[X] Write-in
-[X] "Ms. Granger, so good to see you again. And Mr. Longbottom, I am sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy was behaving in so beastly a fashion. Your parents were heroes if they opposed that madman. Malfoy should realize his apparent admiration for a rabid dog that has long since been put down isn't likely to win him many friends even in the small circles he'd like to keep to."
[X] Write-in
-[X] "Ms. Granger, so good to see you again. And Mr. Longbottom, I am sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy was behaving in so beastly a fashion. Your parents were heroes if they opposed that madman. Malfoy should realize his apparent admiration for a rabid dog that has long since been put down isn't likely to win him many friends even in the small circles he'd like to keep to."
[X] Write-in
-[X] "Ms. Granger, so good to see you again. And Mr. Longbottom, I am sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy was behaving in so beastly a fashion. Your parents were heroes if they opposed that madman. Malfoy should realize his apparent admiration for a rabid dog that has long since been put down isn't likely to win him many friends even in the small circles he'd like to keep to."
[X] Compliment Hermione on her sick burnsverbal fencing skills.
--[X] (after ensuring that Draco is out of earshot) Make a deadpan remark about how somebody thought it would be a good idea to teach people like that how to mess with reality using a wooden stick.
[X] Compliment Hermione on her sick burnsverbal fencing skills.
--[X] (after ensuring that Draco is out of earshot) Make a deadpan remark about how somebody thought it would be a good idea to teach people like that how to mess with reality using a wooden stick.
@Jack of Olives do we all need to re-vote or are we going to keep counting old votes?
Also, I kind of disagree with the way this was handled. You advertised the start of the voting in the threadmarked post and it starts at the exact same time for each new update, so it's not like people don't know what to expect. Opening the voting again like this probably isn't the best way to handle things because people who don't pay attention to the thread because they're just waiting for the next update (such as people who already voted or saw that voting ended and thought they missed the bus) probably aren't going to vote now anyways.
Perhaps in the future changes like this can be implemented the next update over?
[X] Write-in
-[X] "Ms. Granger, so good to see you again. And Mr. Longbottom, I am sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy was behaving in so beastly a fashion. Your parents were heroes if they opposed that madman. Malfoy should realize his apparent admiration for a rabid dog that has long since been put down isn't likely to win him many friends even in the small circles he'd like to keep to."
@Jack of Olives do we all need to re-vote or are we going to keep counting old votes?
Also, I kind of disagree with the way this was handled. You advertised the start of the voting in the threadmarked post and it starts at the exact same time for each new update, so it's not like people don't know what to expect. Opening the voting again like this probably isn't the best way to handle things because people who don't pay attention to the thread because they're just waiting for the next update (such as people who already voted or saw that voting ended and thought they missed the bus) probably aren't going to vote now anyways.
Perhaps in the future changes like this can be implemented the next update over?
[X] Write-in
-[X] "Ms. Granger, so good to see you again. And Mr. Longbottom, I am sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy was behaving in so beastly a fashion. Your parents were heroes if they opposed that madman. Malfoy should realize his apparent admiration for a rabid dog that has long since been put down isn't likely to win him many friends even in the small circles he'd like to keep to." Number of voters: 10 Deathvon, Terran Imperium, Hellarion, drake_azathoth, Hanashinobi, veekie, Zilla, Eury, RedAlert, Jrin
[X] Compliment Hermione on her sick burns verbal fencing skills.
--[X] (after ensuring that Draco is out of earshot) Make a deadpan remark about how somebody thought it would be a good idea to teach people like that how to mess with reality using a wooden stick. Number of voters: 3 Ultramandalore, Michael Lewis, codeRR
[X] Compliment Hermione on her sick burns verbal fencing skills.
--[X] Make a deadpan remark about how somebody thought it would be a good idea to teach people like that how to mess with reality using a wooden stick. Number of voters: 1 Swiftwolfbeta
[X] "Ms. Granger, so good to see you again. And Mr. Longbottom, I am sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy was behaving in so beastly a fashion. Your parents were heroes if they opposed that madman. Malfoy should realize his apparent admiration for a rabid dog that has long since been put down isn't likely to win him many friends even in the small circles he'd like to keep to."
You shoot Hermione a friendly smile as the door closes behind you. "Ms. Granger, so good to see you again." Before turning to the somewhat distraught Longbottom heir. "And Mr. Longbottom," He looks up from his own thoughts as he hears his name. "I am sorry to hear that Mr. Malfoy was behaving in so beastly a fashion. Your parents were heroes if they opposed that madman." That gets a small smile out of him. "Malfoy should realize his apparent admiration for a rabid dog that has long since been put down isn't likely to win him many friends even in the small circles he'd like to keep to."
"Thank you, Miss Majere." He nods in somewhat weary gratitude. ???=161,15,50
Hermione's hand reaches out to grab something from mid-air as you turn to notice. Her expression shifts to somewhere between curious and disgusted as she realizes that what she's caught appears to be a toad. One that appeared to be trying to escape.
Neville turns at seeing the movement. "Hm? Trevor!" He complains loudly before (surprisingly swiftly) taking it from his classmate's hands. "Thank you for catching him, he's been trying to run away all morning."
"You're welcome." Hermione answers, almost on auto-pilot.
As more students begin to enter the car, you decide to pipe-up. "Shall we find a compartment?" After getting affirmative answers from both, the three of you begin making your way further into the train. luck=85
Thankfully, you're able to find an empty compartment without too much trouble. Hermione Social=99
After storing your luggage, Hermione decides to start the conversation up again. "If you don't mind me asking Neville, why a toad?" He looks up at her with a bewildered expression, clearly not expecting that question after what had just happened in the hallway. "Owls and cats seem more useful, and if you'll forgive me for saying so, you don't quite seem like the kind of boy who's interested in toads."
The pudgy boy gives a sigh as he looks at his still-squirming pet. "He was a gift from my Great Uncle Algie." Social=87
You make a slight face, as the implication hits you. "Ah, the joys of the familial social-contract." At the curious looks from your cabin-mates you elaborate. "Making friends is a conscious choice that an individual makes, and the individuals that one does so with tend to at least share some interests. Relatives, on the other hand, are people that you have little choice in your association with, and tend to have less in common with. Because of this, any efforts family members make to connect with each other are treated with much more... tolerance than would normally be expected from others. Refusing a gift, even one that would seem pointless or a burden, might be interpreted as a snub by the giver."
"Oh." Hermione's face looks as if a great mystery of the world was suddenly made clear to her. "So that's why mother keeps those atrocious things."
You smother a smirk at her response, before deciding to change the subject. "Before I forget Miss Granger, well done dealing with Malfoy." You offer her a grin. "What little I witnessed was quite amusing."
This earns you a blush. "Thank you for saying so, but I probably shouldn't have done so. I've likely made an enemy today."
You wave her off. "You're an intelligent witch who isn't afraid to stand up for what she believes is right, and happens to be muggle-born. He would consider you an enemy no matter how you act towards him."
This gets a sad nod from Neville. "I'm afraid she's correct. The Malfoys are quite outspoken in their views, and aren't afraid to throw their weight around. It's something of an open secret that his father was You-know-who's right-hand man. They've done everything but state such a thing directly."
"That's horrible! Why isn't he in prison?" Shock and disgust warring for dominance.
Your grandmother's lessons prevent your from sorting in derision, so you settle for a disgusted look. "Because he made several 'contributions' to various officials in order to 'help with the rebuilding' after the war." At the disheartened look on her face, you decide to add. "I'm afraid, Miss Granger, that despite all the wonder that exists in the Wizarding World, people are still people."
This gets a sad nod from Neville.
The three of you sit in silence for a while. It isn't until the train begins leaving the station that the conversation starts up again. Thankfully on lighter topics.
While you've seen a lot of amazing buildings in your life, Hogwarts is certainly among the more impressive ones.
The ghosts, you're less thrilled by.
Sure, some mages in your world (usually necromancers) keep ghosts around as servants and advisers. However, most mages agree that needlessly lingering on after death is a bad thing.
Still, you are on a different world, and in a culture unseen on your own. Better to observe before making biased conclusions.
Finally, they bring a hat out.
That talks.
And Sings.
And apparently sorts the students into their houses.
The spellwork is certainly impressive, but who makes a sentient talking hat?
You honestly aren't surprised to see Hermione sorted into Ravenclaw, although the hat seemed take quite a while to make it's decision.
Neville, on the other hand, you were almost sure would be a Hufflepuff, so that fact that he ends up being sorted into Griffindor comes as a bit of a surprise. luck=24
When your turn comes; the great noise in the great hall quiets a bit, as people begin whispering and staring at you. It appears the rumors of that stupid prophecy have already made their way into the Hogwarts students.
You're beginning to regret taking that stupid Drawback.
Thankfully, the hat had barely touches your head before declaring you a Ravenclaw. Although you note that that only a handful of students, mostly the younger ones (which you assume are muggleborn) applaud your selection. Still, you make your way to where Hermione is sitting at the blue and bronze table with as much dignity as you can muster.
As you sit down, a confused Hermione turns to you. "I'll explain later," You say quietly. You can't help but let a bit of frustration seep into your voice. "let's just watch the sorting."
Malfoy ends up sorted into Slytherin, to the surprise of none. Social=26+55=81 Req:80/160/240
There's a hush as Harry Potter; the Boy Who Lived steps up to the stool. You have to say, while you didn't think he'd be anything like the stories, what you see before you is quite different than you were expecting. You were expecting something like a spoiled brat; a light version of Malfoy, maybe. In reality, it appears that Harry Potter seems more like a shy introvert, clearly uncomfortable at the attention.
Still, he gets sorted into Griffindor, so maybe there's more to him then meets the eye.
The rest of the feast goes fairly smoothly, although a lot of the students shy away from your presence. Still, the food is good and you have Hermione to talk to, even if she is visibly curious (and a bit unnerved) at everyone's reactions to you. luck=61
Finally the feast ends, and you're all escorted to the Ravenclaw tower.
Your first impressions are... mixed.
Although Professor Flitwick seems nice enough; you can practically hear your grandmother's rants about blood-purity, and you just know that if he has to contact her then there will be trouble.
The common room is a nice enough place (cozy and filled with books), but the riddles to get inside seem like it could cause all sorts of trouble.
The dorms are nice, but you have to share the room with the rest of the first-year witches.
Finally, after you've got yourselves settled in, Hermione comes over to where you're sitting.
"Ready to explain what all the fuss was about?"
Explain about the prophecy?:
[] Yes
-[] Stick to the basics.
-[] Go into detail.
[] No
-[] Lie (write In)
-[] It's personal
As a refresher: Due to a 100cp drawback, there's a prophecy out there for which you fit the bill.
Prophesized to bring about a reign of darkness come the new millennium due to being the only witch born during an unexpected eclipse.
I thought the drawback stated explicitly that only extremely superstitious people would hold any weight to it, and that it would just make it harder to gain the trust of those people?
I thought the drawback stated explicitly that only extremely superstitious people would hold any weight to it, and that it would just make it harder to gain the trust of those people?
That said: it's not so much that everyone believes the prophecy, it's just that for most of them they've only heard about you through the prophecy and it's the first time that they've seen you. The reason for the lack of clapping is mostly due to fear of be ostracized by their peers, if it turns out that people _did_ believe the prophecy.
Good thing you don't have any other dark-witch traits, though. Could you imagine what would happen if you were a parselmouth or something?
Edit: Sorry about the delay; my internet connection has been cutting in and out today.
The actual quote is: That said: it's not so much that everyone believes the prophecy, it's just that for most of them they've only heard about you through the prophecy and it's the first time that they've seen you. The reason for the lack of clapping is mostly due to fear of be ostracized by their peers, if it turns out that people _did_ believe the prophecy.
Good thing you don't have any other dark-witch traits, though. Could you imagine what would happen if you were a parselmouth or something?
Edit: Sorry about the delay; my internet connection has been cutting in and out today.
[X] "A drunken lout of a seer claimed that because I was the only child born during an eclipse I would become the next dark lord.When it could also mean anything from great talent,being cursed,literally the opposite of dark lord but since one just died they accuse a baby of being a next dark lord instead of taking the steps for it never happen which means basically treat me like normal person "
Hermione is pretty clearly in our camp right now so if she argues on our behalf it can't hurt for her to have the details- and it might help a lot, at least with superstitious Ravenclaws.
[X] "A drunken lout of a seer claimed that because I was the only child born during an eclipse I would become the next dark lord."
How exactly would we go into detail? I mean, "I picked this thing for my magical dimension-hopping adventure thingy to get more points" isn't exactly a good way to inspire confidence in our mental wellbeing.
There's probably an explanation in universe, but I have a feeling that with two sets of memories the less is said about such things the better, because it reduces the risk of us getting mixed up.
[X] "A drunken lout of a seer claimed that because I was the only child born during an eclipse I would become the next dark lord."
How exactly would we go into detail? I mean, "I picked this thing for my magical dimension-hopping adventure thingy to get more points" isn't exactly a good way to inspire confidence in our mental wellbeing.
I don't think the vote meant we are going meta on Hermione. It would just be a more detailed explanation than "I'm a prophecized to be the next Dark Lord".
I don't think the vote meant we are going meta on Hermione. It would just be a more detailed explanation than "I'm a prophecized to be the next Dark Lord".
Out of curiosity, how would we go about going into detail about that? "I'm prophecized to be the next Dark Lord (because eclipse, seer, and alcohol)" seems to be quite comprehensive as far as "everything anybody would actually want to know about this prophecy thing".
I am somewhat convinced that going into depth might be a good idea for avoiding misunderstandings in the future (and Hermione is somebody we definitely want on board later on even though she doesn't have Occlumency) but to be honest I'm having trouble imagining how we'd actually do that.
There's a serious difference between 'bring about a reign of darkness come the new millenium' and ' people think I'll be the next Dark Lord'. The prophecy could just as easily describe us helping to establish colonies of wizards in outer space as it could becoming a Dark Lord, and Hermione is smart enough to realize that if we give her the details.
Out of curiosity, how would we go about going into detail about that? "I'm prophecized to be the next Dark Lord (because eclipse, seer, and alcohol)" seems to be quite comprehensive as far as "everything anybody would actually want to know about this prophecy thing".
I am somewhat convinced that going into depth might be a good idea for avoiding misunderstandings in the future (and Hermione is somebody we definitely want on board later on even though she doesn't have Occlumency) but to be honest I'm having trouble imagining how we'd actually do that.
Where did the QM said that the seer was drunk? I wouldn't take the British Wizarding Community seriously anymore if they listened to the words of a drunk seer.