Lets Help Cyber Create a Superhero Universe (SV lets try not to Destroy the Earth)

Stats and Scaling

The Stats are the main Skill Sets used by Heroes and Or Villains

The Numbering and Powerset show how proficient at them the Character is!!

The Skills are as follows

Personal Combat/ Battle Experience: Your ability to Kick ass, and take names in the name of whatever you have.

Public Relations/Charisma: Your ability to relate and Inspire others and drag them along properly, as well as keep minions/employees loyal.

Investigation/ Espionage: Your ability to investigate Crime and or keep secrets and grow more and more power in the shadows.

Accounting/ Management:Your ability to finance yourself and your business accounts, as well as pay it

Research and Development:Your ability to science a problem away and deal with it properly.

Occult/ Energy Projection: Your ability and skill in Magic and or energy manipulation and or psionics.


Levels of Streangth:

0: This character is utterly useless on this level of work regardless of handicap preparation, it might work out but don't.

1-5:Run of the Mill Children, and late bloomer characters.

5-10:Teenage Heroes and Teenagers in General.

10-15: Talented Starting out Hero's and Normal individuals. Baseline Human levels with variation

15-20:Baseline Human Soldiers, specialists and most college educated people.

20-25:Someone with training, skill and experience, most first year Hero's are at or near this level by default.

25-30: Year 3-5 Heroes/ Villains who've learned the Ropes and are growing as individuals.

30-35: The Standard Experienced Hero/Villian level, at Year 5-12, has mastered the Basics to a hyper extent.

35-45: Experienced Pro Hero/ Competent Super Villian of good renown.

45-50: A Hyper focused individual who works to master a certain skill/ Genius who wants to be good at something REALLY well.

50-60:The Era's Big 7 be they Hero's or Villians.

65-70: The Paragon of Good/ The Mastermind Villian

75+:Local Alien Gods, Big Good Entities, Amazo like Machines and Smart AI's at full potential.

Retired Paragon's of Good and Evil if they LIVED long enough.

100: The Level of Near transcended Skills and Competence forged from experience and Skill.

100+: The Cyber entity…

AN: Here it is.
The Grenadier's Statline (Circa his disappearance in 2001)
PC/BE: 35 (general combat), 60 (with explosives and his anti-power bombs)
PR/C: 22
I/E: 35
A/M: 21
R&D: 10
O/EP: 0

The Golden Mentor's statline (circa 2019)
PC/BE: 15
PR/C: 40 (as part of Ability Teaching), 25 (otherwise)
I/E: 10
A/M: 1
R&D: 1
O/EP: 1
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-Personal Combat/ Battle Experience:67
-Public Relations/Charisma:79
-Investigation/ Espionage:68
-Accounting/ Management:62
-Research and Development:30
-Occult/ Energy Projection:66
Theodora/ Le Fey:
-Personal Combat/ Battle Experience:65
-Public Relations/Charisma:49
-Investigation/ Espionage:61
-Accounting/ Management:59
-Research and Development:79
-Occult/ Energy Projection:43

These are both during the Current time, will lower or rise if needed.
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Just understand getting to that level is very hard.
O that is completely fair, but all of the council is on it for a reason. They have a right to be a Paragon of at lest one thing. They have some overlap but they specialized in different things. Theodora/ Le Fey is a tech genius, while Alchemist/Lux/Medea is a master of potions and the like.
O that is completely fair, but all of the council is on it for a reason. They have a right to be a Paragon of at lest one thing. They have some overlap but they specialized in different things. Theodora/ Le Fey is a tech genius, while Alchemist/Lux/Medea is a master of potions and the like.
Alright...I'll allow it but I will give an example of a Paragon in due time.
Okay, next question. Do the super powers have to be describable in one or two words or can I be a little more creative than 'Super Strength'?
Revised and Reworked.
[]The Silver Age (1960-1975): The Childhood of Superheroes, where people start to show strange superpowers, silly gimmicks and...The Cold War, with the threat of Nuclear War and other situations even the elders could not predict.
--[]Feet of Bronze (1970): The End of the Vietnam War destroyed the reputation of many Heroes and the Government of the US and other nations hoped to help their image, declaring war on drugs and narcotics seems to be a good idea, let's do it!! What Heroes and the Government are growing more Corrupt, surely you Jest.

Super Villain

[]Cape Name:
(The) Bullet Magician

-Appearance: Tactical gear, custom job, exact equipment and color tends to change. Manufactured by various black market tech specialists. Face hidden behind a Balaclava mask and tactical goggles. Usually armed with a custom built railgun rifle.

If you were to meet him outside work, the Bullet Magician is a tall, fit old man with grey hair and a short beard, usually just wearing jeans and shirt.

-Secret Identity: Jan Gorecki (71) enjoying his retirement in Kendall County, Texas after "working" 44 years as a locksmith. His Wife passed away in 2019, with his Daughter Megan (35) being his only remaining family left.

-Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil

-Nationality: USA

-Area of Operation: Earth

The Aim

Short Version:
Real life aimhack when using ranged weapons and a 0% accuracy debuff to enemies using ranged weapons against him.

Long Version:
The power simply called "the Aim" by him has two components: An offensive and a defensive one. The offensive component expresses itself by curving the path of objects that he has actively "shot" or "thrown". This means he is always able to perfectly hit the trash bin with a can or bullseye with a rifle shot, as long as a number of conditions are fulfilled.

  1. He intends to hit the target
  2. He knows of the Targets general location (radius of 5 meters, current max after life long training), either via direct line sight or by mapping, for example, the sound of a nearby door opening onto an accurate image of the surrounding area in his spatial awareness.
  3. There exists a path between the object's origin and the target, which does not curve more than a certain number of degrees in total. His current maximum is 731°, but he has been able to raise that number all his life through training.

The defensive components affect objects that have been "shot" or "thrown" at him with the intent to harm him and curves them out of the way.

In his confrontations with various other superpowered beings the Aim has revealed an immunity to common telekinetic powers.

Minor Regenerative Ability:
Despite his advanced age, various injuries and the stresses he put his body through he still has the physical condition he had when he was 21.

Able to use and maintain nearly all firearms

-Species: Human (CIA file stated 93.75% human, 6.25% unknown. No further information exists.)

Jan Majewski was born as the son of Polish immigrants in a small midwestern town on January 5th. His parents died when he was young and he grew up in a local orphanage. As he became older, he made himself a name as an ace pitcher at his school's baseball team and would have likely gone to college on a scholarship, had he not been discovered by the CIA, who recruited him with the promise of serving his country in 1970. Under them, he received extensive tactical and special operations training and became an excellent sharpshooter. However, the missions he was sent on quickly disillusioned him about "serving his country". Discovering that working for the ones he was sent to hunt was much more lucrative he faked his death and soon after the Bullet Magician started his series of high-profile assassinations all over North America.

When law enforcement started going after the Magician, he retaliated, causing the 1978 fire at the CIA archives, that resulted in all existing files of Jan Majewski being destroyed, all agents that personally knew him dead and Jan Gorecki being born, with false papers he got from a job working for the NSA. The agent, who was his contact there, dying a few weeks later in an "accidental" plane crash.

During the Crisis of Terra SOL, the Bullet Magician was working with a top-secret US BlackOps meant to cover the US using known superpowered criminals to combat the aliens. During the last year of the war, he met his wife, Lea, marrying soon after Megan was born in 1985.

In the aftermath the Bullet Magician turned to crime again, working as an Assassin or a henchman for larger supervillains on temporary hire. Always being paid in gold and always leaving dead bodies en masse behind, not caring who had to die as long as he was paid. His wife knew of his real job, though they agreed to keep it from their child. There were several confrontations with superheroes, many ending in dead or wounded heroes recovered from the site of a battle, many more resulting in the Magician running away like a coward when the power matchup was not in his favor.

After 1995, the Bullet Magician spent less time working and more time with his family. The contracts he did take however rose in profile even more. Having pushed the radius of Rule two of the Aim's offensive component to 2 meters, he no longer needed to know the exact location of an enemy's weak points, just the location of the enemy. Taking on a variety of hitman contracts on lesser known superheroes, trying his best to avoid the big names. His streak ended when a trap was laid in 2000. Several superheroes with favorable power sets ambushed and, after a gruesome fight resulting in the death of 37 civilians he at on point had held hostage, killed him. His body, however, was stolen from police custody before it could be identified, by associated supervillains, who revived him as payback for a few favors they owed.

After that the Bullet Magician retired, Jan choosing to stay home and see his daughter leaving home to go to college and to spend time with Lea, until she fell fatally ill in 2015. To cope with the stress of her soon demise the Bullet Magician started taking jobs again. Despite her doctors best efforts, Lea passed away in 2019 peacefully during her sleep.

In the current day, the Bullet Magician has fully returned from retirement. With Megan having her own life now, not much holds him back once more.

-Era: The Silver Age to the present day

Initial Weaknesses:

The Bullet Magician is at his core just a human. He can be drowned, suffocated, poisoned, mind controlled and all the other ways a human can be incapacitated.

Personal Weakness:
His daughter is the most important person in his life. For her he would fight anything, even if it would likely result in his death.

Power Limits
The Aim has no effect on:
-Melee attacks of any kind
-Objects that would not have hit him or caused him no harm
-Light or subatomic particles
-Objects that have been accidentally thrown or shot
-Objects whose movement is only indirectly caused by an intent to harm him (A Grenade moves away from him, but the Shrapnel does not. Someone brings a building to collapse onto him, the rubble would not curve away)

The Aim has limited effect on:
-Objects with a Mass greater than 77 kg, a number he has been able to raise with training throughout his life.
-Plasma or Gas

Personal Combat/ Battle Experience: 55
Public Relations/Charisma: 20
Investigation/ Espionage: 33
Accounting/ Management: 39
Research and Development: 25
Occult/ Energy Projection: 12
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-Personal Combat/ Battle Experience:58
-Public Relations/Charisma:42
-Investigation/ Espionage:66
-Accounting/ Management:61
-Research and Development:77
-Occult/ Energy Projection:64

-Personal Combat/ Battle Experience:62
-Public Relations/Charisma:40/69 (second apply only applies to gods)
-Investigation/ Espionage:48
-Accounting/ Management:64
-Research and Development:64
-Occult/ Energy Projection:75

BOTcommander Thoughts on the Foundation? or rather Bullets'?
Can you clarify how secret or public the Foundation is?
There in a werid place between open secret to supernatural/supers and not know to those who have not work with them. But Bullet most likely meet Samuel given Crisis of Terra SOL, he ended up a not leader of Chicago resistance but a symbol of it.
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There in a werid place between open secret to supernatural/supers and not really well know to those who have not work with them. But Bullet most likely meet Samuel given Crisis of Terra SOL, he ended up a not leader of Chicago resistance but a symbol of it.
Then I'd say the Bullet Magician has no real strong feelings either way. He'd work with them if the price is right or if it benefits him in some other way (Maybe he already has, we might come up with something), but he would not feel any obligation to their cause. The only people he cares even the slightest about are himself, his family and a few friends (some of whom are probably other villains and I may come around to invent them). But since he is very careful about picking his fights, he would not deliberately cause problems for them or any other "big" powers in the supernatural/supers circles.
Then I'd say the Bullet Magician has no real strong feelings either way. He'd work with them if the price is right or if it benefits him in some other way (Maybe he already has, we might come up with something), but he would not feel any obligation to their cause. The only people he cares even the slightest about are himself, his family and a few friends (some of whom are probably other villains and I may come around to invent them). But since he is very careful about picking his fights, he would not deliberately cause problems for them or any other "big" powers in the supernatural/supers circles.
I mean yeah that if fair. The Foundation is not just made of heroes. Its lead by a Lawful neutral dhampir who keeps himself with geas, a alcemist who is not good or evil but SCIENCE. A cyborg hero, a Seer who will do there fucking hardest to keep humanity alive, a nature spirt, a robot who is a business man, a mage who is hero, and an assassins who just wants to keep business rolling.
On that note maybe I could make a character who has "the" agency for the criminal/underground superpowered world, acting as a mediator between the big players and the independent henchmen, like the Bullet Magician, or freelance scientists /engineers/sorcerers willing to work for essentially everyone.