"Ye- yes! We're flowers, we're all big flowers! What do you think these things on our heads are? They ain't frills, they're petals, they unfurl when we need sunlight! THE FUCK YOU MEAN THERE IS EROTIC LITERATURE OF US?! YOU OBVIOUSLY CAN SEE WE DON'T HAVE GENITALIA, we're literally called Giants. how the hell can you not look up and notice all this!?"
Congratulation everyone we've gone 5 pages and this is our first conflicting information, that a pretty good success rate.
"Professor Flavius, I must disagree I believe the Theory of Man-United is true as how else would you explain our commonalities? For one, giants, dwarves and halfling bear a striking resemblance to humans. For two, they like us can only use spell-work not mana. For three, human couples with no evidence of intermingling with either dwarves, halfling or giants can give birth to them, should be sufficient proof of the matter."
In this case the description of Giants doesn't match the previously established idea that Giants are of Human origin. Ergo them being large plant like entities and being incapable of interbreeding with humans conflicts... due to a lack of genitalia. I'd propose making these flower people their own species or even a strain of Giants mutated by the Daelkyr Badlands.
-Florian Longchambon, after being caught snooping in Goldstein Manor, followed by a very nice evening of eating pie."The secret ingredient that made your family's pie so delicious is... a speck of Divine Gold. Let me guess, that's why the pie is so expensive, huh? Not only to get the Gold in the first place, but also to make it safe to consume. Well, I suppose I should congratulate you and your family for your efforts then. I'm the one who's at fault for thinking that it's something else, haha..."