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Gotta post Jacob Gellar's video on how much Midgar fucks.
(Slight spoiler visuals)
View: https://youtu.be/hQAQ92dsOw4
Ah, yes, another Jacob Geller appreciator. Beard Man does some of the best video game essays on YouTube.
Look. Listen. I saw the Advent Children Tifa vs Loz fight and Mounty Oum's Dead Fantasy when I was young and it had a profoundly formative effect on me.Somehow it's weird to see someone within our subculture here be openly horny about a woman who has, like, yet to commit any warcrimes.
Pffft. What? Obviously I made the connection. It's obvious. Who would miss that? Hahaha.Omi, did you not make the connection that the Avalanche trio were the ones who stole their clothes? Were you distracted by your Tifa appreciation?
As a matter of fact, one change the Remake does here is that President Shinra appears to Avalanche as a holographic projection from a bunch of drones, and Barret does in fact shoot said drones to disrupt his evil monologue.I'll be honest, the main thought standing out for me in this entire sequence was just "Barry please you have a machine gun on your arm, just start spray and praying Mr President doesn't even have any guards." But I guess talking is a free action.
Which it does! In the Remake!I think I would be OK if the whole "world map" for FFVII was just Midgar. Certainly, so far at least it feels big and deep enough to sustain a game.

This is often said but this is the dual-edged sword of the Remake, its great idea and its great limitation. Pretty much the whole game takes place in Midgar. You run around the slum doing sidequests, seeing first hand how people live, you visit the top plate, you encounter a bunch of the social aspects of the society Shinra has shaped... It's a 40 hour game, and all of it is dedicated to Midgar. It's genuinely an incredible deep look at the city. And, also, it means the game ends pretty much where the original begins.
I think this is genuinely the first time in my life someone gets me and Cheh mixed up. Fun fact: I actually never finished Memory of Empire!
Hmm, yes. Pending any further revelations later in the storyline, I have internalized this as my new headcanon.I mean, SOLDIERs might just be not deployed within Midgar? You don't need your supersoldiers running around in your centre of power unless things have gone extremely wrong, you should have enough mook skullbreakers to do the job as-is. We see militarised police in the first Mako reactor, and a bunch of like, experiments and monsters and robots? In the second one, so it's implied there that the reactors are just, well, guarded by Not Supersoldiers. Which makes sense, given the reactors are supposed to be in the city Shinra runs as its private fief. You want your military pointed outwards, normally.
Plus it's sort of implied they aren't exactly, uh, reliable, given we've seen one confirmed traitor (Cloud) and a dude who murdered someone in the Mako reactor scene with TIfa and who President Shinra describes as 'too brilliant', so that's 2 for 2 on 'maybe not people you want near your headquarters'.
So, I've talked about the Remake's narrative, but not its mechanics (that was meant to go in the Fakeout First Update where I played through the Remake and pretended to be unaware that this was not in fact the original, which got scrapped when the actual update blew up to 10k words). And the Remake does that! Every character has a unique fighting style. Cloud has sword combos, a sword AoE move, and switches between Operator mode (highly mobile, attacks have more reach) and Punisher Mode (attack speed is faster, attacks deal more damage, Cloud's guard triggers automatic counters). Barret is a ranged fighter with massive HP and damage-reduction technique, who draws fire away from allies while flexibly targeting enemies over the battlefield, using a rechargeable Overdrive move to stagger enemies. And Tifa is a very fast, very mobile single-target attacker who uses melee combos to build up Chi and spend it on special moves, as well as using her incredible Speed stat to build ATB gauges so she can unleash special abilities, spells and items at a very fast rate.Yeah, "magic is equipment" sounds cool as a way to sell the game's themes of modernity, technology, capitalism literally draining the magic from the world to make a usable product...
But it means that you kind of have to "make your own fun" if you want characters to have any kind of mechanical distinction beyond Limit Breaks and the vague suggestion of magic versus physical prowess. It's useful in that it means reconfiguring your party, or being forced into certain parties for story reasons, is low-cost and adaptable, but there's definitely a more advanced version of FF7 out there where maybe party members have different compatibility with Materia or ability to use them to nudge you into more role-playing.
It's interesting but it's also completely unlike anything within the era of Final Fantasy this LP is still concerned with, being effectively more of an Action RPG. This means player opinions on it are... divided on two axis, "Do I think this shift is a good idea in the first place" and "How well do I think this specific game executes that formula"?