Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

Well didn't the newest event introduce NPC allied fleets for that campaign?
It's a preview of the soon to be implemented Friend Fleet system where you'll be assisted by other players' ships. Naturally the ships involved are all shipgirls, since that's what players have.

Here, let me write out the implied bit in my post: "That's not a core element of the franchise [so feel free to use whatever you want]"
Regarding how the "troll war" between Iowa and Gángut as depicted by Ido-sensei in his latest dōjinshi Thus Spoke Comrade Gángut went, I came up with a path of retaliation that the old dreadnought could use against the younger fast battleship.

As I've often done, let me bring in the fifth of the Yamato-class to start it off.

(Be warned, I'm using the human names I made for shipgirls for A Girl's Name and The Seventh Shipgirl. Go here to learn who's who.)

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One day in Yokosuka...


Gángut blinked on hearing that cold voice from someone she privately saw as an adopted Great Russian, then she smiled lightly as the fifth of the Yamato-class sat down across from her in the cafeteria. "Jóiko Khirósiovna," the first of her class greeted Yonaga as the latter set down her tray of freshly-cut seafood and cloudberries jam. "You look annoyed."

"I am. You are partially the cause, my friend," Yonaga warned as she fixed the smaller dreadnought with her Arctic-level grey-eyed gaze. "It is not because I disapprove of your very amusing intellectual arguments with Abigail-san. You have every right to defend the system you helped defend during the Great Patriotic War..." A wry smile then crossed that hawkish face. "As much as she does have the right in turn to defend the system she had been constructed to defend."

Hearing that, Gángut smirked. "Da, Jóiko." She took a small draw from her pipe before shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, though. Minérva Fránklinovna is a good woman at heart. And there are some benefits to what her system is like..."

She shrugged again. "Still, your 'troll war' is getting annoying. Also, it's affecting young Himeko," Yonaga warned.

That made Gángut wince. "Továrisch Króshechnyj...!"

"Da," the large armoured carrier replied, reminding the dreadnought again yet that Russian was Yonaga's fourth language. "«Khímeko Khagémiovna, despite her length of experience and the strength of her spirit, is still a child in many ways,»" she then advised in Gángut's mother tongue. "«Seeing what she fervently believes in constantly shattered because of how far Minérva Fránklinovna is willing to go to prove her side of the argument is distracting her far too much.»"

A silver eyebrow arched. "«You sound like you have a solution, Jóiko.»"

"«Indeed I do, my friend. Have you ever heard of the late American sage Geórgij Patrikóvich Kárlin...?»"

Gángut blinked...



Iowa was sputtering as Gángut smirked at her. "Wh-what did you say...?"

"You heard me," the old dreadnought stated. "Your system is TOO free! It wouldn't surprise me at all if there was a channel on your entertainment networks called...!" And here, she muttered something into Iowa's ear that made the tall blonde shriek in disbelief and denial. Leaning back, Gángut grinned around her pipe as she turned to walk away, ignoring the sputtering fast battleship aft of her. "Given the way you allow people to watch such nonsense, it's NO WONDER you're having so many issues with your 'free society'! Have you no care at all for your nation's FUTURE, Minérva Fránklinovna...?"

As Iowa continued to spit out in denial over what the older battleship just told her, the four Akatsuki-class destroyers and their tomboyish "mom boat" watched this from nearby, their jaws dropped in shock...save for Hibiki, who seemed to glow with delight on seeing that her older comrade was landing some nasty psychological blows on the impudent American. Noting this from nearby, Nagato blinked before she gazed on Yonaga. "What did you do, Yoiko-san?" the secretary ship whispered.

The seventh carrier of Operation Z smirked. "I gave Galína-san some fresh ammunition to use against Abigail-san, Reiko-san," Yonaga answered. "And hopefully taught her how to keep it away from Himeko-san."


Yonaga whispered a name into the older battleship's ears. Nagato blanched. "Isn't that too much?" she hissed.

"It is a lesson for both of them." Here, the carrier nodded towards Hibiki.

Seeing the little silver-haired destroyer beam at the sight of her "patron" dressing down Iowa like that — without hearing some of the more vulgar things Gángut was gladly hissing into the American's ear — Nagato sighed.

"It works..."


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Translation: Továrisch Króshechnyj — Comrade Tiny One
Found something interesting today: the Alaska-class's Japanese cousins, the Design B65 Super Type A.

The amount of coincidences in the two classes's designs are astounding, such as:
  • Special Typing (Spr. Type A/Large Cruiser)
  • Mini-Battleship Doppelganger (B65-Yamato/Alaska-NorCal & Iowa)
  • Main Battery (12.2/12inch 50cal 3x3)
  • Length (246.2/246.43m overall)
  • Max speed (33knt on both)
The B65 loses to the Alaska in having around 900 tons more displacement (35k to 34.2k full), smaller secondaries (16x 100m to 12x 127mm DP), thinner armour, pathetic AAA and having a big honking weakspot in the form of two quad oxgen torpedoes in their centers. So she wouldn't have been very effective in battle anyway.

On the other hand, Alaskan floof gets a pair of equally ditzy Asian cousins, especially if the IJN falls into the "single rudder" trap as well.
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Join us at 3PM Pacific time as we interview one of the widest working guys we know, Chris Butler! Science officer and artist for the Iowa museum, Griffith Observatory, Queen Mary, and RMS Queen Mary II!

November Echo Papa Mike

[/shameless advertising]
You know...

I wouldn't mind seeing a Touken Ranbu/Kancolle crossover. There's a few photos of Shokaku and Zuikaku with Tsurumaru, often with Tsurumaru acting as their older brother (the main reason for these crossovers is probably the fact that all three share crane motifs and I think particularly, with Shokaku, both her and Tsurumaru have connections to bad luck with Shokaku because of her war history and Tsurumaru because a lot of people who owned him would end up dead, starting with his first master).

Hmm...maybe it could be decommissioned Crane Sisters living in the house of a saniwa or maybe Tsurumaru living on base and making a connection with them because cranes? Or maybe Tsurumaru becomes boat boy, I guess haha

Another good crossover could be two Mikazuchis, seeing as how Mikazuchi is literally named after the sword.


Anyway, on other things, I have a new snippet for All or Nothing. It's mainly describing how Arizona views sailing and the first introduction of the first act's conflict but sssh

California explained to Arizona that Fleet Girls had the ability to travel upon water if they willed it, which was the main way that they were able to skate across the waters when doing sorties. However, when Arizona had jumped off the pier dock, she learned that the sea was much different than the ground in front of the dorms.

For starters, the ground didn't move.

When Arizona's foot had made contact with the water's surface, it had given way under her foot and she fumbled, her arms swinging wildly as she furiously tried to stop herself from falling. She continued to sway back and forth before San Francisco had grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Here, allow me." She let out a proud huff. "As a heavy cruiser, it would be an honor to help the legendary Arizona travel. Just grab on to me and I'll make sure you stay completely dry. Do not feel as if it scratches your record of being a ship, it is merely an initial case of being a new Fleet Girl."

"Frisco's doing this because she wants to look cool!" California called out.

"Shut up!" San Francisco fumed back. "I'm doing this because I want to help a boat that changed the course of the war!"

Their bickering slowly faded out as Arizona began to think more and more about her status. A legend, that's what she was to them. A living legend who was given flesh, a living legend who had come back and rose from the depths to fight once more.

It was enough to make her cheeks burn.

[ -]​

The trip was mostly quiet.

Talking was kept to a minimum in order to not tip anyone off that they were riding out and really, the only sound she could hear was the sound of their motors as the trio sped across the waters but Arizona was absolutely in awe. As a boat, there was little movement. Her motors did most of the work, pushing her steel form through waters like how a knife would through soft butter.

In this new human form, however, it unlocked a new sense of freedom that she didn't know she had. Even when she was holding onto San Francisco, legs jiggling the entire time, she had more freedom to move than she ever did when she was a boat. She could go up, down, left, right and who knows what else. It was not her steel body moving through water with force, it was her body moving to where she wanted it to go with the upmost of ease. She just had to be certain.

"Okie shouldn't have drifted out this far..." California said before craning her head up. The sky was a dark grey color, a color that reminded her of gloom and despair. She didn't like the sky when it was this color, not one bit. "...I don't like how the sky's lookin'. It ain't supposed to be this dark."

San Francisco then looked at California, worried. "You don't think-"

A distant roar had cut off San Francisco's words, quickly followed by a large splash of water.

Arizona sucked in a breath. "Was that

"Yes and just our luck too." California then cracked her knuckles, her worried look now exchanged for a confident grin. "Alright, surf's on! We just gotta catch Okie before they do, right? It might seem glum but I don't like giving up until the boards are all put up!"

It was a race against time and if there was one thing that California loved above anything else, it was a challenge.
So, a stray thought just floated past and left me laughing. I thought I'd share.

Imagine what everything would be like if one of the Destroyer-Chan's got a Solar Exaltation.

You're welcome.
I probably shouldn't try writing more than one Kancolle fic at once until I get a good grasp on my writing style and schedule but oof, I thought of this idea last night when I was trying to sleep and man, I really wanna write it right now

Uh, tl;dr of plot bunny in spoiler

Blue Ghost

"I'm Lexington, CV-16 of the Essex class. My former name was Cabot until they told me I was to carry that one's name...now merely a copy of Lexington. However, I'm no fake! I'm the Essex class carrier! I will not be trapped in her shadow!"

Essex-class carrier Lexington is summoned to a naval base, right after the base is mourning the loss of the original Lexington, CV-2.

Once summoned, the other shipgirls treat her like an outlet to ease their sorrow. They do not treat her as her own person but as just Lexingtion, the old Lexington. The one that is no longer around.
They do not allow her to be herself. They do not allow her to be what she wants to be. Fixated and trapped within their own guilt, Lexington CV-16 is forced to became CV-2 and she hates it, despises it.

And no ship warrior makes her despise it more than Saratoga.

She calls her her sister, treats her like her older sister but the actions are not warm and comforting; instead they are cold and distant. She is an Essex class, not a Lexington class. Why is she doing that? Why is she treating her like the other Lexington? Why is she is trapped within the shadow of a carrier she didn't know and not her other sisters? Why did she have to carry the name of someone so beloved? She absolutely hated that old Lexington. She's the one who cursed her existence with her death. First, in the past, and now, when she is reborn. She wants to kill that old Lexington.

A lot of this fanfiction would center on Lexington's emotions towards the base itself, Saratoga (and her other sisters by extension), and the old Lexington because its her sinking that triggers everyone flaunting her on because of their grief. Yeah, I studied how grief worked for 30 mins for this idea sssh

I do say though, Lexington CV-16 is a really good candidate for being Kancolle's version of Yamanbagiri: A character who is a duplicate of another and struggles with it. A duplicate who wants to be recognized as not the original.

[......hahaha. Chores are just perfect. No one will compare me to Yamanbagiri now, will they?] This is one of Yamanbagiri's many lines that might have serve as mild inspiration.

I don't know if it should be a completely us boat base or maybe something more international though.

Anyway, I would mind some type of opinion on it, at least *bows*
I probably shouldn't try writing more than one Kancolle fic at once until I get a good grasp on my writing style and schedule but oof, I thought of this idea last night when I was trying to sleep and man, I really wanna write it right now

Uh, tl;dr of plot bunny in spoiler

Blue Ghost

"I'm Lexington, CV-16 of the Essex class. My former name was Cabot until they told me I was to carry that one's name...now merely a copy of Lexington. However, I'm no fake! I'm the Essex class carrier! I will not be trapped in her shadow!"

Essex-class carrier Lexington is summoned to a naval base, right after the base is mourning the loss of the original Lexington, CV-2.

Once summoned, the other shipgirls treat her like an outlet to ease their sorrow. They do not treat her as her own person but as just Lexingtion, the old Lexington. The one that is no longer around.
They do not allow her to be herself. They do not allow her to be what she wants to be. Fixated and trapped within their own guilt, Lexington CV-16 is forced to became CV-2 and she hates it, despises it.

And no ship warrior makes her despise it more than Saratoga.

She calls her her sister, treats her like her older sister but the actions are not warm and comforting; instead they are cold and distant. She is an Essex class, not a Lexington class. Why is she doing that? Why is she treating her like the other Lexington? Why is she is trapped within the shadow of a carrier she didn't know and not her other sisters? Why did she have to carry the name of someone so beloved? She absolutely hated that old Lexington. She's the one who cursed her existence with her death. First, in the past, and now, when she is reborn. She wants to kill that old Lexington.

A lot of this fanfiction would center on Lexington's emotions towards the base itself, Saratoga (and her other sisters by extension), and the old Lexington because its her sinking that triggers everyone flaunting her on because of their grief. Yeah, I studied how grief worked for 30 mins for this idea sssh

I do say though, Lexington CV-16 is a really good candidate for being Kancolle's version of Yamanbagiri: A character who is a duplicate of another and struggles with it. A duplicate who wants to be recognized as not the original.

[......hahaha. Chores are just perfect. No one will compare me to Yamanbagiri now, will they?] This is one of Yamanbagiri's many lines that might have serve as mild inspiration.

I don't know if it should be a completely us boat base or maybe something more international though.

Anyway, I would mind some type of opinion on it, at least *bows*
I say go for it. It would be a rough ride on the heart, but in interesting one.
I say go for it. It would be a rough ride on the heart, but in interesting one.

I could probably write up a draft chapter of this week, hopefully. Maybe I can get it started after I finish Act 1 of All of Nothing because I really need to finish the first part lmao.

Also, how weirdly fitting that I thought of a Lexington centered story on the day the wreck of CV-2 Lex is found. This obviously means I'm psychic
Something I've been cooking up for awhile now, framed as one of those resurgent SI stories to appease my ego but can be retooled without too much effort. Very much experimental in many aspects, please be advised.
The storytellers, the scowling woman soundly decided as yet another burst of frigid seawater slapped across her face, were a bunch of barefaced liars.

Forget the romance of adventure on the high seas; every moment since she had been ripped out of her slumber and dumped in this godforsaken sea had been a bitter fight for survival. Howling winds threw bullets of icy rain in her eyes as she struggled to navigate the near-biblical swells, each mis-angled ascent up the spines of the ten-meter-high waves either putting her dangerously close to tipping over into a watery grave or outright launching her right off the water's surface to slam back into the ocean. The chattering of her crews were speaking of overstressed structural beams already; her body (and agonised knees) wouldn't be able to take much of of those.

Why she was filled with people and why did they look like fat little dolls she quietly chose not to question, because prioritiWAVE! "Augh! Phbbt!"

Reaching out on instinct to press the soggy peaked cap onto her drenched white hair as her body plowed through yet another white-capped summit, a sickening feeling of vertigo filling her stomach as her soles met air and began to drop, the waterlogged woman spat out a frustrated growl and attempted to skid her way down before the next wave hit. The tips of the decorated capelet covering her shoulders had chosen this moment to get sucked into a vortex and was burying its clasps into the skin of her throat as she plunged into the valley between swells, and from the way her skirt fluttered a small part of her mind was resigned that propriety in this situation was a lost cause.

Even thinking was a luxury now; every single second of distraction she allowed herself in this accursed storm meant a veritable tsunami hitting her full-on and running her over like so much roadkill, and those came from out of the blinding rain-frothed mists at terrifying speeds.

She had been forced to rely wholly on her crew to see at this point: lookouts manning the bits of "hull" attached to her form (strange as that sounded) screaming of the directions of incoming waves served as her eyes and ears in near-zero visibility. Each drop and swell would send the little gremlins tumbling every which way, several times she'd had to reach out and catch a falling crewman before he was devoured by the hungry ocean. And in return they took care of her, aches and pains in her battered body fading at a glacial pace as the sprirted things commenced repairs on her internals.

As ludicruous as it all sounded, they needed each other to survive.

"Ja!" A small chirp drew her attention to a lone crewman dangling dangerously off of the cuff of her sleeves, its tiny face scrunched up in efffort as it reached out and pressed something small into her palm. "You're giving me something?" she muttered as she plucked the foolhardy samaritan by the collar and deposited him back onto her decks, staring at the grain-sized cup in her palm in bewilderment. "Danke, but what-"

The woman blinked at the full-sized porcelain mug now sitting in her hands, filled to the brim with steaming hot coffee.



The woman shrugged, gulping down the warming beverage in one go. "Good kaffee."


"I am a Flugzeugträger, an aircraft carrier, you say. An aircraft carrier shaped like an -admittedly fetching- woman, as incredible as that sounds."

"ja, ja!" The little crewman standing at the palm of her hand crossed its arms and puffed its little cheeks out, apparently upset at the capital ship-cum-woman's disbelief. "Ja ja jaja ja ja! Ja!"

"...oh." With news like that, the newly-titled could only garner one possible response.

She, ever so slowly, raised the (refilled) mug in her hands and took a long, slow slurp. "Okay."


Author's Notes:

Addendum: Would titling it as Kaffee- instead of Coffee be too egregious? The gag's fun to use but I wouldn't want to it to be too annoying.

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Regarding how the "troll war" between Iowa and Gángut as depicted by Ido-sensei in his latest dōjinshi Thus Spoke Comrade Gángut went, I came up with a path of retaliation that the old dreadnought could use against the younger fast battleship.

As I've often done, let me bring in the fifth of the Yamato-class to start it off.

(Be warned, I'm using the human names I made for shipgirls for A Girl's Name and The Seventh Shipgirl. Go here to learn who's who.)

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One day in Yokosuka...


Gángut blinked on hearing that cold voice from someone she privately saw as an adopted Great Russian, then she smiled lightly as the fifth of the Yamato-class sat down across from her in the cafeteria. "Jóiko Khirósiovna," the first of her class greeted Yonaga as the latter set down her tray of freshly-cut seafood and cloudberries jam. "You look annoyed."

"I am. You are partially the cause, my friend," Yonaga warned as she fixed the smaller dreadnought with her Arctic-level grey-eyed gaze. "It is not because I disapprove of your very amusing intellectual arguments with Abigail-san. You have every right to defend the system you helped defend during the Great Patriotic War..." A wry smile then crossed that hawkish face. "As much as she does have the right in turn to defend the system she had been constructed to defend."

Hearing that, Gángut smirked. "Da, Jóiko." She took a small draw from her pipe before shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, though. Minérva Fránklinovna is a good woman at heart. And there are some benefits to what her system is like..."

She shrugged again. "Still, your 'troll war' is getting annoying. Also, it's affecting young Himeko," Yonaga warned.

That made Gángut wince. "Továrisch Króshechnyj...!"

"Da," the large armoured carrier replied, reminding the dreadnought again yet that Russian was Yonaga's fourth language. "«Khímeko Khagémiovna, despite her length of experience and the strength of her spirit, is still a child in many ways,»" she then advised in Gángut's mother tongue. "«Seeing what she fervently believes in constantly shattered because of how far Minérva Fránklinovna is willing to go to prove her side of the argument is distracting her far too much.»"

A silver eyebrow arched. "«You sound like you have a solution, Jóiko.»"

"«Indeed I do, my friend. Have you ever heard of the late American sage Geórgij Patrikóvich Kárlin...?»"

Gángut blinked...



Iowa was sputtering as Gángut smirked at her. "Wh-what did you say...?"

"You heard me," the old dreadnought stated. "Your system is TOO free! It wouldn't surprise me at all if there was a channel on your entertainment networks called...!" And here, she muttered something into Iowa's ear that made the tall blonde shriek in disbelief and denial. Leaning back, Gángut grinned around her pipe as she turned to walk away, ignoring the sputtering fast battleship aft of her. "Given the way you allow people to watch such nonsense, it's NO WONDER you're having so many issues with your 'free society'! Have you no care at all for your nation's FUTURE, Minérva Fránklinovna...?"

As Iowa continued to spit out in denial over what the older battleship just told her, the four Akatsuki-class destroyers and their tomboyish "mom boat" watched this from nearby, their jaws dropped in shock...save for Hibiki, who seemed to glow with delight on seeing that her older comrade was landing some nasty psychological blows on the impudent American. Noting this from nearby, Nagato blinked before she gazed on Yonaga. "What did you do, Yoiko-san?" the secretary ship whispered.

The seventh carrier of Operation Z smirked. "I gave Galína-san some fresh ammunition to use against Abigail-san, Reiko-san," Yonaga answered. "And hopefully taught her how to keep it away from Himeko-san."


Yonaga whispered a name into the older battleship's ears. Nagato blanched. "Isn't that too much?" she hissed.

"It is a lesson for both of them." Here, the carrier nodded towards Hibiki.

Seeing the little silver-haired destroyer beam at the sight of her "patron" dressing down Iowa like that — without hearing some of the more vulgar things Gángut was gladly hissing into the American's ear — Nagato sighed.

"It works..."


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Translation: Továrisch Króshechnyj — Comrade Tiny One

Iowa: Pretty good stuff, Gangut, but judging by the smirk on Yonaga's face, you didn't come up with a word of it. How typically Soviet, taking from others what you can't make yourselves.

...I had to. I'm an Iowa boy, so no apologies will be forthcoming.
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Iowa: Pretty good stuff, Gangut, but judging by the smirk on Yonaga's face, you didn't come up with a word of it. How typically Soviet, taking from others what you can't make yourselves.

...I had to. I'm an Iowa boy, so no apologies will be forthcoming.

No apologies needed, man.

Actually, having Iowa/Gabby call that out would show she's WAY more than the typical airheaded beach-blonde she's depicted as in the game!
No apologies needed, man.

Actually, having Iowa/Gabby call that out would show she's WAY more than the typical airheaded beach-blonde she's depicted as in the game!

True. That's never made sense to me anyway. She is one of the most advanced battleships built in history, equipped with highly advanced electronics and mechanical systems developed by legitimate genius designers, and in spirit form she's some dumb blond airhead?

I've read some of your material on FF.net, by the way, and while I have to call BS here and there, most of it's pretty good reading.
Putting aside the awful, awful stereotyping you guys engage in, there's literally nothing that implies Iowa is any less smart than any other shipgirl. She's just blonde and cheerful.

And, like, I'm pretty sure that rebuttal would have zero effect on Gangut. She'd just reply something like "Indeed! Comrade Yonaga has embraced the virtues of socialism and joined us in our glorious effort to blah blah blah" or whatever.

I know you guys are knee-deep in the fanboyism, but apply some brain.
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Putting aside the awful, awful stereotyping you guys engage in, there's literally nothing that implies Iowa is any less smart than any other shipgirl. She's just blonde and cheerful.

Nor should there be anything to imply that. She's a cute, cheery blond girl who likes to laugh and have fun. That doesn't mean she can't also be intelligent.

I personally envision Iowa playing the Obfuscating Stupidity trope like a boss to make sure her enemies underestimate just how dangerous she actually can be when she wishes it. That she is legitimately a cheerful, fun-loving girl who loves a joke doesn't hurt. She just also has a sharp mind and only those who truly get to know her are fully aware of it.

As to how Gangut reacts? She might do that, or she might be flustered at being caught out. Bit of a coin toss.

Also, given she is using her Tsarist name, how much of her attitudes and behaviors might potentially be shaped by Tsarist Russia instead of the Soviet era?
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Or maybe she just acts like a regular person and not like the main character of a terrible power fantasy light novel.
Also entirely plausible. That's one thing I love about characters like KanColle Iowa; there's so much room for speculation.

Putting that aside for the moment, I am slowly working on an idea for a single installment KanColle fiction about the awakening of Littorio/Italia in the early days of the Abyssal War, so it's likely I will be posting ideas and bits I'm having trouble working on here for feedback.
I've read some of your material on FF.net, by the way, and while I have to call BS here and there, most of it's pretty good reading.

Glad you enjoyed them. I know some things tend to go a little off-chart, but hey! That's the way the story flows sometime.

Putting that aside for the moment, I am slowly working on an idea for a single installment KanColle fiction about the awakening of Littorio/Italia in the early days of the Abyssal War, so it's likely I will be posting ideas and bits I'm having trouble working on here for feedback.

Hope to see them soon.
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Latest Comptiq cover. I think it's clear that Zui-Alter/Crane Princess' hair is meant to resemble a spider lily.


In other news, I've made a Discord server for the purposes of my own fic discussion and also for general KanColle fanfic discussion. You can join if interested with this link:

Looking forward to meeting you there!

If this is improper please tell me and I will remove it immediately.
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