Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

The bit with the Canadian dog-ships being adorably friendly is wonderful, in the latest Goat Locker. bit. Just makes you go, "awww, how Canadian!"

...if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go hug a Canadian now ;)
Also,the Mississippi River delta needs defending. Wouldn't be hard for shallowed-bottomed warship Abyssals to strike deep into the US using that river as a gateway. I hope planefriend doesn't read this thread, because I bet he'd get ideas from it.

He's confirmed to be present on SB, so... I wouldn't count too much on him not finding out about this thread.
The bit with the Canadian dog-ships being adorably friendly is wonderful, in the latest Goat Locker. bit. Just makes you go, "awww, how Canadian!"
Well of course the Newfies are friendly, everyone there is one the same side (and the girls give really good behind-the-ear scratches). Probably an entirely different story when any Abyssal subs show up.
... maybe she saw it when she and Iowa were both in-service? Iowa saw Higgins' spirit standing atop the bow of DDG-76 during the Battle of LA, even though DDG-76's ship-spirit remains unmanifested, so perhaps the ship-souls of BB-60 and BB-61 perceived each other during their original operational lives.

It's 3:00 a.m., so I don't know how well I'm articulating what I'm thinking.
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Also,the Mississippi River delta needs defending. Wouldn't be hard for shallowed-bottomed warship Abyssals to strike deep into the US using that river as a gateway. I hope planefriend doesn't read this thread, because I bet he'd get ideas from it.
I've been kicking around in my head the idea of Abyssals sailing into the great lakes and shelling Chicago and other cities along the way, put the old WWII line of 'the only safe water is the Hudson river'(sic) on U-boats to shame. Not sure how far they'd get, given how good conventional militaries are against Abyssals.
I've been kicking around in my head the idea of Abyssals sailing into the great lakes and shelling Chicago and other cities along the way, put the old WWII line of 'the only safe water is the Hudson river'(sic) on U-boats to shame. Not sure how far they'd get, given how good conventional militaries are against Abyssals.
Well, the USS Sable and Wolverine operated in the Great Lakes as training carriers...
Well, the USS Sable and Wolverine operated in the Great Lakes as training carriers...
Lesse here...*wikis names*
USS Sable, first US aircraft carrier to launch a drone, TDN assault drone, standard equipment 1,000 pound bomb? Oh, that's very promising for the Abyssals. From the remarks on USS Wolverine, I gather the training aircraft used on them were Hellcats, Daultlesses, Avengers, and Corsairs rather than dedicated trainers?
And many thanks for the info Drasis. U-505 needs something to sink, and what better than a carrier?
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"You don't need me to play as Iowa again?"

Casey opened and closed his mouth several times, and Sweet just began to rub his temples. The silence was snickering from one of the soldiers in the back of the room.

"Dammit Russel shut the fuck up." Brocheque elbowed his partner in the gut, replacing the giggling with wheezing. Sweet's tired eyes immediately shot daggers at them from down the table.

"So that's what Iowa looks like," one of the men murmured to his neighbor.
Hm. If this reference is what I think it's supposed to be, this should probably actually reference the Missouri, not the Iowa.
Hm. If this reference is what I think it's supposed to be, this should probably actually reference the Missouri, not the Iowa.
Actually the getup that Alabama is wearing (and the dyed hair) is a reference to the Iowa in Pacific: World War II U.S. Navy Shipgirls which this quest draws a fair chunk of imagery from.

For reference Iowa there looks like this:


As for the whole movie and look-alike thing, Alabama has been in several movies and the miniseries War and Remembrance where she was a stand in for Iowa.
Lesse here...*wikis names*
USS Sable, first US aircraft carrier to launch a drone, TDN assault drone, standard equipment 1,000 pound bomb? Oh, that's very promising for the Abyssals. From the remarks on USS Wolverine, I gather the training aircraft used on them were Hellcats, Daultlesses, Avengers, and Corsairs rather than dedicated trainers?
Yeah, dedicated trainers (SNJ Texan) were sometimes used with the two carriers but mainly it was combat aircraft (namely the ones you mentioned though there were also Wildcats and Vindicators).
Okay guys, Arizona has volunteered for upgrades. You're NAVSEA, the modern amalgamation of BeauShips and BeauWeaps, what do you suggest?

My shortlist of 'things that are easy' would probably be-
  • 76 or 57 mm AA mounts with smart ammo.
  • Kevlar spall lining for armor belt.
  • AN/SPS-67 radar for surface search, since it's probably possible to pull one off a damaged Burke without issues. Actual fire control radar set tbd, but SPQ-9B is a strong canidate.
  • Replacement of ammunition bags with modern formulations to extend barrel life of guns.
  • Basic CIC setup installed.
  • Replacement of screws with modern designs for increased efficiency.
If we have her for a little longer and can do a more serious overhaul, I might consider-
  • Hull bulging to offset weight gain. Possible weight conservation efforts should be kept in mind at all phases to minimize needed increases.
  • Kevlar 'Whipple shields' inside the Torpedo Defense system, designed to create maximum resistance to underwater explosions inside the void spaces.
  • Possible addition of skegs to protect steering gear and shafts, decrease drag. *WARNING* There is no way to simulate, in tank tests or in computers, the complex interactions of turbulent water flow and the precise skeg design proposed. Performance of design is unknown until tested at full scale, and may cause severe vibration aft.
  • Secondary battery moved out of casemates and open mounts to turrets.
  • Addition of low-light and infrared optics for fire-control. Addition of digital fire control computers, proper CIC should also be considered.
  • Possible installation of light SAM battery, directors.
  • Possible Helipad/drone launch catapult aft?
  • New 14-inch ammo types, Cluster rounds, depleted Uranium superheavy AP, etc.
  • Review of Damage Control, refitting of fire-fighting equipment, foam and CO2 systems?

And if she's going to be cut open and have her guts ripped out-
  • Turbo-electric drive upgrade-motor and generators replaced, boilers and turbines removed. Gas turbine and steam should both be investigated for replacement pros and cons.
  • Upgraded turrets, possibly 4x2 16-inch replacements, possibly higher angle of fire? Look into this.
  • Possible bulbous bow to reduce hull drag and increase speed.
  • Inserting new hull sections ala Kongou? Investigate possible pros and cons.
Okay guys, Arizona has volunteered for upgrades. You're NAVSEA, the modern amalgamation of BeauShips and BeauWeaps, what do you suggest?

*shortlist snippet*

The more I look at your list, the more it looks like a complete overhaul for Arizona's systems.
In a "Six Million Dollar Man" sense. :p

I'd like to say that a few improvements to be gradually integrated into Arizona would be optimal, but the state of the fighting requires combat assets... that aren't as politically "hot" but just as strong as Yamato.
The more I look at your list, the more it looks like a complete overhaul for Arizona's systems.
In a "Six Million Dollar Man" sense. :p

I'd like to say that a few improvements to be gradually integrated into Arizona would be optimal, but the state of the fighting requires combat assets... that aren't as politically "hot" but just as strong as Yamato.
The first list is all stuff that you can do without cutting holes bigger than for wires in the armor box-it might be possible to do those all pierside, if you can find a power-drill big enough. The second list is a bit more intensive, and will definitely require dry-dock time. The third list is basically 'put her into a yard and keep her there for a year or two.' and is intentionally invasive to justify that kind of time spent at work.

I thought about using Boffors and stuff, but they aren't exactly in production anymore, and I didn't want to hit up museum ships for parts any more than I had to. In-service equipment was used on the basis that it would be available.
Okay guys, Arizona has volunteered for upgrades. You're NAVSEA, the modern amalgamation of BeauShips and BeauWeaps, what do you suggest?

My shortlist of 'things that are easy' would probably be-
  • 76 or 57 mm AA mounts with smart ammo.
  • Kevlar spall lining for armor belt.
  • AN/SPS-67 radar for surface search, since it's probably possible to pull one off a damaged Burke without issues. Actual fire control radar set tbd, but SPQ-9B is a strong canidate.
  • Replacement of ammunition bags with modern formulations to extend barrel life of guns.
  • Basic CIC setup installed.
  • Replacement of screws with modern designs for increased efficiency.
If we have her for a little longer and can do a more serious overhaul, I might consider-
  • Hull bulging to offset weight gain. Possible weight conservation efforts should be kept in mind at all phases to minimize needed increases.
  • Kevlar 'Whipple shields' inside the Torpedo Defense system, designed to create maximum resistance to underwater explosions inside the void spaces.
  • Possible addition of skegs to protect steering gear and shafts, decrease drag. *WARNING* There is no way to simulate, in tank tests or in computers, the complex interactions of turbulent water flow and the precise skeg design proposed. Performance of design is unknown until tested at full scale, and may cause severe vibration aft.
  • Secondary battery moved out of casemates and open mounts to turrets.
  • Addition of low-light and infrared optics for fire-control. Addition of digital fire control computers, proper CIC should also be considered.
  • Possible installation of light SAM battery, directors.
  • Possible Helipad/drone launch catapult aft?
  • New 14-inch ammo types, Cluster rounds, depleted Uranium superheavy AP, etc.
  • Review of Damage Control, refitting of fire-fighting equipment, foam and CO2 systems?

And if she's going to be cut open and have her guts ripped out-
  • Turbo-electric drive upgrade-motor and generators replaced, boilers and turbines removed. Gas turbine and steam should both be investigated for replacement pros and cons.
  • Upgraded turrets, possibly 4x2 16-inch replacements, possibly higher angle of fire? Look into this.
  • Possible bulbous bow to reduce hull drag and increase speed.
  • Inserting new hull sections ala Kongou? Investigate possible pros and cons.
Engines and power plant. That's pretty impossible to do.
The first list is all stuff that you can do without cutting holes bigger than for wires in the armor box-it might be possible to do those all pierside, if you can find a power-drill big enough. The second list is a bit more intensive, and will definitely require dry-dock time. The third list is basically 'put her into a yard and keep her there for a year or two.' and is intentionally invasive to justify that kind of time spent at work.

I thought about using Boffors and stuff, but they aren't exactly in production anymore, and I didn't want to hit up museum ships for parts any more than I had to. In-service equipment was used on the basis that it would be available.
The old Bofors 40/L60 is long out of production, true, but its successor the L70 is alive and well: Oto-Melara Twin Forty Compact. It's arguably a better choice than its bigger half-brother, the Mk.110 57mm (Bofors 57mm Mk.3), owing to a higher rate-of-fire and better ammunition capacity, but OTOH the Mk.110 is already in USN service.

Of course, this is all assuming that upgrading Arizona is going to be that easy, cheap, or painless. Would demetrious let the questers get away with something that easily and cheaply? Even if he does allow something like this, what's he going to make it cost? (And I don't just mean in terms of time, money and material....)
The old Bofors 40/L60 is long out of production, true, but its successor the L70 is alive and well: Oto-Melara Twin Forty Compact. It's arguably a better choice than its bigger half-brother, the Mk.110 57mm (Bofors 57mm Mk.3), owing to a higher rate-of-fire and better ammunition capacity, but OTOH the Mk.110 is already in USN service.

Of course, this is all assuming that upgrading Arizona is going to be that easy, cheap, or painless. Would demetrious let the questers get away with something that easily and cheaply? Even if he does allow something like this, what's he going to make it cost? (And I don't just mean in terms of time, money and material....)
Gun mountings are pretty trivial to replace. I have seen one being installed before. It's hull and engine work that's the problem.
Engines and power plant. That's pretty impossible to do.
It's been done before-Arizona replaced her original twelve boilers with six small tube boilers, and new turbines during the 1930s refits. That said, and as I said in the post, that is the 'cut her open and rip her guts out' option. I expect it to be just as traumatic as getting a full Heart/Lung transplant if you go for that. Recovery time could be an eternity in game-time. But I listed it anyways because I believe in complete options.
It's been done before-Arizona replaced her original twelve boilers with six small tube boilers, and new turbines during the 1930s refits. That said, and as I said in the post, that is the 'cut her open and rip her guts out' option. I expect it to be just as traumatic as getting a full Heart/Lung transplant if you go for that. But I listed it anyways because I believe in complete options.
Yea. You can't fit a modern ship engine and what not in, what with the differing supports needed as compared to ye olde boilers. You still need to use something similar as she wasn't designed to take that sort of thing in her guts. There's the pipings and such to consider. This is the kind of modernization where you are probably better off spending time and effort in building a new warship.
Okay guys, Arizona has volunteered for upgrades. You're NAVSEA, the modern amalgamation of BeauShips and BeauWeaps, what do you suggest?

The first list is all stuff that you can do without cutting holes bigger than for wires in the armor box-it might be possible to do those all pierside, if you can find a power-drill big enough. The second list is a bit more intensive, and will definitely require dry-dock time. The third list is basically 'put her into a yard and keep her there for a year or two.' and is intentionally invasive to justify that kind of time spent at work.

I thought about using Boffors and stuff, but they aren't exactly in production anymore, and I didn't want to hit up museum ships for parts any more than I had to. In-service equipment was used on the basis that it would be available.
In-story, wouldn't it be a Kai Ni* upgrade? Which is basically, "Poof! You're improved." o_O
* Right term?
Yea. You can't fit a modern ship engine and what not in, what with the differing supports needed as compared to ye olde boilers. You still need to use something similar as she wasn't designed to take that sort of thing in her guts. There's the pipings and such to consider. This is the kind of modernization where you are probably better off spending time and effort in building a new warship.
I'm not sure if we have an actual difference of opinion here since we both seem to be saying 'this can be done, if you put in more effort than it is probably worth using on paper.' It might still be possible to do if there is some overriding factor that forces this, but it's listed there mostly to stop people from saying things like-

In-story, wouldn't it be a Kai Ni* upgrade? Which is basically, "Poof! You're improved." o_O
* Right term?
That. Because I'm aware that 'in story' shipgirls can linger in recovery time for weeks, there are no instant repair buckets, and upgrades of the more severe sort might involve metaphysical or literal brain surgery+organ transplants.
upgrades of the more severe sort might involve metaphysical or literal brain surgery+organ transplants.
And Arizona's going to be undergoing it with doctors/mechanics who have never done anything resembling this before. When you think about it, we're almost begging to have her be crippled/killed from complications here.
When you think about it, we're almost begging to have her be crippled/killed from complications here.
I'd like to think that Arizona signed up for the modernization experiment out of her loyalty (or other vague feelings) for Settle.

Of course, that would be viewing the entire thing through rose tinted glasses, so I'll settle for "for the sake of improving fighting chances against the Abyssals" (no pun intended).
She herself said it/made it known to her Admiral, after all.
I'd like to think that Arizona signed up for the modernization experiment out of her loyalty (or other vague feelings) for Settle.

Of course, that would be viewing the entire thing through rose tinted glasses, so I'll settle for "for the sake of improving fighting chances against the Abyssals" (no pun intended).
She herself said it/made it known to her Admiral, after all.
And it's all going to be repaid with a botched operation and malfunctioning equipment. Or it'll work perfectly and be the second most overpowered thing in the quest, number one being Hate and his anti-Abyssal rifle.