There's also one leftover character moment if you head back to Cosmo Canyon. Meanwhile, Ruby WEAPON is enjoying a few minigames (wink wink nudge nudge).
Other than that... I'm kinda sad you never talked about the pilot of the Highwind "levelling up" as you progressed. There's a small character arc for them where they start off struggling with the airship and aren't very confident, but as the go on they get more and more confident, even hitting a limit break for the Return to Midgar.
Oh, yeah, that guy!
I did think his mini-arc with a level number above his head increasing over time was cute.
The problem is that the main context in which I tend to interact with that guy is me being in the Highwind on the world map, needing to check my equipment and Materia or, worse,
save the game, and reflexively pressing [MENU] having forgotten that the Highwind changes inputs, having to watch the world's slowest transition screen as we fade to Cloud standing on the Highwind bridge, opening my menu and then finding out that
you can't save inside the Highwind, exiting the menu, having to actually walk over to the pilot, interact with him, telling him "Yes I want to get back to the fucking worldmap, dipshit," fade screen back to the Highwind on the world map, find a grassy plains, touch down, exit the Highwind, open the menu, and save.
So I basically only ever interact with this guy when I am busy being angry at the game and resenting his very existence, which hasn't been very conducive to praising his character.
So anyway, now that we've got to Hojo finally, blessedly, dying at last, I have a question
@Omicron : is Hojo a worse parent than Athena?
A tough question to answer, but I think on the balance, while Hojo may have committed worse overall crimes
, Athena is the worse parent
. For all his sins, ultimately Hojo wants to see Sephiroth
succeed. Sure, his idea of success is shoving him full of Jenova cells and helping him fuse with his eldritch abomination mother and turn into a nihilistic monster that will destroy the world, but ultimately Hojo is fine with dying with all of mankind if it's to allow the Superior Being to take over the earth.
Meanwhile, Athena
pretty much engineered her son to be a codependent abuse victim fooled into thinking she loved him so she could use him as a template for her new humanity and him, specifically, to be fed into her divinity engine like so much raw parts and allow Athena to become a god.
So Athena wins the Bad Parent contest by a mile, I think.