Killer For Hire Quest II - Murder Hero

HymnOfRagnarok said:
Ehh....think people are too eager to get back to Malakai stabbing people. I cannot imagine how our situation could not be improved, if we were gonna act at all, by Eliza joining in and wrecking shit. And once she's a big fat distraction, then we go to town.

Us on our own? If we become a one man side caught between these two, survival might get chancy as is. Better hope the dice favor us.
I'm totally up for stabbing people, and if we go loud, then we go loud. Just I want to Silent Assassin this if possible, and have to agree with Hymn here that if we do go loud, we bring in our backup, because I can't really think of any good reasons to go solo.
[X] Make the signal for Eliza to come in and make everyone's day terrible except for yours and Shironeko's one.

:eek: They're trying to leave while using Corrie as a hostage! That might make us fail the mission!
Sup, I'm back to doing quests after a long sabbatical. Let's see how long I go for before I go on a hiatus again.

[X] Watching a Dog Eating Man

You decide to go to the side and watch what happens. Grabbing a seat at a nearby table, you notice a bowl of nuts.

Yay, snack!

You grab a handful of peanuts and begin eating them one by one as you watch the capital guards face off against the Lower Street Butchers.

The killers, having put the guards off-balance with their shields, hold out their weapons and fire upon the surviving man and girl. However, without warning, the puppy-dog thing that the girl calls Koro dashes in front of the girl right as the shots arrives. There is a burst of smoke as really small explosions erupt, accompanied by a short scream of pain.

"Hah! How do you like them apples, empire lapdogs!" One of the Butchers triumphantly exclaim. When the smoke clears however, his and the other Butchers' faces turn pale when they see what is now in front of them. Standing in front of the girl guard, Seryuu, is Koro.

Except he's now huge, towering over his mistress easily. Oh and he's been shot since he blocked the balls of energy heading for Seryuu except the holes in his body are healing right before your eyes. Seryuu looks triumphant while the other guard – ah, he's missing an arm and is on the ground holding the bloody stump.

"Oh fuck, that's a teigu." The Butcher holding Corrie manages to say before a large grin appears on Seryuu's face.

"Koro! Prey!" As soon as the words are out of Seryuu's mouth, Koro growls loudly, revealing a mouth full of really large fangs. Then, almost faster than your eyes can follow, Koro pounces – his mouth turning into a fang-filled hole, kinda like a lamprey!

The next moment, you watch Koro's mouth close over the head, and most of the upper body of both Corrie and the guy that was holding them. Their screams are short as Koro crunches through flesh and bones with ease. Wow. You want a dog like that one day.

"HOLY SHIT!" The other Butchers fire their weapons wildly at Koro but the giant man-eating dog-monster-doll-thingy merely turns around and takes a bite out of the Butchers. Within moments, Koro has devoured the Butchers with much screaming and blood from the men whose overconfidence in their weapons had ended in a very terrible death. The bartender is cowering behind the counter and you think he's being sick. Maybe he ate something bad or something.

Also, these nuts are tasty. You think they're cashews but you're not sure.

You are brought out of your musings when Koro turns towards you after ignoring your presence for the whole confrontation. He's growling and looking very angry and he has blood dripping down all over the front of his body. You tilt your head in confusion and turn to Seryuu who's now looking at you with narrow eyes.

"You there, how did you know those guys were the Lower Streets Butchers." She is not asking a question. She is demanding an answer.

You think Shironeko is still outside and you don't know what Eliza is doing.

What do you do?

[ ] Tell the truth. The capital guardsmangirl is asking you a question so you should answer it.
[ ] Get out of dodge. The puppy is being scary and you don't want to be dog-poo.
[ ] Fall back onto old and tried courses of actions, like stabbing something! Preferably the girl or the large dog monster thing.

[ ] Something else (write in)
[ ] Tell the truth. The capital guardsmangirl is asking you a question so you should answer it.

The guards probably know better then mess with the league unless they are protecting a target for assassination. Especialy when the goverment is heavily funding it and everyone knows it.
Aqulize said:
We are here to kidnap the people the killers kidnapped, so that the league can preform medical experiments on them.

[X] Tell the truth. The capital guardsmangirl is asking you a question so you should answer it.
We don't want to tell her that then, do we?
If she gets away, we'll get in trouble.
dragonwarz said:
Guys. What's the truth again? We might need to abscond, just in case.
The truth to her question "How did you know these guys were the Lower Street Butchers?" would be that Shironeko smelled a lot of blood on them and we knew there were Serial Killers operating in this part of town. Hence, it was an educated guess that turned out to be correct.

Seryuu might wonder why we're so calm in a room now bathed with blood after we saw people die/ lose limbs/ get eaten, but who knows. She's pretty messed up in the head herself.
[X] Tell the truth. The capital guardsmangirl is asking you a question so you should answer it.

[X] Watching a Dog Eating Man
Was I the only one who read that as 'dog-eating man', instead of 'dog eating man'?

[X] Tell the truth. The capital guardsmangirl is asking you a question so you should answer it.