Last hope of a dead world (God Quest)

How can they prove themselves if they are never given the chance? you say should they prove their worth but you would keep them in stasis and under your thumb. How can your Anake prove themselves if you control their every move? how can they Grow and become something great if they are never given the opportunity? they have the potential to be our peers the Potential to show us things we have never seen and unable to imagine! We gods are bound by our concepts but the mortals are not! my Embers have shown themselves capable of acting beyond their focus more so then any of us. we can stand to learn from them in my humble opinion.
Oh I have no interest in controlling the Ananke, they can do as they wish with minimal control from me, and even if I did want to control them there are enough that it would be a non issue. I am perfectly fine with leaving them to their own devices so that they may advance and become greater then they were. What I do have an issue with is restricting my power in regards to my creations due to the personal tastes of beings that are not me. And these mortals are bound just as much as we are, you or I can think in ways they can not even comprehend. I can see through time, I have watched events so small and quick that they can barely be said to have occurred at all, you have created a repository for all of this worlds information. Do you really think that curbing your powers in regards for these mortals is worth it? If you really wish to advance things so much, to let their potential shine through, then pour that information into them. Create beings with access to all the knowledge that they can hold and see what happens, they will do something and without a doubt it can be learned from. But doing so would be unpermissable under the agreement as it is. Teaching them in such a manner is just as much controlling their minds as it would be for me to have my Ananke never stray near you city.
Oh I have no interest in controlling the Ananke, they can do as they wish with minimal control from me, and even if I did want to control them there are enough that it would be a non issue. I am perfectly fine with leaving them to their own devices so that they may advance and become greater then they were. What I do have an issue with is restricting my power in regards to my creations due to the personal tastes of beings that are not me. And these mortals are bound just as much as we are, you or I can think in ways they can not even comprehend. I can see through time, I have watched events so small and quick that they can barely be said to have occurred at all, you have created a repository for all of this worlds information. Do you really think that curbing your powers in regards for these mortals is worth it? If you really wish to advance things so much, to let their potential shine through, then pour that information into them. Create beings with access to all the knowledge that they can hold and see what happens, they will do something and without a doubt it can be learned from. But doing so would be unpermissable under the agreement as it is. Teaching them in such a manner is just as much controlling their minds as it would be for me to have my Ananke never stray near you city.

we are not prefect that's why i did not creat them with all the knowledge I posses.

as demonstrated by yourself and Kari we are not Absolute beings things happen that we cannot control Details escape us. Even Ex machina an Artifact i am particularly proud of is not truely Perfect. Even a God whose Major concept is Perfection is not perfect as much as he would like to believe. Creation by it's very nature is a flawed process there are limits imposed by reality, ourselves, Everything. What makes the Mortal races so interesting is because they can earn their power! we gods where " Born" with our might and concepts while Mortals live struggle reproduce and eventaily die in pursuit of it. Endeavoring as I have found is a Beautiful thing creating many flawed yet wonderful works that we would never see if we just created them with a wave of our hands.

(OOC: Just think of this speach)
Changing my Action so I don't get lynched by other PCs :/

Major Action:
Edit: Limited to a sphere encompassing known worlds and a bit beyond for now. (Don't feel like rewriting the whole thing)
After hoarding a truly unfathomable amount of power (thank you new concept), you finally set into motion.
The Labyrinthian, the semi-sentient all encompassing hidden realm has been Manifested. It is the foundation of one of Kyrsaelon's plans, and something he can further build off of (though it has its own inherent abilities) in the future. It is unique in that, while woven like his other creations and indestructible and untouchable by time, Kyrsaelon made it so he could alter and direct it as he pleased without expending power. Its scale makes it eternally unrivaled in scope, ever expanding with the universe, just as much a part of existence as the void that fills so much of it. It acts as an intricate webway that simultaneously maps the universe, gathers information, teleportation gateway via existence relocation, siphoning ambient energy, Sanctum, and acting as a further focus with which Kyrsaelon amplifies his power. It is unaccessable/imperceptible without Kyrsaelon's permission and responds only to Him. He can lend its use to mortals or other Gods for favors sworn on their existence. The only parts visible to others are visibly stunning, impossibly intricate glowing patterns in the sky that appear randomly across the universe. It is his Sanctum, his first and last line of defense; and woe unto his enemy, for there is nowhere in existence and nonexistance you can run or hide from Realm-Weaver's edge.

Minor Action:
Using Labyrinthian, catalog each race in existence and begin to plan a benevolent servant race.

Minor Action:
See how your Leviathans are doing, and invite them to Labyrinthian for a look-see.

Minor Action:
Ponder threats that you discover.

Minor Action:
If able, do something about the evil mortal race that stalemated a God using Realm-Weaver and The Labyrinthian. Not annihilation, but at least give everyone some breathing room, as well as finding out what they are up to.

Minor Action:
Think up some rules you would like included, and ponder upon what is wanted by the others. Try to find a good solution.

Minor Action:
Add label wherever gathered power is stored in Labyrinthian stating "use responsibly" so you don't get drunk on power.
Newly edited version of my vote.
Major action: When you are at rift, open the doorway and try focusing on the concept of "Nether" and when you attained it. Make a new clan of space and sky dwelling and diplomatic, and versatile, aberrant spys called phantoms that has lesser form of your new concept.Also help Vigils stopping Kryaselon's plans if Vigils decides act.And you got a new form too.

its mixture of her old form,this an angel, ,and sa
Static and a starry night sky.

Minor action: help shape,build, and mold the city. And call it Zugzwang

Minor action: Have some of the phantom find another planet for you.

Minor action: at the meeting,say that you too are responsible for this and you will do something about it.

Minor action: Have the aberrants improved friendly relations with the embers and aeons.

Minor action: take some of the hogosha and find out their weaknesses

Minor action: sturdy the captured hogohsa and see if you can control them if not then purge them.

Vajra's Major action: At the great forge, Make a monstrosity that will rival no surpassed Ares. That you made by infusing hundreds of thousands of weapons and materials,aberrants who agreed to do this and those fierce trees, fused them with your own concept.

Tiamat, the mother of the dragoons, devourer of worlds, the greatest calamity, the deadliset predator.
Name: Tiamat
Appearance:a fusion of this
, ,and a berserk/awanked evangelion.

Size: taller and sleeker than Ares but not as bulky and heavy.
1. Dangerous at all ranges and have brains behind her brawn. Can be strong as a ritan
2. When Tiamat eats something. She gains more power and durability, and with the ability to spawn lesser children with the devoured individual concepts and the number of eggs will depend on the number of concepts she has eaten. but she doesn't eat something. She will still make of standard five to seven eggs every five- six centuries if she doesn't eat anything. Same with her spawn.Other way to get a lesser foreign concept in the eggs is to directly but gently infuse it...but with Tiamat's goodwill of course. And the spawn who will have different but similar forms based on what concepts that have made them.

3. She and her children can eat anything. And I mean anything.

4. Like the aberrants,she isn't bound by reality and death. And able to come back from her "death".
5. Highly capable and fast on any type of terrain.

Cons: 1.Its takes while for each egg to hatch and equally long time to mature

2. While tiamat is fiercely loyal to you, Mother, and her race. Her spawn will need to be raised and tamed.
3.Tiamat is kinda lazy and ornery at times.

Minor action: assured the other gods that Tiamat is relatively safe if she isn't angered.

Vajra's minor action: Order Tiamat protect the aberrants and our home

Minor action: Have some of the Disruptors and Phantoms research and learn about the other gods and races on the ex machina. And report back to you on what they founded.
Vajra's Minor action: Tell Tiamat no eating the other races....without permission of course.

Minor action: Have Tiamat consume some of the "normal" filaments,starseekeers,and any one or thing who dares to interrupt her for breakfast. And some of the hogosha for lunch and dinner.

Minor action: infuse Nether to the barrier.and teach it the other three clans cosmos.

Final version of my vote.
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Actions vfor this turn

Minor Action: Modify/Evolve the star moss to adapt over time to ever harder conditions and increase the size and drift time of spore light balls.
(Essentially every where except caves)

Minor action :go to the meeting.Observe, talk, socialize.

Minor Action : set up the starmoss so it can live on the surface of the waters in limited quantities and help energizing the seas.

Minor action :Tell the organic races of potential uses of starmos for lighting, food, ptoducing textiles and drink... Caution them about over use

Major action :Create a species of adaptive octopoid sea dwellers, capable of feedind on dead bio matter from fila ments and moss variants, give them the potential to evolve land dwelling forms and other adaptions.
as of yer, they are vuvaparous with moderate child care. size varies with age.
Their name is illith.

Minor action:Create a biologiacl ark in which to transport self and samples of created and present fauna and flora.Get seraphim or starseekers to help setting out for avalon.

WIP, COC welcome
[X] Go to the Rift and gain another concept. You are not strong enough to save them as you are now. You are not strong enough to save the world.
Major Action: Across the world begin to create large towers to act as conduits and amplifiers for Hedon's powers, each of said Towers acts as an extension of Hedon. They are to be made of smooth black stone that reaches high into the sky and deep into the earth. The towers are frozen in time in the same manor as Hedon's body, unable to be broken or interacted with by anything that doesn't itself hold the power of a God or Titan.
Minor Action: Hedon is to examine the world as he travels and creates his towers.
Minor Action: Send the Ananke out to do something interesting. They are not to attack the city at the request of the other gods, but as long as they are not overly obnoxious, Hedon cares little for what exactly it is they do.
Minor Action: Investigate the machine.
Minor Action: Look into it's passage through time.
Major Action: Create a source of heat for Avalon, not a sun but perhaps something internal like a molten core, use divine energy to power it if necessary. Also this planet needs it own unique Pattern, do that too.

Minor Action: Hug Khepri

Minor Action: Have the Seraphim grab some life, filaments/star-seekers/whatever, and seed it on the planet, nurture them until they can survive through their own means. Instruct them to stay away from the other gods as much as possible.

Minor Action: Scout the whole planet for interesting things then investigate them.

Minor Action: Invite the Titan of Nature to Avalon, send a Seraphim to hang out with her

My, slightly updated, actions.
Good, good, feed me actions.
Updating the info page now, Once all the actions are in I will get to work on the new update.
My, slightly updated, actions.
Can I experiment with your storm of change?

Major Action: Use your new aspect of Divinity alongside your old ones of Life and Survival. The Storm of Change will be a challenge for your powers, and you shall use them all to create a being that can survive in it. No normal life could, but what about a being, a divine being born to do so?
Sorry for the delay, my birthday was yesterday so I haven't had a lot of time free. I will begin writing the update tomorrow, so any post any last changes to your actions.
Hey, in progress of writing, but just wanted to clarify what you wanted to get out of Cosmos. I remember before you mentained a few things, alchemy and energy manipulation? Cosmos is a bit vague so i need specifics, since you wont be able to get such diverse effects out of a single concept.
Energy based absorption,transmutation and alchemy. And the ability to manipulate and produce to a degree universal energy( like dark matter,etc)
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