I can already foresee what my character would do if he went rogue from the PRT. Probably go full YoRHa Military state or end up with toybox.
Well, if both of our characters get in. Ceinwyn will make sure to keep you in the path of righteousness!
You're a high schooler, right? Ceinwyn would most likely end up as your teacher then. :D


Okay, so I can choose stacking or gaining +50 minions weekly. Jesus Fucking Christ.

You get a choice for an upgrade:
-Able to stack Kingmaker powers on a person.
-Person limit increase to 50.
-Able to apply to self.

What about the growth over time?

Also with regards to stacking--does that increase the point pool in general, or is it still limited to each iteration totalling 7 points?

Also, how does Replication work with ST+Abaddon?

Edit:I'll probably take stacking, TBH. It'll be a LOT less complex to have less minions and stack more powers on them. Not to mention it's 100 times safer to stack a bunch of powers on me so it's harder for my people to use my powers to get rid of me.

If I give each of my clones the ability Suzerain, that even allows me to have a set of 100% loyal minions
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Well, if both of our characters get in. Ceinwyn will make sure to keep you in the path of righteousness!
You're a high schooler, right? Ceinwyn would most likely end up as your teacher then. :D
As a teenage Case 53 I would need a tutor so that would be a fun dynamic.

I wonder if Dragon would be my mentor figure? Armsmaster has Kid Win and I have more in common with her.
Added a quote to my sheet to help explain the kind of villain I am.

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimization."

-Eliezer Yudowsky.
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Well worth a shot.

I might have an ally in you. For bonus points, considering the nature of SI drop in, we're both Half Hispanic.
I'm up for some JOLLY COOPERATION! That said, most of what I need is someone to watch Real Me's back while my clones and minions do the real work.

Cause, y'know. Squishy guy over here, in charge of a Keystone Army.

@Jaedin Just realized. Do we pick our own Case 53 features and if so what level is 2 ranks?
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What about the growth over time?
Every month ingame I'll look at how much conflict and its level you got into. I then give you the choice of an upgrade or not.
Also with regards to stacking--does that increase the point pool in general, or is it still limited to each iteration totalling 7 points?
Each iteration totalling 7 points.
Also, how does Replication work with ST+Abaddon?
-Telepathy with clones
-Clones replicate self
-I can't think of a 3rd one off the top of my head
@Jaedin Just realized. Do we pick our own Case 53 features and if so what level is 2 ranks?
You can pick your own Case 53 features. Each case will be reviewed over to determine the Tier of Case 53.
-Clones replicate self

Jesus Fucking Christ.


Let me bust out a calculator...


Within 4-5 months, I could be a fucking DEMOGRAPHIC.

After a little over 8 months, for every human on the planet there'd be one of ME.



(Insert lewd joke about something something Cauldron here)

Jesus Fucking Christ.


Let me bust out a calculator...


Within 4-5 months, I could be a fucking DEMOGRAPHIC.

After a little over 8 months, for every human on the planet there'd be one of ME.



(Insert lewd joke about something something Cauldron here)

You do remember that you need to eat, right?
You do remember that you need to eat, right?

Do I or do I not...

Understand how food works?

10 point power I can use via imbuing someone with a Stand, creates up to a ton of something I understand.

Not to mention that I could literally go to Africa, beat up warlords, and use my clones as a ultra-cheap labor force to supply farms and stuff.

Also, I could have them all eat, y'know, plant matter. A lot of edible food goes to livestock. Ergo, if I, a villain, need food, I can go beat up the meat companies until they agree to scale things back to a reasonable level or something.

Also it still doesn't stop me from having, say, a million clones.

Anyway, there comes a point where I become safe through sheer volume of mes. Any non-thinker would have a miniscule chance of killing the real me, and the only thinker with a good shot at succeeding would be 100% in support of an Army of Trumps.

Edit:Or I can try to convince Blasto to create ultra-efficient food crops. Either or.

Edity Edit:Or I can use my brain and alter one of my vials to include a Genetics tinker power so I don't even need to worry about that.

If I really want to fuck around, I'll have them create a super-fertile moss that eats Roundup. :V
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@Jaedin Suggestion for the third upgrade--Ability to transfer 'main body' status, along with consciousness to another clone.

Edit:I just thought of something horrifying.

Wait for heroes to off a bunch of my clones.

Then release evidence of it, along with evidence that my clones qualify as individually sentient.

Since I have no kill order, immediately press murder charges.
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Name/Alias: Yakuno Mason
looks sort of like this, but more Dolly and Unnatural.
Goals: To become the best hero I can be! and make Armsmaster-senpai and Miss Militia-senpai proud of me! And uphold my dad's legacy
I REALLY REALLY HATE THAT OTHER WARD DUDE! I MEAN COME ON! HE HAS LIKE A TON OF AWSOME TINKER STUFF, I BET HE JUST WANT TO TAKE SENPAI'S ATTENTION! YEAH I BE HE WANTS TO TAKE SENPAI'S ATTENTION! well I won't let him, cause...IF HE TAKES SENPAI'S ATTETNION THEN EVERYONE WILL LOOK TO HIM! An-And if they do....they'll leave me behind, I Don't WANT TO BE ALONE AGAIN! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO THE DARK PLACE, please I don't want to be alone again...alone with the darkness, please, I'm scared it will take me back...dad! please! don't leave me! don't, I DONT WANNA GO BACK! mom is always mad, she's always mad, she's keeps telling me I'm worthless, I'm so worthless, I'm so worthless
Gestation +15 SP
Hero +6CP
Gender: Female
Age: Teenager
Civilian Identity:
Armor -5CP
Parkour -2CP
Banter -1CP
Tactics -4CP
Mechanic -2CP
Hacking -1CP
Abbadon -3SP -3CP
Budding Shard -2SP (Hero's daughter)
Case 53 +1SP (I look normal but I'm clockwork inside)
Second Trigger -4CP -3SP
Cauldron Vial -2SP
Plot Convenience -1CP
Secret Lair -2CP
Identity Reveal +3CP
Humble Beginnings +5SP +5CP
Worst Day Ever X3 +6CP +3SP
Endbringer Target: +3CP +4SP
Slaughterhouse 9 +4CP +2SP
Plot Relevance
Wavelength ST -25 SP
Path Specific:
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Edited my sheet, now with Proficiency and Immunity to cover bases and allow further shenanigans with my Master power. Also now with the S9 after me, and everything going horribly for my first day. Probably going to get some less generic goals shortly.
Name/Alias: Asariel
Appearance: A 5 meter tall thin, almost skeletal, feminine humanoid figure with red eyes and skin and hair as white as freshly fallen snow. There are four pairs of bat-like wings with lavender coloured membrane going down along the back.

Battle of the Kaiju: Destroy the other Endbringers.

To Slay A God: Find a way to kill Zion before The Golden Morning.

Black Sheep of the Family: Ultimately, try to improve the state of the world.


Path Specific:
Perk: Telekinesis
Perk: Illusions
Peaks: Mind Control
Flaw: Sibling Rivalry

Here's my sheet.
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Alright, I think my sheet is done. There are no more changes to make. I require nothing to be changed.