@Boney can we have Skaven Abomination as a subvote for Skaven Revenant?
[ ] Skaven Abomination
Stitched from three experienced, but aging rats and an extra leg for stability, this pi-rat escaped war-slavery and defected to Lutr the Abyssal. Who was amused by a creature, whose endless internal squabbling was so reminiscent of his own personality.
Let's not add two major characters to literally every scene in the quest.
You might want to make it clear here that these are Necromancers trained by these Bloodines & Etc, not the option to be one of the Vampires ourself.
You mean like by explicitly saying in the text of the Necromancer Turncoat option that the most likely motivation for the Necromancer Turncoat is that the Vampires treat them as expendable, drawing a clear delineation between the two groups?
If an undead skaven could escape the predelictions of The Great Horned Rat here, what are the odds a *Chaos Dwarf* could do something similar?
Chaos Dwarf lifespans are are at least an order of magnitude greater and they don't have the social obsession with murder and betrayal penetrating all stratas of their society. You can't just copy-paste the Skaven part with the proper nouns changed. You need a compelling reason why there might be a subset of Dwarves willing to pledge themselves to the Pirate King of the Vampire Coast