You will just make a new cycle, use art, go to hospital, get a new arm or something to fix your broken body, Go find job, repeat.
Then when you get tall enough on the ladder, you can get a staff or you can just get a better body, you can get something else then the Arts and you can just throw the old body into the wild and don't even need to care about it anymore.
The worst situation is it getting to the brain because that will be a no return.
At most the big impact will make on the city is district 23 can't just pick someone from the street and kill them for the meat because the meat could be contaminated.
For all it's worth and for how it works, The City could even see Originium as a fairly accessible and to some extent, convenient ownerless Singularity.
You get crazy powers, you infect people, and it works well as a human bomb. The Head is going to have a fucking field day.
I mean, just think about it: if you're willing to take the risk, you could escalate into Fixer power quickly and efficiently. By the time your infection becomes a problem, you could already have good countermeasures. That doesn't even consider using Originium as a much-needed power source. Or the different work areas that would open up to clean up contaminated Backstreets.
Originium for The City is not a curse (in the long run), it is a gift. Especially for the desperate power-hungry Rats where they now get a Power Up.
Knowing what the "average" City's power source is like.
From the insanity-inducing Smoke to the literal liquid emotion that is Enkephalin, Originium would probably fit right in.
Although I don't exactly know enough about how efficient the energy generation process of Originium to really answer this question.
I mean, Originium is powerful enough to make mobile cities a viable thing. With particular emphasis on mobile cities from Yan (Arknights China) that carry literal mountains. I can definitely buy Originium becoming a power source for the City that can match both L corps' production.
Originium has the issue that you need to mine it. That would probably require a lot of infrastructure, which means a large upfront cost. Would make it hard for a new energy-producing business to come up and harvest it in sufficient bulk to compete with L-Corp.
However. There is a source of Originium that doesn't require expensive mining operations.
The Infected, when they die, they turn into Originium dust. Oripathy quite literally is a bunch of Originium metastazing from your insides. It feels very City-like to set up an operation to Infect people en-masse and use them as biological Originium production machines. Much like any cannibal psycho can set up a bistro in District 23, any money-hungry psycho could set up a harvesting operation! Do-It-Yourself Magic rock cancer reactors! How wonderfuly open-source!
The Infected, when they die, they turn into Originium dust. Oripathy quite literally is a bunch of Originium metastazing from your insides. It feels very City-like to set up an operation to Infect people en-masse and use them as biological Originium production machines. Much like any cannibal psycho can set up a bistro in District 23, any money-hungry psycho could set up a harvesting operation! Do-It-Yourself Magic rock cancer reactors! How wonderfuly open-source!
All this talk about energy and the crossover reminds me about the Sarcophagus the Doctor was found in, and how the lights on its sleep mode could power an entire mobile city by itself.
According to Kal'tsit, it's a home medical appliance, but something went wrong, and the Doctor lost their memories, while the only other person who used it was turned into some sort of Originium bird monster that if it escaped, could infect entire cities. It was a moving superspreader event.
Kal'tsit: ...Poor fellow. Kal'tsit: Even I have only seen a case like this just once. Kal'tsit: The caster and the victims were fused together. Their bodies and Originium formed a mountain, and from it bloomed a kind of really fragile flower. Kal'tsit: The dust spread in the wind, and whoever that traveled through that cursed place found themselves infected— Kal'tsit: —Not only that, but anyone who was unfortunate enough became new hosts and ended up spreading the suffering and death.
Considering this is a crossover, the Sarcophagus could be City tech due to how alien and more advanced it is than anything else on Terra. Could even say it forcefully "Distorts" people considering its effects on Mephisto and how emotionally vulnerable he was at that point in the story.
There's also the interesting parallels one could make between Kal'tsit and Angela, both being immortals stuck with a singular purpose under the guise of a human being. The difference of course, being that Kal'tsit presumably chose her purpose rather than had it forced on her.
I wouldn't be surprised to later learn that Sieg isn't the first visitor from the City on Terra. Of course, this all only a theory! I don't think Sieg will be getting anywhere near the Sarcophagus or Kal'tsit any time soon.
Scheduled vote count started by thenew on Dec 11, 2022 at 8:54 AM, finished with 99 posts and 37 votes.
[X] Dream of the Light. (Touch that strange presence that has lurked inside your mind for so long. This will have consequences. Permanent consequences.) -[X] Dream of a Screenplay. (This cycle will repeat endlessly until the Seed has germinated. I am the gatekeeper. Who will pay for their sacrifices? Do you know what we've forgotten?)
[X] Dream of the Light. (Touch that strange presence that has lurked inside your mind for so long. This will have consequences. Permanent consequences.)
-[X] Dream of a White Night. (Yes, we could see the truth. The Abnormalities are no longer abnormal- they are no mere fantasies anymore. They are our truer forms. Restored to being by drawing a little speck of light from our hearts.)
[X] Dream of the Light. (Touch that strange presence that has lurked inside your mind for so long. This will have consequences. Permanent consequences.)
-[X] Dream of a Screenplay. (This cycle will repeat endlessly until the Seed has germinated. I am the gatekeeper. Who will pay for their sacrifices? Do you know what we've forgotten?)
1.16 - Asiyah
You are Sieghart.
You are asleep.
You are doing your best to relax. This has been a long, long day. But there is a strange feeling in the back of your head. Like… water. You feel as if your body has been half-submerged in a pool of… blood? Yes, it has the consistency of blood.
You open your eyes, and you see the light.
The feeling of submersion disappears as if it was never here at all. All you see is light, in all directions. It does not harm your eyes. In fact, you feel no pain at all. The Fairy in your stomach has… vanished entirely? Yes, it has. So this is some kind of dream.
You take another look at your surroundings. It seems that there is something other then light, a few meters ahead. A large elevator door.
Lucid dreaming is not a very common experience for you. You typically just go to sleep and then wake up without any memory of what happened. But it's not like it hasn't happened before. It's novel, but not surprising. Well, it's time to see where this will lead you.
You stand up and walk towards the elevator door. It's closed, and there are no buttons. But you have other options. With a sigh, you shove your metal-clad hand through the steel plate, and the door right off its hinges, revealing the elevator shaft that descends into the darkness. Well, this was surprisingly easy. But it's a dream. It's not surprising that you're in control.
When you take a better look, it turns out that the elevator shaft isn't very deep. Just one, two, three… eight sections? There's no elevator in sight- oh, there is. It's coming up right towards you. Guess you didn't need to rip the door off its hinges. Maybe you could put it back? You decide to put it back.
Oh, you can't. The second you tore it off, it started disintegrating into motes of light. How inconvenient. Oh, it's not like it matters. This is a dream, no? You take a look at the elevator that just reached you.
There are several buttons arranged in a polygonal pattern. Control, Information, Training, Safety, Central Command, Welfare, Disciplinary, Records, Extraction and Architecture.
You consider it for a while, before hitting the "Control" button. It's the uppermost floor out of them. You have a hunch it's important. The door closes, and after a little bit of shaking, it opens again. You take a look at what is outside. It is… a room.
Stained by blood.
There are grotesque trees, seemingly made of flesh, growing through the floor. In their branches, someone has impaled many human heads. In each branch there is an eye, staring intently at you. Well. You were not expecting this. You decide to take a walk around the area. There's a few doors in the room, perhaps you could check them out? Hm.
The Lobotomy Corporation logo stands proudly, painted into the walls. So. This is a L-Corp facility?
Suddenly, you hear a strange voice.
"This is what you call a truly uncontrollable situation, manager..."
Wait, is it Malkuth's voice? What… What a strange dream.
As you take a look around the room, something flickers into existence in its center. You can't properly discern what the image is. Jumbled, broken and distorted noises seem to accumulate inside your head. If they are words, they are not coherent. Then, Malkuth speaks again.
"It's unpredictable, isn't it?"
No? She hasn't done anything yet.
"Everything's all jumbled up, messed up, flustered... hahaha..."
Then, the strange being materializes inside the room.
It has a singular colored optic in the center of a strange mass of inky black flesh. No, not flesh- wires? A machine. An AI? Pieces of a metal box are broken and held up around its body, held up by those dark wires. One of them is holding a notepad. The yellow eye never looks at you, instead focusing intently on a wall for no apparent reason.
It continues to repeat and babble these words in a perfect rendition of Malkuth's voice. How… How creepy.
You tap the twisted, melted machine's optic with a finger. It doesn't even budge, or react to you in any way.
You've been inside Wing facilities before. They're usually crammed with people doing work of all kinds. And anyone who gets inside, while not being a Feather of the Wing, is usually accosted by a billion contractual duties to never speak of anything that is happening within. And they also do their damndest to obscure everything that is happening, as to never give away the secrets of their Singularity. J-Corp even had your Office allow their agents to Lock their own memories of every single event that occurred inside the facility itself.
They did offer you quadruple your regular rate, so it all worked out in the end.
It seems that, if this is some kind of vision and not a simple dream… then, L-Corp was messing around with AI. Did this robot get loose and kill everyone in the facility? You decide to take a walk.
…It's not a very fun walk. All across the building, all you see is death. The corpses of men and women in uniforms are haphazardly arranged around the region. Strange black poles stand in the corridors with quite a few victims hanged on them. You saw a headless body with an injury you recognize- a bite. Something ripped off the man's head with a singular bite of a powerful jaw.
There are doors all across these corridors, but they don't lead anywhere. Just empty rooms. There seem to be strings of numbers and letters, painted on these doors, but time has rendered them illegible.
Some of these victims hold weapons, or strange armor. It didn't seem to help them a lot. You suppose you could pick one of them up to defend yourself if whatever dangers struck them down come for you, too.
You walk out of Safety, and take a brief look at the rest of this facility. The bodies in Information, Safety and Training had their heads shot off or members carved out with axes. They were burned to death, disemboweled with spears or had their heads explode for no apparent reason. Most of them hold hammers, pistols and one of them has a strange golden gauntlet. You think of pick up a sharp-looking katana, but the owner apparently decided to behead themselves with it, which is creepy. It's probably cursed. So you decide on this one spear that a corpse on Information clutched desperately.
It's made of ice, how cool is that?
You almost slap yourself for making that pun. Well. All of this has been a disappointment, and the door from which you came from has disappeared entirely. As you make your way across the building, you fail to see even a single speck of life.
Outside of these creepy robots. Seems that Malkuthbot wasn't the only one, though it's the only one whose voice you recognize.
Information has a tree-like being covered in a brown substance, with a single purple eye in the middle, partially covered in bandages.
"You will not be able to discern anything properly."
Training has a sphere of melted metal, with a lone orange eye, gears around its body and two tendrils reaching towards the roof.
"Alright everyone, look here! Smile, say cheese!"
And Safety has what seemed to be a haphazardly-built mount of stones, with the same sole eye of the others. This time, it was green. A fetid appendage was bursting from its side, and the entire creature had the disgusting smell of Enkephalin, with the noxious liquid dripping from its body.
"Why do you want to continue prolonging these undesired lives? What'd you expect to see at the end of all this?"
Not a single one of them even notices you're here. You even kick the Enkephalin-bot in the eyeball, and it doesn't even move.
If this is supposed to be some kind of dream sequence where you're supposed to face monstrous, disgusting representations of your own inner demons, represented by people you know, and violently murder them in order to grow as a person, you'd say it's doing a terrible job. You don't even know what the hell these things are talking about.
That trope sucks ass, anyway. Not a big loss.
You descend through the other elevators, arranged all around the building. Disciplinary, Welfare, Central Command, Extraction and Records don't even have any robots. It's just more corpses, destroyed in many creative ways. The bodies in Records are arranged in a huge pile and look like they were run over by a train. So there's that.
What exactly was L-Corp up to? Whatever it was, it didn't end well, as they went off to blow themselves to smithereens. Oh …you haven't checked out Architecture yet. Maybe it'll provide some answers-
You hear the sound of footsteps. Someone enters the room you are in. You turn your head to see, and you see a Claw.
Immediately readying the spear, you prepare for combat. There's no way he won't question why exactly you're in his hunting grounds. And "questioning," for a Claw, means extreme violence. You need to… to… wait a second.
He isn't reacting to your presence in the room. You remain in your combat stance, but… he isn't even moving. You take a risk and walk one step towards the enforcer of the Head. It's not an Executioner- no trenchcoat- but you need to move with the utmost care. You point your spear at them… and they do not react. You take another, and another, until you and him stand face-to-face. You move your hand across his field of vision, and he still does not react in any way. You swing your spear at his throat, and it passes harmlessly through his body
Oh. You can't interact with… anything. You're entirely immaterial for this environment. How fascinating. So that's why the robots weren't moving at your prompting? But you could interact with them- touch their body, push them. Why can't you touch this Claw, then?
The Enforcer seems to grow tired of whatever they want to do in this room, and walk straight through your body as if it was made of mist. Then, they walk out of the room. You try to follow, but they're not in the corridor- they've disappeared entirely.
Well, you suppose it's time for visiting Architecture.
You go down the elevators in the furthest side of this building, and into a long, long corridor. There are, much like every damn corridor in this place, many doors across its length. Like the others, all of these rooms are empty. Unlike them, there are no bodies to be seen anywhere. You walk through the immaculately kept wooden hallway, and step into the Architecture room of this facility.
This time, your vision wavers for a moment as it comes into focus to reveal… a perfectly ordinary office. There is a sofa, a desk filled with papers, a screen filled with charts and graphs behind it, a lone computer screen… and a man waiting for you behind it.
"Ah. You've come." says the man in the pinstripe suit, waiting behind the desk. He gestures for a chair in front of the desk. "Would you like some coffee? I snatched it up from the Floor of Social Sciences. Boy, was Chesed confused about that one. It's quite good."
…you weren't expecting this, but you're not complaining. You accept the man's cup of coffee. And… it is pretty good, yes.
You sit down. "Would you mind explaining to me what is… all of this? The corpses, the creepy robots?" you scratch your chin. "Actually. Who exactly are you? You remind me of her, for some reason."
The man in the suit sighs. "All in due time. I am not a part of the Voice in the Light. I am barely a fragment of a person- I could never stand against her."
So he's connected to the Voice- whoever he is. That means the Voice has some sort of connection to the fallen Lobotomy Corporation- which means the Library is connected to it, in turn. The threads are coming together.
"My name is Abel. I was, for a brief period of two-to-five years of very distorted time, the Manager of Lobotomy Corporation." he takes a sip from a coffee cup. "Now, I am barely a phantom. Currently, my identity can only barely sustain itself. I have resorted to parasitizing the Library in order to survive, living on the edges of its extension. The dark corners where Angela does not bother gazing inside."
He takes a file from the drawer of his desk. "Daily Report by the Control Department, Day 32." it reads. He skims through it, places it back on the drawer, and then takes out two things: a simple black notebook and a simple face-covering mask with no patterns. He carefully places the two objects in the table, and then lets out a polite cough.
"Angela, by the way, is the Librarian who had you killed, Steel Determination. I presume you have questions. On me, on you, on what happened. I cannot answer all of them, but I will perform to the best of my ability. We don't have much time, though."
His body twitches and flickers- like an interrupted hologram.
"This is a memory of Lobotomy Corporation's main facility. The event which you know as the White Nights, Dark Days was the entire purpose of this Wing's founding. Well. There weren't supposed to be any Dark Days, but still."
He moves to take another sip, but the cup is empty. His body flickers again.
"Ah, I am slipping away as we speak. In a few minutes, we will have to change topics for good. Forgive this old man for his ramblings. For the moment, you may ask me three questions, as long as you are brief with them. I am not sure I will have energy for much more."
[ ] Ask a question.
[ ] Ask a question.
[ ] Ask a question.
6-hour moratorium in effect: do not vote for 6 hours. The 3 questions with the most voters will be asked.
Character Sheet Unlocked: Abel Status of Self and Allies:
Sieghart: This is a dream. You're okay. Can you even get hurt here?
Poor Screenwriter's Note was an Abnormality from LobCorp alpha, cut out before the final release. In a bad mood, it would choose one of your employees, force it to kill five other employees, then give the Manager the choice of whether to kill that employee, to kill someone else, or to not fire the gun.
If this is Ayin, then this is very dramatic of the man. Which fits, but damn wouldn't it hurt for him to be straightforward for once.
Hmm~...Questions~ Questions~...What will the answers be~?
Proposing my first plan regarding this.
First, we need to remember why we choose this vote. To know more about the light. Focus on questions related to it's abilities.
Second, for the LoR and L-Corp players, remember who is answering our questions here. His answers will ultimately be biased in nature. It couldn't be otherwise, because then Ayin himself would answer our questions. So keep that in mind when making your own questions.
Third, for those unfamiliar with LoR and L-Corp. To describe the character we are talking to. Abel is someone who is apathetic in nature. He doesn't really care about anything in particular.
He lacks the will to stand up straight against the harsh world, lacks the ability to accept the dark emotions inside him and rotted his heart with false rationality, has no hope to truly become a better person, and is afraid of the difficulty that is the hellish life of the City.
Of course, this is grossly generalizing the man, and he is a lot more dignified than that. He wouldn't allow emotions such as fear to seep into his rotten heart held together by the duct tape called rationality after all.
Still, that is our "guest" for the time being. Perhaps he is more different than the old him. It's pretty likely. It's been a while after all, and many things have changed since the days of L-Corp those 10 months ago.
Still. Keep those facts in mind.
Lastly, due to Abel's likely biased nature, we should avoid more...personal questions. Such as Carmen, the Sephirah themselves, Ayin, and more. Even if he did answer us, his answers wouldn't be satisfactory.
It's a pity we don't have more than 3 questions. But first thing first.
1. We should tackle the question of what is the Light. It's the most important question. X has some idea of what the Light does, but he needs to understand what it is.
2. We should tackle the question of what is the Light's full capabilities. Sieghart likely has a good understanding of it. But having Abel explain it to him will help things along. Plus, phrasing it that way would lead to Carmen being revealed anyway. Since Abel would have to tackle why the Light creates Distortions.
3. We should ask why was the Light created. Sieg already has a good idea of who is behind the light based on this chapter, which is L-Corp, however, he doesn't know why they made it. Sieg already is more than capable of circumventing the problems the light was created for, but knowing the reasoning behind the light might let him understand the Voice better.
I would add the fourth option of asking Abel about who Carmen is. However, Abel isn't the one suited for this particular question.
Honestly speaking. The only one that should answer that is either Abraham himself or Ayin. Abel would give Sieg a very...wrong image of who Carmen is. Which would mirror Sieg's already existing idea of her already, as a crazy voice in his head.
So I propose the following questions.
(Mortarium so don't vote)
[] What is the Light?
[] What are the full capabilities of the Light?
[] Why was the Light created?
...abel, Is the A that have failed to even step onto the stage.
And also the A who holds a clear memory of he writing the script, But can not play it out In any sort of way.
The poor screenwriters script describes a pointless and bloody endeavor, a endeavor which this A in front of us, Participated to the extreme that is L corp, Without an end. And you, are Now the gun who will shoot him down or let it go.
You are choosing between punishing the evil by this last bloody bullet or forgive him for his sin and move on.
I start writing the moment I see a vote get a significant margin. If the voting turns around, like it did in character creation (from Nostalgic Sound to Fairy's Wound), I just write another chapter.
Since we are talking to The Screenwriter:
[] Why me?
[] How does *gestures outside* fulfill your objective?
[] With this meeting, what is set in motion?
[] A fourth question if the above overlaps with what Able wants to talk about
"Ah, I am slipping away as we speak. In a few minutes, we will have to change topics for good. Forgive this old man for his ramblings. For the moment, you may ask me three questions, as long as you are brief with them. I am not sure I will have energy for much more."
Thinking about it more...He asked Sieg to be brief did he not? that case. I will add some more short questions.
[] What is the purpose of the Light?
[] Who is the crazy voice inside the Light?
[] What is the Distortion phenomenon?