Why do I feel bad for a fanatical eldritch-abomination-to-be?For a second, you don't see the tall man in front of you. You see some sort of thing- taller, emaciated, made of pale bone and red marks. Its eyes shine with blue light, and it carries an enormous scythe. And it looks... sad. So terribly sad, so terribly lost, so terribly miserable.
Oh God she's spreading.1x Chaotic Mass
- Damage: Blunt
- Base: 3
- Coins: 3x x2
- Whenever Don Quixote uses this skill, a single copy of it is added to the skill pool of all allies. The copy will be destroyed on use.
- Combat Start: Add an extra coin if an ally is using a skill of the same name.
Yes Andoain is the First and Jamie is the Second.Wait...so is this guy the first apostle then? Because the Guardian Apostles are limited to (1) and (11) of the 12th.
Hey, someone who writes a shitpost story and then takes it completely seriously is my favorite kind of fanfic.It's a f*cking shitpost. Why are you--
*glances at It's Turbin' Time*
*thinks for four seconds*
I see
Anyway. I haven't played Limbus recently, so... Let me think about it. Okay. Solid Supportive identity. Mostly I'd use it for her first skill, which feels absolutely bonkers but actually might not be, given how Limbus's combat system works. +1 power is always solid, though.
Her final skill has an interesting gimmick. But it might actually be detrimental rather than useful? Like, putting a tier-3 skill into the deck of every single Sinner every so often is cool and all, but I'm not sure how strong that skill actually is. I'm not good on doing the math about that kind of thing. As it stands... let me find a comparison.
Ah. G-Gregor's Eviscerate? Okay, that's pretty strong. Getting stronger as more copies of the same skill are used is solid. I take it back. This Identity is hella good. That said, it's paradoxically better the worse your roster is. Some Identities have skills they really want to use, and S3 can dilute their Skill pool--I'm glancing at the R Corp and W Corp identities, mostly, but also some of the Ammunition-focused ones.
Passives are fine, but nothing to write home about.
He's important in the sense that he is already a lower-case 'guardian apostle' of a sort. Andoain is the leader of the Pathfinders, a group of schismatics to the Laterano Church – and thus State – that disagreed on the principles of protecting destitute and downtrodden Terrans, not helped because Laterano is an quasi-ethnostate for Sanktans due to their halo-hivemind given by their patron god.So that guy is quite the important person we just captured huh? He's a Guardian Apostle (due to the blue shine in his eye), which are the main guards of WN.
Pretty sure that's not the question we want to ask. Sieg knows a total of 2 Sankta and thus doesn't know why Andoain's gun would reject him.Because the other one is unnecessary?
Like, we know what's up with Andoain's gun and so does Sieg: It's a standard Terran Arts-based gun and Andoain has an Art that lets him ricochet his bullets up to five times within a certain range.