[X] Plan: Multistrike
-[X] Last Argument of Kings
-[X] Nirasaki, which officially has no SDS. As the home of the Nirasaki Computers Collective, which helped build the SDS systems, it has seen drones transferred to orbit after the liberation of Zebebelgenubi.
-[X] Nusakan, a nearby industrialized tundra world with a large and inactive SDS. Two of its three Castle Brians have been obliterated, but the last still holds on under assault. If the Castle is relieved or taken, either side could potentially reactivate the SDS and turn it into a death trap for their opponents.
-[X] With the Tracker and civilian jumpships on one mission and the warships on another, doing two missions at a time
-[X] The current plan to leave the locals the M-9 Battlestation, 3 Essex I Destroyers, Lola I Destroyer, and Carson Destroyer is good, it protects the system from all but the most serious raids and Amaris isn't likely to send a large force against it anyway
If Rummolo is surprised by the boldness of the proposal, he doesn't show it. Well-trained soldiers are known for being aggressive to keep momentum, and the SLDF produces the best trained soldiers anywhere. He agrees to assist the attacks and points out where he can best do so.
It's quickly agreed that the covert attack is best sent to Nusakan and the warship force sent to Nirasaki. The active combat and nearby loss of Zebebelgenubi means Nusakan has had its garrison reinforced. Instead, Rummolo explains he can use existing contacts with within the Hegemony's civilian fleet to get a valid excuse to be in the Nusakan system, substituting the actual ships assigned to supply runs. Once SDS systems are subverted, the SLS
Wales will join the attack on Nusakan with dropships full of elite SLDF troops, hopefully enough to relieve the the planetside Castle Brian and split Amaris forces between defending the planet and remaining SDS stations.
Nirasaki meanwhile is a wildcard with an unknown defending force and drone arrangement. The warship force will strike directly, having the firepower and expertise to adjust to whatever situation presents itself.
A few more weeks pass before the fleet and manpower are finally organized. Green Zebebelgenubi volunteers make up for their rushed training and limited equipment with enthusiasm, which will have to be enough. Kearny's researchers as well as Ulsop Robotics staff do their best to make up for manpower and equipment deficiencies with Zebebelgenubi's excellent and widespread robotics and electronics production. Automated systems are installed haphazardly across ships systems to fill in for novice crew, while both assembly line and hand-crafted combat robots of all varieties are loaded alongside infantry to serve as distractions, mobile cover, pack mules, heavy weapons platforms, and suicide attackers. Rushed local weapon production and civilian donations often aren't enough to arm the robots in addition to the infantry, so blades, armored fists, and claws powered by inhumanly strong myomer muscles are made to serve as substitutes.
Soon enough the majority of craft above Zebebelgenubi depart, including the M-8 SDS Control station which is swallowed whole by the M-11 Yardship for transport. Yet the fearsome M-9 Battlestation, several small SDS drone dropships, and multiple warships remain behind, all staffed by local Zebebelgenubi forces. Both Zebebelgenubi's population and volunteers now serving on Kearny's ships express their gratitude for the defense left for their home, especially since they, 'Aren't being abandoned while Keresnky fucks off to the Rim Worlds'.
The fleet takes the first jump as one to empty void thirty lightyears in the direction of Nirasaki. Here the forces split themselves up between a predominantly military fleet and a smaller infiltration force. Though the military fleet has three jumps yet to go until reaching Nirasaki, the infiltrators are well within range of their target. After quick-charging their drives, the military fleet jumps away to the next interstellar void along their journey.
The remaining ships prepare for their attack.
Arriving first at Nusakan's zenith jump point is a standard Merchant class Jumpship carrying an Aqueduct and Union dropship, as scheduled.
Clearance is given without trouble for the unassuming dropships to head deeper in the system to the planet of only a few million. Despite the presence of Amaris warships and a small region under siege, the economy must go on to provide war materials, especially for a productive supplier of electronics like Nusakan. The dropships start their 5 days of travel towards the planet at a comfortable 1g while the Merchant takes a position in empty space to unfurl its jump sails and recharge its drive.
During the wait, the ships get a clear view of the state of the system. Both standard jump points have fleets of twenty-seven Amaris warships on standard patrol duties, with a full seventy-two Caspar drones and smaller escorts shutdown in space nearby, the two M-9 Battlestations at each jump point remaining offline except for their manned sections performing space traffic control. Nusakan itself has another dozen Amaris warships clustered directly over the besieged Castle Brian, with only a single M-9 and ten more Caspars quiet at the pirate point.
A few days later, both the dropships and jumpship are assigned timeslots for inspection. A regular customs station orbiting Nusakan for the dropships, and a visit from a RWR dropship for the Merchant. The messages are acknowledged. Up first is the Merchant, as the slow rate of jumpship arrivals leaves a short backlog.
Soon enough, a Rim World Republic warship announces the jumpship is next in line for inspection after teams are done with the current Invader jumpship. The Merchant's Captain replies with a dutiful acceptance of the command. The reply is unencrypted and unfocused, getting a harsh verbal reprimant from the warship for cluttering comm traffic in the system. A hasty apology is made using the 'proper' broadcasting method, but about twenty-five minutes later, the unencrypted message reaches the Aqueduct dropship.
Several things happen at once, or at least relatively close. Or at least as relatively close as things are in a Relative universe that also happens to have FTL travel.
Over Nusakan, the Aqueduct fires an HPG burst from a tiny, fragile, overpriced, and arguably useless ground-mobile HPG transmitter. The exceptionally low EM emissions barely even get past the Aqueduct's hull, and automatic KF signature detection on ships and stations in the system are confused by the extremely small emergence wave coming from outside of a jump point and automatically ignore the radiation.
Instantly, the Infiltration Fleet waiting in space gets the HPG message, and the Tracker, in its disguise as a standard Merchant class Jumpship, begins charging for a precalculated jump.
Another twenty-five minutes later, the Merchant, whose computers were specifically programmed NOT to ignore the ultra-compact KF emergence signature from the Aqueduct, knows that the message was sent and that the Tracker is on its way. So the Merchant finally starts charging its own jumpdrive for a precalculated jump.
By this point, the Tracker had completed its own jump and was now at the nadir jump point of Nusakan, and had been there for fifteen minutes, though due to light lag it would not be until another ten minutes that this would be reported to Nusakan, and another twenty-five after that until it reached the zenith jump point. As expected, the warships at the nadir point were not pleased to see an unplanned guest, yet alone one detaching dropships without authorization and requesting immediate medical assistance for all three vessels due to running out of supplies after a misjump. The warship patrol wasn't about to vaporize ships in distress without investigation, but it was a suspicious enough to send two warships, a Pinto corvette and Riga Frigate, just to be on the safe size.
Back at the zenith point, forces on board the Aegis class heavy cruiser
Tadeo Amaris took their time inspecting the Invader jumpship, still waiting another ten minutes for their teams to finish. Their sensor operator barely had time to process that the nearby Merchant launched four low-visibility small craft. No one else would either, because the Merchant jumped immediately after.
Making fully automated jumpships is hard. Removing all safety features on a KF drive and evacuating a ship is easy. So when four prototype M1 stealth drones, based on the Ares assault craft and with a hold full of marines and jumpship crew, flew out of the Merchant in a high gee launch before going dark and relying on special low temperature propellant tanks to direct them slowly towards the two M-9 Battlestations, it was easy to overlook.
Not because stealth in space is easy, but because the Merchant, its sails still deployed and imploding into a wall of debris, jumped directly to the location of the
Tadeo Amaris, obliterating both ships instantly in a catastrophic explosion of screeching metal.
At the nadir, the Tracker's captain carefully watched both the time and the two approching two warships. Despite technically being a warship itself, the Tracker
barely counted. In fact, given it's extreme age placing it before initial standard KF core vs compact KF core divide that is now used to seperate jumpships and warships, it could be reasonably argued the Tracker isn't a warship at all. While technically armed and armored, the single naval laser in its nose and two anti-fighter Barracuda missile launchers in the rear couldn't even be expected to penetrate the armor of the Pinto corvette ahead of it, one of the lighest warships to still be used.
Apparently the Tracker's previous owners agreed with the assessment and had taken their own measures to rectify the situation. The moment the two Amaris ships entered optimal range, each Barracuda missile launcher began emptying its magazines in their direction. The surprised ships didn't have time to react before nuclear explosions ripped them apart.
The Mammoth and Monarch dropships the Tracker brought start their own efforts at the signal. The Monarch and NL-42 Battle Taxis from the Tracker head towards the nearest M-9 Battlestation while the Mammoth launches its own Battle Taxis towards the other, as well as opening its cargo holds wide to shove entire squadrons of drones at a time into space. The Tracker wastes no time after the bombardment and takes off at full thrust deeper into the system, hoping to divide and distract the shocked Amaris patrol around them. As soon as the Mammoth finishes unloading, it takes off as well, with remote control systems directing it from the Tracker's large cargo bay, alongside an ATAC overseeing the smaller drones.
Simultaneously over Nusakan, the Aqueduct and Union play their own part, both burning engines and launching boarding craft at the pirate point SDS stations. But where the Union goes full speed to board, the Aqueduct instead stays at 1g and begins dumping water from the internal storage tanks. Confused military forces assume the Aqueduct is a direct threat like the Union, but before aerospace fighters arrive the cargo ship launches away at massive acceleration. Almost completely empty tanks cut the ship's weigh by over half, allowing its engines to push it to a blistering five gees with no signs of slowing down. The acceleration makes it not only impossible to catch with sheer speed, but even the few fighters that can muster the speed don't have the endurance, both fuel and physical. Remaininig liquid on board the Aqueduct is devoted to engines, but also to liquid immersion for safer operation under high gees.
The Aqueduct's 'diagonal' course towards no planet and no jump point would leave it alone in the battlespace, but perfectly able to observe the results and keep up communications with its HPG, if at a delay. Before long, the Aqueduct starts to see the results.
Near Nusakan, boarding is going poorly. Preexisting damage, likely from the coup, activated internal station defenses and reinforcement is needed. Meanwhile Amaris forces are on alert and are moving towards the still disabled SDS assets to execute them.
The zenith point SDS stations send a tightbeam transmission with drone codes to the Aqueduct reporting they have successfully taken control, but are keeping drones offline to confuse the Amaris garrison, who are unaware of the boarding and still investigating the jump collision. If an attack force was sent to the zenith, the drones could stab the defenders in the back and wipe them out.
The nadir point is currently in a pitched battle as Amaris forces understood what was happening as soon as drone fighters deployed, and began attacking SDS assets. The M-9 Battlestation and its drones were activated and codes sent to the Aqueduct, but was destroyed soon after, along with many drones. Now 30 Caspars and smaller drones, lead by the ATAC on the Tracker, face off against 25 Amaris warships and dropship support. Losses are expected to be heavy without support.
The Aqueduct reports the situation to the infiltration fleet, letting them interpret it.
Wales awaits the signal and location for it to jump to. When the message arrives, it jumps to:
[] The Nusakan pirate point, to bypass the locals and deploy dropships planetside to the Castle Brian
[] The Zenith point, to distract the garrison and let the drones strike
[] The Nadir point, to protect the Tracker and swing the battle
[] The Nusakan pirate point, to save the planetary SDS by assisting the boarders and facing the defending force head on
[] Other