Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Crusaders of Fate Quest

[X] Wait, Aki, Mito, and the nurse are still in the nurse's office. I need to see if they're alright.
-[X] Grab the first aid kit on your way, in case they aren't.
[X] Wait, Aki, Mito, and the nurse are still in the nurse's office. I need to see if they're alright.
-[X] Grab the first aid kit on your way, in case they aren't.

Jotaro is more than capable of beating the shit out of a guy without our help.
With one last burst of adrenaline, I launch myself at Kakyoin and jump on his back. Before he can react, I wrap one arm around his neck to keep myself from falling off and start stabbing him in the stomach. Once, twice, three times, I lose count.

Jotaro, meanwhile grabs Heriophant Green by his neck and starts punching it in the face. With every punch, he lets out a loud cry.


After stabbing Kakyoin, I write 'B' on his back then push off of him. I fall backwards while he stumbles forward. Between the simotanious assaults, he can't react to either of us. As soon as I am out of range, my bomb explodes.

At the same time, Jotaro's Stand uppercuts Heriophant Green into the ceiling. Whether it's from my explosion of Jotaro's punch, several nearby windows shatter to pieces. By now, I hear a lot of screaming as people evacuate the school. If anyone sees us, they don't seem to pay us any mind, focused on their own safety.

"What amazing... power" Kakyoin mutters before he slips into unconsciousness.

Jotaro clutches his injured chest. "Well, that was a waste of time... I'm busted up... It's a good thing his Stand wasn't much"

"Yeah..." You say. I look at the Kakyoin. He almost looks dead. But somehow, he's hanging on.

"I was in a bind there. Thanks for the help." Jotaro says. "But you... you have a Stand? You don't look like one of Dio's followers"

+1 Jotaro Friendship Point

"Fortunately, no" I say. Just looking at Jotaro's Stand, I don't know if I could beat him on my own.

Jotaro nods "Yeah, didn't think so. But nonetheless... I want you to talk to Gramps"

"We ended up making a pretty big commotion, though... Guess I'll skip school today." Jotaro then looks at Kakyoin. "We're gonna get some info about Dio out of this guy if it's the last thing we do..."

On one and, with the explosion and the shattered glass, as far as everyone else knows, someone just set off two bombs in the school.

I don't exactly want the police to ask me any questions. Especially since I'm pretty much guilty.

[] "Alright, let's get out of here. I know a way to slip past everyone"
[] "It may be a better idea for me to meet you at your grandfather's house. I'll slip out on my own."
[] "You go ahead. I'm going to check on my friends in there"
- [] Take a first aid kit first.

Skills Learned

Stab: Stabs an enemy with Napalm Death.
Frenzy: Stabs the enemy multiple times before writing 'B' on them
I want to help our friends, but I feel like we'd end up getting taken in for questioning, and I don't want to bet on the Foundation willing to make our problems go away that easily.

[X] "It may be a better idea for me to meet you at your grandfather's house. I'll slip out on my own."

Delinquents are more suspicious when together.
[x] "Alright, let's get out of here. I know a way to slip past everyone"
[X] "You go ahead. I'm going to check on my friends in there"
- [x] Take a first aid kit first.

And if we do get questioned what are they going to say, that we somehow caused every window on the school to explode with nothing more than a first aid kit?
[X] "You go ahead. I'm going to check on my friends in there"
- [x] Take a first aid kit first.

And if we do get questioned what are they going to say, that we somehow caused every window on the school to explode with nothing more than a first aid kit?
Probably ask where we got the materials to make the bombs and stuff, since there's not much left of a bomb after it goes off.
[X] "You go ahead. I'm going to check on my friends in there"
- [x] Take a first aid kit first.
Jotaro and I grabbed Kakyoin and ran out of the school. The front and back doors were crowded, but I knew another way out.

The gym was in a separate building, connected to the rest of the school by an underground corridor. It mainly housed the pipes and vents going between the two buildings, but the hallway was spacious enough for maintenance workers to maneuver. Students aren't supposed to go there, but both doors are usually left unlocked by careless maintenance workers. As soon as we got to the gym, we sneak out of the hole in the fence that I used to sneak in.

As Jotaro and I carried Kakyoin through the fence, I could hear sirens in the distance. Jotaro and I get out of there just as the police were just arriving.

The walk to Jotaro's house was mercifully short. We stuck to dark alleyways and relatively empty streets so no one would notice us. But as I start walking, I keep thinking about Aki, Mito, and Shiori. I just... leaving them just doesn't feel right. I doubt that they'll get in trouble, but I should be there with them.

I just hope that they aren't hurt.

I was jostled from my thoughts when Jotaro unceremoniously dropped Kakyoin on the ground.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!" I see Jotaro's mother. She's a blonde woman, a few years older than my own mother. She's wearing an orange and white stripped shirt, a dark green skirt, orange shoes, with a white apron. Though I do notice that she isn't Japanese. If I had to guess, she was British, Russian or American. Maybe French.

"J-jotaro! What in the world happened? Who... who are these people?!" She asks, scared. Not exactly an unreasonable reaction. I shrink down, trying to make myself less visible. I may have done a lot of stuff, but I've never had to move a body. "He's... he's bleeding... Did you do this?"

"It's none of your business." Jotaro says tersely. Either that isn't his mother, or he's just as... himself at home as he is at school. And a mother would be pretty much the only person who would put up with it. "I'm looking for Gramps. It's such a pain to find anyone in a house this big... is he in the tea room?"

She thinks for a moment. "Y-yeah... I think Abdul's there too..." She says.

Abdul... why does that name sound so familiar? I don't know anyone named Abdul...


"Good... Here, Sone. Hold Kakyoin while I go talk to them" Jotaro says before he leaves.

I watch Jotaro leave and look back down at Kakyoin. He's still breathing, and I did my best to patch him up, but I'm not exactly a doctor. Most of my medical experience comes from icing bruises, and bandaging cuts. And that's just for when my friends and I got into fist fights.

"Hey!" Jotaro says before he leaves the room. He turns back to his mother.

"Yes?!" She asks. She perks immediately. I see the smile return to her face instantly.

Jotaro looks at his mother for a few seconds, as if he's completely focused on her. "...You don't look like your usual self. ...Are you feeling okay?"

Instantly, she starts beaming. "Yay!" She cheers. "Fine, thank you!"

"Hmph" Jotaro says. After that, he turns and leaves the room. After he closes the door, it's just me, his mother, and a bleeding man.

"So... My name is Sone Kugare. Are you Jotaro's mom?" I ask.

"Oh yes! I'm Holly Kujo. It's a pleasure to meet you" She says with a huge smile on her face. Then, she offers me a hug. Slowly, I accept it, hiving her a friendly hug. "Are you maybe... a friend of Jotaro's"

I rub the back of my head. I've heard of the guy, but... I pretty much stayed away from him. "Not really... he's kinda scary." I admit.

"Oh, I see..."Holly says. She gives me a sad frown before popping back to a smile. "That's too bad. You know, he's actually a nice boy... Give him a chance, won't you?"

"We'll see" I said. Before the conversation could go further, Jotaro comes back into the room.

"Sone, help me get this guy to the tea room"

I nod. Jotaro and I carry Kakyoin to the makeshift interrogation room, but after that...

[] I'll stay in the room. Watch the flesh bud extraction.
[] I'll talk with Mrs. Kujo.
[] I'll call my parents, they must be worried sick.
[] Write in.