Much as I really like FFT as a game, I'll say that I don't think it would fit the purpose of this thread, which has been (this far) an exploration of the evolution of the Final Fantasy series across multiple titles. Unlike FFX-2 (which I think should be featured, specifically, as an indication of what direction the series could have gone, to contrast with FFXII establishing the direction it did go into instead), Final Fantasy Tactics is not really an evolution of the Final Fantasy series in that sense. It is, visibly so, a continuation of the Tactics Ogre series with a Final Fantasy V-based coat of paint applied to it.
Even the story and sensibilities are very different, enough so that Vagrant Story, a title completely different from Final Fantasy in almost any imaginable way (single player rather than team based, action-based rather than turn-based, featuring large amounts of platforming, specifically medieval aestethic with no sci-fi elements, a gothic-fantasy vibe instead of a kitchen-sink approach, exclusively populated by humans and without any sentient non-human races, no not-monstrous but unusual fauna like chocobo or moogles, no summoning, limited in setting to a single town instead of globe-throtting) is visibly much closer to Final Fantasy Tactics in style and approach than Final Fantasy Tactics is with any numbered Final Fantasy that isn't a MMORPG - and yes, that's including FFXII. Tactics is closer to Vagrant Story in style than it is to FFXII, and FFXII has more in common with the rest of its series (little as that might be) than it does with Final Fantasy Tactics.
Don't misunderstand me: I've read or watched every Final Fantasy Tactics let's play I ever managed to stumble upon, including of modded versions, and I'd be hugely enthusiastic of reading Omicron's take on it, whether he goes with a modded version and has a blast or goes with a non-modded ones and has to frontload a ton of complaint and then shake his head at the late-game absurd combos the game enables. And Final Fantasy Tactics itself as a game is 100% worth playing, more than once even. But it's not really a game that fits this thread's stated purpose.
I think I commented once that Final Fantasy Tactics itself has its own in-game wikipedia that the plot assumes you've been reading along as it gets updated, didn't I? So, I found myself entirely unsurprised about this. If you do decide to go with Final Fantasy Tactics, you should expect more of that, even if probably to more tolerable amounts.