Name/Alias: Miles aka Wildcard, Age 25

Only difference is due to my Case 53 affliction, my eyes are changed to that of yellow cat-like eyes.

Goals: Save Lives. Neutralize The Endbringers, Slaughterhouse Nine, and defeat Scion and the Entity he represents. Bring Cauldron To Justice And Any Other Corrupt Heroes. Seriously, if the ones you trust to protect you would rather turn a blind eye to your suffering just to protect their precious image and the status quo then does that really make them heroes?

Gestation +15 SP

Vigilante (No Limit On Powers As Long I Can Afford Them)

Drop-In +3 CP/ +3 SP

Civilian Identity:
No identity +2 CP

Budget (0)

Martial Arts -4 CP (There's gonna come a time when I won't be able to rely on just my Powers, after all)
Banter -1 CP (Any chance to imitate Deadpool)
Parkour -2 CP (Combined with Martial Arts, I feel this would make me dangerous even without powers)


Foreign Element (Abaddon) -3 CP/ -3 SP

Perk: Blindspot -3 CP/ -4 SP (A bit pricey for sure, but I need every advantage I can get)
Perk: Voice In My Head -2 SP (Starting off, trust is gonna be hard to come by, so at least with this, I won't be alone)
Perk: PRT Info -5 CP (Used correctly, this could really shake things up)
Perk: Secret Lair -2 CP (If only so I can have a place to unwind)

Flaw: Rough Start (x1) +2 CP
Flaw: Worst Day Ever (x2) +4 CP / +2 SP
Flaw: Case 53 +1 SP
Flaw: Psychic Nosebleed +3 SP
Flaw: Slaughterhouse 9 +4 CP/ +2 SP
Flaw: Endbringer Target +3 CP/ +4 SP

Power: Peak Condition -1 SP (Not a flashy power but Captain America got a great career out of just this and having Infinite Stamina is a major plus)
Power: Elasticity -2 SP (Basically makes me Plastic Man)
Power: Immunity -1 SP (Second Trigger version ensures I won't die the second I get in range of someone like Behemoth)
Power: Pocket Room -1 SP (At the very least, I don't need to physically carry anything)
Power: Elemental -3 SP (I'm The Avatar!...Or Captain Planet. Anyways, felt this combined pretty well with Elasticity)
Power: Unlimited Shard Works -7 (With enough time and effort, I can be on Eidolon's level, only without the drawbacks)
Power: Regeneration -10 (Covers whatever manages to get through my defenses, ensures an extended lifespan, and don't have to worry about dying from lack of air or nourishment)

Path Specific:
Perk: Ambivalent +4 CP/ +4 SP (The whole world is basically out to get me so might as well go all the way, right?)

Wondering if I should get the third and final Worst Day Ever Flaw and spend it on something. What you guys think?

Well you certainly have a good chance at survival. Why take elemental if you took Shard Works? I also see you didn't pick a gift.
Well you certainly have a good chance at survival. Why take elemental if you took Shard Works? I also see you didn't pick a gift.

Yeah, I should probably edit in a gift. Perhaps Payoff since although I see myself as a nice guy who tries to help others as best he can, I would like something in return for going through this hell.

Also, I picked Elemental partly for the sake of being different and because I believed it paired well with Elasticity (2nd Trigger). What's your opinion though?
I just realized something very, VERY interesting.

Army of clones plus Endbringer Target.

Can... Can I just throw my clones at an endbringer to distract them from killing anyone else?

Two things.

One, your IC link in the first page links to THIS page of the OOC thread.

Two, it would have been nice if you'd put a announcement on the OOC of who was and who was not accepted. :(
Name/Alias: Morgan Fortner/ Pravda

Height: 6'3"
Skin Color: Cobalt
Build: Average
Be Careful What You Wish For For: Cauldron Desires Conflict? Create through careful exposure of truths and lies.
Helping Hand: Be there for young capes and help them make better choices in life.
Expose the 9: Reveal the trigger events, Identities, and powers of as many members of SL9 as possible
If New Wave did it?: Start exposing Villains actual identities
Corroded Structure: Expose the innate corruption within the PRT and Thomas Calvert aka Coil
They are people not numbers!: Expose Yangban's cape capture system and bring down the entire on them.
Black Cauldron No More: Expose Cauldron, they're crimes, and connections

Gestation: +15 SP


Drop-Insert: +3SP +3CP
Gender: Male
Age: 26

Civilian Identity:
No identity: +2CP

Personal Quote/ Background/ Personality / Biology:
Quote: If I reveal the Truth, half the world will hate me.
Background: Originally born to a middle income family, Morgan grew up interested in reporting the news and began to pursue an active career in Journalism and Reporting. He is a fan of hard science fiction and fantasy stories or stories in which actions have definitive consequences and the systems of the worlds are clearly stated. At the time of his drop-in he was beginning read Ward, when he was dropped in. Now he figures, hey I've got super powers, why not report on super hero news with an actual objective nature?
Personality: Hammy and highly expressive is one way describe Morgan in a public setting. When he is making a point about a point of contention, he tend to raise his voice to a point just before yelling but not actually, and he moves his hands to get his meaning across in a physical. There are times in which he will quiet down and speak calmly in private settings. Will try to ease people into truths if they are unstable but if they keep running from the truth, he will expose them to get them to acknolwedge that truth.
Biology: As a Case 53, his biology is decidely inhuman.
All Body hair is lost, head hair is replaced by a series of tendrils.
Blood color has been changed from red to black.
Eye color has been changed from brown to purple with cephalopodian pupils.
Nose has recessed into the head without changes to sense of smell.
Frontal Incissors have sharpened considerabley, Fangs and Mollars have remained as are.
Budget: Suit and Trench Coat combo found in a salvation army center. Bandages picked up at a pharmacy.

Head Tendrils fill the top piece
Hacking: -1CP
Foreign Element (Abaddon): -3CP -3SP
Secret Lair: -2CP
Blindspot: -3CP -4SP
Shard Slot x1: -1SP
Case 53 x3: +3SP
Slaughter House 9: +4CP +2SP
Enbringer Target: +3CP +4SP
Worst Day Ever x1: +2CP +1SP
Regeneration: -10SP
Paramount: - 10SP
Flight: -3SP
Path Specific: Ambivalent: +4CP/SP
Perk: PRT Info: -5CP
Supply Line: -4CP
4/28 SP 0CP/15CP

So I decided to make another character for this RP because why not. I wanted to go with a monstrous reporter cape who lurks on PHO and flies around Brockton dropping piles and piles of his homebrew newspaper that report the news of the superhero world.
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So I decided to make another character for this RP because why not. I wanted to go with a monstrous reporter cape who lurks on PHO and flies around Brockton dropping piles and piles of his homebrew newspaper that report the news of the superhero world.
The fact that it's already up and therefore is most likely no longer open to further applications seems like a good reason why not. :p
The fact that it's already up and therefore is most likely no longer open to further applications seems like a good reason why not. :p
Honestly this was made for two reasons. The first was that I got a plot bunny idea and I couldnt resist putting it up here. The second was that thinking back on it I was a little unsatisfied with my previous character. I felt it was a little too OP with the whole one punch man thing and something about it didnt sit well with me especially when there were better villains in my opinion. One of my ideas for this one would be mass printing newspaper of a similar quality to the national Inquirer.

"The Yangban - Heroes of the People or Oppressors of man!?"
"Case 53s! Natural Occurances or Cast Off experiments!?"

If another Worm RP starts up then I post this character up here.
So for those of you not paying attention to the Discord, there was some stuff that happened and there's now an open slot. Having realized Infection ST was a terrible power to actually run, I've booted to a backup sheet. Math is in a spreadsheet again.
Name/Alias: Hank East/Medicus


Just ignore the object in his hand. Best image I could easily track down, may update with a better shot of the same character later.

Goals: Get into position to become an actual member of Cauldron, trying to steer them away from their bigger mistakes in canon. Especially deal with the Travelers as soon as possible. That's a mess that needs fixing ASAP. Saint and Bakuda are also both on the shortlist, but neither's likely to become a full on S Class threat if not dealt with.

Other than that, acquire power and fortune so it's not practical to disappear him when he makes initial contact with Cauldron, generally try to clear things up and ensure certain vital bits of information reach the right ears. Have a good time and make some friends before my inevitable demise from biting off more than I can chew.



Insert, Male, 23

Civilian Identity:
No identity

Custom, a relatively loose robe, white with red and black trim. The most important aspect is a relatively stretchy underlayer and loose over layer to allow use of Changer powers without ruining the costume.

First Aid

Foreign Element (Abaddon)

Cauldron Vial x2
Voice in My Head
Second Trigger x1
Secret Lair
Plot Convenience
Power Slot x1
Case 53 1, Nasty sharp pointy teeth
Worst Day Ever x2
Slaughterhouse 9
Endbringer Target

Plot Relevance

Consumption 3T

Path Specific:
The Guild
Fan Club

Cauldron Vials
The Immortal
-Survivalism, Rocky, Blitz, Vector Push, Immunity
The Blackmailer
-Sound Control, Damage Sharing, Retrospective, Fake Death, Bluff

Side note: Abbadon ST Eat brains to get powers. This can't possibly backfire.
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Well, I'd still like to use the base structure for the sheet I made.

Name/Alias: Adam Mann/Garrison
Goals: Survive. Thrive. Protect the innocent. Become one of the world's greatest hero and Tinker by creating a totally Endbringer proof shelter.

Scenario: Gestation (6CP from Hero) 15 SP

Path: Hero- Wards

Origin: Drop-in +3CP +3SP, Male, 16

Civilian Identity: No Identity +2CP

Costume: Armor -5CP
Martial Arts -4CP
Mechanics -2CP
Hacking -1CP
Parkour -2CP
Survival -3CP
Banter -1CP
Shard: Foreign entity -3CP -3SP
Power slot -1SP
Power slot -1SP
Power slot -1SP
Plot Convenience -1CP
Cauldron Vial -2CP
Cauldron Vial -2CP
Case 53 +2SP (Eight feet tall with Razor shape Nails, a mouth full of shark-like teeth, bright golden eyes with pupils in the shape of omega symbols that glow in the dark. Dark red skin, black fur that covers his legs and arms and seems to have a functional tail similar to a monkey that is the same color as his fur)
Worst Day Ever X2 +4CP, +2SP
Memory Death +4CP
Psychic nosebleed +3SP
Numbed Emotion +2SP
Slaughter House 9 +4CP +2SP
Rough Start x2 +4CP
Gift: FailSafe
Peak Condition -1 SP [2nd trigger]
Robotics -7 SP [2nd trigger]
Fortification -7 SP [2nd trigger]
Armoured Warfare -5 SP [2nd trigger]
Shock and awe -1 SP [2nd trigger]
Vampirism -2 SP [2nd trigger]
Path Specific Perk: Fan Club

Point Count: 29SP(29) 27CP(26)

  • Living Forest 10
  • Atmosphere Control 10
  • Blink 7
  • Summoning 7
  • Beacon 5
  • Protocols 1
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So going to tweak my Pravda character now.
Name/Alias: Mary Bakers/Gewalt

Appearance: "because of my case 53 trait, I have encountered a rare disorder called Scionitis, where I am completely made out of flexible gold like Scion, yes it's a bit drab for it to be gold, but Gewalt always likes a good challenge!

My costume is also like Shazam's costume from DC comics, with a red and white pallets, with a magnificent lightning bolt shaped hole in my frontal area"

Personality : "I guess if you want to know my personality and all that stuff., I guess you could say that I'm sort a smug and hammy kind of cape, though people say I'm a bit loopy when they see me talk to their powers, but I'm sure that's just them talking"

Backstory: "why how dare you good sir! I'm a prefectly good hero with nothing to hide!...okay you're seriou-oh wow, so... no one is gonna see this? at all? okay then.

Guess I should start at the beginning, dad who you know as not a great dad, I mean he tries to, I think, I hope, but he's so busy being a hero, so it's just...*sigh* I don't see him very often.

So you know what I did? I tried to do stuff to make him recognize me, I did academic achievements, I did sports, I did anything! but well...he never looked.

So one day I decided, if he can't be with me because of Heroics, then I'm gonna become a Hero! and here I am now, trying to find myself into serious trouble, just so I can trigger, sigh the things I do for love"

Goals: To become a great enough hero so Dad could finally recognize and make him proud, live life to the fullest, and befriend Taylor.

Scenario: Gestation

Path: Hero +6CP

Origin: Insert

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Civilian Identity: Highschooler/Student

Costume: Cape -2CP

Skill: (all the skills a brought down kid with a crappy home life should have!)
Banter: -1cp
Parkour: -2cp
Hacking: -1cp
Tactics: -4cp
Martial Arts: -4cp
First Aid: -3cp
Survival: -3cp
Stealth: -3cp
Shard: Abaddon -3sp -3cp

Cauldron Vial: -2cp (Paramount and Kingmaker)
Noctis Cape: -1sp
Plot Convienience -1cp
Voice in my head -2sp
Second Trigger -4cp -3sp
Power Slot: -1sp
Secret Lair: -2cp (my crummy home away from home, it's not much, but its home!)
Budding Shard -2sp (Eidolon's daughter)
Nemesis ×3: +9cp
Case 53 ×2: +2sp
Worst day ever ×3: +6cp +3sp
Identity reveal: +3cp
SH9: +4cp +2sp
Humble Begninnings: +5cp +5sp
Endbringer Target: +3cp +4sp

Unlimited Shard Works: -7sp
Respawn: -10sp
Power Eye: -1sp (Triple Triggered/ Abaddon second trigger)

Path Specific: Hero
Team: Wards
Perk: Companionship
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My new sheet! Instead of hero's daughter, it's Eidolon's daughter!
Well, I'm still in, though I'll ask @Jaedin if there was any particular reason he DIDN'T like my sheet so I can shift things around. :p
The whole Eidolon's daughter thing. I mean in an insane way I can see Zis target you becuase your presence takes away her time with Dadversary. SL9, yeah I'm not touching that Stranger Danger mess and whose to say Eidolon won't spawn in more Endbringers in th event that you out class him?
Well, I'm still in, though I'll ask @Jaedin if there was any particular reason he DIDN'T like my sheet so I can shift things around. :p
Keeping track of literally all the clones, and how many more come.

Just because I didn't pick yours didn't mean that I didn't like it. It meant that I liked others' better. How I think you'd act IC and your goals are also a factor. Also the powers of those who are in already
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The whole Eidolon's daughter thing. I mean in an insane way I can see Zis target you becuase your presence takes away her time with Dadversary. SL9, yeah I'm not touching that Stranger Danger mess and whose to say Eidolon won't spawn in more Endbringers in th event that you out class him?
well I'm gonna change it, cause APAAARENTLY ITS TO SIMILAR WITH KEN CAUSE OF USW>>>>>>WWWW<<<<<
(sorry Jaedin for ranting, I'm just having a really crappy day)
Keeping track of literally all the clones, and how many more come.

Just because I didn't pick yours didn't mean that I didn't like it. It meant that I liked others' better. How I think you'd act IC and your goals are also a factor. Also the powers of those who are in already

Fair on the keeping track of clones thing, but goddammit, having a ton of clones is pretty much the entire backbone of my strategy now.

That said, if it WOULD be that much of a problem, would it be better if I took either telepathy with clones, my suggested third ability(transfer of 'main' status(basically making my clones into extra lives)),or, alternately, what would the 3rd+ trigger boosts for Masquerade, Respawn or Regeneration be?