So... goals.
- When we get back to our unit, we want our boss to not be (as) disappointed in us. That means (from our previous word from QM), some combination of strength, stamina, reflexes, weapons skills, and maybe intelligence (though that's less important)
- We don't need to go full-on to grab our school training this time... we have 20 insight to work through before it falls away. Still, a bit of work in that direction might be good.
- When we do pick up a school benefit, the things we've been doing to qualify for it will matter.
@gman391 - is grandmother likely to be pleased or displeased if we take her picks? Is she likely to see it as respect, an imposition, or a bit of both?
Assuming it's more on the respect than imposition side, I believe I would like to continue pushing the Kakita path. The school is a good school, grandmother (for all her carping) is a comforting reminder of home (and a useful goad to help us stay on the honorable path), and having Even More Iajutsu is bound to come in handy some day.
[x] Ask if you may confer with your companions on the matter first. We'll not be fit for travel for a month. There's no need to be making decisions over-hastily.
-[x] then pass on what you've learned to your companions and let them make the call.
[x] Sora: learn Reflex 4 (takes 2 actions)
[x] Grandmother: learn Iajutsu 5 (takes 2 action)