Kantai Collection - Fanfic Idea and Recs

So in other news, how do y'all like your Abyssals? I know a lot of more comedy-oriented comics and fanfic tend to portray them as being pretty nice outside of combat, while more serious ones portray them as being more effective enemies. While I do enjoy both versions given the specific context of the story involving them, I find I personally lean toward emphasizing their nature as a threat, leaving the factional alliances and friend-making to Arpeggio of Blue Steel. I'm not a huge fan of edgy and grimdark stuff, but I tend to try to write them just outside the darker end of my comfort zone. (I've found listening to hard metal, which is also outside my usual comfort zone, while writing scenes involving them helps a lot.)

(Whoops, didn't realize others had already posted before me. Personally I'd like to see the Nevada in something, for some reason. Not the most famous or notable battleships, but I really like her regardless. And of ships already in 'canon' so to speak, I always like me some Shouhou)

It's complicated since it kinda wanders around with me. Especially focused on how the story is selling them. Of course there are lines but it's hard to explain. Need to build up my vision more

If I was gonna probably write a story about a task force of them I'd probably lean towards them being more like Bad Company. Sure they're misfits and screw ups but they're very effective in a fight and the war is still going on after all. Keeps them having character and keeping interest for the reader.

Gotta keep the group dynamics interesting. Of course the surface fleets might think of them as being scary as hell badass elite unit but they're just cannon fodder which just are lucky or the reasons why they're considered screw ups maybe turning out to be useful. Now I need to figure what class would best be their Haggar
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Gotta keep the group dynamics interesting. Of course the surface fleets might think of them as being scary as hell badass elite unit but they're just cannon fodder which just are lucky or the reasons why they're considered screw ups maybe turning out to be useful. Now I need to figure what class would best be their Haggar
Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class. Partly because anything bigger starts exiting the realm of cannon fodder (surprisingly elite or otherwise), and partly because the chi-class likes torpedoes, Haggar likes explosions, torpedoes explode, something something penis euphemism.
Torpedo Cruiser Chi-Class. Partly because anything bigger starts exiting the realm of cannon fodder (surprisingly elite or otherwise), and partly because the chi-class likes torpedoes, Haggar likes explosions, torpedoes explode, something something penis euphemism.

Of course comes the next big problem.


I doubt Abyssal would be calling each other by their reporting names especially if you go "Who's Wo here?" and a chorus of "WO!" coming from everyone one of them in their mess hall.

Just not sure what to look at for themes for individual members of a group as you might have more than one of a class in a group or also being characters.
I personally like the idea that they just magically know which Wo you're asking for. Like there are a dozen of them and you call out "I need Wo, Wo, and Wo." and somehow the three Wos you were asking for line up. If you try to use nicknames it confuses them.
I personally like the idea that they just magically know which Wo you're asking for. Like there are a dozen of them and you call out "I need Wo, Wo, and Wo." and somehow the three Wos you were asking for line up. If you try to use nicknames it confuses them.

Worse; when a non-Abyssal talks with an Abyssal about their sister-ships, it's basically the 'Zathras' scene from B5. :rofl:
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So in other news, how do y'all like your Abyssals? I know a lot of more comedy-oriented comics and fanfic tend to portray them as being pretty nice outside of combat, while more serious ones portray them as being more effective enemies. While I do enjoy both versions given the specific context of the story involving them, I find I personally lean toward emphasizing their nature as a threat, leaving the factional alliances and friend-making to Arpeggio of Blue Steel. I'm not a huge fan of edgy and grimdark stuff, but I tend to try to write them just outside the darker end of my comfort zone. (I've found listening to hard metal, which is also outside my usual comfort zone, while writing scenes involving them helps a lot.)

(Whoops, didn't realize others had already posted before me. Personally I'd like to see the Nevada in something, for some reason. Not the most famous or notable battleships, but I really like her regardless. And of ships already in 'canon' so to speak, I always like me some Shouhou)
Depends on the fic. A fic based on the premise of eldritch abominations from the sea only to take hard cut to slice of life is pretty hard to pull off.
I personally like the idea that they just magically know which Wo you're asking for. Like there are a dozen of them and you call out "I need Wo, Wo, and Wo." and somehow the three Wos you were asking for line up. If you try to use nicknames it confuses them.

Although it might be a case of

Although from a narrative standpoint if you're having multiple of a class in the same story (at the same time) it'd get confusing to the reader trying to figure out who's talking unless you mark people as Wo#1 Wo#2 Wo#3 which in it's own way is awkward to discuss as it makes them feel like game items than people.

Worse; when a non-Abyssal talks with an Abyssal about their sister-ships, it's basically the 'Zathras' scene from B5. :rofl:

At least Zathras has more than one syllable!
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So I just finished the movie.

Dang, was that good

And holy crap did it get dark there for a while; unlike the show's final episode, it didn't pull punches.

I could probably go back and pick out some nitpicks or something (only one that comes to mind for now is that I would have appreciated an extra two or three minutes of SoL funtimes, probably right around the fifteen-minute mark, before the drama-bombs started dropping. There's a certain character who I feel would have benefited greatly from some more relaxed screentime, to build investment. The movie was sooo much better at managing its tone, but in this regard it almost becomes a detriment.) but I can't really think of any glaring flaws with what was there; I just think they could have gotten away with extending the screentime just a touch.

It's perfect as the series' true finale and more than washes away the bitter taste from Episode 12's mediocrity. The gainax ending, unlike PMMM Rebellion or AoBS Cadenza, actually works really well and makes sense, and they do a pretty decent job addressing the implications of what it means for the setting. Also... my feels.

As far as I know, there's also a Season 2 on the way sooner or later. It's going to be interesting to see how that turns out, but I feel like the Movie is a solid enough conclusion that I'm afraid it may wind up unnecessary.

There is one other interesting thing for me to consider, though; how it relates to Waves of Change. I noticed certain similarities between it and things I have planned for later on in my story, yet at the same time the movie takes those basic concepts in a completely opposite (and possibly objectively better) direction. Idunno, I think I'll keep on with what I have planned, since at this point trying to change it would create more problems than it solves, but I do feel in some regard that I have been upstaged. Whoops.

On the other hand, the ambiguity the twist adds to the timeline of the Abyssal war is something that I'm not entirely fond of, so it's not like it's completely untouchable. I just hope my somewhat more mundane conclusion is still satisfactory in the wake of what the Movie managed to accomplish.

Anyway. All told, I'd say it's a 9.5 out of 10 and raises the show's score from a 7 to an 8 by its inclusion, just really fantastic all around.

EDIT: (If there was one other thing that kinda bugs me, it's the utter lack of Taihou after the series' finale built her up as being a Pretty Big Deal, but again, that's more a problem with what the movie didn't do than what it did, and I'm not sure that her inclusion would have added too much.)
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Your link is dead.
Edit: It works in Edge, but not in Chrome. Huh.
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Imagine a final where final wave turns everyone, shipgirls and abyssals, to un-animated steel hulls. And it's the end.
Sadly they can't make money on sequels with such ending, so it never happens.
But i think it's best ending possible.
Well, the ending was a little too 'DBZ' for me. The power of hope. But it was a good movie. It was kinda like a very long episode of the anime.
Despite what people may cry about emphasizing Fubuki, I feel it properly bookends her story arc and helps explain why she was considered important during the TV run. All in all, it's a fine conclusion to her arc.

I wonder if we'll stick with her for S2.

Probably yes, but who knows.
That's another thing. I thought it was the perfect time for Saratoga to show, or one of the foreign ships at least.
That's another thing. I thought it was the perfect time for Saratoga to show, or one of the foreign ships at least.
Well, if they were there from the start of the movie, (like Tokitsukaze and the other new additions) then yeah. Having them show up in the middle I think would feel forced and out of left field.
Hopefully we get to see some of them in Season 2 or something, though. I'm really interested to see how that's going to turn out in general.
Well, if they were there from the start of the movie, (like Tokitsukaze and the other new additions) then yeah. Having them show up in the middle I think would feel forced and out of left field.
Hopefully we get to see some of them in Season 2 or something, though. I'm really interested to see how that's going to turn out in general.
Well, that's what I mean. Even RO could have been there.
The bombastic Battleship that is Iowa deciding on Fubuki as an object of her affections? Somehow that makes me cackle so damn much.

"Bucky? You don't look like a Bucky...." quiet voice "Is Kongo crazy or is it me?"
"More Crazy than a mad house"
"I'm gonna have to make sure Kongo doesn't blew you up our something for looking at 'him' wrong."
"Who? The ad-" a sudden hand over mouth.
"Shh.... don't say the A-word too loud or it might attract her"

And on the suddenly new character we never met appearing randomly in a big battle, it's not like the anime didn't do it. Oh wait it did! Taiho out of no where with no explanation and her being there a big deal apparently. because we were told she's a big deal even though she felt like a "fuck we were supposed to have X Y Z in and we forgot to put Z in! Just shove it in at the end"
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