Let's Create a Fantasy Setting with Quotes.

"No, you put the soul in the Glass! Not the Bass!"
Master demihuman alchemist, Veruna, to his apprentice Batrin

"And so the Man Upon The Hill saw the heresy and corruption present in the Empire and declared 'No more. Here shall be the place where those of Sharm shall train and work from to trim the infection within the Empire.'. It should be noted that other translations replace Sharm with the evening bell, Hassan and VR."
"And so the Man Upon The Hill saw the heresy and corruption present in the Empire and declared 'No more. Here shall be the place where those of Sharm shall train and work from to trim the infection within the Empire.'. It should be noted that other translations replace Sharm with the evening bell, Hassan and VR."
- Grand Pastologist Petro-Hass of the Musty-Scroll Historians Guild, Archiver of The Callieri Diaries, and 5 time champion of the local meat bun eating competition

"Leave this wretched place now! Oson has marked it with his taint, heroes come here to rot in the worst way possible"
-The Holy President's Konans reaction to seeing the creation of the Last Storm ten days before the Darks Days of the Holy Republic began.
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-La'Kon, One of the Priest-Legislator's of the Holy Republic, as the Thrall's of the Unremembered invade the city of Osanradon.

"Blessed we must be by Sol Majora... I have never held a blade of Divine Gold before, praise her and all her majesty."
Paladin Uthserd of the Order of Resplendent Sol, finding a Divine Gold blade at an altar to Sol Majora

"My boy, you need to be more careful. Remember how I told you to imbibe moongrain beer. Sip to imprint your soul on the drink, then start gulping it down."
Paladin Uthserd of the Order of Resplendent Sol, finding a Divine Gold blade at an altar to Sol Majora

"My boy, you need to be more careful. Remember how I told you to imbibe moongrain beer. Sip to imprint your soul on the drink, then start gulping it down."
-Moonshine, The High Hag of the Lunar Coven when gifting Brown Tooth the Moongrain Beer as a reward for tricking Swordtooth and leading getting the Bloated Navy lost in the Moon-Lit Sea.

EDIT: Added the quote afterwards

"Plenty of old beings tell vastly different tales about history. I'm not even sure if the enlightened civilization of Daelkyr before Ysman, lord of corruption destroyed it ten thousand years ago could have told us about some of the ruins that reside in the badlands."
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Big Book of Things

The Big Book of Things; 2nd Edition

-Another continent in the world, where Ysman fled too.

Last Storm
-Older then the Daelkyr Badlands.
-Does not affect Ley Lines.
-Theorised to be created by multiple deities.
-Destroys cities, consumes spells, makes Stormdead from corpses.

-Called the veins of the world, they channel great magical power.
-Ysman Agux "the Magitechnician" would attempt to use the Leylines to create a cheap and eco-friendly portal network.
-The Leylines would explode during the life time of Ysman leading to half of Odus becoming a mutant wasteland.
-Mutants are created from these results and are ostracised from society.
-When multiple Ley Lines meet it is called a Convergence, making it magically active.


-Spellwork is the form of magic manipulation used by the Humans, Halflings, Dwarves and Giants due to their inability to use Mana.
-Spellwork is a ritualistic, materialistic and component based form of magic, that requires it's magic user to study and learn it.
-Spellwork is time consuming and is not malleable in the moment, it follows set rules.
-User's of Spellwork are unaffected by the magical sensitivity of Ley Lines, unlike Mana.
-Spellwork usage is only limited by the material cost and need.

-Is a form of magic manipulation used by Elves, Fey and possibly Gnomes, who prefer it to Spellwork.
-Mana is a form of natural inborn energy that is both versatile, fast, natural and powerful.
-It draws upon reserves of Mana inside the body which can be affected by Ley Lines.

-The Continent on which the Empire of the Setting Sun, Kingdom of Yelmont, Republic of Namostra reside.

-Where the Fae would migrate to following the Leyline eruptions.

World Above The Sky
-The sun Sol was at one point in time much bigger.
-Their exist two suns; Sol and (WIP)
-Their exist three moons; (WIP), (WIP) and (WIP)
-Their exists a gas giant; Otherworld.
-The Otherworld can be accessed through a ritual when the Otherworld eclipses the Sun.

War Between Light and Dark
-Some kind of war between the Light and Dark from the begging of time to an undetermined time.

Yelmontian Calendar
Year 12 - Battle of Filsan Field

-The battle involved presumably human forces and a centaur force.

Golden Concord Calendar
Year of 347

-Governor Maxis of the Golden Concord, makes inquiries regarding the lacking Soulsilver tithe of the Lonock Island.
Year of 351
-Ameron Bendis, Legate of the Golden Concord enacts martial law in the province of Alkeron, to weed out the Black Cloaks.

10,000 Year's Ago
-The Daelkyr civilisation was destroyed by Ysman.

9,000 Year's Ago
-Ysman Agux, fled to Afirela to become a God-King.

-War of Blackened Gold, the Staff of Withering Time, lost beneath the dunes, recovered later.
-Old Days, term used to refer before the death of Daelkyr the Kind.
-First Invasion, Ur-Apes descending from the mountains.
-(WIP Leyline Disaster), the death of Daelkyr the Kind, Leyline explosion turning half the continent into a wasteland and the Fae Exodus into the OtherWorld
-Last Storm an event, which would lead to the Dark Days of the Holy Republic, ten days later.
-Bloated Navy attempts to hire Orcs.
-Bachar goes to war with Yelmont and Garazan.
-Yelmont experienced a civil war.
-The Golden Concord had a civil war after Yelmont.
-Dragon Law a period of time where Dragons rolled.

Anarchy Barony
-It was once the Province of Alkeron under the Golden Concord.
-The first revolution led by Paykir "the Great" was a failure and likely led to his death.
-The Second Worker's Rebellion of Vladivosa was led by Mikhal "the Steel" and Vlad "the Bloody".
-Would later become known as the Anarchy Barony.
-The barony is run by a Council on which Mikhal Van Burton is a member.
-The revolutionary slogan of the barony was "LONG LIVE PAYKIR, LET THE PEOPLE'S FLAG WAVE FOREVERMORE!"
-The Undermines can be found here.

-A nation at war with Yelmont and Garazan.
-The Swamp of Sorrow exists between them and Garazan.
-Has lumberjacks.
-The nation has Walking Cypress trees in it's border, discovered during an expansion, as well as treants.

City State of the Jaguar Men
-On the continent of Afirela, south-western coast.
-Enemies of the Beast Riders.
-At least 37 War of the Tree's have been declared against the Chromatic Elves, burning their holy land.

Empire of the Setting Sun
-Is a nation found on the continent of Odus.
-The Empire has had at least 177 previous Emperors.
-One of the major religion's in the Empire is the worship of Sol Majora.
-The 175th Emperor was assassinated using a proboscis.
-The Empire has at been at conflict with the Orcish Hordes.
-They have meat bun eating competitions.
-At one point a pantheon of theirs was killed.
-The cities of Belphont, Courbet is found here.
-The ruins of Santa Joannel is found here.
-In Belphont originally worshipped the faith of the Seven Lights but it was replaced by Sol Majoran.

Holy Republic of Oson
-A nation which was founded by the priesthood of Oson.
-The major leadership position is called the Holy President.
-Priest-Legilsator is a position in the Holy Republic.
-Osanradon is a city that was invaded by the Thralls of the Unremembered.

Golden Concord
-The Golden Concord is a collaboration of multiple member states, under the rule of Concordium Rex.
-One of the major players on the Concord is the Church of Law.
-The Golden Concord has the role of Governor to govern territory.
-The role of Legate is presumably to command the military and restore order.
-Advisor of Internal Affairs [DAMNATIO MEMORIAE] to act as advisor.
-The Concord holds dominion over Lonock Island, Ugoss and Alkeron.
-The Golden Concord has a source of Soulsilver.

High Lord's
-Led by the Lord Of Burning Lions.

Kingdom of Garazan
-Was ruled by King Ambarussa III of Garazan, who was ousted due to worsening mental conditions.
-Nimbus Islesky a fae was the reason for Ambarussa worsening conditions, punished and trapped in a small mirror.
-Leading to a period of political instability in the nation as his son took over.
-The scribe of the Kingdom are known for wearing golden robes.

Kingdom of Yelmont
-The Kingdom of Yelmont was ruled at some point by King Vausan II of Yelmont, but would enter a brief interregnum.
-A period of chaos would occur as the Kingdom as the First Invasion of Ur-Apes attacked their southern provinces.
-Which led to the total defeat of the Knight's of Sunlight breaking the alliance with the Empire of the Setting Sun.
-Shortly after these events a Civil War would occur leading to further conflict.
-The royal family would enter into exile for some reason, leading to the marriage of Prince Lengos and Baroness Mary Ambrosia of Stillwater, to secure loyalty.
-The Barony of Stillwater is a southern province of the Kingdom.
-Their northern lands border the Republic of Namostra.
-A secessionist province of the Golden Concord.
-The capital of the Kingdom is Yelmon.
-Yelmontian culture encourages their monarchs to have three wives to be a man.

Republic of Namostra
-The leader of the Republic is called a Dictator.
-The Republic capital city (WIP) has a sewer system which is protected by Sewer Snakes.
-The Republic has the College Arcanum of Namostra located within it's borders.
-They had previously held the Holy Black Crest in their vaults but it was stolen during the Yelmont Civil War.
-The Republic is attempting to settle the Horalic Mountains after discovering a deposit of Soulsilver.
-Their southern lands border the Kingdom of Yelmont.
-A secessionist province of the Golden Concord.
-The Republic managed to slay Aob the Sleeper a Elder Dragon.

-A nation struck by the Arrival of the Last Storm.
-The Alchemy Guild of Retenia is here.
-The Church of Seven Lights operated here before the Last Storm.

-A culture which is known for being drunk and being sailors.
-Some of their populace come to Lonock Island.

Red Folk
-A cultural group that dwell in the Fang's Folly Peninsula.

-An affliction from the survivors of the Last Storm.
-They take on a bluish appearance.
-Many of them are aligned with the Cult of the Storm.
-They have a tradition called the "Day of Adulthood".
-After a goodbye feats they take the "Wheel of Katrina" and leave the group to become employed or serve in battle.
-Once they reach a certain point they return and break the Wheel for symbolic reasons.
-They are implied to be able to survive for eternity.
-Consider themselves distinct from Humans.

Beast Riders
-A faction that rides animals in Afirela.
-Enemies of the Jaguar Men.

Blue Skull Warband
-A warband.
-Met Saint Simone "the Uncouth" of the Church of the Seven Light's.

Black Cloaks
-Operating in Alkeron province, enemies of the Golden Concord.

Brotherhood of Sharm
-Founded by Man Upon The Hill, who founded the Brotherhood on a hill.
-The duty of the Brotherhood is to expunge corruption from the Empire of the Setting Sun.
-Vecio, exiled Prince of the Empire, would assassinate many members of a pantheon.
-Sharm could mean "hill", "evening bell" or "VR"
Coven of Brambles
-One of the tradition's of Witchcraft.

College Arcanum of Namostra
-The first attempt by Human civilisation to "school" their magic users.
-Produce War Mages for the Republic of Namostra.

-The group operates in Circles, likely sub-factions.

Gongfarmer Union of Novregnus City
-A sewer worker union of Novregnus City, that works to ensure monsters don't infest the sewers.

-Have a manor.
-Known for great pie making skills, use Divine Gold in their special pies.
Knights of Sunlight
-The leading position of this Knightly Order is that of the 'Grand Marshal of the Knight's of Sunlight.'
-The knight's operate in the Empire of the Setting Sun and have gone to battle for it.
-They have at multiple point's been at war with the Orcs and Ur-Apes.
-One of their shouts is "SOLAR CATACLYSM"
-Presumably worship Sol Majora.

Knights of Moonlight
-An Order of Knight's in contact with the Knights of Sunlight.
-Participated in the First Invasion against the Ur-Apes.

Knights of the Yellow Mountain
-The Knightly Order is known for a distaste of ranged weapons.
-One of it's members Boromir started a war with the elves.
-Olga the Oracle, dwells in the Yellow Mountain, answer three question perfectly but only three.

Knight Order of the Eternal Dawn
-A Knightly Order of the Golden Concord.

Lunar Coven
-One of the magical tradition's of witchcraft.
-The faction is known for the harvest of Moongrain.
-High Hag is a position of importance in the Coven.

Musty-Scroll Historians Guild
-A Guild operating in the Empire of the Setting Sun.
-Grand Pastologist is a title in the Guild.

Monster Slayer Guild
-Fought against the Last Storm.

Pink Clam Society
-A hooker society in the Golden Concord.

Order of Resplendent Sol
-Have found a Divine Gold blade on the altar to Sol Majora.
-The Order uses "Majoran Flame" to cleanse the Daelkyr Badlands, using a flamethrower.

Sisterhood of the Holy Cross
-An all-female Sisterhood, excluding male participants.
-It's members are capable of healing magic able to fix broken limbs in minutes.
-They wear white cloth and scarves, with red crosses.
-Are known to operate at civilian events like carnivals.

Scribes of the Golden Dawn
-An organisation in the Empire of the Setting Sun, which mistakenly believed, the calendar of the Empire went back as far as the start of time.

Thrall's of the Unremembered
-Originate from the Draelkyr Badland's.
-They are considered to be extremely dangerous by most.
-They are seemingly able to affect both Humans and Monsters.
-They may eat people.

-A black market, which works to sell magical items.

Alkeron Province
-A part of the Golden Concord, which is under martial law, due to the influence of the Black Cloaks.

Barony of Stillwater
-The Southern Province of Yelmont, is considered to be the sticks of the Kingdom.
-The Barony was named after Lake Stillwater.
-It has been ruled by the Ambrosia family for some time.
-The region is considered rather humid.
-The settlements of Salbey can be found here.

Betir River
-A river leading to the Ringed City.
Corsair Isles
-An island chain which the Pirate Princes operate from.
-Found maybe... in the Moon-Lit Sea.

Daelkyr Badlands
-The Thrall's of the Unremembered are found in this region of the world.
-Expedition's from neighbouring lands are sent into the area for differing reasons.
-The ruin's of the Badlands are older then any empire currently in existence, older then the civilisation of Daelkyr which was destroyed 10,000 years ago.
-The Badlands were created with the death of Daelkyr "the Kind" by Sinsbog "the God-Eater" and the Leyline disaster in conjunction.
-In the Badlands folk can be afflicted by curses, which can force permanent sleep.
-The Badlands are covered with mutant plants and mutant animals that spread across the land, seem resistant to typical flame but not Majoran Flame.

Fort Goldsmith
-Destroyed by Gardis Swordtooth.

Fang Folly Peninsula
-It is the home of the Red Folk people.

Horalic Mountains
-A mountain range near the Namostra Republic, inhabited by an Elder Dragon.
-It is being settled by the Republic, using military force.
-Home to Dragons and Giants.
-The mountains are the eastern border of both Yelmont and Namostra, east of the mountains slightly mustered flora.

Jungle of Uncdrum
-A jungle south of Yelmont.
-Inhabited by Gnomes.

-An archipelago inhabited by the Kistanian's islanders.
-The location of a Ley Line Convergence, making it magically active.
-"Kistania" is a funny word in the local language, the locals have another name for themselves.
-Has Wizards.

Lonock Island
-A island in the Moon-Lit Sea, which produces Soulsilver for the Golden Concord.
-Many foreign nationalities can be found in Lonock Island's ports presumably.
-The island has an issue with Port Hag's.

Lost City of Glang Baor
-Believed to be somewhere in the Ur-Mountains.

Marsfoot Tavern
-A tavern.

Moon-Lit Sea
-A large body of water that is presumably close to the Kistanian and Golden Concord.
-Lonock Island can be found here and possibly the Corsair Isles.
-The Port-Hag's are known to exist in the area.

Rainbow Field
-A region of the world known for it's expansive rainbow coloured field.
-The Chromatic Elves are known to guard this region and prevent foreign intrusions.

Ringed City
-A city on the Betir River.
-Have dwarven vending machines that sell drinks from wine to apple juice to holy water.
-Has at least Two Rings.

Sefen Mountains
-Inhabited by the Sefan Mountain Horde of Orcs.

Slime Rebirth Spa
-Found in the Badlands of Daelkyr.
-Saved Anna from the Last Storm.

-A region inhabited by Halflings, some think they are shifty thieves.
-Also called 'Pumpkin Country'
-Has a Halfling Defence Force with a war cry; "AIM FOR THE BALLS!"

Swamp of Sorrow
-Situated between Garazan and Bachar, close to Yelmont.
-People are going missing in the Swamp, dangerous.
Tusk Coast
-Region inhabited by the Orcs of the Tusk Coast.
-Part of the Southern Badlands, near the Sefen Mountains.

-Populated by the Ur-Apes where they dwelt before and after the First Great Invasion.
-Has temples of the Ur-Apes and a burning lake.
-Thrarhit Pass, can be found here.
-The Mountain Clans dwell in the Ur-Mountains.

-Region of the world known for pretty women.
-The women of that part have "mushulest" hair.
-Somewhere across the sea.

Wyrmsmere Castle
-The Castle of the Pendraig family lineage.
-Constructed under the Dragon Law, by fleeing Human and Dwarven refugees.
-Strong enough to withstand Dragon attacks and sappers.
-Renovated multiple times.

-An area of the world covered in deserts, known for the usage of Qimla rather then typical coins.

Chained One of the Sky
-The Last Storm was made in their name.
-The Cult of the Storm was made in their name.
-The Chained One of the Sky created the Stormdead affliction, maybe.
-Arch-Undead of the Storm is a title amongst them.

Church of Law
-The Church of Law has a hierarchy and the High Magistrate of Ugoss is presumably the highest, followed by Father and Friar.
-The Church of Law provided relief efforts for the people of Ugoss.
-The Finger of Wither Time was an artefact of importance to the Church used in the War of Blackened Gold, bought from Yerik a Under-Market dealer.
-The Church of Law does not wish to allow marriage for Giants.

Church of Seven Lights
- The Church teaches;
"Heaven is a garden in the clouds, up there the angels pick at the thoughts of saints and the like, keeping them docile so the luxuries of paradise may never drive them mad, mortals were not made for eternity, even if forever was nothing but joy among loved ones, the gods lack understanding of many nuances of the lower planes, but that they do know, they genuinely care about those that have followed a righteous path, but it is either the garden, the way worse off infernal planes, or just straight up soul-erasure, they prefer the garden, if you ask me how I know this you wouldn't believe the answer since it involves a horse getting kicked in the gonads"
Saint Simone "the Uncouth" is considered a member.
-Has Archbishops amongst it's ranks.
-The Church has been losing followers since the formation of the Badlands.

Gnomish Pantheon
-One of the deities is; "Dolos, The Great Fool, The Joke Behind History, and many other associated titles. A god that is closest to mortals, they take many forms. Hell, they could be in this very room. They can be anyone; they can be you. Heck, they can even be me!"

-A religious belief regarding spirits found in Yelmont, presumably.
-The Cult of Lady Annan, motto: "True Mercy is Ruthlessness"
-Oson is a deity which founded the Holy Republic of Oson with his priesthood and was a former mortal, ascending to godhood.
-Oson was born an Emperor who conquered lands, took concubines, slew gods, owned magical riches, constructed the greatest castle structure in the world.
-Believes he wasted his life.
-The priesthood of Oson has a Grand Priest through which Oson interacts with the world.
-The High Elves may be main worshipers of Oson.

Overgod, ZHVR
-Followers of the Overgods have a holy book called Book of Origin;
"At the dawn of the time, there was nothing but an infinite void. In the void sat a single flawless white egg which hatched. From it came the First Overgod, ZHVR.

ZHVR wandered the void for countless aeons before settling down and shaping reality with it's mind. As it stared at it's creation, it shattered into ZH, Hegemony of Light, and VR, Hegemony of Shadow.

ZH created the divinities that would go onto populate the new world. VR created the underlying system that governed the world. From where their creations crossed over sprung the diluted energy of the void - known as Cosmic Mana.

Upon witnessesing their work, the two ascended and created a Palace Beyond The Stars where they wait, watching over the nascent divinities and their actions."

Red Folk Faith
-The religious beliefs of the Red folk.
-Found in Fang Folly and is known for their deities existing in the material world, which can be killed.
-Fertility and Secretive deities exist, with variable rates of obsession and reasonableness.

Sol Majora
-A prominent deity in the Empire of the Setting Sun and the Knight's of Sunlight.

-The deity of... all those things in their name.
-The Burning Fetus is an active and emotional deity, dislikes conflict amongst it's followers.
-Their followers have split into separate sects not controlled by their priests leading to conflict.

-Humanoids that resemble Humans, probably shorter.
-Cannot use Mana and must rely on Spell-Work.

-A humanoid folk.
-They are known to be capable of using Mana, without the need of Spells.
-In humid condition their hair turns curly.
-Chromatic Elves are considered a distinct group amongst them.

-Also known as the Aos sí.
-Older then the Elves.
-They are creatures of pure magic rather then flesh, dependant on the Leylines for health and for reproduction.
-Capable of much greater feats of Mana control then even the Elves.
-The Fae have migrated to the Otherworld following the Leyline disaster.

-A humanoid folk, presumably small.
-Have a racially specific religious pantheon.
-Mastered the art of elementalism long before the Elves.

-Humanoids that resemble Humans, probably bigger.
-Cannot use Mana and must rely on Spell-Work.

-Fought in the Battle of Filsan Field.

-Humanoids that resemble Humans, probably shorter.
-Cannot use Mana and must rely on Spell-Work.

-A humanoid folk.
-Cannot use Mana and must rely on Spell-Work.
-Capable of "little magic" small uses of mana for minor effects.

-Humanoids, that are green.
-Called "Greenskins" by the Empire derogatorily.
-Battlefriend is a term of endearment amongst them.
-Described as "green, sorta melty and uncanny looking" by people.
-Created a few thousand years ago by some mad wizard, to mimic a military.

-Invented the concept of tolling and taxation.

Book of Origin
-A religious book for the followers of the Overgods.

Divine Gold
-Divine blessing.
-Dangerous to consume without proper precautions, used by the Goldsteins.

-A type of ore which is known as extremely hard to mine.
-It is extracted on Lonock Island.
-Soulsilver takes on the properties of it's forging; Acidic, Burning, Kinetic, Speech-Capabilities, etc
-Gork "the Hermit" advised that Soulsilver is dangerous to use.

Soul Obsidian
-Used to create the Holy Black Crest.

Holy Orcish Manwua "I was made a slave, so I decided to kill all the slavers."
-A religious book of the Orcish Horde about Sinsbog "the God-Eater"
-Created in the Old Days when he slew Daelkyr the Kind.
-Preaches about freedom and equality, repressed by the Sisterhood of the Holy Cross.

Sword of Urdernorn
-Forged by Urdernorn a "Smithfather" before being turned against his own kin.
-A familial sword given by Duke Ermac on the founding of the Barony of Stillwater to Jonathan Amborsia.
-Passed down the family lineage, now wielded by Mary Ambrosia.

"The Flora and Fauna of Our World: 2nd Edition"
-A book of study on the natural world.
-Has a chapter about Dragons.

The Thief Guild's Guide to Theft, Chapter 9: How to Not Tempt Fate
-A guide book for thieves;
- "Don't worry, that well is literally bottomless. There is no way that cursed necklace will find its way back to us."

The Complete Lexicon of the Western Tongues, 28th Edition
Old Common Toll (denoting a charge, tax, or duty), from Troll, alteration of the older Trold, the word originating from the habit of Troll's to demand tax at cross roads, mountain passes, bridges, underground caverns. Eventually copied by other group's leading to taxation or otherwise called Trolling, later simplified to Tolling.

Theory of Man-United
-A theory proposed about the shared origin's of the Giants, Dwarves and Halfling's in relation to Mankind.
-As Human couples can produce them, without any significant mingling with their folk.

'The Effect of the Proto-Gods'
-A theory written by Darwinius, expanding further on the Theory of Man-United.

-The currency of Qurah, bottled tear's of sorrow.

-Considered to be quite beautiful but prone to anger.
-Dragons come in a variety of colours, each changing their abilities slightly.
-The eyes of a Dragon can compel the minds of others if stared into.
-Some Dragons instead of scales are coated with metals, gems and rarely the elements.
-Some believe dragons are the dying breaths of forgotten gods.

Elder Dragon
-A distinctive sub-group of Dragons, once a Dragon reaches 5,000 years of age they undergo a metamorphosis.
-They seek out a place of seclusion and then wrap themselves in a cocoon of crystallised mana.
-They turn into Demi-gods of destruction and gain a halo of light.

*Deep exhale*

The fact that the Nostramans can kill one and claim it Heart is a nothing short of a FUCKING divine intervention."

-They are known to inhabit the Moon-Lit Sea, feared amongst the ports of Lonock Island.
-They resemble old women, which are on narcotics.
-Providing them alcohol prevents them from being dangerous.

Salamander Hound
-These animals are herded.
Sewer Snakes
-A type of reptile used in the protection of Namostra Republic's city sewers.
-May have been created by Wizards.

-Large tree folk that protect Cypress Trees.
-Presumably apelike entities, with the capability of flight.
-Are able to speak to a limited degree and plan their own strategies.
-Terrorised the Kingdom of Yelmont, specifically Stillwater (Salbey)
-Known to enter mania's during their attacks, capturing "trophies" then dropping them to their deaths.
-Originate from the mountains.

-Can still be found in large numbers in Vestland.
-They will impale you wether your virgin or not.

Sand Grass
-Narcotic found on Lonock Island and elsewhere.
-Similar effect to drunkeness.

-A type of magical grain, can only be harvested during the night.
-It becomes as hard as iron when exposed to sunlight.
-The Lunar Coven cultivate it.

Moongrain Beer
-A beer produced by the Lunar Coven.
-Has to be sipped then imbibed to imprint on the soul.

"You ever wonder how they built these wall's? I mean their bigger then the palace... no? Well go figure."
-A treasurer trying trying to haggle with the guild on basis of the impossible measurements of the insides of the royal palace, which is bigger on the inside.

Strife of Five Thronglings
- An event reference by Flavius Octavius regarding a Spell.

Saga of the Heavenly Hero
-"And so the Hero of The Heavens slew the Demon King Diabolous and tore the Black Crest from his chest, lifting it into the air for all of the Alliance to see."

-Yack "the Sensible", telling the Saga of the Heavenly Hero at the Marsfoot Tavern.

War of the Blackened Gold
- Has some connection to Qurah.

Non-Euclidean Sword-Arts

-First Supreme-Ranked Mutant from the Daelkyr Badlands.
-Consumed a large amount of people.

Beat-Up Wizard Day
-A holiday celebrated by Orcs of the Tulla Plains.

All Souls Day
-A celebration of supposedly souls.
-Turnips are carved on this day, with remembrance candles placed inside of them.

-Is the name of a month in Yelmont.

A long time ago, a boulder stood guard at the entrance of a cave, where there lived a sad young woman. It watched the women for days, then weeks, then months, then years. It watched her pace and sing mournful tunes, to mumble in their sleep of home. The boulder had come to love this woman, it had come to understand the women's loneliness. It wished to move aside, free her off this fate. Yet the one who had place the boulder here would only move it for a short while, so she would not starve in the loneliness of the cave. The women would grow paler, weaker, and ever more lonely.

The boulder's heart despaired and so it tried to speak as best as it could, to the one who trapped the women. It tried to beg but all that it could speak was the rumble and quake of earth. Which only angered the one who trapped the women but the boulder continued for it would not simply stand their. The earth shook every day and the captor grew angry for they blamed the women and with anger they struck the waif. The boulder grew livid and shouted, the cave tremble, then it collapsed burying both of them beneath the stone. The boulder grieved for it felt guilt and it wept without purpose. Till it remembered the dreams the women had of home, so the boulder heart began to beat, it lumbered and carried the body of the women to her home.
-The Tale of the First Golem, translated from the ancient Xeltian it was written in on the Tablet of Stories.

"It's almost time for the Otherworld to eclipses the sun, Apprentice. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for me, don't screw up the ritual.
I've done all the calculations so I know with absolute certainty that this exact location will be hit where the by the rainbow.
And the only thing you have to do is light this one large candle when the rainbow hits this circle. That flame will be my one lifeline to get back.

We will make history if I succeed in entering and become the first person to enter and leave the Gasgiant on my own terms.

I can't wait to learn secrets of Fea magic in their own home, can you imagine my student, I will be in the history books for ages to come."
-Benqi Aswerian, a few moments before the Apprentice succeded his task, and Benqi succeded in doing the ritual. Thus, succeding in entering the Gasgiant.

-Salamander hounds may be found here.

Sorry but this was a lot so Characters are coming later.
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@gracnieumierac, maybe you can just threadmark the post, and update it whenever you can without making a new one?

"Plenty of old beings tell vastly different tales about history. I'm not even sure if the enlightened civilization of Daelkyr before Ysman, lord of corruption destroyed it ten thousand years ago could have told us about some of the ruins that reside in the badlands."
Theologian and Historian Benqi Asweria, in regards to problems that occur when trying to understand ancient history without the use of theology, and bias.

"You leave me to defend myself from killers that you personally hire to kill your family. And even if you did leave me a witness... Do you really think I would stand people getting murdered like that?"
(Reference to You're Next)
It's been mentioned that soulsilver weapons might be a bad idea by Gork, the Hermit.

@gracnieumierac, maybe you can just threadmark the post, and update it whenever you can without making a new one?

Theologian and Historian Benqi Asweria, in regards to problems that occur when trying to understand ancient history without the use of theology, and bias.

"You leave me to defend myself from killers that you personally hire to kill your family. And even if you did leave me a witness... Do you really think I would stand people getting murdered like that?"
-Spoken by Sword of Urdernorn to his Smithfather, Urdernorn who didn't take kindly to being wielded for hired murderers to kill and used to kill the more biological family of Urdernorn, wielded by the last Urdernorn

"The difference between Witches and Hags is very important to them, but I could never figure it out... And is asking is apparently rude."

Was taken by Jameh Swenson during the Yelmont Civil War.
I see that I swallowed some words in
Said by the Holy Black Crest an ancient crown made of Soul Obsidian thought to have been lost to history. To the leaders of the Yelmont rebelion after Jameh Swenseon
I meant to end it in after James Swenseon had brought it from his expedition in the Badlands. Am I allowed to make that edit when I'm back?

Edit; removed a stutter, Edit fixed a thing
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@gracnieumierac, maybe you can just threadmark the post, and update it whenever you can without making a new one?

Hmm... your a genius.

It's been mentioned that soulsilver weapons might be a bad idea by Gork, the Hermit.

-Spoken by Sword of Urdernorn to his Smithfather, Urdernorn who didn't take kindly to being wielded for hired murderers to kill and used to kill the more biological family of Urdamom, wielded by the last Urdernorn

"The difference between Witches and Hags is very important to them, but I could never figure it out... And is asking is apparently rude."

I see that I swallowed some words in

I meant to end it in after James Swenson had brought it from his expedition in the Badlands. Am I allowed to make that edit when I'm back?

Edit; removed a stutter,
I don't see an issue it doesn't conflict with the lore otherwise.

Also did you mean Urdernorn or Urdamom?
"The difference between Witches and Hags is very important to them, but I could never figure it out... And is asking is apparently rude.
- Squire Pyotr Gafelich of one Knight Order of the Eternal Dawn from the Golden Concord

"My Legate, the Black Cloaks... They uh... broke out of the cordon sanitaire. The anarchists are now rampaging throughout the countryside unimpeded, what are your orders my Legate? .... Wait my legate please have merc-!"
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"My Legate, the Black Cloaks... They uh... broke out of the cordon sanitaire. The anarchists are now rampaging throughout the countryside unimpeded, what are your orders my Legate? .... Wait my legate please have merc-!"
-Ameron Bendis, receiving the news of the continued revolt in Alkeron, only half a year after martial law was installed.

"Flavius if we are too complete your training as a Wizard of Earth and Water, then I must besmirch you to travel south past the lands of Yelmont. To the jungles of Uncdrum, for it was the Gnomes who mastered all the elements long before even the elves."
"Flavius if we are too complete your training as a Wizard of Earth and Water, then I must besmirch you to travel south past the lands of Yelmont. To the jungles of Uncdrum, for it was the Gnomes who mastered all the elements long before even the elves."
Siri Zetea, instructing the then-still training Flavius Octavius, to complete his training to become a Wizard of Earth and Water.

"Look, even if the Ur-Apes are currently attacking us like this. That doesn't mean all of them are bad! Free will exists for a reason, you know? We can think with our logic. Now, come on! Get that Spell-Work of yours working properly, so that you can help defend us already! A melee weapon like mine isn't very effective on creatures that can fly, after all."
"Look, even if the Ur-Apes are currently attacking us like this. That doesn't mean all of them are bad! Free will exists for a reason, you know? We can think with our logic. Now, come on! Get that Spell-Work of yours working properly, so that you can help defend us already! A melee weapon like mine isn't very effective on creatures that can fly, after all."
-Sir Dolyn of the Moonlight Knights, commanding one of the levied Wizard's to cast his evocation.

"My Concordian Rex, I must apologise for disturbing you during your bathing. Yet the High Magistrate of Ugoss has heard of what's happening in Alkeron... Yes, my Rex. I'll be sure to tell him to wait for you, their's one more issue I have received more letters from our members states inquiring about the rebellion."
"My Concordian Rex, I must apologise for disturbing you during your bathing. Yet the High Magistrate of Ugoss has heard of what's happening in Alkeron... Yes, my Rex. I'll be sure to tell him to wait for you, their's one more issue I have received more letters from our members states inquiring about the rebellion."
- Advisor of Internal Affairs [DAMNATIO MEMORIAE]

"You know Mikhal... I didn't expect our revolution to be this successful, especially on our second try! Though I miss Paykir, he should have been here instead of me..."
"You know Mikhal... I didn't expect our revolution to be this successful, especially on our second try! Though I miss Paykir, he should have been here instead of me..."
Vlad 'the Bloody' to Mikhal 'the Steel' after the successful Second Worker's Rebellion of Vladivosa (later renamed the Anarchy Barony). Both mourned the death of Paykir 'the Great'.

"Now here me out. What if we started yo integrate the Ur-Apes into our kingdom? They could act as an increase to our labour force as well as act as an overwhelming advantage in any aerial combat we later engage in. Plus, we could get some of the College's wizards to study and perhaps replicate their inherent magic as Spell-Work."
"Now here me out. What if we started yo integrate the Ur-Apes into our kingdom? They could act as an increase to our labour force as well as act as an overwhelming advantage in any aerial combat we later engage in. Plus, we could get some of the College's wizards to study and perhaps replicate their inherent magic as Spell-Work."
-Advice by the Black Crest trying to convince his new owner that he wasn't just a trinket, but was ignored, as usual.

"My friends, it is with great joy that we of the Horde of Sinsbog have to bear testimony of your fortuitous liberation and to offer our aid against your slavers, For it has been said by our ancestor that not a soul deserves to suffer be subjugated who see themselves as lords, masters and kings."
"My friends, it is with great joy that we of the Horde of Sinsbog have to bear testimony of your fortuitous liberation and to offer our aid against your slavers, For it has been said by our ancestor that not a soul deserves to suffer be subjugated who see themselves as lords, masters and kings."
The Horde of Sinsbog Uhtarsov (Voice of the Horde), proclaiming the aid of their Red Folk's against their common enemy, the Empire of the Setting Sun.

"I need to set an example as quartermaster of this army we cannot waste time and supplies like the Empire or the Concord. Tell the cattle that if they manage to finish carving those spikes they'll be allowed to eat, if they ask tell it's for the Empire's heavy cavalry. Once they've finished they'll be tired and hungry, impale them on the spikes."
The Big Book of Characters

The Big Book of Characters

Asterion the Rich
-His successor is Monitra.
-Has a connection to the War of Blackened Gold.
-Presumably "rich".

-Guide and translator in the Daelkyr Badlands.
-Worked for Jameh Swenson.
-Suffered a curse that sent her into a coma, may have been eaten by the Thralls.
-Almost died to the Last Storm in the Badlands, fell into the Slime Rebirth Spa.
-No surname.

Anna Veselovská
-First of the Stormdead.
-Turned bluish after the Last Storm destroyed her home.
-Has a "weird" mother.

-Apprentice of Veruna.
-Can't differentiate between Glass and Bass.

Barem of Urstadt
-Salamander Hound, herder.

Bub a Swampmaid
-Someone who lives on Afirela.
Benqi Asweria
-Theologian (and Historian)

Burning Lord Of Lions
-Leader of the High Lord's during the time of Ysman.
-A lion, with a burning corn over his head, capable of speech.

Boromir Janovik, the Knight of the Yellow Mountain
-A Knight of the Yellow Mountain Order.
-Has a strong dislike of ranged weaponry, viewing it as dishonourable.
-Started a war with the elves by destroying a bow relic of theirs.

Cali Flower
-Druidess of the Second Circle.
-On drugs... not prophetic.

Chumber "Nutflicker" Dimmydinkles
-His home city is the Ringed City.
-Likes Apple Juice.

Daniel Hentan
-Member of the Monster Slayer Guild.
-Leading his team against the Last Storm.

Demon King Diabolous
-His chest was the Holy Black Crest.

Ettimus The Hawk-Maker
-Someone of importance in Bachar.
-Led an army through the Swamp of Sorrow and was scarred.

Elren the Wise
-A bit bigoted to halflings.
-Companion of Thorfin.

Florian Longchambon
-Retired hunter and adventurer.
-Residing in the Barony of Stillwater, in the town of Salbey.
-Was a member of an adventuring party with Alindris, Vestala and Flavius Octavius, during their time in Stillwater.
-Defended the town of Salbey against the Ur-Ape's First Invasion.
-Once was caught snooping in the Goldstein family.

-"The Enlightened Master Of Tomes."
-Has a book for a head.
-Teaches people.

-Ur-Ape Chieftain in search of his son, presumably stolen by humans, during the Yelmontian Civil War.
-Would manage to steal the Holy Black Crest from Governor Decimus of the Golden Concord.
-Proceeded to blackmail him into service as a result.
-Consumed Brainberries before the attack on Yelmont perishing as a result.

-A genius hermit alchemist.
-Had extensive knowledge of Soulsilver.
-Is capable of like a Dragon the ability to "breathe" fire.
-Claims this is a result of Humans and Dragons being of alchemical origin.

-A Ur-Ape Chieftain.
-Died after eating Brainberries.

Gwyndolin the Blackguard
-Friend of Lin the Broker.
-Hired to be a sewer cleaner in Namostra.
-An exile.

Hero of The Heavens
-Slew the Demon King Diabolus.
-Tore the Black Crest from Diabolus.
-Member of the Alliance.

-First Supreme-Rank Mutant of the Daelkyr Badlands.
-Killed and consumed a guard regiment, breached the border to civilisation.

Herrak Skallagrek
-Part of the Mountain Clans of the Ur-Mountains.
-Bandit, who threatened Thorfin, pretended to lead him to the Lost City of Glang Baor.

Father Orlan
-Blind priest of the Church of Law.
-Open minded member of the Church, helped marry a Giant couple.

-A Daelkyr scholar.
-Found the secrets to Ascension.
-Bound Rhime to them in service.

Friar Lawrence
-A Friar of the Church of Law.

Holy Black Crest
-A sentient Soul Obsidian crown.
-Discovered in the Daelkyr Badlands by Jameh Swenson and brought to Yelmont.
-Was lost during the Civil War.
-Is married... to someone.
-At one point was kept in Namostra Vaults.
-Wanted to domesticate the Ur-Apes... ignored.

-In search of the "Blade That Sunders The Heavens"
-Met Rhime.

-Last of the High Lords and Master of the Black Obelisk.
-Created the Last Storm for the Chained One in the Sky.
-Leader of the Cult of the Stormdead.

Judge Golblum
-The judge who sentenced Ysman.
-May be affiliated with the High Lords.

King Ambarussa III of Garazan
-King Ambarussa III of Garazan, suffered mental degradation, a result of Nimbus Islesky faerie magic.
-Was forced to resign from his position as monarch, his son replacing him.

Lin the Broker
-Friend of Gwindolyn the Blackguard.
-Hired to be a sewer cleaner in Namostra.
-An exile.

Lil Timmo
-Sold turnips for carving on All Souls Day.

-Member of the Gongfarmer Union of Novaregnus City.
-Has battled against the monsters in the sewers.

Mesring Bendin
-Archbishop of the Church of Seven Lights.
-Was trying to comfort the citizens of Retentia.

-Apprentice to Asterion the Rich.

-The High Hag of the Lunar Coven.
-Gifted Moongrain Beer to Brown Tooth.
-Is opposed to Gardis Swordtooth.

Olga the Oracle of the Yellow Mountain
-An oracle who will answer three questions, perfectly, but only once to each person.

Nimbus Islesky
-One of the Fey.
-Nimbus Islesky would for fun.
-Hates Emperor Oson.
-Was trapped in a small hand held mirror for his crimes.

Paladin Uthserd
-Member of the Order of Resplendent Sol.
-Found a Divine Gold blade on the altar of Sol Majora.

-Demon Lord of the 9th Circle.
-Bound by a Gheas of True Name to Forswon.

Stella Sanderson
-An Orc.
-Prolific writer on the political and historical conflicts between empires.
-Holds a poor opinion of Oson.
-Girlfriend to Serena the Swift.

Sir Dolyn of the Knights of Moonlight
-Participated in the First Great Invasion, against the Ur-Apes.
-Believes the Ur-Apes are not intrinsically evil.

Saint Simone "the Uncouth"
-One of the Saint's of the Church of Seven Lights.

Sir George Pendraig
-The second son of the Pendraig House.
-They dwell in Wyrmsmere Castle.
-Has a Pa and Ma, who have a tumultuous relationship.

Sir Edley "The Charred"
-A knight in service to the High Lords.
-Converses with the Burning Lord Of Lions.
-A leader of a group of mutated survivors from the Leyline magic eruption.
-Has a wife.

Sister Selma
-Member of the Sisterhood of the Holy Cross.
-Has magical healing abilities.
-Has a stash off... lewd books including the Orcish Manhuwa.

-A member of the Coven of Brambles.
-Broke her hand at a young age, during a carnival.
-Failed to join the Sisterhood of the Holy Cross due to being a male at the time.
-Is presumably trans.

Thorfin of Mine Hofer
-Companion of Eiren the Wise.
-Searching for Thorfin fathers pickaxe.
-A Dwarf.
-In search of the Lost City of Glang Baor

-The Smithdather of the Sword of Urdernorn.
-He was killed by one of his own kin, using his sword.

Vastro the Eternal
-Has a Chrono-Sphere.
-Turned into; "fused with the clockwork of his chrono-sphere forever as a time-warping abomination screaming out microscopic false timelines like the fiery breath of a dragon."

Vestala "the Celibate"
-Warrior women of the Fang Folly, peninsula and member of the Red Folk tribes.
-Hold's a strong resentment to the minor deities of fertility on the peninsula.
-Has a real Unicorn horn on her helmet.
-Was a member of an adventuring party with Florian Longchambon, Alindris and Flavius Octavius, during their time in Stillwater.

-Demi-human alchemist.
-Can imbue items with souls.

Yack "the Sensible"
-A Gnomish Priest of the Gnomish deities.
-Spoke stories at Marsfoot Tavern.

Yerim Featherfoot
-Member of an expedition to the Daelkyr Badland's.
-Didn't like killing the Human and Non-Human, Thrall's of the Unremembered.

-High ranking member of the Under-Market.
-Has a working relation with the Church of Law.
-Found the Finger of Withering Time, sold it back to the Church.
-Sells Sand Grass to peasants.

Ysman Agux The Magitechnician
-A powerful person capable of magic, who would attempt to construct a Ley Line portal network.
-This would backfire leading to half of Odus being turned into a mutant wasteland and the Exodus of the Fae.
-Called the "Insane Lord of Corruption."
-Fled to the Continent of Afirela to become a God-King.

-Jaguar Man.
-Part of the 37th War of the Tree's against the Chromatic Elves.

-Gnome Priest of the Gnomish Pantheon.

-Part of the original rebellion.

Mikhal Van Burton "the Steel"
-One of the councillor's of the Anarchy Barony.
-Anarchist and friend of Vlad.
-Mourned the death of Paykir the Great.

Paykir "the Great"
-Great revolutionary, who perished.
-Leader of the Black Cloaks and a WILD MAGE.
-A Halfling.

Serena the Swift
-Sister to Mikhal.
-A thief who fell down a chimney and was called "Chimney Swift", shortened.
-Girlfriend to Stella Sanderson.
-Writing the book 'The Thief Guild's Guide to Theft' under a pen name.

Vlad 'the Bloody'
-Friend of Mikhal.
-Named the Second Revolution after himself.

Benjamin 'Brown Tooth" Randsone
-A Pirate Prince of the Corsair Isles.
-Captain's the Rude Minnow ship.
-Disliked by Karagand the Bloated forces.

Captain Castock
-A Pirate Prince of the Corsair Isles.
-Captain of the Jewel-Resting-On-Silk Traders Fleet.
-Known for sleeping with many men.

Captain Crab
-Pirate Prince of the Crab Merchant Fleet.
-Tried to sell Tomato Juice to the Red Folk.
-Spreading his cult of Vampirism.

-An Elf, belonging to the Chromatic sub-group.
-Was a member of an adventuring party with Florian Longchambon, Vestala and Flavius Octavius, during their time in Stillwater.
-Post-Adventuring period he was a guest lecturer at the College Arcanum of Namostra.
-Very excited about Unicorns, never met one.

-An Elf, disguised himself to infiltrate the Orcish Horde.
-Can speak the language of the orcs, with a very obvious, posh accent.
-Is the Battlefriend of Kog, an orc.

Djeferson Saint-Yves, Grand Master of the Knight's of Sunlight.
-The Grand Master of the Order.
-Fought against Sinsbog "the God-Eater."
-Born in the city of Belphont.
-Was inspired by the Order of the Resplendent Sol, after seeing them use a Flamethrower.

Grand Pastologist Petro-Hass
-Grand Pastalogist of the Musty-Scroll Historians Guild
-Archiver of The Callieri Diaries
-Five time champion of the local meat bun eating competition.

High Scholar Wister
-Had a very loud argument with the Scribe of the Radiant Dawn.

Isaïe of the Auclair Dynasty
-The 177th Emperor of the Setting Sun.
-Claimed the title "Lord of All That Is Golden", claiming dominion over Odus.

Sir Gwyneth II of the Knights of Sunlight
-Participated in the First Invasion against the Ur-Apes.
-Strong dislike of the Ur-Apes.

-Banished Prince of the Empire of the Setting Sun.
-Became an assassin of the Brotherhood of Sharm.
-Master of the Non-Euclidean Sword-Arts.
-Slew the majority of the pantheon of the Empire.

Ameron Bendis
-Legate of the Golden Concord.
-Commanded martial law in Alkeron in the Year of 351.

Governor Maxis
-One of the Governor's of the Golden Concord, tithing Soulsilver on Lonock Island.

Governor Decimus
-One of the Governor's of the Golden Concord

High Magistrate of Ugoss
-Religious authority of the Church of Law.
-Major religious group leader in the Golden Concord.

Squire Pyotr Gafelich
-Can't tell the difference between a Witch and Hag.
-Member of the Knight Order of the Eternal Dawn.
-Was fired during the Alkeron Province rebellion.
-Shocked by the fact his hometown was burnt, his father the mayor, for not having their tithe ready.

Grand Priest Halain
-Follower of Oson.
-Was inhabited by the deity.

Holy President's Konans
-Saw the Lost Storm form.
-Was in charge during the Dark Days of the Holy Republic.

-Priest-Legislator's of the Holy Republic
-Was in the city of Osanradon during the Thrall of the Unremembered invasion.

Gardis Swordtooth
-One of the general's in service to Karagand "the Bloated".
-Claim's he is invincible as he cannot be slain by a living soul.
-Willing to spare someones life if they swear fealty to him.
-Hates Brown Tooth, who then later tricked him, losing the Bloated Navy in the Moon-Lit Sea due to an attempt to invade Lonock Island.

Karagand the Bloated
-Leader of Mintho and Gardis.
-In-charge of the Bloated Navy.
-Is the quartermaster of his own army, committed war crimes to dispose of his prisoners.
-Is at war with the Empire and the Concord.
-Considers prisoners of war "Cattle"
-Is a suit of animated armour constructed for Giants with a peascod belly.

High Enchantress Mintho
-One of the servants to Karagand the Bloated.
-Member of the Lunar Coven, would harvest the Moongrain.
-Created a talking soul silver blade, by bathing it in her apprentice brain juices.
-Never met an Orc before arriving at the Tusk Coast.

-Orc of the Tulla Plains Warhorde.
-Friend of Jameh Swenseon.

-The orc battlefriend of Argarendiel.

Sinsbog "the God-Eater"
-An orcish horde leader, who raided and pillaged the Empire of the Setting Sun.

Archmage (WIP)
-An Archmage, name unknown.
-Has relations to Flavius Octavius.
-Presumably powerful.

Chancellor Naomisin
-Active in the time of the Yelmontian Civil War.

-One of the students of the College Arcanum of Namostra.
-Wrote the "Theory of the Proto-Gods".

Flavius Octavius
-Was a member of an adventuring party with Florian Longchambon, Vestala and Alindris, during their time in Stillwater.
-A Professor of the College Arcanum of Namostra, teaching magic to students.
-Considered to be a Wizard of some power.
-Would travel to the Jungle of Uncdrum to learn from the Gnomes and become a Wizard of Earth and Water.

High Magus Velaron IV of Namostra
-Active in the time of the Yelmontian Civil War.

Rysha K'valo
-The female soldier of Namostra Republic.
-Is terrified of the Elder Dragon in the Horalic Mountains.
-Sent to the Horalic Mountains.

Siri Zetea
-Helped Flavisu become a Wizard of Earth and Water.
-Sent him to the Jungle of Uncdum.

Baroness "Dame" Mary Ambrosia
-The Baroness of Stillwater, a backwater barony of Yelmont.
-Was tasked by her mother in her dying wish to protect the Kingdom against the Ur-Apes.
-Considered an "amazonian" with her physique.
-Hold's the Sword of Urdernorn.
-Is to marry Prince Lengos as to provide support in the Yelmontian Civil War.
-Accidentally traveled through a Ley Line and lost Urdernorn temporarily.

Baroness (WIP) Ambrosia
-The previous Baroness and mother to Mary Ambrosia.
-Was fatally injured by an Ur-Ape.
The mother of Mary Ambrosia and previous Baroness of Stillwater.
- Perished on a hunting trip against the Ur-Apes.
- Passed down her legacy and sword to Mary on her death bed.

Duke Eremac
-A Yelmontian Duke who would pass on the Sword of Urdernon to Jonathon Ambrosia.
-Granted Lake Stillwater to the Ambrosia family.

Jonathon Ambrosia
-The first of the Ambrosia family to become the Baron of Stillwater.
-Was given the Sword of Urdernorn by Duke Eremac.

Jameh Swenson
-Explorer of the Daelkyr Badlands.
-Brought back the Holy Black Crest to Yelmont, lost it during the Civil War.
-Believes in the Hundred-Spirits.
-Is a friend to Jorg, considered a "Honorary Orc" of the Tull Plain Warhorde.

King Vausan I of Yelmont
-Had three wives, father to Vausan II.

King Vausan II of Yelmont
-The King of Yelmont and the father of Prince Lendos.
-Was at a point in time in exile with his son during the Yelmontian Civil War.

Prince Lengos
-The heir apparent to the Kingdom of Yelmont.
-Fiancé to Baroness Mary Ambrosia of Stillwater during his exile.
-Bit of a wimp... and very rich kid vibe.
-Argues with his fiancee over ownership of Urdernorn.
-Was made to join Jameh Swenseon expedition into the Badlands.

Ragnor Ragnorson
-A commander of some sort at the Battle of Filsan Field.
-Believes in the Hundred-Spirits.

Sword of Urdernorn
-A sentient sword forged by Urdernorn.
-Was used to kill the Urdernorn family by on of their own.

Squire Witherby
-The squire of Dame Mary Ambrosia.
-Found the Sword of Urdernorn.
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- The first supreme-rank mutant, later named Hecatoncheires, killed and ate the border guard regiment and would later make itself known to the wider world as the first-ever mutant to breach the border.

"Kistania is an archipelago situated within a Convergence, a place where the leylines intersect with each other. Kistania is the intersection of three leylines, making it one of the most magical active region in the world. Did you know that Kistania is not the actual name of the archipelago? It was apparently a mistranslation made by the us when we first contacted the islanders that they think too funny to correct. I learned this from a kistanian friend; she said it's an inside joke among the folks there and refused to elaborate when I asked further"
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