the meaning of this dialogue. In the Retranslated version, Barret is much more explicitly saying that his friends didn't die for the Planet but that it was all for his hate, and asking if he has any right to continue on his crusade when his motives were so flawed, before deciding that he doesn't know the answer, but he'll keep fighting for the Planet, and let others decide whether it was for justice or revenge for themselves.

It's subtle, but it's not quite the same characterization, right? Either way, it ends in Barret reaffirming his resolve and committing to the path of saving the Planet.
Man, all the Barret stuff in the last few updates just reminds me of an arguement I had with someone a few weeks ago who claimed Barret is a terrible person and character who never actually reflects on his actions, and I'm left wondering... did they actually play FFVII? Or at least, replay it in the current millennium? Because Barret gets tons of moments of small reflection no matter which translation you're using.
It looks like Professor Gast was a man with a sense of ethics, not at all like Hojo. He was someone the scholars of Cosmo Canyon were willing to talk to and cooperate with, even though he was Shinra, which is really interesting - and might have been for the worst in the end. More importantly, it looks like Gast's identification of Jenova as one of the Ancients was wrong. I already suspected that, what with her looking like a Resident Evil final boss instead of a normal person like Aerith, but importantly, the information in the Shinra Mansion was not up to date with that fact. Which means Sephiroth is operating on completely false premises! Jenova was never one of the 'rightful heirs' to the Planet, one of the Ancients!

Well, I'm sure once we encounter him and confront him with that fact he'll just see reason and totally change his ways. Can't see any problem with that.
Okay but actually imagine that happening though? Now that would be the twist of a lifetime for FF7 to have in its back pocket.

Sephiroth: "Haha Cloud and other puny party members, soon I shall destroy the humans and rule over the planet as the chosen ancient with my mother JENOVA!"
Cloud: "Nah man turns out Jenova ain't an ancient, here's Gast's notes"
Sephiroth: "Ah shit I've been a doof haven't I. Damn, Hojo sucks can we go kill him and Shinra?"
Cloud: "Word"

Sephiroth has joined the party

The Mystify/Transform Materia I don't care about, but man. MP Plus and HP Plus? These are the kind of like, baseline performance enhancers that I would put on everyone if I could, immediately, and then never take off. I would 100% sacrifice a couple of spellcasting Materias or a Summon or an All for everyone to always have MP/HP enhancers growing throughout the game.

Buuut I can't. A single one of those Materia would almost entirely deplete my 10k gil. Having a full set of both (ie three of each, for a full party) would cost me 48k gil. That is completely unfeasible.

Urgh. Well, something to keep in mind for later, I suppose.
Well, it's not like Cosmo Canyon won't still be here in another five to ten hours when you're hitting that point where the game's economy starts to snap in half because you find ways to get near infinite gil, right? So can always just come back for these later.
That blue Materia you can see in the corner will require a little bit of navigation to get through, and turns out to be the Added Effect Materia, which is to status effects what the Elemental Materia is to elemental typing; that is to say, if we pair the Materia with the Poison Materia on a weapon, the weapon will have a 20% chance to inflict Poison with any normal attack, whereas if we equip it on a piece of armor, it will grant the character immunity to the Poison status effect. Which sounds potentially pretty neat! It's going to run into boss immunities as usual, but at least it's a versatile offense/defense option so it won't be entirely useless.
Honestly my first thought is "can we combine this with an Enemy Skill Materia with Bad Breath for maximum status effect coverage?" Probably not since Enemy Skill is kind of special among materias, but it's a fun idea.
I hate running in old games. Like. Why did we think, for decades, that it would be okay for games to have two speed, "walk at a snail's pace which is useless for getting anything done" and "move at a functional pace," except the difference between the two is that for the functional speed you need to be constantly holding down the B button? How did we, as a civilization, accept this? Walk/run should be a toggle.
I think what really gets me for a lot of these games (particularly ones like Final Fantasy) is... why is it that you walk by default? If your playtesters spend 80% of their overworld time holding down the B button to run faster, then maybe said B button should make you walk instead of run by default?
The Gi Nattak is not resistant to fire, but we need the Soul Fires out of the way if we want to use Ifrit without healing them, or indeed, without using my Fira spells tied to All Materia, because the way the All Materia works means we cannot choose to only target one enemy if we still have All castings remaining. Which honestly feels like a straight downgrade in functionality compared to previous games.
I am like 95% sure using an All cast is optional and you just have to hit a shoulder button to single target your spells if you don't want to waste one of your 1-5 uses of multi-targeting. Tiny chance I'm wrong on that, granted, too lazy to boot up the game and check right now.
There is no reason, for anyone, to do this. Just Say No to making up a story about how your kid's cool dad who sacrificed himself to save everyone in your village was actually a cowardly asshole who ran away to leave you to die.
Yeaaaaah, I can see where you're coming from, really doesn't make much sense for everyone in the know to just leave Red wallowing in his own hatred for potentially decades on end.

Good music though.
Guess how many times Nanaki will bring up 1. his father 2. his mother.
Typical, really.

My second beef with this sequence (Nanaki's father) - we were told about this part of the backstory, and resolved it in the following scene. Not enough time, and not helped by Red's being underdeveloped as a character.
Reno: "What are you getting so embarrassed about? Come on? Who do you like?"
Rude: "...Tifa."
Dude, I know she's good looking, but you met her like twice.
(IIRC, his AI will actually go easy on her)
Aerith: "...How could they know we were coming here."
Cloud: "They followed us… But there weren't any signs of it. Then, that means…"
Tifa: "A spy? No way."
Cloud: "I don't even want to think about there being a spy… I trust everyone."
Quoting the script for the rest of the crew:
I don't like it. How'd they find out where we were?
...How could they know we were coming here.
Hey, something seems wrong, Like they knew we were coming.
Interesting... They were definitely waiting for us.
(Or, after Cosmo Canyon:)
Hey, Cloud. How did the Turks know to wait and ambush us here?
I don't like this! It's like the whole world knows where we're going.
Cait Sith
How'd they know that we were here?

They followed us...... But there weren't any signs of it. Then, that means......
A spy, maybe? No, no way.
That there's a Shinra spy...
A spy!?...No way.
......someone's been informing them.
(Or, after Cosmo Canyon:)
...You think someone told the Shinra about us?
Maybe it's someone in this group?
Cait Sith
You don't think there's a spy, do you Cloud?
I hate this. Now everyone's gonna blame me because I'm new.

I'm going to promptly forget that I have it in the upcoming boss battle and not use it at all, though, so it's not going to break anything.
Really? For me the main reason to put this materia at all is because of big guard.

check out the Fort Condor subplot

Feel free not to, btw.
Does anyone else feel weird when characters refer to "the Shinra" or is it just me?

Okay but actually imagine that happening though? Now that would be the twist of a lifetime for FF7 to have in its back pocket.

Sephiroth: "Haha Cloud and other puny party members, soon I shall destroy the humans and rule over the planet as the chosen ancient with my mother JENOVA!"
Cloud: "Nah man turns out Jenova ain't an ancient, here's Gast's notes"
Sephiroth: "Ah shit I've been a doof haven't I. Damn, Hojo sucks can we go kill him and Shinra?"
Cloud: "Word"

Sephiroth has joined the party
Still a better redemption than Leon.
So, there it is.

Soylent Mako is people.

It's also a Junji Ito story!

It involves more body horror, though, like traveling into the afterlife through your own overgrown birthmark.
What an incredibly normal thing to ask someone. I, too, regularly go to my friends and ask "hey btw, are you you?" You just gotta have to keep an eye out for the body-snatchers and p-zombies, you know?

This is the same Junji Ito story!

Ugh, doppelgangers, am I right?
Can we just take a step back and appreciate the fact that the very first game Nomura designed most of the character concepts and designs for, one of those characters was an edgy teenager putting on a "deep" facade who embraced a largely pointless alias with a XIII in it?

The man knows what he likes.
Just feels weird to insist otherwise.

Fansubbers do incredible, valuable work making all kinds of art and media accessible to wider audiences, many of whom probably never would have been able to enjoy it without their help. Unfortunately, that doesn't preclude some of them from going off the deep end and thinking an ability to speak conversational Japanese allows them to divine the TRVE SECRET MEANING behind the text. I like to call it lexicological pareidolia, because I am also very pretentious.

Can we just take a step back and appreciate the fact that the very first game Nomura designed most of the character concepts and designs for, one of those characters was an edgy teenager putting on a "deep" facade who embraced a largely pointless alias with a XIII in it?

The man knows what he likes.

I feel like there's a direct throughline between the Turks, who are the spook henchmen of a corporate military, but mostly spend their time drinking and gossiping, and Organization XIII, the sinister cabal working for an evil shadow wizard, who mostly spend their time eating ice cream and gossiping.

Anyway, Cosmo Canyon is a great stopover. Gratuitous FMV exposition? Check. Cozy campfire character studies? Check. Blood-soaked underground passage haunted by the wrathful spirits of the unquiet dead, twisted into monstrous forms and seeking unholy retribution on the living? Check. Blatant Evangelion reference Er, perfectly normal warm-water penguins? Check.
Heck, even with the somewhat nonsensical need to hide what a chad Seto was from his son for literally no reason, I really like this interlude. Noble beast warrior tuned to stone, keeping eternal vigil over the restless spirits of his dead enemies, but still able to cry tears of pride as his son swears a blood oath beneath the hot desert moon? Hell yeah dude, sign me the fuck up because that is some premium melodrama. It's no wonder Nanaki is such a chuunibyou, it runs in the family.
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The update is all very good and well. But as someone who lived through a parental separation where the one being defended by both families actually made a lot of mistakes that culminated in the separation, the Seto plot makes me energetically vibrate in rage and want to find the one who wrote it and beat them with a foam stick until it gets retroactively rewritten into something remotely sane.

It's going to be one of those cultural "personal growth through traditional family matters lesson" that make no sense when observed by a foreigner, is it?

Also sweet baby Satan he's still suffering in there wtf.
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