Lets Help Cyber Create a Superhero Universe (SV lets try not to Destroy the Earth)

Is there any changes in the gaming scene around the 1860s, like early pen and paper games, or some wargames finding their way outside of the various militaries into the civilian markets? Asking for something I might want to use for my character backstory, though small enough it won't exactly matter that much...
[]Cape Name: The Commander
-Secret Identity: Jane Smith
-Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
-Nationality: American (Pittsburgh, 1855)
-Area of Operation:???
-Power: Military Genius, Lucky?, ???
-Species: Human
Jane Smith was born into a Steel Worker Family In Pittsburgh, whom was known for it's steel thanks to it's geography making such materials needed on it's creation easily accessible, even as the city was starting to change thanks to the rising environmental awareness campaign, they led a relatively quiet and comfortable life until 1970, when the steel industry took a massive hit thanks to the changing economics of the world, and when 1972 came along, Jane decided to join the military to help pay for the living expenses, and was found capable enough to get fast tracked into a special forces unit which was deployed in South America during the war on drugs.
Less than a year in, an operation went horribly wrong thanks to the CIA whom wanted to use said disaster to inflate the threat of said group, with her escaping said trap, meeting a local group that was trying to fight the cartels and their allies, and she led them to devastate said cartels, starting her legend as said group proceeded to dismantle said group the CIA tried to prop up and others in the area, unknowingly devastating CIA drug income from the area in the process. When she came back from her rampage 6 years later, leaving an elite group whom would prove to be very capable in the years to come, she found herself reassigned to the XCOM project thanks to CIA influence, whom wanted her away from things of importance, and considered the possibility of using her to help prepare the XCOM project for their own goals, as they, and a few other allies slipped exceptional scientists and engineers to try and build the framework to make it worth hijacking.
Only a mere 2 years later, aliens attacked and forced the unprepared organization to enter action very much unprepared for major combat, and the CO talked her into taking on the role of commander, having been impressed with her knowledge and her capabilities as shown in the wargames she participated in. While not much was known, her group helped blunt the opening invasion by using the technology to deploy at strategic locations and sowing chaos there while also building a base ship which was used to bail when the Aliens, informed by the CIA traitors attacked the secret base only to find a trap, as after a fierce fight the whole base exploded, and later the group was shown deploying to smash a critical supply base revealing that they survived intact.
A/N: This is what I got so far, and yes, I kind of intend for som things to be up in the air, partially to give some flexibility, and also to allow for some mystique, as I fully intend for her have the same or a close level of that as The Commander from the Things XCOM Operatives are not allowed to do list. And well this is pretty much a second draft, which I may decide to work a little more on, and the excuse of why they had the RND is, well, a plot that ended up backfiring because of the invasion.
well lets look at historical colombian events

>1901 battle of ''aguadulce'',liberals (think of burgousie,leftist and overall progressives) masive victory over conservative forces in panama,in wich 1000 liberals fu

given that we stablished that heroes appear at early 1900 and that colombia was one of the first to see the effects of superpowered warfare

lets take the battle of aguadulce as first mass usage of heroes,and increase casualtie rates (of the 1000 liberals,only 123 survive,and of the conservatives only 635,while still being a massive conservative defeat as in OTL,just with higher death rates for both sides)

the panama split should probably go the same,panamaniams where angry at government negligence,and i dont see how superpowers can fix that,if anything local resistance would be harsher because of superpowered rebels

so the panama split happens one way or another

something that is really natural on colombia are worker strikes,we call them ''paros'' (translated as ''stops''),syndicates freeze the industry and force the government to negotiate

marchs,police and military clash with protesters,militia groups hiding between the protesters,false flag incident to try and deligitimize the strikers etc

this kind of stuff has been commonplace for 200 years

colombia 1977:

colombia 2016:

colombia 2019:

colombia 2020:

colombia 2021: *trucker syndicate preparing for new ''paro'' in april*

is not a good year if at least 1 syndicate hasnt gone in a general strike

so given our ''paro'' culture,i imagine that in this cases people use their superpowers to add leverage (no one wants angry superpowered workers strikes)
leading to tense standoff where the government and the workers are edging each other to see who scalates into violence and bring the hammer,or finnaly break and force negotations
so given our ''paro'' culture,i imagine that in this cases people use their superpowers to add leverage (no one wants angry superpowered workers strikes)
Oh boy...Situations like that were VERY common all over the damn world until it platued around the thirties as the force of Supers became far more distributed...and negotiations go one of several ways in "more civil times".

One: A Regular old General strike and sit out with minor violence against strike busters and the paid thugs as one normally does. It slows down things until the Negotiators show up and calm things down...and then once a compromise is made, another Fire is going up for another unrelated reason caused by the General strike.

Two: A "Gentleman's Settlement" AKA a few Super individuals decide this in a fight in a warehouse rented so they can settle this with violence and broken bones and occasionally a Broken werehouse.

The Striker's man wins...see ONE for the overall settlement of that.

The Company man wins... Well lets go to Three shall we.

Three: A full blown pitched battle between strikers, company contracted mercenaries and Supers that last about a day and a half until a Super on an UNRELATED and often times unprompted job swoops in and beats up everyone and leads to ONE.

Four: If it gets to this level the Company responsible for this PAY's for the damages... Hero Organiztions and Super Containment units arrive to beat the shit out everyone...property damage is extreme and no one is happy with anything.

Five: Call in the Army and the Heavy Weight Supers from the Contiante because someone clearly scewed up in this situation...Find and Hang Company Bord members in extrajudicial killings. Repair Damages.

Six: Failure to contain situation is notable... possible Sector collapse...Bring in...Heavy Artilary.

Seven: Use of Tactical Ordiance Authorized in a five Mile Radius of crisis zone.

Eight: Situation has failed to be contained, full crisis authority handed off to [Redacted]

Nine: Pull Back all Hero and Military forces with anyone they can carry, should you be left behind you are written off as a justifiable loss.

Ten: Fire [Classified to all unauthorized personnel] and send local clean up crews, administer Memory Wipe on Global population and rebuild city...claim virus killed population and move on with their lives.

Eleven: Repeat.
Oh boy...Situations like that were VERY common all over the damn world until it platued around the thirties as the force of Supers became far more distributed...and negotiations go one of several ways in "more civil times".

One: A Regular old General strike and sit out with minor violence against strike busters and the paid thugs as one normally does. It slows down things until the Negotiators show up and calm things down...and then once a compromise is made, another Fire is going up for another unrelated reason caused by the General strike.

Two: A "Gentleman's Settlement" AKA a few Super individuals decide this in a fight in a warehouse rented so they can settle this with violence and broken bones and occasionally a Broken werehouse.

The Striker's man wins...see ONE for the overall settlement of that.

The Company man wins... Well lets go to Three shall we.

Three: A full blown pitched battle between strikers, company contracted mercenaries and Supers that last about a day and a half until a Super on an UNRELATED and often times unprompted job swoops in and beats up everyone and leads to ONE.

Four: If it gets to this level the Company responsible for this PAY's for the damages... Hero Organiztions and Super Containment units arrive to beat the shit out everyone...property damage is extreme and no one is happy with anything.

Five: Call in the Army and the Heavy Weight Supers from the Contiante because someone clearly scewed up in this situation...Find and Hang Company Bord members in extrajudicial killings. Repair Damages.

Six: Failure to contain situation is notable... possible Sector collapse...Bring in...Heavy Artilary.

Seven: Use of Tactical Ordiance Authorized in a five Mile Radius of crisis zone.

Eight: Situation has failed to be contained, full crisis authority handed off to [Redacted]

Nine: Pull Back all Hero and Military forces with anyone they can carry, should you be left behind you are written off as a justifiable loss.

Ten: Fire [Classified to all unauthorized personnel] and send local clean up crews, administer Memory Wipe on Global population and rebuild city...claim virus killed population and move on with their lives.

Eleven: Repeat.

*southamerican superpowered political militias and strikers after burning a city for third time in 2 years*

like jesus christ,im not lying here,we had paros in 2010,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,2020 and we have already plans for 2021 etc
is easier to count the years when people dont go angry at the street to hit each other against the riot police

now expanding more on colombian story

you have a period between 1910 and 1940 known as ''the parties hegemonies''
esentially,the country turned into one party states for several presidential terms,then swing to the other political side and stayed on power on al levels for a similar period of time

20 years of conservative supremacy followed by 20 of liberal one

this period would increase social and political tensions,creating ''local gangs'' of people,not too different than modern street gangs,but with ''political affiliation'' as unifying factor and source of their rivalries

conservatives figure heads and core voters where land owners,cattle owners,rich farmers,religious leadership,old political clans,and other voters (albeit not leaders) where conservative and religious farmers

liberals where divided between clasic capitalist rich class,average worker/small buisnes,and farmers (esentially having a commie leaning wing,a soc-dom and a neoliberal ones)

there was this leader,''jorge eliecer gaitan'',the dude is like JFK and martin luther king in terms of how liked he was as candidate,he joined people of all liberal wings,and even conservatives

he was without shadow of a doubt the favorite candidate

he got shot in 1948,died and hell got unleashed
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Oh...It might have been the CIA, or rival political groups there.

is generally accepted that higher members of more traditional conservative and liberal party didnt like how he broke the hegemony balance
the mob that saw eliecer got shot catched Juan Roa Sierra the supposed material author of the crime (tho is not sure to this day if he was really the one that fire the bullet)

the mob swarmed roa and killed him at ''perfume'' style

the tore him apart alive

what followed where the entire capital of the country being in ''political riots'',the only comparizon i can think off is the LA race riots or the minneapolis riots

''el bogotazo'' 48' after gaitan death

untill the conservative government called in the army and conservative militias

what happened after was political gang violence like the in LA in the 92' across all major cities of colombia,combined with guerilla groups births

for example,the biggest and most organized concentration of conservative militias was leaded by a former cheese seller
the dude that tasked with the killings of thousands and forcibly moving entire populations of towns across the country as they scaped from the violence,was a cheese seller

or the founder of the FARC was a small tradesman and seller (toys,meat,fruits,veggies etc,that kind of stuff on the market of the towns)

my grand grand mother from my ma side,settled in the south of colombia as result of being part of said diaspora,and they forced her to marry a conservative despite being in love with a liberal

i think we can play with that as the separation between ''US'' heroe culture (the spandex suit individual that does what he thinks is rigth without any loyalty to an over reaching ideology) and the southamerican one (the everyday dude that just happens to have powerful powers and lend them towards a cause he supports,but without the theatrics)

we can really shine how the colombian super-powered containment struggles during the political mass,as lets say ''don juan'' the super strong liberal,happens to kill a dozen conservatives that tried to harm his family
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we can really shine how the colombian super-powered containment struggles during the political mass,as lets say ''don juan'' the super strong liberal,happens to kill a dozen conservatives that tried to harm his family
Ohh. that's Story Potential man...And something that needs a Microscope to properly and tastefully explain.

So I don't accidently insult anyone.
I'll ask in the PM's later.

yeah,and our history doesnt really get better over time
we had a second martin luther king like figure in 89

we shoot him again

tho curiously we are the only latinamerican country that participated on the korean war (the general that made a coup to break the conservative hold on power and pacify the political violence in the 53' sent people to aid south korea UN expeditionary forces)

the korean war is a great scenario to test the impact of heroes on warfare and what regulations exist on them
Oh god...a man just wants peaceful reforms and the xyz sorts shoot him.


i would love to say is the evil elites fucking over the people
but the gang violence of the 48-53 period,shows that the average joe is just as bloodthirsty and willing to open their neighbour head open as the most evil elite

in 48,jorge eliecer gaitan politician and lawyer got shoot for trying to change things

in 89 luis carlos galan,reporter,lawyer,economist and politician got shoot too (the DAS our former intelligence agency worked along several other rigth wing groups,political clans,narcos etc to get him killed),his killing detonated the hunt for pablo escobar that lead to his death

in the 85 year a guerilla group took over the equivalent of the capitol for colombia (the palace of justice)
the army forced its way with tanks intothe building,entire investigations against the military got burned and many judges and lawyer involved on said research killed or dissapeared

in 1999 a humorist and reporter called jaime garzon,he loved to criticize rigth and left wing groups as well the government and openly defied all traditional groups of the country,he criticized the governor of antioquia (and now expresident) for financing rigth wing militias
he got shoot too not soon after

as a friend of jaime garzon said when he received the news of his death on national tv

''and those where the sport news....shitole of a country''

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