This is, I think, a discussion that'll end up taking a large part of my final round-up post on the game, depending on how things develop on the way there.
There is, I believe, a genuine, not "ironically salty about not getting the cool NPC jobs" argument to be made that part of the point of Ramza's story is that he doesn't have the personal prowess of Gaffgarion, Delita, or Wiegraf, but that he has something none of them have, which is trust. In this conception, Ramza lacks access to a Dark Knight class because he is, fundamentally, a Squire. His heroic prowess lies in his ability to assist and coordinate others, in the bonds he makes with others, and in the powerhouses he can recruit to his side who have special talents eclipsing even his own, whereas everyone else is only allies of convenience, always scheming against one another, ready to betray one another at the drop of a hat. Ramza's strength isn't that he is stronger than Delita and has his own special custom job, but that any time Ramza shows up somewhere, he does so with a group of his fire-forged allies, and their strength can overcome any obstacle.
The problem is that this doesn't quite hold up once the game starts doing stuff like putting you in a 1v1 cage match with Gaffgarion and demand that you tweak your build until Ramza is, in fact, capable of personally killing him in single combat and prove himself the better fighter. Now, I suppose the point of the Gaffgarion fight could be argued to be, instead, "you have to accept that Ramza cannot handle such a foe on his own [unless you do nondiegetic amounts of grinding], and think in terms of how to deploy your party to help you even though it seems impossible; once you've figured out how to open the castle gate, or use Dragon Jump to attack past the battlements, or use magic from beyond the wall to support Ramza, you will finally truly understand what it is we are doing with this character." And I suppose that's a fair read; that could very well be the intent.
But if, hypothetically, the game were to then follow that up by putting you in a 1v1 with Wiegraf demanding that you adapt and tweak your build until you can take him down legit all on your own, then that would kinda throw a wrench in the thesis, wouldn't it.