So i just remembered a interesting discussion relating to this me and my psychologist had (whenever there's no personal issue to discuss we like to talk about interesting subjects.)

Basically she talked about 1 that if a child especially if their autistic is introduced to underage porn at a young age they can gain an addiction. But unlike a normal pedo they don't actually enjoy it in most cases. In fact it's rare for someone like this to be an actual pedo. Mostly because it's less about the fact that their kids and more about the fact that this is what their use too. So we agreed that anime like this could be a gateway drug to any kid with parents who aren't checking what they watch. Which makes this doubly disgusting.

And 2 that there's shockingly little overlap between lolicons/shotacons and actual pedophilia psychology speaking. I could be miss understanding her but apparently since it's not real that it doesn't possess the same in our brain.

Overall interesting things to ponder in a discussion relating to underage anime characters.

Also disclaimer I'm no psychologist and it's very possible i miss interpreted what she meant.

Overall while it still grosses me out i do worry less about this causing pedophilia and more that kids might get hooked on this.

What do you guys think?
Nekopara (2020): Episode 2
Nekopara (2020) 2
So, this episode of Nekopara starts out with the same intro with Shigure giving her weird and kinda creepy intro about cats, which would be fine if they weren't y'know catgirls.

The actual OP is some breakbeat-inflected J-pop opening sung by the main female cast. It's generally cute and probably sold really well. It's pretty generic aside from the bit where Shigure rubs her face in a tail and some catboobs. Whats his face the male lead basically doesn't appear in it at all.

While a natural reaction to a fluffy tail, this is also not acceptable behavior outside the bedroom.

And then we go back to Chocola entering with the cat soon to be named Cacao following her in (we're just gonna do that because it's easier than calling her the kitten/that green cat or whatever else.) Incidentally, said cat says she doesn't have a master, and Chocola has a flashback. Then what's his face walks in and Chocola starts acting weird to hide Cacao, and uses her tail to force Cacao behind the oven among other things.

Meanwhile, proving that Vanilla only cares about two things, she's staring lustfully at the now room temperature plate of tuna.

Chocola then sneaks Cacao up to her room and hides her in there, like a child does with a pet they aren't supposed to have. Incidentally, Chocola's red dress does actually have a hole for her tail in it. But Vanilla is in the room, and does see that her sister is acting weird. Still, she congratulates her sister for actually managing to complete an errand, and offers a massage in the creepy way she does.

And then Cacao stares into a toilet in wonder, and gets shut in by Chocola.

This leads to weird shit as Chocola keeps trying to hide Cacao because she's an idiot. Including a statement that there are ghosts in the toilet (true) and that you'll get scared and soil yourself (not necessarily true.) So Chocola tells him to pee in a corner or something, she gets told off because her owner isn't a cat, and of course Vanilla mentions that they're all old enough to not do that except Cinnamon, who does pee herself occasionally. And then we get a cutaway to Cinnamon on a toilet because this is that kind of show.

Anyway, after whatshisface takes a leak, we're back in the dining room, where the table has grown two more chairs since breakfast. Everyone is enjoying their tuna while Chocola is wondering where Cacao went. Chocola, being kind of an idiot, thinks she accidentally flushed herself down the toilet. One thousand yard stare later, she jumps up and runs off to go look for that kitten.

…Which means using the plunger to get Cacao out of the drain.

Thankfully Cacao was just hiding in the bedroom and probably getting dirt on everything. Also Cacao is hungry, and so Chocola brings her some snack food (specifically dried anchovies.) Cacao also wants milk, and so we get an imagine spot of Chocola breastfeeding Cacao that is both more and less creepy than you'd expect and gets creepier the longer I look at it while I'm typing this.
Thankfully it's just a pan across a single frame, and then Chocola freaks out as Vanilla slips in.

Vanilla of course sees Cacao, and wants to know who the new girl is (also maybe why her sister was fantasizing about breastfeeding someone else, because Vanilla clearly has called dibs.) Cacao just eats more anchovies. Vanilla then decides the new girl is cute.

Coming back from the break, with a card that makes it look like Vanilla wants to fuck a tuna as well as eat it, they've all had a sit-down and Vanilla is all filled in on what's going on.

She thankfully is the voice of reason and tells her sister to tell whatshisface about Cacao. Also we get a flashback to when the store opened. Where he did say he couldn't take care of any more Cats when Coconut asked to move in. Which is understandable given that this is Coconut we're talking about. Anyway, they decide he won't really say no to them, because he did take them in (less than a year ago.)

And he says…

For the responsible adult reasons of 'we don't know if she just got lost or like wandered away or something, so we can't just decide to keep her.' Because he is like twenty five.

I feel like this is like the same conversation that used to happen around dining room tables when kids would steal my dog when I was a child. Like this is the conversation you have with your kids when they find a bring a dog home, not when they show up with a small child. Even if it is a catgirl.

Anyway, the guy calls Shigure, who is playing with her cats (also Azuki and Coconut are fighting in the background.) Shigure then drops everything and shows up at the shop in the middle of the evening.

Shigure is understandably very angry about someone abandoning a kitten, and is quite adorable at the same time. So she's going to ask around and see if a kitten went missing recently, and will take Cacao home with her for now.

Chocola is still worried about the kid of course, and has to be reassured.

At the house Coconut and Pisscat are curious about the new arrival and Azuki's telling Coconut to not sniff so much because she'll scare the new kid. Shigure is the worst about it though, even as she's telling the cats to leave Cacao alone for now.

"Shigure No." "Shigure Yes."

Of course she justifies it as getting 'a record of her growth' and 'if we post photos online maybe her master will find her.' Maple and Azuki see right through it.

After that it's bath time, and Cacao isn't used to a showerhead. Also they have a giant bath (like they are obscenely rich after all) so why are they bathing in shifts?

Anyway, Cacao sleeps in Shigure's room tonight, wearing Shigure's old pajamas instead of her old clothes.

Back at the shop, Vanilla and Chocola talk while in bed and cuddle a bit before going to sleep.

And that's the episode. As usual the endcard is really horny.

Honestly for this episode I kind of just have to ask are all Catgirls kinda dumb, or is it just Chocola? Also does anyone microchip their catgirls in case you know, there's a lost kitten or something? Like regardless of whether or not people fuck them, they're still pretty much just cats with thumbs.

Also on that note how badly does Shigure want to fuck cats? Or is she just a weirdo cat fancier who wants to fuck her brother?
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Also it occurs to me that the Nekopara anime hasn't yet been as horny as Angel Catbird. Everyone except Pisscat are generally better at hiding it too, despite the author's incest fetish.
Also it occurs to me that the Nekopara anime hasn't yet been as horny as Angel Catbird. Everyone except Pisscat are generally better at hiding it too, despite the author's incest fetish.
Yeah incest fetishs are the wrost. Anyways this review is surprisingly not as cringy as angel catbird and nowhere near as fun. And 10 more episodes! I can't wait for those battle ship reviews!
Next update will be Wednesday probably while I dash through and try to catch up over spring break.

Hopefully this doesn't haunt me during my ethics midterm.
Next update will be Wednesday probably while I dash through and try to catch up over spring break.

Hopefully this doesn't haunt me during my ethics midterm.
Actually, that's an interesting question. Does consuming anime make your ethics drift?
Surely moral guardians should be more anxious about anime than video games :V
Actually, that's an interesting question. Does consuming anime make your ethics drift?
Surely moral guardians should be more anxious about anime than video games :V
Honestly considering my conflict of interest example case involved enforcing zoning laws against yourself while living in a polycule as a test case only a lawyer could love, quite possibly.

I thankfully did not have a chance to name the public servant Mihoshi or something.
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Also they have a giant bath (like they are obscenely rich after all) so why are they bathing in shifts?
As I understand it, this is literally just how Japan does baths. You shower to get wet, scrub up, wash yourself off, then soak in the bath. And literally everybody in the house will use the same bath water, so you better scrub up good.
As I understand it, this is literally just how Japan does baths. You shower to get wet, scrub up, wash yourself off, then soak in the bath. And literally everybody in the house will use the same bath water, so you better scrub up good.[/TD]
Yeah, but like it's an absolutely massive tub. Everyone in the house can probably soak in it at once comfortably.
Nekopara (2020): Episode 3
Nekopara episode 3 opens the same as the last episode with the same intro and OP, and hasn't introduced Cacao yet.

So we open the episode in Shigure's room in the early morning where Cacao has got missing, and isn't hiding in a cabinet or something. The other cats are up however, and it turns out they share bedrooms. Anyway, Azuki and Coconut fight for a bit, and nothing is that unusual.

Maple then goes to take a leak, and finds Cacao curled up and fast asleep atop the toilet.

Cutting back to whatshisface and the twins, Chocola is distracted thinking about Cacao and accidentally puts soy sauce boiled laver (I don't know why they didn't use the Japanese name because laver isn't exactly better known and also something different in English if you don't say green laver) on her toast instead of jam. Vanilla says she's cute, and Chocola eats it to avoid admitting she did it accidentally. It turns out to be pretty good, but it's probably like pure MSG.

Actually thinking about stuff, can catgirls taste sweet things in this? Will my laptop ever stop autocorrecting catgirl into batgirl, forcing me to go back and change it?

After breakfast, Vanilla and Chocola are brushing their teeth with their color coded toothbrushes, and Chocola is still crazy distracted thinking about that kitten she brought home.

This continues in the changing room, where Chocola puts her uniform on backwards, and we thankfully don't see anything.

Back at the ranch, it's breakfast time and Azuki has given the new girl the name sugarcane, and is getting her to wash her hands. Maple says it's a bad name and she should at least try harder while looking up kitten names on her phone. Cinnamon sees that, and has another weird moment. There's something said about a nine month gestation, and then Azuki says she's a bad influence.

Shigure says Azuki shouldn't name her without permission, because the kitten must have a real name, and rebukes Maple for using a phone at the table.

At breakfast, Cacao then takes her tray off the table and just starts eating off the floor like you know, a feral cat would.

Azuki and Coconut are working at the shop today, so they talk with Chocola about the new kitten, and Vanilla is pretty jealous and unamused.

Anyway, we see Shigure's computer while she's looking at listings for lost cats and it's ancient-looking.

I get there's a slight performance benefit to using the windows 98 UI, but it's been depreciated since before you were born Shigure. What the hell. Also where did you find a beige widescreen monitor? Are you just doing all this for some weird 90's kid aesthetic, kinda like how Vaporwave is a thing for people who don't remember the 80s?

And at the shop, Coconut tries to act like an adult, but gets distracted by a runaway roll of thermal paper which unrolled because she took the sticker off too early, and otherwise does weird shit before becoming dejected.

Azuki on the other hand is like ridiculously good at this, and impresses Vanilla and Chocola. Of course she still ends up fighting with Coconut when they're doing the washing up after Coconut calls her short.

At the house, Cinnamon, Maple and Cacao are watching some show about an aquarium before Cacao gets hungry and they decide to have tea. This leads to Maple trying to teach the kitten about different teas. During which time the kitten runs off and finds a bag of dried fish and has a flashback to last episode.

After that she's just melancholy and isn't playing despite Maple and Cinnamon's best attempts to coax her. The girl's definitely attached.

Around dinner time, Cacao disappears and everyone goes to look for her. Not finding her anywhere in the house they look around the property, and Shugure tosses some Saury on a shichirin to lure her out that way. Coconut has the brilliant idea of using Matatabi to lure her out instead.

Which of course fails horribly as everyone except for Shigure is effected, because Shigure isn't a catgirl.

Anyway, at a loss for anything else to do, Shigure calls the shop and Chocola is the one who picks up. Naturally, like any concerned adoptive parent she's about to drop everything and go look for Cacao before Vanilla grabs her tail to stop her. Chocola explains why, and Vanilla lets her go while they hold down the fort before closing up for the day.

And everyone looks around the city before Chocola finds her at the playground where they first met. Where Cacao says she wants top be with Chocola.

With everyone else at the shop, Chocola and Cacao arrive, and when Shigure tries to take her back to the House Chocola begs for Cacao to stay with her. He of course says yes as long as they take care of her (again this is just framed really fucking weirdly, since this is basically treating Chocola adopting a child the same as a child keeping a pet.)

Also that's the end of the episode.

I really just have to say this is the weirdest fucking arc so far, and is like incredibly poorly thought out in some ways, given that like again they're framing this kinda like Chocola is keeping a pet or something, despite Cacao being a child (and basically Chocola's) for all intents and purposes in universe. Like, I got nothing here.
This series isn't awkward in a fun way, it's just awkward in a sort of... 'Why?' way...
Yeah is this cat girl slavery.
Actually calling it slavery is probably a bit much, since tbh as far as we can tell they're not generally that helpful to have around. Especially as the Minaduki cats are supposedly pretty high functioning, and like Azuki is still the only one you can trust with a knife.

Maybe you could trust one with a small child and save on daycare, but that seems iffy.
On further reflection, the most impressive thing about Nekopara that I shouldn't be impressed by is how it hasn't sexualized Cacao.

Nekopara (2020): Episode 4
Episode 4 of Nekopara finally ditches the original intro with an opening scene of Chocola, Cacao and Vanilla in bed. Chocola wakes up, and when she tries to get out of bed notices that Cacao has grabbed onto her night dress and bit it. So she wakes Cacao up, and after getting dressed herself, dresses Cacao. Vanilla is still in bed and is just watching her sister and the new girl. Vanilla says she's cute, and Chocola thinks she's talking about Cacao until Vanilla corrects her and says yes, but she meant Chocola taking care of some one is cute.

And then we get the credits, which are updated, and finally include Cacao.

Also, because I keep forgetting to comment on it, Shigure wearing fake cat ears and a tail at the shop has to be somewhat offensive to someone. It's still kinda cute though, and a nice change from being 200% formal at all times.

Anyway, it's breakfast at the shop, and while everyone else was talking Cacao once again disappeared under the table and started eating dried fish again. Chocola manages to get her to come out, but she's pretty clingy. Which makes Vanilla jealous.

Of course when the two of them go to work, they leave Cacao with the world's favorite babysitter, television. This is great when it's at a fish market, less so when it's televised Shogi.

Anyway, Cacao sneaks downstairs, where she sneaks up to a table and the customers are about to pet her until Chocola intervenes. And scolds Cacao. Who finds a box, and scoots around inside it for a bit until she's spooked by a falling bowl.

Solid Cacao is maybe not the best at this.

So of course whatshisface (Kashou apparently) finds her and wonders what Cacao is doing and then we have Vanilla popping in to tease him about it. Which starts Cinnamon up, and goddamnit. Like I get she has a bit, but at this point it's become really annoying. Nobody wants to hear about how some sexual fantasy makes a catgirl moist while during working hours. Even phone sex operators. It's definitely not appropriate subject matter for a pastry shop (now arranging a booty call for another coworker, that's something else.)

Thankfully, her better half is there to remind her to shut up.

Cacao, sensibly doesn't get out from under the box until bribed with a slice of Cacao cake which she fucking inhales. Like both hands shoving it into her face, gone in a couple seconds inhales. After which she is sufficiently bribed to allow someone to scratch her chin. Which looks really fucking weird on a person.

Then comes lunch, and Cacao just sort of stares at Chocola when the latter says she has to go back to work. So they and Vanilla play for a bit until Cacao is tuckered out.

After work, Vanilla and Chocola take Cacao to the house for a monthly checkup where Shigure measures everyone's height and weight. Which means we get to see all of the cats in their somewhat thematic underwear, except for Cinnamon.

Chocola is 152cm and has apparently stopped growing.

Then everyone starts suggesting names, which are all just foods they like. So Shigure says it should be something the kitten likes. As Dried fish isn't cute enough, it's Cacao.

Thankfully as the weigh-in and measuring continues, Cacao (who is all of 108cm and 18kg) isn't in revealing underwear, continuing the show's surprising reluctance to sexualize her. Which is something I really shouldn't be impressed by but here we are. Chocola is also the bigger, bustier twin because this just has to be said. And then Shigure says some stuff that sounds like she's flirting, but could just also be normal cat fancier stuff if it wasn't talking about said cat's 90cm bust.

And then Cacao starts kneading Chocola's breasts and then Vanilla's and Cinnamon's. God fucking damn it. We're sixteen minutes and ten seconds in to episode 4, and she's accidentally getting someone off by playing with their boobs. Fuck this show. Like yeah it's maybe not intentional on Cacao's part, but you can also not write stuff like this in.

And then we get Shigure's weird group kinetic vision test. Which is just images moving across the tv screen really fast, and goes really well right up until one of the images is a hypodermic needle. Which scares everyone but Cacao (who does not know,)

Also apparently Cacao can read at least Hiragana. Which is like what the shit. She can't be more than like five months old.

Anyway, with the tests done Chocola takes Cacao down to the beach for the first time and everyone comes with. We get a flashback to Chocola and Vanilla's first time at the beach, and then cut to Cacao's amazed expression. Chocola and Cacao also get their feet wet and everyone plays in the sand in a montage.

And then at sunset everyone is sitting on the sand, and Shigure brought herself a fucking blanket because she's extra like that. Also everyone talks about going swimming when it warms up.

Also the end credits have been updated to include Cacao where appropriate, namely in a single still image.

Unfortunately, because we can't have nice things, the end card is a thing of Cacao tangled up in yarn that is more than a little questionable as well.

So yeah, I'm actually more than a little angry now. Like yeah, none of the stuff I'm disappointed by is remotely novel, since again it's just stuff that's been around and if you want to feed a breastfeeding fetish Yoshino Hiroyuki has never failed to deliver, but still.

Is it because I deluded myself into thinking they weren't going to do stuff with Cacao? Did I let my expectations for this shitshow get too high?
I just can't even at this point.

If all my barware wasn't in the dishwasher I'd be drinking to forget right now. Fortunately, I'm not ill-bred enough to drink my gin from the bottle so it will have to wait.
The fact you expected any basic human decency at all shows you are not ready. Only when you expect the absolute worse thing you could possibly think of as standard will your expectations ever by surpassed, and even then it's like a 1:10 ratio of better than I expect to AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Would you have felt better if the show had sexualized Cacao from the start? It would be worse, probably, but at least you wouldn't have had unrealistic expectations.
Let it not be said that being 5 months old and looking like a 6 years old is enough to spare one from creepy fetishism.
1 why does Japan have ice creams that look like that!

2 of course they were gonna do stuff with cacao. It's anime.

3 for a show that doesn't sexualize there characters too much (i can only think of 2 instances and they are relatively minor.) Try my love story. Great anime.

4 another show that doesn't sexualize their characters much is the place farther then the universe. The closest thing to sexualisation is in the opening which 1 doesn't linger at all and 2 is relatively tame.
Those are just popsicles. You can get stuff that looks exactly like it in the US and we used to get them when I was a kid.
Why do they have to remind me of a certain private part. Hell not just me. I've seen many anime compare the 2. Hell monster musume (think that's how it's spelled.) Has a under age character sucking on it very inappropriately. Part of why i never watched it.

But i just remembered having this one popsicle brand i loved. Just wasn't with a stick. Instead it was with a soft container and you'd push it up as you ate.