Minor action:introduce Illiths to Avalons oceans.
Minor action:try to help Starseekers to better adapt on Avalon.
Minor Action : tweak starmoss fern so it develops a open water stage in the form of big platform like leafs)And i mean BIG as in humongous = that can serve as a living space for Animals and other plants, like the filaments.(These oither will form symbiotic relation ships with star moss)Also, make it so there always will be an sort of distance of several miles between the island-leaves, and anchor them on the ocean ground with big stems.
Minor action :keeping warch over the ecosystem of both worlds , keeping it ever growing and evolving ,adapting to new situations without too much trouble without getting out of hand
Maior action:Create an evolving sort of arerial comsumers not unlike hexapedal insects, from fly to big dragonfly of the devonian size, colorful carapaces, boutterfly like wings...subsisting of spores , leaves, dead vegetable matter.
Give them hive structures.
Name will be Musa.