Is the Imperium of Man about to die?

The only way I can see the Imperium falling apart if more Loyalist Primarchs arrive to ensure the fragments at least have a chance of survival considering the Imperium's biggest strength has always been it being too big too fail and infinite manpower to call upon, they need Primarchs to have a fighting chance without that.

Lol no.

The Imperium's size does virtually nothing for it, due to the incredibly dysfunctional beurocracy and unreliable longranged transportation. In practice, its basically always just whoever happens to be nearby defending against the various attackers.

The Imperium fracturing further into multiple successor states wouldn't make humanity's odds any worse. Some of the successors might even fail slightly less at life than the old regime.
Lol no.

The Imperium's size does virtually nothing for it, due to the incredibly dysfunctional beurocracy and unreliable longranged transportation. In practice, its basically always just whoever happens to be nearby defending against the various attackers.

The Imperium fracturing further into multiple successor states wouldn't make humanity's odds any worse. Some of the successors might even fail slightly less at life than the old regime.

i personally blame the mechanicus for the imperium failure
You may be new here, but we had a topic already discussing this. I forgot which thread it was, so someone else could link it. No it's not Sympathy for the Heretic, but something else.

Either way, genocide is in itself evil. Being a immoral psychopath is evil. He is evil by our standards and even the standards of 30k. This really is not up to debate.
I've never been particularly interested in 40K, but I haven't been able to avoid learning about it through osmosis. And I seem to vaguely remember a time when Emps was a somewhat benevolent figure let down by an absurd streak of arrogance and a lack of understanding (and, to degree, an unwillingness to put in the effort to understand) about how normal humans really worked on a psychological and emotional level. Someone who, while extremely authoritarian, would be disappointed and horrified at the self destructive evil that the Imperium has turned to (such as burning payer children at the pyre).

Since when has he been outright evil?
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Since when has he been outright evil?

The Horus Heresy was a one paragraph blurb about a general of the Imperium, Horus, rebeling against the Emperor. In the olden days of 40k (I.e Rogue Trader), the Space Marines were conscripts in power armour (sound familiar?), the primarchs were human generals, and the Warp was filled with vampires. The HH was a time of myth and legend, and as editions were being pumped over two decades, the more it was revealed. If you wondered why the Leman Russ tank was named after the Primarch of the Space Wolves, that was because back then, he was a tank commander.

Then 2005 came around and the first novel of 30k, Horus Rising, came out and showed no, the Imperium has always been kinda of a dickhead. Yes, the Emperor today suffers eternally on the Golden Throne not just because he's fighting daemons for 10k years, but also partly because he knows his empire has turned from an authoritarian secular regime with advance knowledge to an authorian theocractic regime lacking said knowledge.

In short, since 2005.
The Horus Heresy was a one paragraph blurb about a general of the Imperium, Horus, rebeling against the Emperor. In the olden days of 40k (I.e Rogue Trader), the Space Marines were conscripts in power armour (sound familiar?), the primarchs were human generals, and the Warp was filled with vampires. The HH was a time of myth and legend, and as editions were being pumped over two decades, the more it was revealed. If you wondered why the Leman Russ tank was named after the Primarch of the Space Wolves, that was because back then, he was a tank commander.

Then 2005 came around and the first novel of 30k, Horus Rising, came out and showed no, the Imperium has always been kinda of a dickhead. Yes, the Emperor today suffers eternally on the Golden Throne not just because he's fighting daemons for 10k years, but also partly because he knows his empire has turned from an authoritarian secular regime with advance knowledge to an authorian theocractic regime lacking said knowledge.

In short, since 2005.

but fans still hold to the pre-2005 emps interpretation

i seen some sureal bullshit and mental gymnastics
like people saying emps would be angry at the imperium destroying modern earth religious culture because they were pacific
When the imperium dies, it will still be centuries before its realised. It'd be a long, slow, process of Planets not paying tithes, of Sectoral governments adopting titles like "King", of reprisals for the far flung systems becoming impossible because the forces are needed closer.
I've never been able to find any definitive sources, but is the emperor really pure evil? Is it ever really addressed as to what his character really is? Not that I'm necessarily doubting you, I'm just curious.

In a casual way.
He is kind of evil in that "racist uncle that wants to export all the immigrants taking our jobs" way.

Like he is a hard core nationalist instead of being a globalist.
He is the kind of person who legitimately does not care at all about starving children in Africa because "America should put itself first, we have starving children here"

He always put humanity first, so much so that the genocide of alien species to give more security, land and wealth to humanity as a whole was always acceptable.
He isn't a super villain laughing in his fortress about suffering. He is a normal republican

And largely the setting takes place mostly after his "Death" so we don't know the details of much of what he did, a lot of it sounds evil as shit but some extreme options are possible such that it was slightly less evil than it sounds.
Pre-2005 Apha Legion are deliciously villainous pscyhos dedicated to Khorne in Dawn or War which is completely different to the Alpharius memes of today. DoW 1 was published in 2004. Legion, the novel, came out in 2008. Early Space Wolves novels had Marines using Leman Russ' instead of Rhinos.

The funiest thing about the latest TTS is how the Emperor plays a literal murderhobo. His PC of being a shaman woman is accurate to one vision where did appear as a woman. That's not too different in how the actual Emperor dealt with other factions.
Lol no.

The Imperium's size does virtually nothing for it, due to the incredibly dysfunctional beurocracy and unreliable longranged transportation. In practice, its basically always just whoever happens to be nearby defending against the various attackers.

The Imperium fracturing further into multiple successor states wouldn't make humanity's odds any worse. Some of the successors might even fail slightly less at life than the old regime.

To quote Bobby b, which is the bigger number: five, or one?
The Necrons should consolidate any minute...

any minute now...

Dang it GW :(

turns out "the laughter of thirsting Gods" was in fact Games Workshop's toy-making business all along. :V

Anyway, I want them to focus on non-imperial factions. The Tau are potential untapped, as is not portraying them as evil caricatures. New Non-imperial factions that are decidedly good by comparison? I'd certainly want that, but alas GW is too bound to this Imperium-centric fashy aesthetic.
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When the imperium dies, it will still be centuries before its realised. It'd be a long, slow, process of Planets not paying tithes, of Sectoral governments adopting titles like "King", of reprisals for the far flung systems becoming impossible because the forces are needed closer.

In a lot of ways, it would probably be fairly analogous to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. People have this image of the intact WRE being stormed by barbarian hordes, but the reality is that in a lot of places, the machinery of the Roman state just... stopped functioning, but nobody actually noticed until the barbarians turned up. The West was already dead at the point it started 'officially' losing territory, it just hadn't realised it yet.
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The Imperium imploding into civil war would be a splendid example of the fluff changing to match the crunch, considering that statistically by matching any two random factions together you've got a well over 50% chance of it being Imperium vs. Imperium.
The corpse emperor and his imperium are dying, yes! But it cannot be done without your help! Advance the destruction of the imperial ideal! Speed up the collapse!

Chaos wants you!


Abbadon is trying to start his Thirteenth Black Crusade, but he needs your help! Help Abbadon defeat Cadia by;
  • sending him the First sixteen numbers of your parent's credit card,
  • sending him the three digits on the back,
  • and then sending the expiry date!
But hurry, he doesn't have long!
The Imperium imploding into civil war would be a splendid example of the fluff changing to match the crunch, considering that statistically by matching any two random factions together you've got a well over 50% chance of it being Imperium vs. Imperium.

If fluff reflects crunch then 80% of the galaxy's military forces are Space Marines. :V
If fluff reflects crunch we should expect a few million ultramarines to appear out of nowhere soon.

Wait... :V
In a lot of ways, it would probably be fairly analogous to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. People have this image of the intact WRE being stormed by barbarian hordes, but the reality is that in a lot of places, the machinery of the Roman state just... stopped functioning, but nobody actually noticed until the barbarians turned up. The West was already dead at the point it started 'officially' losing territory, it just hadn't realised it yet.

Barbarians: Omae Wa No Shinderu

WRE: Nani?

Abbadon is trying to start his Thirteenth Black Crusade, but he needs your help! Help Abbadon defeat Cadia by;
  • sending him the First sixteen numbers of your parent's credit card,
  • sending him the three digits on the back,
  • and then sending the expiry date!
But hurry, he doesn't have long!

Remember folks, the Imperium is, and I quote, "the cruellest and bloodiest regime imaginable."

That means that, canonically, according to the most foundational wh40k lore that's been published, chaos is less cruel and bloodthirsty than the Imperium.

The moral calculus here is clear.
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Seems more like humanity facing a massive psycher awakening thus transforming to something greater?

I believe the Eldar will be thrilled :V