Damn, okay Delita. I guess that answers the question of how loyal Delita is to the Templar Knights - he's using them as they are using him, and he is fully intending to somehow betray them and burn down the kingdom to make one worthy of Ovelia. We are on that Chivalric Romance grind here, my man really spent the past twenty hours being consistently mean to that one girl before revealing he actually intended to do a little bit of a coup just for her.
Long live Delita the Based!
OK, but actually his ideals are interesting. Like, he's embittered by the treatment of commoners by nobles, he's watched his sister die at the hand of most classist man alive, which led to him abandoning his servitude to a noble house to strike on his own... Which resulted in him joining a shady conspiracy and plotting the destruction of a kingdom to establish a new one with Ovelia (and possibly himself as her husband) as the ruler.
I think our boy has bought into the myth of the Good King. If only the right person were in charge, enjoying the absolute power and not constrained and deceived by those damn nobles, everything would be great. You do need a king, though. You do need a single hand to guide the nation. People can't be trusted to govern themselves, that would just result in perpetuating the cycle of players and pawns, but he can. He knows what's best for everyone. He's going to reach that castle in the sky, and if he has to build a mountain of corpses to climb there, well, people die either way. Now he just gets to choose which ones.
Why is the black goddamned materia an errand for arresting a famous thief? Who knows. Nobody in the group would know how to use it, anyway, so it's probably safe with us.
Another point towards FFT being a distant sequel to FFVII. Texas is definitely real, and Mustadio is going to revive it. Already the use of guns spreads across the nation.
I don't know, man. I'm not sure why I would bother having two separate Mettlesquires instead of characters with more variety, but on the other hand Tailwind is busted as hell so having two characters with it equipped is its own reward. Will Luso become a permanent fixture of my roster? I don't know. For one thing, he comes without other pre-learned skills for the most part so grinding JP for him will take forever. We'll see.
OK, but consider: now that Luso has joined as a permanent party member, he can also permanently die, potentially creating a time paradox and collapsing the entire continuity.
Do it.
Hmm. I'm not sure the timeline on this actually works? Ramza first met Orran in Gollund, on his way to Lesalia. At that time, Ramza had not yet been deemed a heretic, was he? He only ran into Confessor Zalmour in Lesalia, which he had initially entered without trouble. If Ramza had had his face plastered on every newsboard in the city calling him a heretic before that point, I rather think he would have noticed.
Arazlam: When my ancestor has met Ramza, he, of course, already knew about his status as a heretic, but he was wise enough not to believe Church's vile lies and immediately promised Ramza full support.
Also what the fuck do you mean knight apprentice. I have been in this war for two fucking years. Ramza is an adult now!! He's a full-fledged knight and samurai!! Fuck you!!
And yet I do not see any sword skills on Ramza. How could you call yourself a knight without them?
Now, Delita, Commander of the Blackrams? There's a man.
I… don't think I'm a fan? This might be the first guest character who, if she ever joins the party as a playable unit, I might be tempted to permanently bench. I just hate that particular kind of RNG effect.
Consider that the Grand Duke himself has massacred an entire village to get access to this ability. Are you truly smarter than the Grand Duke, Squire?
He fashions ever more and stronger arms, and trains mages enough for all the realm.
Interesting that arms and magic are mentioned in one breath. There is a tendency among si-fi/fantasy fans to look at technology and magick as opposed forces, but clearly that's not the case in Ivalice. Both can feed the war machine.
Honestly, I'm also curious as to Ramza seemingly knowing all about the Grand Duke's small legion of assassins raised from war orphans, is that, like, supposed to be public knowledge?
Gaffgarion probably knew, as an old experienced mercenary who's probably worked for the Grand Duke time or again.
Did this motherfucker seriously named his sword Save the Queen? You must steal it.