Foolish Dalek, that one's solely for members of the Hansa. Yes, that's a gaming reference
No. It's for members of the Roman Republic/Empire.Foolish Dalek, that one's solely for members of the Hansa. Yes, that's a gaming reference
Someone remind in the next thread to thanks the Anons for the book suggestions. I got The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors and Stay the Rising Sun as belated birthday presents as a result of the Anons' helpfulness.
I'll have to look for those books on my own I guess.
EDIT: I have next week off from work though!
The anon that was throwing a tantrum about the ari paste potentially being canon. (hint: its not) He wants PF to come out and say it to which PF has been his usual trololol self.
PF drinking the salty tears of mad anons? Sounds like business as usual.The anon that was throwing a tantrum about the ari paste potentially being canon. (hint: its not) He wants PF to come out and say it to which PF has been his usual trololol self.
45062137 -
Terminal Lance #350
"For the thirtenth time that day, Joseph questioned his choices leading to this moment."
Yup, that's what I thought of. All credit to Maximillian Uriarte.
46555650 -
>>46555603 (Bamalama)
>Nevada by Pixel-anon.png
Look at that gunslinger yo.
46555841 -
>>46555603 (Bamalama)
Woo Bama!
Been way too fukkin long.
46556040 -
>>46555603 (Bamalama)
Leave it be 'Bama to be Big damn heroine.
>>46555693 (Bamalama)
Definite a BB without a doubt. I wonder how Ari ended up with Sendai-class build.
46556425 -
>>46555603 (Bamalama)
Good times, thanks!
43003942 -
Just for the record does anyone have a list of current priorities? These wannabe gangster fucks are not on it obviously there are a lot of other things Settle is actually concerned with. Like what we are gonna do with the corgiboats now that we actually have the little buggers trapped. I suggest asking for their fairy captian to step forward and then do that whole 'communicate via frequency mudulation' as Hamp put it so eloquentely.
43004257 -
Ninja'd by planefriend himself. I like that twist he put in, sometimes there really is a neat and perfectly harmless little event in life.
[X] Answer the call of duty.
My phone refuses to copy paste stuff but in general we have certain responsibilities as an Admiral. So far Settle has been characterised as serious and professional where it counts and I'd like to continue that trend.
Speakjng of to whomever wrote that Arilewds, the whole Dwarf Fortress thing isn't a thing I can see Settle enjoy, why did you pick that game?
43004395 (demetrious) -
>Speakjng of to whomever wrote that Arilewds, the whole Dwarf Fortress thing isn't a thing I can see Settle enjoy, why did you pick that game?
Because dorfs shares a similar trajectory to being a ship captain.
Stage One: You don't know what the fuck is going on and half the time you're just pissed off by your inability to get the stupid little fucking men swarming through the anthill to do what you want them to do.
Stage Two: You start to realize how much detail and verisimilitude is embedded in these creatures; how varied and different they are, their strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes. They come alive to you, and engender feelings of fondness and fatherly love in you.
Stage Three: Despite your best efforts to help them, they cannot be helped. They cannot help but fuck up, they cannot help but leap into deep water to drown themselves, they cannot help but fuck up something as simple as putting on their socks before their shoes, despite their ability to crank out masterwork weapons and armor the envy of any civilization on the planet. Occasionally one of them will be struck by absolute brilliance and sequester themselves in a compartment for a while - they sometimes emerge with a game-changing work of sublime genius, but just as often its something fucking retarded like a legendary jewel-studded thong. You begin to hate them.
Stage Four: You realize that they are all permutations of one another, with their alleged individual traits mere subservient details to their overwhelming need for alcohol and food. To them you are merely the faucet which controls the accessibility of booze and whores. They turn to refill their waterskin - you forbid all the alcohol and dedesignate the water zones. They turn to sleep - you lock the doors. Let them sleep on the floor, or standing up for all you care - when the goblins come knocking they'll wake up fast enough. They've got a job to do and by god they're going to fucking do it. TO HELL WITH THEM ALL.
43003875 (demetrious) -
protip I asked crix for a proper japanese greeting word so if its wrong its his fault kk
43004122 -
beyond fedora tip m'lady
almost equivalent to cavalier hat sweep enchanté
they sound like huge dorks
43004202 (demetrious) -
Well seems crix nailed it then
43005929 -
Hey planefriend dumb question, is the Admiral Goto in this quest based on this guy by any chance?
Aritomo Goto | Nihon Kaigun
43006278 -
Allegedly yes.
Fun note, he served on the Kongo as a Lieutenant in his earlier days.
43006640 (demetrious) -
Yes. That was the picture hanging on the wall of Goto's office many threads ago.
Settle has his own family history of note, too.
43006723 -
Would Settle be related to Thomas Settle?
Thomas G. W. Settle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
43006756 -
If Settle's related to that guy, I'm surprised the errant corgis from last time didn't listen to him.
43006790 (demetrious) -
Thomas G. W. Settle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
43006829 -
USS Portland showing up with embarrassing stories about grandpa when?
43006955 -
On the opening day of the invasion of Lingayen Gulf, January 9, 1945, when admiral Theodore E. Chandler was killed in a kamikaze attack against USS Louisville (CA-28), Settle assumed command of Chandler's cruiser division.[55] Settle's radical shiphandling skills saved Portland from direct kamikaze hits; ship's officers attributed their captain's luck to his former aviator experience.[56] Settle used to break formation under threat from the air, and at least once his maneuvering earned him a reprimand from a commanding admiral;[57] in another episode, it nearly led to the destruction of a landing craft full of troops.[58]
Seems like Settle's performance at LA runs in the family.
43006648 -
This is hard guys.
I mean. Info is critical, but staying calm is also vital.
43006737 -
Something that's been bothering me: the Abyssals planned and almost pulled off a complicated trap -- but WHY? Sure, it almost worked, but Hate noted that the shipgirls have been maintaining an insane operational tempo. Why did the Abyssals take the risk with a trap, when they could have kept wearing us down with skirmish after skirmish?
43006787 -
Another thing.
Considering UNREP is still a thing for both ship spirit and abyssal (maybe), there's a possibility that they're trying to establish a more stable supply line while gaining forward operating bases.
43006820 -
Another excellent point!
We saw abyssal OILERS, people.
LOGISTICS NEEDS CONFIRMED, to some degree. Iwo very well may have been related to that need, and increased logistics needs leads to increased weight of operations
43006841 (demetrious) -
>>Abyssals can land terrestrial units now
>Hold this going to mean we're going to get Tankgirls, too? Is Sherman-tan gonna show up next week lusting for Hate's cock?
>giving anon ideas
god damn you
god damn you to hell
43008750 -
"We have three baselines to work with; Iowa who manifested her persona, Hamp who manifested his Hull then despawned it, and Akagi who still has her entire superstructure manifested. Have Hamp and Akagi share thoughts on the subject like grown adults and take notes."
43008933 (demetrious) -
>and Akagi who still has her entire superstructure manifested.
but she doesn't
43009059 -
>but she doesn't
>Akagi ate the Hornet
43008758 (Navy Vet) -
For people debating the pros/cons of upgrading the sloops:
These aren't just ships that can be thrown in dock and have systems installed/upgraded. What happens when surgical procedures (like implanted organs or artificial bones) are performed and later rejected by the host?
43008794 -
>ITT; people who don't understand that massive modifications and modernization are a normal part of ships lives
The fuck is wrong with you people. They aren't going to sink because we gave them a SATNAV suite, or a new set of RADAR.
43008828 -
>[X] Try it - you're sure Hamp or someone else would volunteer to try, and the possibilities are incredible.
planefriend questers are incredibly cowardly after they've just been burnt by planefriend, it's the natural course of the threads.
43008839 -
It's not about that man.
We're worried about how the Levelling Effect will be affected by hard modernization. Will it mess about their magical/mechanical-biological systems?
43008854 -
unless of course, doing so fucks up the SPOOKY MYSTERY Leveling Effect™ and renders them unable to transform back to human form OR stops allowing them access to SPOOKY MYSTERY INFINITE SUPPLY CACHE and suddenly we have to start using actual money-costing supplies to keep them stocked. These are NOT 'ships'. these are "shipgirls", and they are NOT the same thing.
43008874 -
>What happens when surgical procedures (like implanted organs or artificial bones) are performed and later rejected by the host?
>massive modifications and modernization are a normal part of ships lives
Congratulations. You guys figured out why this shit is so fucking confusing.
43009626 (demetrious) -
Hokay! I'm crashin fast so I'm gonna call the thread for tonight. In the next few days I need to drive downstate and upstate and hither and yon a lot, so I'm not 100% on my schedule for next week, but I'll try to hit my usual threads and free up an extra day soon to try and make up for the sick days!
Also,the Mississippi River delta needs defending. Wouldn't be hard for shallowed-bottomed warship Abyssals to strike deep into the US using that river as a gateway. I hope planefriend doesn't read this thread, because I bet he'd get ideas from it.The plot thickens. Doubt Alabama'll be sent our way, though. We could always use the reinforcements, but the Gulf Coast is poorly defended from sea attacks, it seems like.