Kant-O-Celle Quest [a Kantai Collection game, transcribed from 4chan]

Had an account for a few weeks now. Was looking for feedback and opinions and to clear up any misconceptions.
Well nice to see your here, and I'm only more and more worried for when planefriend joins us. Call it paranoia, because that's all it is.

Also, just curious about something since you're likely to have a good idea about it if there's an answer. How are the relations between the two so far seen Fubuki class ships and the Akatsuki class? Since the four Akatsuki sisters are basically modified Fubukis like how the Gearings were a third variation on the Fletcher, I'm kinda curious if there's actually anything there.
How are the relations between the two so far seen Fubuki class ships and the Akatsuki class?

It would be ... above average I guess? They get along well enough, since the Akatsuki class are pretty much the little ship girls sisters. Murakumo thinks they're annoying, but usually can't bring herself to say anything. Hatsuyuki thinks they need to take it easy[ier].

I personally don't care for any of the Akatsuki class that much, so they probably won't really be featured often. The only time I remember writing about them is when they're all bugging Kitakami on the dorm grounds.
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It would be ... above average I guess? They get along well enough, since the Akatsuki class are pretty much the little ship girls sisters. Murakumo thinks they're annoying, but usually can't bring herself to say anything. Hatsuyuki thinks they need to take it easy[ier].

I personally don't care for any of the Akatsuki class that much, so they probably won't really be featured often. The only time I remember writing about them is when they're all bugging Kitakami on the dorm grounds.
Alright, I was mostly just wondering if there might be any hijinks or some such between the lot when one or the other does remember that oh yeah they're sisters and should do sisterly things or something like that together.

Though I don't remember Hatsuyuki being mentioned before, ah well.
Had an account for a few weeks now. Was looking for feedback and opinions and to clear up any misconceptions.
So, how exactly was your and PF's Kitakami different? I'm still not entirely clear on how exactly was it different; just different image of how she acts, different characterization that come simply due to how it was written, or plain different characterization between your and PF's KTKM?
He joined. Stuff happened. He left.
Actually, his account is still there, just that the name is changed to ———. Checking on the page, he seems to be last active... a week ago, which I think is after his name was changed to that. And if you ask me why I know, it's because I still have the account followed from before it was renamed.
I'd imagine he's concerned with consistency between the two. @Crix has spent far more time and wordcount showing us Kitakami's internal dialogue and state-of-mind; demetrious has only recently introduced her to the main quest and hasn't gone inside her head nearly as much.