Winter 913 - Turn 2.12 - Planning for the Month of the Rat
- Location
- Connecticut
- Pronouns
- He/Him
[X] reignonyrparade
You nod as you listen to your advisors summarize their days, doing your best to continue to look and act like a decisive, inspiring leader rather than someone who would really rather just go to sleep. As they all finish, you give them a smile of encouragement. "Well done, all of you. Some of you I want to hear more from tonight, the rest of you I can speak with tomorrow, but first things first." With that said, you pull the book of poetry that you received from Bayushi Yamato out from your kimono. "What do you all make of this? The Champion of the Scorpion gave me a book of poetry as a gift, and I have to think that there's more to it than that."
"Poetry?" Chouko says. "Give it here." She sounds unusually avid in comparison to her usual spaciness, and you watch as she flips through the book, reading at a rapid pace. After a few minutes, she frowns. "If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a present for me, not for you. It's poetry themed around the sixty-four yarrow divinations, one for each casting." She frowns, flipping through it some more. "Some of it... isn't very good poetry, to be frank. A lot of it is stilted, almost? There are some really unusual word choices that make very little sense thematically."
"Let me see that." Koibu's voice brooks no argument, and Chouko hands the book over willingly. He examines it carefully, his free hand sticking out one or two fingers at a time in an unusual pattern. After a few seconds, he breaks into a slow, triumphant smile. "Aha! I thought so!" He looks up from the book at you. "This isn't a book of poetry. It's a codebook."
Wakaba actually gasps, then puts her hand to her mouth to hide her lapse of on. "No way! That is so cool. Let me see!" He hands the book over to her, and she flips through it avidly, Minato and Yu looking over her shoulder. After a few seconds, she says, "... I don't get it. How can you be so sure?"
Koibu points to the chapter titles. "So, this may require some explanation. Chouko-san revealed that the poems were all themed around the I Ching, right?"
"Yeah, so?" Wakaba says in agreement.
"Okay, so picture a yarrow stalk reading. Each stalk is either yin or yang." He says. "Either crossed by another stalk, or uncrossed. And all sixty-four readings have their own pattern. So, what if you translated those patterns into either 'yes' or 'no'?" He points at a particular word. "Many of these words are, as Chouko-san noticed, quite long - but especially so towards the front of the book. See, here - story, monogatari. My bet is that we may at some point get a message where one of the words is bakemono, and depending on whether it is placed as a 'yes' or a 'no', it could mean 'bake' or 'mono' - or perhaps 'mono' or 'gatari', it will take some time with an actual message that he sends us to translate for certain."
Wakaba looks terribly impressed, but Minato's reaction is even better. "Oi! You bastard, is that why you kept sending so many letters to so many people?" Minato growls, glaring daggers at Koibu. "Every time my men intercepted one of your stupid letters, it was always full of nonsense. Was that why?"
Koibu preens like a cat that has just stolen a fish. "I used a rather different cipher, but yes, this isn't my first time using a code of some sort." He picks up the book and hands it back to you. "The main thing to recall about ciphers like this is that they are typically impenetrable unless someone has the corresponding cipher-book to decode it with. So keep a very careful watch on this."
You tuck the book once again into your kimono. It's a not unpleasant weight, a physical reminder that the Courts are full of shadows and plots far beyond your experience. "All right, then. Since it sounds like we won't be able to do anything further about this book until Yamato-dono sends us a letter?" Koibu nods in confirmation. "In that case, let's leave it for the moment and talk for a bit about your nights. Koibu-san, tell me about Kitsune Yasuji-dono, and this Yasuki of yours."
Koibu doesn't blush, but you can feel a surge of embarrassment from him, and your interest sharpens. "Well, Yasuji-dono seemed like ... I would say, probably a proud man, forced by circumstances to be humble. He is definitely someone who knows how the game is played here at court." He pauses for a second, clearly considering. "I would say, he's used to being one of the leaders of the Minor Clans, especially in this circumstance. I don't know that he's entirely pleased that we seem to have so much influence, nor that we have so far avoided making common cause with the other Minor Clans, but I didn't get the impression that he was so angry that we wouldn't be able to smooth things over."
You mull over that for a moment. "The bags of rice that all of the Minor Clans gave to the Crab - That was his move." You say, thinking out loud. If that is the case, the Fox might be more important than you had assumed, if the Sparrow and Hare were following their lead.
"I think so," Koibu agrees. "It's possible that becoming too close friends with the Fox could lead to trouble with our hosts." He frowns thoughtfully. "Unless we could convince the Minor Clans that allying themselves with the Crab would lead to a better state of affairs in the long run."
After a pause, you nod in affirmation. "Definitely something worth handling quickly, then." You give your Boss a sly smile. "What about the young lady from the Yasuki?"
Taigen chimes in. "She was hot stuff, Tsubaki-san. Asked him if he was unmarried and everything."
"Oh ho," you say. "Do tell."
Koibu glares at the both of you. "Oh, come now. We discussed little of any consequence. I'm sure she was just being a good host."
"Hmm. A distinguished older daimyo, having tragically lost his wife and never remarried, part of a new and heroic minor Clan..." Taigen singsongs, "A courtier of the Great Clans couldn't possibly be interested in someone like that."
Wakaba chimes in. "As Tsubaki-sama's intelligence advisor, I'm going to have to remind you that certain clans have been known to use seduction techniques to get what they want, Koibu-dono. You should guard your virtue carefully."
"Now see here!" he sputters as everyone else laughs, you included.
"Well, if there was truly nothing of importance discussed, I think we can leave it for now," you say.
"Thank you." Koibu says with a glower.
"Wakaba, tell me about these Clan Heirs," you say. "It seemed like they had some information?"
She smirks. "They have all the enmities of the Champions, and none of the power to do anything about it, so really they just sat there and bickered at each other all night, going in for little digs or challenging each other to sparring matches later in the Winter, and so on. Um, one thing I figured out is why the Mirumoto are so mad at the Crab. Seems like there was a big food shortage a few years ago? And one of the Yasuki argued that the Crab needed the harvests more than anyone else did, so the Crab got it, and the Dragon starved. Like, lots of people died, starved."
"Is that what that was all about?" Yu says. "I was listening to the traders, and the Dragons kept making references to 'ten years ago', but nobody made reference to the actual event itself so I wasn't sure."
Wakaba nods. "Well, in any case, the main thing with all of these Clan Heirs is that they take themselves a lot more seriously than their parents seem to. A lot of them are really smart, talented kids, but most of them don't have much power on their own... yet. Um, they're all pretty suspicious though, seem to be on guard against false friends. Making contacts might be a good long term plan, but not necessarily super easy."
Again, Wakaba has given you something to think on. "Thank you," you say. "So, there are a few things that I'd like everyone's opinion on. First off, what can we do to get more information on what is going on? Knowing why the Mirumoto are angry at the Crab definitely helps - thank you Wakaba - but it doesn't tell us why the Lion are cooperating with two of their traditional enemies, nor why the Togashi aren't overruling the Mirumoto; and though the Crane have well-known motivations for such a course of action it really does seem like they are expending colossal amounts of effort to accomplish this. More information can only help us."
There is a round of nods in understanding. Finally Koibu speaks up. "I think that we should also consider looking for information on the Scorpion as well. They are being oddly helpful to us, given their reputation."
You nod slowly. "And the Unicorn." At the quizzical looks that you receive, all that you can say is that "I got... an odd vibe off of Shinjo Shakaguchi-san. It could have been nothing, but better to be careful." From across the room, you can see Taigen and Gohei looking at you with solemn eyes, in full agreement with your proposition. "We'll have to discuss plans for that as time goes on. There's also the matter of who we can find to make more official contacts or allies with."
Yu nods. "Lots of traders want to move goods through Zakyo Toshi, that's a natural market right there."
"The Minor Clans, definitely." Says Koibu. "I'm not so sure about Kitsune-dono, but there otherwise seems to be a vein of camaraderie going through the Minor Clans that you could easily take advantage of."
"You've already heard my take on the clan Heirs," says Wakaba, "but you could probably make some progress with them just by declaring them important enough to visit."
Minato grunts. "It kind of seems like a lot of clans brought their high-ranking warriors to Court. The Crab are a pretty martial Clan, so that makes sense - but it means that talking to the rikugunshogan and so forth might give you a bit more leverage here than it would otherwise."
Finally Chouko responds after dreamily staring off into place. "Um, well, there's my art crowd. Um, and a bunch of the people you want to talk to are shugenja. Kitsu-dono, Kitsune-dono, Isawa-dono... wouldn't be the worst idea to poke your head in and talk to some people there..."
You aren't quite so sure about that last, but you leave it lay. "Alright, last thing. The Emperor has basically commanded me to get married swiftly, for the good of our Clan and the Empire."
There's kind of a generalized raucous laughter at that, and you sigh, waving your hand in the air. "All right, all right, get it out of the way. So, as these offers come in, what should I be looking for?" There is a vast array of comments, from 'dowries' to 'alliances' to 'the cute-looking ones!' but in the end it leaves you little more decided than you had been before. You will have to wait and see what offers actually present themselves.
With that, you head to bed. The months ahead will be busy, and there is much to do to prepare. Together with your advisers, you hammer out a plan for the weeks ahead.
THE MONTH OF THE RAT (Pick ONE per adviser)
[ ] Work on hammering out some trade deals. Like it or not, trade is the lifeblood of your Clan for right now, and encouraging trade relationships will be important. Plus, you will get a first mover advantage.
[ ] Work on hammering out some trade deals... to the benefit of the Crab. The Crab are badly undersupplied right now, and having your support in making sure that agreements favor them would be valuable.
[ ] Study other Clans' trade arrangements. By keeping a weather eye on who is buying and selling, you will get a better picture of overall politics, and set yourself up to make better deals in the months of the Ox and Tiger.
[ ] Try to recruit craftsmen and traders. Other clans might be willing to lend you artisans to train members of your own clan, which would help you to get your home industries up and running.
[ ] Study other clans' negotiation techniques. Right now Yu is unpracticed at actual negotiation, but some time spent studying the methods of the Yasuki and how other clans respond to those methods could very well prove beneficial in the future.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Smooth things over with your hosts. The Crane's attack on you is unlikely to shatter your alliance with them by itself, but working at mending those bridges before they are tested again is probably a good strategy.
[ ] Show your face in important social circles. If you intend to spend your personal time away from the spotlight, sending Koibu in your place to the major courts would be a good way to keep from giving the impression of retreat.
[ ] Make contacts with the Minor Clans. The other Minor Clans are natural potential allies of yours, and sending Koibu to make friends would be an excellent foundation for future alliances with them.
[ ] Actively assist the Crab. The Crab aren't known for their skill with words, the Yasuki family aside. Though it would attract attention, jumping to their defense would be a strong sign of support for them.
[ ] Study other courtiers' techniques. Koibu has a lifetime of experience working with ronin and heimin, but noble Clan Samurai are another breed entirely. It's possible that by studying how other clans operate, he could develop some useful skills to bring back to future Clan dojos.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Spy on the Crab. You don't really think that you're in any danger of being attacked by them, but there could be assistance that they need that they cannot honorably ask for. 'Overhearing' the right conversation could neatly sidestep that issue.
[ ] Spy on the Clan Heirs. Because of her apparent youth, Wakaba is uniquely positioned to grab a great deal of information from people less well equipped to guard it than their parents. The challenge will be to sift the gold from the dross.
[ ] Spy on the Crane Alliance. Knowing your enemy is one of the central tenets of successful warfare, and the Crane / Lion / Dragon alliance has certainly declared itself your enemy.
[ ] Watch the Unicorn. There seems to be something weird about Shinjo Shakaguchi, and you would rather not be blindsided by a potential enemy willing to act like a friend.
[ ] Study the intrigues of court. Wakaba is a brilliant novice in spycraft, and Winter Court is one of the places most filled with intrigue that she is likely to find. Studying the situation here could help solidify her grasp on her skills.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Seek out trainers for your armies. It's an unfortunate fact that you have far more people in your Clan than sensei to train them, and it's possible that Minato might be able to find people here at Winter Court that could fill that lack.
[ ] Make friends with the generals. Since you're in Crab lands, members of the military have an unusual influence over their delegations, and as your most noted warrior Minato is probably best placed to capitalize on that to win your Clan alliances.
[ ] Seek mercenary contracts. Right now you have a well-equipped military and very little that you need to use it on; being of military assistance to the other Clans could win you money, alliances, or both.
[ ] Compete in tests of personal skill. Minato has a great deal of personal skill as a warrior, particularly in the heavy axes that the Crab favor. He could very likely gain some glory for your clan by participating.
[ ] Spar with some Crab bushi. Rather than looking for trainers, Minato could focus on developing his own skill so that he could pass down some of those skills to your own warriors, and the Crab would be an excellent Clan to do that with.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Assist Yu with his efforts in Trade. As a skilled priest of Inari, Chouko could have quite a deal to say about agriculture that would be of aid in discussing deals involving food. Furthermore, the ability to speak with the Kami has many useful applications.
[ ] Assist Koibu with his efforts in Diplomacy. Chouko's skills as a poet would add an artistic flair to Koibu's approaches that he lacks, and there are many ways for a shugenja to be of assistance in the diplomatic arena.
[ ] Assist Wakaba with her efforts in Intrigue. Chouko herself is not terribly adept at the matter, but Wakaba could definitely use her as a resource to use the kami to eavesdrop on her targets.
[ ] Assist Minato with his efforts in Battle. While she doesn't have nearly Minato's combat experience, she does have experience with supply lines for food and with the use of the kami in battle that he lacks.
[ ] Attempt to make friends with the other shugenja present. Priests of the kami are rare, and building relationships with them could be another way to circumvent the primary diplomats of delegations. Plus, Chouko is likely to learn something from discussing theology with other priests.
Your presence is likely to be highly in demand, and you know better than to think that you can plan any concrete objectives with so much of your time taken up by official duties and ceremonial events. Still, there are a few things that you can plan.
[ ] Traders: You are the ruler of Zakyo Toshi, one of the largest trade cities in the South. Your presence in a trade-related milieu would be unquestioned, and you could provide many of the social niceties that have so far escaped Yu.
[ ] Artists: Chouko has provided you with an opening to meet with some of the poets, musicians, and other artists of the Empire. You're eager to show off Auntie Hatsuyuki's techniques, and while you have plans to be able to do so in any arena, doing so in a circle of artists has the highest potential reward. Yet, out of anywhere, the critics in a artistically minded arena are likely to be the harshest.
[ ] Youths: You are young enough, and low enough in status as a champion of a Minor Clan, that it would not be completely out of character for you to take place in the social one-upmanship that goes on with the younger set at Winter Court. While immediate benefits are likely to be few, you could make some friendships with people who will one day be quite important indeed.
[ ] Generals: The military presence at the Winter Court is difficult to deny, and while you are not quite up to the standards of some of the fighters here your heroism in rescuing the Emperor is more than enough to win you acceptance into such circles, and possibly even respect. With many bushi neglecting the arts of court in favor of the arts of the sword, you might be able to find some easy targets for potential manipulations.
[ ] High Rollers: Screw Doji Ran, and the little friends she came in with, too. You'll be damned if you back down from a fight, even a fight with the Champions of the most powerful Clans in the Empire. You'll stand next to the Emperor, and they can learn to live with you or they can choke.
[ ] Crab / Scorpion: Since your initial meetings with these groups are already out of the way, spending further time with them will be easier to arrange - yet at the same time, it is possible that you could achieve similar effects just by being present in social arenas that they also occupy.
[ ] Unicorn: There's something unusual about the leader of the Unicorn, and you want to find out what. More to the point, they're the only one of your neighbors who you haven't developed a formal relationship with yet.
[ ] Mantis / Fox: Daimyo Kaido knew quite a bit about your business in Zakyo Toshi, and many of his responses to conversation made it seem like he would be a possible ally. And then there's Kitsu Yasuji, who you are potentially at risk of offending. Spending some time with the Minor Clans might be a good idea.
[ ] Phoenix: The Great Clan that you know the least about, but you have an opening to speak with the Elemental Master of Wind - and perhaps more of the leadership of the Phoenix as well. They also seem to be emphatically not supporting the Crane in their moves against the Crab - perhaps you would be able to find another ally here?
[ ] Crane Alliance: Right now they're de facto your enemy, but that doesn't have to be the case. Going out of your way to appease them might cause some resentment among the Crab, but for the long term survival of the Catfish, perhaps developing closer ties with the Left and Right Hands of the Emperor would be a safer move.
You nod as you listen to your advisors summarize their days, doing your best to continue to look and act like a decisive, inspiring leader rather than someone who would really rather just go to sleep. As they all finish, you give them a smile of encouragement. "Well done, all of you. Some of you I want to hear more from tonight, the rest of you I can speak with tomorrow, but first things first." With that said, you pull the book of poetry that you received from Bayushi Yamato out from your kimono. "What do you all make of this? The Champion of the Scorpion gave me a book of poetry as a gift, and I have to think that there's more to it than that."
"Poetry?" Chouko says. "Give it here." She sounds unusually avid in comparison to her usual spaciness, and you watch as she flips through the book, reading at a rapid pace. After a few minutes, she frowns. "If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a present for me, not for you. It's poetry themed around the sixty-four yarrow divinations, one for each casting." She frowns, flipping through it some more. "Some of it... isn't very good poetry, to be frank. A lot of it is stilted, almost? There are some really unusual word choices that make very little sense thematically."
"Let me see that." Koibu's voice brooks no argument, and Chouko hands the book over willingly. He examines it carefully, his free hand sticking out one or two fingers at a time in an unusual pattern. After a few seconds, he breaks into a slow, triumphant smile. "Aha! I thought so!" He looks up from the book at you. "This isn't a book of poetry. It's a codebook."
Wakaba actually gasps, then puts her hand to her mouth to hide her lapse of on. "No way! That is so cool. Let me see!" He hands the book over to her, and she flips through it avidly, Minato and Yu looking over her shoulder. After a few seconds, she says, "... I don't get it. How can you be so sure?"
Koibu points to the chapter titles. "So, this may require some explanation. Chouko-san revealed that the poems were all themed around the I Ching, right?"
"Yeah, so?" Wakaba says in agreement.
"Okay, so picture a yarrow stalk reading. Each stalk is either yin or yang." He says. "Either crossed by another stalk, or uncrossed. And all sixty-four readings have their own pattern. So, what if you translated those patterns into either 'yes' or 'no'?" He points at a particular word. "Many of these words are, as Chouko-san noticed, quite long - but especially so towards the front of the book. See, here - story, monogatari. My bet is that we may at some point get a message where one of the words is bakemono, and depending on whether it is placed as a 'yes' or a 'no', it could mean 'bake' or 'mono' - or perhaps 'mono' or 'gatari', it will take some time with an actual message that he sends us to translate for certain."
Wakaba looks terribly impressed, but Minato's reaction is even better. "Oi! You bastard, is that why you kept sending so many letters to so many people?" Minato growls, glaring daggers at Koibu. "Every time my men intercepted one of your stupid letters, it was always full of nonsense. Was that why?"
Koibu preens like a cat that has just stolen a fish. "I used a rather different cipher, but yes, this isn't my first time using a code of some sort." He picks up the book and hands it back to you. "The main thing to recall about ciphers like this is that they are typically impenetrable unless someone has the corresponding cipher-book to decode it with. So keep a very careful watch on this."
You tuck the book once again into your kimono. It's a not unpleasant weight, a physical reminder that the Courts are full of shadows and plots far beyond your experience. "All right, then. Since it sounds like we won't be able to do anything further about this book until Yamato-dono sends us a letter?" Koibu nods in confirmation. "In that case, let's leave it for the moment and talk for a bit about your nights. Koibu-san, tell me about Kitsune Yasuji-dono, and this Yasuki of yours."
Koibu doesn't blush, but you can feel a surge of embarrassment from him, and your interest sharpens. "Well, Yasuji-dono seemed like ... I would say, probably a proud man, forced by circumstances to be humble. He is definitely someone who knows how the game is played here at court." He pauses for a second, clearly considering. "I would say, he's used to being one of the leaders of the Minor Clans, especially in this circumstance. I don't know that he's entirely pleased that we seem to have so much influence, nor that we have so far avoided making common cause with the other Minor Clans, but I didn't get the impression that he was so angry that we wouldn't be able to smooth things over."
You mull over that for a moment. "The bags of rice that all of the Minor Clans gave to the Crab - That was his move." You say, thinking out loud. If that is the case, the Fox might be more important than you had assumed, if the Sparrow and Hare were following their lead.
"I think so," Koibu agrees. "It's possible that becoming too close friends with the Fox could lead to trouble with our hosts." He frowns thoughtfully. "Unless we could convince the Minor Clans that allying themselves with the Crab would lead to a better state of affairs in the long run."
After a pause, you nod in affirmation. "Definitely something worth handling quickly, then." You give your Boss a sly smile. "What about the young lady from the Yasuki?"
Taigen chimes in. "She was hot stuff, Tsubaki-san. Asked him if he was unmarried and everything."
"Oh ho," you say. "Do tell."
Koibu glares at the both of you. "Oh, come now. We discussed little of any consequence. I'm sure she was just being a good host."
"Hmm. A distinguished older daimyo, having tragically lost his wife and never remarried, part of a new and heroic minor Clan..." Taigen singsongs, "A courtier of the Great Clans couldn't possibly be interested in someone like that."
Wakaba chimes in. "As Tsubaki-sama's intelligence advisor, I'm going to have to remind you that certain clans have been known to use seduction techniques to get what they want, Koibu-dono. You should guard your virtue carefully."
"Now see here!" he sputters as everyone else laughs, you included.
"Well, if there was truly nothing of importance discussed, I think we can leave it for now," you say.
"Thank you." Koibu says with a glower.
"Wakaba, tell me about these Clan Heirs," you say. "It seemed like they had some information?"
She smirks. "They have all the enmities of the Champions, and none of the power to do anything about it, so really they just sat there and bickered at each other all night, going in for little digs or challenging each other to sparring matches later in the Winter, and so on. Um, one thing I figured out is why the Mirumoto are so mad at the Crab. Seems like there was a big food shortage a few years ago? And one of the Yasuki argued that the Crab needed the harvests more than anyone else did, so the Crab got it, and the Dragon starved. Like, lots of people died, starved."
"Is that what that was all about?" Yu says. "I was listening to the traders, and the Dragons kept making references to 'ten years ago', but nobody made reference to the actual event itself so I wasn't sure."
Wakaba nods. "Well, in any case, the main thing with all of these Clan Heirs is that they take themselves a lot more seriously than their parents seem to. A lot of them are really smart, talented kids, but most of them don't have much power on their own... yet. Um, they're all pretty suspicious though, seem to be on guard against false friends. Making contacts might be a good long term plan, but not necessarily super easy."
Again, Wakaba has given you something to think on. "Thank you," you say. "So, there are a few things that I'd like everyone's opinion on. First off, what can we do to get more information on what is going on? Knowing why the Mirumoto are angry at the Crab definitely helps - thank you Wakaba - but it doesn't tell us why the Lion are cooperating with two of their traditional enemies, nor why the Togashi aren't overruling the Mirumoto; and though the Crane have well-known motivations for such a course of action it really does seem like they are expending colossal amounts of effort to accomplish this. More information can only help us."
There is a round of nods in understanding. Finally Koibu speaks up. "I think that we should also consider looking for information on the Scorpion as well. They are being oddly helpful to us, given their reputation."
You nod slowly. "And the Unicorn." At the quizzical looks that you receive, all that you can say is that "I got... an odd vibe off of Shinjo Shakaguchi-san. It could have been nothing, but better to be careful." From across the room, you can see Taigen and Gohei looking at you with solemn eyes, in full agreement with your proposition. "We'll have to discuss plans for that as time goes on. There's also the matter of who we can find to make more official contacts or allies with."
Yu nods. "Lots of traders want to move goods through Zakyo Toshi, that's a natural market right there."
"The Minor Clans, definitely." Says Koibu. "I'm not so sure about Kitsune-dono, but there otherwise seems to be a vein of camaraderie going through the Minor Clans that you could easily take advantage of."
"You've already heard my take on the clan Heirs," says Wakaba, "but you could probably make some progress with them just by declaring them important enough to visit."
Minato grunts. "It kind of seems like a lot of clans brought their high-ranking warriors to Court. The Crab are a pretty martial Clan, so that makes sense - but it means that talking to the rikugunshogan and so forth might give you a bit more leverage here than it would otherwise."
Finally Chouko responds after dreamily staring off into place. "Um, well, there's my art crowd. Um, and a bunch of the people you want to talk to are shugenja. Kitsu-dono, Kitsune-dono, Isawa-dono... wouldn't be the worst idea to poke your head in and talk to some people there..."
You aren't quite so sure about that last, but you leave it lay. "Alright, last thing. The Emperor has basically commanded me to get married swiftly, for the good of our Clan and the Empire."
There's kind of a generalized raucous laughter at that, and you sigh, waving your hand in the air. "All right, all right, get it out of the way. So, as these offers come in, what should I be looking for?" There is a vast array of comments, from 'dowries' to 'alliances' to 'the cute-looking ones!' but in the end it leaves you little more decided than you had been before. You will have to wait and see what offers actually present themselves.
With that, you head to bed. The months ahead will be busy, and there is much to do to prepare. Together with your advisers, you hammer out a plan for the weeks ahead.
THE MONTH OF THE RAT (Pick ONE per adviser)
[ ] Work on hammering out some trade deals. Like it or not, trade is the lifeblood of your Clan for right now, and encouraging trade relationships will be important. Plus, you will get a first mover advantage.
[ ] Work on hammering out some trade deals... to the benefit of the Crab. The Crab are badly undersupplied right now, and having your support in making sure that agreements favor them would be valuable.
[ ] Study other Clans' trade arrangements. By keeping a weather eye on who is buying and selling, you will get a better picture of overall politics, and set yourself up to make better deals in the months of the Ox and Tiger.
[ ] Try to recruit craftsmen and traders. Other clans might be willing to lend you artisans to train members of your own clan, which would help you to get your home industries up and running.
[ ] Study other clans' negotiation techniques. Right now Yu is unpracticed at actual negotiation, but some time spent studying the methods of the Yasuki and how other clans respond to those methods could very well prove beneficial in the future.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Smooth things over with your hosts. The Crane's attack on you is unlikely to shatter your alliance with them by itself, but working at mending those bridges before they are tested again is probably a good strategy.
[ ] Show your face in important social circles. If you intend to spend your personal time away from the spotlight, sending Koibu in your place to the major courts would be a good way to keep from giving the impression of retreat.
[ ] Make contacts with the Minor Clans. The other Minor Clans are natural potential allies of yours, and sending Koibu to make friends would be an excellent foundation for future alliances with them.
[ ] Actively assist the Crab. The Crab aren't known for their skill with words, the Yasuki family aside. Though it would attract attention, jumping to their defense would be a strong sign of support for them.
[ ] Study other courtiers' techniques. Koibu has a lifetime of experience working with ronin and heimin, but noble Clan Samurai are another breed entirely. It's possible that by studying how other clans operate, he could develop some useful skills to bring back to future Clan dojos.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Spy on the Crab. You don't really think that you're in any danger of being attacked by them, but there could be assistance that they need that they cannot honorably ask for. 'Overhearing' the right conversation could neatly sidestep that issue.
[ ] Spy on the Clan Heirs. Because of her apparent youth, Wakaba is uniquely positioned to grab a great deal of information from people less well equipped to guard it than their parents. The challenge will be to sift the gold from the dross.
[ ] Spy on the Crane Alliance. Knowing your enemy is one of the central tenets of successful warfare, and the Crane / Lion / Dragon alliance has certainly declared itself your enemy.
[ ] Watch the Unicorn. There seems to be something weird about Shinjo Shakaguchi, and you would rather not be blindsided by a potential enemy willing to act like a friend.
[ ] Study the intrigues of court. Wakaba is a brilliant novice in spycraft, and Winter Court is one of the places most filled with intrigue that she is likely to find. Studying the situation here could help solidify her grasp on her skills.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Seek out trainers for your armies. It's an unfortunate fact that you have far more people in your Clan than sensei to train them, and it's possible that Minato might be able to find people here at Winter Court that could fill that lack.
[ ] Make friends with the generals. Since you're in Crab lands, members of the military have an unusual influence over their delegations, and as your most noted warrior Minato is probably best placed to capitalize on that to win your Clan alliances.
[ ] Seek mercenary contracts. Right now you have a well-equipped military and very little that you need to use it on; being of military assistance to the other Clans could win you money, alliances, or both.
[ ] Compete in tests of personal skill. Minato has a great deal of personal skill as a warrior, particularly in the heavy axes that the Crab favor. He could very likely gain some glory for your clan by participating.
[ ] Spar with some Crab bushi. Rather than looking for trainers, Minato could focus on developing his own skill so that he could pass down some of those skills to your own warriors, and the Crab would be an excellent Clan to do that with.
[ ] Write-in.
[ ] Assist Yu with his efforts in Trade. As a skilled priest of Inari, Chouko could have quite a deal to say about agriculture that would be of aid in discussing deals involving food. Furthermore, the ability to speak with the Kami has many useful applications.
[ ] Assist Koibu with his efforts in Diplomacy. Chouko's skills as a poet would add an artistic flair to Koibu's approaches that he lacks, and there are many ways for a shugenja to be of assistance in the diplomatic arena.
[ ] Assist Wakaba with her efforts in Intrigue. Chouko herself is not terribly adept at the matter, but Wakaba could definitely use her as a resource to use the kami to eavesdrop on her targets.
[ ] Assist Minato with his efforts in Battle. While she doesn't have nearly Minato's combat experience, she does have experience with supply lines for food and with the use of the kami in battle that he lacks.
[ ] Attempt to make friends with the other shugenja present. Priests of the kami are rare, and building relationships with them could be another way to circumvent the primary diplomats of delegations. Plus, Chouko is likely to learn something from discussing theology with other priests.
Your presence is likely to be highly in demand, and you know better than to think that you can plan any concrete objectives with so much of your time taken up by official duties and ceremonial events. Still, there are a few things that you can plan.
[ ] Traders: You are the ruler of Zakyo Toshi, one of the largest trade cities in the South. Your presence in a trade-related milieu would be unquestioned, and you could provide many of the social niceties that have so far escaped Yu.
[ ] Artists: Chouko has provided you with an opening to meet with some of the poets, musicians, and other artists of the Empire. You're eager to show off Auntie Hatsuyuki's techniques, and while you have plans to be able to do so in any arena, doing so in a circle of artists has the highest potential reward. Yet, out of anywhere, the critics in a artistically minded arena are likely to be the harshest.
[ ] Youths: You are young enough, and low enough in status as a champion of a Minor Clan, that it would not be completely out of character for you to take place in the social one-upmanship that goes on with the younger set at Winter Court. While immediate benefits are likely to be few, you could make some friendships with people who will one day be quite important indeed.
[ ] Generals: The military presence at the Winter Court is difficult to deny, and while you are not quite up to the standards of some of the fighters here your heroism in rescuing the Emperor is more than enough to win you acceptance into such circles, and possibly even respect. With many bushi neglecting the arts of court in favor of the arts of the sword, you might be able to find some easy targets for potential manipulations.
[ ] High Rollers: Screw Doji Ran, and the little friends she came in with, too. You'll be damned if you back down from a fight, even a fight with the Champions of the most powerful Clans in the Empire. You'll stand next to the Emperor, and they can learn to live with you or they can choke.
[ ] Crab / Scorpion: Since your initial meetings with these groups are already out of the way, spending further time with them will be easier to arrange - yet at the same time, it is possible that you could achieve similar effects just by being present in social arenas that they also occupy.
[ ] Unicorn: There's something unusual about the leader of the Unicorn, and you want to find out what. More to the point, they're the only one of your neighbors who you haven't developed a formal relationship with yet.
[ ] Mantis / Fox: Daimyo Kaido knew quite a bit about your business in Zakyo Toshi, and many of his responses to conversation made it seem like he would be a possible ally. And then there's Kitsu Yasuji, who you are potentially at risk of offending. Spending some time with the Minor Clans might be a good idea.
[ ] Phoenix: The Great Clan that you know the least about, but you have an opening to speak with the Elemental Master of Wind - and perhaps more of the leadership of the Phoenix as well. They also seem to be emphatically not supporting the Crane in their moves against the Crab - perhaps you would be able to find another ally here?
[ ] Crane Alliance: Right now they're de facto your enemy, but that doesn't have to be the case. Going out of your way to appease them might cause some resentment among the Crab, but for the long term survival of the Catfish, perhaps developing closer ties with the Left and Right Hands of the Emperor would be a safer move.