Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Alone again chapter 2!!!!
Alone Again Chapter 2

The island was before, and She was equal parts distressed and relieved.

There was no pre-existing structures, which meant there wasn't nor had there ever been any APA presence. Unfortunately that also meant there was nothing she could repurpose into mining instillations or production facilities, even if she'd be focused on the former for now.

"Just how far am I...?" She asked nobody in particular.

Of course, her crew gave a collective shrug. With no orbital connection or stable reference point, she was utterly clueless. Her coordinate logs oldest point was where she'd woken up, and with the distance she had traveled that wasn't to accurate anymore.

That meant developing this island was a lot more important. It'd be her only navigational anchor for a while, assuming she got a communications tower up of course. That'd only happen once she actually started building on the damn thing.

She'd been sitting a few hundred meters out, anchored on instinct. Normally this was the part where she deployed her walruses to make landfall, but normally she didn't have legs. Now she did.

Could she....walk up herself? She still felt like a ship, and so the idea of what essentially amounted to beaching herself wasn't immediately appealing. But the other part of her, the girl part that had actual feet and could see with eyes instead of just complex instruments wasn't protruded, almost excited to touch dry land.

She was unsure, and so she turned inwards, looking into her bridge. Her various officers seemed to be just as curious as her, trading Heys and the occasional Desu (why they spoke differently she could never be sure) from her chief engineer in a little circle around the captain's dias.

"So what's the verdict?" She asked. They all looked up in mildly creepy synchronization, looked done to speak amongst themselves a bit more, then collectively turned to her and shrugged.

Soooo helpful.

She gave a frustrated huff, but thanked them nonetheless. She supposed she'd just have to take a chance. It's what had saved her so many times back in the archipelago.

With no small amount of trepidation, she sailed forward at a crawl of just 4 knots. She was still in the process of figuring out the independent drive of her propulsion, and couldn't manage sailing much faster. Lucky for her the distance was so short it didn't really matter.

Her breathe picked up as her depth indicator got progressively lower, eventually passing the point where her steal hull would've been beached.

She started holding her breath when the Sandy bottom became visible beneath the waves. The girl part of her was unbothered. The ship part wanted to turn around and get back to nice, deep, blue water where she wouldn't risk tearing up her keel.

Then the water got to shallow and her feet ran aground, making her pitch forward and almost fall flat on her face. Keyword almost.

Her arms windmilled wildly to keep her balance, left foot going forward on instinct to catch her fall.

A foot that impacted sand.

Or rather sank into it till her sole was just barley above ground. That wasn't to surprising. Wet sand wasn't solid, and she WAS still over 60 thousand tons of steel and munitions. It was probably a miracle she hadn't sunk up to her knee.

She slowly, and carefully pulled her remaining foot out of the water, placing it on the sand. Almost immediately she was met with intense vertigo, body swaying to compensate for waves that didn't exist anymore.

slowly, the carrier dropped to kneel, Gun/bow discarded at her side as she tried not to loose her lunch. "Oh god is,this what being sea sick feels like?"

She felt her helmsman rub the console before him in sympathy, a soft questioning and worried hey ringing out from him to voice the concern of her whole crew. It put a small smile on her face. These little guy was to good to her. "Thanks, I think I'll be alright though"

She slowly stood up, picking up her gun in the process. Her stomach (she still wasn't used to having one) still turned, but she wasn't quite as worried about throwing up...whatever it is she'd throw up now. She hadn't eaten anything so it'd probably just be bile, but considering her odd circumstances she couldn't be sure.

With a deep breath, she shoved down her nausea. There was a base of operations that needed building and-"hey!" Her captain said, stamping on his dias to ensure he got her attention. "Hey hey, hey."

She blushed in embarrassment. "Right..." she needed to actually launch her walruses for them to deploy their capsules Huh...

Her free hand fell to the boxy grenades situated on her left hip. The girl part of her was confused, but the ship part had done this so many times before it was practically instinct. She unhooked one of the grenades, bringing it up so she could properly examine it.

Hexagonal in shape, it had the numbers 01 engraved in it. Her lead walrus then. Now how to deploy it...it was a grenade so...did she just pull the pin and toss it?

With no objections from her crew (they seemed as curious as her), she tentatively pulled the pin, tossing the grenade to the ground.

It rolled for a few seconds, before popping into a small puff of smoke. When it cleared, a miniature walrus stood in its place, fully flew equipped with A mining Rig capsule and machine gun turret. She let out a breath she hadn't know she was holding along with her crew.

"Desu, desu desu"

Her face screwed up in confusion. "It really looked just like before for you guys? Just on land...?" That was an...odd thought. For her literally throwing her walrus out to look just like lowering it normally...

Then she realized that voice hadn't come from inside like she'd Grown accustomed to.

Slowly, her head turned to the side, spotting her chief engineer and another crewman she recognized as her old engineering officer from the archipelago. He'd been oddly okay with letting the APA dockworker take his position.

She blinked. Her two crew members blinked back, and again her two halves were at odds. The girl found the image of two little people standing on her shoulder absurd. The ship found the feeling of crew standing on her deck completely normal.

The two little people looked at each other, talking amongst themselves and gesturing at points on the beach, then down to the data pad her Chief had brought out. Then they stopped, nodded to each other and....went back below deck?

It was mind bending to watch the two vanish underneath the folds of her cloths overlaid with them walking back into her island.

Regardless, she couldn't just stay on the beach doing nothing. They had a base of operations to set up. "You two were talking about building plans, right? Care to share?"

The affirmative Hey and Desu on her bridge had a new image being sent to her main screen. It was a map of the island, with serval locations marked. Points marked for construction according to the presentation her Chief engineer was giving.

Her predecessor took over after a bit though, Desus turning to heys as he went over just how they'd be doing this. She nodded along with his presentation, and was once again Unimaginably thankful for her crew.

"Alright, great plan you two, now we just need to get started!" Her captain parroted her with a flurry of heys, and her bridge crew was in action. She watched as her one launched Walrus got itself moving, leaving tiny trials in the sand as it went off to establish the islands HQ to be.

She waited for the go ahead from her hanger crew before launching her remaining 3 Walruses, pulling the pins and tossing the grenades. The novelty had not worn off and she was still mildly enamored by the way her Amphibious units were deployed.

With all 4 walruses deployed-2 headed to start of mining rigs, and one wheeling toward the waterline to establish a pier-there was little else to do. The ship wanted to sit patiently and wait like it always did. A fresh island with no support needed protecting after all, but the girl....

The girl wanted to explore. She had legs now and she could walk and run and Jump and climb. Maybe not yet since she was still learning and her boot mounted outriggers didn't exactly lend themselves very well to walking, but it was a possibility.

She shifted from foot to foot, wracking her brain for a decision. Her crew was busy coordinating the construction operation. She could feel them working away in the back of her mind. From the handful of engineers and their marine escorts within each walrus to help along the construction to her bridge crew coordinating the whole thing.

She couldn't bother them with such a trivial decision.

So that meant deciding herself. Ship and girl were at odds, and the ship, despite being several thousand tons of steel and lethal weapons, was loosing. She wanted explore. Really really badly. Call her childish, but she'd never gotten to see an island this close before, at least not personally.

The idea of touching the trees herself. Of feeling the land around her. of hearing it all through ears and not microphones and speakers.

She had to try it.

So with a warning to her crew, she walked Towards the tree line before she could change her mind.
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Chapter 3 :)
next chapter might be a little late, as I want it to be a bit longer then the last 3 have been.
Alone again chapter 3

If there was one thing that had been ingrained into her very keel, it was to always assume there were things you didn't know. Always assume there were variables you hadn't accounted, and plan accordingly.

As such, when she literally pushed over a tree when she'd been intending to use it to steady her trek up the relatively steep slope of the island, her anchor had been dropped to stabilize her. A contingency she was glad finally came in handy.

She glanced at her hand, clenching her fist a few times. Her gun/bow was stowed on her back in favor of having both free, and she couldn't decide wether or not it was a good thing. Well, at least now she knew how exactly the energy generated by her power plant translated into her human form.

Aside from that little informative mishap, she was having the time of her life. There was just so much! Her eyes went from her hand to another plant she'd never had the pleasure of seeing before, and she dropped faster then a supply barque's crash dive to get a better look.

Her mouth dropped in awe again for the umpteenth time that day. She couldn't tell if the plant was a flower or some sort of fern, and she was lamenting not having a proper science team right now. They'd be able to TRO her up n a heart beat.

Slowly, the carrier reached out to caress one of the curled leaves, a bit worried about doing to the forest floor plant what she'd done to the tree.

It was...both soft and rough when she touched it, another new sensation for her fingers. She let out a little laugh, poking at the plant a little more, watching it sway from her touch before finally standing up. There was still an entire island to explore.

She had to resist the urge to stop and examine every little thing. She was learning so much! About the world she'd never seen up close and herself, like how she could store things. It'd been a bit mind bending to watch a flower she'd wanted to keep shrink to fit in her crew's tiny hands, and equally mind bending to watch them vanish inside her hull again.

Once she'd figured out she could do that, a small garden had started to take shape within her. Part of being a former colony ship meant having her own greenhouse. It was one of the few things she'd got to keep after warship conversion.

And now it was finally seeing some use, with over a dozen foreign fauna under its care. She'd have been taking in some of the animals she'd been seeing to if her captain hadn't immediately vetoed the idea. Seeing the island was nice enough though.

She'd been wandering around picking up and handing off to her crew any plant that looked interesting. There had been no more tree mishaps, though she had stumbled again when a rock shattered under her heel. Right, still a 67,000 ton warship...

By now she was more used to walking on 2 legs, so steadying herself came as second nature. She checked her map briefly. She'd been across a decent Chunk of the island by now, and had a large garden to show for it.

The girl wanted to keep exploring. There was so much she still hadn't seen, and just turning in a slow circle had her eyes landing on things in the forest she found unfamiliar.

But the ship was anxious. The Walrus Team's hadn't reported anything, and her crew were all going about their duties without issue. Logically there was nothing to worry about.

But this island couldn't defend itself yet.

The carrier wanted to be out on the water, standing guard till the island was functional. Again she was at conflict with herself, but this time the warship won. Reluctantly, she started walking, choosing the fastest route back to sea.

And if there were a few more additions to her greenhouse then only the handful of APA crew and herself knew.

She was decidedly more stable leaving the forest then going in. Sureness where they'd been uncertainty meant despite making a b-line for the water, she could pay more attention to her surroundings.

And she'd taken plenty of time to appreciate it before, but the forest was stunning. From the thick underbrush she left a rather noticeable wake in to the tree canopy overhead. She walked almost on autopilot as her head turned to and fro to take it all in before she'd be stuck looking from afar again.

Of course, The trees got progressively thinner till the forest gave way to Sandy beach, and that to water. She felt pride swell at how smooth the transition had been compared to her first. This time her and her helmsman worked in tandem, cruising out on the water before turning 360 at a speed other ships could only dream of.

She gazed at the soon to be resource island. A quick check with her walrus teams confirmed it'd be around 9 more hours till the 2 mining faculties were up and running. The logistics connecting them could be constructed later. She'd have to get more walruses or mantas to run transport duty till then.

Unfortunate since it meant she'd be sticking around this island for longer, but she didn't exactly have any other urgent operations to run.

Which meant she'd be doing more of the same. Waiting. There was a bit of comfort in the familiarity, but she wondered how long it could last.

There was one thing on her whole crews mind, and her own. Where exactly where they, and what was a threat?

No APA presence, No UEF presence, no nothing. Her navigation only had a handful of points to reference from, the completed pier she should probably go dock at, minding strictures in a similar state, and the slowly building command center.

But that told her nothing of the rest of this plant. It could be Taurus or some other world with a clean water source. She didn't know, and part of her didn't want to.

But she couldn't leave a defenseless island, and she couldn't abandon her post to keep exploring.

All she could do was wait, and so she would.
Not sure if it's been posted here, but a sailor from Missouri who served during the First Gulf War did a Reddit AMA about two, three weeks back. Thought it might be of use to us all. In particular, a Commander asked what he thought Mo might be like personified, and if you want to zoom to that, it's here. He fielded a few more questions here.
Chapter 4! Chapter 5 may be a bit late since I wanna make it a bit longer. Chapter 6 will be uploaded along with the first 5 chapters in a thread.
Alone again chapter 4

How much time had passed, she wasn't exactly sure. She'd sorta zoned out, mind wandering in every direction at once, leaving her awareness virtually non existent as she sat atop the water.

Probably not the best idea considering the situation, but what was done was done, and a simple tap of her captian's Dias was enough to snap her back to reality.

"Hey! Hey hey, hey."

Oh! That was good news. It also explained why they needed her present. Her walruses had finished setting up the mining installations and were on route back to reembark. The command center was almost done too, which was even better news because it meant not having to stick to close to the island.

But then that raised the question of what the command center would be like. Before it had been pretty much completely automated, no human interaction save for major commands needed. But then so had she been before hand.

Now she was human, and while the installations she'd seen so far had no human attached, they'd been simple support structures, not the central hub for an island...

More questions she couldn't answer yet. She let out a frustrated sigh, because again she could only wait. She may be used to it, but that'd didn't mean she had to like it.

Any more thoughts on the matter were cut off when she felt something bump her foot. Looking down her eyes landing on one of her walruses, Number 2 according to its IFF. She could sort of sense the others drawling closer to, ambling along through the water back to her.

She kneeled down, uncertainty gripping her again. Did she just...pick it up? When the ship part of her didn't protest at her reaching out, she went forward, gently scooping Walrus 2 out of the water.

She watched in mild fascination as the belt-like construct her grenades had been hanging from opened up much in the way her walrus bays used to, momentarily letting her see inside her hull. It gave her a headache to look at, so she quickly put the walrus on its platform, letting the bay close up.

Retrieving the remaining 3 went the same, and with all hands back safe and sound, a bit of tension she didn't know she'd been holding left. She listened in on the teams debrief for only a minute. If something important came up she'd be notified.

And so she was back to staring at the island. Which lasted for all of 30 more seconds before she buried her face in her hands to muffle a scream. There were several somewhat frantic questions from her crew, and her helmsman was petting the console again.

"It's fine, I'm fine" she said quickly, which didn't seem to placate her crew in the slightest. Now they were outright demanding an explanation. "Okay okay, I guess I'm just...anxious...before I literally couldn't do anything else but wait, but now..." now she could.

She could walk and run and jump and eat and in theory do everything else a human could. That also seemed to mean she was subject to human urges, such as the desire to move.

"Now I can do other stuff, and suddenly sitting still for hours or maybe even days on end doesn't seem to appealing." There was brief silence, then agreement all across her hull.

Apparently her crew hadn't really considered the prospect of Boredom, since despite the extensive automation and the addition of the APA dock workers turned crew members, she was still a bit understaffed, which meant there was always something for someone to do.

Understandable, and a little worrisome, but it didn't solve her problem. She wanted to do something, preferably more useful then exploring (as fun as it was). But what? Figuring out exactly how the rest of this whole ship girl thing worked was probably a good idea, but that tended to raise more questions then it was worth.

Perhaps practicing sailing? She'd be doing a lot of it in the near future no matter what, so getting more used to doing it herself was probably a good idea. A quick check with the crew confirms they were fine to set sail, even if she was only planning a few laps around the island.

Mind made up, she raised her anchor. "Alright, finally gonna get the hang of this" she said more to herself, the encouragement from across her hull from crew members was still nice though.

Turning to place the island on her left rather then directly ahead was easy enough with her helmsman's assistance. And soon she was cruising at a comfortable 20 knots.

According to her scout drones and the map made from their footage, the island was sort L shaped, which was nice since it'd give her plenty of chances to practice turning both directions. Something she'd need plenty of to get the hang of independent drive.

But till the turn she'd be able to keep straight ahead and just enjoy being at sea again. It felt...right, soothing the ship the way walking on land had soothed the girl. As she went she grew progressively more confident in a way she'd wished she'd been back when she woke up.

And with the confidence, she chose to experiment. Shifting her weight more to right, she slightly increased the throttle of her port side engine, turning away from the island. She drifted to the right before correcting, then shifted everything in the opposite direction.

It was like the messy zig zagging of her initial unassisted maneuvering attempts, though this time she along with her helmsman were in full control. She could feel a smile building on her face, the same childish and excitement bubbling within.

The girl thought of more outlandish maneuvers she may be able to pull now, and while some made the ship part of her more then a little nervous, trying them once she was more comfortable was far from off the table.

And she had more important things to worry about anyways, like following the curve of the island to the right for her first turn. Shifting and then Maintaining two different throttles was difficulty for the first few seconds, but she got the feel for it pretty soon after that.

With such a shallow and long turn, shifting her weight wasn't necessary. She watched the island go by again, waiting till the coastline stopped bending and she was able to Straighten out her course again.

Confidence in sailing at an all time high, she pushed her speed up to 30 knots. Still well below flank, but enough to force her to pay attention a bit more. She was stable though, and the next turn-a left one this time-came and went without a hitch.

She spent the next straight away sliding from left to right, smiling all the while. It felt so good to sail, even if it was in an islands costal waters. She'd even taken to humming to herself, the next turn coming and going with ease she was proud to have developed so quickly.

It was after the last turn that her attention turned more inwards. She'd still need to practice more, especially to get the hang of more tight maneuvers. But for now this was fine. She was slowly coming to a stop around were she'd started, preparing to drop anchor again when her comms suddenly lit up.

"Um...Resource Island 01 command installation to Flagship Carrier? I've uh...I've completed construction."

Silence rang out in her hull. That's one question answered at least, about both her own IFF and the ship girl...er island thing. She scrambled for a response, before finally speaking over the channel she'd been contacted over. "Good to here 01, stand by at the pier for now" she said, putting on her best 'captain's voice'

Assuming the Island girl was as human as her then she'd have no trouble doing so, and judging by the affirmation running over the comms it'd be no issue at all. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves before they could get any more frazzled. She wasn't alone anymore.

She'd secured an island. An island that was also a women like her.

This was fine. Great even!

She wasn't alone.
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@INF-01 Corrections list for Alone Again ch. 4
and a simple tap of her captian's Dias
But then that raised the question of what the commas center would be like.
She let out a frustrated sigh, because again she could only weight.
She kneeled down, uncertainty griping her again.
She watched in mild fascination as the belt like construct her grenades had been hanging from opened up much in the way her walrus Bays used to, momentarily letting her see inside her hull. It gave her a headache to look at, so she quickly put the walrus on its platform at let the bay close up.
Walrus bays
There were several somewhat Fran c questions from her crew,
She could walk and run and Jump and eat and in theory do everything else a human could. That also seemed mean she was subject to human urges, such as the desire to move.
seemed to mean
Figuring out exactly how the rest of this hole ship girl thing worked
Mind made up, She raised her anchor. "Alright, finally gonna get the hang of this" she said more to herself, the encouragement from across her hull from crew members was still nice though.
Turning to place the island on her left rather then directly ahead was easy enough with her helmsman's assistance. And soon she was cursing at a comfortable 20 knots.
Her throttles must go from muttered imprecations to Gordon Ramsay.:p
"Um...Resource Island 01 command instillation to Flagship Carrier? I've uh...I've completed construction."
... should probably be Command Installation?
"Good to here 01, Stand by at the pier for now" she said,
Either remove the capital, or make it 01. Stand by
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Chapter 5!!!! Chapter 6 will be uploaded in a thread with along with the first 5 chapters.
You'd think a 67,000 ton warship would be immune to things like nerves, and maybe it was. A warship turned human though? Not so much.

She couldn't help the slight fidgeting she was doing despite her best efforts. She was a flagship Dammit, not some scatterbrained Jackal Lander! At least she was still sailing straight, she needed to look presentable for her...subordinate? What exactly the island was to her she was not sure.

The collective shrugs from her crew didn't really help either. They were much calmer then her though, which helped a bit. Focusing on the somewhat monotonous tasks some of them had been unfortunate enough to receive was a welcome distraction.

Though it wasn't gonna last long. The pier was in sight and growing larger, as well as the figure packing a much larger radar profile then any human should. She couldn't make out much from so far away save for what she assumed was the island's version of her own ensemble.

With her speed it didn't take long till she was cruising up onto the pier. Had she been less concerned with making a good fist impression she may have had second thoughts about hopping up onto it, alas she was being watched by more then her crew.

Lucky for her the unconventional maneuver went off without a hitch. She'd thank whatever diety was watching over her later, right now she had an island to speak to. Yea, that was a thing she did now. Speak to islands.

What had her life become?

Nothing she could do anything about now. She had more important things to worry about. Her focus finally fell to the more important thing in question.

Ah...she'd been a bit presumptuous with the island girl it seemed. Or had she? The person before her had a fairly androgynous face topped by a rather unruly looking mop of curls, standing a half head or so shorter then her oddly enough. They were wearing a mix of APA and UEF coveralls, which made sense since islands tended to change hands to often to develop permanent alignments.

As her eyes traveled downward, she noticed the distinct lack of a pair mounds in the chest area, and the coveralls weren't excessively baggy. The rig surrounding them seemed fitting enough, a headset similar to her own seemed to represent the main command building with the structure of either side, and there was the comms tower extending up behind them, presumably connected to the backpack they had on.

There were a few other articles, the miniaturized comms center attached to their right forearm and Manta landing pads on the left, a belt housing their defensive turrets, and few other minor things, all representing different structures of a physical command complex.

Her eyes were about to wander lower when she was interrupted. "U-uhm, flagship, I know you need to make sure I'm fully operational but maybe this can wait...?" She glanced back up at her new island instillations face, realizing 2 things.

First, their Asian looking individual was very red despite their rather dark skin, darker then her own at least. Second was that she'd turned every sensor she'd had on the poor installation, and now had detailed map of both them as the command complex and them as a person.

Well At least she knew she was dealing with a guy now.

Her own rising embarrassment aside, she turned most of her sensors away, feeling guilty as they visibly relaxed. Though at such a close range she doubted being scrutinized in such detail was particularly comfortable.

"Right, sorry. I'm sure your fully operational, just a bit worried is all. Our Situation is...less then ideal" she said, looking over at the horizon. It was just her and her island now, and while he had a command center, he was far from being able to defend against any determined attackers.

Something he understood if his hum of acknowledgment was any indication. "I'll have to build a lot of infrastructure..." he seemed to be talking more to himself then her, probably doing the 'looking inside' thing she tended to.

"My commander says it can be done in a few days if they start now, but uh...what are..." she looked back towards him, and he was fidgeting in place like she'd been, fiddling with the fabric of his coveralls, eyes she was now realizing we're a metallic copper like her own. "What are your orders?" He finally said.

Right, she needed to give those now, not her captian. There was a brief moment of internal panic she really hope didn't show as she scrambled for an answer. She needed to secure another island.

Sure, In theory one could cover everything, but it's ability to mine, produce, and store resources as well as defend itself would all be reduced in efficiency.

So she'd need at least 3, and now that one was able to operate itself she had little reason to stick around other...other then defense of course.

"I need to expand our Territory as quickly as possible. Get basic production facilities up, but focus on defending your self and easing logistic...." and she was drawing a blank for a name. Fuck.

The list of names from the archipelago came to mind firs but those felt...wrong. This wasn't the archipelago. "How would you feel about the name Hyron?" She asked, fully facing the command installation.

He still looked rather anxious, but now his face was screwed up in thought. He seemed to be mulling the name over, and it was time for her own nerves to rise. What if he didn't like it? What if he hated?! What if he-

The thought was never finished as a sharp ring echoed in her head. Her captain was glaring down at his dias. "Hey hey, hey hey hey. Hey" and as usual He was right. She needed to relax. A good flagship wouldn't crack under something like this.

"I like it" the newly named Resource island Hyron said, anxious expression having shifted to a small smile, then back to thoughtful. "But uh...what about you?"

"Me?" She asked, almost incredulous, and Hyron looked like he was about to start backpedaling hard, but something glinted in the metallic hues of his eyes. A word from his crew, or rather his staff if she had to guess.

"Well..yea, I can't just keep calling you flagship, and if I get a name then you should too" and that sounded so earnest she couldn't say no if she wanted to. She couldn't stop the smile on her face.

"Alright Hyron, what do you want your flagships name to be then" he wasn't expecting that if the way his eyes widened was any indication.

"Oh...uh..." thoughtfulness again, he even rubbed his chin, and she'd be lying if she didn't find the display cute. Her previous name had been 'Green dragon', or Sōryū in APA common, but Hyron was neither APA or UEF if his appearance was any indicator.

"How about...Renegade?" The way he phrased it like a question made her chuckle, doubled by the irony of such a name. He was looking nervous again, looking up at her for approval.

"It's good, perfect event! Thank you Hyron. Now-" she turned back towards the water, looking over her shoulder. "-focus keeping yourself safe above everything else. Radio me every hour with construction updates, understood?"

He nodded, and with far more confidence then before, she hopped out onto the water, engines revving up and sending her forwards. She could feel Hyron standing on pier on her radar, as well as his own radar sweeping over the landscape. Hopefully that wouldn't draw any attention to him.

She was his flagship-his carrier, and it was her job to come to his aid as much as it was his to ensure she had e supplies to do so. If someone threatened him, she'd sail at flank to come to his defense. The fact that that felt so undeniably true was a little unnerving...

But she had more important things to worry about, like another island, preferably one within supply barque range, not that it'd hard

Her attention turned to her radar, and she prepared to launch scout drones. It was time to get Hyron a sibling.


Anxiety. That's what Hyron was feeling, or at least what his staff thought. He wasn't entirely used to having little people inside him, or that he could move now. Command complexes went supposed to walk around their islands and yet here he was.

On an instinctual level he knew everything built on this island was apart of him, attached in a way he couldn't quite describe. The metal ensemble on him now didn't portray the mines or pier, but they were still him. Still things he could feel and manipulate like a limb. Even the things in production were like that.

He'd taken to pacing, watching as construction workers and the small number of drones they had worked. He was prioritizing production facilities, because more vehicles at his disposal meant more efficient construction. A drone production building now and perhaps a Walrus assembly center combined with a garage later.

Oh and a barque pen. He's need to be able

To supply Renegade while she was in the field and away from him. And of course now his thoughts we're drifting back to his flagship. His...mother? Sister? The human part of him wanted to use one of those words, and considering she'd built him, mother felt more apt.

But the island command installation did not care. To if, she was his flagship. And he needed to support her, which meant it was in their best infest for him to get up and running as quickly as possible.

His pacing came to a stop as he thought again. It was hard to be crushed by all the things he didn't know or understand yet when he was thinking of what he needed to do. Roads had oddly been rather easy, and while they were only dirt now, it's suffice till he could build the underground rail network that islands normally had.

With that in mind, he sat down, ordering every last drone he still had on board or on patrol to focus on that first drone factory, even making his way over to the site to help himself. The Only way he'd get this done was one step at a time.

It was a bit odd helping with the construction, and while his commander was a bit disgruntled at him being used as a glorified crane, it was speeding up the process. As he carefully placed another steel beam in place for a group of drones to weld, he couldn't help worrying again.

His flagship/mother/sister was out there, alone. Sure, that was the standard for carriers like her, and she'd likely be fine, especially

With how experienced she seems.But he wanted-no, he needed to support her. He would support her.

Hyron latched onto the certainty that the statement brought, easing the emotions he'd yet to come to understand. The soothing words from his control room helped. The small pat one of the engineers gave his thigh where he was kneeling helped even more.

It'd be okay. He'd be okay. Renegade said she was going to find Another island, and she would. Until then he'd just have to support her on his own, anxiety be damned.
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Alone Again
The thread is up! As well as Chapter 6!!!!
I'm really looking forward to writing more of this story, as well as more input from this awesome community to make it better!!!!!
You know...we've seen plenty of Japanese ships summoned in the US and vise versa, but Japan and the US have a pretty nice relationship now.
But what if we had Russian ships summoned in the US? Might be a bit more tense since the two countries still only barley get along with each other
Honestly I see the situation with the abyssals drawing the world together more, at least for a while, large conflicts seem to foster international cooperation as an aftermath...
Honestly I see the situation with the abyssals drawing the world together more, at least for a while, large conflicts seem to foster international cooperation as an aftermath...

Might lead to a push to get her to either Pacific route (Alaska campaign?) or Atlantic route ( leading to vs Fjords Princess who has an Abyssal Parrot on her shoulder)
All of you consider: natural born Kirov but they're a New Yorker who's parents make money on Wall Street
The shock of going from little sister Eugen to Milf Eugen might just kill her
I was thinking more along the lines of Disney's Hercules the series where the Fates were also the Norns, in this case Bismarck is stuck between both pringles so she does the only thing she can think of...Shout out that there's Enterprise and run for the hills.
I was thinking more along the lines of Disney's Hercules the series where the Fates were also the Norns, in this case Bismarck is stuck between both pringles so she does the only thing she can think of...Shout out that there's Enterprise and run for the hills.
Rip AL Enty having even more Weeb carriers fighting over her