Let's Play Every Final Fantasy Game In Order Of Release [Now Playing: Final Fantasy IX]

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Reading into Yuffie trying to fight her father, losing, and immediately resorting to biological warfare, like, five minutes later is just an incredible experience.
So, funny story, I never figured out how Limit Breaks worked except that using the characters in fights more seemed to unlock more of them and that special items were needed to unlock the last one (and that was just because I got those items and then had to figure out what they did). But I still ended up unlocking almost all of them, because I liked messing around and seeing what they did.

I don't think I got Aerith's last one because I don't think I figured out the weirdness with the cave guy (I did find the guy, I just didn't figure out I needed a number of fights that was both even and divisible by 11 or whatever).
Interesting that Wutai technically never got occupied, just surrendered preemptively and made itself into a tourist attraction... and also still doesnt have a mako reactor. And is surrounded by trees.

And Remake had a big plot point about Shinra trying to false flag an excuse to start the war back up again.
Interesting that Wutai technically never got occupied, just surrendered preemptively and made itself into a tourist attraction... and also still doesnt have a mako reactor. And is surrounded by trees.

And Remake had a big plot point about Shinra trying to false flag an excuse to start the war back up again.
But which cultural relic are Shinra planning to blow up to replace with the Reactor, is the question.
The remnant city proper, the giant statue mountains, or the Tower?
Like, I feel there's no question they'd take advantage of the opportunity to make an excuse to get rid of at least one of those and replace it with a constantly visible monument to their final victory over those who dared not just roll over in the face of their armies, but I'm not sure which feels most... Shinra.
Sure, they'd probably wind up destroying or 'repurposing' more than one, but still.
While that is probably the expected route to victory, Reflect requires a LVL.3 Barrier materia (20,000 AP). Given that Rocket Town is the earliest source of that materia I'd say it's a fair assumption Omi doesn't have it levelled.
Yeah, the downside of materia right here- I wouldn't be too surprised if even having gotten the Barrier materia, he hasn't put much thought into leveling it because most of the spells on it are already covered by Big Guard, which is also AoE and also has haste thrown in.
Yeah, the downside of materia right here- I wouldn't be too surprised if even having gotten the Barrier materia, he hasn't put much thought into leveling it because most of the spells on it are already covered by Big Guard, which is also AoE and also has haste thrown in.

Ultimately, of course, you want to master basically every materia. I mean, you don't have to, but...
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The remnant city proper, the giant statue mountains, or the Tower?

The mountains. They'd blow up one statue to make room and riddle the rest with pipes and industrial runoff. It'd be a technological tumor that destroyed and replaced their culture with something profitable for their conquers. It'd be a perfect metaphor for the entire country.
Ultimately, of course, you want to master basically every materia. I mean, you don't have to, but...
Early on at least, it's often a matter of "do I have the extra slots to throw in and level materia I don't even use?" Which I think Omi's probably past the point where builds are trying to shove themselves into only six or seven slots, but you never know. That and even if you plan to master every single materia, you'll still prioritize one or the other out of the unleveled ones, so who knows if he's working on Barrier just to get Reflect, or instead has some other, less-used materia he's already leveling and won't swap out.
Yeah, the downside of materia right here- I wouldn't be too surprised if even having gotten the Barrier materia, he hasn't put much thought into leveling it because most of the spells on it are already covered by Big Guard, which is also AoE and also has haste thrown in.
To be fair, I get the feeling the Wutai tower is meant to be done until later despite how easy it is. Doesn't help that Enemy Skill blatantly overshadows most magic materia in the game with only a little effort (Matra Magic > Beta + Big Guard). There's a reason they scaled back on Blue Magic's availability moving forward (there's an FFXIV joke in there somewhere).
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Girl, what is this? What even the hell is this? I know you could have found something cooler.

Do not mock the Sacred Four-Armed Dildo Shintai! It's a technique that's been passed down for generations!

Specifically, if there's an inland area that is behind a river but isn't connected to the sea, and the river isn't connected to the sea either, then theoretically the Buggy could access it but the Tiny Bronco couldn't. That seems like a pretty weird corner case though, right?

Yeah, we've established already that all rivers flow from the ocean. The game wouldn't just lie to us like that.
Godo: "No kid like you's going to talk to me like that! You keep acting like that! You ought to be ashamed of yourself!"
Yuffie: "That's my style! And it's my business, not yours! Don't try and dictate what I should do!"
Godo: "Style? Dictate? Why all those fancy words? You're a rotten daughter!"

Very minor trivia: in the Japanese script, Yuffie uses the English loanwords "sense" (which does roughly match up with "style" in meaning) and "policy" (which is used as in "way of life"). That's what Godo is referring to as "fancy words".

It's interesting, because while Yuffie generally sounds like a standard teenage girl, using casual phrasing and the occasional cutesy tone (usually when trying to scam the party members of their materia), she doesn't use English loanwords much, possibly because she doesn't have that many lines due to being an optional character. Using these loanwords gives the impression that she's talking in city slang.

Compared to Godo's general "old man" tone and word choice, it's basically a scene where he's puzzled and angered by all this zoomer slang. Yuffie might as well be telling him "Don't harsh my vibes, that's not very cash money of you".
New Threat handles things in Wutai more or less the same as in vanilla, but it does change the Pagoda fights to be a lot more trickier. Also you no longer receive Yuffie's ultimate LB alongside Leviathan, and the materia you find in a chest in Wutai is different.

Speaking of Limit Breaks, New Threat tweaks how many kills a character needs to unlock the next tier, with latecomers like Cid and Vincent having their thresholds reduced.

Ultimate Limit Breaks like All Creation, Great Gospel, Cosmo Memory, etc, are not available until the very end of the game (with one exception), but more on that later. The Mythril sidequest gives you something generic instead. As a convenience feature, the sleeping old man in the cave will just give you all his items the moment you first speak to him, having been woken up by "All the young'ns fighting eleven battles outside".

Another of New Threat's selling points is the Source Point system. After important battles every party member will receive a Source Point, with can be exchanged at save points for a set of stat boost items that can only be used on that character (I think, never tried to exit and use them on another so IDK). This gives you some customization, as each character has several sets of sources they can pick from. Aerith's physical set, for instance, is Slum Drunk.

At this point Omni would have earned two Source Points, one for Jenova BIRTH and another for the Materia Keeper.
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I need to somehow find monsters that can hurt Aerith but not so bad that I risk losing,
I think, unless I'm misremembering, that near Rocket Town there are monsters that use Gravity attacks, which naturally is a great way to get a character damaged without dying. Great Gospel is definitely worth grinding for - it's probably the best Limit in the game.

Also, have fun with the Battle Arena! Once you get the hang of it, managing to find ways to get through the whole gauntlet the multiple times needed to get all of the prizes (although I believe a few are currently locked) can be a nice challenge.
Oh hey, I was wondering around what level your materia were by now. Level 3 Restore isn't too bad, well on the road to mastery for that and presumably other materias as well.
Unfortunately I have but one Materia at level 3, and it's this one Restore. Everything else is still only at level 2 at most. I have a bunch of -ra tier spells, but not any -ga tiers, my Gravity and Time Materia are still at lv 1, I only just unlocked Esuna today...

It's starting to feel like it's taking a bit long.

Any reason that you couldn't have cast Reflect on Godo when he started spamming Cura? I'm guessing because it hasn't been in the game yet
Yes, one reason: I don't have Reflect! Barrier is one of these Materias I've struggled to justify finding a slot for when Big Guard exists, so I haven't unlocked Reflect at all.

Very minor trivia: in the Japanese script, Yuffie uses the English loanwords "sense" (which does roughly match up with "style" in meaning) and "policy" (which is used as in "way of life"). That's what Godo is referring to as "fancy words".

It's interesting, because while Yuffie generally sounds like a standard teenage girl, using casual phrasing and the occasional cutesy tone (usually when trying to scam the party members of their materia), she doesn't use English loanwords much, possibly because she doesn't have that many lines due to being an optional character. Using these loanwords gives the impression that she's talking in city slang.

Compared to Godo's general "old man" tone and word choice, it's basically a scene where he's puzzled and angered by all this zoomer slang. Yuffie might as well be telling him "Don't harsh my vibes, that's not very cash money of you".
It seems like in the Retranslated mod, they went with the choice of having her use French loan words - 'au contraire' and 'c'est la vie,' phrases an English speaker might use but which I think convey something of the same idea.
Unfortunately I have but one Materia at level 3, and it's this one Restore. Everything else is still only at level 2 at most. I have a bunch of -ra tier spells, but not any -ga tiers, my Gravity and Time Materia are still at lv 1, I only just unlocked Esuna today...

It's starting to feel like it's taking a bit long.
Well for one thing, you're not even halfway through the game yet so there's that.

I guess it also depends on how you use your Materia. For me, I would just equip 'em all and just keep adding as new Materia and/or new gear allowed. I would use Shiva and Ifrit as summons into the late game if I had the open slots. With that kind of approach, needless to say, I didn't exactly struggle to get higher level Materia as the game went on, since almost none of it ever sat on the sidelines.

I suspect you're being more strategic about it? Given your comment about struggling to see a reason to slot Barrier, that would seem to be the case. Honestly...it's not that big a deal? After all, you do have a viable - arguably superior - alternative to it with Big Guard. And honestly, even with knowledge of what happens in the late game...I don't think you're really losing anything unless you're feeling super completionist and anyway there's alternatives and that's all I'll say for now.
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Unfortunately I have but one Materia at level 3, and it's this one Restore. Everything else is still only at level 2 at most. I have a bunch of -ra tier spells, but not any -ga tiers, my Gravity and Time Materia are still at lv 1, I only just unlocked Esuna today...

It's starting to feel like it's taking a bit long.
Well RogueIce also mentioned it, but yeah in terms of a three disk game... you're still on Disk 1 of FFVII. So really, the fact that you do have some mid level spells already sounds like you're about on track, seeing as AP values will only go up as the game goes on.
Unfortunately I have but one Materia at level 3, and it's this one Restore. Everything else is still only at level 2 at most. I have a bunch of -ra tier spells, but not any -ga tiers, my Gravity and Time Materia are still at lv 1, I only just unlocked Esuna today...

It's starting to feel like it's taking a bit long.

That's what makes the Double (or, later, Triple) AP weapons and armour so good. They generally have inferior combat stats and fewer/no linked slots, but they are really good at their primary job of getting Materia leveled.
That's what makes the Double (or, later, Triple) AP weapons and armour so good. They generally have inferior combat stats and fewer/no linked slots, but they are really good at their primary job of getting Materia leveled.
It's always felt strange to me that in some cases they can be worse for total AP than other gear around the same point due to fewer materia slots though.

Cid's Scimitar is especially bad for this. Triple AP sounds nice, but with only 2 slots it's only equivalent to a 6-slot standard or 3-slot double growth weapon if you want to level more than 2 materia. This makes it on-par with the Trident that can be gotten in the Temple of the Ancients for total AP.