[X] Attack Dodoria. Grab his arm and feed to stop the attack. See if you can tell how Dodoria is gathering this energy as you feed.
[X] "I disagree with this assessment"
[X] Attack Dodoria. Grab his arm and feed to stop the attack. See if you can tell how Dodoria is gathering this energy as you feed.
[X] "I disagree with this assessment."
[X] Attack Dodoria. Grab his arm and feed to stop the attack. See if you can tell how Dodoria is gathering this energy as you feed.
[X] "I disagree with this assessment."

[X] Attack Dodoria. Grab his arm and feed to stop the attack. See if you can tell how Dodoria is gathering this energy as you feed.
[X] "I disagree with this assessment"
Ch.1 Part 5
Whatever this energy is, you will not learn the hard way. You bend your torso to the side at the waist nearly 90 degrees, so that you are no longer in the path of Dodoria's hand.
Moving in Stereo
"What-" he says in surprise, instinctively moving his arm to follow you. Just like you wanted. You raise your hand into the path of his arm, so that the edge of your palm will intercept it. You could use the Light Blades, but you want to keep as many cards held to your chest as you can, to use a human expression.

Dodoria's spiked arm impacts with your hand halfway between his elbow and wrist.

When consuming humans or animals, you would simply flow through them as if there weren't even there; at most, you would feel a sticky sensation, like walking through especially humid air. Dodoria is different. His flesh is like striking water. Your hand sinks in a few centimeters, but a shockwave travels up your arm. You can feel your bones shatter in your forearm like glass striking steel, all the way to your elbow and partway up your humerus. The pain is excruciating, but your body is already repairing the damage from the blow.

You hand continues to sink through Dodoria's arm. He's stopped charging his energy, and what was in his palm dissipates into nothing. He screams. It's a strange combination of a human's screams of pain and the bellowing of bull. Your hand passes all the way through his arm, and out the other side. The arm falls to the floor in a gush of red blood, slightly paler than a human's. He stumbles back, still howling in pain. The technicians in the room are all staring at you in wide-eyed shock that is slowly beginning to morph into terror. Freeza's expression is curious and surprised, but not alarmed at all. You bend down, and pick up Dodoria's severed hand.

"I disagree with your assessment. I am quite in control of my faculties."

You take Dodoria's hand, and press the flesh between your palms. You consume it in sections, as it is nearly as large around as your waist. As you do, you analyse Dodoria's anatomy and body chemistry, and try to find clues to that mysterious energy he was using.

You can feel that energy within every cell. Despite being severed from its owner, you can still feel every cell of Dodoria's fighting back with its own power. But it is no use; as you consume more of the flesh and bone alike, the resistance gradually weakens. When you reach the fingers, you flow through it without resistance at all again.

Dodoria, finally, has recovered enough to respond. He clutches at his bleeding stump, staring at you with murderous hatred. "You fucker! I'm going to fucking destroy you! Fuck the scientists, they're gonna be able to fit what's left of you in a shot glass!"

He rears up, inhaling deeply. His mouth opens slightly, and you can see the same golden light building in his throat and nostrils. You prepare to-

"Dodoria, hold."

Freeza's voice cuts across the room like a blade. Dodoria halts, straining against the energy he has built up, then deflates like a balloon, the light fading gradually.

You watch all this intently, with your chin resting on your hand.

"But Lord Freeza-"

"Are you arguing with me, Dodoria?" Freeza's voice doesn't change, but his eyes narrow, and his tail thumps once against the side of his vehicle.

"N-no, Lord Freeza!" Dodoria says, his anger evaporating. You can see he's starting to excrete a thin pink liquid on his head and remaining arm that contains a mild toxin. A defense mechanism of a prey animal. "I just-i-"

"Oh, do shut up. Get to a healing pod before I change my mind."

Dodoria stiffens. "Y-yes, Lord Freeza!"

Dodoria hurries out of the room, clutching his arm. It occurs to you that Freeza never said what he would change his mind about.

"Now, back to our guest...what was his power level, again?"

"We don't know, Lord Freeza! The Scanners weren't able to read his Ki correctly when he awoke and we were recalibrating them, Lord Freeza!"

Ki? So the life energy of those Asian mystics was real? Hmm. Esidisi and you could find no evidence of its existence with the possible exception of those energy constructs humans called "Stands," but perhaps these aliens could use it...that must have been the energy in the cells of Dodoria's arm.

"Oh," Freeza says, "I see. And are they ready now?"

"Y-yes, Lord Freeza!" The technician says. He presses a button on his Scouter, which beeps several times. "The subject's power level is...is..."

He trails off.

"Why did you stop?" Freeza asks. His voice is suddenly cheerful and friendly, but the falseness is so obvious a child could see through it.

"His...power level...Lord Freeza, I apologize, but this can't be right..."

"Oh, now, don't be shy." Freeza says, in an even more coyly sweet voice.


The room goes absolutely silent. Every technician in the room has stopped breathing. You simply watch the drama as it unfolds.

Freeza breaks the silence with a "tsk" noise. Everybody in the room (excepts for you) jumps several inches.

"Are you meaning to tell me," Freeza says, every trace of friendliness gone. His tail thumps against the side of his car. This time, it leaves a very slight dent in the metal. "That Dodoria, one of my best men, had his arm removed by an ape with a power level of less than 400?"

Is Freeza implying that you are weak?

The technician, who was already sweating profusely, is now trembling in terror. "N-no, Lord Freeza, I must have made a mistake, please, allow me to-"

He's cut off as a beam of purple light, as thin as a pencil, pierces his forehead. His eyes roll back into his head, and he collapses to the floor.

Freeza lowers his finger. "To admit to such incompetence... As you all know, only the best can serve on my ship. Send a message to his family of what a failure that man was in my service."

He turns to you.

"So, my purple-haired friend. I have a few questions for you." He raises his finger slightly, so that it's just pointing over the rim of the vehicle at you.

"First, what technique was that you used to destroy Dodoria's arm? Oh, and where are my manners! I would also like to ask for your name, if you would be so kind to introduce yourself to your new master."

[] Write-in.
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Welp time to play the good servant; Kar's isn't stupid and can tell that Freeza is leagues more powerful than anyone in the room and is capable of creating laser beams with the minimal of effort which is definitely going to strike his interest.

Kar's is patient and learning everything about Freeza's empire and their science is far too tempting to be blinded by pride.
I would cut off his tail and then go inside it like Santana did with Stroheim's leg and then devour him from the inside out. With the element of surprise it could work but it is obviously not the best course of action. Just the coolest if it succeeds.
I would cut off his tail and then go inside it like Santana did with Stroheim's leg and then devour him from the inside out. With the element of surprise it could work but it is obviously not the best course of action. Just the coolest if it succeeds.

While Freeza is alert, and already poised to attack you? You literally wouldn't get more than half a step. Even if you succeed in reaching him, the different in power between you is so vast at the moment that Freeza's ambient Ki will no-sell you- Dodoria's resisted you, and Kars would bounce off Freeza like an tennis ball hitting concrete.
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[X]"I absorbed his cells and biomass,Lord Freeza. As for my name, it is Kars."
-[X] Kneel

I hope that's OK,I can change it,if needed.
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Why argue about powerlevels when you can become powerlevels by eating everything? Seeing as Freeza has a lot of enemies, it may well serve Kars to work under this new master for now. Free room and board along with a job that will pretty much involve getting food is hardly something a man that's been in space for who knows how long can say no to.

I also find it a nice touch that Dodoria's arm boosted Kars powerlevel by 390.
While Freeza is alert, and already poised to attack you? You literally wouldn't get more than half a step. Even if you succeed in reaching him, the different in power between you is so vast at the moment that Freeza's ambient Ki will no-sell you- Dodoria's resisted you, and Kars would bounce off Freeza like an tennis ball hitting concrete.

I thought Dodoria simply fired a ki blast through our body and damaged us when we ate his arm and not that his ki naturally repelled us, good to know.
I also find it a nice touch that Dodoria's arm boosted Kars powerlevel by 390.

Kar's power started at 390. Maybe slightly less, as you aren't as hungry anymore.

Note that you are not Buu or Cell. Eating somebody (or somebody's body part) with a power of x doesn't just add x to yours.

There's more to this, but it will be explained in further updates in-story as Kars experiments.

Wonder when we'll run into Vegeta, Goku, and company?

This is set sometime before Vegeta goes to Earth for the first time.

Exactly how long before will have to wait.
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[X] Technique? There is none, I simply ate it. I, myself am known as Kars. And might I ask what it is you Lord of, Lord Freeza?

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