Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

And just to make thing even more amusing Bismarck runs off to Warship Girls R puts on a blue dress and some glasses and is suddenly Hood. The perfect disguise.
AL hood gets this weird shiver down her spine, and has the distinct impression that somewhere, her dear biscuit is making fun of her.

meanwhile, AL and KC Zuikaku are having a deck measuring contest
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So odd question but...do ship girls go to the bathroom? Ships don't really produce any excess material that needs to be expelled, and it seems like they'd almost prefer to have scrap metal on board for repairs.
So odd question but...do ship girls go to the bathroom? Ships don't really produce any excess material that needs to be expelled, and it seems like they'd almost prefer to have scrap metal on board for repairs.
Probably yes. They are part human after all, can't have all the good with none of the bad.

As for excess material - food waste, worn-out electrical components, all the little knicks and knacks that keep both the machines and the crew running. Normally they'd store it aboard and dump it all at port due to environment regulations... but throwing it overboard's always an option in a pinch.

IIRC up to WW2 it was possible to track a ship via the trail of garbage it left behind as it moved.
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Hmm should I or shouldn't I...

Screw it been working on this story for over a year. May as well post a more polish snip, warning this is still very rough And it takes place after snip I posted a few years back, and since this thread doesnt have thread marks I can't link it... Look for Through a Soldiers Eyes, think that i put that name here...

Havent really thought of a name for the story thats better then the original. So enjoy and give me you thoughts.

"Admiral Dodge? We need you down at Pier 6, there's been a magic incident."

Never in his almost thirty years of service has such a random seeming text brought so much dread.

"But then again… zombie ships weren't a thing then…. Probably." Rear Admiral Tom Dodge muttered to himself as he drove his little gator-cart, not the Admiral‐mobile according to the destroyers, down to the piers. Normally Captain Garrett would have taken care of these type of problems but she was out with the Oakland doing supple runs for the pickets. Turning onto Pier 6 he was slightly pleased. "At least there's no duct tape this time…"

As he came upon a huddle of people and ships he came to a stop. "So," he said, getting out. "What happened this time?"

"Fairy-ication," Porter chirped amusedly.

The Admiral felt his mind skip a gear.


"You know we can change forms?" Des Moines started slowly with her cupped hands held close to her stomach.

"Yes...?" the Admiral said, reflecting on the Taped Gato Incident.

"Well, have you ever wondered what would happen if someone was in the hull when we changed instead of on deck?"

"Who was it and do I need to write a letter?"

"Don't worry, this one doesn't need a write-up. As for who..." slowly the heavy cruiser girl raised her hands. Revealing a small green clothed fairy looking very…


Admiral Dodge stared at the little fairy who just sent him a flat look. "Is that?"

"Hooah…" the Army fairy released the flattest, most done with this hooah that Admiral Dodge heard in his career. Not that he could blame the poor sergeant.

"So cute!" Albacore said, reaching towards him.

The flat indignant look turned into one of fright as the little fairy squeaked in alarm before Des Moines hand recovered him.

"Yeah, no." Des Moines forcefully said bringing her hands above her head. "With the way you two get along I don't trust you to not something that he'll hate."

"You think I'll actually hurt him?" the sub said, genuinely offended.

"Hurt him on purpose, no. Do something embarrassing? Oh yes."

"I was only going to dress him up in doll clothes…"

"Anyways…" Admiral Dodge cut in, "How did this happen to Sergeant Zaiz, Des Moines?"

"You know how we were testing the JCR system?" At the Admiral's nod she continued, "Well we finished up faster then expected, it worked by the way, and as he packed up I decided to play a joke."

"Let me guess, the old 'appear in your arms' trick?" The Admiral said as the heavy cruiser nodded.

"Hehe... yep," the cruiser chuckled nervously, "except that I didn't pay proper attention to where he was when I changed."

"And now we have a mini-sergeant. Amazing." Dodge deadpanned.

"Well at least it should be easy to change him back…" Bantaan spoke up hesistanty. Blushing with embarrassment as everyone looked at her, the light carrier continued. "Just you know put back i-ANDJUSTGOSHIP!"

The peanut gallery snickered, the light carrier and heavy cruiser became tomatoes as Admiral Dodge chuckled.

"Well the simplest plans are often the best. And it makes sense."

"Right, um, yes. It does make sense…" Des Moines said quickly glancing around for a spot large enough for her hull. "Um… Over there'd probably be good."

Turning, the heavy cruiser's metal heel got caught on the concrete, tripping her and sending the fairy she was still holding flying.

Fairy-Sergeant Zaiz's scream needed no translation.

Almost before the army fairy left Des Moines' hand, Bantaan was moving to grab him.

As was Albacore.

And West Virginia.

And Porter.

And Midway...

And… well, an experienced reader can see where this was going.

As the cursing pile of shipgirls went down the fairy screamed into the water with a splash.

"FUCKING HELL! That happened that seriously fucking happened! AND NOW IM IN THE FUCKING FREEZING-ASS SOUND!" A familiar voice cried out.

Admiral Dodge sidestepped the tangled pile of shipgirls and easily caught up with the scrambling Des Moines to look over the edge.

"Or that could work, good to know." Dodge said ideally as the now full size Army soldier swarmed to the pier.

"Oh thank fucking god," Des Moines said breathlessly. "I'm so sorry about that whole thing! I had no idea that-"

"That you earnt the name Dizzy?" the soldier cut her off slightly bemused. "You can make it up by using those long arms of your's to help me up. Fucking freezing!"

Grinning in relief, the cruiser reached down to grab him. A flicker of pseudo-motion and Des Moines yepped in shock as she overcompensated and fell back. This time both hands snapped to her chest superhumanly quick, cupping something close and protective. As the cruiser came to a stop she stared into her cupped hands in disbelief.

"Hooah? HOOAH!" came a fairy sounding cry.

"What. The. Fuck." Des moines muttered in disbelief staring at the little fairy.

"Maybe it's like the shells and ammo and other stuff?" Midway asked as the carrier finished untangling her legs from Porter. "Go far enough away they go full size, but grab them and they pop back to being small?"

"That would be really annoying if it was true…" Des Moines muttered, standing up and carefully holding her passenger close to her chest.

Zaiz for his part muttered an inaudible agreement as he relaxed in the warmth given off by his friend. He was still freezing from his dip in the water and Des Moines warmth was a welcome relief. An idle thought of sliding down to hang on Des Moines collar crossed his mind, but tossed it as a bad idea.

"Welp, back to Plan A!" Dodge said, thinking about how much paperwork this could create…

"Yup, well here it goes…" Des Moines said, stepping off the pier. Another flicker of pseudo-motion was briefly evident before the bows of a heavy cruiser appeared.

Dodge barely had a chance to look at the 3 inch guns on Des Moines' bow before a form vaulted off.

Sergeant Eric Zaiz landed in a roll before popping up before West Virginia. The Standard Battleship giving the soldier an amused look before poking him. At the startling lack of anything happening the soldier poked her back. The poking continued for a few seconds to double check that everything was fine.

Satisfied that he wasn't going to lose about five feet of height, the soldier turned towards the rest, "The slide show over everyone. I going back to my camper before the pain meds wear off," the still wet soldier shivered as the cold winter wind decided to blow. "Or until I freeze…"

"Yep show's over ships. Get back to work!" Dodge said shooing off the bemused shipgirls, "Looking at you Albacore, I know you…"

"Oi! I'm technically a boat!"

"Exactly. Now move it."

"Need any help?" Des Moines ask Zaiz as they head off the pier. The soldier limp was progressively becoming worse.

"Nah I'll make it," pulling his well uniform top to shake off any remaining water he continued, "That was interesting… And useful to know."

"How was that useful?" the Cruiser asked confused and slightly relieved that her friend held no hard feelings.

The soldier just hummed and hawed as they made their way to his camper across the parking lot.

"You just gave me more ways to mess with Miss Long Fin Tuna," Zaiz grinned up at Des Moines. "If you are willing to help?"

"Heh, we'll have to see Zaiz… We'll have to see…"
My shipping senses are tingling with that last line, however, good story, there are a few typos early on but nothing my brain couldn't skip over.
Hmmm. I'm tempted to post a snippet of my latest idea here... Eh, screw it:

"Time for your next session."


With my absolute hatred of this place giving me more strength than I had any right to have, I slugged the demon across the face, grabbed her head, then smashed it against the bars of my cell repeatedly until I was absolutely sure she was dead.

It was cathartic, killing my primary tormentor. One minute she was alive, confident in her ability to finally break me… maybe she had. After all, I was dashing her head against the steel bars of my cell, something I would never have done before.

Spitting on her body, I did a quick search of it for anything useful. Upon finding her keys (stuffed between her breasts, classic), I made my escape, though not before opening the only other occupied cell and dragging the rather beautiful blonde within to her feet.

"Danke." She said, her eyes glimmering with tears. "They underestimated you, it seems."

I laughed. It was not a pleasant sound, filled with nothing but hatred of this place. "Yes. And they'll pay for that. Here, let me get your bindings."

"Danke. Abyssal bastards, those were far too tight."
I filed that tidbit of information away as well. "I've seen others escaping this place. Do you happen to know how?"

The blonde nodded. "It's not exactly an exact science, but, hopefully someone on the surface is performing a summoning. We basically just hitch a ride on the summons, and hope to god that they have enough materials on hand to pay the cost of our summoning."

I raise my eyebrows, "and if that fails?"

"We hope that we can self summon."

"Oh joy." I remark, eyeing the startlingly familiar girl, now that I had a chance to observe her.

'Holy shit, that's Prinz Eugen. From Kancolle. Well fuck. I guess the various information coincides. But…'

My eyes widened in absolute horror.

Invested enough in your soul… Abyssal… Oh FUCK… They were going to make me an Abyssal. Shit. I'm glad I never broke. Especially if my suspicions are true, I wouldn't have been a mook. It would have been something more, likely a Flagship, Demon, or Princess.

"Hey, what's wrong?" My companion asked, her concerned eyes filling my vision. My gaze softened. It was nice, having someone else being concerned for me.

"Nothing. Just realized how close I had been to breaking, to serving this… this…"


"Yeah, that works."

Prinz smiled. "You didn't break, and that's what matters. Never seen a human infused by the Abyss with a blueprint not break, though I'm sure there are more of you."

"Ehehe. Thanks. It wasn't easy, but it got easier when that bitch decided to make it her personal mission to break me."

Prinz's smile was a beautiful thing, one that filled me with hope. "Yeah, it gets easier when you can focus your anger on one." Her brow furrowed briefly as she focused on something I couldn't parse. "Also, I found an ongoing summoning. Standby." Her face knitted into a mein of concentration, Prinz Eugen began tearing a rift in reality open, one that finally widened enough for both of us to step through. "Together. Else the rift might destabilize. Three, Two, One!"

With a cry of triumph, I stepped through the portal, Prinz at my side.

Note that I purposefully snipped a portion that wouldn't give too much away. I'm probably not going to post the rest here unless it drives up even more interest ^^'

Also, I am completely amazed that I somehow missed this thread for so many years :p
Hmm should I or shouldn't I...

Screw it been working on this story for over a year. May as well post a more polish snip, warning this is still very rough And it takes place after snip I posted a few years back, and since this thread doesnt have thread marks I can't link it... Look for Through a Soldiers Eyes, think that i put that name here...

Havent really thought of a name for the story thats better then the original. So enjoy and give me you thoughts.

"Admiral Dodge? We need you down at Pier 6, there's been a magic incident."

Never in his almost thirty years of service has such a random seeming text brought so much dread.

"But then again… zombie ships weren't a thing then…. Probably." Rear Admiral Tom Dodge muttered to himself as he drove his little gator-cart, not the Admiral‐mobile according to the destroyers, down to the piers. Normally Captain Garrett would have taken care of these type of problems but she was out with the Oakland doing supple runs for the pickets. Turning onto Pier 6 he was slightly pleased. "At least there's no duct tape this time…"

As he came upon a huddle of people and ships he came to a stop. "So," he said, getting out. "What happened this time?"

"Fairy-ication," Porter chirped amusedly.

The Admiral felt his mind skip a gear.


"You know we can change forms?" Des Moines started slowly with her cupped hands held close to her stomach.

"Yes...?" the Admiral said, reflecting on the Taped Gato Incident.

"Well, have you ever wondered what would happen if someone was in the hull when we changed instead of on deck?"

"Who was it and do I need to write a letter?"

"Don't worry, this one doesn't need a write-up. As for who..." slowly the heavy cruiser girl raised her hands. Revealing a small green clothed fairy looking very…


Admiral Dodge stared at the little fairy who just sent him a flat look. "Is that?"

"Hooah…" the Army fairy released the flattest, most done with this hooah that Admiral Dodge heard in his career. Not that he could blame the poor sergeant.

"So cute!" Albacore said, reaching towards him.

The flat indignant look turned into one of fright as the little fairy squeaked in alarm before Des Moines hand recovered him.

"Yeah, no." Des Moines forcefully said bringing her hands above her head. "With the way you two get along I don't trust you to not something that he'll hate."

"You think I'll actually hurt him?" the sub said, genuinely offended.

"Hurt him on purpose, no. Do something embarrassing? Oh yes."

"I was only going to dress him up in doll clothes…"

"Anyways…" Admiral Dodge cut in, "How did this happen to Sergeant Zaiz, Des Moines?"

"You know how we were testing the JCR system?" At the Admiral's nod she continued, "Well we finished up faster then expected, it worked by the way, and as he packed up I decided to play a joke."

"Let me guess, the old 'appear in your arms' trick?" The Admiral said as the heavy cruiser nodded.

"Hehe... yep," the cruiser chuckled nervously, "except that I didn't pay proper attention to where he was when I changed."

"And now we have a mini-sergeant. Amazing." Dodge deadpanned.

"Well at least it should be easy to change him back…" Bantaan spoke up hesistanty. Blushing with embarrassment as everyone looked at her, the light carrier continued. "Just you know put back i-ANDJUSTGOSHIP!"

The peanut gallery snickered, the light carrier and heavy cruiser became tomatoes as Admiral Dodge chuckled.

"Well the simplest plans are often the best. And it makes sense."

"Right, um, yes. It does make sense…" Des Moines said quickly glancing around for a spot large enough for her hull. "Um… Over there'd probably be good."

Turning, the heavy cruiser's metal heel got caught on the concrete, tripping her and sending the fairy she was still holding flying.

Fairy-Sergeant Zaiz's scream needed no translation.

Almost before the army fairy left Des Moines' hand, Bantaan was moving to grab him.

As was Albacore.

And West Virginia.

And Porter.

And Midway...

And… well, an experienced reader can see where this was going.

As the cursing pile of shipgirls went down the fairy screamed into the water with a splash.

"FUCKING HELL! That happened that seriously fucking happened! AND NOW IM IN THE FUCKING FREEZING-ASS SOUND!" A familiar voice cried out.

Admiral Dodge sidestepped the tangled pile of shipgirls and easily caught up with the scrambling Des Moines to look over the edge.

"Or that could work, good to know." Dodge said ideally as the now full size Army soldier swarmed to the pier.

"Oh thank fucking god," Des Moines said breathlessly. "I'm so sorry about that whole thing! I had no idea that-"

"That you earnt the name Dizzy?" the soldier cut her off slightly bemused. "You can make it up by using those long arms of your's to help me up. Fucking freezing!"

Grinning in relief, the cruiser reached down to grab him. A flicker of pseudo-motion and Des Moines yepped in shock as she overcompensated and fell back. This time both hands snapped to her chest superhumanly quick, cupping something close and protective. As the cruiser came to a stop she stared into her cupped hands in disbelief.

"Hooah? HOOAH!" came a fairy sounding cry.

"What. The. Fuck." Des moines muttered in disbelief staring at the little fairy.

"Maybe it's like the shells and ammo and other stuff?" Midway asked as the carrier finished untangling her legs from Porter. "Go far enough away they go full size, but grab them and they pop back to being small?"

"That would be really annoying if it was true…" Des Moines muttered, standing up and carefully holding her passenger close to her chest.

Zaiz for his part muttered an inaudible agreement as he relaxed in the warmth given off by his friend. He was still freezing from his dip in the water and Des Moines warmth was a welcome relief. An idle thought of sliding down to hang on Des Moines collar crossed his mind, but tossed it as a bad idea.

"Welp, back to Plan A!" Dodge said, thinking about how much paperwork this could create…

"Yup, well here it goes…" Des Moines said, stepping off the pier. Another flicker of pseudo-motion was briefly evident before the bows of a heavy cruiser appeared.

Dodge barely had a chance to look at the 3 inch guns on Des Moines' bow before a form vaulted off.

Sergeant Eric Zaiz landed in a roll before popping up before West Virginia. The Standard Battleship giving the soldier an amused look before poking him. At the startling lack of anything happening the soldier poked her back. The poking continued for a few seconds to double check that everything was fine.

Satisfied that he wasn't going to lose about five feet of height, the soldier turned towards the rest, "The slide show over everyone. I going back to my camper before the pain meds wear off," the still wet soldier shivered as the cold winter wind decided to blow. "Or until I freeze…"

"Yep show's over ships. Get back to work!" Dodge said shooing off the bemused shipgirls, "Looking at you Albacore, I know you…"

"Oi! I'm technically a boat!"

"Exactly. Now move it."

"Need any help?" Des Moines ask Zaiz as they head off the pier. The soldier limp was progressively becoming worse.

"Nah I'll make it," pulling his well uniform top to shake off any remaining water he continued, "That was interesting… And useful to know."

"How was that useful?" the Cruiser asked confused and slightly relieved that her friend held no hard feelings.

The soldier just hummed and hawed as they made their way to his camper across the parking lot.

"You just gave me more ways to mess with Miss Long Fin Tuna," Zaiz grinned up at Des Moines. "If you are willing to help?"

"Heh, we'll have to see Zaiz… We'll have to see…"
Reminds me of Azure Lane a lot with the girls being able to change forms. Not an idea I've seen before in Kancolle fics, though I'm not really sure how it'd fit into their world
Reminds me of Azure Lane a lot with the girls being able to change forms. Not an idea I've seen before in Kancolle fics, though I'm not really sure how it'd fit into their world
The idea is old if i remember correctly, it dates back to a time where people were experimenting with the limits of what is a shipgirl due to the lack of everything back then.

You had ideals that shipgirls turned back to ships when they did battle, and assumed human forms on land, etc.

Edit : you also had shipgirls sailing like they're surfboarding with their bodies.
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Reminds me of Azure Lane a lot with the girls being able to change forms. Not an idea I've seen before in Kancolle fics, though I'm not really sure how it'd fit into their world

There's at least one doujin where shipgirls have 3 forms. 'no rigging', 'with rigging' and 'ship'.

(It's a non-smutty one, even; the Macho Admiral one; pool# 8692)
There's at least one doujin where shipgirls have 3 forms. 'no rigging', 'with rigging' and 'ship'.

(It's a non-smutty one, even; the Macho Admiral one; pool# 8692)

Macho Admiral is the embodiment of awful construction luck. That said the man's got his demons and worked through them. Probably one of the more successful doujin admirals (Dog Admiral still is the only one to win the war)
From today's update: Noshiro Kai 2 and Valentine CGs for Perth and Johnston as well as Maestrale and Scirocco (which I'm not posting here).

Also Jingei's and Akashi's.

The Valentine's in Arcade:

Teaser for Yahagi Kai-2 in the renewed 15.2 cm main artillery.
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ideas anyone can use

ideas are easy to make but making idea into stories is not my forte at all.

Kantai/Azur lane/FGO
Along with the Fate Servants the MC(s) can summon ship girls due to a 'small' glitch in Chaldea systems.

Kantai/Azur lane/Stargate
While the World is fighting Abyssals/Sirens on Earth the SGC are about to learn that Abyssals/Sirens aren't just an Earth Problem. Story could start at season 9 (when Val comes to Earth) of the series. Around this time Abyssals made of the deceased Spaceships of the Milky Way and the Pegasus Galaxies from all over history come online. (And one the way to combat these are to Awaken Atlantis, her siblings, and children around the Pegasus galaxy. As normal Ship girls are not enough to combat the Spaceship Abyssals.)

Kantai/Azur lane/Star Wars
Abyssals/Sirens in the Star Wars universe. This idea would not be fair for the denizens of Star Wars. Due to the Trillions apon trillions of just Abyssals.

Kantai/Azur lane/Sword Art Online
Kayaba in his infinite wisdom made the game like Kantai Collection and Azur lane combined. And modeled the world like One Piece's Grand line. But with the Starting area at the beginning of the long sea and one needs to conquer 100 islands instead of just one boss per floor like canon.
Getting Ship girls to help players navigate the world. But one can only summon Ship Girls through a Gacha mechanic through in-game currency.
The Abyssals are located all over the place as a constant threat while the Sirens are only located on the 100 Islands. One needs to beat the Sirens to conquer the Islands to open the way to the next island.

Kantai Collection/MCU
The MC appears in the World of Marvel as the personification of the Triskelion itself with 3 baby/toddler looking Insight Helicarriers with Full Load Out; At the Battle of New York with the Chitauri invasion.
Capable of making more Insight Helicarriers at the ready with the right materials.
The MC appears in New York right as the Portal opened.
At the moment the portal was opened the Space, Mind, and Time Stone said F it with an FU to Thanos and brought the MC to the MCU and gave him/her the power they now have with the Insight Helicarriers from the future as insurance.
Whether the Insight Helicarriers are upgraded with vibranium, adamantium, or Uru metal is up to the author.
Okay so every now and again civilian ship Kammusu show up, like cruiser liners or something of the like, but what if we got science vessels? Specifically the Alvin Class Deep sea exploration subs?

All 4 hulls are still around, and the Alvin itself is still in service, though the abyssals would probably change that pretty quickly...

I just really like these 4 siblings, and I can't stop thinking about how the almost universally militant Kammusu and world at large would react to not just civilian, but Science vessels.

I also like the idea of RV Atlantis coming back to be their support ship as well,,,,

also also also maybe NR-1 as well,,,,
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I think it would be awesome, and you could make a good adventure or horror story out of an Alvin escort mission as she dives to research the Abyss.
Okay so every now and again civilian ship Kammusu show up, like cruiser liners or something of the like, but what if we got science vessels? Specifically the Alvin Class Deep sea exploration subs?

All 4 hulls are still around, and the Alvin itself is still in service, though the abyssals would probably change that pretty quickly...

I just really like these 4 siblings, and I can't stop thinking about how the almost universally militant Kammusu and world at large would react to not just civilian, but Science vessels.

I also like the idea of RV Atlantis coming back to be their support ship as well,,,,

also also also maybe NR-1 as well,,,,
It's a thing in Harry and the Shipgirls. Well, Trieste at least, which made the first manned descent into Challenger Deep. There's also a nearly indestructible Challenger Deep Princess, sending out a siren song that's caused a lot of subs and abyssals to die, crushed by the pressure down there. Not out of malice but because she's so alone.
I think it would be awesome, and you could make a good adventure or horror story out of an Alvin escort mission as she dives to research the Abyss.
They'd all be....so small. Even NR-1 was absolutely tiny, even by submarine standards. The Alvins themselves are only 17 tons...

but oh yea them diving to explore the abyss. Escort is basically impossible since no military subs can follow them to their max dive depth.
They'd all be....so small. Even NR-1 was absolutely tiny, even by submarine standards. The Alvins themselves are only 17 tons...

but oh yea them diving to explore the abyss. Escort is basically impossible since no military subs can follow them to their max dive depth.
The escort i was thinking about is getting her to the dive site, holding the area while she dives, have subs escort her down until she passes crush depth for enemy subs, and then hoping that she doesn't stumble across something that'll rip her apart.

She only has a range of 3 miles, and a full sprint is 2 knots. If Abyssals can actually survive in the depths, they might be able to catch her even if they can't manifest their ship parts and have to swim like a human.

Edit: It's like sending a toddler to scout the crashed ship in Aliens because she's the only one with a functional spacesuit.
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As I've been busy making human names for shipgirls, I've had to keep track of which ships are what, where they go to and the whole nine metres about that sort of thing, especially when it comes to multiple ships bearing the same name. To that end, I had to create a special database of warships, starting first with the destroyers of the United States.

Said database can now be accessed at Google Documents here.

Explaining the headers:

HCC - Hull Classification Code
The ship's hull number as originally ordered. As this is a destroyer list, this always starts with the code DD (Destroyer).

2nd HCC - Subsequent Hull Classification Code
If a ship is changed into something beyond the normal destroyer modifications (i.e. a DD becoming a DDR or DDE), then the new hull number is listed there. I don't bother with the normal modifications.

Self-explanatory. If this entry shows "(no name)", that means no name was given by the time the order was cancelled. Roman numerals indicate subsequent ships given that name.

To State
This lists who gets to own the destroyer in my stories. This part of the list goes several ways:
US (United States): The ship remains with the United States Navy and gets a name (for unnamed ships).
US-(state abbreviation): The ship effectively falls under the control of the individual state naval militia or national guard organization. This allows one ship with the same name as the active USN vessel to still fly the Stars and Stripes.
USCG: Temporarily assigned to the United States Coast Guard.
Other nations: Transferred to another nation's service. Nations are listed by their individual homelands Internet two-letter identification code, i.e. CA (Canada), JP (Japan), WS (Samoa), etc.
JP (prize): War prize from Japan.
GE (prize): War prize from Germany.

New #
The new hull classification code or pennant number assigned to the vessel after transfer. If "(no change)" appears, then the HCC entry applies. For those who get an entry two fields to the right of the list here, note the new number entry shows the hull number/pennant number as it was in real life. The "(none)" entry means no hull number was assigned (for cancelled ships that are transferred).

New Name

2nd New #
Change of hull classification code or pennant number that happens. I use this to list the hull/pennant numbers I use in my shipgirl name list; this was necessitated as many nations tend to recycle said numbers, which could cause confusion.

2nd New Name
A subsequent name listed for the ship in question. This is used whenever the new name has a "(II)" (second of) entry.

2nd State
The listing of a state/nation that the ship was subsequently sent to, i.e. transfers of ex-US destroyers to the UK who were further loaned to Russia. The following fields indicate hull/pennant numbers and new names.

Special Note
A brief note concerning the final disposition of the ship in question.
