Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

A week late but better late than never. From the game's anniversary update: Ryuuhou Kai Ni and special celebratory CGs for South Dakota, Akebono, Ushio, Sazanami, Oboro, I-47, and Umikaze.

Ryuuhou Kai Ni and Kai Ni E.

South Dakota.






Okay, apparently the next American ship is highly likely to be a Northampton.

This is due to one of the ranking rewards being a SOC seagull:

Looking closer at the fairy on the plane, it is a design that looks like a shipgirl rather than it being a generic fairy:

It is highly likely that this is a Northampton as the hat, and dress style matches that of houston seen here:

Although she is not Houston as the shirt that the fairy is wearing along with the hairstyle, bundle of cord and glasses make this more likely to be a separate ship.
Okay, apparently the next American ship is highly likely to be a Northampton.

This is due to one of the ranking rewards being a SOC seagull:

Looking closer at the fairy on the plane, it is a design that looks like a shipgirl rather than it being a generic fairy:

It is highly likely that this is a Northampton as the hat, and dress style matches that of houston seen here:

Although she is not Houston as the shirt that the fairy is wearing along with the hairstyle, bundle of cord and glasses make this more likely to be a separate ship.

Looking at her design now, she seems to have blunt bangs and glasses. An American Choukai?
I'm 100% sure this has been talked about but...there is a huge discrepancy between KC and AZ fights and I really wanna see how that'd be reconciled in a crossover.

I'm 70% sure AZ Enterprise would have no qualms getting up close and personal with a Wo or maybe even a Re (she only fought carriers in the anime so it's up for debate, though she did route an iron blood surface fleet with her presence in close quarters alone, implying Eugen-even with support couldn't defeat her in a brawl) while KC Zuikaku is miles away from surface battles like her real world counterparts happily blotting out the sun with aircraft.

I'd just love to see how they may play off of each other and work their strengths in fighting styles together. I personally see it as KC ship girls leaning more towards ship (less mobile, probably more durable, truly miniaturized warships) where as AZ ship girls lean far more towards girl (physics defying mobility, less nimble, somewhat reduced firepower when using rigging vs ship). Who exactly has the better fighting style is up for debate, and I can see it going either way.

Though a large part of me likes to think the high mobility is limited to lighter ships in AZ. You won't see Bismarck or any other battleship hoping around like we see Takao and enterprise doing.

KC girls on the other hand are almost certainly going to engage from much further away, and while we see AZ girls doing the same, they only do is using their ships-a target much larger then the girls and most abyssals in KC, which is a point in Kancolle's favor at range. (I'm assuming the ranges in the AZ game when using rigging are much closer then actual battles going off of AVs and the Anime itself)

Idk, the Ooyodo isaki got me thinking about crossovers and how the girls would do fighting each other's enemies and whatnot. It'd just be pretty cool to see AZ Enty duke it out with a Wo or Yamato Dueling a Rook and wining because it can't hit a human sized target at range.
The last episode of the KC anime's first season has Nagato and Ooi doing CQC, though, so I wouldn't rule out abyssals being able to fend for themselves up close.
The last episode of the KC anime's first season has Nagato and Ooi doing CQC, though, so I wouldn't rule out abyssals being able to fend for themselves up close.
I wouldn't either, but I don't think an Abyssal brawling with someone like AZ Takao would have a very good time. Her and Tenryu would probably get along well.
Didn't you also have kongou slapping away shells aimed at her?
In the anime, yeah. Though considering that shipgirls are Kami/Spirits, it makes sense for both of them to pull off shit that should be impossible for others. Kongou due to the sheer age her hull was when it sank among other things. And Tenryuu because, much the same reason, she was an old hull in WWII.

Honestly, it would be funny to see the AL girls' reactions to Kongou backhanding 16" shells fired at her, with AL's Kongou boggling.
Honestly, it would be funny to see the AL girls' reactions to Kongou backhanding 16" shells fired at her, with AL's Kongou boggling.
High key would love to see that in a crossover Fic.
I mean, the movie did have Tenryuu literally cutting shells fired at her in half/deflecting them with her sword...
She did indeed deflect incoming shells with her sword (presumably from a heavy cruiser I think), while Takao cut a shell from Sheffield in half. It's pretty cool that their both capable of such a feet, and any crossover fic won't be complete till the two have a sword fight.

I'd also just like to add I'm fairly certain Enterprise would not rush a surface ship if she didn't absolutely have to. We only see how she fights carriers in the anime as such close range.

also also just how much is KC Kido Butai gonna loose it when they see AZ Zuikaku using a sword of all things?
Okay, apparently the next American ship is highly likely to be a Northampton.

This is due to one of the ranking rewards being a SOC seagull:

Looking closer at the fairy on the plane, it is a design that looks like a shipgirl rather than it being a generic fairy:

It is highly likely that this is a Northampton as the hat, and dress style matches that of houston seen here:

Although she is not Houston as the shirt that the fairy is wearing along with the hairstyle, bundle of cord and glasses make this more likely to be a separate ship.
All of the American ships picked have been "notable" in some way, which presents the problem of Houston being by far the most notable of the Northampton class. Chicago is the most likely if it has to be a Northampton, but don't be surprised if it's Salt Lake City or Indianapolis, as those classes share considerable Northampton DNA.
Chicago is the most likely if it has to be a Northampton, but don't be surprised if it's Salt Lake City or Indianapolis, as those classes share considerable Northampton DNA.
It could be, but there is a higher chance of it being a Northampton as the uniform is way too similar to Houston's for it to be of another class.
She doesn't have much of a reason to kill them, seeing that she's nowhere familiar and if she wants to get back home, she'll have to talk to the locals. So killing the locals that were willing to talk with her would then be counterproductive, they're terrified enough as is.
Right, as I said, I'm not bothered by the fact that she isn't killing them out of hand - it locks out the more rabidly anti-human Abyssal interpretations, but that's fine. But she's not just not killing them; she's going out of her way to avoid hurting them y accident. Moreover, she does this reflexively, and with no signs of considering it an imposition. If she's supposed to be keeping them alive because she needs them, then the narrative should show it - have her grumble about having to go out of her way to protect what she would normally consider targets, have her get ready to open up with the mains only to realize at the last moment that for once collateral damage is something to worry about (or, alternately, have her second guess her decision and wonder if a few blown eardrums would really be that bad).
KanColle Summoning in Azur Lane

"Okay! Ritual is set, the necessary resources in place, material from host nation in the 'acquired,' and now we're all set," said very enthusiastic scamcat—er green haired catgirl Akashi. In front of her is an empty space filled with ritual symbols of Sakura Empire Origins. In the center is a large pool where a large number of steel, fuel barrels, bauxite, and ammo is placed. If Akashi is doing this right, the ritual symbols should start glowing, and sure enough it is. It is pulsating now.

Akashi is now putting in the symbol of the nation she's using, music set pieces from the Royal Navy. She switches on the stereo and soon enough starts the music and now she waits for the results.

How and why Akashi is doing this stems from a curiosity. She was doing her daily rounds and was visiting the library, thinking up on how to sca—er how to think up more ways to get the Commander spend more in her shop. He's always enthusiastic when it comes to her new products. As she's browsing some new books, she stumbled an ancient book about rituals from the Sakura Empire. Akashi wouldn't think twice about ignoring it but figures she has some time and just perused through it.

She opened a random page and saw an interesting ritual about summoning spirits of warships. This got her curiosity peaked. She knew for a fact KAN-SEN exist because of Mental Cubes but here's she's reading about summoning ships without them. Just needs steel, bauxite, oil, and ammo. She didn't look too deeply and figured why not try it once.

As she headed out, she never did stop and think why this is here, which should have raised some alarm but curiosity has overridden concerns.

As the music reached its crescendo, slam of a door opening disturbed Akashi.

"AKASHI!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU, YOU DAMN THIEVING CAT! I KNOW YOU STOLE MY MUSIC SET PEACE EARLIER THIS MORNING!" The shrill voice of Queen Elizabeth echoed in the chamber.

"Here, your majesty. Akashi is here," said her faithful companion and sister Warspite. The both of them arrived just in time to see the ritual complete.

"Wait!" Akashi shouted before an explosion happened, smoke filling the summoning chamber and all three choking. As the smoke clears and both are now able to breath, they then looked at the center of the ritual, previous troubles forgotten for a moment, and beheld a sight.

I am the second Queen Elizabeth-class battleship, Warspite. I will be in your care. I am a purely British-born and British-bred battleship. I have been part of the Home Fleet, the Mediterranean Fleet, and even saw service in the Indian Ocean. I sincerely hope you will remember my name by heart.

In the center is some of Royal Navy origin. She has long blonde hair styled in a French braid and blue eyes along with a broad nose and face. Her outfit consists of a long sleeved corseted white off-shoulder dress with a red ribbon placed at the front; said ribbon having a red rose in the middle. On her head she wears a black hairband with a mini crown on the side. Her legwear is comprised of white thigh-highs held up by garter straps and high heeled black mary janes. Her jewelry is moderate and only consists of a couple silver necklaces. The machinery behind her is in the shape of a throne on which she sits on. She carries a globus cruciger in her left hand and a scepter-like mast in her right hand.

All three look dumbfounded before Akashi started react.

"I did it! Woohoo!" She started to bounce about happy the ritual is a success. Behind her Azur Lane's Warspite and Queen Elizabeth just stared.

"What?" The smaller Warspite and her sister were just lost for words.

AN: This idea earlier this morning. Despite the potential crossover between the two settings, I have yet to see this type of snippet happen. The idea is open to anyone that want to try their hand at this idea. So many interactions to be had to see the differences between ship girls and the settings.
Here's the 3rd snippet on that Ooyodo isekai. Snippet 1, Snippet 2


"Say Ah," said Vestal the Eagle Union's repair ship/medical officer. Ooyodo complied and opened her mouth for a medical examination. Ooyodo found herself in the infirmary after both Belfast and Sheffield dragged their supposed elder sister after they saw her consume about 20 or so plates of large breakfast orders. It's concerning considering that as far as they knew no normal KAN-SEN could consume that much amount of food. Ooyodo being a ship girl of a different nature though considers such meals as typical.

"Now do you feel any pain? Sick to your stomach?" Vestal kept asking medical questions. Ooyodo though was starting to get exasperated.

"I told you I'm fine. All I need is some aspirin for a headache," she said in a somewhat nervous tone, just like how Edinburgh would answer. Ooyodo considered it fortunate that she's getting acclimated with the memories of the KAN-SEN she's inhabiting.

"I'll be the judge of that," Vestal replied back as she continued her examination.

"Really, Vestal. There's nothing to be concerned about. Bel and Sheffy are just exaggerated a bit about what happenend," Ooyodo said in Edinburgh's mannerisms all the while she's trying to come up with a better explanation.

"Edinburgh, from what your sisters said, you ate 20 large breakfast portions and was on the way in eating another plate before they dragged you here. Care to explain that?" Vestal retorted back. Like anyone would believe that eating that much food in one sitting is because she's KAN-SEN. It would have passed back in Ooyodo's old world but not here.

"…I was hungry?" Ooyodo really has no excuse.

"Right. Off the bed and into the machine," Vestal said as Ooyodo got off the medical bed and was led into a bed with half-cylindrical machine. Ooyodo saw and knew it was an MRI machine, something that was invented a few decades later. With Siren technology being reversed-engineered it must be expected that such advances is a quirk of this world.

"Right. Let me start this now," Vestal said as Ooyodo laid on the scanner table and let the machine run its course. After the machine scan ended Ooyodo got up and waited in chair for the results.

"Ok, Here are the results and wow," Vestal said as she proceeded to explain her findings. Ooyodo waited for her to finish explaining.

"Well?" Ooyodo asked, already knowing what the answer is.

"All the examinations that I made on you turned out negative. In fact you're healthy as can be. Which is baffling on its own," Vestal explained her findings, her face showing confusion and mounting frustration. Ooyodo guessed that she's wanting to start tearing her hair out.

"Ok?" Ooyodo only had a raised eyebrow

"You're so healthy that I could not find anything wrong with you. At all," Vestal flatly stated.

"So can I go now?" Ooyodo asked, ready to leave. She does not want to deal with explaining how her nature as a ship girl is different from a KAN-SEN.

"Sure. Just to be safe though, take a rest. I want you back here tomorrow so I could get a more detailed examination on you. Also here's the aspirin that you requested. Do be careful," Vestal said giving her the aspirin as she now becomes fully absorbed in her findings.

"Thank you, Vestal! You're the best!" Ooyodo said in a perky voice, leaving out the door of the infirmary. Inwardly she's just eager to leave and not keep acting as Edinburgh in front of her, finding it becoming tiring soon enough.

"That girl worries me. Now how to make sense of these reports," Vestal said after seeing Edinburgh leave.

Leaving the infirmary, Ooyodo vowed to be more careful about her nature in the future. For now she proceeded to public records office to review on the military's side on the history of this world, any military procedures she might have missed, detail information about the Sirens, etc. She has found that although she's integrating Edinburgh's memories she finds it missing the overall picture. As such she needs to read more information as long as she's in this world. Coupled with the fact that she technically possessed the body of a KAN-SEN that is quite close to the people around her, she has to figure out a way to explain herself without possibly getting attacked.

As she made her way to the offices, she heard a high-pitched voice screaming her name.


"Wha— Oomph!" Ooyodo found herself nearly bowled over by someone half her size and crying into her skirt. She looked down and saw a tuft of silver hair. She looked closely and to her astonishment the little girl hugging and crying into her resembled her sister Belfast.

"Little Bel!?" Ooyodo said in a surprised tone. Indeed it is a smaller version of Belfast. She wonders why and how she came into existence but supposes it must be the results of Mental Cubes research.

"Edinburgh!!!!! I heard from Big Bel that you were sick! I rushed over as soon as I heard and—" Little Bel cries even further into Ooyodo's skirt. Ooyodo is a bit bewildered and tries to calm her down. She knelt down to make her eye level with Little Bel and proceeded to pat her on the head.

"There, there. It's alright, see? I'm fine and fit as a fiddle," Ooyodo said, relying on Edinburgh's memories. This seems to work as Little Bel's cries slowly comes to a stop. This seems to calm her down somewhat. She only looks up to her sister, still sniffling.

"Big sis Edinburgh!" Little Bel just hugs her tighter all the while Ooyodo pats her head. She's glad for the memories to as Edinburgh's familiar mannerisms helped deal with the little KAN-SEN.

"Well it's reassuring to know you're alright, Edinburgh. You had us a bit worried when we heard that Belfast and Sheffield took you to the infirmary. Little Bel took off to find you before we could stop her," said a very calm and elegant voice. Ooyodo looked up and saw it was another maid. She had long brunette hair with a headband tied with blue ribbons, on her side was a folded umbrella. Behind her were Belfast and Sheffield.

"Ah, Newcastle," Ooyodo said with Edinburgh's recognition. Yes it is her elder sister Newcastle.

"How are you, Edinburgh?" Newcastle asked with concern. Both Belfast and Sheffield looking the same.

"I feel fine, really. I'll just need rest and come back for some tests," Ooyodo said, sounding convincing.

"Well, that's good then. Please don't worry us like that again. Many in the Royal Maids were quite worried," Newcastle replied back with relief.

"Wait, everyone?" Ooyodo asked, fearing more scrutiny will be upon her, still patting Little Bel on the head while she still clings to her.

"Well, yes. Why wouldn't we?" Sheffield replied back with a raised eyebrow.

"Anyway it's time to go back to our Royal duties since—" Belfast was cutoff as an alarm for General Quarters was heard throughout the base. An announcement was heard throughout the speakers.

"A-Attention! Enemy Siren Raid!" This was said over the air by another woman, stuttering at the start, "Any available KAN-SEN are to deploy to repel this attack! Wahh! The paperwork!" The announcement was cutoff with what was heard to be stacks of paperwork tipping over and the microphone being dropped then turning off. Ooyodo raised her head, a twitch in her eye starting for form.

"Please don't tell me that was…" Ooyodo slowly said, suspicion starting to form on who that was and what was happening thanks to Edinburgh's memories.

"Yes, that was Sirius together with the Commander. That pathetic trash," Sheffield said, whispering that last tidbit. Both Belfast and Newcastle had frowns on their faces, feeling of exasperation palpable.

"Hmmm…" Little Bel said nuzzling into Edinburgh's skirt.

"Right, let us go and repel this attack. We will deal with the Master's paperwork later," said Newcastle with that same calm tone but that undercurrent of disappointment is still there. All three maids soon turned and started to leave. Ooyodo made to follow but was stopped by Belfast.

"No, Edinburgh, you take a rest. We'll take care of this. Besides you need the rest. Please take Little Bel in the shelter," Belfast said as she followed Newcastle and Sheffield to the battle.

"Ok. C'mon Little Bel, let's go to the shelter," Ooyodo said taking Little Bel's hand. The sounds of thundering cannon fire and energy weapons heard quite loudly enough so that the building they were in shook a little bit.

"Ok, big sis Edinburgh," Little Bel replied as they left for safety.

After dropping Little Bel off into the shelter that's protected from the attack, Ooyodo made her way to the Commander's office. Her face set in a frown, a cynical look forming on the way.

Where's the rest of the Command Staff? There is no way he's dealing with all this alone Ooyodo thought to herself, her sensibilities screaming at the irresponsibility of it all. She soon made her way to the office doors when she heard sounds on the other side.

"Ah! Master!? There's a fire!" Crashing sounds could be overheard The sounds of battle seems to start tapering off, not clear indication that the raid is over but is away from the command facilities, which is why noises from beyond the door were quite clear. Ooyodo just develops an eye twitch, her mounting anger soon to follow.

Walking to the door handle, Ooyodo just twists it open, almost breaking the lock before pushing the double doors open with a bang and walked inside, urgency with every step. Inside she saw a scene of chaos and pandemonium. Large stacks of paperwork reaching the ceiling unfinished, command screens showing the progress of the battle, some feeds cutting off before coming back on, and somehow there's a fire that got started in the corner. In the center is a platinum blonde girl running around like a chicken with her head cut off with was as male officer behind the desk just pressing buttons and looked as though he has no idea what he's doing, evidence by the panicked look on his face.

This is the scene Ooyodo walked into and this set something fierce inside her, familiar instincts coming into the fore.

Right time get to work Ooyodo thought to herself before placing her thumb and middle finger and whistled loud to get their attention.

"Both of you calm the hell down! Now!" Ooyodo said full of authority from years of command. To the Commander and Sirius, both were just staring befuddled on how Edinburgh of all KAN-SEN seem to know what she's doing.

"Sirius, stop what you're doing and grab a large cloth to put out the fire. Commander stop what the hell you're doing and grab a coffee. Let me handle this mess," Ooyodo commanded as she starts gathering the strewn paperwork and organizing this mess. Meanwhile the two just stared. Then Ooyodo started back.

"What are you waiting for, an invitation!? Get to your task already!" Ooyodo said with finality, causing the other two to get out of their stupor and follow Edinburgh's orders.

AN: Right, this was a good stopping point. I just stopped where I needed to think on how to create scene where Ooyodo dresses down both the Commander and Sirius and and where Ooyodo fully shows her capabilities as a hypercompetent secretary ship. Please leave any comments to make this snippet better.

Edit #2: Right, so made the snippet look as though the Commander and Sirius are overwhelmed. Hope this is acceptable.
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Right, changed the snippet so that the Commander and Sirius are overwhelmed.
I thought the original unedited version of the snippet was hilarious.

EDIT: With both I can imagine Ooyodo's mental reaction to what she's looking at while staying professional and refraining from saying "I'm surrounded by stupid" out loud.
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The original was totally out of character for SKK and read like a setup for bashing AL though.

That said, what my eleven sisters and I did to Catholic School uniforms when we were growing up wasn't nearly as sexually provocative as KC Ooyodo's uniform.

I can't speak for my sisters, but I can say this: I was going for comfort and my pleated skirts were more revealing than Ooyodo's.