Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Northampton's quite good to me. My prediction of an American Choukai is not far off. I like her small side tie and sweater. The fire control hat and the glasses are quite nice also. Looks a bit schoolteacher-ish.

The other ships are submarine I-203, DE Momo, and DD Makinami.


DE Momo.


and the Abyssal boss: Lunga Ocean Heavy Cruiser Princess.
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Here's the 4th snippet on that Ooyodo isekai. Snippet 1, Snippet 2, Snippet 3


Sometime Later, Commander's Office

The sounds of battle were finally receding. It seems the Sirens were repelled currently and is now a period to make good the damages. Ooyodo let out a sigh of relief, glad as she finally finished organizing the paperwork in an office that's not about to be attacked by a stray shell or anything.

"Thanks for the help, Edinburgh. I got a bit overwhelmed," Sirius said, standing over the remains of the fire. Must have been some other admin work that will have to be rewritten.

"Y-yeah. Thanks for the save," the Commander also said, finally calmed down somewhat. The coffee doing wonders for his frazzled nerves.

"You're welcome. I just came by to see if I could help command staff during the battle," Ooyodo replied smoothly in Edinburgh's tone, her lie quite convincing.

"…Command staff?" Both Sirius and the Commander said, head tilted as though this is the first time they've heard of the term

"…You're kidding me, right? Don't you have any other people to help with your admin work?" Ooyodo replied, a bit disturbed that there doesn't seem any semblance of a proper military structure in place. Contrary to popular belief, she does work with a dedicated staff in her old world, both human and ship girl alike in the war against the Abyssals. No matter how competent Ooyodo is as Secretary Ship, no one person can handle all the administrative, operational, and logistical needs of a unit.

"Usually it's the Secretary Ship that does those sorts of jobs but…" the Commander said and both he and Ooyodo looks over at Sirius.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being incompetent!" Sirius just starts to apologize, a bit upset in the same spot. The Commander heads towards her and starts patting her on the head to calm her down. Sirius accepted the gesture, seemingly happy about it.

"As for the other staff, the Manjuus handle the local logistics, repairs, etc. and there were no Meowfficers at this base," said the Commander as he keeps patting Sirius' head with her sighing in response.

"…Right. Nearly forgot about them," Ooyodo said, feeling like she's taking in more of Edinburgh's mannerisms than just her memories. The Manjuus were small bird like creatures that help with the day to day maintenance and chores. As for the Meowfficers, they are small cat like creatures that help with command duties. They were kind of like the Fairies she's used to in her old world.

"Still, there should have been at least a couple of ship girls that could have helped you in this regard," Ooyodo insisted, making some good points.

"Well, this base isn't exactly an ideal posting, despite being in the front lines. Many of the KAN-SEN that could have helped were rotated out to other front line bases. Hell, I was sent here six weeks ago to help set it up. So far it's been a slow progress and that attack didn't helped matters," The Commander just shrugged when he answered. Ooyodo just started to massage her head, feeling the headache creeping in.

"Just out of curiosity, what branch of the military did you serve in? Because it looked like you didn't know what you were doing just now." Ooyodo probed for some answers to questions she has. Commanders like him should know what to do in bases like this one. At least that's what Edinburgh's memories mention.

"I served in the Army when I was 18 and fought in the War a few years ago. I transferred services when I found that I had compatibility with Mental Cubes so they sent me to the Eagle Union's Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Wasn't exactly top of my class when I graduated. Then I was dispatched here as my first posting," the Commander explained.

"That certainly explains things," Ooyodo muses this, finding answers to some of her questions.

"I was still acclimating to the base's command console when the attack happened. The console, uh, 'broke,' so I started pressing buttons to hopefully fix it," the Commander said, scratching the back of his head, feeling a tad embarrassed.

"I'm guessing you're not the most technically inclined of the lot," Ooyodo replied, very dryly at that.

"I'd rather be in the front lines any," The Commander shrugged at that.

"While we have some time, do you mind if I review the base's military records and paperwork? I want to know exactly what I'm working with since I'll be stationed in this base for the foreseeable future," Ooyodo said while she stood up and walked to the file cabinets for the records. She saw in Edinburgh's memories that she would be assigned to this base for the next several years along with a number of the Royal Navy's Maids. Incidentally Belfast and Sheffield's rotation here would be over soon and will be dispatched to other frontline bases. Small mercies as Ooyodo is not inclined to explain that she's not their sister Edinburgh.

"Let me join you. As the Commander in charge to this base, I have to know how things truly are around here," He said as he stopped patting Sirius on the head and made his way to the records. She whined a bit about missing the headpats and sat down on the couch.

"Things cannot be that bad here," Ooyodo replied starting the read through on the Naval Base' financial records.

A little while later:

Ooyodo was wrong. Things were way worse than she expected.

"What the hell!? This base is barely operational for 3 months and that's accounting your posting here! How is it already in the red!?" Ooyodo exclaimed as she read the reports before continuing.

"I feel like I want to throw up," the Commander looked a little green in the face, after reading the same reports.

"Critical facilities are in dire need of upgrades, docks need to be expanded, defenses need to be modernized, damages that need to be repaired prior to today's attack, infrastructure and building maintenance, and many other issues that go back years!?" Ooyodo shouted, letting go of some papers.

"Right, I remember HQ telling me that this base was an old refurbished one from when the Sirens first appeared," the Commander said now remembering some facts from his first briefing about his posting.

"And the reason why the Manjuus haven't done anything about it is because they've been waiting for your signatures on that pile over there," Ooyodo retorted pointing at particularly large columns of paper, the backlog of forms she deemed high priority.

"Please don't remind me," The Commander just groaned at that, looking at some overtime work.

"If done all at once, it will take a significant chunk of the budget allocated to you so I recommend to doing this in stages for the next several months," the Commander sighed with a pleased expression thinking that he'll have some wiggle room when doing some bureaucratic backlog. Then what Ooyodo said next brought his relief crashing down.

"What I'm more concerned are these egregious expenditures," Ooyodo exclaimed putting down some piles of large printed receipts, fury leaking into her voice, startling even Sirius out of her thoughts from the couch.

The Commander looked at the papers to see what she was talking about. In it were some items that he remembered signing for thinking that it would help in increased morale. They were approved 2 week concerts by San Diego and the accidental damage to the concert equipment, damage to some of the convoy freighters due accidental collision by some of the ship girls, importing luxury items all the way from across the Atlantic that's more expensive than his budget, new outfits (skins) for the ship girls.

"Ok, some of those request forms were worded that it would help to increase morale and operation efficiency. In hindsight I should have reviewed these more closely," The Commander admitted at that.

"Well, thanks to that, the base budget is all but wiped out. If we do not get new sources in funding, you'll be eating bean sprouts for the next several years," Ooyodo flatly stated, eye twitching visibly. The Commander just groaned at that.

"Right," Ooyodo said as she stood up, "Commander, who's your assigned Secretary? You obviously need more help with sorting all this out." She pointed at all the mountains of paperwork around her.

"Sirius over here," he said pointing to her, who just tilted her head before continuing, "but she's more bodyguard than office clerk. Why? You volunteering?"

"That goes without saying," Ooyodo said, now fully in her element as she started to inspect what needs to be done.

"Right, Sirius stays because she's the Chief Bodyguard because you would go to the frontlines, correct?" Ooyodo said, both the Commander and Sirius nodding. She continued, "What needs to change here are a few things. First off…"

This routine would go on for several months. Changes would be made but for the better. All the while many would wonder what the heck happened to Edinburgh and how did she become this good of a secretary.

AN: I'm stopping it here. I never intended for this to be a multiwork fic but just write a bunch of snippets to the idea. Yes, I expect that other people to rip this snippet a new one and tell me how OOC are some of the characters are in this fic or how some concepts do not work here. Blame my ignorance on me not researching enough of the lore. I did study it up and tried to apply what I know but I know that I'll receive flak regardless. I'm more annoyed that I'll be accused of writing a shitty bashfic when I never intended to at all.

Still this is my attempt at writing a crossover between KanColle and Azur Lane because I had an idea I wanted to share and I'm not seeing enough crossover snippets for these two settings despite existing.
These are actually good snippets! Considering the number of lurkers always outnumbers the writers, I'm glad that you have chosen to write this crossover! Give me a good laugh about 2 weeks concert by San Diego.
They are great, if you dont know anything about AL.
Otherwise it looks like a bashfic
I learned that Northampton's damaged CG has a PT boat in it as a reference to a number of her survivors being picked up by PT-109. So there is further fuel for the Fairy!JFK* headcanon now.

*note JFK wouldn't be placed into command of PT-109 for another five months after Northampton sinking.
KanColle Summoning in Azur Lane #2, Snippet 1

"Is everything ready?" Said the voice of the 9-tailed kitsune that is Akagi.

"Yes, sister. The materials are sufficient and the ritual is set," said the voice of the 9-tailed white-haired kitsune that is Kaga.

"Good. Final checks then. Fuel?" Akagi asked to make sure.

"Check. All 14,000 tons of it," Kaga replied, flipping some papers, seeing to her checklists.


"All 14,000 tons of it, check."


"Check. They were quite expensive too."


"Plenty of it."

"The extra materials?"

"I convinced Akashi to give me a discount on those."

"The ritual stages?" Kaga looked from her checklists and into the 2 large pools of water several feet from where they're standing. It is covered with ritual symbols originating from the Sakura Empire. They were emitting a faint glow as it pulses rhythmically. Around it were the large amounts of fuel, steel, bauxite, ammo, and extra construction materials.

"Working fine, if the instructions are right," Kaga replied looking over the information.

"Excellent. Now for the final piece, the symbol of our nation. Behold!" Akagi exclaimed as she brought out what was supposed to be a CD player with a particular piece of music. At that Kaga dilated her pupils, recognizing the music easily.

"Sister, you didn't!?" Kaga replied, a bit shocked.

"Please, Kaga. You have such a wonderful voice. I don't understand why you don't like to let anyone know," Akagi said, a mischievous smile on her. Kaga just blushed quite visibly at that.

"Now let us begin." The ritual proceeds to starts, the pulse gradually starting increase, the glow increasing in intensity.

"Sister, are you sure about this? The ritual was found by Akashi of all people," Kaga said voicing some concern.

"I've seen the result myself when I visited the Royal Navy dorms during their tea time," Akagi replied while reminiscing. She saw the other more mature version of Warspite in the Royal Navy dorms. She gave out an aura and bearing as befitting of royalty. More royal than Queen Elizabeth especially. She was sulking for a while when the other Warspite was treated more seriously than her. Best part was that everyone was in on the joke and put all in good humor. That will teach her for monopolizing the Commander's time.

She was brought out of her musings when the Ritual reached its peak before subsequently exploding. Akagi and Kaga were coughing from the smoke but soon dissipated and both were treated with a sight of the results.

I'm the aircraft carrier Akagi. If you're forming a carrier division, just leave it to me.

I'm aircraft carrier Kaga. Are you my Admiral?... I have fairly high expectations of you.

There were two women on top of the pool, an aftermath of the ritual. The Kitsune Akagi and Kaga both instinctively knew that they summon shipgirls. Specifically Aircraft Carriers.

One has long brown hair flowing down straightly. She wears a chest protector over white and red clothes and wields a bow and arrows. Her flight decks, one on right arm and another around her waist, features katakana ア(A).

The other has long brown hair, usually done in a side ponytail. She is typically seen wearing a chest protector over white and blue clothes along with a bow and arrow. Her flight decks (one covering her left arm and another shorter one hanging around her waist) feature a katakana カ (ka) written on the aft part of each of them.

The ritual was a success.

"Yes, well let us introduce ourselves. We are the 1st Aircraft Carrier Division's Akagi and Kaga," the Akagi from the Sakura Empire said as she introduced themselves to the summoned ship girls. Both the latter widened their eyes at that, questions forming in their minds.

"I'm sure you have questions—," the humanoid kitsune was interrupted by a large rumbling from her counterpart's stomach, "over dinner. Follow us." The human Akagi brightened her eyes at that.


The human Akagi was seen eating a large plate of curry and placing it in a stack nearby. It was reaching the ceiling already. Next to her Kaga was just sipping her tea. Across the table were the Akagi and Kaga that performed the ritual just staring at their counterparts. In Akagi's case the large and mounting pile of plates. Both were dumbfounded at just how one person can eat as much food without getting sick. All of them were in a popular curry restaurant with the Kitsune Akagi hoping to acclimate their counterparts in the world they were summoned in. Instead they were watching the other Akagi devour plates like there was no problem at all.

Both kitsunes started to think the ritual was a mistake. They nearly missed the waitress handing them the bill. The first Akagi took the bill and was surprised by the expense. Kaga just looked over her shoulder and shook her head.

"You do realize that this is coming out of the Commander's pay, right?" The white haired Kaga stated in dry tone.

The other Akagi just continued on eating her meal with the other Kaga sipping her tea.

AN: Got inspired to write another snippet with this idea. I wrote it just to see the reactions and because Akagi still has that reputation as a gluttonous fiend. Anyone is still welcome to write their own take as the idea is free.
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So the second part of the event came out and we have Honolulu as the new CL:

And it is not a ZECO art.
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thinking about an alternate history where the US losses the battle of midway and Saratoga is the last operational fleet carrier in the Pacific. Basically a far more dire version of the Santa Cruz aftermath.

The only thing I really have hammered out for this is that HMS Victorious becomes USS Robin a lot sooner, being transferred to the pacific along side USS Wasp.

the whole thing kinda just flips the attitude between the American and Japanese carriers when they get brought back, with Enterprise and Saratoga having basically swapped places as far as historical relevance goes.

The Kido Butai learns to fear the name "Sister Sara".
I vaguely remember something about for one of the USN carriers that got sunk, her CO (or one of the senior officers) got to be the CO for her Essex-class namesake, and when he first boarded her, he said that his girl had come back. However, I can't find any proof that actually happened. Did this actually happen, or am I Mandela-ing?
I learned something extremely shocking today. Apparently, Amagi wasn't completely scrapped after being damaged by the Great Kanto earthquake but was converted to a floating pier, in service to this day. EDIT: Apparently she was converted to several piers.
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I learned something extremely shocking today. Apparently, Amagi wasn't completely scrapped after being damaged by the Great Kanto earthquake but was converted to a floating pier, in service to this day. EDIT: Apparently she was converted to several piers.
Insert Exodia joke about how she will return if you bring all the pieces back together
Had a sudden though. Take the main concept from the Indivisible game, that of a hub area in a RPG being the main character's inner world, and apply it to shipgirls.

Like, the shipgirl might not be able to manifest their namesake ship in full like in the Azur Lane anime, but that full ship is technically still there somewhere in the magical girl. And they can allow people inside of it.

The idea is that while the shipgirl can manage their rigging on their own (and through fairies), having qualified human personnel helping run things in the "inner ship" not only smooth out the process, it also allow for repairs and modifications of hardware that would not be possible by the girl alone, maybe even empowers the shipgirl to some degree. So the bote girls would be encouraged to form crews of flesh and blood living people, at least to fill important spots in the "inner ship"'s command structure.

Another though derived from Indivisible is that having a crew would allow the ship girl to draw upon the knowledge and skills of the crewmembers. Maybe even letting said crewmembers borrow a bit of the girl's power if they stay close proximity.

That, in turn brought me the image of a more fantastical setting, with threats on land as well as the sea, where even humans of middling skill are basically a fighting game characters and shipgirls go around with their crews as basically adventuring parties.

Another though is that TTK would have to go into battle as part of a shipgirl's crew in big operations, at least temporarily. It would be kind of big deal whenever it happened, whatever or not the girls are pining for TTK in this scenario.
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Yes, I hath returned, for a little while... I have two things;

First: Another idea for an SI, involving destroyers....

It was in that time frame that I had died, and found myself in front of a Great White throne, and He who sat upon it held Ultimate sway over my life and the future of me, but alas, my determination was found unworthy, which is why....


Location: Blue

This is why, when I woke up again, I found myself staring up at the sky, floating on the water, blinking. Why wasn't I dead?* Or had I been alive all along? That was the quandry I was in when I felt it, or rather; them.

Yes, them. Little feet on my skin, akin to a really large spider; except they felt bipedal, not octopedal. They were also within me, moving around, doing things, couldn't tell what if I tried to analyze the action.

"Desu, desu. [Let's get this show on the road shall we? Prepare for boiler start.]"

"Dess. [Yes Sir.]"

What was going on? He felt his body begin to stand, "Wha-" His hands went to his mouth, eyes gaping in shock. "Why do I sound like my moth--well smeg." He finished with a deadpan as looked at what appeared to be a female body's reflection in the water.

"Dedesu? [Okay, Weapons?]"

"Desu, Desu, Dess, desu. [Torpedos good, AA and main guns good]"

"Dess, desuuuu? [Engineering?]"

"Desu dess. [Running.]"

I was likely about 5' even now, a slender runner's body with shorter midnight blue hair. The feeling of air against my skin in more areas than I was used to made me look down. Although, in retrospect, that was likely a mistake.


Dimly, in the back alleyway of my mind, memories reminded me of a certain near look-alike who was a destroyer from Kancolle. As I mentally agonized over this thought, I muttered, "I'm like the stripper boat now. Great..."

The fastest destroyer ever built in east Asia for that time period. I also recalled her from World of Warships, one of my favorite dds to play along with the poi-boat.

"Desu, desu, dess. [Um, you have 4 launchers though]"

Okay, so not Shima herself then?

"Dessu, dess, desu, desu, desu, dess, desu. [Correct, this would've been then mext in the class...]"

I took another look at myself and nodded to what Chex was saying. Four torpedo launchers, two on my legs, two on mountings attached to my rigging; along with 4 turrets similarly mounted [two on my arms and two on rigging]. "Alright, but I still want to change my outfit up." While there was resistance, I shared my memories of formerly being male; "Look, I know what this class is supposed to look like, but I also remember that I was just as....."

The lecture continued as my course took me toward the west. To nutshell the discussion, most of the fairy things were very surprised that I, an American in the previous life, had similar issues that they had dealt with themselves. The lecture continued and delved into such topics as history.

"I hate to break it to you, but your country ended up losing the war."

"Desu, dess, dess, desu. [Yeah, we know...]"

"Hey... [Yo, I guess you could say I'm the sole other American on board....]"

"Oi! [Australian too!]"

"Eh! [Canadian!]"

"Interesting, of course you being most of my crew, wouldn't be happy about that....." I shared my underdog sympathies with them, explaining how and I tended to consider the Japanese position as I did.

The day shifted into night as my crew and I bonded over discussions stemming from history to technology to religion


Day 2, Area of the Gilbert Islands.


"Desu! [Land sighted!]"

So, my previous realization was not quite correct, there were also crew from Australia, Britain and Canada on board as well. But that was not my current issue; no, I'd been underway for nearly a full day at 3/4 speed. My stomach, or fuel tank, was close to running dry. Hence when land was spotted, I turned towards the distant blob and sailed for it.


Clothes, it was weird going thru abandoned clothes. "Does this fit? Color?" Yeah, that. Managed to find leggings that matched [more or less] my odd hair color, and some rather short shorts that also worked. Generally, managed to find everything I needed to as far as clothes went. Effective change on performance was negligable considering I had a bit more engine power.


Some may remember a part of this for my older snippettes... Yeah, I used part of the old for this one. So, looking at a Shimakaze type SI, very few people attempt a destroyer SI from what I've seen. As for her appearance, you may notice some differences as she is supposed to the next in the Shimakaze class, but I'm loosely basing this off the Shipgirls rulebook story where SD summon some additional sisters for Shimakaze. However, certainly not following that thread very much, considering how most navies with class improvement would improve the latter sisters of a class... This follows that same pattern, where Japan decides to put another launcher on the Shimakaze class and such.

Second, another attempt at a bb story, with a timeline lead up, and a WI/AT listing where TR gets re-elected 1912...

Unless otherwise noted specifically, assume things are as OTL.

1912- Theodore Roosevelt successfully captures a third term as President.

1913-1914- The Tillman Naval Design package, while something of a pipe dream of sorts, becomes part of the increased naval modernization program. TR also asks for a research committee on widening the Panama Canal versus working on a second, much wider version through Nicaragua citing the need for faster expedition time.

1915- As European War One escalates to engulf one side of the world, the Canal Research Committee concludes that building a second Canal in Nicaragua would be more economical than resizing the Panama Canal. Naval Modernization is approved, and work begins on infrastructure expansion for the naval program.

1916- TR pushes through with the second Canal Plan. Wilson runs, narrowly wins election; Federal Reserve plan is born, previous expansion plans are continued. The country struggles to ignore the European conflict as TR reminds various countries that the Canal Expansion will only be done smoothly if America's neutrality is respected. While TR knows that the conflict in Europe is important, he also knows that due to his own urgings, the country has too many other projects going on to be pushed into a conflict it didn't even want involvement in.

1917- Calls for financial and economic aid from Europe pile up as the Presidency changes hands. The so-called "Zimmerman Telegram" is politely ignored by Mexico due to their involvement in the monikered "American Canal". Wilson takes office, reminds Europe, Britain and Germany in particular, that economic aid is dependent upon their respect and allowance of neutral shipping to continue unhindered, no matter the destination. U-boat warfare escalates regardless, prompting a cauldron of simmering opinion. The initial class of modern American dreadnaughts are completed, with the research and development for future weapons on track as well. New guns are looked at, tested, retested; turret designs considered, built and also tested inasmuch as was possible. Meanwhile, military observers are sent out to Europe, to view the conflict from both sides as the War dept. struggles to clearly define modern.

1918- Initial observations from the conflict reveal how far behind America is in terms of its Army. Wilson pushes through a small initial Army plan, mostly to push research and training. Testing on 15"and larger gun iterations begins with experimentations on gun caliber versus shell size. The European War reaches a stalemate as Russia bows out due to internal problems. Tillman lives a few more years.

1919- European war freezes as a ceasefire is agreed upon and negotiations slowly start happening. The 50 [not sure if the 50 cal was pushed this early or not] caliber naval rifle size is standardized for the USN as the gun choices are narrowed to the 16" and 18". The Navy pushes a battlecruiser design with the monikered "1650s", and a battleship with "1850s". Europe remains locked in a ceasefire with negotiations stalled while Russia struggles with internal turmoil. The Nicaragua Canal is nearly complete after only 3 years, a faster rate because of prior experience and usage of natural pre-existing water bodies.

Because American largely stayed out of the European conflict, only sending observers; negotiations for peace and reparations are more stilted as economies struggle with remaining solvent. France and Germany refuse to talk due to the French insistence on Germany being permanently defanged. However, both combatants are suffering with hurt economies and suffering populations, so pressure from within for a solution is mounting. Britain, while certainly not well off, is only pressing Germany to surrender its navy.

1920- As America hits another election year, where Wilson runs again, European representatives approach asking for mediation. Stalling for time, Wilson secures re-election before agreeing to mediate Europe's conflict. Pushing the combatants to the table after sensing an opportunity to put his own agenda forward, he offers his 14 point proposal; pointing out the past year with which nothing was achieved by Europe alone. No one really likes the proposal, but due to the past year, neither side is able to complain either.

1921- As Wilson is reinstated, the christened "American Canal" is completed. Intelligence services the world over learn of America's advancements in naval matters and the Washington Deal takes place [basically similar to treaty of Paris with more American pressure due to "You asked us to mediate since you couldn't hash it out yourselves, sit down, shut up and swallow sign it." effectively]. America's first Battlecruiser is launched while the mediation finishes proceedings, underlining to the world that the U.S. is growing. Consequently, the announcement of the "Lexington Class", even though the vessel was later launched as the "United States" sends tremors through the various naval communities with two others being constructed "Lexington" and "Saratoga".

1922- The Royal Navy completes the Hood, continues work on Howe and reviews updated battleship plans as they struggle to keep up. Japan also keeps building ships struggling despite the economy. Something has to break soon. Plans begin to take shape for a Naval conference. Tillman dies [4 years later than otl]...

1923- While the Naval Expansion program was enacted in 1916, most of that has gone to research and development. Four Battleships of two classes have been completed, and further development is taking place in the form of battlecruisers. Yet some are already looking at reducing the Naval budget. An earthquake in Japan facilitates the Naval Conference.

1924- Naval Conference finalized at a 5/5/3.5. Wilson would not get re elected. Coolidge would be elected. Tillman designs revisited for improvement as the first external dock slip comes online. Designed to be future proof, these floating docks were huge; 2000ft long by 200ft wide. Allowed the first ship of the experimental Tillman keel to be laid, an AB/XY turret layout with eight "1850"[or 1848] guns. Japan completes Mutsu. RN begins Nelson. Wilson dies from health issues. Older standard class ships scrapped, like any pre-dreads for instance. BCs too close to completion for conversion

1925- Lexington, Saratoga and Congress are either complete or close to being completed. Carrier considerations are underway, designated "Constellation class". Experimental keel designated "North Carolina class" suspended and then scrapped.
1926-1930- Battlecruisers completed, CV-1 "Constellation" began. Many many ships completed. North Carolina Completed, South Carolina started. A second and third slipway completed of the 10 -now cut to 5- external docks planned. New larger triple barrel turrets for 1850 complete, "Iowa class" laid. Hoover elected, naval program continues despite Wall St. stumblings.

1930-1933- TNCT lapses, London offers another naval conference, Japan reluctantly agrees to attend; limits set for cruisers and carriers, discussions stall. Economy slows for a while then stumbles due to market crash. FDR elected. Iowa completed, Indiana Laid. Wisconsin frozen while weapons are agreed upon; Possible variants looked at are a 15/20 [triple/quad turret] gun design, a nine gun or a 12 gun layout. Japan walks out of Naval Conference in London, said related treaty is sidelined as no one was really paying credence to it anyway. Carriers Constellation and Freedom completed. Japan begins rebuild of Akagi, Kaga conversion completed. Design process for Shokaku class begins. Naval program picks up steam. Congress agrees to a massive 5 billion dollar Naval budget increase, also voting to officially nullify the WNT.

1934- External dockyard project completed. Wisconsin's keel and hull resumes construction schedule with the quad turret layout selected; "1850" 20 gun acd / xy layout. The RN begins to modernize Hood, switching the Fleet Flag to Howe temporarily; designs for KGV class finalized. Germany starts serious naval expansion. Japan also begins the massive task of updating the Kongos.

1935-6- As the year closes out, This expansion is assisted by the Panay incident in China. Carrier "Essex" laid; "Wisconsin class" Washington laid. Design approved for "Minnesota class"; plans for 4 ships, Minnesota, Montana, Massechusetts and Missouri. A "1650" 9 gun ab/y triple turret design, the "M" class as it was unofficially known would be the last big gun capitals made. Wisconsin's hull structure is complete, work starts on the weapon and engine spaces.

Elsewhere, the Japanese begin construction on Yamato as Britain nervously eyes both America and Germany.

1937- Japan lays Musashi's keel.

1938- Industrial expansion within vicinity of naval yards reaches an all time high as steel machining facilities require more and more workers. Weapon factories are encouraged to expand under the guise of an extended WPA program. Shinano's keel was laid at a third giant slipway, Japan simply trying to keep up. Bismark laid. More Mines were opened or expanded where possible. Essex launched. Japan also finalizes a new destroyer design, labeled the Shimakaze, 4 lauchers, 8 5" main guns, latest torpedo generation available [T95/97] and a sought after top speed of 44knots.

1939- Publication of economic figures was allowed, but specifics could not be mentioned. Unemployment was quite low as Europe geared for war. Shinano construction was frozen then repurposed to complete the carriers. Shimakaze launched, Oikaze begun.

From an American perspective, European War #3 starts, and Neutrality is declared. Wisconsin, Yorktown and Washington Launched.


A great multitude lined the dry dock slip around the new hull for the event; she'd be the biggest battleship the nation had launched to date. Five quad turrets with 18"/50 cal guns, a big girl this hull was.

A few notes; Yes, I realize this outline looks busier than it really is. The pacing of the new ships is slower, even though it may not look like it. Also, was thinking about focusing this on Wisconsin, she actually has the most flexibility potential as for range of character development. The main appearance side of things is based on the Warship Girls Version.

Just some ideas I'm toying with. Thoughts would be appreciated

Also, as an aside, there is yet another ship girl game coming, public beta sounds like later this year for Victory Belles, the art style and look of the game is refreshing to a degree, not to mention that we who speak English can actually understand the voice lines for the most part. I know its been suggested before, but I'm saying it looks a lot more refined now than before.
Had a sudden though. Take the main concept from the Indivisible game, that of a hub area in a RPG being the main character's inner world, and apply it to shipgirls.

Like, the shipgirl might not be able to manifest their namesake ship in full like in the Azur Lane anime, but that full ship is technically still there somewhere in the magical girl. And they can allow people inside of it.

The idea is that while the shipgirl can manage their rigging on their own (and through fairies), having qualified human personnel helping run things in the "inner ship" not only smooth out the process, it also allow for repairs and modifications of hardware that would not be possible by the girl alone, maybe even empowers the shipgirl to some degree. So the bote girls would be encouraged to form crews of flesh and blood living people, at least to fill important spots in the "inner ship"'s command structure.

Another though derived from Indivisible is that having a crew would allow the ship girl to draw upon the knowledge and skills of the crewmembers. Maybe even letting said crewmembers borrow a bit of the girl's power if they stay close proximity.

That, in turn brought me the image of a more fantastical setting, with threats on land as well as the sea, where even humans of middling skill are basically a fighting game characters and shipgirls go around with their crews as basically adventuring parties.

Another though is that TTK would have to go into battle as part of a shipgirl's crew in big operations, at least temporarily. It would be kind of big deal whenever it happened, whatever or not the girls are pining for TTK in this scenario.
I have fallen in love with this concept
i think thats more a comment to how the first catapults were effectively capture shooting the launching shuttle down a rail