Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
So, uh, if monster characters reproduce uncontrollably, and you just recruited a monster that's dating another party member...
Is the backbench about to get filled up with half-human half-dragon kids who will pout and cry adorably when you tell them to get lost?
re the robot and apparently math:
...Okay, what am I missing here? Because there's increasingly clearly something.
re the robot and apparently math:
...Okay, what am I missing here? Because there's increasingly clearly something.
This robot appears as a boss in the 24-man Return to Ivalice raids in FF14: Stormblood. He has a mechanic where he reduces your hp to a single digit like 1,2,3, etc, and then orders players to run to specific circles marked with numbers to complete a simple equation. IE if you have 1 hp and he says "calculate vitals to multiples of five" you have to run to the 4 circle because 1+4=5. Failing this mechanic gives you an increase to damage taken and you are more likely to be killed by the subsequent arena-wide aoe. The second time he does it, he typically orders players to adjust their HP to a prime number.

Stormblood taught us that many players cannot do math on the fly.
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1 isn't a prime number though. 2 is the first prime number, because it can only be reached by multiplying the numbers 1 & 2. A prime number must have two numbers that can be used to reach it using regular multiplication, 1 & itself. 1 only can be reached by one number.
1 isn't a prime number though. 2 is the first prime number, because it can only be reached by multiplying the numbers 1 & 2. A prime number must have two numbers that can be used to reach it using regular multiplication, 1 & itself. 1 only can be reached by one number.
Fun fact: The average MMO player absolutely doesn't know that.

That prime number bit kills more players than any of the end bosses of the Ivalice raid wings except maybe the very last one.
Using the Stones to power robots is oddly compelling. I mean, it's an obvious way around the whole "power can be good or evil depending on user's morality": give it to a user with no concept of morality.

I'm sure that the ancient civilization that created those robots lying in ruins is unrelated.

Maybe it's a Fight Club thing.

If we're going with Fight Club, surely it means Ramza is alone.
Using the Stones to power robots is oddly compelling. I mean, it's an obvious way around the whole "power can be good or evil depending on user's morality": give it to a user with no concept of morality.

I'm sure that the ancient civilization that created those robots lying in ruins is unrelated.
Look on the bright side! Maybe it was demons
Luso is a better thief and Balthier is a better Mustadio and partially a better Luso. His gun is good and his base class has outstanding stat gains. He's busted.

Reis has a special place in my heart for being a motherfuckin' dragon. She doesn't do much but she does it well, and her stat gains are top notch.

Beowulf has more accurate Mystic spells on Knight hardware. He is specialized, but also very good.

Chapter 4 units are just built different.

For now, taking a brief look at my party roster… Hadrian has fully mastered Dragoon and has the few Item commands I care about for him (X-Potion, Phoenix Down, Hi-Ether, Remedy soon), Mustadio has fully mastered Chemist and I'm not sure where to take him next, Agrias entered Geomancer and is soon to unlock Attack Boost after which I'm not sure but I might have her go back to Monk for the general utility of Martial Arts (unless we head for Samurai and give her Doublehand as well? Seems greedy), Ramza is just plodding along the Samurai life while I get anxious about his permanent stat growth, Gillian's just eking towards BLM 5 at which point I'll have her swap to Time Mage… That's it for now.
It's OK to just...not have units keep branching out to new classes to learn new abilities.

If a unit has what they need to thrive why lower their effectiveness and have them learn new stuff they might not even use?

Best example is Mustadio. He's a solid unit and all he really needs is Item to round out his utility. Machinist/Item/Auto Potion/Throw Item/Move+1 isn't fancy but it puts in the work. I'm not saying this is the ideal build (it's not how I prefer to build him, I like to double down on disruption by giving him Knight skill secondary and Speed Save reaction) but it's easy to get and is Good Enough.

Not even a little. I don't have Steal Weapon unlocked on any character (anyone who spent enough time in Thief to get the JP necessary learned Move+2 instead), I have decided long ago that having a character permanently dedicated to Thief/reloading when I see valuable equipment/obsessively checking enemies at the start of a battle for specific rare equipment I should steal or turn them to chests for would turn into a chore that would poison my fun, so I've just not bothered with it.

Knowing that these are permanently missable is a disappointment, though. I'd assumed the ice guns would show up in shops a little while after their encounter appearances, there being no other way to get them sucks.
If it makes you feel better you've already missed your easy opportunity to get the best accessory in the game*: the chantage that Meliadoul was wearing :V

*Although Agrias' bday present is a strong contender since it makes best girl into a murder machine.
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You calling Balthier "the Mustadio that fucks" is incredibly hilarious to me for a reason that will be revealed/ I will reveal once you start playing the FF that he actually stars in. It's going to be fucking hysterical.
The fact that Beowulf and his dragon wife are optional on multiple levels (optional to recruit and, like everyone else, to keep alive) means it is staggeringly unlikely we'll ever learn what's up with them, and that's tragic. The inter-party member exchanges we're seeing here are very nice, and should have been a regular feature of every town visit since Ramza first picked up someone with a name.
For reasons I'm unclear on, Reis's Ice Breath obliterated those marlboros
The reason is that all three tiers of Malboro are weak to ice. Many monsters have elemental weaknesses.

a Mystic that can hit hard.
Normal Mystics can hit hard, too; Poles have range 2, like spears do, the best pole is WP 16, and Poles damage is MA x WP. As long as you tweak equipment correctly, it's perfectly possible for a Mystic physical attack to hit as hard as any physical class, you just need to max MA.

how the game could manage to have all twelve Zodiac Stones result in twelve Lucavi boss fights
I mean, theoretically speaking, Ramza is currently carrying five stones, right? Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces. It's not impossible that a group of three enemies could steal three of those at the start of a battle (let's say Taurus, Aquarius and Pisces), turn into Lucavi on the spot, and you have to face three of them at once. That'd be an interesting battle, right?

Just saying.

Likely--If I remember correctly, the game only gives you just enough slots at base to keep all the characters who ask to join you, no more.
In WotL, yes. In the original, it doesn't - you have sixteen slots total, which is not enough to cover all the characters you can get. It's one of the few changes WotL made that I approve of.

The final leg of the quiz is a test of 'find a prime number' that infamously doesn't consider 1 a prime number.
As others mentioned, certain formulations of how to calculate a prime number stick to that; Final Fantasy Tactics itself does, when it eventually brings Prime Numbers into the game, so obviously the FFXIV references to it would stick to that formulation.
The fact that Beowulf and his dragon wife are optional on multiple levels (optional to recruit and, like everyone else, to keep alive) means it is staggeringly unlikely we'll ever learn what's up with them, and that's tragic. The inter-party member exchanges we're seeing here are very nice, and should have been a regular feature of every town visit since Ramza first picked up someone with a name.

The good news is there is more to do with them, and some other characters besides. It is possible to have side quests that can only be unlocked if a given character is alive (much like the Agrias and Mustadio scene - it requires Agrias, Mustadio, and Agrias' two lady knights to all be alive in your army) and they added more to War of the Lions.

I feel like the initial plans were probably for something a lot more wide-ranging and Tactics Ogre-y, but game development be game development and those would be the first things to get cut. Still, some remain; hints have already been given sufficient to catch most of 'em so we'll see what do, eh?
If it makes you feel better you've already missed your easy opportunity to get the best accessory in the game*: the chantage that Meliadoul was wearing :V

I mean it's the best accessory only because its literally broken.

Chantage grants reraise, and its bugged such that the effect doesn't end the first time you resurrect.

You can die again and again and just keep fighting forever. Its rather fortunate than Meliadoul choose to flee because she was literally immortal.
Chantage grants reraise, and its bugged such that the effect doesn't end the first time you resurrect.
It's not a bug, the effect is entirely intentional. We know this because there is an item that you can equip, the Angel Ring, which lets you reraise once. So, it grants you reraise and the effect ends the first time you resurrect. Anybody can equip the Angel Ring. The Chantage is limited to female characters and, unlike the Angel Ring, cannot be bought, only stolen or poached. So, again: the Chantage working as it does is no bug. The developers wanted it to be like that, and so it is.
It's not a bug, the effect is entirely intentional. We know this because there is an item that you can equip, the Angel Ring, which lets you reraise once. So, it grants you reraise and the effect ends the first time you resurrect. Anybody can equip the Angel Ring. The Chantage is limited to female characters and, unlike the Angel Ring, cannot be bought, only stolen or poached. So, again: the Chantage working as it does is no bug. The developers wanted it to be like that, and so it is.
Ah, because since it can only be equipped by female characters, Ramza the No Longer a Twink can't actually equip it and make you literally unable to lose the game, so it's technically balanced.
(Immortal Revenant Gillian will forever remain a dream)
Ah, because since it can only be equipped by female characters, Ramza the No Longer a Twink can't actually equip it and make you literally unable to lose the game, so it's technically balanced.
(Immortal Revenant Gillian will forever remain a dream)

That wouldn't work anyway. Even if every character has reraise, if they all are unconscious at the same time, it's game over.
Use Vanish to hide Ramza while four immortal girls beat the enemy impunely.

I don't think its possible to lose at all with that strat, although admitedly i haven't tested it.
I mean there may be another one on one dual sometime in the future which would doom that strategy, and even if Ramza can equip it himself with Onion Knight, like the others said Reraise only triggers if there is someone not knocked out, otherwise game over.
Use Vanish to hide Ramza while four immortal girls beat the enemy impunely.

I don't think its possible to lose at all with that strat, although admitedly i haven't tested it.
It is, of course, even if it's admittedly a bit harder than usual. See, being invisible doesn't stop area attacks (like summons) from damaging you, so if an area attack is cast that catches the invisible character in, they can get killed, especially if the map is particularly cramped. And, of course, winning a battle with one of your characters unable to do anything (because taking any action immediately breaks invisibility) is a big handicap to play under.