Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Crusaders of Fate Quest

[X] See if your friends are alright.
[X] I think I have some medical textbooks and notes from my Life and Medicine class. If I'm going to fight, I should at least look up how to treat injuries.
[X] Try experimenting with my Stand.
[X] I think I have some medical textbooks and notes from my Life and Medicine class. If I'm going to fight, I should at least look up how to treat injuries.
[X] See if your friends are alright.
[X] Try experimenting with my Stand.
[X] I think I have some medical textbooks and notes from my Life and Medicine class. If I'm going to fight, I should at least look up how to treat injuries.
[X] See if your friends are alright.
[X] Try experimenting with my Stand.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] I'll talk with Mrs. Kujo.
No. of votes: 1

[X] I think I have some medical textbooks and notes from my Life and Medicine class. If I'm going to fight, I should at least look up how to treat injuries.
No. of votes: 12
pianoman, Side Character, Kelirapc, Insufficient Dakka, Nathaniel Wolff, tygerbright, Bacon_commando, Finagle007, veekie, TheLordofAwesome, ChildishChimera, Archeo Lumiere

[X] See if your friends are alright.
No. of votes: 11
pianoman, Side Character, Kelirapc, Insufficient Dakka, Nathaniel Wolff, tygerbright, Bacon_commando, veekie, TheLordofAwesome, ChildishChimera, Archeo Lumiere

[X] Try experimenting with my Stand.
No. of votes: 13
pianoman, Ruisu, Side Character, Kelirapc, Insufficient Dakka, Nathaniel Wolff, tygerbright, Bacon_commando, Finagle007, veekie, TheLordofAwesome, ChildishChimera, Archeo Lumiere

[x] Go to a local restaurant and get a snack. After today, you need to relax and decompress.
No. of votes: 1

[x] Wander the town. Maybe a walk can clear my head.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Spend the rest of the day at the Kujo mansion. If Dio sends assassins after me, I want to be ready.
No. of votes: 1
Studying Medicine
I can't say that I was exactly the best student. I didn't fail any of my classes, but I was never the best student in the class. Sometimes, I just scrapped by, sometimes, I was average. But in one or two classes, I did pretty well.

Life and Medicine class was one of them. I spent the next few hours in my room, going back over all of my notes, old tests, and my textbook. Wrapping all kinds of bandages, practicing CPR (Which managed to earn a certificate for), what kinds of painkillers ointments, and antibiotics to use for different injuries. I'm not a doctor by any means, but I can patch someone up. Maybe.


I turn around quickly. Is it an assassin? Is Amai alright? What is-

Oh, it's just Amai.

"Sooooooo, what are you reading?" Amai asks as she walks towards me.

"How many times did I tell you to knock before you come in?" I ask. I can't keep the smile off of my face. We've done this so many times I could practically recite what we're going to say from memory. Still, it was just something I had to live with.

"Twelve?" Amai asks, doing her best to look innocent.

"Twenty" I correct.

"I just wanted to know what you were doing in here. I mean, you've been in here for hours" She says.

I show her the title of the book I was reading. "Just going over a few things."

Amai rolls her eyes. "But school's over! The point of summer vacation is so you don't have to study anymore!"

I just shrug and go back to studying. For the next few seconds, she looks at me before sighing. "Whatever, I'm gonna watch tv" With that, she left the room and I went back to studying.

Still, I was almost done reviewing everything I knew about first aid. And I haven't really gotten the chance to really see what Napalm Death could do. Maybe going out would do me some good. There's an empty field outside of town I could practice in. Maybe I could see what my Stand could really do.

Though... if I can only attack as quickly as I can write, maybe I should spend that time trying to practice writing faster instead.

[] Practice writing faster.
[] Try out different types of bombs.
[X] Practice writing faster.
Faster writing, faster explosions. If we stumble with our writing in battle we're going to have bad time.
We should ask Joseph about that Overdrive thing of his.... was that a Stand ability?:drevil:
I'm sorry if this has already been brought up, but would it be possible to include threadmarks for the quest posts?

I bring it up just because I missed a few chapters due to a lack of the alerts.
Murderdolls V1
Around lunchtime, you ride your bike to a field outside of the town. It's far away from the road, or anything else. It's the perfect place to do something that requires discretion.

Which is good for you, since you don't want to attract attention. Especially after the bombing at your high school.

You spend the next several hours writing, trying to writing them faster than faster. You start to lose track of time as you keep practicing, trying to trim those precious few seconds off of your writing time.

And then, I have an idea.

Writing "爆弾" in Japanese takes a good several seconds. Time that any enemy could spend bashing your head in. Writing "Bomb" in English takes less time.

Slowly, I write "Bomb" on the ground, setting the fuse for three seconds. I've been writing in Japanese until now, so you don't know if writing in English would work.

I finish writing the last 'b' in the crater covered ground and stand back.

Time for the moment of truth.





The ink explodes, adding another crater to the ground. As I look at the crater, I can feel a smile creep on my face. I almost can't believe that worked.

Not that I'm complaining.

I spend the next hour writing B and Bomb over and over again, trying to get it as fast as I can. English isn't my first language, but still doesn't take as long as it would if I was writing in Japanese.

A few hours later, I was walking back to the neighborhood. My wrist was sore from writing, as if I had to crank out another essay for Mr.Komiya. Still, I'm writing faster than ever.

By now, there are only a few people outside. Most people are probably at work or at home. I walk through the nearly empty streets to go to Akinaka's house. If Mito and Shiori aren't there, then I can call them from there. After what happened today... I should at least tell them that I'm still alive.

Around five minutes from the house, I see a pair of schoolgirls heading in my direction. I don't think I've seen them before, but they are wearing different uniforms than Grape Heights girls wear. They're wearing white an blue instead of my purple. Still there are plenty of schools around, so I don't pay them any mind.

But that changes when I'm about to pass by them. One of the girls pulls out a knife and slashes at me.

I duck under the knife before slugging the girl in the face out of reflex.


"What?" When I punched the 'girl', she didn't bleed. She didn't even flinch. In fact, the damage I did proved that whatever she was, she wasn't human. There was a large crack going down her face, going over her right eye.

"Mannequins?" I say out loud as the other takes a swing at me. Taking a closer look, I can see the knives protruding out of the mannequin's wrists.

[] Fight
- [] Write in

[] Run
[X] Fight
-[X] Write B on the mannequins

Stand: Murderdolls
Stand User: Joey Operetta
Stats: Unknown, low-ranked Precision due to inexperience
Ability: Can use strands of hair to control dolls. There is no limit to the number of dolls that can be controlled, and damage to the dolls is not transmitted to Joey.
[X] Run
-[X] Scribble onto something messy to make a big noisy diversion to make your getaway

Not fighting when they staged this ambush. FIghting on their terms is dumb.