Knight Commander with a tadpole (Baldur's Gate 3 x Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous)

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A quest where, after the Paradox ending of Inevitable Excess dlc for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, the Knight Commander awakens in the Mindflayer ship next to the Dark Urge with strange case of amnesia, the voices of her companions in her head, and mythic powers seemingly reset to zero and made even more malleable than ever. Decide if, in this new world, you will reach out to Angels or Demons, or perhaps if you turn into a terrifying chimera of mythic aspects, you already shouldn't exist anyway so why not continue breaking everything?

Spoilers for WotR, obviously. Starts at the very beginning of BG3 so no spoilers for that yet but in future it could change. Knowledge of BG3 is not necessary, Knight Commander knows even less of the setting than you do. Knowledge of WotR... Probably a good idea or you won't know what's the deal with any of the WotR companions, but probably not necessary either? And absolutely no need for knowledge about mechanics of either DnD5E or either edition of PF.
0: Excess Awakens
You wake up falling out of a strange, fleshy pod. Your head hurts, pounds in a chaotic rhythm. Your first attempt to stand up only worsens the feelings and drops you to your knees.

Lann: Whoa! Easy there, Commander!

Daeran: This feels worse than the worst hangover I ever experienced, and believe me, that means something.

Seelah: As if you have ever spent a day hangover. We all know you would just heal it immediately.

Daeran: My friend, your completely true accusations hurt my very soul! Actually, no, they don't.

You have voices of people you somewhat recall in your head. You don't think that's normal, but you can hardly think.

Ember: Commander, please, calm down. The pain will fade soon, I'm sure.

Regil: We are in an unknown location with potential hostiles. Stop this disappointing show and get your bearings right now.

The voice is right. Your second attempt to stand up goes better, and with only mild nausea you look at the world spinning around you.

Woljif: I don't think it's the world that's spinning, Chief.

Nenio: We appear to be on a flying ship of a completely unknown flesh-based architecture. Fascinating! There are five other pods similar to the one we just came out of, all damaged to various degrees. Considering the construction, it seems the pods were meant to keep humanoid beings in place, probably asleep or in stasis when whoever controls this ship has no need for them. Perfect setup for long-term experimentation on people. I'd like you to lick the pod so we can judge its qualities to note in Encyclopedia. The center of the room holds a yellow liquid in a cup-shaped container reaching around a meter thirty height, further examination required to discern the purpose.

Arueshalae: We aren't in the mortal realm. This place is permeated with Evil, but also feels very orderly. Are we in Hell?

Seelah: Are those devils fighting a red dragon out there? We really woke up to a big mess, huh?

Sosiel: I understand why you focus on those aspects of our surroundings, but there is another woman in this room who also seems to have fallen out of a pod. She seems in pain and might need help.

Wenduag: That greyish-purple skin, that white hair… Be careful, Drow can be dangerous and ruthless. Make sure she doesn't get the chance to point those hand crossbows at you. Preferably by killing her first.

Greybor: That's premature. Caution is important, but this Drow seems as much a victim of kidnapping as we are, so her being responsible for our state isn't likely, and thus she might be a willing source of information.

You approach the woman warily, unsure of how to proceed but understanding that standing still will fail to achieve anything. The drow is staring off into space, lost in thought, until you get close. You don't even get to say anything, as some sort of mental connection opens between you two. You feel confusion as your mind searches for memories, for any clue regarding your past, words 'Dark Urge' the only thing coming to you aside from deep bloodlust. You see your own face holding your head in pain and shock, and you can't help the sick fantasy of staining these beautiful locks of metallic blue hair with blood carved out of your throat from playing in your mind. The thought is so enticing, your arm is reaching out before you realize it, only to abort at a terrible fear and self-disgust that fills you when your brain comprehends what your body was about to do.

The connection stops then. You are in your own body once more.

Camilla: Mhmm… Such artistic thoughts this one has. Beautiful in body and beautiful in mind. I truly wish we will get to see this passion in action, though preferably practiced on someone else.

Sosiel: As usual, your shallow ideas of what beauty is fill me with disgust and sadness both.

Regill: The drow appears as psychopathic as our own serial killer, but with even less of a reason to keep her hands off us. We should remove this danger immediately.

Ember: Couldn't you feel it? There is evil in her, but she fights it! She isn't someone who wants to hurt people, it's the opposite! We should help her, not hurt her more!

"I… I'm sorry you had to feel that, but I swear on Eilistraee I'm not going to hurt you!" The drow speaks up, distracting you from the debate in your head. She keeps her hands carefully off the crossbows, daggers, even the lute on her back, as if trying to prove she isn't a danger.

There is a problem though - you don't understand her words at all. You assume it's some sort of promise about the thoughts in her mind being just thoughts, but you can't be certain.

Nenio: This situation is getting more and more interesting! The drow has spoken neither Common, Undercommon, Elven, Sylvan, or any other language I could recognise, and I might not be able to speak them all, but I certainly can recognise almost every language ever used in Golorian!

Arueshalae: She apologized for making you feel what she felt and swore on someone named Eilistraee that she won't hurt you.

Sosiel: The necklace she wears, and the lute on her back… I'm pretty sure both are divine focuses. Though I recognise neither the symbol or the name, I reckon this Eilistraee is her deity. But, Arueshalae, how did you understand it?

Daeran: Succubi do have the ability to speak and understand any language, come to think of it. It's certainly a boon in our situation, although, forgive me my winged beauty, but even your voice will eventually tire me if you end up having to translate every single person we encounter.

Nenio: That shouldn't be an issue. We are after all just hallucinatory representations of many aspects of assistant's shattered mythic power after the paradox she caused with the shard of excess mythic power of Lady Areelu and accidentally clashed with several other excess assistants from alternative timelines attempting the same thing. The succubus merely instinctively pulled on a demonic aspect of mythic power to reproduce an ability her existent self possessed.

Hang on, what?

Wenduag: So, Master simply has to reach out for his powers to speak with the drow like a succubus could? Well then, Master, what are you waiting for?

Seelah: Wait a minute, demons aren't the only beings with such powers, angels too can cross language barriers. We have no need of such darkness when the light of heavens can easily solve our problem!

Arueshalae: Many Azata too have the powers of truespeech. Please, Commander, don't reach to Abyss when you have many better options!

Regill: I certainly hope I won't have to deal with the mess either Demons or Azata would cause, Commander. Angels are sufficient for our needs, as are Devils.

Wait, wait. You are still confused. Shattered mythic power? Hallucinations? Alternative timelines? Is that why you can't remember anything about yourself, even your name?

Ember: You are Knight Commander, a very kind person.

Uhm, thanks Ember, but you don't think Knight Commander is your name.

Daern: Really? Considering how every person ever calls you that, you would think it is your name. It's always "Knight Commander" this, "Knight Commander" that, or "Commander" if someone is feeling lazy. In fact, I don't think I have ever heard your name, Commander!

Greybor: Come to think of it, he is right. You didn't introduce yourself when we first met, and I knew who you were only from the stories I heard, not a single one calling you anything else than Knight Commander.

Ok, but someone here has to know my name, right? You wait for a moment, and for the first time since you have awoken there is a silence in your head. Really, even you Seelah?

Seelah: I mean… you never gave me and Anevia a name when we first met, and there was so much going on that asking afterwards kinda slipped my mind.

You are feeling very disappointed in yourself right now.

Lann: Not that I'm not interested in continuing this discussion, but I'm pretty sure it's been at least a whole minute since the drow spoke to us and even with my meager social skills I'm confident she is already weirded out.

Sosiel: Lann is correct. Commander, I understand this situation is concerning for you, but you need to focus on the now. We can answer all your questions later, when it's safe.

Sosiel is right, unfortunately. Escaping from a creepy fleshy damaged flying ship should be your first priority. You refocus on the drow, noticing how unsure she looks, and even a little worried for you. You reach down to the mythic power inside you, and find it shattered, weak, a mere shadow of what you know it could be. But it's also… malleable. More than it was even at the very beginning of your journey. Something to think about. For now, you grab the power to speak with her.

[ ] Your normally golden halo flashes with white holy light, enlightening your surroundings even more. You feel the Light of Heavens, though a mere spark of what it should be, fill your soul and body.
[ ] Even in such dreary surroundings, happiness and almost childish excitement fills you, when a tiny blue-green butterfly flies out from somewhere and starts dancing around you. As the drow seems to relax despite herself, you know you aren't the only one feeling that.
[ ] You can't help the smirk that appears on your face, as your golden halo turns reddish. In its light, you feel your hellish authority dominate the world around you.
[ ] Calling upon the aspect of a succubus, you casually let your new tail swing left and right. Demonic power floods your veins and you barely control the cackle seeking to escape your throat.

The show at least spooked the drow, who took a step back in surprise, her hands instinctively grabbing for the hand crossbows.

[ ] Good choice, but too little too late. In the end, she is too dangerous to be left alive. Who knows when she will suddenly decide your blood is too pretty to hold back from stabbing you in the back? You will kill her first.
[ ] "Forgive me if I don't quite trust that." You pin her with a stare. You don't trust her, but the situation is too strange to abandon a potential source of muscle and information. "You try anything funny, even breathe the wrong way, and you will regret it, understood?"
[ ] "Don't worry, I trust you. Nothing happened, right?" You speak calmly, fighting your unease at what you sensed in her mind. Ember is right, the woman is fighting those dark urges, and such strong willpower deserves respect.
[ ] "Oh, no need for apologies! That was quite… intriguing." You lick your lips. "I must admit though, I would rather watch you perform your… art on other people. I'm sure we can find a few for both of us to get our fill."
[ ] Write-in

Author Note: So, this is it. Let's find out how long I will last this time.

The first choice is not a permanent choice of your mythic path, not yet. Even if you pick, say, Angel here, you might still pick Demon or perhaps Aeon next time there is a choice. And don't worry, Trickster, Aeon, Lich and Golden Dragon options will appear too. Legend and Swarm won't though. Swarm because there won't be much to write about, Legend because as cool as Legend is (and it is very cool), it doesn't really fit this concept.

If you haven't played WotR, you might not be familiar with what a Path of Azata, Aeon or Trickster actually means. While powers of Angels or Lich might be pretty obvious, these three terms not.

Azata refers to Chaotic Good outsiders from Elysium. The Path involves powers that restore the corrupted world around you, combination of holy and nature themes, and being a literal storybook hero with superpowers and powers of friendship.

Aeons are Lawful Neutral troubleshooters of universe. They reveal the truth in front of them, get to time travel, and bring what's unnatural to what should be. They also quite often can suffer from Lawful Stupid as they have too much power and if they don't adhered to a very strict laws and instead started using power "to make the world better" or "for own benefit" the whole world would basically crash.

Tricksters are Chaotic Neutral metagamers, literally. Their powers are epitome of karmic justice and irony, they turn metaphors literal and can directly order the narrator of the universe to change things, summon beer elementals, turn any dice roll into natural 20, change actual rules of Pathfinder, and in general adhere to the policy "All the world is a stage and we are but actors except I have the script in my hand and can change it at any moment".
[X] Calling upon the aspect of a succubus, you casually let your new tail swing left and right. Demonic power floods your veins and you barely control the cackle seeking to escape your throat.

[X] "Oh, no need for apologies! That was quite… intriguing." You lick your lips. "I must admit though, I would rather watch you perform your… art on other people. I'm sure we can find a few for both of us to get our fill."
[X] Even in such dreary surroundings, happiness and almost childish excitement fills you, when a tiny blue-green butterfly flies out from somewhere and starts dancing around you. As the drow seems to relax despite herself, you know you aren't the only one feeling that.

[X] "Don't worry, I trust you. Nothing happened, right?" You speak calmly, fighting your unease at what you sensed in her mind. Ember is right, the woman is fighting those dark urges, and such strong willpower deserves respect.
[x] Your normally golden halo flashes with white holy light, enlightening your surroundings even more. You feel the Light of Heavens, though a mere spark of what it should be, fill your soul and body.
[x] Write-in
-[x] "Look, right now you don't trust me and I don't really trust you, but we can at least try to put aside our differences until we get the hell out of here, then we can see where we stand." You doubt either of you can trust the other and openly offering trust may come across as either a trick or dangerously naive. But you also don't want to preemptively burn any bridges.
No swarm or legend? Awww. Dragon will be fine too though.

[X] Even in such dreary surroundings, happiness and almost childish excitement fills you, when a tiny blue-green butterfly flies out from somewhere and starts dancing around you. As the drow seems to relax despite herself, you know you aren't the only one feeling that.

[X] "Don't worry, I trust you. Nothing happened, right?" You speak calmly, fighting your unease at what you sensed in her mind. Ember is right, the woman is fighting those dark urges, and such strong willpower deserves respect.
[X] Even in such dreary surroundings, happiness and almost childish excitement fills you, when a tiny blue-green butterfly flies out from somewhere and starts dancing around you. As the drow seems to relax despite herself, you know you aren't the only one feeling that.

[X] "Don't worry, I trust you. Nothing happened, right?" You speak calmly, fighting your unease at what you sensed in her mind. Ember is right, the woman is fighting those dark urges, and such strong willpower deserves respect.
[X] Even in such dreary surroundings, happiness and almost childish excitement fills you, when a tiny blue-green butterfly flies out from somewhere and starts dancing around you. As the drow seems to relax despite herself, you know you aren't the only one feeling that.

[X] "Don't worry, I trust you. Nothing happened, right?" You speak calmly, fighting your unease at what you sensed in her mind. Ember is right, the woman is fighting those dark urges, and such strong willpower deserves respect.

Azata gaming.
[X] Even in such dreary surroundings, happiness and almost childish excitement fills you, when a tiny blue-green butterfly flies out from somewhere and starts dancing around you. As the drow seems to relax despite herself, you know you aren't the only one feeling that.

[X] "Don't worry, I trust you. Nothing happened, right?" You speak calmly, fighting your unease at what you sensed in her mind. Ember is right, the woman is fighting those dark urges, and such strong willpower deserves respect.

Seconded on the Azata train.
I wonder if we go Azata will we call in a different havoc dragon or will Aivu find us?
1: Excess is weirded out by brains
[X] Even in such dreary surroundings, happiness and almost childish excitement fills you, when a tiny blue-green butterfly flies out from somewhere and starts dancing around you. As the drow seems to relax despite herself, you know you aren't the only one feeling that.

[X] "Don't worry, I trust you. Nothing happened, right?" You speak calmly, fighting your unease at what you sensed in her mind. Ember is right, the woman is fighting those dark urges, and such strong willpower deserves respect.

"Don't worry, I trust you. Nothing happened, right?" You speak calmly, fighting your unease at what you sensed in her mind. Ember is right, the woman is fighting those dark urges, and such strong willpower deserves respect.

"Oh, uh…" She seems surprised, maybe she didn't expect you to be so reasonable? But then she smiles and extends a hand for a handshake. "Thank you, friend. I appreciate your trust. I am Elerra, at your service."

She still speaks her language, but now you can understand it and speak it in turn. That's very convenient, why haven't you done it before?

Sosiel: I cannot recall us ever encountering anyone not speaking to you in Common or Abyssal, and you know both languages.

Huh, you know Abyssal? Good to know.

Lann: Commander, maybe introduce yourself too?

Oh, right, you got lost in thought again. Grabbing the extended hand and shaking it, you wander what to say, since you can't remembe-"I am Knight Commander, good to meet you." Or your traitorous mouth can just say that.

Daern laughs the loudest, but you know the others are laughing at you too. Traitors, everyone.

"Now then, let's find a way to get off this ship." You say and start walking towards what you assume are fleshy doors before Elerra can comment. If she asks for an actual name, you might just die of embarrassment.

"Hey, wait for me!"


Then things are no longer perfect as yet another voice appears in your head, asking to be saved.

"Did you hear that?" The drow asks, turning to you. "The voice asking to be saved?"

Oh, so it's not another voice in your head, just someone speaking in people's heads. "Yes, I did. Let's investigate."

Wenduag: You shouldn't be wasting your time looking for some weakling.

Arushulae: You are wrong, Wenduag, this is the right thing to do.

"Yes, let's go." Your companion (the one with a body) is apparently also of the mind to help people.

Your investigation brings you to a platform that moves up when Elerra clicks something, and there to… Oh, poor guy.

Greybor: He wasn't tortured, not in the traditional sense at least. Head aside, his body shows no injuries, not even those one would expect from someone straining against their bonds.

Camilla: No sense of style, no passion. Brain is one of the least interesting organs to be exposed. His skull was cut with surgical precision too. There was some pragmatic purpose to this. How boring.

Nenio: Some sort of ritual? Or perhaps a religious ceremony? The culture that created this ship seems to hold brains in high regard. How curious. We need to find a representative of this culture, I have many questions to ask!

Woljif: I was trying to not think about all these brains around! Ugh, this is creepy. Let's get out of here already, Chief! I'm starting to think this brain is wriggling!

Regil: You're not just seeing this, the brain is moving unnaturally. Be wary.

You are, very much so.

Elerra approaches the brain first, and starts talking to it.

"Yes! You've come to save us from this place, from this place you'll free us! Please, before they return. They return."

The way the voice of this, well, voice, changes constantly is somewhat disturbing. The drow takes it in quite easily though. "Who am I talking to - a man or a brain?" She asks.

"A newborn. Born from this husk." The voice answers.

It's like something snaps into place for Elerra, who turns to you, a few signs of worry showing on her face. "Intellect devourer." She mouths at you, quietly, probably so the brain doesn't hear.

Nenio: So, the brain is actually a separate creature? Fascinating! Considering the name, I assume not only are those being born from brains, but also feed on them in some way. Could it be then that all the brains around are not a symbol of worship, but emergency rations instead?

Seelah: This is disgusting. What kind of monster would do that to a person? Turn them into some sort of… breeding ground for monster brains?

Mayhaps it's the power of Elysium you are channeling, but a sort of righteous fury fills you. Robbing a person of their dignity, their freedom and their life, for the sake of creating a monster that would kill more people? How many have been killed just to gather so many brains? How many were hurt by this evil?!

From the corner of your eye, you notice the drow's eyes widening in surprise as holy energy of Elysium gathers in your hand, ready to destroy this affront to nature. You approach the brain without a word, the butterfly flying around you joined by a second one. When your hand is close to the monster, the energy shoots out and burns away the creature, quickly enough that it probably didn't have the time to feel any pain.

Lann: Someone's angry.

Regil: It was a threat that was dealt with swiftly. I approve.

"Well, that works." Elerra comments, approaching you after the lightshow is done. "I was going to destroy it myself, but I will admit that my way would have dirtied my hands much more."

What was she going to do, grab the brain? She has a dagger, she could stab it without dirtying her hands. Weirdo.

"What are Intellect Devourers, anyway?" You ask.

Nenio: Uouh, information, finally!

"Oh, you don't know? They are… well, monsters that look like brains with legs, they feed on minds. Mind Flayers create them as their minions." She explains.

"And what are Mind Flayers?"

She gives you a strange look, the 'do you live under a rock?' type of strange, but thankfully answers. "You know, Illythids? The things that look like humanoid octopuses and have powerful psionic powers?"

"Never heard of them."

"Oh. Well, that about covers all you need to know right now. Once we escape, I can tell you more about them." Then, quietly, most likely not intending for you to hear, she adds. "Where in the Realms is she from…"

You ride the platform down and move towards the big hole in silence. Well, Elerra is in silence, you have too big of a debate regarding those Mind Flayers in your head to consider it in any way silent. Perhaps it's big enough of a distraction that you only notice the green-skinned woman in silver armor when she lands in front of you.

"Abomination." The new arrival points her sword at Elerra, apparently seeing her as a bigger danger than you, something you find irking. "This is your end."

Before she can commit to the attack, or your voices comment on the situation, the mental connection from before opens again, this time with the new arrival and not the drow. Visions rush past you - red scales of a dragon, a weapon held in two hands, your own face next to Elerra's…

The connection breaks, yet a moment later it opens again - but you aren't a part of it this time. The woman is sharing her mind with the drow now.

Camilla: She looks like a toad.

Regill: She seems a well-trained soldier.

Woljif: She seems ready to kill us and I would prefer we focus on that!

"My head… What is this… ngh." The silver-armored woman says when the connection finally dies down. "You are no thrall - Vlaakith blesses me this day! Together we might survive."

"Indeed, the more the better. What do you suggest?"

You were more wondering about being called a thrall, or who she is, but sure, let's go with Elerra's question.

The woman turns around, pointing towards a group of small devils devouring a body of… huh, are those the Mind Flayers Elerra told you about? "First, we exterminate the imps. Then, we move to take control of the ship. We can worry about the cure for infestation afterwards."

Infestation? "Wait, what infestation?!"

The two look at you like you are slow, though the green-skinned one also seems to consider you something lower than a worm. "Fool. The tadpoles the Illythids put in us! They will transform us into more of them if we aren't cleansed!"

Daern: My, that certainly sounds dreadful, those tentacles must make dinners so annoying."

You want to know more about that tadpole, but the imps finally notice you and throw bolts of fire at your group.

Nenio: These imps bore a certain amount of resemblance to the devils we call imps, yet there are just as many differences, including this ability to manipulate fire. It seems my theory is correct, we have landed somewhere so far away from Golorian that even Hell is different! Oh, this is so exciting! I shall start writing a second Encyclopedia, name pending, right now!

The drow brings out her two crossbows, while the other one charges with her sword. Not to be any worse, you instinctively reach for a weapon - and realize it's missing. And the weapon is not the only thing missing.

Seelah: These two really could have said something about you walking in only undergarments!

Woljif: Nooooo! Our loot! Or trinkets, bags of holding, our money! All is lost!

You want to cry a little bit, like Woljif is doing at this moment. Your dozens of potions of cure light wounds and others, your collection of scrolls that could fill a small library, your amazing cape and rings and other magical items, all gone. It's like a part of you died just now. But it's not the time to cry. There is a battle going on, and even without a weapon you aren't defenseless. Quite the opposite in fact.

[ ] Though you prefer to channel your powers through weapons, a kineticist is always armed. You form a blade of ice in your hand, just in case, but you don't bother to use it, instead gathering the elemental power of the world to strike those imps with a lance of coldness.
[ ] You reach out to your sorcerous powers. They are diminished, truth be told, but not enough that you can't show these devils why it was a bad idea to provoke you.
[ ] A magus is at home with a sword in one hand and a Shocking Grasp in another. But, you are nothing if not adaptable.
[ ] Your divine powers answer as readily as ever. As you draw upon the stars, you feel your curse start taking hold, your body lightening unnaturally. It's fine though, you are used to it, and the magic you bring forth is more than worth it.

Author note: Our Knight Commander is absolutely a gestalt character. With that in mind, we will pick a more martial part of the build another time. For now, Kineticist, Sorcerer, Magus or Cosmos Oracle?
[X] A magus is at home with a sword in one hand and a Shocking Grasp in another. But, you are nothing if not adaptable.

I await the more martial parts. Fighter master race.
[X] Though you prefer to channel your powers through weapons, a kineticist is always armed. You form a blade of ice in your hand, just in case, but you don't bother to use it, instead gathering the elemental power of the world to strike those imps with a lance of coldness.

Let's show these chumps the power of a fistful of frost.
[X] You reach out to your sorcerous powers. They are diminished, truth be told, but not enough that you can't show these devils why it was a bad idea to provoke you.

If you're doing Azata, Sorcerer or Bard really feels like the natural pick for classes, plus the magic-themed super-powers are the best.
[X] You reach out to your sorcerous powers. They are diminished, truth be told, but not enough that you can't show these devils why it was a bad idea to provoke you.

Changing my vote cause I remembered zippy magic exists.
[X] Your divine powers answer as readily as ever. As you draw upon the stars, you feel your curse start taking hold, your body lightening unnaturally. It's fine though, you are used to it, and the magic you bring forth is more than worth it.
[X] You reach out to your sorcerous powers. They are diminished, truth be told, but not enough that you can't show these devils why it was a bad idea to provoke you.
[X] Your divine powers answer as readily as ever. As you draw upon the stars, you feel your curse start taking hold, your body lightening unnaturally. It's fine though, you are used to it, and the magic you bring forth is more than worth it.
[X] You reach out to your sorcerous powers. They are diminished, truth be told, but not enough that you can't show these devil
Gonna point out that the Divine powers spellcaster is an oracle and not a paladin or cleric.
[x] Though you prefer to channel your powers through weapons, a kineticist is always armed. You form a blade of ice in your hand, just in case, but you don't bother to use it, instead gathering the elemental power of the world to strike those imps with a lance of coldness.

Kineticists are always cool and very fun to use.
[x] Though you prefer to channel your powers through weapons, a kineticist is always armed. You form a blade of ice in your hand, just in case, but you don't bother to use it, instead gathering the elemental power of the world to strike those imps with a lance of coldness.
[X] Your divine powers answer as readily as ever. As you draw upon the stars, you feel your curse start taking hold, your body lightening unnaturally. It's fine though, you are used to it, and the magic you bring forth is more than worth it.
[x] Though you prefer to channel your powers through weapons, a kineticist is always armed. You form a blade of ice in your hand, just in case, but you don't bother to use it, instead gathering the elemental power of the world to strike those imps with a lance of coldness.
[X] Your divine powers answer as readily as ever. As you draw upon the stars, you feel your curse start taking hold, your body lightening unnaturally. It's fine though, you are used to it, and the magic you bring forth is more than worth it.

a quest crossover? from some of my favorite games? with the companions as voice in our heads? and good writing? count me in
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[x] Though you prefer to channel your powers through weapons, a kineticist is always armed. You form a blade of ice in your hand, just in case, but you don't bother to use it, instead gathering the elemental power of the world to strike those imps with a lance of coldness.
[X] Your divine powers answer as readily as ever. As you draw upon the stars, you feel your curse start taking hold, your body lightening unnaturally. It's fine though, you are used to it, and the magic you bring forth is more than worth it.
[X] Your divine powers answer as readily as ever. As you draw upon the stars, you feel your curse start taking hold, your body lightening unnaturally. It's fine though, you are used to it, and the magic you bring forth is more than worth it.