I think its less about needing to go back, and more about having an option to go back, possibly even back and forth. Wouldn't count on "the way back" being two-way, though
The name of the vote implies a certain person giving us a way to go back. And I don't think we can actually convince the person in question to let us make a two way forever open portal... Or convince her to be our permanent taxi.
oh, and btw, @thenew is there anything in particular you have to reveal about some Act 2 fights, now that we're almost certainly nearly done with Act 3, like you had with Capone fight? Sorry in advance if thats an impolite question to ask.
Oh, I do!
  • I didn't even think of the Bloodfiend Seaborn twist until after you met the Watcher. My plans were more conventionally Under Tides-y (Arabella kidnapped and hidden in the basement, you working alongside Skadi to find her and Specter, Gladiia and the Inquisition in an antagonistic position) until I realized how insidious Bloodfiends can be- you can be turned and proceed to turn an entire Office without really realizing what is happening to you.
  • So what if, I realized, the Seaborn themselves ended up corrupted? I have a vivid memory of laughing out loud and going off to my yard to spin around, that's how my mood was when I realized.
  • Arc 2 was, as you might have realized already, less planned out- I had a blueprint, but it was changed repeatedly mid-arc so it ended up less of a plan and more of a guideline and a bunch of worldbuilding.
  • The idea still ended up refined considerably after that. One of my plans for the bossfight was indeed the Seaborn going on a bloodfrenzy, but originally Arabella was going to seize control of them through the fight. That was canned as I realized it didn't fit Bloodfiends at all, both in a thematic and in a lore sense.
  • In Turb, (beyond Sieg) my favorite character to write is Arabella. You might have realized this already.
  • The huge creature that Dario kills was a form of the Watcher and was meant to be the boss of the arc at some point. While a Watcher kaiju fight was kind of planned (and included some cool shit like Skadi fastball-specialing Sieg into the creature's eyes) I canned it because I felt like the Seaborn civil war fit better.
  • Before the Seafiends were a thing, Wympe might have Distorted out of panic at her impending assimilation into We Many, had you picked the opening the door option (the chapter inside her head was written early on). I had a design sketched out somewhere (though I can't find it anymore) and it had a focus on a desire to be "useful" to her friends. It would have seized control over the Seaborn of Sal Viento, and was the precursor to the Seaborn civil war concept.
  • Eating the candy would have you take control of another character as Sieg became incapacitated from tripping balls on Abnormality product. Eating half would pacify Abram as he'd eat the other half and statt dreaming but would saddle you with a debuff for the rest of the fight.
There's more, but I can't exactly remember all of it now.
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The name of the vote implies a certain person giving us a way to go back. And I don't think we can actually convince the person in question to let us make a two way forever open portal... Or convince her to be our permanent taxi.
It just says "a way home," and Carmen hasn't needed a Taxi to hijack the Purple's ability, so I don't think Ayin would either. I see it as getting access to the City again with all that entials.
It just says "a way home," and Carmen hasn't needed a Taxi to hijack the Purple's ability, so I don't think Ayin would either. I see it as getting access to the City again with all that entials.
I don't like getting access to the city
The city can stay where it is with less connections to terra as possible. So to not re enforce Carmen influence and gain attention from the head. And just a slight chances of the rock cancer getting over there makes me really paranoid
A purple gleam.

I don't think we should try to go back. Linette shouldn't or can't, and I would rather not give Carmen/The Head any further in to Terra.

A blaze of power.

This would be plenty useful, but it's likely to not be relevant in the near future. Planning ahead more like.

Black waters.

Black waters is pretty interesting actually, because if Sieg ever finds a source of Abnormalities (Local to Terra or other) than it would make for a viable way to just attempt to replace Originum on Terra. Of course, that comes with actually having to manage Abnormalities.

Warm light.

A deeper understanding of the Distortion, E.G.O. and Abnormalities, I presume. And buffs to Sieg's own Light relevant abilities.

The warm rays of Terra's sun.

Knowledge of just how exactly each and every place is fucked, and at least a lead on everyone from the Office? I like the option primarily because "new home". I'd like the Turbs to stay on Terra, please.


I assume this is a shortcut to manifesting Sieg's own E.G.O. in full, and to avoid Carmen's influence. Maybe even the influence of all Abno/Distortion based stuff.

Nothing. Not even silence.

Not sure what to think about this. Relevant to Lech and whatever's going on with him I assume.
Is the last option of warning about some horrific threat not a good idea? I am not sure what that is, but it seems very much like something you don't want blindsiding you.

Maybe even more important than Carmen etc.

Otherwise I am more than fine with cutting off the City and staying on Terra.

Otherwise I'd probably want warm light or black waters, and count on just naturally running into the dangers of Terra by Sieg's luck and being somewhat related to Rhodes.
The last option I think is probably about getting greater insight about The End of Ursus and whatever is going on there. The colors are probably the biggest clue with black and green specifically being the colors of the two involved.

Otherwise I want Warm Light because I like the idea of getting greater info about the light and improving Sieg's "Arts" and I don't want The Warm Rays of Terra's Sun because being a bit of a fish out of water feels more fun than knowing about everywhere.
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Actually looking back on it...

I think a blaze of power, the secrets of the Arbiter may be much more important than I thought. It says a cloak that shields from eyes that see past and future.

I am sure it was for the Beholders, but I think it may also work on anything else that does that, and given that time stuff and precognition may play a big role on Terra especially with Lech's thing and prophecies, I feel like its worth thinking about getting it. The Singularity secrets are also a good bonus, I guess.
I think that Yourself should absolutely be one of the two picks. Carmen is shaping up to be, if not the final boss, a major antagonist of this quest. Having a reliable way to counter her bullshit is paramount.

As for the second pick, I'm in favor of Warm Rays, Purple Gleam, or Nothing, not even silence. The former two are because they are both sources of information on the location of our companions, and rallying Turbulence Office should be our absolute top priority.

I tacked Nothing on there because, well. It's a gacha option. I play gacha games.
I see someone's been enjoying some Fallen London-related content.
I came back to Fallen London a few months ago (gave up on Seeking and left it for a while), around the London Horticultural Show. It's such a good game and I 100% recommend it for anyone in this thread.

Once again, it has become my newest brainrot. It never ends.

That said, you wouldn't believe how much I've been tempted to make an FL quest. With Curator dead there's none going around. At all.
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A blaze of power, black waters, and warm light all show promise. They offer ways to empower ourself and a greater understanding of the forces at work, something we will never have access to otherwise. The warm rays of Terra's sun seems useful but I'm not sure if it is worth one of our two slots when compared to the other options. Yourself seems like a way to get our own EGO or at least prevent Carmen from messing with us but I'm not sure if it is worth a slot. A way to and from the City sounds useful even if some members can't return with us but I feel the usefulness of that ability is somewhat limited. Nothing not even silence seems to be a warning of a future threat but I don't think it offers us anything else besides the warning.

I think we should choose warm light and either a blaze of power or black waters. Yourself seems useful but understanding oneself isn't something unachievable. If we pass up some of these options we will never get the opportunity again.
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[ ] A blaze of power.
[ ] Nothing. Not even silence.

That Nothing sounds scary enough that having the knowledge that it's active be worthwhile. I don't want the Light options when it feels like a combo deal (and echoing Arabella's sentiment that discovering Yourself comes in time). I dislike the map options in that while it's similar to the Nothing in being useful intel, it doesn't justify itself enough to sacrifice increasing Sieg's capability of doing stuff in those places. Between the water and the fire, I don't see Abnormalities being a good alternative to Originium and prefer getting the secret of singularities and sharing that to people that mitigate Oripathy, though that's a lot of assumptions.
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My personal preferences are for Black Waters, since it allows us to engage in Lob-Corp shenanigans with Rhodes Island. Leaving aside how that just sounds fun, the potential of non-originium-based power on Terra is enormous. I also like Sunlight on Terra - we've still got a lot of the crew missing to link up with, like the Heavy in Columbia or Malcuth with the dragon siblings. Not to mention the various goodies in the setting we could stumble across with what is effectively meta-knowledge. Most of all, however, I like the narrative implications about making Terra a proper home for the gang.
[ ] A blaze of power.

(You will gain a Dreadful Surmise: A power. The secrets of stolen Singularities, perfectly preserved. Knowledge of a brilliant mind, worth immense fortunes. A cloak that will obscure the gaze that sees the past and future. A bounty earned from the vanquishing of an Arbiter.)

K Corp's singularity might just be the perfect cure for Oripathy, but the question is: can we even do anything without the tearful thing?
This is a choice between deciding that do we want individual power, only helping our own friends, or helping everyone around us.
The purple Gleam will attract The remaining few of our friends to us, also giving a few of our friends away to go back. But is it worth it? Do they need it? Do they really want to? Lech obviously wants to go back very, very much. The fact that he is burning his time so much harder. Just to find her or a way to do it.... He's going mad for it. If we pick it, he will come to us. But is this madness worth it?

The blaze of power give us a Singularities, A perfect way to stay unobserved from anything, That means the gods of this world, Carmen, Unless she comes back and actually look at us through our eyes, Any precognition powers the people of this land have, And modern securities measures, and we can use that power for anyone. If we can make it.

The backwater offers an alternative power source for the people of this land... One that is equally deadly, but actually might have less problems if managed right. It could be incredibly helpful. And the fact that we can get EGO weapons for anyone within Rhode island is absurd, as long as everyone on the ship can take it. It means you can make a ship full of high level fighters, an army in an instant. with bizarre powers from the EGO weapon itself, and exotic damage protection against all sorts of other damage types live in this world, like mental pollution, Erosion, and true damage.

The warm light gives us an individual upgrade but is it worth it against everything else on the list? I think not actually. It is only us who gets this power. It is not worth it. With everything else on the list, either give us knowledge to help everything, or powers that can benefit everyone around us, and everyone eventually getting A power up? Picking this is almost selfish.

The warm rays of terra sun give us all knowledge, ALL KNOWLEDGE of this land, All the secrets that everyone desperately tries to protect, knowledge about the technologies, everything about those who lurks within, everything. This is the ultimate one If you want to plan for things that might come in the future. this let Sieg know everything within terra itself. The dangers of terra, The beauty of it.

Yourself is another incredibly selfish one.
it only benefits ourselves, when we already some sort of way to completely blocked out Carmen, Is it just fast forward Sieg's self Discovery and gaining EGO without earning it. This is incredibly short sighted to pick, it's not like we can grant this knowledge of self Discovery to anyone else, because it doesn't apply! And we didn't even find a way to do it so we can't even teach them how to do it! It's just gaining the ultimate Carmen shield....When we already have one.

And Nothing, Not even silence?, to be honest. It scares me.
Black, green and silence points to the price of silence. And that, points to our dear friend, because he has been breaking the rule and not paying the price at all.
I fear whatever will happen if we pick this one
And Nothing, Not even silence?, to be honest. It scares me.
Black, green and silence points to the price of silence. And that, points to our dear friend, because he has been breaking the rule and not paying the price at all.
I fear whatever will happen if we pick this one
I think you may rather need to fear if we don't pick this. Everything still happens, we just won't know what to expect until its here, I think.
I think you may rather need to fear if we don't pick this. Everything still happens, we just won't know what to expect until its here, I think.
This vote also picks the direction of act four. We are just gaining power to face whatever problems that will come.
But if we take nothing and hear the unbearable silence scream?
I fear for whatever direction the act will take.
Yourself is another incredibly selfish one.
it only benefits ourselves, when we already some sort of way to completely blocked out Carmen, Is it just fast forward Sieg's self Discovery and gaining EGO without earning it. This is incredibly short sighted to pick, it's not like we can grant this knowledge of self Discovery to anyone else, because it doesn't apply! And we didn't even find a way to do it so we can't even teach them how to do it! It's just gaining the ultimate Carmen shield....When we already have one.

I feel like you're misunderstanding the intent behind choosing Yourself, and how we've resisted Carmen up to this point. Yes, we are the Steel Determination. Willpower is our trump card. Therefore, we do not have a "Carmen shield" -- we've only gotten this far through grinning and bearing it, flipping Carmen the metaphorical bird. However, things will not remain hunky-dory for long, and trials will crop up that will make us falter. Given the world stage, it is inevitable that somebody close to us will fall, or that Carmen will decide we're the next best candidate for Distortion and redouble her efforts. Do remember that Carmen only talks to people she believes she can push over the edge, whether it be E.G.O. or Distortion, as evidenced with Capone, Big Sad Lock, and Koshelna within the quest alongside
Dongrang and Dongbaek at the tail end of Chapter 4.
As things stand, we have never seen Carmen fail in tipping somebody over the edge, except for us.

Additionally, who's to say that Carmen won't grow more powerful as time progresses? More Light could be seeping into Terra and gathering around her, or the mass amount of Distortions she's triggering could also grant her more power. We cannot afford to let Sieghart falter. Despite how competent our allies are, we are the lynchpin of the office. At the end of the day, it is not selfish to give a leader a way to protect themselves; it is practical.