So... I have a funny question. Kakita Toshiro is apparently better than we are at Iajutsu and Reflexes, and our Void is only 3. Also, he had a katana that wasnt' in need of repair. Why would he push us forward as his champion for a duel to the death rather than taking it himself?
Beyond that... discarding bandwagon, considering anew....
Looking at the training system, there is a *serious* payoff for improving Insight ranks, especially the jump from 1 to 2. We're at 144 right now, and rank 2 is just one circle away. Given that, our obvious choices are Vod (with Sister Cho), and Int (with Sister Aya). Between those, Void seems the obvious pick, for a variety of excellent reasons.
[x] Sakiyarumei (咲夜琉) (Shining Life That Blooms at Night)
[x] Sister Cho - Void
Now, I think this does pick out one of the problems with the current training system.
- There's no difference between the amount of effort necessary to go from 2->3 and the amount necessary to go from 6->7 (as long as you can get a trainer). This *can* be balanced in interesting ways if trainers are limited, and effort must be expended to gain their assistance, but it dramatically changes the decision-makign process... meanign that in general it is optimal to pick the most powerful thing that you can still get a trainer for.
- Stats give way more effectiveness bang for the training buck than stats do, as compared to the original system, and there was a bit of imbalance that direction in the original system already
- this is even more the case for insight. One action spent training a skill gets 1 insight. 4 actions spent training stats gets you a ring, and the associated 10 insight. The whole "pick up a 1-point skill or two for the insight boost" part of the leveling economy gets wiped out, and skills, by and large, become something you invest in when stats are simply not available (because you're simply too swole for your available trainers).
- In obvious ways, this is even *more* true for Void than it is for the other stats.
- Having your available training units be dependent on insight gives tremendous incentives to do whatever is necessary to raise Insight as fast as possible - in this case, buying up Void as far as your trainers will let you, filling out any rings you might have halfway (regardless of how well they fit your character - you'll make it up easily in the long run) and then buying both sides of whatever rings you can.
Now, that's not to say it's all bad. The idea of moving away from the standard exp system is an interesting one, and making it more narrative-driven by making it about trainers is kind of cool. That means, though, that it should be limited by narrative. First, trim down the people who are willing to train us significantly. Training takes a nontrivial investment of time and effort. The Kakitas might be willing to offer us training, but Kakita Reika is going to be busy making us a sword. She won't be available. Given that whole murderblender thing we just pulled, Kaiu Tanako should be royally sick of us at this point, rather than being willing to offer us instruction in anything. Instead, then, we have Toshirio, the two nuns, and the monk. For each of them, put together a package of what they'll train us in, and try to put together one package of trainable things for each. That means that we won't have every stat or every interesting skill as an option, but that's part of the point. This means that we have a strong in-character reason for trying to cultivate as many contacts as we possibly can, and get in their favor as far as we can, in the hopes of continuing our training - entirely suitable for a ronin. After all, the Kakita couple owes us, but one sword and one training session, and that will pretty much be paid off. If we want a training session from each of them, or if we want Toshiro to train us more than once, we'll have to come up with some other way to gain favor with them.
It also means that we can get packages of different sizes at different times. This time, it might be a stat point and a skill or two (it's a bit more bulk than initially planned for this slot, but there's less choice, and it lets you make the picks more interesting). Somewhere alter on, we might have a point where we're spending a few days somewhere, and we get to pick up a random skill point in one of three or four skills. Other stuff can go on teh list too - kata, advantages, or even training in schools, when we have the insight ranks to support it. Do we go for the school training now, or do we pick some other training and wait to try to get a school that suits us better?