Francisca Toss (8 Fervour): Tosses a Francisca or similar throwing weapon at an opponent for 30 Damage, aiming to foul their shield. If this attacks hits an opponent with a shield, instead of doing damage it costs them two shield uses. Grants +1 initiative if done as the first thing in a combat. (0/6 Refined)
Love this, still kinda sad we didn't go for the Francisca Style but it is what it is. The ability to deny enemies shield usage is wonderful.
Passive Bonus: This style specializes in fighting groups, and allows for defending against two attacks simultaneously. It also adds its rating to the Rebuke of those wearing Knightly Armour (before any doubling due to Zeal)
This is really good, but I do have some questions about it.
We can only use 1 Style bonus at once, with the explicit exception so far of Fyrdman yt Wol's no friendly fire bonus. How is decided what which we use? And if we are the ones to pick, how would that work with Hard-Fall Style's Tactics bonus which is generally used before we pick a combat plan?
Horde-Breaking Charge (8 Fervour): This rote allows the cultivator to charge forward, providing significant movement, and body-checks one or more opponents, doing 20 Damage and knocking them prone. The number of opponents effected depends entirely on how close they are standing together, with actual formations being able to effect several. (0/6 Refined)
This is useful in one-on-one combat as well, which pleases me.
I get the impression that beside fighting multiple opponents Hordebreaker also has a focus of using our body as a weapon. Would we be able to create Prayers focusing on that rather than on the multi-opponent aspect?
Sweeping Slash (8 Fervour): Attacks up to three nearby opponents simultaneously for 30 Damage each. One attack roll is made, and each defense is rolled separately. (0/6 Refined)
I can't remember if this was 8 Fervour before, but I'm pretty sure it was 20 Damage each. So that's also a nice upgrade.
Edit: I checked. It was 10 Fervour before. And indeed 20 damage.
In the description of some of the Prayers we had from the start we gained hints about how they would improve with increased mastery. I'm not seeing that here. Is there a reason for that?
Edit: Did we get the throwing Rote because it was second place in the Style vote?