Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

Just noticed that no one has posted even a link for the Alabama WIP from the artist that did Lexington.

Couldn't he plead Self Defense or something of the accord? The fact that both of them snuck into a military base, in uniform no less, while carrying lethal weapons. (One of them's carrying a Tanto, though the Baton is maybe a bit less suspicious?)
He should be. The Yakz drew first, and the base CCTV should've caught that.

Not to mention trespassing on a military base with possibly lethal intent.
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I'd imagine with all the shenanigans the future timeline has with the Cold War tier escalation prior to the abyssal interrupt, there is a good possibility this particular family or all yakuza in general would get slapped so hard with terrorist group label
Couldn't he plead Self Defense or something of the accord? The fact that both of them snuck into a military base, in uniform no less, while carrying lethal weapons. (One of them's carrying a Tanto, though the Baton is maybe a bit less suspicious?)

No idea, I'm not knowledgeable in these kinds of things.

I always thought that Yokosuka itself is JMSDF territory.
Plead self defense.

Yeeeaaa. You snuck into a military base with a lethal weapon. That's already the kind of thing that will have the security troopers turn deaf when you start crying after ten minutes of baton and rifle butt work.

I was refering to the Yaks when I say extra ordinary rendition.

Also. Star power. You should see what kind of silliness a colonel can get away with lol.
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Plead self defense.

Yeeeaaa. You snuck into a military base with a lethal weapon. That's already the kind of thing that will have the security troopers turn deaf when you start crying after ten minutes of baton and rifle butt work.

I was refering to the Yaks when I say extra ordinary rendition.
I was referring to Settle, actually. I misconstrued your last statement, my bad.

Either way, I just hope Settle comes out of this unscathed. Physically and politically speaking.
Last I check, infiltrating military base under the intent of sabotage or murder is treated as a terrorist action at best and act of war at worst

And God have mercy on Japan if the nationalist opt for option 2, because the entire pacific fleet would be back for an encore the moment that declaration is announced
I was referring to Settle, actually. I misconstrued your last statement, my bad.

Either way, I just hope Settle comes out of this unscathed. Physically and politically speaking.
It's kinda easy to just accuse them of being assassins for the abyssals. Given the whole drew a knife on a flag officer without any verbal communication.
They snuck into military base to attack an admiral

They'd be lucky to not get gunned down on sight by any personnel that see the altercation

Settle is basically untouchable even if he flay the damn yaks
And God have mercy on Japan if the nationalist opt for option 2, because the entire pacific fleet would be back for an encore the moment that declaration is announced
Assuming the Japanese don't tell the Ultranationalists to stuff it and go sit quietly in the corner or they'll start bringing out the whipping cane themselves.

Goto already mentioned that Japan's feeling the noose as it is, and folks are scared.

He should be. The Yakz drew first, and the base CCTV should've caught that.

Not to mention trespassing on a military base with possibly lethal intent.
While impersonating Base personnel, no less.

It's kinda easy to just accuse them of being assassins for the abyssals. Given the whole drew a knife on a flag officer without any verbal communication.

Things are about to get interesting in the Japanese political scene.

Hmm. I wonder if Tenryuu will start respecting Settle more when she finds out that the "mouthy cripple" fended off two assasins with a sword cane?
Fringe group tend to get support when folks are scared, and most of Japan are closet nationalist anyway, why the fuck do you think shipsluts are so popular?
Fringe group tend to get support when folks are scared, and most of Japan are closet nationalist anyway, why the fuck do you think shipsluts are so popular?
Do you want the serious answer or the silly answer?
Silly answer: Because they're cute girls doing cute things while defending Japan.
Serious answer: Because the kanmusu are literally their people's hope at survival.
I mean irl

In any case, why are you guys fretting about consequences anyway, those yaks more or less gave up their right to live the moment they enter Yokosuka armed while not being part of allied force

Ever seen the "trespasser will be shot, survivors will be shot again" sign? Now imagine that shit x10 after the timeline's escalation with China and the fact that the base hold literally spooky classified bullshit that is kanmusu
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Yep considering Japan gets 80 percent of its food by sea. Mass rationing must be happening the worlds navy's are getting fucked up the US navy is by the skin of its teeth barely holding it's own. So if the yaks survive this Japan does have a death penalty and there are no appeals after appeals to save their asses.
Well, then the silly answer is ALSO the serious answer.
There are literally thousands of that shit in contemporary Japanese pop culture. You don't find it strange that the one that glorify imperial Japan's might happened to be the most popular of all despite it being just a shitty RNG mobage with garbage anime?

Closet right wingers, I'm tellin y'all
Quick Question are the Chief Parker canon to the story?
The implications of what he discovered are Huge the ability to detect and listen to the music of the soul and hard proof that that such a thing exists and is detectable with science.
Quick Question are the Chief Parker canon to the story?
The implications of what he discovered are Huge the ability to detect and listen to the music of the soul and hard proof that that such a thing exists and is detectable with science.
Yeah, Parker may have found the Music of the Soul. And that music also plays on Warships still on active duty. I wonder if he can do the same thing to people? That would be seriously spooky and also useful, because that'd mean the Music is a metaphysical component present in everything with a soul and it's discovery would be the first step into actual scientifical research of the Supernatural.

...Chief Parker, the father of Magi-Science!
Great, more 'machine spirit' jokes. Because SWQ didn't have enough of those...
There are literally thousands of that shit in contemporary Japanese pop culture. You don't find it strange that the one that glorify imperial Japan's might happened to be the most popular of all despite it being just a shitty RNG mobage with garbage anime?

Closet right wingers, I'm tellin y'all
...no? The art is good, they generally have quality VAs and Japan is and always will be a nation of prideful individuals. I'm not seeing how that makes Kancolle any more 'right wing' than say enjoying the 2nd Amendment as an American.
The ‘AWOL’ Series (by Renaissance-anon)
This is an older write-up, posted in Thread #60; with all apologies to Renaissance-anon, it kind of got lost in the general chatter of that thread. :oops: More to the point, it kind of set the scene for the summoning of HMS Warspite, which UnAble Seaman Brit-anon posted in Thread #62.

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