Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

I think the post-credits scene I would have liked to have seen: Fubuki is out with CruDiv 6 at night, making a last patrol of the Slot to make sure everything's quiet, when they spot some figures in the darkness ahead. Chitose's supposed to be in the area, bringing down a supply convoy, and Aoba's sure it's her.

Fubuki starts getting really nervous, but Aoba shushes her. "It's gotta be Chitose, I'm gonna signal her," and starts flashing her signal lamp - this is Aoba, this is Aoba. Fubuki panics - STOP NO FUCK oh shit i'm gonna die.

But a moment passes without the burst of gunfire she's expecting - then a light starts flashing back...

.... .. ... / .. ... / ... .- .-.. - / .-.. .- -.- . / -.-. .. - -.--

Cut to black.
And on the suddenly new character we never met appearing randomly in a big battle, it's not like the anime didn't do it. Oh wait it did! Taiho out of no where with no explanation and her being there a big deal apparently. because we were told she's a big deal even though she felt like a "fuck we were supposed to have X Y Z in and we forgot to put Z in! Just shove it in at the end"
Exactly; I'm glad the movie didn't repeat that particular mistake. I'm especially annoyed at that whole debacle because I actually quite like Taihou and would have loved to see her fleshed out better, but she was just there for the battle and then a short clip during the credits.
Speaking of Taihou, remember Medal of Honor: Rising Sun? The final level is onboard a carrier. Fictional, but modeled after a Taihou. It was even supposed to have extra armor. The more you know.
Ya know....

1. This might explain away how peace might end up happening, if that is, all sides end up being exhausted near the end of the war.
2. This also would explain away why the peace wouldn't last long. Self-inflicted Sabotage. (also explains why I'm very glad I've never gotten Hiei)
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I think the post-credits scene I would have liked to have seen: Fubuki is out with CruDiv 6 at night, making a last patrol of the Slot to make sure everything's quiet, when they spot some figures in the darkness ahead. Chitose's supposed to be in the area, bringing down a supply convoy, and Aoba's sure it's her.

Fubuki starts getting really nervous, but Aoba shushes her. "It's gotta be Chitose, I'm gonna signal her," and starts flashing her signal lamp - this is Aoba, this is Aoba. Fubuki panics - STOP NO FUCK oh shit i'm gonna die.

But a moment passes without the burst of gunfire she's expecting - then a light starts flashing back...

.... .. ... / .. ... / ... .- .-.. - / .-.. .- -.- . / -.-. .. - -.--

Cut to black.
And for those of us that can't read morse what does that mean?
"This is Salt Lake City".

Hey another gal to join the Crossroads Club!

Wonder if they actually have enough to actually call it a club

Ya know....

1. This might explain away how peace might end up happening, if that is, all sides end up being exhausted near the end of the war.
2. This also would explain away why the peace wouldn't last long. Self-inflicted Sabotage. (also explains why I'm very glad I've never gotten Hiei)

Goddamnit Hiei

You know they'll need kitchen fairies at this rate trained explicitly on how to stop Hiei from making food (or jump on the food as a warning to all others NOT TO EAT IT.
She tried to make PB&J sandwiches for DesDiv6. The fairies watched. She followed instructions properly. DesDiv6 was incapacitated for two weeks afterwards. Investigations continue.

Preliminary results. Have her create BioChem Weapon 4, also known as Hiei's special recipe curry, for use against the Abyssals. It works we may get a bargaining chip to force peace.
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Hey another gal to join the Crossroads Club!

Wonder if they actually have enough to actually call it a club

Goddamnit Hiei

You know they'll need kitchen fairies at this rate trained explicitly on how to stop Hiei from making food (or jump on the food as a warning to all others NOT TO EAT IT.
She tried to make PB&J sandwiches for DesDiv6. The fairies watched. She followed instructions properly. DesDiv6 was incapacitated for two weeks afterwards. Investigations continue.

Preliminary results. Have her create BioChem Weapon 4, also known as Hiei's special recipe curry, for use against the Abyssals. It works we may get a bargaining chip to force peace.

Aren't weapons of mass desstruction, like Hiei's special curry, already prohibited by the Geneva Conventions?
Aren't weapons of mass desstruction, like Hiei's special curry, already prohibited by the Geneva Conventions?

Eh it's more akin to poisoning someone. With something that causes excessive amounts of pain.

And the Abyssals never signed the Convention (and depending on the situation are not even having the slightest interest in following it). If it's an incapacitatant it'd be like using Teargas on em. Just in food form

Although if they find from satellite intelligence of the area they might notice a mass amount of them floating on the surface (and a recovery fleet checking if they're all dead and taking prisoners/recovering corpses)

Now threatening to feed prisoners it would be a DEFINITE violation of it as that'd fall under it being Torture. The more terrifying thing might be if they LIKE IT and want more.
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Man the bad food Hiei meme is so damn old and boring.
Why does she get all the memes, anyways.

Isokaze actually has CGs of exploded food.
Man the bad food Hiei meme is so damn old and boring.
Why does she get all the memes, anyways.
Surprisingly, it's canon. There is a drama CD about Hiei's curry that predates even the anime, IIRC.

As for Hiei getting all the memes, I think that Dessboat gets more memes than her. If you'd complained about the Bongo sisters and memes, I'd tend to agree.
Well yes but it wasn't directly relevant.

I do know of the drama CD, but I have to note that all Hiei did there was throw off the flavor balance (prolly tried to be adventurous and add, dunno, sugar or something). What's particularly telling is that Kongou successfully salvaged the curry by adding more stuff.
The funny thing about the drama CD, IIRC, is that Maya liked it before Kongō salvaged it.
I find the fanon interpretations of the characters interesting, especially since some official works say there's multiple versions of characters possible (who are treated less like exact copies, but more like siblings or individuals with their own personalities, or seen as copies who diverge over time with different environments), and some characters don't have much characterization to go on in official works so far.

Warspite I've seen some play a princess 'ojou' upper class 'hime' role in lots of fanfics and comics fanart. Queen Elizabeth class and British having somewhat famed royalty by most perceptions in modern day are possible reasons for this.
Her design does seem to be drawing from many British royalty themes. Some portray her as elegant and lover of tea time, hanging out with other foreign ships and Kongo the British built ship, and having an odd friendship with the Germans like Bismarck, or a frenemy status.
Others I've seen play with her name. Warspite. Hater or Spiteful of War. Or just focus on the War, eager for combat or other aspects.
Though she isn't as popular as some other ships, despite being the first British ship. British historically didn't focus much on the Pacific especially later in the war, focusing mostly on Europe and even pulling forces out of the Australia. As well as British tropes and some fanartists needing a character of that type still mostly sticking with already popular Kongo (or some using both but emphasis on Kongo more, since she's got an established fanbase who's rather attached to her), and modern day British just having less cultural impact and influence, though its still considerable media power and overall influence.

Bismarck has been in the game longest of any foreign ship, and has lots of time for lots of artists to each pick how they view her.
Some I've seen portray her as inexperienced and naive since she was one of the 'youngest' most recently built ships, saw very little experience in real life, and sank quickly.
Some I've seen portray her as a veteran since she's the first foreign ship in this game, so she's the 'senior' and oldest in game. I've seen some refer to her with honorifics like '-san',-senpai, sensei, sama. To treat her as senior, wise teacher, older person, or just respect to a superior. Superior officer or other traits.

I've seen her with the 'German efficiency' and 'precision German Engineering is Superior' stereotype, being very efficient, productive, hard worker, skilled in using time. And I've seen some show her as a bit of an idiot and rude. Or at least immature. One comic artist described her as a 'bigger' Akatsuki type of character, always trying to be aloof and almost like the 'lady' trait.

I've seen some art interpretations emphasize her as a Nazi, or just wearing SS clothes and other outfits. I think one reason is many Japanese, and many Asian in general, have less stigma about the European theater of WW2 then some Europeans have. Not true for all, but it definitely seems a small percentage of Euros and other related nations are fine with showing this type of image and interpretation, and a large percentage of Asians are fine with it or see no big deal with it.

Some portray her as a bit of a clumsy or idiot who gets lucky sometimes from her history with HMS Hood. Others portray her as hyper competent, skilled in all fields from leadership to engineering, a good strategist, tactician, smart in general, powerful, and able to lead well and keep others in line, and an ace shot from the HMS Hood incident.

I've seen some see her as a braggart who sees too highly of herself, and arrogant. And others who view her as just being honest or even being modest, and being better then what she claims her to be.
There's a lot of depth and variety to Bismarck's character in fanart and comics. It makes her feel more like a 3 dimensional character or actual person in some comics. Though some of the interpretations are very different and hard to reconcile.

Iowa I've seen a little less of since she's been in the game for less time, and lacks the popularity and interest many IRL Japanese have for Germany. As well as representing the nation that IRL dropped 2 nukes on Japan and was the main leader of offenses against their nation especially later into WW2. Though other fanartists don't seem to think that's a big deal, ignore it, or somehow spin if positively, some do view it very strongly.
It's still a delicate issue for many. Some of the older artists definitely seem to have a dim view of it, but some of the younger artists do too. One of the oldest official World of Tanks Japan artists who draws some kancolle images as a hobby for example mentioned in an interview commentary that he refuses to draw American tanks, unless they're destroyed and in the background. Besides disliking America's actions in WW2 and how it fought Japan in general, he also mentioned he finds American tanks ugly and impractical compared to proudly portraying German or Japanese Axis designs. And when doing doodles of females wearing military uniforms, usually leaves the Americans out or only draws the female in a ryona position or predicament bondage. Which is understandable and makes some sense, war does breed bitter feelings that are hard to pass and go away. And even in present day, many people feel America is too interventionist with the wars its currently fighting, and feels its got too much influence and is threatening with too much potential power and willingness to use. I recall many polls from recent years about the greatest threat to the nation, many people and citizens from nation's America is officially politically and militarily Allied with in places like Europe like France, or Asia like Japan, viewed America as their number 1 threat and danger currently. Though the stats might not be accurate fact, and its difficult to do analysis in social science that isn't largely subjective and is objective. Still from this it seems so at least a few people have a very dim view of the nation and associated things with it. This is true for all nations, there's probably someone in Japan, somewhere that dislikes each nation in the world the most, but the amount that dislike America does seem to be higher in number then most other nations in Japan. Especially the Okinawa base residents. Some view it as a positive aid to the defense, but many dislike it. Many who live by the base have to deal with drunk sailors partying, being loud, drunk driving, dumping waste, and the risk of someone with discipline or self control issues assaulting or raping someone, drunk or not.
Overall its a complex social issue, though not the most major one Japan is currently dealing with it seems to me. It's a really interesting anthropological issue though, one that's actually got quite a lot of official research on it in English research papers.
Which is one possible reason there's less bold interpretations of Iowa then Bismarck. Other reasons might be the fact that she came later. Or just some artists just seeing no potential with the character for various other reasons. Or other factors.

Though I've still seen a few interpretations for Iowa.

Iowa's main trait seems to be being loud, energetic, out going, and a bit arrogant, some view that as undeserved and write Iowa as someone who often underestimates people and situations, some fanfic writers seem to think its understandable for her being arrogant and view her as just that strong.
Though this isn't always the case. Some view her as more mousey, quiet and/or clever, with her loud behavior being an act or rare occurrence she puts on. Some try to just opposite, mirror what they view and interpret as her main traits entirely.

Iowa's a bit of a mousey looking nerd before she joined the navy or when off duty actually has a few artists support that view, at least in some drawings.

Just searching on image sites for iowa_(kantai_collection) and 'glasses' gives a few images of this type.

Most usually are more conservatively or practically dressed.
And commentary or translation portrays her sometimes as quieter, shy or more thoughtful before speaking in this state, rather then the motor mouth some fics portray her as.

hita (hitapita)

hoso miyuki


Though she's usually also still got the ahoge, cowlick or 'idiot hair' messy hairstyle to indicate how many perceive her character.
Messy hair, a little foolish, and while not usually bumbling or a total idiot, a little carefree and outgoing, a little too forward as seen by some.
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I know it's a kind of a theme song around here, but still… prepare to be…

… and by an entire choir, at that.
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Official Anthology Sasebo Chinjufu-hen has been updated with three new comics.

Romantic Rei-gou Cafe:
Team Rei-gou/Kimura's Raiders decides to make a maid cafe for the Naval Base's Festival.

A Song of Love for Shipgirls:
Sazanami wants to make a movie and discusses it with Akitsu-maru, Kawakaze, and Ryuujou. Plenty of western cinema references.

Custom Doll:
The Shiratsuyus got into the hobby of dressing up custom-made dolls.
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